a. Communication Theory b. Dale’s Cone of experience and Instructional Media c. TPACK and other Frameworks for Technology-Driven teaching and Learning 1. TPACK (Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge) 2. SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) 3. Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy 4. ASSURE Model (Analyze Learners, State Objectives, Select Methods, Media, & Materials, Require Learner Participation, Evaluate and Revise) a. The Net Generation and the learning of Instructional Media b. Discovering the classical Technologies c. Interactivity and Digital Technologies a. Understanding the capabilities of a Computer in Education b. Instructional Software and Productivity Software ANGELIKA ELPEDES c. Interconnectivity of the internet and Web-Based learning KYNA SALVACION CYRA MELEZA FRIA CHRISTIAN Telecommunications Systems a. Policies and Issues on the Internet and Implications to Teaching and Learning KAREN MANZANO Safety Issues Including Digital Safety Rules a. Guidelines in the Development and Use of the Non-conventional/Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning JOSHUA CHEAZEL b. Selection and Use of tools and Apps in Teaching and Learning ANGEL MAE c. Collaborative Environment in the Digital World d. App Innovation and Gamification. a. The Millennial Teachers and Learners ROCHELLE b. Understanding 21st Century Digital Literacy and digital Citizenship ANDREA The paradigm shift from transmissional to transactional educator a. Online Distance of Learning b. Different Platforms 1. Moodle 2. Google Classroom 3. Schoology 4. MOOCs c. Type of Online Distance Education 1. Synchronous VIOLETA ORPHA KYLA ANGELICA BANTAYAO ERIKA FLORES 2. Asynchronous D. Types of Blended Learning a. ICT and Assessment in Learning 1. Types of Assessment 2. Role of ICT in Assessment of Learning 3. Current Trends in Assessment of Learning Guidelines in the Development and Use of the Non-conventional/Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning a. The Data Privacy Act b. Digital Citizenship vs. Global Citizenship 1. Nine Elements of digital citizenship 2. Five tenets global digital citizenship c. Netizenship and Netiquette for Online Communities Netizenship vs. Netiquette Intellectual Property Rights on the Development and Use of Digital Materials