1. Competition in the industry As stated by Hiter (2022) there are different types of 5G network providers such as cellular service providers, 5G infrastructure providers, and 5G hardware providers. Current cellular service providers are AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon. Cellular service providers are meant for public and enterprise users to be utilize 5G services on their mobile devices. 5G infrastructure providers such as Ericsson and Nokia Provide 5G network to equipment such as base stations and edge nodes and other major pieces of provider managed equipment so that 5G services are able to work. 5G hardware providers are providers such as Intel and Qualcomm, which provide 5G services equipment that utilizes 5G capability within processor chips and semiconductors as stated by Hiter (2022). 2. Potential of new entrants into the industry Potential of new entrants into the industry determined by the type of suitability criteria that needs to be met by location. Miladić-Tešić et al., (2021) States that optical technologies suitability needs to be met for the 5G wireless demands within smart cities. Smart cities are cities that have designated the type of architecture and innovation development that can sustain 5G network developed through researched communication architecture (Miladić-Tešić et al., 2021). We have learned that 5G is a generational network innovation, potential for new entrants in the industry is highly determined by the location and innovative technologies that surround areas within reach of service providers. Updated technology is needed for new entrants to potentially penetrate the market. 3. Power of suppliers Suppliers are at an advantage within the 5G networking market. 5G network features are aimed to provide consumers with up-to-date network accessibility. As stated by Hiter (2022) 5G features advantages that far outweigh the disadvantages. 5G features consist of faster speeds than previous generations, reduced latency, and requires less operational bandwidth than previous generation network technology. Accessibility would be considered a disadvantage due to the fact that 5G vendors our only currently able to provide services to some urban settings such as private enterprise setups due to the lack of expanded connectivity from undeveloped technology within global and rural areas as stated by Hiter (2022) 4. Power of customers The power of customers within 5G industry would come down to options. Customers have the option to update to this new service if it is accessible within their range and or geographical location. As previously mentioned 5G is currently not available globally due to the developmental and technological accessibility within underdeveloped cities, however there is an option for consumers within range to access 5G network. 5G network greatly benefit populations that utilize network for professional environments such as corporations, private environments such as gaming and recreational use, and educational settings would also greatly benefit from 5G network access. 5. Threat of substitute products There is a threat of substitute products as new and emerging technology develops. As stated by What is 5g: Everything you need to know About 5G: 5G FAQ (2022) 5G is the 5th generation mobile network. 5G is the new segment of continuity within a lobal wireless standard of network. What is 5g: Everything you need to know About 5G: 5G FAQ (2022) stated that 5G wireless technology is meant to provide higher multi-Gbps peak data speeds with ultra-low latency. 5G, as stated by What is 5g: Everything you need to know About 5G: 5G FAQ (2022) is also to be more reliable, have massive network capacity, increase availability, and provide a more unvarying user experience consumers that utilize the network. Conclusion Additionally, we were able to identify competition in the industry, potential of new entrants, power of suppliers, power of customers and potential threats of substitution within the 5G mobile network segment. Potential for new entrants and potential threats of substitution were solely determined by technology accessibility and development. The power of customers lied within accessibility as well as the need for faster and innovative technology. We were able to identify that the competition in the industry the power of suppliers was great due to the had greater advantages due to the up-to-date network technology. References: Afraz, N., Slyne, F., Gill, H., & Ruffini, M. (2019). Evolution of access network sharing and its role in 5G networks. Applied Sciences, 9(21), 4566. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9214566 Hiter, S. (2022, April 11). Best 5G Network Providers for Business 2022: ENP. Enterprise Networking Planet. Retrieved April 21, 2022, from https://www.enterprisenetworkingplanet.com/guides/5g-network-providers/ Layton, R., & Witkowski, D. (2021). 5G versus Wi-Fi: Challenges for economic, spectrum, and security policy. Journal of Information Policy, 11(1), 523–561. https://doi.org/10.5325/jinfopoli.11.2021.0523 Miladić-Tešić, S., Marković, G., Peraković, D., & Cvitić, I. (2021). A review of Optical Networking Technologies supporting 5G Communication Infrastructure. Wireless Networks, 28(1), 459–467. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-021-02582-6 What is 5g: Everything you need to know About 5G: 5G FAQ. Qualcomm. (2022, April 18). Retrieved April 21, 2022, from https://www.qualcomm.com/5g/what-is-5g