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PMSM Vector Control with TI Launchpad & MATLAB

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Vector control of PMSM using TI's launchpad F28069 and MATLAB embedded
coder with incremental build approach
Conference Paper · December 2017
DOI: 10.1109/ICPES.2017.8387393
4 authors, including:
Hrishikesh Mehta
Aishwarya Apte
Aethertec Innovative Solutions
AISSMS-All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society
Vrunda Joshi
Savitribai Phule Pune University
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Analysis of PMSM Motor View project
Auto-navigation of Car type mobile robot View project
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2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS)
College of Engineering Pune, India. Dec 21-22, 2017
Vector Control of PMSM Using TI’s Launchpad
F28069 and MATLAB Embedded Coder with
Incremental Build Approach
Hrishikesh Mehta∗ , Aishwarya Apte† , Swapnil Pawar∗ and Vrunda Joshi∗
∗ Department
of Electrical Engineering, PVG’s College of Engineering And Technology, Pune - 411009.
Email: mehta.hrishi@gmail.com
† Department of Electrical Engineering, AISSMS’s College of Engineering, Pune - 411001.
sufficient knowledge of the microprocessor/micro-controller
being used. This may require lot of time and effort and yet may
not yield fruitful results thus discouraging further research in
this field.
Texas Instrument’s F28069 Launchpad [?], [?] with
DRV8301 inverter booster pack is explored in this paper to
overcome these coding efforts. F28069 Launchpad is a high
performance, low power and cost effective development board
which is packaged with all features required to control PMSM.
It can be programmed using Embedded Coder package in
academically widely used MATLAB/Simulink software environment thus eliminating the need to write embedded C code
for implementing complex algorithms. A simulation model of
closed-loop vector control for PMSM is provided by MATLAB
along with its Embedded Coder support package for C2000
controllers. This model can be used to directly program the
F28069 Launchpad. However, it was found during the testing
of this model that implementing this algorithm directly for
PMSM still involved challenges like calibrating the current
sensors and encoder and tuning the parameters of all three
PID controllers of this complex vector control scheme. It was
observed that without proper calibration and tuning of control
parameters the results of this scheme are unpredictable.
Novelty of the work reported in this paper lies in the
approach for implementation of vector control for PMSM
using MATLAB and TI’ s Launchpad using incremental build
level. This approach is similar to the strategy followed while
implementing embedded C code on TI’s DSP processors [?],
[?], [?]. The advantage of this scheme is that the parameters
can be tuned independently and its results can be validated at
each step.
After introduction section, the organization of the paper
is as follows: Section II covers the mathematical model for
PMSM and brief theory on Vector Control. Section III gives
an overview of the hardware used in implementation. Details
of TI’s Launchpad F28069 and BOOSTXL-DRV8301 along
with the software platform is presented in this section. The
simulation model using MATLAB Embedded Coder and its
step-wise implementation is discussed in Chapter Section IV.
Incremental build models along with its results are explained
in this chapter. Section V concludes the paper with some
highlights for future scope.
Abstract—Vector control (field oriented control) is a widely
used method to control PMSM as it improves the response
of the drive by decoupling torque and flux. However, it is
difficult to directly implement the closed-loop algorithm on any
hardware platform due to its complexity. This paper proposes an
approach to implement the vector control scheme by using the
incremental build levels specially designed for TI’s Launchpad
F28069. In this paper, the closed-loop Field-Oriented Control
(FOC) algorithm is implemented to control a three-phase
60W Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) using
TI’s Launchpad F28069 and MATLAB Embedded Coder.
Effectiveness of the scheme is evaluated using simulation
and experimental results. Major advantage of this approach is
that performance of the drive can be validated at each build level.
Keywords: PMSM, TI Launchpad F28069, Vector Control,
DRV 8301, MATLAB Embedded Coder
Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) have been
the subject to interest for researchers for last few years as
it has numerous advantages over traditionally used induction
motor and dc motors for drive and automotive applications
[?], [?], [?]. These motors are highly efficient, have high
torque to weight ratio, maintenance free operation, high speed
operation [?], [?], [?]. Space vector pulse width modulation
(SVPWM) is most preferred method for operation of PMSM
as it enables better utilization of DC voltage which is applied
to the inverter drive [?], [?]. A complex vector control strategy
is implemented for control of speed and torque of the motor.
Vector control decouples torque and flux using robust mathematics where precise rotor position information is obtained by
an encoder attached to the rotor shaft or by implementing a
observer to estimate the position thus giving faster separately
excited DC motor like control over the motor [?], [?].
One of the challenging aspects for implementation of vector control algorithm is its coding for any selected microcontroller or digital signal processor based platform. Also a
collective effort needs be exercised for building required hardware modules for that platform. This process requires one to
have highly efficient programming skills, hands-on experience
in building and using electronic circuitry, in-depth theoretical
background knowledge of the scheme to be implemented and
978-1-5386-1789-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
Mathematical model of PMSM in the two-phase rotated
coordinate can be expressed as follows [?], [?], [?], [?]:
The voltage equations in d − q reference frame can be
expressed as:
ud = Rs id + ρφd − ωr φq
uq = Rs iq + ρφq − ωr φd
where Rs is the stator winding resistance, id and iq are
currents in dq-frame, ρ is a differential operator (d/dt), ωr
is mechanical speed and φd and φq are dq-axis stator flux
The flux-linkage equations can be expressed as:
φ d = Ld id + φ f
φ q = Lq iq
Fig. 2. Project Workbench
transformation, SVPWM unit and inverter and is shown in Fig.
??. The principle of operation is as follows: The desired speed
signal is compared with measured speed obtained from the
encoder pulses. This difference is given as input to the PI speed
controller. The output of the PI speed controller is given as
input to the q-axis PI current controller. Reference value given
to the d-axis PI current controller is 0 to achieve maximum
torque condition. The output of d-axis PI current controller
and q-axis PI current controller is ud and uq . Values of uα
and uβ are calculated using the inverse Park’s transformation.
SVPWM module generates 6 PWM signals for the inverter
based on the values of uα and uβ and thus drives the PMSM.
Where, Ld and Lq are dq-axis inductances and φf is the
flux linkage of the rotor permanent magnets linking the stator.
The electromagnetic torque equation is expressed as:
Te = pn (φd iq − φq id )
and the motion equation is expressed as:
Jρωr = Te − Bωr − TL
Where, pn is number of poles, J is rotational inertia, TL is
load torque and B is viscous friction coefficient.
To achieve maximum torque in a typical vector controlled
speed drive for PMSM, the value of flux producing component
of current i.e. id is kept 0 [?]. When id = 0, the torque equation
is expressed as:
T e = pn φ f i q
A. Hardware Configuration
The experimental setup in this paper consists of the following hardware components:
1) 3-ph, 60W, 3000RPM PMSM with an incremental encoder;
2) Loading arrangement (i. e. PMDC machine as a Generator coupled to the shaft of PMSM);
3) DC Power Supply (0-30V, 3A Regulated);
4) F28069 Launchpad;
5) Booster pack DRV 8301;
6) A compatible PC with Code Composer Studio (CCS),
controlSUITE and MATLAB/Simulink along with Embedded Coder support package for TI controllers installed;
7) Additional instruments like oscilloscope and digital multimeter.
A photograph of entire test setup is shown in Fig. ??.
1) 60W, 3-ph PMSM coupled to a PMDC machine: In this
setup, a 24V, 60W, 0.18N-m, 3000 rpm, 8-pole PMSM with
a 1000ppr incremental encoder is mechanically coupled with
a PMDC machine. PMDC machine acts as a generator and
can be connected to a electrical load (in this case a rheostat)
which will indirectly load the PMSM when it is driven. With
this setup motor can be fully loaded.
2) Launchpad F28069 and DRV8301 Booster Pack: TI’s
F28069 Piccolo Launchpad is an inexpensive evaluation platform with all necessary features required to control a PMSM.
Fig. 1. The principle of id = 0 control
To achieve vector control, each physical quantity is transformed into DC parameters using co-ordinate transform.
Therefore, a PMSM can be controlled as a DC motor. In
vector control, flux and torque producing components of
current are decoupled, where flux is proportional to id and
electromagnetic torque is proportional to iq . The whole system
is composed of speed loop, current loop, speed and rotor position detection, stator three-phase current detection, coordinate
challenging as it involves proper tuning of three PID controllers, calibration of current sensors and their equivalent
numerical conversions and encoder calibration for speed and
position measurements. To check whether each section of the
algorithm as well as hardware works correctly, the model
is implemented in incremental steps called as build levels.
Implementation starts with very minimal and basic blocks
required to run the motor and finishes with all blocks of closed
loop vector control scheme. Strategically, incremental build
levels for F28069 Launchpad using MATLAB/Simulink are
organized in following sequence:
Build Level 1: Space Vector PWM Generation using F28069
Build Level 2: Running the PMSM in open loop using
generated SVPWM Pulses
Build Level 3: Closing the PID controller of current loop
Build Level 4: Calibrating Encoder
Build Level 5: Implementing the complete speed control.
It has dedicated PWM pins to drive the inverter module, ADC
channels for current measurement and dedicated QEP pins to
be connected to an incremental encoder to sense the speed
and position of the motor. The controller used on this board
is TMS320F28069M.
DRV 8301 booster pack contains a 24V, 10A, three-phase
MOSFET-based H-bridge inverter along with shunt resistances
(one in each phase) used for current measurement. This
module is directly mounted on the Launchpad thus eliminating
all wiring efforts. Fig. ??(a) shows a photograph of the F28069
Launchpad and Fig. ??(b) shows the DRV8301 Booster Pack.
A. Build Level 1: Generating the Space Vector PWM Pulses
In first build level, F28069 Launchpad is tested by generating PWM pulses using space vector modulation block. The
minimal blocks required to generate the SVPWM pulses using
library blocks of Embedded Coder package are shown in Fig.
??. Model is designed in per unit. The signal generated by
the ramp generator is given to inverse Park transformation
block as virtual θ to generate reference signals for space vector
generator block to generate PWM pulses. The ramp signal is
shown in Fig. ??. DRV 8301 and PMSM are not connected
in this build level.
Fig. 3. F28069 Launchpad and DRV8301 Booster Pack
B. Software Configuration
All the software packages used to implement vector control
of PMSM using TI’s Launchpad are:.
1) Code Composer Studio v5.0 and above;
2) MATLAB 2014a with Embedded Coder Support Package;
3) controlSUITE v3.3 and above.
1) Code Composer Studio: Code Composer Studio (CCStudio or CCS) is an integrated development environment (IDE)
to develop applications for Texas Instruments (TI) embedded
processors. Code Composer Studio v5.5 is used in this paper
and is integrated with MATLAB Environment. CCS helps in
converting the C/C++ code developed by MATLAB to an
executable .hex / .out file which is loaded into the F28069
controller directly.
2) Embedded Coder: MATLAB Embedded Coder Support
Package for Texas Instruments C2000 Processors enables us
to generate a real-time executable C/C++ code which can be
downloaded directly to our TI development board. Basic vector
control blocks are substituted with processor specific blocks
in the Simulink model to generate executable code.
3) ControlSUITE v3.3: ControlSUITE for C2000 microcontrollers provides all the digital motor control (DMC) libraries which is required for Embedded Coder Package to
generate code. This software package contains the libraries or
C/C++ code files and its documentation along with schematics
of all C2000 boards shipped by TI.
Fig. 4. Incremental Build Level One: Generating the SVPWM Pulses
Fig. 5. Ramp Output
By executing this model, the SVPWM pulses observed on
the dedicated PWM pins of the Launchpad are shown in Fig.
??. Frequency of the generated pulses is 20kHz.
B. Build Level 2: Running the PMSM in open loop using
generated SVPWM Pulses
In this build level, the DRV8301 module is connected to the
launchpad and PMSM and is supplied with a 24V DC supply
The vector control scheme is a complex algorithm. Implementing the closed loop algorithm directly is extremely
Fig. 9. Incremental Build Level Three: Closing the current loop
Fig. 6. SVPWM Pulses
Calibrated current from build level two is given as an input
to Clarke transform block, output of which is given as an
input to Park transform block in MATLAB. Currents id and
iq are controlled to references of 0 pu and 0.25 pu respectively
using the PID controllers. It was observed that the motor runs
satisfactorily with proportional gain value of 0.05 and integral
gain value of 0.015. The output response of speed as observed
is shown in Fig. ??. A reference speed of 1500rpm is applied
to the motor and it was observed that motor runs exactly at
1500rpm. Similar results were obtained for a wide speed range.
As the motor runs only with current loop, it cannot be fully
loaded to its capacity. Motor stops rotating if it is loaded above
certain load.
to run the motor. The motor is run in open loop by adjusting
the ramp control module for speed and idref is kept at 0 and
iqref is kept at 0.25 pu which was found sufficient to overcome
motor inertia and start the motor. The block arrangement in
MATLAB/Simulink for build level two is shown in Fig. ??.
Fig. 7. Incremental Build Level Two: Running the PMSM in open loop using
generated SVPWM Pulses
As compared to build level one, ADC blocks used for
current measurement are added in this level. Most important
significance of this build level is to calibrate current sensing in
order complete the current loop in build level three. A current
calibration unit is developed according to the datasheet of the
controller. The waveforms of current Ia and Ib as observed on
DSO are shown in Fig. ??. A phase shift of approximately
120◦ can be observed between the two currents.
Fig. 10. Speed Response reference of 1500RPM
D. Build Level 4: Encoder Calibration
Fig. 11. Incremental Build Level Four: Encoder Calibration
In this build level encoder readings are calibrated in order
to get correct speed and position information for the encoder
pulses. In this paper, the 4-pole pair PMSM produces 4000
counts per mechanical or 1000 counts per electrical revolution.
Simulink model for incremental build level four is shown in
Fig. ??. As seen in the figure, block encoder calibration is used
Fig. 8. Currents Ia and Ib
C. Build Level 3: Closing the current loop
In this build level, current loop is closed using PID controllers as shown in Fig. ??.
approach were given along with results for each level. With
this approach, performance of the drive can be observed and
corrected at each bulid level for successful operation of the
vector control scheme. Since the work reported here uses
blocks from embedded coder, it is relatively much easier to
implement vector control than using embedded C programming using CCS. It is also possible to incorporate advance
control methods in vector control easily using this method.
to count the number of pulses and converts the value to obtain
position information. An index offset is added to compensate
for the difference between encoder index pulse and absolute
zero rotor angle. Speed is obtained by differentiating this
position information with respect to time and its conversion
factor. It is further used close the speed loop thus implement
the complete vector control in build level five.
Encoder pulses are shown in Fig. ??. All the three types of
pulses i.e. QEPI, QEPA and QEPB can be seen in the figure.
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Fig. 12. Encoder Pulses
E. Build Level 5: Closing the speed loop
This is the final level in incremental build level approach
which completes the speed control loop of vector control. The
calibrated encoder position is given to Park and Inverse Park
transform blocks instead of a ramp signal generated by the
ramp generator blocks used until this stage. Measured speed
is passed through a low-pass filter and is compared with the
reference speed to generate iqref using the speed PID block
as shown in Fig. ??.
Fig. 13. Incremental Build Level Five: Closing the speed loop
In this build level, based on different tests conducted on the
setup, it is observed that the motor runs at a constant speed
of 2500 rpm irrespective of the set point. The main reason
was the error in a library file used for configuration of QEP
module of F28069 which is communicated to the technical
team of Texas Instruments and is the scope for future work.
This paper presented a vector control using incremental
build levels for speed control of a 60W PMSM using TI’s
F28069 launchpad and MATLAB Embedded Coder. Details
of the Simulation Platform, hardware used and steps involved
in implementing the vector control with the incremental build
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