IMPACT TEST ANALYSIS OF AUTOMOBILE CRASHBOX A PROJECT REPORT Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering by ARSH THAKUR – 18BME0657 DARSHIT AGRAWAL – 18BME0323 SESHENDRA KALYAN PEPAKAYALA – 18BME0332 School of Mechanical Engineering APRIL,2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents School of Mechanical Engineering _______________________________________________ 1 DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE ___________________ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE ____________________________ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT _____________________________ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY __________________________________________________________ 3 LIST OF TABLES ________________________________________________________________ 4 LIST OF FIGURES _______________________________________________________________ 5 LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS _______________ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. 1. INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW ______________________________________ 6 1.1.Background __________________________________________________________ 6 1.2.Problem Statement ____________________________________________________ 7 1.3.Motivation __________________________________________________________ 7 1.4.Challenges Faced _____________________________________________________ 8 1.5.Approach ____________________________________________________________ 8 1.6.Literature Review ________________________ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. 1.7.Knowledge Gained from Literature Review _________________________________ 9 1.8.Gaps in Research _____________________________________________________ 10 1.9.Aim and Objective____________________________________________________ 11 2. METHODOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL WORK _________________________________ 12 2.1Design Approach _____________________________________________________ 12 2.2Process flow _________________________________________________________ 13 2.3Material ____________________________________________________________ 14 2.4Analysis Procedure____________________________________________________ 16 2.5Structures ___________________________________________________________ 17 3. Results and discussion ___________________________________________________ 21 4. Conclusion _____________________________________________________________ 28 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the growing automotive world, manufacturers compete to fabricate the best-in-class product with no compromise with durability and safety of vehicle. One such element of car is crash box which makes our vehicle safe and durable. Crash box is a passive safety system which is intended to absorb kinetic energy in case of impact at low velocity frontal crash and maintaining the vehicle deceleration in a safer limit, so as to minimizing the chance of injury of the passenger’s during collision. This crash box is installed between the bumper and the side member of the vehicle chassis. During crash the crash, the crash box should deform preceding to surrounding parts by absorbing maximum energy so that there is minimum service cost after the crash. In order to develop durable and safer vehicles, crashworthiness of automobiles has become a crucial parameter. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive study of crash box and to develop an optimized crash box which can absorb the maximum impact energy and is having minimum peak force. Keywords: Crash Box, LS Dyna, Origami Structure, Re Entrant Structure, Transition Structure LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Literature Review ______________ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Table 2: Material properties of Steel and Aluminum ______________________14 Table 3 : Dimensional Range ________________________________________16 Table 4: Re-entrant Crash-Box Results _________________________________25 Table 5: Modified Square Crash-Box Results ____________________________25 Table 6: Protruding Crash-Box Results ________________________________26 Table 7: Origami Crash-Box Results __________________________________26 Table 8:Crush Force Efficiency ______________________________________26 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Process Flow Chart ________________________________________13 Figure 2: True Stress vs Plastic Strain curve of Structural Steel _____________15 Figure 3: True Stress vs Plastic Strain curve of Al6061 ____________________15 Figure 4: Analysis Setup ____________________________________________17 Figure 5: Modified Square Crash-Box _________________________________17 Figure 6: Protruding Design _________________________________________18 Figure 7: Re-entrant Crash Box ______________________________________19 Figure 8: Origami Crash Box ________________________________________20 Figure 9: Energy Absorption Comparison ______________________________21 Figure 10: Peak Crushing Force Comparison ___________________________22 Figure 11: Mean Crushing Force Comparison ___________________________23 Figure 12: Displacement Comparison _________________________________23 Figure 13: Specific Energy Absorption _________________________________24 Figure 14:Crush Force Efficiency _____________________________________24 CHAPTER 1 1. INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW In this chapter an attempt has been done to optimize the efficiency of the crash box by exploring different structural geometries and comparing different materials. The crash box is to designed to absorb the kinetic energy during the frontal impact at low speeds and to avoid large structural damage to the chassis. The significance of the crash box is to cut down the re-pair cost of the vehicle due to the collision. The efficiency of the crash box has been conducted according to the Research Council for Automotive Repairs (RCAR) regulations which is 16kmph to minimize the repair costs. 1.1. Background In the 21st century every consumer is aware about the importance of safety, thus it is must for every manufacturer to make the vehicle as safe as possible and crash box plays a major role in that area. Crash box is a passive safety element which is part of the crashworthy system and its role is to reduce the severity of frontal impacts that affect passengers or key vehicle elements. It is located in between the bumper and first side member of the vehicle so whenever the vehicle crashes the impact is absorbed by the bumper and crash box only. During the collision the kinetic energy of the vehicle is converted to the strain energy of the crash box. Crash box ensures that the vehicle deaccelerates in a safer limit and also the impact on the vehicle chassis is minimum, thus ensuring the safety and durability of the also helps in reducing the repair cost as most of the damage is absorbed by the crash box. The crash box comes in various structures and geometries and their crashworthiness is determined by the parameters such as peak crushing force and energy absorption. 1.2. Problem Statement Safety of automobiles is very important to reduce the occurrence of vehicle accidents and its consequences. Safety of an automobiles is determined by the vehicle’s crashworthiness. Crash box plays a predominant roll in crashworthiness of a vehicle in a crash test at lowspeed frontal impact. The crash box absorbs the impact due to the crash and ensures the safety of the other components and minimizes the repair cost. The crash box is assembled in-between the bumper and side member of the vehicle chassis. The crash box should play a sacrificial role as it needs to deform prior to the other parts of the vehicle. The extensive research on improving the crashworthiness of crash box were focused on simple structural geometries. The aim of this research is to explore the different geometries and to do a comprehensive study of various complex geometries, their performance with structural steel and aluminum 6061 materials with respect to various parameters such as “peak crushing force”, “energy absorption”, “mean crushing force” and “crush force efficiency”. 1.3. Motivation Designs of automobiles are changing with emerging demands of several aesthetic features and efficient design based on geometry. There is a rising demand to improve the crash worthiness of an automobile. The development of new structural geometries and crash analysis techniques have enabled us to analyse the crashworthiness of the components. One of the parameters of the improving the crashworthiness is the structural geometry. The key parameter of the crash box is to absorb the maximum amount of kinetic energy and deform prior to all other components in a low-speed frontal crash. The main motivation of this project is to enhance the crashworthiness of the crash box by iterating the structural geometry which can absorb maximum kinetic energy and get deformed at the earliest. 1.4. Challenges Faced TIME: The analysis of complex structures takes days to process the Results. Multiple Thickness structure: We have restricted our design and analysis to single thin wall structures as we used Shell command to analyze our crash box structures in Ls Dyna. User-Friendliness: The analysis setup is too complex. Extracting the results is tough. Multitasking is not supported. 1.5. Approach Our approach is fairly simple, it starts with very common steps like gathering data and setting up our goals. Gathering data is very important and must step as it updates us about the current trends in the market. We read research papers, articles, watched videos etc. to gather as much info as possible. Our next step was to organize the given data by extracting information from that data as well as arranging it from newest to oldest to get an exact idea of what progress took place and what are the gaps in research. In our case, we found that most of the research is done on simple designs, and whatever research is done on complex models is not compared with these simple designs. The next step was to clearly define our aim and set up objectives to achieve these goals. This also involves determining the evaluation parameters and software to be used for designing and analyzing the crash box. We opted for a design approach that involves designing simple as well as complex geometries and analyzing them with different materials to get until we get the best results. We used SOLIDWORKS software for designing and LS DYNA software for analyzing the crash box and recording results. We started with a simple design and analyzed it and generated results. Based on these results we iterated the model and did so till we achieve our desired results and at last, compared the best designs of the crash box with each other. We also validated our results by comparing them with other research work from a reputed journal. 1.6. Knowledge Gained from Literature Review Crash-box is the predominant automotive parts for energy dispersion and absorption. Its role is to get crushed by absorbing crash energy preceding to surrounding parts so that the damage of the main chassis body is minimized and passengers are not harm. The structure must be able to absorb the kinetic energy, mainly through permanent distortion and deaccelerate the automobile in its safer limits. Crash boxes are commonly made from thin-walled tubes with a square or rectangular profile, are assembled between the bumper and chassis of car. The reason for using thin-walled structures is because they have relatively stable and predictable deformation patterns, least manufacturing costs. An ideal crash box must fulfill the following requirements: a low peak force, i.e., the reaction force during the crushing process and a high specific energy absorption, defined as the total energy absorption divided by total mass of crash-box, to absorbe as much kinetic energy as possible. The design factors which effect the crashworthiness of crash box is its material, dimensions, design of the crash box, manufacturing process used, discontinuities present in the structure, shape of the box, taper angle if any etc. The evaluation parameters for evaluation of the crashworthiness are the overall energy absorbed, the peak crushing force, compressive displacement of crash-box, the mean crushing force in crushing process of crash-box. 1.7. Gaps in Research No combined study of complex and simple structure o Although many papers are published related to simple and complex geometries but not many papers are available which collectively studies both simple as well as complex designs. No comprehensive study is available comparing different material and design. Impactor is not properly defined Studies are restricted to single parameters only. o A very few studies are done which evaluates crash-box using multiple parameters. Most of them are comparing either crushing forces or energy absorbed. No proper study is done to find out the effect of manufacturing process on crash-box performance 1.8. Aim and Objective The project aims to do a comprehensive study on various designs of crash box and determine the most optimized crash box amongst them. We will be designing multiple structural geometries which starts from simple structures such as rectangle, hexagonal to complex structural geometries such as origami, re-entrant structure and transitions. We have used solid works software for designing various structures and geometries of crash box and analysed them using LS DYNA software. The crashworthiness of the crash box depends on the parameters such as peak crushing force, maximum displacement and maximum energy absorption which was determined by crashing the crash box to the impactor at low speed. The project is purely simulation based and is done in online mode over a span of three months. This project can serve as a guide to crash analysis if crash box as it includes simple structural geometries to complex models of crash box. The objective of our study is to provide a comprehensive study on the passive safety system of vehicles i.e., crash box and to come up with an optimized design of crash box. This study is essential because it improves the safety and durability of our vehicle. The project provides an overview of crashworthiness of various crash box models and aims to develop an optimized crash box to improve the safety and durability of vehicle. To design various crash box models and geometries. To evaluate parameters like maximum peak force and energy absorbed using LS DYNA software. To analyze the crashworthiness of these models and determine the most optimized design amongst them. CHAPTER 2 2.0 METHODOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL WORK 2.1 Design Approach The aim of this paper is to study the crashworthiness of the crash box and to optimize the design of the crash box. To achieve this, we started with very basic geometries such as rectangular, cylindrical, hexagonal, and then modified the structures by adding triggers in the design based on the analysis. Later on, we have designed and analyzed unconventional designs also such as re-entrant structure, origami and transition structure. In this study we have analyzed the crash boxes developed above using both mild steel and aluminum6061.We modified the structures in order to maximize the energy absorption of the crash box and minimize the peak crushing force. We used SOLIDWORKS software to design the crash boxes and for analysis and simulation we used LS DYNA software. 2.2 Process flow Figure 1: Process Flow Chart The very first step to start our study is by clearly defining what problem we are tying to solve and how can we solve the problem. This also involves setting up our aim and objectives along with evaluation parameters. After clarifying our goals and objectives next step is material study, we will decide what potential material we can use for our study following which comes designing. We are using SOLIDWORKS software to design geometries and do modelling. The modelled design was then analysed using LS DYNA software by keeping the mesh as fine as possible to get the best results and applying the constrains in such a way to achieve realistic results. The designs are then evaluated and if required its parameters are iterated so as to get optimized results. The results are validated and conclusion is stated. 2.3 Material The materials used in this study is mild steel and aluminium 6061 whose properties are listed below. The crash-box models are analysed using both materials to determine the most crashworthy component. Table 1: Material properties of Steel and Aluminum [17][18] Property Structural Steel Aluminium 6061 2x105 72x103 0.3 0.33 7.85e-006 2.85e-006 Tensile Yield Strength (MPa) 250 276 Tensile Ultimate Strength (MPa) 460 310 Young's Modulus (MPa) Poisson's Ratio Density (kg/mm³) Crash-Box analysis is carried out in plastic range of stress strain curve which is shown below. Trur Stress(MPa) True Stress vs Plastic Strain curve of Steel 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 Plastic strain Figure 2: True Stress vs Plastic Strain curve of Structural Steel True Stress vs Plastic Strain Curve of AL6061 400 True Stress (MPa) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 Plastic Strain Figure 3: True Stress vs Plastic Strain curve of Al6061 0,06 0,07 0,08 0,09 In this present study the structural geometry of the crash box is modelled using Solid works software by restricting the dimensions to a certain range as shown in the table (2). Table 2 : Dimensional Range S No. Dimension Min value (mm) Max value(mm) 1 Thickness 3 3 2 Length 60 90 3 Breadth 60 90 4 Height 165 165 5 Radius 70 90 2.4 Analysis Procedure The FEA of the crash boxes is performed using LS DYNA software with fine mesh size of 3mm and taking special care around discontinuities. An impactor was generated with dimensions 160*160*10 mm3 with a density of 0.005kg/mm3 making it equivalent to a commercial vehicle. The crash-box was modelled as shell and its lower nodes were fixed. It was presumed that the impactor would be a rigid body. To replicate the mass of the impacting device, a specific mass was allocated to the impactor, and the initial velocity was imparted into the model by designating initial velocity condition to the impactor nodes. Except for the vertical axis, which aligns with the impact direction, the affecting mass was limited in all directions. Impactor Impactor Direction Crash-Box Figure 4: Analysis Setup In the crush simulation, a general contact algorithm was used. Automatic node to surface contact was defined among the impactor and the surface of the crash-box. Automatic single surface contact was established on the column wall to prevent from infiltration between each compression in the crash box walls during crush buckling process. The strain hardening behaviour was incorporated in the form of the true stress – plastic strain curve, which was modelled as piecewise linear plastic, and the material was considered to be isotropic. 2.5 Structures a. Square with grooves and holes Figure 5: Modified Square Crash-Box The rectangle with grooves and hole’s structure is the modified design of a simple rectangular crash box. The grooves on the lateral sides and holes on the edges acts as triggers and allows controlled deformation of the crash box which results in lowering the peak crushing force and maximizing the energy absorption during the impact. b. Protruding design Figure 6: Protruding Design This is another modification of simple crash box. In this design, small protrusions are emerging from the crash box, during an impact the inner wall gets deforms first resulting in piling of protrusions which enables the crash box to absorb more energy. c. Re-entrant Structure Figure 7: Re-entrant Crash Box Our aim is to design a structure which absorbs maximum impact of the collision with minimum peak crushing force. One such structure is “Re-entrant structure” which is having negative Poisson’s ratio. The structure tends to absorb more energy as compared to conventional structures and its mesh like structure helps in reducing the peak and mean crushing force. The basic repetitive shape is shown below. D. Origami Structure Figure 8: Origami Crash Box Origami is basically a Japanese art form of folding paper; the application of this technique to the crash box enables the thin-walled structure to have pre folded geometry which acts as crash initiators and help the structure to possess controlled and uniform deformation easily with minimal force while absorbing the impact from the crash. Chapter 3 3.0 Results and discussion The results of the FEA performed on various crash-boxes is summarized below in the form of bar graph and tables. Evaluation parameters to check the crashworthiness of these crash-box is “Energy Absorption”, “Peak Crushing Force”, “Mean Crushing Force” and “Specific Energy Absorption”. Energy Absorbtion 12 650 J 12 600 J 12 550 J 12 500 J 12 450 J 12 400 J 12 350 J 12 300 J 12 250 J 12 200 J Rentrant Square with grooves Protruding Rectangle and holes Mild Steel Origami Aluminium 6061 Figure 9: Energy Absorption Comparison The main objective of a crash box is to absorb as much as impact energy as possible. Our analysis shows that energy absorbed by steel as well as aluminum doesn’t exhibit any significant difference except in case of origami structure. Energy absorbed by square crash box with triggers is least whereas energy absorbed by “Reentrant” and “Protruding” structure is highest and almost identical whereas origami structure stands around 12550J. Thus, according to energy absorption “Protruding” structure is slightly better than “Re-entrant” structure, then comes “origami” and “square with triggers”. Peak Crushing Force 450 KN 400 KN 350 KN 300 KN 250 KN 200 KN 150 KN 100 KN 50 KN 0 KN Rentrant Square with grooves Protruding Rectangle and holes Mild Steel Origami Aluminium 6061 Figure 10: Peak Crushing Force Comparison Peak crushing force implies the highest force incurred in the crash box structure during the momentum transfer. It is observed that peak crushing force required by steel is higher than that of aluminium for all design except origami. From these results we can see infer those Aluminium structures are better than steel as deformation would be done easily reducing the load on chassis and other components. Mean Crushing Force 400 KN 350 KN 300 KN 250 KN 200 KN 150 KN 100 KN 50 KN 0 KN Rentrant Square with grooves Protruding Rectangle and holes Mild Steel Origami Aluminium 6061 Figure 11: Mean Crushing Force Comparison Mean crushing force also shows the same trend as peak crushing force, the crushing force required to crumple crash box is more for steel material as compared to aluminium. It is highest for square with grooves and holes crash box and lowest for origami aluminium crash-box. Displacement 100 mm 90 mm 80 mm 70 mm 60 mm 50 mm 40 mm 30 mm 20 mm 10 mm 0 mm Rentrant Square with grooves and holes Mild Steel Protruding Rectangle Origami Aluminium 6061 Figure 12: Displacement Comparison Displacement represents how much crash-box is crushed. More the displacement the less potential is left for crash box to absorb. We can clearly figure out that displacement of aluminium structures is more as compared to steel structures. Deformation in origami structure is highest and it is lowest in square with triggers. Specific Energy Absorbtion 40 000 J/Kg 35 000 J/Kg 30 000 J/Kg 25 000 J/Kg 20 000 J/Kg 15 000 J/Kg 10 000 J/Kg 5 000 J/Kg 0 J/Kg Rentrant Square with grooves and holes Mild Steel Protruding Rectangle Origami Aluminium Figure 13: Specific Energy Absorption Specific energy absorption is ratio of energy absorbed and the mass of the crash box, this helps us to understand the energy absorption capability of the crash box. The specific energy absorption of aluminium crash boxes is approximately double when compared to steel crash boxes. It is observed specific energy absorption of the modifies square crash box is the maximum of both steel and aluminium when compared respectively. Crush Force Efficiency 1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 Re-entrant Structure Square with grooves and holes Structure Structural Steel Protruding Structure Aluminium Figure 14:Crush Force Efficiency Origami Structure The crush force efficiency is the ratio of the mean crushing force and peak crushing force. The closer to 1 is the better as it lowers deceleration on to the travellers at the early stage. The triggered square structure of tops the list with CFE of 0.90 with structural steel material. The results of individual structures are summarized below. Table 3: Re-entrant Crash-Box Results Re-entrant Structure Parameters Structural Steel Aluminium 6061 Peak Crushing Force (KN) 387.08 316.49 Mean Crushing Force (KN) 232.50 220.16 Displacement (mm) 54.59 70.76 Energy Absorption (J) 12610.30 12613.6 Specific Energy Absorption (J/Kg) 7378.76 19958.23 Table 4: Modified Square Crash-Box Results Square with grooves and holes Structure Parameters Structural Steel Aluminium 6061 Peak Crushing Force (KN) 405.92 377.37 Mean Crushing Force (KN) 366.936 264.50 Displacement (mm) 46.176 46.89 Energy Absorption (J) 12360.2 12360.60 Specific Energy Absorption (J/Kg) 13405.86 36248.09 Table 5: Protruding Crash-Box Results Protruding Structure Parameters Structural Steel Aluminium 6061 Peak Crushing Force (KN) 380.558 370.20 Mean Crushing Force (KN) 159.17 152.44 Displacement (mm) 79.92 82.78 Energy Absorption (J) 12617.50 12619.00 Specific Energy Absorption (J/Kg) 7731.311 20927.03 Table 6: Origami Crash-Box Results Origami Structure Parameters Structural Steel Aluminium 6061 Peak Crushing Force (KN) 190.59 210.58 Mean Crushing Force (KN) 161.0 140.0 Displacement (mm) 78.28 89.79 Energy Absorption (J) 12620.70 12625.10 Specific Energy Absorption (J/Kg) 8644.31 23379.81 Table 7:Crush Force Efficiency Crush Force Efficiency Aluminium Structural Steel Re-entrant Structure 0.69 0.60 Square with grooves and holes Structure 0.70 0.90 Protruding Structure 0.41 0.41 Origami Structure 0.64 0.84 Chapter 4 4.0 Conclusion The paper successfully compares the crashworthiness of various crash box geometries as well as their behavior as steel and aluminium structures. Crash boxes were evaluated based on Energy Absorbed, peak and mean crushing force as well as their deformations. It was noted in terms of material, that there is a significant difference in the specific energy absorbed, the aluminium structures showed better results than steel and the peak crushing force and mean crushing force of the steel structure were higher when compared to that of aluminium structures. Origami structure showed the optimum deformation and the energy absorbed by this structure is equivalent to other crash-box structures for both steel and aluminium structure, also its peak and mean crushing force is significantly lower than other structures, thus it can be concluded that origami gives the best results so far. It was observed that the performance of the protruding structure and re-entrant structure is almost comparable and better than origami and square crash-box with triggers in terms energy absorption, but the protruding structure has an edge over the re-entrant crash box as it deforms uniformly throughout the impact. Crashworthiness of a traditional crash box i.e., a square crash box with triggers is least compared to other structures. It has absorbed the least amount of energy and had the highest peak and mean crushing force and with the least deformation. Thus, it can be concluded that more research is needed in the field of crash boxes and vehicle safety. CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT Everyone has contributed equally in both designing, analysis and report making part the project. Verified by (Signature of the Guide)