Mar '22 27 Gantt Chart Of Professional Practice Project Powered by TCPDF ( start end 1. Presentation concept and initiations 1.1 Discussing topic (All members) 1.2 Finalizing the topic (All members) 28/03/22 28/03/22 28/03 28/03 28/03 28/03 2. Planing and sharing 2.1 Discussion of sub-topics in the finalized topic (All members) 2.2 Sub-topics sharing among group members (All members) 29/03/22 29/03/22 29/03 29/03 29/03 29/03 3. Research & creating individuals 3.1 Brief Introduction (Ridmal - E116870 ) 3.2 Software Engineering (Dewmini - E124233 / Himansha - E115654) 3.3 Business IT (Shivanka - E116883) 3.4 Web Designing and Development (Menaka - E126793 / Ravindu- E122776) 3.5 Networking (Ashara - E113690 / Malshi - E113689) 3.6 Graphic Designing (Pramod - E123818) 3.7 Advice to choose your Degree Program (Kaveen - E124268) 3.8 Conclusion (Nadeera - E112966) 30/03/22 22/04/22 03/04 22/04 01/04 15/04 03/04 18/04 31/03 20/04 30/03 17/04 02/04 18/04 31/03 21/04 01/04 19/04 4. Combine and Finalizing 4.1 Combing all presentation (All members) 23/04/22 27/04/22 23/04 27/04 5. Proper preparation and Practicing 5.1 Brief Introduction (Ridmal - E116870 ) 5.2 Software Engineering (Dewmini - E124233 / Himansha - E115654) 5.3 Business IT (Shivanka - E116883) 5.4 Web Designing and Development (Menaka - E126793 / Ravindu- E122776) 5.5Networking (Ashara - E113690 / Malshi - E113689) 5.6 Graphic Designing (Kaveen - E124268) 5.7 Advice to choose your Degree Program (Kaveen - E124268) 5.8 Conclusion (Nadeera - E112966) 28/04/22 25/05/22 28/04 22/05 30/04 17/05 30/04 15/05 29/04 19/05 28/04 11/05 02/05 24/05 28/04 25/05 30/04 19/05 6. Final Submission 6.1 Final performance (All members) 26/05/22 26/05/22 26/05 26/05 Apr '22 3 10 17 May '22 24 1 8 15 22