1/10/22, 3:08 PM COIS-3020H-A: Data Structures and Algorithms II (2022WI - Peterborough Campus) COIS-3020H-A: Data Structures and Algorithms II 2022WI - Peterborough Campus Instructor: Instructor: Alaadin Addas Email Address: aaddas@trentu.ca Phone Number: 705-748-1011 x Office: NA Office Hours: TBA. Office hours will be announced on Blackboard during Week 1. Meeting Times: Weekly lectures are scheduled on Thursdays from 15:00-16:50 and Tuesdays from 19:00-20:50 in CCS 307 Please review the academic timetable as times and locations are subject to change: https://www.trentu.ca/registrar/academic-timetable Department: Academic Administrative Assistant: Elissa O'Neill Email Address: cois@trentu.ca Phone Number: 7802 Office: OC 102.6 Description: This course is a continuation of COIS 2020H. It introduces more complex data structures, algorithms, and analyses for graphs, random binary search trees, augmenting data structures, strings, tries, balanced trees, mergeable data structures, and sets. Core topics include a selection of data structures from adjacency lists, adjacency matrices, skip lists, treaps, augmented treaps, interval trees, ropes, r-way tries, ternary trees, B-trees, binomial heaps, disjoint sets, and quad trees. https://my.trentu.ca/portal/applications/syllabus/detailPrint.php?syllabusId=19309 1/6 1/10/22, 3:08 PM COIS-3020H-A: Data Structures and Algorithms II (2022WI - Peterborough Campus) Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, a successful student will: 1. Appreciate how more complex data structures efficiently support specific applications such as spell checking and file management. 2. Design, implement, and analyze non-trivial data structures. 3. Understand and apply more advanced analytical techniques. Texts: Introduction to Algorithms (3rd Edition), Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, The MIT Press, 2009 Supplementary material will be provided as needed. Assessments, Assignments and Tests: Assignments: This course features three assignments. Each assignment is a significant programming exercise that develops and extends the material in class. Assignments must be completed in groups of 2-4 members. Each assignment is worth 15% of your final mark. Please note that assignments must be completed in group, unless an exception is granted by the instructor. Report: The report will involve an investigation of an existing algorithm/data structure. The report should go into detail regarding the implementation of an algorithm/data structure (including common operations), the time and space complexity (for all common operations), in addition to the optimal use cases of the algorithm/data structure. The report should be 1200 words (about 5 pages double spaced not including reference page) and must be submitted as a PDF to the appropriate submission dropbox on the BlackBoard course site by the due date. The report must be completed individually. The report is worth 15% of your final mark. Midterm: The midterm will be hosted on Blackboard during the scheduled lecture hours in Week 7. The first part of the midterm will be on Tuesday, March 1st, and the second part of the midterm will be on Thursday, March 3rd. You are not required to come to class for the midterm, it is hosted online. The midterm is composed of three types of questions: theory, demonstration, and problem-solving. The midterm is worth 20% of your final mark (each part is worth 10%). Final Examination: The final examination will be hosted on Blackboard during the final examination period (date/time TBA). It will be a 3-hour exam with three types of questions: theory, demonstration, and problemhttps://my.trentu.ca/portal/applications/syllabus/detailPrint.php?syllabusId=19309 2/6 1/10/22, 3:08 PM COIS-3020H-A: Data Structures and Algorithms II (2022WI - Peterborough Campus) solving. The final examination is worth 20% of your final mark. Grading: 3 Assignments 45% (15% each) - February 11th, March 11th, and April 8th Report 15% - April 8th Midterm 20% - March 1st (Part I) and March 3rd (Part II). Final Examination 20% - Formal examination period Grade Total by Withdrawal Date: The final date for withdrawal from Winter term courses is Friday, March 11th. Students will have 30% of their overall grade by that date. Schedule: Weeks 1 and 2: Graphs Adjacency matrices Adjacency lists Depth-first and breadth-first search Weeks 3 and 4: Random Binary Search Trees Average case analysis Skip lists Treaps Weeks 5 and 6: Augmenting Data Structures Assignment 1 (due February 11th) Augmented treaps Interval trees Ropes Reading Break Weeks 7: Midterm Tuesday, March 1 (Part I) Thursday, March 3 (Part II) Week 8: Tries https://my.trentu.ca/portal/applications/syllabus/detailPrint.php?syllabusId=19309 3/6 1/10/22, 3:08 PM COIS-3020H-A: Data Structures and Algorithms II (2022WI - Peterborough Campus) Assignment 2 (due Friday, March 11th) R-way tries Ternary trees Week 9: Balanced Trees B-Trees Week 10: Mergeable Data Structures Binomial heaps Weeks 11: Sets and Quad Trees Disjoint forests Quad trees Week 12: Review Assignment 3 (due Friday, April 8th) Report (due Friday, April 8th) Review Course Guidelines: Late Policy: Your assignments are subject to a 10% late penalty per day for up to 5 business days. After 5 business days your assignment will no longer be accepted (you will receive a 0). If you feel you will not be able to meet a deadline due to an illness or a personal issue please let the instructor know in advance. You may be required to provide supporting documentation. Please note that the late policy does not apply to assessments due on the final day of classes (April 8th). The final day of classes is the final day to hand in assessments. The report and assignment are due on April 8 so neither will accepted after that date. Online Communication: While this course is not being administered remotely, the office hours, will be conducted remotely. The preferred method of communication is MS Teams (rather than relying on emails and long email threads). When communicating with each other, I expect general politeness and cordialness. In this course, we will be utilizing tools such as MS Teams, I expect you to utilize your proper first and last name as your username while using these services, and no inappropriate profile pictures are permitted. Departmental Policies: https://my.trentu.ca/portal/applications/syllabus/detailPrint.php?syllabusId=19309 4/6 1/10/22, 3:08 PM COIS-3020H-A: Data Structures and Algorithms II (2022WI - Peterborough Campus) Email Accounts The Trent e-mail account is considered the official e-mail account and will be the only e-mail account used to communicate with students for academic and administrative purposes. Students are responsible for ensuring that they monitor and maintain their Trent e-mail account and to ensure that e-mail is accessed, read, and acted upon in a timely fashion. Students should be aware that e-mails from non-Trent accounts will not be considered official. University Policies: Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty, which includes plagiarism and cheating, is an extremely serious academic offence and carries penalties varying from failure on an assignment to expulsion from the University. Definitions, penalties, and procedures for dealing with plagiarism and cheating are set out in Trent University’s Academic Integrity Policy. You have a responsibility to educate yourself – unfamiliarity with the policy is not an excuse. You are strongly encouraged to visit Trent’s Academic Integrity website to learn more: www.trentu.ca/academicintegrity. Access to Instruction It is Trent University's intent to create an inclusive learning environment. If a student has a disability and documentation from a regulated health care practitioner and feels that they may need accommodations to succeed in a course, the student should contact the Student Accessibility Services Office (SAS) at the respective campus as soon as possible. Sharing and Distribution of Course Content Students in this class should be aware that classroom activities (lecture, seminars, labs, etc.) may be recorded for teaching and learning purposes. Any students with concerns about being recorded in a classroom context should speak with their professor. If a student shares or distributes course content in any way that breaches copyright legislation, privacy legislation, and/or this policy, the student will be subject to disciplinary actions under the relevant Academic Integrity Policy, the Charter of Student Rights & Responsibilities, or the Policy on the Protection of Personal Information, at a minimum, and may be subject to legal consequences that are outside of the responsibility of the university. Student Absenteeism, Missed Tests and Examinations Students are responsible for completing all course requirements, including attending classes and meeting assignment deadlines as specified on their syllabus. Adjustments and deferrals to dates for participation, assignment submissions, tests, midterms and final examinations are not automatic. It is the student’s responsibility to email their instructor immediately if they are unable to fulfill academic requirements. https://my.trentu.ca/portal/applications/syllabus/detailPrint.php?syllabusId=19309 5/6 1/10/22, 3:08 PM COIS-3020H-A: Data Structures and Algorithms II (2022WI - Peterborough Campus) Courses delivered remotely may involve student participation in scheduled (synchronous) classes via web-based platforms, such as Zoom. Students unable to participate (i.e., by video and/or audio) should email their instructors to request alternative arrangements for participation in these scheduled (synchronous) classes. Students are required to be available for all tests, midterms and exams that are listed in their course syllabus and scheduled by their instructor or the Office of the Registrar. Depending on their program, the instructor or the chair/director may decide on alternative arrangements for exams and tests. Normally a doctor’s note or supporting documentation is not required; however, when a student’s success in the course or program is in jeopardy as determined by the instructor or chair/director, documentation may be requested. Specific SAS accommodations can be implemented for students registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS), but it is the responsibility of the student to make these arrangements in advance as per SAS guidelines, and to discuss accommodations of due dates with their instructors. Students can notify the Office of the Registrar of their wish to observe cultural or religious holidays during scheduled examination periods by the deadline set in the Academic Calendar. Personal travel plans are not acceptable reasons for missing tests or exams. Print https://my.trentu.ca/portal/applications/syllabus/detailPrint.php?syllabusId=19309 6/6