SANDIA REPORT SAND 2018-8690 Unlimited Release Printed August 2018 Lessons from Past Nuclear Disarmament: What Worked, What Did Not Geoffrey E. Forden Prepared by Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 and Livermore, California 94550 Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Departmen t of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. Further dissemination only as authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors; other requests shall be approved by the originating facility or higher DOE programmatic authority. OFFICIAL USE ONLY Issued by Sandia National Laboratories, operated for the United States Department of Energy by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC. NOTICE: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government, nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, make any warranty, express or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represent that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government, any agency thereof, or any of their contractors or subcontractors. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government, any agency thereof, or any of their contractors. Printed in the United States of America. This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy. Available to DOE and DOE contractors from U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information P.O. Box 62 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Telephone: Facsimile: E-Mail: Online ordering: (865) 576-8401 (865) 576-5728 Available to the public from U.S. Department of Commerce National Technical Information Service 5301 Shawnee Rd Alexandria, VA 22312 Telephone: Facsimile: E-Mail: Online order: (800) 553-6847 (703) 605-6900 2 SAND2018-8690 Printed August 2018 Unlimited Release Lessons from Past Nuclear Disarmament: What Worked, What Did Not Geoffrey E Forden Global Security Research and Analysis Sandia National Laboratories P.O. Box 5800 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-MS1373 Abstract This report studies the efforts of the international community and the United States to verify the denuclearization of various countries: Ukraine, South Africa, Iraq, Taiwan, and Libya. In doing so, it considers the verification of nuclear warhead destruction and the accounting of nuclear materials. Each case study contributes to the understanding we have of which verification procedures worked and which did not and what factors contributed to that success and which did not. The most important factor contributing to successful verification is the cooperation of the subject country. If a country has made the strategic decision to cooperate, then it is possible that verification can be successful. If the country chooses not to cooperate, verification might rest on random and unpredictable events. This unpredictability of verification is politically unacceptable. Even if verification is judged to be successful by the implementing agencies, outsiders can cast doubts on it by pointing out small and potentially unavoidable errors in material amounts verified. It is vitally important to systematically preserve forensic evidence, especially shipping and receiving records to avoid just such issues. Historically, such records are the most important evidence in verifying denuclearization. Technology is far less important than forensic analysis of records. It does play a supporting role in verifying some declarations but there can be an enormous delay in drawing conclusions caused by the necessity to analyze statistically large samples of materials. The confidence one gets from such analysis can be delayed well past the time it is politically significant. The most important advance in technology would be to accelerate that sample analysis process. 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to Dr. Joseph F. Pilat, Los Alamos National Laboratory, for carefully reading and commenting on this text. I also owe a debt of gratitude to his excellent book, “The Politics of Weapons Inspections: Assessing WMD Monitoring and Verification Regimes,” which he coauthored with Nathan E. Busch and which helped clarify my thinking on many of the issues involved in the verification of denuclearization. 4 5 CONTENTS 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 9 2. Verified Dismantlement of Nuclear Weapons ......................................................................... 11 2.1 Ukraine .............................................................................................................................. 11 2.1.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 11 2.1.2 Approach to Verification ..................................................................................... 11 2.1.3 Assessment .......................................................................................................... 12 2.2 South Africa ...................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 12 2.2.2 Approach to Verification ..................................................................................... 12 2.2.3 Assessment .......................................................................................................... 13 2.3 Iraq .................................................................................................................................... 14 2.3.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 14 2.3.2 Approach to Verification ..................................................................................... 14 2.3.3 Assessment .......................................................................................................... 15 3. Fissile Material Accountancy ................................................................................................... 17 3.1 South Africa ...................................................................................................................... 17 3.1.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 17 3.1.2 Approach to Verification ..................................................................................... 17 3.1.3 Assessment .......................................................................................................... 20 3.2 Iraq .................................................................................................................................... 20 3.2.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 20 3.2.2 Approach to Verification ..................................................................................... 21 3.2.3 Assessment .......................................................................................................... 22 3.3 Taiwan............................................................................................................................... 23 3.3.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 23 3.3.2 Approach to Verification ..................................................................................... 23 3.3.3 Assessment .......................................................................................................... 24 3.4 Libya ................................................................................................................................. 24 3.4.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 24 3.4.2 Approach to Verification ..................................................................................... 25 3.4.3 Assessment .......................................................................................................... 26 4. Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 29 5. References ................................................................................................................................ 31 Appendix A: Timeline of the Presidential Nuclear Initiatives and Ukraine’s Disarmament ...... 34 Appendix B: Timeline of South Africa’s Disarmament ............................................................... 35 Appendix C: Timeline of Iraq’s Many Attempts to Provide Fraudulent Declarations ................. 37 Appendix D: Timeline of the Verification of Taiwan’s Declarations .......................................... 38 Appendix E: Timeline and Material Details of Libya’s Denuclearization ................................... 39 Distribution ................................................................................................................................... 41 6 FIGURES Figure 1. Schematic of the flow of material used by the IAEA in its first attempt to determine the validity of South Africa’s material declarations.[19, p. 13] ......................................................... 18 Figure 2. The deposition of HEU derived from a nuclear enterprise-wide material balance as determined by the IAEA. Note the large amount of unaccounted for HEU. ............................... 19 TABLES Table 1. Timeline of PNIs and Ukraine’s TNW Disarmament .................................................... 34 Table 2. Timeline of South Africa’s Disarmament ....................................................................... 35 Table 3. Times when Iraq either made new declarations or was explicitly requested to do so. ... 37 Table 4. Timeline for verifying Taiwan's nuclear materials ......................................................... 38 Table 5. Nuclear material found and accounted for in Libya by the IAEA. All masses refer to the uranium content. ........................................................................................................................... 39 7 NOMENCLATURE Action Team The name the IAEA gave to the core group of inspectors verifying Iraqi denuclearization Demilitarization Changing the physical shape and, perhaps, the amount of fissile material from the shape and amount used in the nuclear weapon DOE Department of Energy EMIS Electro-Magnetic Isotope Separation FFCD Full, Final, and Complete Declaration FFCD-F The “F” (or sixth) version of the nuclear Full, Final, and Complete Declaration Iraq submitted to the IAEA HEU Highly Enriched Uranium IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IQ3 scanner A six germanium detector scanner that is capable of measuring the enrichment of uranium inside a steel drum. ISG Iraq Survey Group LEU Low Enriched Uranium NPT Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty OPCW Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons Osirak The name of the nuclear reactor France was building for Iraq Osiris The type of nuclear reactor France was building for Iraq PC-3 Petrochemical Project-3 (An Iraqi nuclear weapons organization) PIV Physical Inventory Verification PNI Presidential Nuclear Initiative SNL Sandia National Laboratories TNW Tactical Nuclear Weapon TRR Taiwanese Research Reactor WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction Y Plant South Africa’s “pilot plant” for uranium enrichment that was used for production of HEU for weapons Z Plant South Africa’s commercial uranium enrichment plant 8 1. INTRODUCTION A surprisingly large number of examples exist where the denuclearization of nuclear weapons programs can be analyzed for which verification methods were successful and which were not. An even larger sample could be analyzed if all WMD and missile programs—which often share the material accounting methods with verification of nuclear weapons programs—were included. However, including such nonnuclear programs is beyond the scope of this preliminary study. Instead, we concentrate on nuclear programs and, for the moment, only consider how successful verification programs were at confirming the destruction of or nonproduction of the nuclear weapons themselves and the accounting of special nuclear materials. For each of the cases considered, we present a short introduction to the situation present at the time of denuclearization followed by a narrative of the methods used in verification and finally an assessment of how well the verification worked. 9 10 2. VERIFIED DISMANTLEMENT OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS Dismantlement of nuclear weapons is the sine qua non of denuclearization of a country’s nuclear weapons program. However, there are few examples where this has actually happened as part of an international verification process. In South Africa’s case, the government of South Africa disassembled its nuclear weapons and demilitarized1 the fissile material in secret. In the cases of Taiwan, Iraq, and Libya, the countries had not yet produced nuclear weapons before they either were forced to or voluntarily give up their programs. Only in the case of Ukraine were there attempts to build confidence that actual nuclear weapons were being dismantled. 2.1 Ukraine 2.1.1 Background In 1991, President George H. W. Bush announced the Presidential Nuclear Initiatives (PNIs) under which the United States would remove all ground-launched tactical nuclear weapons from Europe.[1] The U.S. would further remove all nuclear weapons from surface ships, attack submarines, and land-based naval aircraft. He challenged Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to do so as well. President Bush was motivated in part to do this because of his concerns about the reliability of the Soviet nuclear command and control during the failed coup against President Gorbachev in August 1991 and the very real possibility that Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan might inherit control of Soviet nuclear weapons after the Soviet Union disintegrated. President Bush hoped that by removing U.S. nuclear weapons from Europe, the Soviets might feel confident in doing the same. Withdrawing them to Russian territory and removing the possibility that the newly independent states might become nuclear powers by default. A fear subsequent events, especially in Ukraine, were to prove justified. Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNWs) began to be removed from Ukraine in January 1992 with over 50% having been withdrawn by March 1992. At that point, however, Ukrainian President Kravchuk suspended their withdrawal, expressing concerns that Russia might not be dismantling all of them.[2, p. 20] The United States “made a very strong presentation to the Ukrainian Government” and succeeded in moving Ukraine to an accommodation with Russia about verifying the dismantlement of TNWs. Fortunately, there was a great deal of trust at the operational level between Russian and Ukrainian military officers—who had, at one time, served with Russian officers guarding and maintaining the nuclear weapons slated for dismantlement. These Ukrainian officers formed the “inspectors” of the dismantlement process. 2.1.2 Approach to Verification Ukraine had at first demanded that the TNWs be dismantled in Ukraine and only after that would the fissile material and components be allowed to be shipped back to Russia.[2] However, both Russia and the West were unsatisfied with such a solution since it would leave Ukraine with the facilities necessary to assemble weapons. Russia then agreed to increased transparency about the disposition of the TNWs: Ukrainian military officers who had once had all the necessary Soviet clearances associated with nuclear weapons were allowed to accompany the TNWs as they were shipped by rail to the dismantlement site, 1 What we mean by “demilitarization” is changing the physical shape and, perhaps, the amount of fissile material from the shape and amount used in the nuclear weapon. Essentially turning it into a “puck” or “ingot.” 11 in Russia. These same Ukrainian officers then observed the warheads entering the room used for dismantlement.[3] It is not clear, however, if the Ukrainians were allowed to observe any of the dismantled components. This procedure was acceptable to all the parties involved. 2.1.3 Assessment This is the only known case where the dismantlement of one country’s nuclear weapons were “monitored” by another government. The modalities adopted, however, are far from ideal. A skeptical observer might question whether or not the warhead was actually dismantled if components were not observed after dismantlement. There could have been a number of small changes that would have added up to significantly increased confidence such as tagging the outer aero-shell of the weapons with a unique seal and then observing that seal (or seals) on the dismantled components. Today, much of these improvements would come under the rubric of “continuity of knowledge." Instead, because of the clearances the Ukrainian monitors had held under the Soviet Union, mutual trust in the individual parties substituted for the technical details. 2.2 South Africa 2.2.1 Background In 1989, South Africa decided to voluntarily denuclearize and dismantle its nuclear weapons program.[4, p. 195] Reasons suggested for this denuclearization have ranged from practical—the threat from Soviet backed Cuban forces dramatically decreased with the fall of the Berlin Wall—to the political—newly elected president de Klerk wished to rejoin the international community and end South Africa’s pariah status. [5, p. 53] Regardless of the reason, South Africa dismantled its six gun-type weapons and its nuclear weapon infrastructure in secret and without outside verification.[4, p. 196] Only then, in 1991, did South Africa acceded to the NPT and invited in IAEA safeguards2 inspectors in 1991.[5, p. 54] South Africa also ordered the destruction of all technical records of the bomb building process3, some 12,000 documents.[4, p. 204] Instead of verifying the dismantlement of actual weapons, the IAEA ended up verifying the amount of material. This proved a long and intricate job, as discussed in the Fissile Material Accountancy section below. The IAEA also attempted to verify that all technical records on how to build nuclear weapons was also destroyed. This section will concentrate on the verification of that record destruction. 2.2.2 Approach to Verification In addition to verifying the completeness of South Africa’s material accountancy, the IAEA used inspectors from the P5 to verify the destruction of major weapon subcomponents—including all weapon-specific nonnuclear components—and the decommissioning/abandonment/conversion to peaceful uses of all laboratories and engineering facilities involved in the weapons program. To accomplish this, the inspection teams visited many facilities, reviewed and audited the records 2 The IAEA entered South Africa under a very different mandate than its Action Team did in Iraq. The initial South African IAEA inspections were the standard initial inspections that are always performed when a country enters into the NPT. 3 Detailed records of weapon dismantlement were kept for future verification though some of these varied in their detail.[4, pp. 204–206] 12 associated with weapon dismantlement4 and interviewed many of the participants associated with the dismantlement. The inspectors found the correlation of records from the dismantlement of HEU components with the records kept of HEU production to be very helpful in verifying the demilitarization of nuclear components. However, the records of the destruction of those natural and depleted uranium components used in the bombs did not have necessary detail to allow their destruction to be verified.[4, p. 234] Another useful correlation was comparing the nonnuclear pieces of components left after mechanically cutting them apart with the sections of each weapon’s “build-history” log book and corresponding dismantlement record.5 This highlights that one of an inspector’s most important duties is to record serial numbers on all the equipment and components seen. 2.2.3 Assessment The IAEA concluded in its report of September 9, 1993 (just five months after South Africa revealed it had a nuclear weapons program) that an “examination of the records, facilities and remaining nonnuclear components of the dismantled/destroyed nuclear weapons and from the team’s evaluation of the amount of HEU produced by the pilot enrichment plant are consistent with the declared scope of the nuclear weapons program.”[6, p. 11] Independent analysts, however, worry that the inspectors were never able to establish exactly how many of each type of nonnuclear component had been produced and, therefore, if all of them had been destroyed.[4, p. 235] Others point out that it is impossible to verify that all copies of the technical documents on the production and assembly of the nuclear weapons had been destroyed.[5, p. 67] They further point out that the destruction of the demonstration device6 and pre-qualification7 model, has not been verified at all because no records had been made of their dismantlement.[5, p. 67] It is clear, however, that the IAEA would not have been able to achieve the level of confidence it has about the dismantlement of South Africa’s nuclear weapons program if South Africa had not provided as extensive cooperation as it did. For instance, before March 1993, when South Africa revealed that it had had an active nuclear weapons program, South Africa had taken the IAEA to an important weapons 4 The South Africans, while destroying records of weapons production, preserved meticulous records for the destruction of the weapons. 5 These logbooks included quantities of material used and serial numbers of components retained or component parts. 6 South Africa’s Atomic Energy Board (AEB) produced a gun-type device—without an HEU core—in 1977 in case the government needed to demonstrate a nuclear capability in a test. This device was also known as “Melba.”[4, p. 74] 7 Armscor, South Africa’s indigenous arms manufacturer, made its first device by 1982 which was capable of being dropped from an airplane but did not represent South Africa’s final design. It was known also as “Hobo” and later “Cabot.” 13 development facility8 but told the inspectors it was a general purpose facility for a Reactor Development group.[4, pp. 224–225] It is a matter of speculation how much trust was injected into the disarmament process by the election of Nelson Mandela as President of South Africa a little more than a year after the disclosure of the weapons program.[7] However, it seems likely that the international community was reassured as the new government continued on with disarmament process. 2.3 Iraq 2.3.1 Background Iraq’s nuclear weapons program can be considered to start in 1968, when it commissioned a Soviet built IRT-2000 research reactor.[8, p. Nuclear--3] A second, larger, reactor was being constructed for Iraq by France when it was bombed by Israel in 1981, destroying the infrastructure before being loaded with fuel.[9] Soon after that, the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission set up programs to pursue uranium enrichment by a variety of means.[8, p. Nuclear--3] As part of that, a nuclear weapons complex at Al Athir was established in 1988 for research, development, and production of nuclear weapons. This became known as the Petrochemical Project 3 (PC-3) and was divided into four Groups, Group 1 was in charge of enrichment while Group 4 was in charge of weaponization.[10, p. 15] Operation Desert Storm, the US led effort to force Iraq out of Kuwait, destroyed many of the facilities associated with Iraq’s nuclear weapons program.[8, p. Nuclear--4] At the time of that war, the head of Iraq’s WMD programs, Hussein Kamil, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s son-in-law, ordered all equipment and documents indicating violations of the NPT to be destroyed. At least one set of nuclear-related documents and some equipment were to be saved and hidden in case Saddam chose to restart the program.[8, p. Nuclear--5] (This included the only known nuclear weapons component, a multi-point detonator firing set.[8, p. 60]) When IAEA inspectors arrived in Iraq in May 1991, they set out to verify the Iraqi declarations on their nuclear program centered at Al Tuwaitha.[11, p. 5] The inspectors found that in almost all cases, documentation and records had disappeared and were not available. This began the “denial and deception” program that was to run in one form or another until the 2003 Operation Iraqi Freedom ended Saddam’s regime. This denial and deception program was steadily overcome by IAEA inspectors examining (revised) declarations, what documents were found, and interviews with Iraqi scientists and engineers.[10, p. 14] [8, p. Nuclear--7] 2.3.2 Approach to Verification For the most part, the IAEA only had declarations, documents, and interviews to both uncover the weaponization activities of Iraq and verify that they had been destroyed, disbanded, or redirected. At several times Iraq handed over documents—sometimes on optical discs which could have been copied multiple times—that revealed new information about the weaponization program. Some of the most important documents for revealing the status of weaponization were: • ’90 to June ’91 Al Atheer Achievement Report (Group 4 report #991002) which provided the status of the weaponization program as of that time.[10, p. 58] Provided to the IAEA in 1995 8 This was Building 5000, which contained a pulse reactor used to verify the computer codes needed to design the criticality of South Africa’s nuclear weapons.[4, p. 35] It would certainly have included many sensitive nonnuclear components. 14 • • • • An optical disc with what Iraq claimed were all the reports published by PC-3 Group 4 (Weaponization) between 1988 and 1991.[12, p. 8] Provided to the IAEA in 1995 Computer code used for the July 1990 Lens Design to calculate the interaction of the various explosives.[10, p. 58] Provided to the IAEA in 1995 Documents from PC-3 Group 4 at the Al Qa Qaa explosives facility concerning the design of the lenses and detonators.[10, p. 9] Provided to the IAEA in 1995 Almost complete set of drawings for the lens molds and other design drawings “found”9 at the Haider House Farm in 1995. In addition to these documents, a multi-point electronic firing system, developed by Group 4,[14, p. 14] was found in the rubble of Al Atheer[8, p. 60] and turned over to the IAEA in 1995. Equipment associated with weaponization was also “found” by the Iraqis belonging to PC-3 Group 4 departments 40B10 and 40G11 in 1997. A number of pieces of equipment were found that were involved in uranium metallurgy and the casting of high explosive lenses.[16, pp. 10–11] These were destroyed under IAEA supervision but certainly contributed to an increased understanding by the IAEA of Iraq’s weaponization program.[16, p. 9] From this cross correlation of information painfully extracted from the Iraqis (See the Appendix C for a timeline of the fraudulent declarations Iraq provided to the IAEA) over the period from 1991 to 1997, the IAEA was able to state that “over the many years [the IAEA inspections lasted, it] yielded a technically coherent picture of Iraq’s clandestine nuclear programme.”[10, p. 21] It was this “technically coherent picture” that formed the basis of the Action Team’s decisions to certify Iraq’s denuclearization. Based on its coherence, the IAEA stated that “there are no indications to suggest that Iraq was successful in its attempt to produce nuclear weapons.” The IAEA went on to state that Iraq was “at, or close to, the threshold of success in […] the fabrication of the explosive package for a nuclear weapon.”[10, p. 21] 2.3.3 Assessment All of the IAEA’s statements about the status of Iraq’s nuclear weapons programs have a certain amount of uncertainty in them. This is appropriate given that much of it is based on having established a “technically coherent picture” of Iraq’s nuclear weapons program. This, in itself, is disturbing given the fact that forensic evidence as to the authenticity of the documents was not attainable from those documents on optical discs. In principle, one could object to the validity of the IAEA basing all of its verification conclusions on the completeness and self-constancy of a “picture” developed solely from the documentation provided by Iraq. If there had been, for instance, a completely separate nuclear weapons program, it might have been able to remain unknown to the inspectors. Of course, “completely separate” would mean 9 The Haider House Chicken Farm episode is one of the stranger events in verification history. Shortly after Hussein Kamel’s defection to Jordan in August 1995, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz requested the urgent visit to Iraq by the IAEA and UNSCOM. Aziz explained that Kamel had withheld WMD information from the government and that it had just been discovered and wished to show them to the weapons inspectors.[13] 10 40B was the subgroup on Experimentation.[15, p. 84] 11 40G was the subgroup on Material Experiments.[15, p. 84] 15 separate purchasing networks and management lines all the way up to the highest authorities. It is doubtful that such separation could have been maintained over the years of development without some indication of the existence of one program leading into the paper trail of the other. Fortunately, for verification purposes, U.S. and coalition forces were able to exercise a great deal more intrusive inspections than the IAEA. Shortly after the Second Gulf War, the US-led Iraq Survey Group (ISG) went into Iraq to try to substantiate these IAEA findings using a great deal more coercion on the people it interviewed than the IAEA found possible.[17] The ISG reached similar conclusions to the IAEA, stating “Initially, Saddam chose to conceal his nuclear program in its entirety […]. Aggressive UN inspections after Desert Storm forced Saddam to admit the existence of the program and destroy or surrender components of the program.”[8, p. Nuclear--1] The ISG went on to state that “Iraq did not possess a nuclear device.”[8, p. Nuclear--7] We can only conclude that the IAEA was able to reach the correct conclusions even in the face of so much obstruction by Iraq. The key would appear to be the cross correlation of documents, many relating to the same technical and organizational issues, from different sources or different organizations. At the time of the Iraq inspections (1991 to 2003), Iraq was not technologically sophisticated enough to counterfeit so many documents and have them add up to a coherent—thought not too coherent—whole. Would that be the case for a more information-science sophisticated adversity? It is hard to say but that could be concern in the future if the adversity threw as much time and resources into a “deny and deception” program as Iraq did. 16 3. FISSILE MATERIAL ACCOUNTANCY 3.1 South Africa 3.1.1 Background When South Africa acceded to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was charged with accounting for its Special Nuclear Materials (SNM). South Africa declared that it had two enrichment facilities, both of which used the novel technique of aerodynamic enrichment[18]: the Y Plant which was capable of enriching uranium to 80% or 90% 235U[4, p. 49] and the larger “semi-commercial” plant, known as the Z Plant. When the IAEA first started its inspections in September 1991,[19] South Africa provided material accountancy declarations that included the HEU, in the form of metal, removed from its weapons.[4, p. 223] Because South Africa had dismantled its six gun-type nuclear weapons before acceding to the NPT, and because so many of its weapons production records had been purposefully destroyed, an accurate accounting of nuclear material enrichment became the key to verifying its denuclearization. This verification was complicated by the twin facts that 1) the IAEA had performed few, if any, safeguards inspections on an aerodynamic enrichment facility before and, 2) South Africa was still developing large scale enrichment by this method at the same time it was producing HEU for bombs. This later issue caused South Africa’s program to have a very complicated history with extensive losses of HEU inside the enrichment cascades. Some of this HEU was lost to the program but some of it was recovered. 3.1.2 Approach to Verification The first method the IAEA used to confirm the amount of HEU produced centered around establishing material balance across South Africa’s nuclear enterprise. This involved adding up all of South Africa’s indigenous production, imports, and exports of enriched and depleted uranium. (This is shown schematically by the IAEA[20] in Figure 1 ) However, this method failed to account for a significant amount of HEU, as shown in Figure 2, where the unaccounted for HEU forms a significant fraction of the amount that was used in South Africa’s nuclear arsenal. The problem is the material balance methodology arose from two, related issues: 1) there was an unusually large amount of HEU “hung up” in the enrichment cascade and, 2) the international community was unfamiliar with the aerodynamic enrichment method South Africa had invented. 17 Figure 1. Schematic of the flow of material used by the IAEA in its first attempt to determine the validity of South Africa’s material declarations.[20, p. 13] 18 DISPOSITION OF HEU HEU with U235 < 80% enrichment lost in filters etc. Weapons Program HEU HEU with U235 < 80% Enrichment Unaccounted for HEU HEU used for blending Figure 2. The deposition of HEU derived from a nuclear enterprise-wide material balance as determined by the IAEA. Note the large amount of unaccounted for HEU.12 As a consequence of the failure of the enterprise-wide material balance method, the IAEA was forced to develop a second method for calculating the amount of HEU produced. This second method would require the IAEA to have a much more detailed understanding of where the uranium ended up in the enrichment process at a single facility, the Y Plant.[4, p. 231] It was judged that measuring and characterizing the content of all the cylinders containing depleted uranium and the waste drums containing small quantities of HEU would be too expensive and time consuming for the immediate needs of the inspectors.13 Instead, a program for assessing the performance of the Y Plant over its operating history, estimating losses and yield on a daily basis, and checking estimates with the records the operators kept, would be used. The IAEA performed various forensic analyses to ensure that these records were genuine. As a further check of their estimates of HEU losses, the IAEA asked South Africa to perform a number of experiments. At the end of this process, the IAEA was able to state that “it is reasonable to conclude that the amounts of HEU which could have been produced by the pilot enrichment plant are consistent with the amounts declared in the initial report.”[6, p. 3] 12 This figure was created by the author based on information in Revisiting South Africa’s Nuclear Weapons Program.[4, pp. 229–230] 13 Years later, well after the IAEA had concluded that South Africa had completely denuclearized, the HEU content in the waste drums was eventually measured.[4, p. 230] 19 3.1.3 Assessment South Africa had made a strategic decision to give up its nuclear weapons program and be welcomed back into the community of nations. This was made harder, however, by the fact that they also originally tried to avoid the condemnation that might have resulted from letting the world know they had once had nuclear weapons. They tried to hide this fact by “demilitarizing” the shapes of their HEU.14 Nevertheless, South Africa did eventually reveal it had made nuclear weapons and continued to work with the IAEA on accounting for all of the HEU produced. Without this high level of cooperation—which was based on a shared goal of achieving proper accounting of nuclear materials produced—it is doubtful that the international community could have had the confidence it has that South Africa completed disarmed. The new method South Africa used— aerodynamic enrichment—to produce HEU was both unfamiliar to the IAEA and had experienced significant losses during production. Instead of using global accounting procedures, with well understood loss factors from the IAEA’s knowledge of centrifuge enrichment, the IAEA had to model the production process and account for losses that way. The only way that process succeeded was because South Africa assisted in finding daily production records that had escaped destruction and by interviewing willing participants who were familiar with the enrichment process. If those records had not been recovered or South African experts less willing to assist the modeling effort, it is doubtful that IAEA could have reached the conclusions it did. The IAEA eventually tied their calculations and records comparisons to the physical measurement of HEU “lost” to their enrichment waste stream. This was a costly and time-consuming process and, while valuable to have, had zero impact on the political decision to accept that South Africa had denuclearized because of the length of time it took. Various devices for speeding this measurement process up were employed, such as a semi-automated “IQ3” assay scanner which was used to measure the 20,000 drums containing LEU.[21] This final measurement was finished in 2011.[22] 3.2 Iraq 3.2.1 Background It is often said that the most difficult resource to acquire in making a nuclear bomb is the fissile material.[23] In practice, building up the human capital—both technical and managerial—has been at least as hard for some countries.[15, p. 4] In fact, much of the effort Iraq put into acquiring fissile material was spent on developing human capital at the same time as they were trying to acquire the requisite technology. This is illustrated with Iraq’s early interest in nuclear technology, which started with a desire in purchasing various nuclear reactors. First there was a 1959 purchase agreement with the Soviet Union of a 2-megawatt (thermal) research reactor. Over time, the Soviets agreed to increase the enrichment 14 Here we use “demilitarizing” to mean changing the shape of the HEU used in its gun-type nuclear weapons to conceal the fact that they had once been mounted in a weapon. The IAEA was not, however, taken in by this deception[19, p. 46] but recognized that the NPT did not require an accounting for the reasons materials were produced prior to a country signing the treaty. 20 level for this reactor from its original 10% to 36% and finally 80%15 enrichment.[15, p. 52] Massive technical assistance in human capacity building was given by the Soviet Union and significant aid by the IAEA itself.[15, p. 51] In 1974 Iraq proposed to France to purchase a gas-cooled graphite-moderated power reactor, which managed to significantly raise proliferation concerns with the international community.[15, p. 53] At the time, Israel stated that such a reactor could be used to produce at least one nuclear bomb per year. Because of this international pressure, France instead agreed to sell Iraq two reactors of a different type: a 40-megawatt (thermal) research reactor for materials testing and a 500-kilowatt pool-type research reactor. The 40-MW(t) research reactor was known as the Osirak reactor because the French design it was based on was called Osiris.[15, p. 53] First the Iranians attacked these at the start of the Iran-Iraq war without inflicting significant damage and then, a year later, in 1981, the Israelis destroyed it. [15, p. 67] While Saddam, Iraq’s dictatorial leader, had signaled his interest in nuclear weapons, there was no unified, concerted effort to build one before this attack.[15, p. 69] The Israeli strike managed to give a purpose to and unify the scientists behind a weapons program. The technical leader of the Iraqi weapons program, Jafar Jafar, redirected the main fissile material production effort to enriched uranium and away from plutonium.[15, p. 75] Iraq’s goal was enriched uranium while efficiency or economical details of the enrichment process were not their primary concern; Iraq was, at the time, reaping a windfall in oil revenues. They were governed by a directive from Saddam to not seek foreign technical assistance and this governed their initial efforts with striking implications. Initially, both laser isotope separation and gaseous centrifuge enrichment were considered too technologically advanced for Iraq’s developing technology.[15, p. 80] Producing the barriers involved in gaseous diffusion was also considered to be beyond Iraq’s capabilities but at least promising. This left Electromagnetic Isotope Separation (EMIS) as an option that was well covered in the literature. As a consequence, EMIS was chosen as Iraq’s primary enrichment method but Jafar decided to conduct research in both laser and centrifuge enrichment technology. And, despite fears of future attacks on reactors, Iraq continued to experiment with plutonium extraction.[15, p. 86] All these efforts, funded by increasing oil revenues, made a complex web of material acquisition, processing, and enrichment that the IAEA Action Team had to unravel. 3.2.2 Approach to Verification The first step in the process of verifying Iraq’s nuclear material production was to ask for a “declaration of the locations, amounts, and types of all … nuclear-weapons-useable material(s).” Instead, Iraq simply declared it had no such assets.[13] This was an obvious attempt to deny it had had a nuclear program, all the more obvious since until the war, Iraq had 50 kg of safeguarded HEU. This HEU was “rediscovered” on the first Action Team inspection of Tuwaitha Research Centre. 15 Iraq had a total of 50 kg of HEU, imported from France and the Soviet Union,[24] that would play an important role in Saddam’s “crash program” to produce a nuclear weapon when the international community threatened him while his army was still in Kuwait. 21 Subsequent Action Team inspections did not limit themselves to declared nuclear-related sites and the second inspection asserted its enhanced rights16 by visiting an army barracks that member states’ overhead imagery had indicated would be of interest. The Iraqi regime, however, tried to remove pieces of EMIS equipment out the back of the military base as the inspectors came in the front. Given this level of obstruction, with warning shots actually fired when inspectors tried to follow the equipment being removed, the approach the Action Team took was one of trying to find pieces of equipment and documents Iraq was concealing in order to create a “coherent picture” of the nuclear program.[13] It seemed like each time the Action Team discovered a new facet of the nuclear program, the Iraqis would issue a new declaration covering just that one aspect. The Action Teams established a procedure for dealing with Iraqi obstructionism at each site: First, they would collect all relevant information (overhead images, open sources, previous inspections, and any other information they might have such as information supplied by member states). Second, they would identify the inspector expertise needed for that particular site such as measurements of nuclear materials or to assess power production or enrichment technologies and, perhaps most importantly, determine how many translators to take with them. Third, they would assess type of specialized equipment they needed to accomplish the inspection. Fourth, they would identify what activities would need to be performed during the inspection—what type of measurements or samples needed to be taken. Finally, they would need to ensure operational security to ensure that the Iraqis did not sanitize the site before the inspectors reached it.[25] Information from member-states on imports of both materials and equipment was vitally important in producing the final coherent picture. The Action Team was able to use this material to track down Iraqi records on receiving material and equipment and, when they found it, have an increased probability of finding other receipts. The correlation of import and export information was essential for accounting for all the nuclear materials. Finally, as the Action Team was able to determine from technical reports it found in the Haider House Farm trove of documents9 the centrifuge program was incapable of producing a significant amount of enriched uranium.[13] This completed the development of the “coherent picture” of Iraq’s nuclear weapons program. 3.2.3 Assessment The IAEA Action Team was eventually able to declare that they had a “coherent picture” of Iraq’s nuclear weapons program and that “there are no indications of significant discrepancies between the technically coherent picture which has evolved of Iraq’s past programme and the information contained in Iraq’s FFCE-F17 issued on 7 September 1996, as supplemented by the written revisions and additions provided by Iraq since that time.”[26, p. 14] 16 Pre-Additional Protocol safeguard inspections that the IAEA would normal conduct were limited to declared nuclear facilities. The cease fire at the end of the First Gulf War and subsequent UN Security Council Resolutions had given the IAEA, in the form of its Action Team, the right to “go anywhere, anytime.” 17 FFCD means the Full, Final, and Complete Declaration. The designation “-F” indicates it is the sixth formal revision of the declaration Iraq submitted to the IAEA. of course, the quote goes on to acknowledge that even that was amended with a hand written addendum. 22 There are several lessons we can draw from this. First, the verification of the amount of HEU Iraq might have been able to have produced in its developmental centrifuge program was highly dependent on seemingly random chance of Saddam’s son-in-law, Husain Kamel, defecting to Jordan. Because Iraq was afraid of him revealing the duplicity of Iraq’s “cooperation” with the IAEA, the government of Iraq thought it was important to get those secrets they thought he might disclose out in the open before that could happen. Could the Action Team have assured itself that Iraq had not enriched more uranium without that defection? The answer to that might never be known. Fortunately, after the Second Gulf War, the Iraq Survey Group had access to considerably more documentation found in the Iraqi state archives and could interview scientists and engineers it held in prison. With those advantages, the ISG was able to confirm that Iraq’s centrifuge program was incapable of enriching significant quantities of uranium.[8, p. Vol 2 p.7] In planning for a new denuclearization program of inspections, there is always the worry a determined denial and deception program could prevent the necessary verification that a nation had disarmed. In other words, it might take a random chance occurrence or a complete military defeat and regime change to denuclearize a nation determined to obstruct verification. Relying on such unpredictable events is a very unappetizing way of planning for denuclearization. 3.3 Taiwan 3.3.1 Background Taiwan appears to have considered or even started a nuclear weapons program in the late 1970s based on a small heavy-water research reactor bought from Canada and a secret plutonium separation facility.[27] Questions arose in 1976 regarding Taiwan’s declarations about the burn-up of irradiated fuel rods. The IAEA found discrepancies between Taiwan’s declarations of where these rods had been inside the reactor (which determines how much and what quality of plutonium was produced) and their extensive measurements. IAEA inspectors then found an opening in the bottom of Taiwan’s spent fuel pond that could be used to move fuel rods.[28] This “canal gate” was not listed in the Taiwan’s declarations of the facilities design and could have been used to sneak irradiated fuel rods out of the cooling pool and into a reprocessing plant. During the measurements of fuel rod longitudinal radioactivity, IAEA inspectors also found fuel rods that had multiple undeclared aluminum inserts that could have been used to facilitate their reprocessing and plutonium separation. The key to verifying that Taiwan had not reprocessed any undeclared fuel became matching the burnup records for the reactor with physical measurements made on the reactor fuel rods. If there were significant differences, it might indicate Taiwan had diverted irradiated fuel rods to an illicit weapons program. 3.3.2 Approach to Verification To settle the dispute, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) was called in to make complete scans of all of the fuel rods to verify Taiwan’s assertions about their burn up. LANL measured the isotopic content of the 137 irradiated fuel rods from the heavy-water reactor at INER using the gamma-ray spectra from 134 Cs, 137Cs, 144Pr, and 106Rh.[29] These measurements, plus a total radioactivity measurement, were taken at seven positions along the axis of each fuel rod. These measurements were confirmed by the 23 other isotopes measured. Other work by LANL showed that the total uncertainty between radioactivity and operator estimated burnup should be between 5% and 10% (at the statistical one-sigma level). [30] Presumably, this uncertainty resulted from operator error in keeping track of burnup or uncertainty in the nucleonics of the reactor design. 3.3.3 Assessment Why did the IAEA find a discrepancy between their radioactivity measurements and Taiwan’s declarations of burnup? The answer would appear to be that LANL had a specially designed and constructed collimation assembly that it used to measure the radioactivity as the fuel elements were reinserted into the reactor.[29, p. 2] The inspectors from the IAEA appear to have done a much more ad hoc measurement based on a total radioactivity scan at several points along the sampled reactor elements. They did this more or less in situ, without identifying isotopes and without the sort of collimation that LANL used. These less than ideal measurements were certainly understandable given the conditions the IAEA worked under and its understandable desire for measurements to be taken as quickly as possible. Clearly, technology—and especially technological innovation—played a major role in verifying Taiwan’s past behavior. However, the lesson is not that a special device with a collimator needs to used on all future inspections of reactors. Instead, the lesson is to be adaptable and able to identify when a specialized technology should be useful and have the ability to design and produce it in time for it to be politically meaningful. 3.4 Libya 3.4.1 Background Libya’s nuclear program was shaped by the country’s demographics and political events both in the country and outside it. At the end of World War II, Libya was one of the poorest and least developed nations on Earth before the discovery of oil in the early 1960s.[31] Immediately after the war, Libya, which also had one of the smallest population densities in Africa given its immense deserts, had an illiteracy rate of 94% and only opened its first university in 1955. These demographic facts influenced Libya’s defense policy—initiated by its first King and continued by Muammar Gaddafi after his coup in 1969[15, p. 134]—of substituting a few high-tech alternatives to the large conventional army that would have been needed to secure the borders. Thus, Libya invested in jet aircraft and surface-to-surface missiles that needed only a small cadre of trained personnel to man them. A nuclear weapons program, with its power to deter potential enemies, must have seemed very attractive in such a strategy. Libya is reported to have financed other bomb projects, notably Pakistan’s, in the hopes of being at least assisted to a nuclear deterrent.[15, p. 158] However, Libya’s efforts to start a nuclear weapons program of its own were frustrated by Gaddafi’s encompassing efforts to eliminate all potential power centers in the nation-state except himself. To rid his government of potential rivals, he introducing a “Cultural Revolution” modeled after the Chinese version.[15, p. 148] Without a real management structure, the weapons program pursued a shotgun style approach to purchasing nuclear infrastructure but never acquired the skilled personnel to operate them.[15, p. 158] 24 As a result, Libya acquired a research reactor, various chemical processing plants for producing uranium compounds, and the start of a centrifuge cascade, to name just a few, that were either ineffectual or never operational. In the early 1990s, there was a significant debate within the Gaddafi regime about whether or not to pursue nuclear weapons. The no-nukes faction pointed to the recent conflicts between nuclear and nonnuclear states18 where nuclear weapons played no role.[15, p. 199] Then, in 1992, the United Nations imposed sanctions on Libya for masterminding the 1988 downing of Pan Am 105.[32] At first, these sanctions were counterproductive in terms of WMD elimination in Libya because they undermined internal opponents of a Libyan nuclear weapons program.[15, p. 201] Eventually, however, the sanctions proved decisive by not only blocking international trade on conventional weapons, but making it harder for the nascent nuclear program to obtain needed parts for their centrifuges. Over a four-year negotiation, the US and UK finally were able to reach agreement with the Gaddafi regime to give up its WMD. This agreement, reached in March 2003, was before the invasion of Iraq by coalition forces but after it was clear that invasion was going to happen. As a consequence, a US-led team of inspectors first entered Libya in October of 2003, to start its WMD-elimination process.[15, p. 212] This was immediately after the German-flagged BBC China was stopped on the high seas and found to be transporting over 1000 centrifuges.[5, p. 111] 3.4.2 Approach to Verification The approach the U.S. and the U.K. took toward the elimination and verification of Libya’s WMD programs was geared towards cooperation and speed with a priority placed on removing the most proliferation-sensitive pieces of equipment and material. Speed was important since any delay would reduce the pressure, through sanctions relaxation if not relief, on Libya to disarm.[33, pp. 93–94] Accounting for materials was left to the IAEA. The U.S./U.K. aim was to assist Libya in identifying and security proliferation-sensitive items, eliminating all elements of its nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programs, as well as restricting its missile efforts.[34] First ,the U.S. and U.K. wrote five white papers19 outlining their proposals for how to proceed and then presented these to the Libyan government. Perhaps because of this openness with the Libyans, there was outstanding cooperation from the Libyans on the ground. U.S. and U.K. inspectors were allowed to visit any location and they were very informative on the varied aspects of Libya’s WMD and missile programs. During the first official inspection, Libya handed over detailed nuclear weapons designs, purchased from the A.Q. Khan network, to the joint U.S./U.K. team and flown out of Libya on a chartered aircraft two days later.[34, p. 5] That same week, U.S./U.K. inspectors removed several containers of gaseous uranium hexafluoride, more centrifuges purchased from Pakistan,20 and centrifuge parts, equipment, and documentation. This constituted the first phase of disarmament. The second phase involved the removal of the remaining nuclear equipment and material (the amounts were much greater than what was removed during the first phase). After the most dangerous nuclear equipment was removed, the 18 These includes the Falklands war, where nuclear-armed Britain made no use of them against Argentina. One for each of nuclear, chemical, biological, and missile together with an integrating white paper that brought all the elements together.[34, p. 4] 20 This included some of the advanced P-2 designs. 19 25 third phase concentrated verification, which consisted mainly of interviewing the personnel involved in the various WMD programs.[35] The U.S. and U.K. were less than enthusiastic partners with the IAEA during the denuclearization of Libya. If it had not been for the Gaddafi-regime instance that the IAEA play a lead role in the verification process, the denuclearization might well have taken place without multi-international involvement.[35] As it was, the IAEA sent two officials (both from nuclear weapons states) to be present as the U.S./U.K. inspectors examined Libya’s nuclear weapons designs and placed IAEA seals on them.[36, p. 6] Most of the work of the IAEA in Libya involved material accounting, which was mostly a matter of checking amounts found in Libya with supplier country records. In addition to checking the shipment records, the IAEA did a statistical sampling of 6,300 drums of yellowcake.[37, p. 3] It took a considerable amount of time to test the 160 drums randomly selected for making an assay but by 2008, the IAEA was able to state that it “confirm[s] the contents of the [yellowcake] drums as natural uranium in the form of UOC, and the quantity of material contained in the drums, which are consistent with statements made by Libya.”[38, p. 9] Declarations of other uranium compounds were “not inconsistent with the Agency’s findings.” 3.4.3 Assessment Initially, the denuclearization of Libya was viewed as a textbook example of what cooperative disarmament could look like.[36, p. 7] In fact, the seeming success of the Libyan denuclearization—and the fact that much of it was done by the United States and the United Kingdom—is probably why nowNational Security Advisor John Bolton famously suggested the “Libyan Model” for the denuclearization of North Korea.[39] Since then, however, a number of questions have arisen that cast a shadow over the Libyan Model. Most importantly, perhaps, was the discovery in 2011 of a “not large” amount of mustard gas.[40] Some analysts have pointed to this discover of undeclared chemical agent as at least cause for concern that the Libyan Model might not be as successful as some thought.[5, p. 110] The problem in assessing how important this is, is with not knowing what “not large” means. Could it be evidence of a successful attempt to preserve a relatively small amount of mustard gas for use? Or could it be just a mistake? After all, the West keeps on finding “not small” quantities of mustard gas left over from the World Wars.21 It is clear that initial inspections by the U.S./U.K. team concentrated on removing the most dangerous proliferation-sensitive materials, equipment, and documents. Doing so, especially if there is an independent agency—in the case of the mustard gas, the OPCW22—responsible for material accountancy, can have negative effects on verification. Whether or not this is a fatal flaw will depend on how much mustard gas was discovered in 2011. However, it is an important lesson that if it is necessary to remove materials and documents quickly, care should be taken to preserve forensic evidence as much as possible and to make that material available to the organization responsible for material accountancy. 21 One of the most recent incidents is where British authorities discovered 140 mustard canisters (which, judging from images in the news article, appear to be about a liter in size) left over from World War II stockpiles.[41] 22 Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. 26 The technological inadequacy of measuring the isotopic content of a large number of drums of yellowcake should be pointed out. It took over four years between when the U.S. and the U.K started to normalize relations with Libya and when the IAEA completed its analysis. This can be said to have rendered the IAEA analysis politically meaningless. Finally, some analysists have raised the issue of too much trust in the Gadhafi government by the U.S./U.K. teams.[42] They worry that not enough skepticism was applied because of a “euphoria” surrounding denuclearization and more evidence of compliance should have been gathered. It is impossible to judge whether or not this argument has merit without a more detailed examination of documents that are not in the open literature. However, the fact that such an object could be raised highlights the fact that verification is not an exact science. When to stop looking for evidence countering the current technically coherent picture is a judgement call that can only be based on experience both with the technical subjects and with the denuclearization process. 27 28 4. CONCLUSIONS The intention of the subject country to cooperate with the verification process has been an extremely important factor in almost all of the verification processes examined here. This cooperation facilitated the trust that was the key to both Ukraine building confidence in Russia’s dismantling removed tactical nuclear weapons and to Russia allowing Ukrainian military officers as deep into the dismantlement process as they did. South Africa’s intention to cooperate, which it can be argued took several years to truly manifest itself, was vital to verifying the material balance of its enrichment program. Without this cooperation, the IAEA would not have understood South Africa’s enrichment process well enough to simulate it. South Africa also cooperated by searching for archival day-to-day production records and making them available to IAEA inspectors for comparison with the simulations. Failure to cooperate, such as in Iraq’s program of denial and deception, have in the past been able to be overcome by extremely intrusive inspections only made possible by the military defeat of the country. It is very informative to see on how effective verifying declarations can be when backed up with documents from multiple sources—the different organizations involved in an inherently large and widespread nuclear complex. However, there are some caveats to this method that should be recognized in today’s more sophisticated information sciences. In the 1990s, it was probably impossible for Iraq to create out of thin air the complex interlocking documents that the IAEA used to establish its “coherent understanding” of Iraq’s nuclear weapons program. Today, we must worry that if a country invests as many resources into a new “denial and deception” program that Iraq did, they might be able to create a coherent but false picture. Even back in the 1990s, many of the important documents were only made available as computer files, preventing the more traditional forensic analyses that could document their ages. Because of this, we should consider what computer forensic methods might be utilized to detect such a large-scale deception program. Getting the “interlocking” documents, however, cannot be assured. It can be argued that the Iraqi nuclear weapons program was only “cracked” by the extremely unlikely (even bizarre) episode of Hussain Kamel’s defection to the West. Such an event cannot be counted on in the future. Another important aspect of denuclearizing an uncooperative country was the ability to compare internal (to the country being denuclearized) documents of procurement activities with the documents of external suppliers. Verifying Iraq’s procurement of various amounts of uranium compounds from other countries did not progress until Iraq revealed who those countries were—this was a major aspect of their denial and deception program for the enrichment of uranium. The same is true for understanding their development of enrichment technologies using foreign experts. If there is significant external involvement, and only South Africa seems to have had both the natural resources and the technological capabilities to develop enrichment on their own, these sources will be vital to a successful verification. If verification procedures are negotiated that allows foreign suppliers to remain secret, this will almost certainly doom them to failure. All these issues related to establishing a “coherent understanding” of a country’s nuclear weapons program can be boiled down to one conclusion: it is vital to have information about the program from as 29 many sources as possible. If you cannot establish a material balance for the country—and it is doubtful that will ever be possible—all aspects of the program must be combined to gain this “coherent understanding.” This means that information about weaponization will be just a valuable as what information is available from material balance sheets. Technology also plays a role in verification, though perhaps not as important as some might want to believe. It played a role in verifying Libya’s nuclear material declarations but it took four years before those results for a statistically significant number of drums of materials could be analyzed. This was well after the West had reestablished normal relations. Measurements of South Africa’s enrichment related “waste” drums took even longer: eighteen years.23 Since the international community had already advanced its normalization of relations with both South Africa and Libya by the time these measurements were completed, it could be argued they were no longer politically significant. We have to ask ourselves, what is the point in performing an expensive and time-consuming measurement if it has no impact on the verification of a country’s denuclearization? Developing new technologies that could make these measurements in a meaningful timeframe has to be a high priority. It also seems likely that the discrepancies the IAEA found in Taiwan’s burnup declarations and the IAEA’s radiation profiles might have arisen from the lack of a good collimating system. In the end, it was a custom designed piece of equipment made to eliminate one specific uncertainty that solved the problem. It is possible the need for such a collimator might be needed again but the real lesson is the ability to improvise the right pieces of equipment needed and also supply that in a timely fashion. Following a systematic protocol is also very important. The entire Libyan WMD-elimination has been called into question by the discovery of a “not large” amount of mustard gas years after the OPCW had declared all such materials had been removed. While we cannot say what was the reason for the U.S./U.K. team and the OPCW missing this mustard, the rapid removal of records (if not the chemicals themselves) allows the verification process to be questioned. If security considerations again require dangerous materials to be removed before full accounting has been verified, extreme care should be taken to record and preserve all possible forensic and provenance evidence. We end this paper with a word of caution. Trust between the country being denuclearized and the agency or entities verifying that is vitally important. However, given that the best that a verification regime can achieve in practices is establishing a technically coherent picture of the nuclear weapons program where there are no major contradictions in the evidence gathered, there must come a time to stop looking for such evidence. The inspection agencies will always leave themselves open to criticism about this decision which is both a technical and a political decision. The best advice we can give, without knowing the unique circumstances of the future verification regime, is to document this decision as well as possible and to seek the concurrence of outside experts. 23 Today, measuring South Africa’s enrichment waste would not take eighteen years because Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Canberra Industries did develop new technologies such as the IQ3 scanner.[21] But even the length of time it took after using that technology needs to be improved upon if material assays are ever going to be politically meaningful. 30 5. REFERENCES [1] S. J. Koch, “The Presidential Nuclear Initiatives of 1991-1992,” NATIONAL DEFENSE UNIV FORT MCNAIR DC CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, 2012. [2] G. Arbman and C. L. Thornton, “Russia’s Tactical Nuclear Weapons,” 2003. [3] Matt Bunn, “interview By Geoff Forden with Matt Bunn on Dismantling Soviet Theater Nuclear Weapons Removed from Ukraine,” 18-May-2018. [4] D. H. Albright and A. 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Washington, D.C., 2004. 32 [37] Director General, “Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement of the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (30 August 2004),” International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, GOV/2004/59, Aug. 2004. [38] Director General, “Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (12 September 2008),” International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, GOV/2008/39, Sep. 2008. [39] J. B. CNN, “Bolton says US considering Libya model for North Korean denuclearization,” CNN. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 30-Apr-2018]. [40] Chris Schneidmiller, “OPCW Verifies Secret Libyan Chemical Arms | Analysis | NTI,” Global Security Newswire, 20-Jan-2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 25Jun-2018]. [41] “MoD experts return to mustard gas site,” BBC News, 16-Apr-2018. [42] Joseph F. Pilat, “Geoffrey Forden’s Interview with Joe Pilat on Trust in Verification,” 01Aug-2018. [43] “Boris Yeltsin | Biography & Facts,” Encyclopedia Britannica. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Jun-2018]. [44] “Q+A: What was the hardline Soviet coup attempt in 1991?,” Reuters, 16-Aug-2011. [45] “The Presidential Nuclear Initiatives (PNIs) on Tactical Nuclear Weapons at a Glance | Arms Control Association.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Jun-2018]. [46] M. Alexandrov, Uneasy Alliance: Relations Between Russia and Kazakhstan in the PostSoviet Era, 1992-1997. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999. [47] N. V. Wielligh and L. V. Wielligh-Steyn, The Bomb: South Africa’s Nuclear Weapons Programme, Translation edition. Pretoria: Litera Publications, 2016. [48] Director General, “Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Sept 2008),” International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, GOV/2008/39, Sep. 2008. [49] Director General, “Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement of the Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (May 2004),” International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, GOV/2004/33, May 2004. [50] “U.S., Russia Remove More HEU from Libya | Analysis | NTI.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-May2018]. 33 APPENDIX A: TIMELINE OF THE PRESIDENTIAL NUCLEAR INITIATIVES AND UKRAINE’S DISARMAMENT The disarmament of Ukraine of interest here is the removal and destruction of tactical nuclear weapons as part of the Presidential Nuclear Initiatives (PNIs). This can be confusing because of the proximity to the removal of strategic weapons from Ukraine that was arranged by both Russia and the West so that Ukraine (and its neighbors, Kazakhstan and Belarus, could join the NPT as nonnuclear weapons states. Its also confusing because Ukraine bulked at removing both types of weapons at different times and for different reasons. The events that played important roles in the removal of tactical nuclear weapons are included here. May 29, 1990 March 31, 1991 August 19, 1991 August 21, 1991 September 27, 1991 October 5, 1991 December 21, 1991 January 1992 January 1992 March 1992 April 1992 April 1992 May 6, 1992 Table 1. Timeline of PNIs and Ukraine’s TNW Disarmament 1990 Boris Yeltsin elected president of the Russian Republic by the Russian State Parliament[43] 1991 Warsaw Pact Dissolved[1, pp. 2–3] President Gorbachev is confined to his summer home in Crimea but hardliners in the military over proposals for a new Union Treaty for the Soviet Union.[44] The coup attempt ends with troops leaving Moscow and Gorbachev flying back.[44] President Bush announces a number of unilateral initiatives to limit and reduce U.S. tactical nuclear weapons: all U.S. ground-launched, short-range nuclear weapons removed from overseas; tactical nuclear weapons removed from naval ships and submarines.[45] Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev pledges to: eliminate all nuclear artillery, warheads for nuclear armed tactical missiles, and nuclear mines; all tactical nuclear weapons from surface ships and “multipurpose” submarines (i.e. not “boomers”); move nuclear warheads from air defense missiles into central storage.[45] Leaders of Russia (by then, President Yeltsin), Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Belarus signed the agreement “On Joint Measures with Respect to Nuclear Weapons” that specified that nuclear arms in the later three countries would be all removed (and destroyed) by 1 July 1992.[46, p. 73] 1992 Tactical Nuclear Weapons removed from Kazakhstan.[2, p. 19] Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNW) began to be removed from Ukraine.[2, p. 20] President Kravchuk of Ukraine suspended the removal of TNWs from Ukraine, charging that Russia might not be destroying them as it had promised.[2, p. 20] Tactical Nuclear Weapons removed from Belarus.[2, p. 19] Russia and Ukraine sign an agreement[2, p. 21] to allow Ukrainian observers follow the TNWs all the way to the dismantlement cell (but not inside).[3] All TNWs removed from Ukraine.[2, p. 21] 34 APPENDIX B: TIMELINE OF SOUTH AFRICA’S DISARMAMENT 14 March to 6 September 1991 10 July 1991 6 September 1991 16 September 1991 20 September 1991 30 September 1991 30 October 1991 November 1991 1st few months after November Late 1991 20 August 1992 September 1992 October 1992 17 March 1993 23 March 1993 24 March 1993 24 25 Table 2. Timeline of South Africa’s Disarmament24 1991 All HEU (in the form of metal ingots[4, p. 223]) returned to AEC from ARMSCORE/Circle South Africa accession to the NPT Last weapons HEU transferred to Pelindaba for recasting.[4, pp. 199–203] South Africa signs a comprehensive safeguards agreement at which time, it enters into force IAEA General Conference adopts a resolution on ensuring early implementation of the safeguards agreement and verification of the completeness (as opposed to its past practice of verifying the correctness) of South Africa’s inventory on nuclear installations and materials. South Africa’s safeguards agreement enters into force.[4, p. 222] South Africa turns over its first declaration of nuclear material inventory.[4, p. 219] An ad hoc[6] team of senior IAEA safeguards officials carry out the first inspections under the comprehensive safeguards agreement Standard PIV (Physical Inventory Verification, IAEA 1991-95 Safeguards Criteria) used to verify South Africa’s inventory on nuclear installations and materials Joint Seminar on safeguards agreements and South African facilities (where were “unique”) 1992 IAEA, acting on information from member states, visited Building 5000, which held the weapons program’s pulse reactor. The South African’s obfuscated the real purpose of the building.[4, p. 225] IAEA visit the Kalahari nuclear test site. Again South Africa allowed access but obscured the large-bore test hole by a building with concrete foundation built over it.[4, p. 227] Near-simultaneous PIV involving all of South Africa’s nuclear facilities25 1993 President de Klerk orders the destruction of all documentation relating to nuclear weapons program. Destruction of documents completed President de Klerk announces that South Africa had developed and then dismantled a “limited nuclear deterrent capability”: seven gun-type nuclear weapons Unless otherwise noted, the entries in this come from Baeckmann, Dillion, and Perricos.[19] Without ARMSCOR/Circle, where the nuclear weapons were kept before September 1991. 35 25 March 1993 22 April to 4 May, 1991 Preliminary visit by IAEA team to ARMSCOR26/Circle.27 IAEA team, augmented by nuclear weapons experts, assesses the status of the former nuclear weapons program 3-11 June 1993 IAEA team, augmented by nuclear weapons experts, assesses the status of the former nuclear weapons program Shafts for the testing of nuclear weapons at the Kalahari site were rendered useless[6, p. 10] IAEA team, augmented by nuclear weapons experts, assesses the status of the former nuclear weapons program Near-simultaneous PIV28 involving all of South Africa’s nuclear facilities 1994 Nelson Mandela becomes President of South Africa Near-simultaneous PIV involving all of South Africa’s nuclear facilities 2011 The isotopic content of the last drum containing LUE measured, finally confirming South Africa’s material declarations.[22] July 26-30, 1993 9-13 August 1993 August 1993 10 May 1994 October 1994 2011 26 State-owned Armaments Corporation; ARMSCOR had been responsible for the production phase of the nuclear weapons program. 27 The Circle, also known as the Kentron Circle facility, was a division of ARMSCOR that consisted of three components: the main facility was used for the manufacturing of the gun-type weapons and also their vaults for storage; an environmental testing facility to test the weapons components; and a magazine for the explosives associated with weapon.[47, pp. 166–167] 28 Physical Inventory Verification (PIV) 36 APPENDIX C: TIMELINE OF IRAQ’S MANY ATTEMPTS TO PROVIDE FRAUDULENT DECLARATIONS Table 3. Times when Iraq either made new declarations or was explicitly requested to do so. 18 Apr 1991 First Iraqi Declaration. Denies having nuclear weapons or weapons-grade nuclear material. 27 Apr 1991 Second Iraqi Declaration. Declares nuclear materials already subject to IAEA safeguards and lists facilities at Tuwaitha and Al Qaim. 7 Jul 1991 Third Iraqi Declaration. Declaration maintains that Iraq had complied with the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and IAEA Safeguards Agreement. Discloses clandestine centrifuge, chemical, and electro-magnetic isotope separation (EMIS) uranium enrichment programs. Al Atheer visited by IAEA 3, but Iraq conceals true function until destruction. 28 Jul 1991 Iraq submits additional list of nuclear material to IAEA 4. List of materials includes items not previously declared. 12 Mar 1992 Iraq hands over Full, Final and Complete Disclosure (FFCD) to IAEA Director General. FFCD consolidates previous declarations and is treated as a draft in light of Agency questions about its adequacy. Iraq denies function of Al Atheer for weapons despite documentary evidence. IAEA decision to destroy Al Atheer. 17-20 Aug 1995 IAEA High Level Delegation in Iraq. Revelations confirming extensive clandestine nuclear weapons program indicate need for complete revision of FFCD. 1 Mar 1996 Iraq delivers FFCD. IAEA review establishes need for clarifications and additions to FFCD. 23-24 May 1996 IAEA requests 50 EMIS-related changes to FFCD. 20 Jun 1996 Iraq delivers revised FFCD [FFCD (F-1)] to IAEA 30.2 mission. 7 Sep 1996 Iraq delivers what it asserts is final FFCD (FFCD-F). FFCD-F incorporated clarifications from IAEA 30.1 and 30.2 missions. Agency review establishes need for clarifications of FFCD-F. 25 Mar 1998 Iraq delivers consolidated FFCD. Consolidates 7 Sep 1997 FFCD and changes resulting from Feb, May, and July 1997 consultations. 37 APPENDIX D: TIMELINE OF THE VERIFICATION OF TAIWAN’S DECLARATIONS Table 4. Timeline for verifying Taiwan's nuclear materials29 Early 1976 July 1976 September 1976 Late 1976 (after September) or early 1977 1977 1982 29 Ten fuel rods for the Taiwan Research Reactor (TRR), containing about 500 gm of plutonium, could not be located by IAEA inspectors. IAEA inspectors measure the radiation profile of about half the spent fuel on the site of the reactor. They found discrepancies between the Taiwanese declarations about each rod’s burnup and their radiation profiles. Taiwanese Premier Chiang Ching-juo promises the US government that Taiwan would not acquire its own reprocessing facilities IAEA Inspectors discover a “canal gate” at the bottom of the spent fuel pond. Inspectors also found five fuel assemblies that, while looking like other fuel rods, only contained about 70% of the normal load of uranium. The volume for the missing uranium was taken up by aluminum plugs, which could facilitate cutting the fuel rods up for reprocessing. Scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory measure the radiation profile of each fuel rod as it is put back into the TRR. They use a specially designed collimator. Los Alamos scientists publish the results of their radiation profiles showing that they were consistent with Taiwanese declarations of the burnup.[29] Unless otherwise noted, all material in this table come from Albright and Gay.[28] 38 APPENDIX E: TIMELINE AND MATERIAL DETAILS OF LIBYA’S DENUCLEARIZATION Phase I (January 18-29 2004[36]) • • • US/UK assisted Libya in the preparation of its declarations to the IAEA and the OPCW.[36] o US organization: run out of the State Department but with experts’ groups in nuclear, chemical, biological, and missile. US/UK received a detailed description of Libyan missile R&D activities Removal of the most proliferation sensitive materials and equipment: o Designs for nuclear weapons (Placed under seals by IAEA P5 inspectors) o UF6 o Centrifuges and related equipment/documentation (observed/documented by IAEA inspectors) a small number of centrifuges were tagged by the IAEA[36] o Conversion models o Guidance sets from the North supplied SCUD-C missiles Phase II (mid-February 2004 to… • • • Other elements of Libya’s nuclear equipment Convert the Tajura reactor to LEU fuel o HEU fuel shipped to Russia o 14 kg of LEU sent back to Libya by December 2005 Redirection of Libya’s WMD scientists begun Phase III (the verification phase) June 2004 to September 2008 • • Interviewing personnel for verification purposes o Scientists/engineers on WMD (nuclear, chem, bio) and missile programs o Procurement activities ▪ Uncertainties about where some material, including centrifuge parts (bought through the A.Q. Kan network) is unaccounted for o Some evidence indicated that Libya gave Egypt some nuclear and missile technology— definitively closing the door on these concerns has proved difficult The IAEA verified Libya’s declarations of nuclear material and concluded that “the Agency has been able to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material in Libya.”[48, p. 6] Table 5. Nuclear material found and accounted for in Libya by the IAEA.30 All masses refer to the uranium content. Material Amount Import/Export/Indigenous Date(s) Uranium Ore 2263 tons Imported from Niger 1978 - 1981 Concentrate (UOC) UOC 100 kg Exported to the Soviet 1985 Union 30 Unless otherwise stated, this information comes from reference [49] 39 UF6, UF4, UO2, U3O8 (All natural uranium) UF6 “uranium compounds” HEU 56 kg (total): 39 kg UF6; 6 kg U3O8; 6 kg UO2; 5 kg UF4 Approximately 2 tons Not indicated Imported from the Soviet Union 1985 Imported Imported 2000 and 2001 2002 20 kg Returned to Russia[50] 2004 & 2006 40 DISTRIBUTION 1 1 1 1 MS0404 MS1371 MS1371 MS1371 Jennifer Gaudioso Amir Mohagheghi Dianna Blair Geoffrey Forden 6740 6833 6830 6833 1 MS0899 Technical Library 9536 (electronic copy) 41