Telomeres Date: Name: Using the numbered clues, find an answer for each word space and write it on the crossword Across Down 1. If the ends of the DNA are not secured it will to loss of_________ (17) 3. A protein at centromere where spindle fibres attach during division (11) 6. An enzyme that performs role of adding base to the DNA ends (10) 8. The identical off-springs from a parent. (6) 9. A common unicellular organism in which cell division result in reproduction. (6) 10. An importance of mitosis to repair the tissue. (16) 11. Ensure that the ends of DNA are included in replication (9) 2. One of the two identical parts of a chromosome (9) 4. Results if ends of DNA are not replicated and cell losses some information. (6) 5. The end part of the DNA have a unique property with respect to the Bases sequences (16) 7. Mitosis is the basis for______________reproduction (7) 5 6 3 7 2 11 9 4 - 10 1 - 8