Objective: Illustrate polygons: convexity angles sides “Take a look” 1. How many sides are there in the figure? Three 2. What shape is represented by the figure? Triangle 1. How many sides are there in the figure? Four 2. What shape is represented by the figure? Square 1. How many sides are there in the figure? Four 2. What shape is represented by the figure? Rectangle SQUARE TRIANGLE RECTANGLE Polygons in Everyday Life Polygons are closed figures made up of three or more line segments joined at their endpoints. line segments Polygons are classified as convex or non convex. A polygon is convex if all segments joining any two points of the polygon lie completely inside the polygon. On the other hand, the polygon is concave if any two points of the polygon lie outside the polygon. Activity: Let’s React Love - Convex Like - Concave Convex Concave Convex Concave Polygons are classified as convex or non convex. A polygon is convex if all segments joining any two points of the polygon lie completely inside the polygon. On the other hand, the polygon is concave if any two points of the polygon lie outside the polygon. sides Parts of a Polygon angle vertex A polygon is a union of non-collinear segments, the sides, on a plane that meet at their endpoints, the vertices, so that each endpoint (vertex) is contained by exactly two segments(sides). The angles on the inside of a polygon formed by each pair of adjacent sides. P o l y g o n side p a r t s side angle side side Activity : Let’s Count 3 sides 3 angles 6 sides 6 angles 8 sides 8 angles Polygons are classified according to the number of sides. Common names for polygons are listed in the table. QUIZ A. Use polygon ABCDE at the right to answer the following questions. 1. What are the vertices, angles, and sides of the polygon? 2. Classify the polygon by the number of sides. 3. Is the polygon convex or concave? B. Illustrate the following; 4. A heptagon 5. A convex polygon