Uploaded by Wayne Meyer


Table of Contents
The Marshmallow Challenge
The Domino Activity
Kata Coaching Card
Experiments Record
Current Condition Worksheet
Target Condition Worksheet
Dominoes Process Metric: Time to Set
Dominoes Quality Metric: Topple Rate
Timing Worksheet
Obstacle Parking Lot
Dominoes LLC Data Collection
Current Condition/Target Condition Worksheet
Operator Cycles Run Chart
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The following guide is designed to supplement our kata course. In this guide you’ll find information on
the marshmallow challenge, the dominoes activity, and copies of the forms you’ll need for the course.
We’d like to stress the importance of practicing kata in the real world. To truly learn and understand
kata, you really have to “go to the gemba” and seek out opportunities to apply it.
The Marshmallow Challenge
The goal of the marshmallow challenge is to build the tallest freestanding structure using only the
materials provided, in 18 minutes.
For the marshmallow challenge each team of four will need:
20 sticks of uncooked spaghetti
1 yard of masking tape
1 yard of string (include scissors if it’s too thick to break by hand)
1 standard size marshmallow (not stale)
A table or flat surface for each team to work on
Facilitator tools you will need:
Measuring tape
Stopwatch or other “countdown” method
Sound system to play 18 minutes of music (optional)
Video projector for presenting the instructions (optional)
The winning team is the one who builds the tallest structure, measuring from the table
to the top of the marshmallow.
Each team is allowed to use as much or as little of the provided materials as they like.
Teams are allowed to break the spaghetti, cut the tape, and cut the string.
Running the challenge:
Step 1: Distribute the materials to each team of four.
Step 2: Explain the rules and set a timer to 18 minutes.
Step 3: Walk around and observe. Periodically announce how many minutes remain.
Step 4: Remind the teams that the structures must be freestanding, no holding allowed.
Step 5: When time is up, have each team stop working and take a seat.
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Reviewing the results:
Step 1: Measure and record the height of each freestanding structure.
Step 2: Announce and congratulate the winning team.
Step 3: Play Tom Wujec’s Ted Talk video or share some of the key lessons:
● Kindergarteners do better than business students at this challenge.
● Why? The kids spend more time experimenting instead of planning.
● Business students spend all their time executing a plan only to find it doesn’t
support the marshmallow at the very end. Kids start with the marshmallow
and quickly figure out what works and what doesn’t.
● Hidden Assumptions: Marshmallows aren’t as light as they look. The key to
innovation is to identify assumptions early on and test them repeatedly.
For more information, visit ​https://www.tomwujec.com/design-projects/marshmallow-challenge/
The Domino Activity
We highly recommend watching the corresponding course videos before running this activity on your
own. For a written guide, reference the Dominoes Introduction powerpoint found in the Resources
section of the course.
The goal of the domino activity is for each team to stand all 200 of their dominoes in such a way that
they can all be toppled with a single touch.
Each team of 4-5 people will need:
A box of 200 dominoes
A table or flat surface
A timer or stopwatch
A calculator
Paper and pens (for sketches, notes, block diagrams, etc)
A whiteboard or large sheet of paper (for the kata storyboard)
A Data Collection worksheet
Multiple Run Chart worksheets
A Quality Metric worksheet
A Process Metric worksheet
A Kata Coaching card (both sides)
An Obstacle Parking Lot worksheet
An Experiment Record worksheet
A Current Condition worksheet
A Target Condition worksheet
A Current Condition/Target Condition worksheet
A Timing Worksheet
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As a facilitator you will need:
A timer to display to the room (for the first two “practice” rounds)
Video projector for presenting the instructions via powerpoint (optional)
Key metrics:
Productivity - total time to stand dominoes
Quality -​ ​percent topple rate
Quality Standard -​ ​each domino must fall within 45 degrees of the table
Team Roles:
2 Workers - only ones who can touch the dominoes
1 Supervisor - initiates the topple with a gentle one finger push
1 Manager - coaches the supervisor by suggesting improvements
Optional - 1 Observer/Data Collector
Dominoes must start loose in the box. Touching or arranging dominoes is “on the
The timing of a production run starts when the workers touch the box or a domino.
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Kata Coaching Card
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Experiments Record
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Current Condition Worksheet
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Target Condition Worksheet
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Dominoes Process Metric: Time to Set
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Dominoes Quality Metric: Topple Rate
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Timing Worksheet
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Obstacle Parking Lot
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Dominoes LLC Data Collection
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Current Condition/Target Condition Worksheet
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Operator Cycles Run Chart
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