1. I Physical Factors ERGONOMICS factors consider Designers Objectives 3 human of o I errors ° I stress ° T ° T ease ° T operational ° T performance . 2 . 3 factors factor design to products ensure ergonomic meet needs : fatigue t of factors use comfort reliability , maintenance , : Anthropometric . human safety Human I ergonomics and , Psychological factors Physiological factors Human I ANTHROPOMETRIC . The S measurement different ° the of ergonomics from form human ← people ← Definition ° e. g Hair . shape ↳ handle of it data → measurements t be held shape , height etc designs to properties physical of . users Skin fold digital - scanners calipers computer Harpenden - calipers Torso - 3D - - Motion modelling anthropometer capture humans : Reliability ° - Tool used Training - - - Time of Person 's Each - ° Ethics ° Types of limitations of head the from Stadiometer . Body Problems anthropometric size hand average - Tapes - of environment the : lasers - with : calipers . of → should length cord Equipment - ° recording distance ↳ ° application relationship dryer ↳ collecting I Study : their t movement its and I use day body person humans 's of techniques ) human - shape measurements - interaction selected nude with I change throughout the day clothed the tasks 1 product could differ humans Types ° data of Secondary Primary ° data t static ° : Dynamic t structural Static Functional t data Dynamic t Static Anthropometry Physical ° data e. g structure - : of body bones ) Dynamic muscle fat , Skin , Anthropometry functional g → dimensions contour - e. tissue soft - ° centres joint - between distance distances how - : people many moving is body When , through walk can doorway a at once : Percentile percentile ° People ' I in → this 5th the aren't I targeted th 95 are because designing different would be difficult atheirpe.no?nIiear:md:iagningtormoretype I . . I I I I ° ' depends / more ° Method 5th 5th extremes of 95 th percentile card chairs - Door - 5th 50 - - th arch percentile I : e.g ) controls car - doorways percentile to - : percentile : I e.g ) Desks checkout conveyor : leg . ) what on less will you are . designing , may need to accommodate percentiles percentile accommodate the 91 - th , buttons accommodate the population User defined - by Adjust ability allows - Clearance ° ° feature where users that are adjustable e.g . helmets comfort and seatbelts , are etc . considerations major product the access to products safety needs own : boards e. , : g overhead of Amount Reach a of wheelchair ° ° be certain for their to goggles ° ° data products especially , to ironing ° collect to group range products - ethnicity customize to likely allows , : important ↳ - age , user users very - sex identify must - : cockpit . space / widths which allow people to go through doorways , : the Can e.g . user reaching reach top product the shelf , reaching easily I steering comfortably wheel , reaching across table etc . 1. 2 Psychological Factors I includes senses ) PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS finitudes ' senses external + effects ↳ Sound mood Smell working suitable be may I suitable not , stroking emotions I dark , etc rooms make may sleepy you . mood e. g red . danger is is green , safe ° e. g Sight impressions velvet . pitch : : I : e. response g smell . of etc perfume discourage Quantative length be can , use phones ) mobile l dentistry toxins ingesting C odour ) C tools ) children 's toy ) workspaces ) products of measured width for Qualitative → be seen Psychological Stands ) products , I screens numerical → Stands Can for homey temperature , . ( computer inability friction etc → wool frequency , , perfume , I encourage Data grip , comfort , , of ease volume uncommon Aroma quality of , , texture : Taste emotional , expensive → readability : Hearing Touch memories : Gives ° ° when person a Texture ° music . clock body - trigger Can of ° g . : ° ° e. : Effects ° ° efficiency 's ambience Colour ° signals ) understand : ↳ will brains differently concentration Effects Smell I how process : light a reacts worker Effects o I work : Effects ° individuals everyone ° brain the by stimuli how Temperature processed is it because , for , height , cost , age etc different for . data ) ( numerical quantity opinion but factors quality based not I measured everyone , no scale ) may remind you of Types ↳ data in developed 1946 . categorical I : : NOMINAL . ° named by means splits ° ° aka categories by names tables doesn't ° 2. into them rank ORDINAL ° ↳ ° ° Continuous difference 4. ordinal ° also Know satisfaction → necessary scale scale scale measurements , weight , 0 does O , real a e. I retro g time . not ) dit - it mean definitive - . for years has [ ° ° personally How you How reliable They way O that Factors Factors influence in the on perception also → depends perception perciever world depends sense react you it information qualitative Usually ° with working when it this is the interpret : brain our designers quanta tire on : o Target Expectations - situation ° - - work Social sire - Background - Proximity - : time - Sounds - Experience - Motion - Interests - - setting setting : Novelty - Motives - state mental your this be not may all are keep must Attitudes - which similarity different in ? mind enough : happy , sad Thai temp he scale Kelvin , to values Perception ↳ happiness of between . Celsius of with but , dif between ! height . difference interval interval g not scale SCALE e. but exact : previous like ° but third , HUH ) t with Order RATIO them second , symbols , SCALE like on letters , between ; first useful temperature builds numbers , quantified I the : INTERVAL ° tell be could ° words ranked maybe items of be can doesn't ° 3. position I order etc . , Chinese etc . . Adaption Sensory Your ° ° e. g body e. The ↳ g first to sounds notice into walking . senses 5 restaurant a Smell ° Taste ° Touch Your system processing Application design to You then you to it and you food smell , get used it to information the Alertness signals STORAGE OUTPUT → PRO CEDES → Response PROCESSES stimulus How A react will you reaction : if - processes µ understand must Degenerate clients how caused , I brain your percieve by age world you accident , not , degenerate sensed : the etc how would not it percieve yay to able be process . : How alert You may when ° workers ° Factors be who : are . - that Things Physical : fear Fatigue alert have bombarded are senses your your - more information with or heighten senses productivity higher temperature brightness sound performance affect psychological Discomfort Pain when alert in situation particular a more are you in are you - - used brain your → relieving senses - get : INPUT → PROCESSES - first you , to signals send senses stimulus ° you Sound brain o then , sight Information ° road adapt senses o ° the on senses your , : The o ° surroundings the sleep ° ° used get we . can ° : - stress - Lack Mental : of motivation l sensory : Reduced - Boredom . : cognitive information processing - : hearing ) ability visual Reduced } , tactile abilities smell alertness to Switches ° of sense - danger Interest - Time - of day Ingested Environmental - Sound - Aroma - effects psychology Engineering ↳ ° alertness T I I hormones I alert e.g I wake shift drugs caffeine ) stress t I I e.g . sleep melatonin distract morale worker I depends beats on per minute design Promote ° ) alertness : : alertness - senses Sight light bright - etc . 5 the engage senses : : easiest ° ° e. g blue . red Sound appeal to sense calm = citrus Y hues stimulate = colours nature by , alertness : ° Sounds ° Sound Smell distract may design is person a productivity decreases - important very : ° Certain ° ↳ Taste powerful indirectly Most scents used create senses emotions certain provoke to all of brand I e.g image Starbucks . ) : ° Caffeine ° Carbohydrate crash n = § s ° - µ I ← crash sugar Touch : makes you tired very after of spike energy I > Time - consumption after sugar , carbohydrate of , caffeine spike of ) day induce ' up workers following the that lights Straubing , . sleep for important function you : you so , efficiency Workplace 5 T concentrate to smells induce effects - ability sharp . that light blue - soporifics - drugs humidity Y - chemicals how affect may hormones relieves body your sleep I regulates = sunlight of I light Temperature - lack hormones = interest lose you rythm of nutriets Stimulants ° amount balance Sleep - circadian - flight or posture - - on fight . make may activity depends - boredom - Muscular - threat or energy mind ) 1. 3 Physiological Factors PHYSIOLOGICAL available Data FACTORS for the anatomical main systems : Skeleton ° functions Respiratory o functions ° Heart o Muscle strength a ° Blood pressure ° Skin condition Central o Hand ° depth o your ' → body a Take sustain to ° to ° be able world cup in Qatar } we How is hear can grow limitations When you can of range you as Physical ° may Teenagers ↳ temperatures people . Frequency ° running - designing when focused being - stamina extreme stamina effort mental or the on for exam hours marathons : productivity some g people 's stamina mental . Effects e. signals physical prolonged account into Tolerance a brain the to reacts physical ° the to : Ability g signals send your ° e. : perception eyes stamina ° coordination eye - system nervous 't the hearing higher frequencies temps extreme hot very ; human may - performance decrease : adults than decreases range your , withstand to : lots have live data in of G space collected - force you on because there brain waves you , is no may out pass etc . oxygen ? EEG ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY ↳ measures - pictures - e. g. brain are ergonomics waves shown of plane then cockpit - has are to be measured comfortable t alert at all times EMG ↳ ELECTROMYOGRAPHY THERMO where e.g . How . " to - material test MRI lose you etc CAPTURE in used ° DIGITAL : film to observe blood - JOINT twists - turns , COLLECTION DATA - analysis how gueFvhen com bio Y product 's Optimising physical Y how : - - - STRAIN of Incremental user physical under / mental for stress extended concentration 's relate characteristics physical to interaction ease convenience I location placement of frequently accessibility of equipments ) C ( frequency frequently used tasks performed equipment ) located together ) : injury damage over a period of with perceived is something psychological layout put are mechanical ri , workplace : effects senses anatomical human - of rotations , people y : person Type models devices FACTORS + ° computer monitors functions PHYSIOLOGICAL REPETITIVE 3d MEASUREMENTS skeletal ( into sensors FLEX Aims collected - : oxygen pressure - movements human pulse I heart - animations for - devices wearable - HUMANS industry technologies other ° . scan used ° lose you heat much MOTION ° design cold SCANNING - ° I hot is water much How - ° body MONITORING SKIN BOD movement muscle SCAN clothing . in impulses PHYSIOLOGICAL Shows - electrical checks - time : e.g . bad H posture t, efficiency good posture → Y long term injury time BIOMECHANICS ° study o Vitruvian ° links I ↳ strengths how . Shippen Importance organisms of 's man body does performance enhance turn to need one e.g knob door a shoes . this on : assumed are for capabilities with People - living movement weaknesses power to works capabilities - Y much used be May James ° at looks g simple - to ergonomics to → relation in laws 1490 man e. ° mechanical of population the design need may to adaptations suit them Repetition ° how - time each ↳ task the do to have how Y much force needed it seas it cycle If - they often 30 Formation it less or is considered repetitive → bad for skeleton disorder musculoskeletal of highly Duration ° length - ° talk the has completed be to Posture in Position - sitting Biomechanics User ° special ° Forces the , involved - - - against gravity while : standing , movement ; you make etc adaptations . be may for needed the user : Torsion - leverage Grip upright body your : arthritis I tools walk you way have hold you down disability of may which lying Y gait ° time of - turning - force applying pressure on a a force moving at a fukru① turning surface , measured in point Psl I pounds per square inch ) etc .