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English Grammar Worksheet: Clauses, Spelling, Verbs

Identify the different types of clauses
The story, which was about an adventure, was very exciting.
Crossing the Sahara Desert can take up to a week when travelling by truck.
If the weather is bad, the match will be cancelled.
You have to train for a long time before you can be a captain.
I do not let him be the captain as long as I am there.
The protesters shouted when they broke the barriers.
I read an article about Titanic that we discussed last week.
Correct these spellings
Competision –
Explaination –
Government –
Espeshally –
Conshous –
Underline the verbs and state the verb tenses.
I enjoyed reading about the rainforest animals, especially all the creepy crawlies! I’m beginning to think I
might write something about the Amazon rainforest for school. Anyway, it took me ages to decide on
my Top Five Most Dangerous Animals in the rain forest but here they are…