Tips For Hiring a Tree Service in Columbia SC If you want to get rid of a tree in your yard, you'll probably need a professional Tree Service Columbia SC. The services a Columbia tree service provides can help you with a variety of tasks, from sawing off branches to proactively taking down a tree. Here are some of the best times of year for you to call for a tree removal. Listed below are some tips for hiring the right company for your needs. First, you should always check for a healthy tree. While healthy trees grow straight from the ground, they can become lean and fall at any time. Similarly, trees that are damaged may have several trunks. These trunks don't have as much stability to support the weight of the mature tree, and it's important to get them removed if you see any of these symptoms. Arborists are trained to inspect trees for damage and safely prune them. A reliable tree service will also offer free consultations and quotes. In addition, they also offer emergency service. The cost of a tree removal in Columbia, SC varies widely depending on the difficulty of the job. Hence, it's important to compare several quotes from different companies before deciding on a particular company. The best way to get a free quote is to ask friends or neighbors who have used a tree service in the area for recommendations.