MAR3613 Exam 2 Study Guide Lesson 5: Secondary Data Benefits and disadvantages of secondary data List three common uses of the information supplied by standardized marketing information services. Define geodemography. Describe the use of diary panels for assessing product sales. Lesson 6: Descriptive and Causal Research Describe descriptive and causal research designs. What are the purposes of descriptive research? Discuss the difference between cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. Distinguish different market testing methods Lesson 7: Primary Data What are the advantage and disadvantages of Primary data? Describe different types of Primary Data Cite the three main approaches used to measure awareness. Lesson 8: Data collection by observation and communication State the specific advantages of observation and communication methods of data collection. Explain the concept of structure as it relates to observation and questionnaires. Cite the main reason researchers may choose to disguise in an observation study. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of conducting an observational experiment in a laboratory. Differentiate among the main methods of administering questionnaires. Discuss several ways in which response rates might be improved Calculate a response rate