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Starting with text

Define: 1) Proofreading: When you read through all the text in a document to see if you can find any mistakes.
2) Clipboard: This is a special storage area on the computer
3) Punctuation: These are characters such as a comma, a full stop and a question mark.
4) Character: a character is any letter, number, symbol or punctuation mark.
5) Cursor: This is a marker on the screen that let you know where the text will be when you start typing.
6) Ribbon: This is an area at the top of the page where you can find all the buttons that you can use.
7) ЃgEnterЃh key is pressed to go to the next line.
8) ЃgCursorЃh is used to choose where you want to start typing text.
9) Word processing is: The skill of typing and editing text.