Designing a Microstrip Patch Antenna in the WiFi Region Abstract- This report describes simulations done in CST Microwave Studio to investigate the properties of microstrip patch antennas. It is divided into several parts. The first part of the report outlines the basic design of the patch antenna and the tools in CST which allow for the investigation into its properties. The second part discusses ways to increase the bandwidth of antenna operation by adjusting the patch parameters. The third part describes what happens when the aspect ratio is changed. this narrow bandwidth with varying results. Due to the small separation between the patch and the ground plane, the patch antenna can only handle relatively lower radio frequency (RF) power levels (a few tens of Watts). It also suffers from relatively larger ohmic losses compared to other types of antennas of similar aperture size which normally occur at the dielectric substrate and the metal conductor in the feed. Keywords: patch, antenna, bandwidth, gain, 1. Introduction Printed antennas are a type of antenna that is usually manufactured using printed circuit board (PCB) technology onto a substrate or board. The most common type of printed antenna is the microstrip patch antenna. This is made up of a ground plane, a substrate and the patch antenna. An example of this antenna is shown in figure 1. In this configuration, the electric field is concentrated within the substrate and the charge is mainly distributed on the lower surface of the patch. Fringing at the edges means that there is a field distribution in the air region around the surface of the patch. This will be more obvious from the Efield and surface current analysis in the following sections. Microstrip patch antennas carry many advantages that make it an attractive design choice. Firstly, it is a planar structure and can be made to fit the shape of the surface it is placed on. It does not need to have a large footprint allowing it to be integrated easily with other circuit elements. It has a low radar cross-section which makes it attractive in applications relating to stealth. As mentioned before, they can be manufactured using PCB technology and be made to be quite durable. This also means that they can easily be made into an array which opens the possibility of it being multifunctional. However, the patch antenna has several disadvantages. In its basic form, the patch antenna has a narrow bandwidth (usually less than 5%). Various methods have been devised to overcome Figure 1 Microstrip line fed patch antenna 2. Basic Design of the Microstrip Patch Antenna A basic microstrip patch is designed and its properties are investigated. Firstly, the material used for each component of the microstrip antenna was considered. Normally, thin copper foil is used for the metallic patch and ground due to the requirement of a good conductor. The substrate mainly serves as mechanical support for the patch and to maintain the required spacing between the patch and the ground plane. The choice of dielectric mainly depends on cost and its dielectric constant. For good bandwidth (wider) performance, lower dielectric constants are desirable. Many PCBs use FR-4 as the substrate because of its low dielectric constant and low cost (admittedly for the lower grade ones). Hence, FR-4 was used for the basic design. For the patch to be able to radiate, there needs to be a feed which will supply the signal to the patch. There are a few methods of doing this; using a coax feed through the ground and substrate, using a microstrip line feed, proximity coupled feed, and aperture coupled feed. Due to the complexities associated with multilayer fabrication, the aperture and proximity coupled feeds are not considered. The coax feed and microstrip line feed are both easy to match by controlling the insert position of the feed. A coax feed is more straightforward when it comes to changing the feed position. Therefore, the coax feed was used in the basic design. The most common patch element is the rectangular patch probably due to ease of manufacture. Therefore a rectangle with dimensions a×b shape was used in the basic design. Next, the desired operating frequency of the patch is around the 2.0-2.5 GHz range which corresponds to the WiFi region. The expression used to calculate the operating frequency is ππ = Eq. 1 2(π+β)√ππππ 1 ππππ = 2 + The location of the feed is an important parameter that determines the nature of the radiation of the patch as well as its impedance. The parameter y in figure 2 denotes the vertical distance of the centre of the feed from the centre of the patch. For now, only the vertical distance will be varied and the horizontal position will remain constant at the halfway point. It is desirable that the impedance of the patch is matched to that of the coax feed (about 50 Ω) to minimise reflections that occur at the interface. 3. Simulations π where c is the speed of light, a is the width of the rectangular patch, h is the thickness of the substrate, and εeff is the effective permittivity of the structure which is found using ππ +1 accordingly based on Eq. 1 to obtain the desired frequency. The rectangle then would have an aspect ratio of 1.5:1 making a = 45 mm. ππ −1 2 (1 + 10β −2 ) π Eq. 2 CST Microwave Studio is a simulation tool used to simulate the behaviour of material in the presence of an electromagnetic field. The simulation is based on the finite integration technique solving in either the time domain or frequency domain. In this report, all the simulations carried out were done using the Time Domain Solver. The set up of the patch antenna is shown in figure 2. where εr is the dielectric constant (which is 4.5 for FR-4) and b is the length of the patch. The designer needs to select values for a, b, and h that would result in the desired frequency. For h, the designer’s hand may be forced. This is because companies that produce the substrates already have a set of thicknesses to choose from. For example, the lab supplies boards with thicknesses of 1.6 mm. This was chosen for the basic design. There is another expression to predict the resonant frequency of a certain mode and it depends on a and/or b πππ = πππ π Eq. 3 2π √ππ π 2 ππ = ( ππ 2 π ππ 2 ) +(π) Eq. 4 We can set m = 0 and n = 1 to obtain the resonant frequency of the TM01 mode. For a resonant frequency of 2.5 GHz, b = 30 mm. It should be noted also that Eq. 3 and Eq. 4 neglect the effects of the fringing fields and two-layer dielectric media so is not accurate. Having said that, it is a good starting point and the dimensions can be adjusted Figure 2 the left panel shows the set up of the patch antenna. The panel on the right shows a cross-sectional view of the microstrip patch. Here, a = 45 mm, b = 30 mm, l = 60 mm, w = 90 mm The thickness of the copper foil for both the patch and the ground was 0.1 mm. The dimensions for a, b, and h were as described in the previous section. Initially, y = -7.7 mm. A useful way of knowing whether there is matching is through observing the S11 parameters, which represent the reflection loss in antenna. Figure 3 shows a plot of the S11 parameters for the first resonance at 2.26 GHz. Figure 3 shows the S11 parameters for the basic design at 2.26 GHz. The measure lines intersectthe curve at -10 dB Another way to check if the resonance is indeed the actual resonance is by looking at the imaginary impedance plot. From RLC circuit theory, resonance generally occurs when the reactive component is zero. More specifically, this is when the reactive impedance crosses from negative to positive. Figure 4 and 5 show the real and imaginary impedance profiles respectively around the 2.26 GHz resonance. called the impedance bandwidth. A commonly used boundary for acceptable operation is the -10 dB level in the S11 parameters plot. This equates to reflection coefficients of 0.1 or less. For the first resonance, the impedance bandwidth was 0.0781 GHz or 3.46% of the resonant frequency. There may also be a radiation pattern bandwidth which may not be the same as the impedance bandwidth. Generally, the radiation pattern of an antenna does not change radically at a certain resonance. The full S-parameter results are shown in figure 6. The multiple resonances indicate multiple modes of operation. A way to differentiate the modes is to look at the E-field distribution at the different modes. The E-field along the z-component is expressed as πΈπ§ = πΈ0 πππ πππ πππ₯ π πππ πππ πππ¦ π Eq. 5 Eq. 5 indicates that at particular values of m and n, the E-field may or may not have a cosine profile. For example if n = 1, we can expect half a cosine cycle along the y-axis of the patch. This means that the amplitude will cross zero at the mid-point of the vertical length patch. If m = 1, the same would be expected along the x-axis. Figure 4 shows the imaginary impedance profile. The reactive component at resonance is very close to 0 Figure 6 shows the full S11 parameters. There exist two other resonances at 3.08 GHz and 3.9 GHz Figures 7, 8, and 9 show the z-component E-field distributions for the modes at 2.26, 3.08 and 3.9 GHz respectively. Figure 5 shows the real impedance profile around the first resonance. The impedance is very close to 50 at resonance indicating matching At this point, we can see that the resistance varies as a function of frequency meaning that the antenna will be matched to the feed for a limited range of frequencies around resonance. The range of frequencies at which the antenna is matched is or not. Figure 10 shows the E-field distribution of the patch antenna at the TM01 mode resonance when y = -0.5. At this value, the impedance was not matched; therefore the mode was not excited. This is reflected in the E-field distribution where there were no zero crossings along the y-axis of the patch. Figure 7 shows the E-field along the z-component for the TM01 mode Figure 10 shows the E-field along the z-component for the unmatched case. Notice that the TM01 is not excited The directivity of an antenna can be expressed as π·= Figure 8 shows the E-field along the z-component for the TM20 mode 4πππππ₯ ππ Eq. 6 where PT is the total power radiated in all directions and Umax is the maximum radiation intensity which occurs at some direction. Directivity is expressed in units of dBi because the value is compared to the power radiated by an isotropic antenna. Each mode has different radiation patterns because of this difference in E-field distribution. Figures 11, 12 and 13 show the directivity plots for the TM01, TM20 and TM21 modes respectively. For the TM20 and TM21 modes, the feed was adjusted so that impedance was less mismatched. Figure 9 shows the E-field along the z-component for the TM21 mode Looking at figure 7, the amplitude of the E-field along the horizontal edge of the patch does not change (i.e. there are no zero crossings). There was however a zero crossing at the mid-way point on the vertical edge. Thus this mode is known as the TM01 mode. In the same way, the resonances at 3.08 and 3.9 are TM20 and TM21 modes respectively. Different modes can have different impedances. This determines whether the mode will be excited broadside were more for the TM21 mode. It is also important to note that the magnitude of the main lobe for TM01 was higher than that of TM20. This makes sense since if we assume that at both modes the patch receives the same power, the magnitude of a single main lobe would be higher than the magnitude of one of the main lobes in modes with multiple main lobes. Directivity does not take into account ohmic and dielectric losses. Therefore, term gain (G) is introduced. Gain is simply expressed as Eq. 7 πΊ = ππ· Figure 11 shows the directivity plot for the TM01 mode. The main lobe is at broadside where e is efficiency. Since losses result in efficiency less than 1, G is always less than directivity. Beyond that, everything else is the same. In figure 12, the main lobe magnitude is 7.3 dBi. Figure 14 shows the realised gain for the TM01 mode with lower main lobe magnitude of 2.8 dB and the same radiation pattern. Figure 12 shows the directivity plot for the TM20 mode. There are two main lobes pointing away from broadside Figure 14 shows the gain plot for the TM01 mode. The radiation pattern is similar to the directivity Another thing to note is that G does not take into account impedance mismatch at the antenna terminals. So, if 50% of the power was reflected due to mismatch G describes how the 50% that was accepted by the antenna is radiated into space. Figure 13 shows the directivity plot for the TM21 mode. There are two main lobes pointing away from broadside The TM01 mode had its main lobe at broadside (direction the antenna faces). The TM20 had two main lobes at angles to the broadside which is similar to TM21 except that the angles away from A useful parameter used in antenna theory is the Qfactor. Q-factor is defined as a ratio of the total energy stored in the patch and the energy dissipated by it. Its mathematical form is π= π ππ ππ +ππ +ππ Eq. 8 where WT energy stored, Pr is the radiated power, Pd is the dielectric loss, and Pc is the copper loss. Since we minimise Pd and Pc by carefully selecting the materials for the patch and substrate, the main term in the denominator is Pr. This means that a high Q indicates that most of the power received by the antenna is not being radiated. Having a low Q also means that the operating bandwidth is large. Therefore, it is desirable to have a low Q factor. Unfortunately, one of them main disadvantages of patch antennas is that they have relatively high Q factors. Hence, there has always been an effort to lower the Q-factor and several methods are discussed in this report. In the following sections most of the analysis will focus on the fundamental mode because this mode is the easiest to match with the impedance of the feed. 4. Widening the Impedance Bandwidth This section discusses a few methods to increase the bandwidth of the patch antenna. The results presented are all in the matched case. The first method to widen the bandwidth is to increase the value of h by decreasing the Q factor. However, from Eq. 1, increasing h will decrease the resonant frequency. Figure 15 shows the S11 parameters for h = 2.6 mm. As predicted, the resonance red-shifted (decrease in frequency) to 2.215 GHz. Changing h also changed the input impedance resulting in a slight mismatch. The value of y for which impedance was matched was 7.8 mm. The impedance bandwidth obtained was 0.10087 GHz (4.55%) which is about twice as large as the one obtained in the basic design. Figure 16 shows a comparison S11 parameter results for h = 3.6 mm where the bandwidth attained is 0.1226 GHz (5.6%) with a resonance at 2.188 GHz. Figure 16 shows the S-parameters for h = 3.6 mm. There is a continued improvement of bandwidth with h As mentioned before, increasing h had the effect of increasing the feed inductance which increased the imaginary impedance. Generally, above a certain fraction of the resonant wavelength, the inductance becomes significant enough to cause impedance mismatch. Figure 17 shows the S11 parameter results for h = 7 mm. Here, the first resonance barely goes under the -10 dB mark. Also, the bandwidth improvement obtained is very small compared to that in figure 16. Figure 17 shows the S-parameters for h = 7 mm. Figure 15 shows the S-parameters for h = 2.6 mm. There is an improvement in the bandwidth Another parameter that affects the bandwidth is εr. Generally, lower εr results in higher bandwidth. Again from Eq. 1, decreasing εr causes the resonance to blue-shift (increase in frequency). Figure 18 and 19 show the S11 parameters for εr = 2.1 and 6 (referring to Teflon and porcelain). For Teflon, the bandwidth was 0.08682 GHz and for porcelain, the bandwidth was 0.02682 GHz which follows from our predictions. Obviously the minimum εr possible is unity. It also depends on the mechanical support the substrate can offer to the patch. Figure 18 shows the S-parameters for when the substrate was Teflon (εr = 2.1). The bandwidth achieved was 0.0862 GHz Figure 20 shows the S11 parameters for the 1:1 patch Besides that, the feed position to achieve impedance matching was closer to the centre which indicates that a patch of this ratio may be easier to match when certain parameters are changed. 6. Conclusion In this report we have presented a basic design of a patch antenna to operate in the WiFi region. The properties of this antenna were investigated using the tools in CST Microwave Studio. Figure 19 shows the S-paramters for when the substrate was porcelain (εr =6). The bandwidth achieved was 0.0268 GHz Additionally, the feed position to achieve impedance matching did not follow a pattern. For Teflon, y = -6 mm and for FR-4, y = -7.7 mm. However, for porcelain the required y = -4.5 mm. So it was not clear how the feed position is related to εr . 5. Changing the Aspect Ratio For the basic design, the aspect ratio was 1.5:1. In this section the aspect ratio is changed to 1:1 (30 mm × 30 mm) to observe the effect of the aspect ratio on the antenna operation. The S11 parameters are shown in figure 20. The first thing to notice is that the second resonance was shifted further away from the first resonance. The higher modes also appear to be closer than for the 1.5:1 case. It was shown that increasing h increased the bandwidth up to maximum value. Beyond this value, the bandwidth improvement was not substantial and the inductance introduced caused impedance mismatch. It was also shown that decreasing εr improved the bandwidth. Changing the aspect ratio did not have much of an effect on the resonant frequency but had the effect of red-shifting the higher order modes. 7. References [1] H. J. Visser, Antenna Theory and Applications, Wiley, 2012