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Weight Training Program Template for Muscle Development

Purpose of the Templates
These templates were created to let you quickly and easily design customizable weight training
programs for muscular development. In plain language, it’s a program generator designed to get you
one of two things:
More muscular all around (or just in places where you need the most work)
Save your hard-earned muscle while losing fat
The design of the templates is such that you can use them while gaining weight (for maximal muscle
growth), while maintaining weight (for some muscle growth and fat loss at the same time), and/or while
losing weight (to save your hard-earned muscle while you chisel away the fat).
Template Features
The Male physique templates were carefully designed to exhibit several advanced features:
1.) Template design is different based on what information you give us before purchase. There are
different templates for:
a. Those with less than a certain amount of muscle (as proxied by rep strength)
b. Those with more than a certain amount of muscle (as proxied by rep strength)
c. Those who’d like to do dedicated physique training anywhere between and including
3,4,5 and 6 days per week.
d. Those looking to develop their chest/back, arms/shoulders, or legs as a priority or those
interested in all-around development.
2.) The templates provide you with exact training structure so that you don’t have to play a
guessing game with what to train and when. All of the categories of exercise (chest, legs, back,
arms, etc…) are already chosen for you. All you have to do is pick your favorite exercises for
each category from an easy to use drop-down list, and the program writes itself. If you’re not
sure which exercises to pick, you needn’t worry… they all work and it’s not possible to make a
mistake. Picking ANY series of exercises from the drop-down menus will produce great results.
3.) Video instructions are included with EVERY exercise. As soon as you select an exercise, a video
link pops up right next to it, so if you ever get confused about technique or just want to brush up
on the fine points, a custom instructional video awaits you just a click away.
4.) To generate your workout weights, all you have to do is type in a rough 10 repetition max
estimate for each exercise you selected. As soon as you do that, ALL of the weights for the entire
5 weeks of training immediately populate the document, taking your guesswork down to ZERO.
5.) The number of sets is pre-programmed, and a custom rating system allows you to inform the
program about how you’re recovering from the training. If you’re recovery very well, the
program adds sets for you in the later weeks, making it appropriately tougher. If you’re having
trouble recovering, sets are subtracted so that you can recover well and make your best
progress. This feature separates the RP Male Physique Training templates from almost every
other program out there, because these templates conform to ​your​ direct needs at every turn.
6.) By following the simple guide for repetition numbers, the execution of the program is seamless
and leaves you with no mysteries and no question marks. All you have to do is bring the
willpower and the desire, work hard, rate your workouts, and the template does the rest. We’ve
taken all the calculations and done them on our end, so that all you have to do is give it your
best and benefit from the results!
7.) While the initial template gives you 6-7 weeks (depending on your training age) of customized,
adaptable training, that’s not nearly all you get with your purchase. Each template document
comes not with one 6-7 week cycle of training, but two of them, and yet another 5 week cycle
and one 3-4 week cycle (3-4 weeks depending on your training age). Yep, that’s 20-23 weeks of
training all included in one purchase. The first two cycles are designed specifically to be
sequenced one after another for best results, and the last 3-4 week cycle is designed to recover
you and make you sensitive to muscle growth again, so that you can repeat the process all over.
How many times can you repeat the entire 20-23 week program? At the very least two or three
times, and if you’re strong enough to meet the advanced criteria right off hand, indefinitely. You
read that correctly… multiple years of re-programmable hypertrophy training to get you more
muscular and leaner with just one purchase.
8.) While the all-around template can be used in sequence over and over for great results, for those
who want to focus on a specific bodypart for a macrocycle or two, we have the specialization
templates. They still provide full-body workouts, but concentrate their focus on a particular area
of your physique. You can choose to purchase the all-around template, or instead purchase the
chest/back template, the arms/shoulders template, or the leg development template to bring
up those specific bodyparts as needed.
9.) When you buy the templates, you get the document itself (in Microsoft Excel), a How-To Guide
that comes with a How-To Video, and a detailed FAQ document. In addition, you get access to
the RP Clients Facebook group to ask questions that may not have been directly covered in any
of the other documents. In any case, the last thing you’ll have a problem with is too little advice
or input.
Using the Templates with Other Sports
If you compete in bodybuilding, classic physique, or men’s physique, this template is going to generate
some of the most advanced and effective training around. But if you’re just interested in putting on
some muscle or keeping your muscle while you lose fat, this template is right up your alley as well!
Can you train via this template if you do Crossfit, MMA, or any other strength sports? You bet. Our best
advice when mixing training is two-fold:
1.) If you do CrossFit or another sport, choose the 2, 3 or 4 day training options and not the 5 or 6
day training options. This lets your body have the room to recover from BOTH of your training
2.) When you rate your soreness and strength on the template, it adjusts the volume and gives you
more or less work depending on how you’re recovering. Be VERY honest in filling out the ratings
and if you’re sore from CrossFit or any other training and you feel it during your physique
workouts, rate that accordingly! This way, your training of both can remain balanced and you
won’t find yourself beat up and under-recovering.
These are BIG recommendations because if you try to add too much stuff to one program, you’ll fatigue
much more than you can handle and you might find yourself overreached and with worse performance
in all areas. As long as you make sure to effectively balance your workload and your recovery (by being
honest with yourself and properly rating the physique template workouts), you CAN use these templates
to build muscle for many other endeavors. Just be logical and don’t try to triple up on everything! If you
have a coach/coaches for other sports, our best advice is to talk over your physique template use with
What you’ll Need to Purchase
We built the templates for your needs and we’re excited for you to start using them! Before you buy
them, we’d like to make sure you are best able to use them, so please check out this list of Template
1.) You’ll have to sign a short waiver agreement signifying that you’re in good physical health and
ready to train hard.
2.) The templates are built in Microsoft Excel, so a modern version of that program is ​highly
recommended so that you can access the videos and use the ratings system. Some of our
template testers have successfully used the mobile Sheets program and Apple’s Numbers
program as well as Google Sheets, but this doesn’t always work and we can only guarantee
performance in Excel.
3.) Because the templates are designed to get you best results, they are going to be pretty tough
and plenty of work. This means that we’d highly recommend first-time users to have at least 6
months of weight training experience (of any kind) before starting the templates.