Chapter IV Results and Discussions Table1. Frequency and percentage Distribution of the Profile of Respondents According to Age Profile Frequency 2 3 4 Age Percent 3 39 40 82 Total 3.7 47.6 48.8 100 Table 1 provides data on the profile of respondents according to age. There were 82 total respondents who participated in the research. There are 3 students (3.7%) who are 17-18 (2) years old. There are also 39 (47.6%) students who are 19-20 (3) years old. Lastly, there are 40 (48.8%) students who are 21years old and above. This depicts that there is a higher number of students ages 21 years old and above and between 17-18 years old has lower number. Table1. Frequency and percentage Distribution of the Profile of Respondents According to Sex Profile Frequency 1 2 Sex Total Percent 20 62 82 24.4 75.6 100 Table 1 also provides the data on the frequency and percentage distribution of the profile of respondents according to sex. There are 20 (24.4%) males (1) and there are 62 (75.6%) females (2) Science Majors students who participated as respondents of the research. This means that there are higher number of females Science Major students than male Science Major Students. Table. __Level of Academic Stress Academic Stress 1. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [Competition with my peers for grades is quite intense] 2. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [My teachers are critical of my academic performance] 3. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [Teachers have unrealistic expectations of me] 4. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [The unrealistic expectations of my parents stresses me out] 5. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [The time allocated to classes and academic work is enough] 6. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [The size of the curriculum (workload) is excessive] 7. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [I believe that the amount of work assignment is too much] 8. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [The examination questions are usually difficulty] 9. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [Examination time is short to complete the answers] 10. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [Examination times are very stressful to me] 11. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [Am confident that I will be a successful student] 12. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [Am confident that I will be successful in my future career] 13. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [I can make academic decisions easily] 14. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [I fear failing courses this year] 15. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [I think that my worry about examinations is weakness of character] Std. Descriptive Mean Deviation Equivalent 1.94 0.759 Sometimes 2.50 0.774 Sometimes 2.11 0.786 Sometimes 2.43 0.994 Sometimes 2.41 0.769 Sometimes 2.62 0.678 2.49 0.724 Sometimes 2.76 0.695 Often 2.65 0.760 Often 2.74 0.829 Often 3.00 0.981 Often 3.00 0.956 Often 2.40 0.700 Sometimes 3.17 0.858 Often 2.68 0.815 Often Often 16. What academic stressors are you experiencing? [Even if I pass my exams, am worried about getting a job] Overall Mean 2.85 0.904 Often 2.60 0.34 Often Table 3 presented the level of academic stress of the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in General Science Students who are 82 students. In this table, it revealed that frequent academic stressor of the Science Major students fears of failing this academic year having x=3.17, sd=0.858, and its descriptive equivalent is often. On the other side, the academic stressor that Science Major students felt infrequently is “competition with my peers for grades is quite intense” with x=1.94, sd=0.759, and with descriptive equivalent of sometimes. To sum it up, the overall mean of the level of academic stressor of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in General Science students is x=2.60 with sd=0.34 that fell to the descriptive equivalent of often in which it stated that the students felt the academic stressors often. Table __. Level of Coping Strat Coping Strat 1. How do you cope with stress? [I've been concentrating my efforts on doing something about the situation I'm in] 2. How do you cope with stress? [I've been taking action to try to make the situation better] 3. How do you cope with stress? [I've been trying to come up with a strategy about what to do] 4. How do you cope with stress? [I've been thinking hard about what steps to teak] 5. How do you cope with stress? [I've been trying to see it in a different light, to make it seem more positive] Mean 2.95 Std. Deviation 0.77 Descriptive Equivalent Often 3.20 0.74 Often 3.01 0.78 Often 3.02 0.68 Often 3.16 0.71 Often 6. How do you cope with stress? [I've been looking for something good in what is happening] 7. How do you cope with stress? [I've been accepting the reality of the fact that it has happened] 8. How do you cope with stress? [I've been learning to live with it] 9. How do you cope with stress? [I've been making jokes about it] 10. How do you cope with stress? [I've been making fun of the situation] 11. How do you cope with stress? [I've been trying to find comfort in my religion or spiritual beliefs] 12. How do you cope with stress? [I've been praying or meditating] 13. How do you cope with stress? [I've been getting emotional support from others] 14. How do you cope with stress? [I've been getting comfort and understanding from someone] 15. How do you cope with stress? [I've been trying to get advice or help from other people about what to do] 16. How do you cope with stress? [I've been getting help and advice from other people] 17. How do you cope with stress? [I've been turning to work or other activities to take my mind off things] 18. How do you cope with stress? [I've been doing something to think about it less, such as going to movies, watching TV, reading, daydreaming, sleeping, or shopping] 19. How do you cope with stress? [I've been saying to myself "this isn't real] 20. How do you cope with stress? [I've been refusing to believe that it has happened] 21. How do you cope with stress? [I've been learning to live with it] 3.17 0.77 Often 3.24 0.75 Often 3.21 0.86 Often 2.35 0.82 Sometimes 2.34 0.93 Sometimes 2.99 0.91 Often 3.13 0.83 Often 2.52 0.97 Often 2.82 0.96 Often 2.59 0.97 Often 2.62 0.95 Often 2.87 0.78 Often 2.83 0.86 Often 2.06 0.85 Sometimes 2.12 0.87 Sometimes 2.93 0.84 Often 22. How do you cope with stress? [I've been saying things to let my unpleasant feelings escape] 23. How do you cope with stress? [I've been using alcohol or other drugs to make myself feel better] 24. How do you cope with stress? [I've been giving up trying to deal with it] 25. How do you cope with stress? [I've been giving up the attempt to cope] 26. How do you cope with stress? [I've been criticizing myself] 27. How do you cope with stress? [I've been blaming myself for things that happened] Overall Mean 2.49 0.92 Sometimes 1.34 0.76 Never 1.88 0.79 Sometimes 1.90 0.81 Sometimes 2.44 0.93 Sometimes 2.48 1.01 Sometimes 2.65 0.45 Often Table 4 showed the level of coping strategies of the students. Students mostly accepting the reality of the fact that it has happened with mean of 3.24, sd=0.75 and falls to descriptive equivalent to often which means that students mostly felt this often. On the other side, Students were not that using alcohol or other drugs to make themselves feel better which has x=1.34, sd=0.76 and had descriptive equivalent of never. This means that they never use alcohol nor other drugs to cope with their academic stressor. In total, the overall mean is 2.65 and had 0.45 sd with the descriptive equivalent of often. This means that students often cope up with their academic stressors. Table __Relationship between Profile and Coping Profile AGE Coping stress Pearson Correlation 0.064 Sig. (2-tailed) 0.57 SEX -0.046 0.678 Eighty-two Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science students were surveyed about their profile and their coping strategies (M= 2.65 and SD=0.45) in connection to their academic stress. A Pearson’s r data analysis revealed a weak positive correlation r=0.064 in relation to age and the coping strategies. In addition, it is also revealed that the Pearson’s r data analysis in relation to sex and coping strategies is weak negative correlation r=-0.046. The profile of the students was not related to the coping strategies of the students. * Since the p-value correlating profile and coping strategy, we accept the null hypothesis. If p- value is greater than 0.05, then the test is not significant. Relationship between acad and coping Academic stress Pearson Correlation Coping strategies Sig. (2-tailed) .587** 0.000 Eighty-two Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science students were surveyed also about their academic stress (M= 2.60 and SD=0.34) and their coping strategies (M= 2.65 and SD=0.45). A Pearson’s r data analysis revealed a moderate positive correlation r=0.587 in relation to academic stress and the coping strategies. *Since the p is less than 0.000, then it is highly significant. If the p value is less than 0.000, then we reject the null hypothesis.