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Cold Email Campaign Setup: A Step-by-Step Guide

6 Steps To Setup Your Cold Email
Campaign In 24 hours Or Less
A simple process to Setup your cold email campaign.
By: Leevi Eerola
Follow me on Twitter: @LeeviEerola
Lead Scraping
Writing the email
Setting up inboxes
Sending emails
Steps to successfully setting up:
Create a clear offer & Write it down
Write down your ICP
Scrape 1000 leads from your ICP
Write 3 different email copies
Setup Inboxes
Setup warmup
Setup custom tracking domain
Setup Instantly
2. Offer
I will get you leads, I will close all the leads, I will sign the contracts with them and onboard them
to your system while paying for all the marketing expenses, hiring a sales team, coaching them,
paying for their salaries and handling everything and I'm only going to take a 30% of the profit
after the client has paid and you don't have to do anything.
It would be pretty hard to say no wouldnt it?
That's an actual offer I have made for a big Nordic company and closed them.
It was a success, I had 5 sales guys working for me in my small apartment every day while I
was coaching them sales, generating leads and closing clients at the same time.
It was a hustle.
- But that's a great example of an irresistible offer, you need to be able to make it as easy
for the client as possible and as risk free as possible
A great cold email does not fix a bad offer.
If nobody wants what you are offering, there is no lead generation method that will save you.
People simply dont want it.
Offer = What you’re selling + Who you’re selling it to + What does it cost
“Facebook Ads for e-commerce”
I will run Facebook ads for your e-com shop and you pay me 10% of the revenue generated
This is something I see a lot of people offering. It can actually sound like a great deal for you
since its performance based, specific target audience and a great service
But that's wrong, it's actually a really bad offer, why?
- They are already generating revenue, why would they give you 10% of it when you can
possibly make less money for them if you fuck your ads
E-com shops is really wide area, that can mean almost anyone using shopify, you are
not an expert
Nobody wants to buy Facebook ads, they want to generate more money
How can you fix this?
I will generate 50% more revenue for your watch e-commerce shop doing 100-500k in annual
revenue and you only pay me 10% of the EXTRA revenue I generate
Why is this better?
- Way more specifically, all the watch ecom brands doing 100-500k in annual revenue
really feel like this is specifically made for them and it's way less risky since you won't
get paid if you don't make them more money.
- You can talk about the methods you use in the sales call after you have qualified the
prospect and they have show you that they are interested
I see a lot of people selling:
- Web Design
- Copywriting
- Fb ad management
- Funnel building
- Leadgen
- Etc.
All of those are bad offers if you word them like that.
You need to be selling:
37% more inbound leads for your construction business in the first 45 days or 100% money
49% higher LTV in 90 days for your mens jeans ecom store or 100% money back
1.5X shorter sales cycle for your marketing agency in the first 7 weeks.
Have a clear measurable result + guarantee that you will get to that result.
Test out different stuff. You can make different offers with the same service, you just need to
tweak the angle.
For example: FB Ad Management has a lot of different value props
Saves time
Saves money
More predictable revenue
Get data
Increase LTV
Decrease CAC
Make different angles around those value props and word your offer to match the outcome.
Result that customer gets from your offer:
Way of measuring:
Time that it takes to get to that result:
Method you use to get to that result:
3. ICP - Ideal Customer Profile
A big mistake I often see is the lack of having a clear customer profile.
You NEED to know who is your dream customer and stick to that profile.
Trying to sell anything to anyone results in you selling to nobody.
When you pick a specific ICP it lets you be seen as an expert in a niche.
Also having a clear ICP lets you craft your messaging & marketing specifically to one profile.
This results in better conversions and makes it easier to create content.
Pick your ICP and stick to it. If you have experience in the marketing agency industry, that's
probably the best niche you can get into.
So your ICP could be:
SEO Marketing Agencies in Canada doing $40k/mo working with construction companies
Now when we have that ICP we know exactly who we want to work with. Getting leads is easier,
content creation is easier, sales is easier, fulfillment is easier, everything just becomes easier.
Make sure your ICP is not broke asf since a common beginner mistake is trying to sell to small
& poor companies because “small companies are easier to sell to”
No they are not. They have less money and the risk is bigger for them.
They probably can’t outsource and will just be a painful customer for you.
Not worth it.
Industry of your ICP:
Title of your ICP:
Headcount of your ICP:
Revenue of your ICP:
Certain tech they use:
Channel you find them from:
4. Lead Scraping
Lead Scraping - Watch this 4rd
There are a lot of different tools that you can use for this.
There is no such thing as “the best lead scraping tool”
It depends on the ICP you are scraping.
Scrape Hype
Get 10% off with LEEVI10
Get https://scrapeapollo.com/
Store Leads
Verifying the leads:
5. Writing the email
Writing Email Copy - Watch this 5th
Creating great angles for your emails
Here are the templates that I use:
ICP + Offer + Timeframe + Guarantee
I’m contacting you since we actually help IT Start-Ups like you by generating 10-15 qualified
calls every month with a 100% performance based model.
Referrals + Results (this works if you have big name clients in
your market)
My name is Leevi and I run lead generation for Company X & Company Y. Last month we
booked +30 qualified calls for both of them. Company Y generated over 52 000€ in sales from
those calls.
ICP + Results
Just wanted to send you a quick message since we are working with many companies in the
mens fashion niche in Germany.
We have generated +720 000€ for our clients in that market.
Results + Guarantee
My name is Leevi and I just generated 24 qualified calls for a company in the same market as
you. Those 24 calls resulted in 41 000€ in new business for them.
Because of our 100% money back guarantee, those calls were risk-free since our clients pay
only if they make money.
Offer + Timeframe + Results
I just visited your website and I'm 90% sure we could increase your sales by 25% in the next 60
We just did the same for Company X. We actually did it in 42 days for them haha :D
ICP + Value Proposition + Guarantee
We help IT Start-Ups save 45 hours every month by handling their prospecting. If you don't see
a difference, we’ll pay for dinner in the nicest restaurant you can find + refund your payment.
Rest of the email copy
Okay now you have a bunch of amazing angles ready to go.
You still need to add Personalization and a CTA to your email.
You can generate personalized lines with quicklines, line, coldlist, whatever you want to use.
For CTA you can try out softer or harder CTA’s
Few examples of great CTA’s:
Do you have 15-minutes for a quick call next tuesday?
Can I send you more information on this?
Does this sound like something that could benefit you?
I made a 3-minute video on our process, can I send it over?
What do you think?
The writing process
You should never just write a cold email and press “send”
Take your time.
How I approach writing high-converting angles:
1. Outline all the possible assets I can use in my cold email
a. Case studies
b. Referrals
c. Offer
d. Guarantees
e. Systems
f. Results
2. Now write them all down on a piece of paper
3. Wait 1 day
4. Write down 5 different angles you could use
5. Wait 1 day
6. Write down 5 more angles
7. Wait 1 day
8. Write down 5 more angles
9. Wait 1 day
10. Pick the 5 angles you like the most
11. Add rest of the structure around your angle
a. Personalization
b. CTA
c. Ps line
d. Subject line
12. Now you have 5 amazing cold emails
13. Send those 5 emails to friends/colleagues/other agency owners
14. Read them out loud multiple times
15. Get feedback and pick the 3 that sound the best
16. Now you have your top 3 emails all ready-to-go
17. Create 3 campaigns with those 3 cold email copies
18. Send 500 emails minimum with each and analyze which email worked the best
19. Take the best performing one and scale it to the moon
20. You can A/B test different CTA’s, subject lines, etc. with your best email to optimize it
even more
Subject Line:
The sole purpose of the subject line is to get the prospect to open the
Quick question about {{Company_Name}}
Quick question for {{Name}}
quick question
Hi John,
Saw that you are in NY. Heard that honking your horn is illegal there. Would never guess haha.
I wanted to contact you since we help construction businesses like yours to get 37% more
inbound leads for you in 45 days. With a 100% money back guarantee ofc.
Is that something you’d be interested in?
Leevi Eerola
Company X
6. Setting Up Inboxes
Setting Up Inboxes - Watch this 6th
Use Instantly
(That is an affiliate link, I get 20%)
Buying Domains
Buy domains that are similar to your main domain. Top-level domains work best. We’ve had
success with domains like .agency .tech too, but if possible, buy .com domains.
If your business is called FBmedia.com, then buy domains like:
Setting Up Google Workspace
Go to https://workspace.google.com/ and click Get Started. Follow the on-screen instructions
until your Google Workspace account is set up. You can safely create 2-3 emails per domain (by
adding users in your Google Workspace admin).
Create a new Workspace account for each of the domains you bought.
Setting Up Domains - SPF, DKIM, DMARC & Forwarding
Now we get to the fun part! You should authenticate all the domains you are sending emails
from. Here are the three parameters you have to set up for each domain: SPF, DKIM and
1) Set up SPF
Assuming you are using Google Workspace you can follow this guide to set up SPF.
You can check if your SPF is properly set up using this tool.
2) Set up DKIM
Again, assuming you are using Google Workspace you can follow this guide to set up DKIM.
You can check if your DKIM is properly set up using this tool.
3) Set up DMARC
​Important: Configure DKIM and SPF before configuring DMARC. DKIM and SPF should be
authenticating messages for at least 48 hours before turning on DMARC.
Assuming you are using Google Workspace you can follow this guide to set up DMARC.
v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; rua=mailto:dmarc-reports@solarmora.com
You can check if your DMARC is properly set up using this tool.
4) Set up Forwarding
Also, you want to forward the new domains to your main domain. This can be done in the
settings of your domain provider.
Setting Up Emails Accounts & Forwarding
In order to later warm up your emails on, you need to make a few changes in the settings of
your Google Workspace account and separate emails.
You can do this by following this guide.
Then forward all of your created email accounts to your main account for easier monitoring. You
can do this in Gmail by following this guide.
This way you will have a master inbox where all the replies are stored.
Warming Up Emails
In Instantly click the flame icon for all your email accounts you added to enable warm-up
Irecommend using the suggested sending limits.
Warm Up your emails for at least 2 weeks before starting your campaigns.
Always keep the warm up inbox on - never turn it off.
Custom Tracking Domain
Making sure everything is set up correctly
Before starting your campaigns, you want to make sure the domain and email set up is done
For domains, use SPF & DKIM check.
For testing email spamminess, use Mail Tester.
7. Sending Emails
Sending Emails - WATCH THIS LAST
Scaling an inbox:
Week 1: Warmup
Week 2: Warmup
Week 3: 20/day
Week 4: 25/day
Week 5: 30/day
Week 6: 35/day
Week 7: 40/day
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