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BIOL 201 Syllabus

General Biology I -4 credits- BIOL201
Textbook and Resources:
1) Raven 2019, Biology, 12th edition, McGraw Hill
2) The course material including lectures notes and recordings are available on Moodle
3) Connect–McGraw Hill: access e-book, practice exam questions online, watch
videos/animations and more
Course coordinator
Laboratory coordinator
Noël Ghanem, PhD
Mohammad Al Zein
Biology room 301
(3rd floor)
x 3915
Biology room 101A
(1st floor)
x 3896
Online via WEBEX
Or by appointment
Check laboratory syllabus
AUB Extension
Office hours
Course syllabus
Unit 1: Molecular Basis of the life, Evolution, the Tree of life and Prokaryotes
Chapters 1 (20 and 21): The science of Biology / Evolution
Chapters 23 and 25: The Tree of life
Chapter 27: Prokaryotes
Chapter 26: Viruses
Unit 2: Cell Structure
Chapter 3: The chemical buildings of life
Chapter 4: Cell structure
Chapter 5: Membranes
Unit 3: Cell metabolism, Photosynthesis and Cell Signaling
Chapter 6: Energy and metabolism
Chapter 7: How cells harvest energy
Chapter 8: Photosynthesis
Chapter 9: Cell communication
Unit 4: Reproduction, Cell Cycle Control, Chromosome Mapping
Chapter 10: how cells divide
Chapters 11: Sexual reproduction and meiosis
Chapter 12: Patterns of inheritance
Chapter 13: Chromosomes, mapping and the meiosis-inheritance connection
Unit 5: DNA replication, mRNA Transcription and Protein Translation
Chapter 14: DNA: the genetic material
Chapter 15: Genes and how they work
Protists, Fungi and the animal kingdom (Invertebrates) covered in the laboratory
Online Exams Schedule
Midterm 1 / Midterm 2 / Final exam: 75% (exact dates to be set in due time)
Laboratory reports and quizzes: 25%
1-Class attendance is mandatory. Students who miss two or more lectures without valid
justification should be dropped from the course or penalized (5-10% deduction from total
2-Lab attendance is mandatory. Students who miss two or more lab sessions should be
dropped from the course or penalized (5-10% deduction from total grade).
3- NO MAKE UP exams: Failure to sit for an exam results in a grade of 0.
In case of an extreme medical emergency with a valid report from AUBMC, the
make-up exam will be given with the final exam.
Proctored exams
AUB regulation starting on June 1, 2020
A laptop, desktop, or similar device with a working internet connection is required
for this course. Your device should have a webcam, a microphone, and speakers. You
may be asked to use the webcam and audio during online lectures and/or for
proctoring of exams.
Exams may be administered using the Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor.
When Respondus is required, you must download it onto a laptop or desktop
computer with a supported operating system.
Exams may also be proctored using video over Webex, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom.
When required, you must have the right tool installed on a device with a supported
operating system.
By signing up for this course, you confirm that you have read and accepted the
terms and provisions of AUB’s Privacy Statement.
Learning outcomes
The students will be able to:
1. understand the role of biology and the relevance of different biological processes
to our daily life (PLOs 2 and 3a-3c)
2. use the microscope and learn the basic skills of light microscopy (PLOs 5c-5e)
3. describe the structure of the cell and learn the function of its different components
(PLOs 2b, 2e and 3b)
4. compare a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic cell and highlight their differences (PLOs
2b, 2h-2j and 3b)
5. learn the basic concepts in cell metabolism and photosynthesis (PLO 4b)
6. study the processes of cell division and sexual reproduction (PLOa 2c and 2j)
7. learn the principles of genetics and solve genetic problems (PLO 2c)
8. study the molecular characteristics of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and how
nucleic acids and protein synthesis are interrelated (PLOs 3a and 4a)
9. acquire an overview of the theory of evolution, the origin and the biodiversity of
life (PLOs 2h-2j)
10. acquire an overview of the classification of living organisms and their major
characteristics (PLOs 2j and 3c)
11. Test hypotheses, run simple experiments and interpret the data inside the
laboratory (PLOs 5c-5e).
12. Learn how to work in a safe and efficient environment inside the laboratory
(PLOs 6a-6c)
University policies
a. Academic Integrity:
Please refer to AUB Student Code of Conduct:
nduct/StudentCodeConduct.pdf , in particular section 1.1, which concerns
academic misconduct including cheating, plagiarism, in-class disruption, and
dishonesty. Please be aware that misconduct is vigorously prosecuted and that
AUB has a zero tolerance policy. Course policy is that credible evidence of
cheating will result in course failure.
b. Recommended Accessibility Statement to Acknowledge the Unique Learning
Needs of Students with Disabilities
AUB strives to make learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you
anticipate or experience academic barriers due to a disability, please inform me
immediately so that we help you establish reasonable accommodations and
facilitate a smooth accommodations process. You are also encouraged to contact
the Accessible Education Office: accessibility@aub.edu.lb; +961-1-350000,
x3246; West Hall, 314.
c. Non-Discrimination
AUB is committed to facilitating a campus free of all forms of discrimination
including sex/gender-based harassment prohibited by Title IX. The University’s
non-discrimination policy applies to, and protects, all students, faculty, and staff.
If you think you have experienced discrimination or harassment, including sexual
misconduct, you can find information and contacts at www.aub.edu.lb/titleix . To
report an incident, contact the University's Title IX Coordinator Trudi Hodges at
01-350000 ext. 2514, or titleix@aub.edu.lb . An anonymous report may be
submitted online via EthicsPoint at www.aub.ethicspoint.com.