Uploaded by Brian Sanchez

B738X/FFA320U Flight Sim Checklist

For thoose of you who are actual try to memorize my B738X or FFA320U procedure training xchecklist,
i created a small printable "cheat sheets" in the download which you can cut & stick to your yoke or joystick,
to find the thread if you are loosen in the procedures.
Note: green marked are the printable normal checklists to read (glareshield & yoke)
cockpit safety | exterior | fuel & cargo | (|) Workflow | lights test | oxy, EFIS
boarding | FMC: Init, RTE, winds
OVHD | MCP | pedestal | doors | briefings | BEFORE START Free & 0
client | APU | performance | BEFORE START ABL | ATC
BEFORE START BTL | start | OVHD | Fctl | T/O conf. | BEFORE TAXI | ATC
BEFORE T/O | AFTER T/O | 10k ft cleanup | 30k ft bank
FMC: Des forecast | fix rings | performance | DESCENT
cleanup, eng1- | PARKING | service | SHUTDOWN
cockpit safety | service+ | initial | fuel & cargo | exterior
OVHD | U | pedestal | boarding | SIFERIC | performance
doors, APU+ | oxy, EFIS, FCU | RCDR, seatb., bleed+ | servicebriefings | BEFORE START DTTL | ATC, BCN | BEFORE START BTL
start | bleed-, APU-, STS | pedestal | AFTER START
Fctl, brakes, TO conf. | BEFORE T/O DTTL | ATC
BEFORE T/O BTL | AFTER T/O | 10k ft cleanup | cruise ft BLW, tilt
Ω | performance | 10k ft EFIS, FCU, tilt | APPROACH | LANDING
PARKING | service | SECURE