Thermodynamics ME-112 Lecture # 18 THERMODYNAMICS ME:112 LECTURE: 14 MASS & ENERGY ANALYSIS SYSTEMS OF OPEN Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Department, Director NED-DICE Energy Innovation Centre, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi. EMAIL: TEL: +92 21 99261261-8 Ext: 2315 MOBILE #: +92-345-2127526 Office: NED-DICE Energy Innovation Centre LECTURE LEARNING OUTCOMES Energy analysis of steady flow devices: Turbines Compressors Throttling valves Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Sunday, June 7, 2020 TURBINES & COMPRESSORS Turbine drives the electric generator in steam, gas, or hydroelectric power plants. As the fluid passes through the turbine, work is done against the blades, which are attached to the shaft. As a result, the shaft rotates, and the turbine produces work. Compressors, as well as pumps and fans, are devices used to increase the pressure of a fluid. Work is supplied to these devices from an external source through a rotating shaft. Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Sunday, June 7, 2020 TURBINES & COMPRESSORS Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Sunday, June 7, 2020 TURBINES & COMPRESSORS A fan increases the pressure of a gas slightly and is mainly used to mobilize a gas. A compressor is capable of compressing the gas to very high pressures. Pumps work very much like compressors except that they handle liquids instead of gases. Note that turbines produce power output whereas compressors, pumps and fans require power input. Heat transfer from turbines and compressors is usually negligible (𝑸 ≈ 𝟎) since they are typically well insulated. Potential energy changes are negligible for all of these devices (∆𝑷𝑬 ≈ 𝟎). The fluid velocities encountered in most turbines are very high and the fluid experiences a significant change in its kinetic energy. However, this change is usually very small relative to the change in enthalpy and thus it is often disregarded (∆𝑲𝑬 ≈ 0). Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Sunday, June 7, 2020 5-51 Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 10 MPa and 500°C and leaves at 10 kPa with a quality of 90 percent. Neglecting the changes in kinetic and potential energies, determine (a) the mass flow rate required for a power output of 5 MW and (b) the exit temperature. Sol.: Inlet state = Superheated vapor Exit state = Saturated mixture (a) 𝑚 = ? (b) 𝑇2 = ? For 𝒉𝟏 : From Table A-6 at P1 = 10 MPa & T1 = 500 C ℎ1 = 3375.1 kJ/kg For 𝒉𝟐 : From Table A-5 at P2 = 10 kPa & x2 = 0.9 ℎ𝑓 = 191.81 kJ/kg ℎ𝑓𝑔 = 2392.1 kJ/kg ℎ2 = ℎ𝑓 + 𝑥2 ℎ𝑓𝑔 = 2344.7 kJ/kg For 𝑻𝟐 : Since phase is changing at the final state, therefore T2 = Tsat @ P2 = 10 kPa From Table A-5 at P2 = 10 kPa T2 = 45.81 C Ans Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Sunday, June 7, 2020 For 𝒎: Since 𝑄 = 0, ∆𝐾𝐸 ≈ 0and ∆𝑃𝐸 ≈ 0 𝑚 ℎ1 = 𝑊𝑜𝑢𝑡 + 𝑚 ℎ2 𝑚 ∗ 3375.1 = 5000 + 𝑚 ∗ 2344.7 𝑚 = 4.852 𝑘𝑔/𝑠 Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Ans Sunday, June 7, 2020 5–56 Refrigerant-134a enters an adiabatic compressor as saturated vapor at 24°C and leaves at 0.8 MPa and 60°C. The mass flow rate of the refrigerant is 1.2 kg/s. Determine (a) the power input to the compressor and (b) the volume flow rate of the refrigerant at the compressor inlet. Sol.: Inlet state = Saturated vapor Exit state = Superheated vapor (a) 𝑊𝑖𝑛 = ? (b) 𝑉1 = ? For 𝒉𝟏 & 𝒗𝟏 : From Table A-11 at T1 = - 24 C ℎ1 = ℎ𝑔 = 235.92 kJ/kg 𝑣1 = 𝑣𝑔 = 0.17395 m3/kg For 𝒉𝟐 : From Table A-13 at P2 = 0.8 MPa & T2 = 60 C ℎ2 = 296.81 kJ/kg For 𝑽𝟏 : 𝑚1 =𝜌1 𝑉1 = 𝑉1 /𝑣1 → 1.2 = 𝑉1 /0.17395 𝑉1 = 0.209 m3/s Ans Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Sunday, June 7, 2020 For 𝒎: Since 𝑄 = 0, ∆𝐾𝐸 ≈ 0and ∆𝑃𝐸 ≈ 0 𝑊𝑖𝑛 + 𝑚 ℎ1 = 𝑚 ℎ2 𝑊𝑖𝑛 + 1.2 ∗ 235.92 = 1.2 ∗ 296.81 𝑊𝑖𝑛 = 73.06 𝑘𝐽/𝑠 Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Ans Sunday, June 7, 2020 TROTTLING VALVES Throttling valves are any kind of flow-restricting devices that cause a significant pressure drop in the fluid. 0 The pressure drop in the fluid is often accompanied by a large drop in temperature, and for that reason throttling devices are commonly used in refrigeration and air-conditioning applications. Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Sunday, June 7, 2020 TROTTLING VALVES Throttling valves are usually small devices, and the flow through them may be assumed to be adiabatic (𝑸 ≈ 𝟎) since there is neither sufficient time nor large enough area for any effective heat transfer to take place. Also, there is no work done (𝑾 = 0) and the change in potential energy, if any, is very small (∆𝑷𝑬 ≈ 𝟎). Even though the exit velocity is often considerably higher than the inlet velocity, in many cases, the increase in kinetic energy is insignificant (∆𝑲𝑬 ≈ 𝟎). Then the conservation of energy equation for this singlestream steady-flow device reduces to 𝒉𝟏 ≈ 𝒉𝟐 Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin 1 That is, enthalpy values at the inlet and exit of a throttling valve are the same. For this reason, a throttling valve is sometimes called an isenthalpic device. Sunday, June 7, 2020 2 TROTTLING VALVES Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Sunday, June 7, 2020 5–66 Refrigerant-134a is throttled from the saturated liquid state at 700 kPa to a pressure of 160 kPa. Determine the temperature drop during this process and the final specific volume of the refrigerant. Sol.: For T1 & h1: Since at the inlet the state is saturated liquid, so phase is changing. Thus, T1 = Tsat at P1 = 700 kPa From Table A-12 at P1 = 700 kPa T1 = Tsat = 26.69 C h1 = hf = 88.82 kJ/kg For h2: We have studied earlier that when 𝑄 ≈ 0, 𝑊 = 0, ∆𝑘𝑒 ≈ 0and ∆𝑝𝑒 ≈ 0 the enthalpy remains constant in throttling valves, so: h2 = h1 = 88.82 kJ/kg 3 For Final State: From Table A-12 at P2 = 160 kPa hf = 31.21 kJ/kg hg = 241.11 kJ/kg Since hf < h2 < hg → 31.21 < 88.81 < 241.11 Therefore, the final state is saturated mixture Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Sunday, June 7, 2020 Sol.: For T2: Since at the outlet the state is saturated mixture, so phase is changing. Thus, T2 = Tsat at P2 = 160 kPa From Table A-12 at P2 = 160 kPa T2 = Tsat = -15.60 C For ∆T: ∆T = T2 – T1 = -15.60 – 26.69 = - 42.3 C ∆T = - 42.3 C Ans For x2: From Table A-12 at P2 = 160 kPa hf = 31.21 kJ/kg hg = 241.11 kJ/kg h2 = hf +x2 hfg → 88.81 = 31.21 + x2 * 241.11 x2 = 0.2745 4 For v2: From Table A-12 at P2 = 160 kPa vf = 0.0007437 m3/kg vg = 0.12348 m3/kg v2 = vf +x2 vfg → v2 = 0.0007437 + x2 * (0.12348 - 0.0007437) v2 = 0.0344 m3/kg Ans Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Sunday, June 7, 2020 5–68 A well-insulated valve is used to throttle steam from 8 MPa and 500°C to 6 MPa. Determine the final temperature of the steam. Sol.: For h1: At the inlet at P1 = 8 MPa & T1 = 500 C the state must be superheated vapor. From Table A-6 at P1 = 8 MPa & T1 = 500 C h1 = 3399.5 kJ/kg For h2: We have studied earlier that when 𝑄 ≈ 0, 𝑊 = 0, ∆𝑘𝑒 ≈ 0 and ∆𝑝𝑒 ≈ 0 the enthalpy remains constant in throttling valves, so: h2 = h1 = 3399.5 kJ/kg 5 For Final State: P2 = 6 MPa is not present in Table A-5, it means the final state is also superheated vapor. From Table A-6 at P2 = 6 MPa & h2 = 3399.5 kJ/kg T2 = 490.1 C Ans (you need to do interpolation) T2 h2 450 3302.9 T2=? 3399.5 500 3423.1 Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Sunday, June 7, 2020 6 Thank you!! Prepared by: Dr.-Ing. Usman Allauddin Sunday, June 7, 2020