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Word-for-word texting scripts to get the date
and get her wanting you.
In this guide, you’re going to discover:
• The Hollywood Scriptwriter “Texting Trick” that’ll get her thinking about you
ALL DAY (sending this one little text is all it takes!)
• The difference between ASKING and COMMANDING in texts… and why it
can make or break you getting a date.
• How to get her wanting to be intimate with YOU on the spot… by playing
this simple “word game” that subconsciously turns a woman on.
• The 9 Unbreakable Laws for texting her into your bedroom. Follow these,
and you’ll be able to handle any scenario no matter HOW attractive she is or what
situation you’re in.
• The FIVE words that will make her think about sleeping with you… before
the date!
• And so much more...
Matt Artisan
CEO & Lead Dating Instructor,
The Attractive Man
Follow me on Instagram @mattartisan
So before we get into it, let me tell you a little story…
My friend Todd didn't plan on getting rejected.
Everything was going so well at the bar that night, especially with the girl he really
liked; the one every other guy was gawking over. You could tell he was feeling it. He
was staying cool and confident, making good eye contact, and holding an exciting
conversation. There’s no doubt she seemed really into him.
He was positive that if he sent her a text the next day, she’d reply with the same
excitement as the night before...
But, to his dismay, for the next 3 days she didn’t text back…
He waited… and waited… and waited...
In desperation, he sent another few texts… he didn’t want to let his hard work slip
Still, no response.
Can you guess what went wrong?
Todd's text was the same disastrous message that 99% of other guys send:
"Hey, what's up?"
In fact, this is just one of MANY terrible messages that you could ever send a woman.
It’s the surest way to kill any chance or hope you had with a beautiful girl you
previously hit it off with.
But there's good news here. If 95% of other guys are blowing it like this, YOU will be in
the top 5% of men with a distinct advantage, because...
I’m going to share with you a little secret...
Beautiful women are WAITING FOR YOU to get it right.
They're waiting to be surprised by a man who knows what he wants and how to get it.
They're getting bombarded by messages from other guys all day long. And they're
secretly hoping that one of these messages will be from a guy who has a clue.
And YOU can be that man...
I wrote this guide to give you real examples of how to do everything from the very first
text – to getting the date – and eventually to get her wanting to be intimate.
Everything in here has been tried and tested. I've used all of it myself and believe me…
after ten years of practice...IT WORKS.
My goal with this guide is to get you in the top 5% – fast!
Matt Artisan
Matt Artisan is the leading expert in
transforming the lives of men and
empowering them to create authentic
He was voted World’s Best New Dating
Coach and since 2008, has personally
coached men in 40 different countries
including the U.S., Australia, Europe,
Qatar, Japan, China, Hong Kong, India,
Qatar, Dubai, and the list goes on.
He is the President and CEO of The
Attractive Man Inc., the legendary dating coach company, based on his
groundbreaking understanding of psychology.
Matt Artisan is the creator of Total Ten Unleashed. This is an exclusive, invite-only
group where Matt and his team personally show men how to attract their versions of a
“Perfect 10” woman through lifestyle, charisma, and self-growth.
As one of the preeminent gurus in the dating community, Artisan’s specialties range
from overcoming social anxiety and meeting women in any situation to inner mindset
transformation and identity change work. Artisan takes a very unique approach that
combines natural flow with extremely potent structured skills to generate deep
attraction and personal growth mastery.
Matt and his team have been interviewed by Fox 13, ABC News Nightline, ESPN,
CNN, Tedx, Vice, MTV and more. He’s is extremely passionate about teaching men
how to have authentic relationships with women and will make sure you get the
success that you want. He won’t stop until your dating life is completely transformed.
Have Questions? Ask Matt on Instagram @MattArtisan
There it is right in front of you.
The phone number from the kind of woman you’ve always wanted. The one that has
the personality AND the looks. The kind of woman that most guys wish they could be
You are looking at your phone ready to send a message.
A message that you hope will turn into a date and lead to a night of fun.
What do you say?
How do you keep that connection going?
As you may know, there is a lot riding on the first few messages you send her.
This guide includes 20 texts, with detailed notes on why they work. But first, I’m going
to give you a few ground rules on texting.
When we’re done, you’re going to understand texting better than most guys out there.
While most guys will continue to send text after text and never succeeding in getting
her out; you’ll know how to get her on a date fast and easily.
I’ll show you cutting-edge texting strategies for sparking attraction and getting her
“Turned On” so she will want you BAD.
In short, I’ll give you the text messages I’ve used to land dates and even get women
over to my place for a night of fun. And I’ll break each of them down so you can get the
same results.
This Guide Is For…
Guys that are struggling to get the date after they get the phone number.
Guys that are not sure how to text women they like.
Guys that are getting “friend zoned” in the texting interaction.
Guys that are looking for that “ONE” special girl or guys that are looking to
date around.
Guys that WANT PROVEN TEXTS THAT WORK and don’t want to waste
time trying to figure it out on their own.
Important! If you are constantly getting girls flaking on you or girls aren’t
responding at all… Then the root of the problem lies in the initial interaction
with her BEFORE you got her number.
Sometimes women give out their number, but they have no intention of
seeing you again. In this case, it sometimes doesn’t matter how good your
texts are because she has already disqualified you.
During the first interaction with her it is CRUCIAL that you have more than
just a platonic, friendly conversation. We specialize in showing guys how to
create authentic romantic attraction in their first interaction with her so that
When you can do that, the rest of the interaction, including texting, becomes
much easier.
Why I Do This…
I have had many guys tell me after meeting me, “You seem like the guy that has always
been good with women.”
Well, that can’t be farther from the truth. Just like most guys, I wasn’t born a
“natural.” I wasn’t the guy in school who was dating the lead cheerleader or dating the
prom queen.
In fact, I didn’t know what to do when it came to women.
I will spare you the long embarrassing story but basically, after many years of a
frustrating and non-existent dating life, I decided to change.
I wanted the power to date the women that I wanted. I wanted to be able to see a
woman I was attracted to and know exactly how to talk to her.
So I made a commitment to myself that I would get this dating “thing” handled. I read
everything and took every course out there. But do you know what really made the
difference? What really worked…
Understanding Romantic Attraction and how women become romantically attracted
I studied everything there was to know about triggering attraction inside the female
mind. I became a mad scientist about it.
I talked to thousands of women and tried just about every single way to go about it so I
could properly assess what works and what doesn’t work.
I studied the best seducers in history, and specifically, the ones that were NOT good
looking, to figure out what they did and how they did it.
I even studied female biology to find out what triggers the bonding hormones inside of
the woman’s body so that she feels deeply connected to a man and wants him on a
primal genetic level
I studied persuasive writing to learn how to get the date in as few words as possible.
I studied sensual language so I could send texts that get her so, “Turned On,” she is
begging to see me ASAP.
I have sent thousands of text messages, gotten dates with hundreds of women and
have tracked it all…for you. Well, let’s be honest, I did it for me too ;)
I tested every different type of text you can think of such as playful ones, nice ones,
flirtatious ones, romantic ones, indirect ones, witty ones. I even tested what days and
times are the best for texting.
Eventually, I cracked the code…
And well, this guide is going to give you 20 of my best code cracking texts.
So let’s get to it.
In its basic form, texting should be used to get the date or “hangout.” You should have
gotten her number on the premise that YOU AND HER understand that you will be
hanging out later.
Therefore, the main purpose of texting her is to get the date; not to mindlessly text her
all day long.
This Texting Cheat Sheet is meant to provide you with the foundations of texting.
Here are the ground rules…
Keep your texts short and to the point.
Some of your texts should be emotionally stimulating. (I.e. She should feel
an emotion after reading your text)
You should not be texting her all the time. You are a man who has important
things to do. Texting her constantly is not one of them.
Every text should serve a purpose – to give her positive emotions or to set up
a date.
Send her the first text within 24 hours of getting her number.
Don’t ask boring questions.
Don’t try to impress her through text.
Don’t ask her too many questions. Instead of asking a million questions,
make statements and commands.
Have Questions? Ask me on Instagram!
I’m often answering questions, giving exclusive tips and
content and doing “live” approaches so don’t miss a thing
and follow me @mattartisan
Send me a DM and let’s chat.
“Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly -- they’ll go
through anything. You read, and you’re pierced.”
― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
So you met this amazing woman and got her number. Now what?
I hope your plan is not to wait until she asks you out.
Remember, as men, it is our job to lead the entire dating interaction… from the initial
meeting all the way to the bedroom.
A woman wants a real man. Not a little boy who doesn’t know what to do.
Now I am going to teach you how to text like a man.
And the best part is that it’s very simple.
When to text her…
If you met her on a Saturday night, text her the next day
If you met her during the day, send her the first text within 4 hours.
The best first text…
Your first text should reference something interesting that you spoke about earlier.
This is called a callback.
For example, during the initial conversation, you found out that she is a teacher and
her students often drive her crazy.
Your first text could be…
First Text Example
“So random meeting you earlier… hope your kinds aren’t driving you crazy Matt”
Or if you can’t think of anything to text, you can base it on her reaction when you
approached her...
“So crazy meeting you at the park… was cute how you were nervous when I
said hi - Matt”
Points to remember…
Reference something about her or something you talked about
Make it fun
Sign your name, so she knows exactly who it is
Get the Date…
After she responds, send a few more texts back and forth and then go for the date.
Here is an example of how you can ask her out...
Get The Date Text
“Hey listen I have Tuesday night free. Let’s grab ice cream at Sweet
Action. They have the best exotic ice cream in Colorado.
Let’s break it down…
The word, “Listen,” is a command word and it snaps people to attention. It is very
You are are not asking her if she wants to go out with you. You are assuming she
would want to go with you and making a statement instead. There is nothing wrong
with asking her if she’d like to join you but an assumptive statement statistically works
Don’t be afraid to speak with authority but always be respectful. Expect things to
happen your way but her to say ‘sure,’ but, of course, never get upset if she says ‘no
Also, Tuesday nights are typically days when people are free.
That is it. If you did it right, she will likely agree to the date or suggest a different time
if she’s busy.
It is very simple and powerful. Lead, and she will likely follow.
Now, if for some reason she’s busy and she can’t cancel her plans, text her something
like this…
Counter offer
“Alright. Luckily for you Sweet Action is open throughout the week :)
What does your schedule look like later this week...”
Then she will proceed to tell you what day works best for her.
Most men tend to get weak when a woman “rejects” their request. Who cares if she’s
busy, doesn’t like ice-cream or doesn’t reply? If she doesn’t show any interest back
then wait a few days and try again AND keep meeting more women who are more
Most guys start off with, “Want to go out sometime?” Most women dislike this text
because it shows uncertainty and a lack of confidence and very vague. Women would
rather have you tell them when and where you’d like to meet, which is what our “Get
The Date Text” did.
Also, notice in the counter offer I didn’t use a question mark. All I am going to say for
now is… don’t overuse question marks.
Another way to counter offer is to call her and avoid texting back and forth.
Next, I will share with you a text to getting her thinking about you…
Want me to help you live in-person?
Join us on an action-packed live training bootcamp and role-play with
gorgeous models, get mic’d up for tons of feedback, and become the kind
of man that can effortlessly sweep women off their feet! Start getting
instant dates in under 3-minutes by joining us live.
Visit this site to apply:
“I know nothing in the world that has as much power as a
word. Sometimes I write one, and I look at it, until it begins
to shine.”
One way to utilize texting to your advantage is to send her an Open Loop text...
Open Loop
You: “Marisa just told me the funniest story about you...”
Her: “What?! What story?!!
You: “I will tell you all about it next time we hang out.”
This is also known as a cliffhanger.
This is what Hollywood scriptwriters do to keep you hooked until the end of the
When you can get her thinking about you, it causes her to because more invested in
you and raises her interest level.
This is extremely powerful and a somewhat sneaky way to make her really want you.
There are many generic (can be used on any girl) Open Loop texts that can work really
well and you can find them in Turn Her On Through Text
“Of all the weapons of destruction that man could invent, the
most terrible and the most powerful was the word. Daggers
and spears left traces of blood; arrows could be seen at a
distance. Poisons were detected in the end and avoided. But
the word managed to destroy without leaving clues.”
― Paulo Coelho
There are many reasons why a woman doesn’t reply back. The most important rule is
to keep your cool and not get needy.
When she doesn’t reply, the best thing to do is ignore it altogether and then start a
completely new topic the next time you want to talk to her (usually a day or two later).
Here is one you can use the day after she doesn’t respond that works really well.
You: Hey I have a fun idea.... (Open Loop)
Her: (No reply for 24 hours)
You: I was going to invite you out with us, but I didn’t hear back from
Her: What? Where?
You: To do X (X is something high value and fun)… anyways, this
Wednesday. Beach Bar. 8pm. Cancel all plans :) We are going :)
Now, let’s pretend she didn’t reply to the second text, “I was going to invite you out
with us....” then I would wait at least two days and send her, “Are you still alive?” This
works like magic for reviving “dead” numbers.
“It is your work in life that is the ultimate seduction.”
― Picasso
These are texts you can send at any time and are meant to elevate the attraction. They
work because they are fun, playful, and playfully paint YOU as the “prize.”
Remember, don’t text her all the time because as a high-value man you should be busy
fulfilling your life’s purpose, not texting girls all day long. When you do text her, bring
her into your world.
These are sample tests you can use, however, if they are not true for you or aren’t
congruent with your personality, then don’t send them. These are meant to give you
an idea of how to flirt via text.
You: Just wanted to let you know that I woke up 232% more
Her: that makes two of us!
You: I bet when we hang out together everyone will stare jealously at
our awesomeness!
Her: OMG totally! when r we hanging out? :)
You: Can I ask you a very serious question…
Her: sure
You: what is your favorite ice cream...
Her: lol that’s not serious … rocky road!
You: Good choice....I know a great ice-cream shop down the
road....meet me there in 1 hour.
You: Stop checking your phone to see if I've text you LOL
Her: how’d you know!? haha
You: My psychic power ranger abilities
Her: OMG I love the pink one
You: You would! lol
You: Have you been spending my child support money on alcohol
again… Please remember the kids!
Her: Yeah sorry about that!
You: Just don’t let it happen again...you know I need that money for
hookers! UGH!
Great role-play especially if you did a marriage and divorce role-play with her in real
life. This would also work well as a comment on a social media pic of her at a club.
You: This is (your name). The guy you wanted to go home with last
Her: Oh I did huh!?
You: Yeah but I play hard to get
Great first text if you met her at a bar the previous night
“Out of all the [her name] I know... I think you’re my favorite.”
This one uses push-pull. A technique that shows your interest and then takes it away.
Great for flirting
“You really are a deep person....I like that”
By saying, “I like that,” it shows that you are qualifying her instead of seeking her
approval. It demonstrates that you have standards.
You: I had a wet dream about you last night...
Her: WTF really? what happened?
You: You fell down the stairs and I pissed myself laughing lol
Her: You’re such an ass!!!! ;)
Be careful with this one because it is very sexual. She needs to know that you have a
sexual personality and that you love to banter before sending it.
You: I’m in New York and I seriously just saw a girl that looks
EXACTLY like you.
Her: Are you serious???
You: Alright, I’m going to hit on your stunt double. Want me to tell
her to stop cramping your style?
This one almost guarantees a reply because people are always curious about other
people that look like them.
You: Hey I’m bored…want to rob a bank?
Her: Haha ur crazy
You: Seriously I need a partner
Her: Ok I’m in!
You: Awesomeness, but we need disguises. whats urs… I’m thinking
stilettos and a pink ski mask...
Her: And a machine gun!
You: Oh a badass huh? ok listen we’ll tie everyone up, take the cash
and find a cheap hotel in the next town over so we can lay low
Her: But what are we going do with all that cash?
You: We? after a night of passionate lovemaking fueled by the
adrenaline from the crimes we just committed…you’ll wake up to a
note that says “it’s been nice, had to run, took the cash!”
Her: haha your such an ass! Well at least there was some good sex
This is a great role-play text you can send out of the blue. It always catches them off
guard which typically induces a reply.
Her: Are you on Instagram?
You: Depends on who’s stalking...err asking ;)
Her: I’m not a stalker lol
You: That’s what all my stalkers say!
“Words! What power they hold. Once they have rooted in
your psyche, it is difficult to escape them. Words can shape
the future of a child and destroy the existence of an adult.
Words are powerful. Be careful how you use them because
once you have pronounced them, you cannot remove the
scar they leave behind.”
― Vashti Quiroz-Vega
Inception text
“Make sure you wear heels.”
Send this the day of the date before you meet up with her. It is subtle, but those five
words say a lot. No matter what her response, I guarantee she will show up in heels.
This shows you are assertive. Women only want to sleep with powerful men that lead.
Plus, wearing heels makes a woman feel sexy, and she will associate her desire to feel
sexy with you. Plus, it will make her wonder why she has to wear heels. This will
make her think about looking nice and get her imagining where the night may lead
(your place possibly). This is why it is called the Inception text.
NOTE: If she doesn’t respond well to this, then you probably didn’t set a romantic
vibe in the initial interaction.
Most guys try to be “friendly” with girls at first and then later in the relationship, try to
turn things “romantic.” What ends up happening is they get stuck in the friend zone!
What we show our advanced students, is how to convey confidence and sexuality
before you even open your mouth. Women love a sexually confident man, and when
you can do this, she will feel a deep sensual attraction for you almost immediately.
“I think a man's "wordplay" can be so fucking sexy!!! I love a
good mind fuck!!”
― Junnita Jackson
This text that I am about to show you is POWERFUL. It works almost too good. The
most recent time I used it, I was sitting down with my marketing manager and he
wanted to see it in action.
So, I pulled out my phone and texted this girl I was dating. Within minutes she called
me, wanting me to take her right then and there. The problem was that we were busy
working on a deadline and so I had to decline.
She actually got kinda pissed because I had aroused her and wouldn’t “give it to her.”
(I honestly didn’t think it would work that well)
Anyway, I handled the situation, and we are still cool. So warning: Only use when you
are ready and able to see her immediately.
This text is just ONE text from the series of what I call, “text to get her sexually
addicted to you,” in Turn Her On Through Text. Check it out at
You: Let’s play a game…
Her: ok…
You: It’s called the word association game. I will say a random word,
and then you tell me the first thing that comes to mind.
Her: ok cool!
You: Curly
Her: hair
You: horse
Her: riding
You: strong
Her: arms
You: lick
Her: lips
You: spank
Her: me
You: Hard
Her: cock
You: fuck
Her: me now. Please!
This one should be only used with a girl you already have a sensual vibe with.
This will get her turned on very quickly. Basically, you start off with a couple normal
words and then escalate with more sensual words.
Try it out and let me know how it goes.
Now, let me give you a few more pointers on using texts to TURN HER ON.
First, you must understand this one main psychological truth about all women.
Fact: Most women crave sex just as much as men.
Most people think that men want more sex than women do, but that is actually false.
Women deeply enjoy sex a LOT more than most guys think.
A woman’s hormones make her deeply crave sex at certain times of the month. It is a
biological response so she can reproduce.
Take a look at these statistics…
This is showing the number of times men and women search for “dirty texts” each
month. As you can see, women are searching for “dirty texts” 4 times more than guys!
That is why you need to start sending dirty texts to women. They want it.
In reality, women are highly sensual creatures, and they want to be seduced, ravaged
and desired by their man. You can see this by the sheer number of women that read
romance novels.
Romance novels are the number one selling book category. Have you ever read one?
Well, I have, and I can tell you they are pretty dirty. Here is an excerpt from a romance
“With a greedy glitter in his eye, he moved to the other breast sliding his tongue
around her nipple before suckling it gently between his soft lips. Heat flooded between
her legs, and she ground against his hips. A moan escaped her, and his eyes flared
with desire at the sound.”
And that is not even the really intense part.
You see, women have elaborate, intricate, sexual fantasies beyond anything men can
imagine. In romance novels, some of the women crave pleasing multiple men at a
time, being harem girls, and being called “dirty little sluts.”
I know… some of it sounds strange.
But the reality is, women want a wild romantic adventure.
Women may act innocent and seem like they “don’t want sex,” but they are really just
better at hiding it than most guys.
Here is the deal… society has told women that it is not acceptable to be a “slut” and to
sexually forward.
So then most women hide their sexual fantasies, which is why they love to read
romance novels. It gives them a chance to fulfill their need for sexual adventure and
desire because they are not getting that in their normal life.
A woman wants to be perceived as “innocent” by most people. But with her man, she
wants to be naughty.
What I am saying is, secretly, women are highly sexual beings, just waiting to be set
loose by a man that knows how to flip her switch.
And when you are the guy that knows how to draw out her sensual fantasies, she will
become obsessed over you, have to have you, and do whatever she can to please you.
So how do you turn women on through text?
Through emotional texts.
You see, the part of the brain that controls sex is influenced by emotions, which
explains why women are addicted to chick flicks and romance novels. Because they
spike the emotions that turn them on. Women are genetically programmed to become
aroused by what she feels in her body and imagines in her mind.
The reason most guys don’t get this is because men are turned on in a completely
different way.
To activate the arousal part of a man’s brain, all you need to do is show him a picture
of a cute girl showing some skin....
See what I mean?
Because of this guys end up sending lame texts like “Hey, whats up?” Or even worse,
they send pictures of their penis’ because they think that will turn a girl on. The
problem is that most guys don’t evoke emotion inside of a woman.
“If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire
can warm me, I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if
the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. These
are the only ways I know it. Is there any other way?”
― Emily Dickinson,
Now let’s go back to the romance novels and see what turns them on. This time, pay
attention to the descriptive language, the storyline, and the details...
“His tongue flicked against the seam of my lips, and I parted, eager for more of this
blissfully sensual, erotic experience. He tasted of wine and spice, his tongue was
talented but willing to yield to my own explorations, and somehow, without me
realizing, we'd stepped into each other's arms. He plunged his hands through my
hair, holding my head at the angle he wanted, and my arms circled his powerful
torso as I explored the muscular lines of his back. The fronts of our bodies were
plastered together.”
Here is the deal, to trigger arousal you need to get her to feel emotions.
The best way to do that is through stories, details, and key phrases.
Here are 2 keywords that you need to start using when texting and talking to women:
“imagine” and “feel.”
For example, “Imagine how it is going to feel when I hold you close and slowly take off
your dress as I kiss every part of your body.”
Now that is an advanced text to use once she has opened up sexually to you, but think
about how she would react. Much better than, “hey, whats up? Wanna come over and
The magic words “imagine” and “feel” tell her to picture what is happening in her
mind and feel those emotions in her body.
To trigger attraction inside of a woman and get her sexually addicted to you, you need
to turn up her emotions.
But not just any emotions.
You have to activate specific emotions in the right order if you want her drawn to you
and willing to come over right away.
For example, some guys are trying to give her good positive emotions, and so they
make her laugh. They try to come up with witty and funny texts just so she will like
It is great to make her laugh and all, but think about it this way… Does the clown at
the circus get all the girls?
On the contrary, no one wants to sleep with the clown.
Don’t be the clown. Being funny doesn’t mean women will want you.
To help clarify this, let me share one concept that will drastically improve your results
with women forever. This is the formula for triggering sensual attraction inside of a
If you want to get a woman crazy about you at a primal genetic level, she needs to feel
the right combination of power, tenderness, and desire for her.
And you can do it all through text.
With the right texts, you go from stuck in the “friend-zone,” to the “she has to have
you zone.”
With the right texts, you can skip the date altogether and have her come over to your
And, you can actually guide her to an ORGASM. Seriously.
If any of this interests you and you want to be THAT GUY who can turn women on at a
push of a few buttons and get women to not only text you back and show up on the
date, but also get them turned on and aroused to the point that they are inviting you
over for a night of fun....
Then go to www.TurnHerOnThroughText.com right now and get your
copy of the Turn Her On Through Text system today!
I want to invite you to book a private, 1-on-1 breakthrough session with my team.
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Man Who Women Can’t Ignore...
Limited Sessions Available – Apply Now
The reason I’m giving you this breakthrough session free is because if YOU find it
valuable, then I’ll personally have my team invite you to join our private
Total Ten Unleashed program – but that’s only if you meet our conditions.
We’re strict about not ONLY the private clients we work with but also who gets
accepted for our free breakthrough sessions.
Most dating coaches have low standards for who they accept as clients. Just like most
men have low standards for the kind of women they hang out with. Personally, I don’t
associate myself OR my company with men who don’t meet my standards and I’ll tell
you why in just a second...
If you want a free breakthrough session, then you must meet three qualifications to be
First, you must be a man who values your PURPOSE over “game” and
getting women. We find that men who have “more important” things to do than
meeting women, but still want to improve this area of their life, are the ones who
succeed with our methods fast.
2. Second, you must be a man who’s ethical, authentic, and genuine in
your relationships with women. If you’re an honest man who absolutely
hates when guys treat women badly, then you naturally have what it takes to make
your perfect type of woman WANT to be with you.
3. And lastly, you must take 100% responsibility for getting what you
want out of life. You see challenges as opportunities to become better. Fear gets
you excited because you know it’s your path to becoming a Total 10 man who has
the power to create his ultimate life.
However, let me be EXPLICITLY CLEAR about who I refuse to work with or even talk
• If “gaming women” is more important than your career, health, or your purpose,
then I can’t help you and I wouldn’t want to even if I could.
• If you’re okay with using tricks, manipulation, and even degrading women to lower
their worth in hopes of making them like you, then you will be rejected for this
breakthrough session.
• And if you constantly talk about wanting to change your life, but you don’t take
responsibility for actually improving it, then save yourself time and leave this page
now. The best methods for meeting girls in the world can’t help a man who lacks fire
and doesn’t take action.
Now, be honest. If you fit our standards, then I invite you to click the button below
and schedule your free breakthrough session.
We’ll hand you the answer to meeting at least ONE “dream girl” who has the potential
to be emotionally and sexually committed to YOU and you only… all in just a few
weeks from now.
Plus, what we’ll show you on this call WON’T be like everything else you hear online…
No cold approaching dozens of times a week…
No forcing yourself into painfully awkward situations....
No gut-punching rejections time after time…
No memorizing canned lines…
No learning forced routines that girls can see right through from a mile away…
No constricting “formulas” to follow...
No negging girls or needing to be an asshole...
And no doing anything that doesn’t feel natural to you...
Your breakthrough session will show you a NEW way to meet girls that’s
not being taught right now. It’s the best way to improve your dating life, without
being a weird creepy “pickup artist” or solely relying on approaching girls all day.
And you’re getting it absolutely FREE for reading this cheat sheet.
If you’re interested, then here’s how to apply for your free breakthrough session:
First, click the big button below and you’ll be redirected to an
application form. All we ask is you fill out a few questions so we can get to
know if you’re qualified for this session or not.
2. Once you submit your application, you’ll know instantly if you’re
approved or not. If you are approved, then we’ll send you a private link where
you can schedule a time that works for both of us to get on a call with you.
3. Then finally, on this call, we will walk you through your goals, your
biggest sticking points – then show you a proven path to becoming a “10 out of
10” man who gets the girls he wants in any situation.
You’re either thrilled with this session or we’ll give you $250 credit to any of our
flagship programs.
Limited Sessions Available – Apply Now
And if we see you’re a motivated man who’s living your purpose, values women, and
takes responsibility for your life, then we might even invite you to join our exclusive
Total Ten Program.
This is where me and my team personally coach you on meeting fit, gorgeous,
intelligent women by becoming what we call a “10 out of 10” man. And we’ll set you on
the right path in just 90 days or less.
This is an invite-only program that’s tough to get into. At the end of your
breakthrough session, if we deem you a good fit, we MAY invite you to join, so we can
transform your life and help you meet any girl you want naturally.
If you’re seeing this right now, then DO NOT WAIT. We have thousands of men
finding us online every day and it’s not slowing down. We’re deciding to only give
away a small handful of these breakthrough sessions, which is why we have an
extensive application process just to get accepted for these sessions.
So if you’re ready to finally change your life, your ability to get women on demand,
and to overcome ALL your obstacles to becoming a 10 out of 10 man, then don’t wait
and click the button below now to schedule your session with us.
Limited Sessions Available – Apply Now
Thank you for reading this guide.
Make sure to follow me on Instagram @MattArtisan to get exclusive insights,
ask me questions and get more personalized tips and advice.
Cheers to your success,
Matt Artisan, CEO of TheAttractiveMan.com
P.S. Here’s just some of the results our clients are getting through our coaching
“I walked around a college campus for an hour. I talked to three good looking girls
and went home with two phone numbers. The ability to do this is already inside of
you, Matt just helps you pull it out. ” (Results may vary)
J.P., Colombia
“I’m so confident now in my approach… I’m talking to women everywhere! And, it’s
not just THAT, my confidence has gotten boosted in other aspects of my life as well. I
feel like a new man…seriously.” (Results may vary)
Chris Keith, Canada
“Not only do I have incredible confidence, gotten numbers from hot chicks, and
significantly decreased my approach anxiety, but I’m confident at work and
communicate better.” (Results may vary)
K.F., Austin
Don’t wait, schedule your call with us today.
Limited Sessions Available – Apply Now