Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region X-Northern Mindanao Division of Iligan City PRIMITIVO R. QUIMPO MEMORIAL SCHOOL North I District Learning Action Cell (LAC) IMPLEMENTATION PLAN S.Y. 2021-2022 Prepared by: JEANIEL JOY B. BORLING School LAC Coordinator Noted by: JOEGIE R. BALANAY School Head Approved by: LINO V. BONGGOT Public Schools District Supervisor North 1 District LAC IMPLEMENTATION PLAN S.Y. 2021-2022 LEARNING GOALS (SKILLS/COMPETENCIES) o To improve teachers’ mastery of the content subjects and instructional practices, which in turn, will result in learners’ improved academic achievement o To enable teachers to support each other towards continuous improvement of their content and pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills and attitudes o To foster a professional collaborative spirit among school heads, teachers and the community as a whole LEARNING GROUP MEMBERS Joegie R.Balanay (School Head) Jeaniel Joy B. Borling (LAC coordinator) *LAC facilitator (LacF) and LAC documenter may vary each session. TOPIC 1. Beginning Reading and the different reading strategies OBJECTIVES At the end of the session teachers are able to differentiate the different reading strategies April Shyne P. Langam Mae Flor O. Quintana LEARNING FACILITATOR/S KEY ACTIVITIES Jeaniel Joy B. Borling 2.Teaching and Learning Styles At the end of the session the teachers are able to identify their own learning style Helen M. Bagares Preparatory Sharing of experiences Presentation of the New Topic Wrap up of inputs and insights, and application What to do next Next steps and agreements Closing Completion of Reports Preparatory Sharing of experiences Presentation of the New Topic Wrap up of inputs and insights, and application What to do next MATERIALS/ RESOURCES NEEDED Computer, internet, Answer sheet/invention on teaching and learning style Helen M. Bagares Arnel V. Tinggas FUND/ SOURCE MOOE Computer, internet, MOOE, Answer sheet/invention on teaching and learning style DATE AND TIME (PLANNED) September 2021 September 2021 Elmer A. Gutang May D. Arapoc DATE AND TIME (ACTUAL) SUCCESS INDICATORS Teachers are able to use the reading strategies during enrollment period Reflection and insights Accomplished forms Teachers are able to identify their own learning and learning styles Reflection and insights Accomplished forms MEANS OF VERIFICATION (MOV) Teachers compilation notes on the different reading strategies Well-crafted DLPs and IMs LAC Forms (1-4) Videos and phot documents Study notebook A short narrative report about the teacher’s teaching and learning style and actual record of the individual inventory on Next steps and agreements Closing Completion Reports of 4. Classroom Management and structuring At the end of the session teachers are able to structure their rooms more conducive to learning Arnel V. Tingas Preparatory jeepney, fare Sharing of experiences Presentation of the New Topic Wrap up of inputs and insights, and application What to do next Next steps and agreements Closing Completion of Reports Personal, October 2021 1, Teachers are able to describe the well-structured room –conducive for learning Reflection and insights Accomplished forms 4. Learning Delivery Modalities 2 At the end of the session the teachers are able to present the content of the Portfolio for LAC Session Elmer Gutang Preparatory Sharing of experiences Presentation of the New Topic Wrap up of inputs and Computer/ Laptop, answer Internet, Personal October 2021 8, Teachers are able to prepare the documents as content of the portfolio during the LAC session for LDM teaching and learning style Wellcrafted DLPs and IMs LAC Forms (1-4) Videos and photo documents Study notebook Own classroom is restructured patterned from the DepEd guidelines before the opening of the classes of the school year 20202021 Well-crafted DLPs and IMs LAC Forms (1-4) Videos and photo documents Study notebook LAC Leader’s report checked by the school head Well-crafted DLPs and 5. Conduct of PHIL-IRI At the end of the session May Arapoc and DOLCH BASIC teachers are able to SIGHT WORDS discuss the proper way of conducting the PHIL-IRI insights, and application What to do next Next steps and agreements Closing Completion of Reports Preparatory Sharing of experiences Presentation of the New Topic Wrap up of inputs and insights, and application What to do next Next steps and agreements Closing Completion of Reports Reflection and insights Accomplished forms Computer, Dolch MOOE, Basic Sight Words List, PHIL-IRI passage October 2021 13, Teachers are able to enumerate the steps in conducting the PHIL-IRI and Dolch Basic Sight Words Reflection and insights Accomplished forms 6.Motivating learners At the end of the session April and effective praising teachers are able to Langam enumerate techniques on motivating learners and give samples of effective praises Shyne Preparatory Sharing of experiences Presentation of the New Topic Wrap up of inputs and insights, and application What to do Table, pictures, MOOE, bond paper, Permanent marking pen October 2021 27, Teachers prepare some Instructional materials with praises Reflection and insights Accomplished forms IMs LAC Forms (1-4) Videos and photo documents Study notebook Records of the Learners of the PHILIRI and DOLCH Basic Sight Words showing with at least 20 percent increase on the instructional learners Well-crafted DLPs and IMs LAC Forms (1-4) Videos and photo documents Study notebook Well-crafted DLPs and IMs LAC Forms (1-4) Videos and photo documents Study notebook 7. Increasing the number At the end of the session May Flor of stakeholders of the teachers are able to list of Quintana school strategies on increasing stakeholders of the school O. 8. Photoshop Workshop At the end of the session, May A. Maghanoy teachers will be able to use the Photoshop for the teaching-learning process. 9. Webinar on Gulayan Teachers will be able to sa Paaralan plant variety of vegetables in the school May Flor Quintana O. next Next steps and agreements Closing Completion of Reports Preparatory Bond paper, ink Sharing of experiences Presentation of the New Topic Wrap up of inputs and insights, and application What to do next Next steps and agreements Closing Completion of Reports Preparatory Laptop Sharing of experiences Presentation of the New Topic Wrap up of inputs and insights, and application What to do next Next steps and agreements Closing Completion of Reports Preparatory Laptop/Desktop, Sharing of Gulayan materials experiences MOOE November 3, 2021 Increase of donated goods/services Reflection and insights Accomplished forms MOOE November 17, 2021 Application of PS Reflection and insights Accomplished forms Increased of partners/ stakeholders listed in the Brigada report Well-crafted DLPs and IMs LAC Forms (1-4) Videos and photo documents Study notebook MOOE December 1, 2021 Teachers are able to prepare the school assigned Increased computer application literacy among teachers. Well-crafted DLPs and IMs LAC Forms (1-4) Videos and photo document s Study notebook Well-crafted DLPs and IMs assigned gulayan area 10. Accomplishing School Forms To utilize the forms to inform the modification of teaching and learning practices and programs Arnel V. Tingas To use strategies for providing timely, accurate and constructive feedback to improve learner performance Presentation of the New Topic Wrap up of inputs and insights, and application What to do next Next steps and agreements Closing Completion of Reports Preparatory Sharing of experiences Presentation of the New Topic Wrap up of inputs and insights, and application What to do next Next steps and agreements Closing Completion of Reports gulayan area Reflection and insights Accomplished forms Multimedia equipment Sample Lesson Plans for Two-way Radio Classes LAC forms (1-4) Writing Materials MOOE December 15, 2021 Application of School Forms Reflection and insights Accomplished forms LAC Forms (1-4) Videos and photo documents Study notebook Well-crafted DLPs and IMs LAC Forms (1-4) Videos and photo documents Study notebook MID-YEAR EVALUATION AND PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL January 31 – February 5, 2022 Checking of Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form (PMCF) IPCRF rating using the Mid-year Review Form (MRF) and feedbacking 11. Teaching Beginning Reading To explore teaching beginning reading To develop strategies in teaching beginning reading To develop assessment tasks with teaching Jeaniel Joy B. Borling Preparatory Sharing of experiences Presentation of the New Topic Wrap up of inputs and insights, and application Multimedia equipment Sample Lesson Plans for Two-way Radio Classes LAC forms MOOE February 9, 2022 Application of Project AVT(Assessmen t Via Teleconference) Reflection and insights Accomplished forms Well-crafted DLPs and IMs for teaching beginning reading classes LAC Forms (1-4) beginning reading 12. Action Research To orient teachers of about Action Research Writing April Shyne Langam What to do next Next steps and agreements Closing Completion of Reports Preparatory Sharing of experiences Presentation of the New Topic Wrap up of inputs and insights, and application What to do next Next steps and agreements Closing Completion of Reports (1-4) Writing Materials Multimedia equipment Sample research paper LAC forms (1-4) Writing Materials MOOE March 16, 2022 In-depth understanding and creation of action research Reflection and insights Accomplished forms YEAR-END EVALUATION AND PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL July 11-15, 2022 Checking of RPMS and LDM & LAC portfolios IPCRF rating and feedbacking Prepared by: JEANIEL JOY B. BORLING School LAC Coordinator Noted by: JOEGIE R. BALANAY School Head Approved by: LINO V. BONGGOT Public Schools District Supervisor North 1 District Videos and photo documents Study notebook Individual research paper LAC Forms (1-4) Videos and photo documents Study notebook