Man and Environment

Man and Environment
What you need to do after the
A mind map or classification chart to
show the causes and effects of
global warming that leads to climate
Have you experienced
these in Singapore?
Share with the class
How Can Climate Change Affect Singapore?
Sea level rise
As a low-lying island, the rise in sea level poses the
most immediate threat to Singapore.
As sea water warms, it also expands – further contributing to the
rise in global sea levels. Today, mean sea levels are rising at a
rate of 3 to 4mm per year. How high will sea level rise in
Singapore? Mean sea level around Singapore is projected to
rise by up to 1m by 2100
How Can Climate Change Affect Singapore?
Barely any rain fell in Singapore for 27
consecutive days in 2021, the previous record,
an 18-day dry spell in 2008.
Dry conditions at the Botanic Gardens in 2008.
How Can Climate Change Affect Singapore?
Flash flood
sudden episodes of intense rainfall could
overwhelm our drainage system and lead to flash
Flash flood in March 2020 in Jurong
How Can Climate Change Affect Singapore?
Biodiversity and greenery
A mean temperature increase of 1.5°C to
2.5°C could affect the natural diversity of
Singapore’s plants and animals at risk, as
this alters our ecosystem’s natural
processes such as soil formation, nutrient
storage and pollution absorption.
How Can Climate Change Affect Singapore?
Effect on public health
Singapore is situated in a region where vector-borne
diseases are endemic. Most cases of vector-borne
diseases like dengue are observed during warmer
periods of the year.
This is as hot weather shortens the growth
process of the Aedes mosquito and thus is
likely to increase breeding rates.
How Can Climate Change Affect Singapore?
Effect on public health
A warmer climate creates heat stress and
discomfort, with the elderly most at risk.
How Can Climate Change Affect Singapore?
Shortage of food
The effects of climate change, such as intense
storms, flooding and prolonged droughts, are
one of the trends threatening global food
security. In Singapore, we are particularly
vulnerable to fluctuations in global food supply
and prices, as we import more than 90 per
cent of our food.
In summary , the effects of climate change
Climate change is due to
 1. Increased
Greenhouse effect which leads to Global
Gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, trap heat similar
to the glass roof of a greenhouse.
Increased greenhouses –Why
The three largest greenhouse gases are carbon
dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.
Activities of man that lead to increased
greenhouse effect
Burning fossil fuels— produces carbon dioxide and
nitrous oxide. The problem with this is that, for more
than a century, we’ve relied on burning these fuels to
power our cars and travel across continents in a
matter of hours. In 2020, fossil fuels accounted
for over 70% of all energy used in the United States.
Activities of man that lead to increased
greenhouse effect
• Fossil fuels also power our homes, keeping the lights on
and our rooms cold.
• Our Internet habits are also responsible here. Every email
sent, movie streamed, or question Googled adds carbon
dioxide to the ecosystem.
• This is a tiny amount for each activity online, but, added
up, it equals 3.7% of global greenhouse gas emissions,
Activities of man that lead to increased
greenhouse effect
3. Deforestation
Trees help to regulate the climate, absorbing the
atmosphere’s CO2. Estimates vary, but a mature
tree can absorb up to 20kg of CO2 each year. ​
• The problem is, when they’re cut down, the
carbon that trees have absorbed is released back
into the atmosphere.
• When we burn the land to remove trees, additional
carbon dioxide is given out.
Activities of man that lead to increased
greenhouse effect
Increased livestock farming has resulted in an
increase of methane gases.
• Both cows and sheep produce methane while
they digest their food
Activities of man that lead to increased
greenhouse effect
• Fertilisers that contain nitrogen have been
used to produce more crops,
Time to do your mind map or
classification chart
A mind map or classification chart to show the
causes and effects of global warming that
leads to climate change
You can also do a table as shown in slide 11
using pictures and words
Man and Environment
Negative effects due to air pollution
High respiratory problems due to haze and air pollution
Causes – Slash and burn and industries
Negative effects due to water pollution
Main cause- Littering
• The presence of pollutants
potentially results in habitat
loss, population decline and
the eventual wiping out of its
• There are many causes of
water pollution. In Singapore,
potential pollutants include
construction runoff, trash and
Cause and Effects
Totally submerged
plants absorb less
light thus slows
down the rate of
Increase in
bacteria and
use up more
oxygen and
cause more
animals to die
Water is
muddy. Less
light can enter
into the water
Plants die to
lack of food
Animals die
due to lack of
oxygen in the
In 2019- Mass fish deaths overnight hit
Changi farmers hard
 Dead fish were also seen along the Pasir Ris shoreline.
 The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) attributed the
deaths to gill damage caused by plankton.
 At around the same period last year, 160 tonnes of fish died suddenly, also
after being poisoned by plankton, and the 39 affected fish farms lost
hundreds of thousands of dollars..
 A bloom can be considered as a phytoplankton population
explosion-blooms occur when sunlight and nutrients are
readily available to the plants causing eutrophication
and they grow and reproduce to a point where they are so
dense that their presence changes the color of the water in
which they live
Oil spills in water by oil tankers
Oil spill effects
 Oil-covered birds cannot move and freeze to death
 Oil can clog blowholes of whales and dolphins, making it
impossible for them to breathe properly and disrupting their
ability to communicate
 Cause toxicity in fishes and kill them
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