Private Bag X44, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa, ISIbalo House, Koch Street, Salvokop, Pretoria, 0002,, Tel +27 12 310 8911 STATISTICAL RELEASE P0141 Consumer Price Index May 2022 Embargoed until: 22 June 2022 10:00 ENQUIRIES: Marietjie Bennett (012) 310 8077 FORTHCOMING ISSUE: June 2022 EXPECTED RELEASE DATE: 20 July 2022 STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA 2 P0141 CONTENTS KEY FINDINGS....................................................................................................................................................... 3 IMPORTANT NOTES ............................................................................................................................................. 4 The collection of price data from retail stores.................................................................................................... 4 Covid-19 ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 DETAILED RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Table A - Consumer Price Index: Main indices................................................................................................... 5 Table B – CPI headline .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Table C - Contributions of the different groups to the annual percentage change in the CPI headline ........ 7 Table D - Contributions of the different groups to the monthly percentage change in the CPI headline ..... 7 Table E - Consumer price indices for all urban areas ........................................................................................ 8 Table F - Survey schedule for non-monthly surveys ....................................................................................... 10 GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................. 12 Consumer Price Index – May 2022 STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA 3 P0141 KEY FINDINGS Headline consumer price index (CPI for all urban areas) Annual consumer price inflation was 6,5% in May 2022, up from 5,9% in April 2022. This is the highest rate since January 2017 when the rate was 6,6%. The consumer price index increased by 0,7% month-on-month in May 2022. The main contributors to the 6,5% annual inflation rate were food and non-alcoholic beverages; housing and utilities; transport; and miscellaneous goods and services. Food and non-alcoholic beverages increased by 7,6% year-on-year, and contributed 1,3 percentage points to the total CPI annual rate of 6,5%. Housing and utilities increased by 4,9% year-on-year, and contributed 1,2 percentage points. Transport increased by 15,7% year-on-year, and contributed 2,1 percentage points. Miscellaneous goods and services increased by 3,9% year-on-year, and contributed 0,6 of a percentage point. In May the annual inflation rate for goods was 9,5%, up from 8,5% in April; and for services it was 3,6%, up from 3,5% in April. Note: Not all items in the CPI are surveyed every month. Table F shows the survey schedule for items that are not surveyed monthly. Risenga Maluleke Statistician-General Consumer Price Index – May 2022 STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA 4 P0141 IMPORTANT NOTES The collection of price data from retail stores Stats SA obtains prices from retailers through fieldwork collection and online collection. The paper forms used by fieldworkers are being replaced by tablets, which provide a custom application that includes quality control and management modules. The new collection method for fieldwork is expected to improve the quality and speed of data collection and processing. Covid-19 Resulting from COVID-19 health protocols, retail-based prices recorded across all regions (including online prices) have been pooled to create national average price changes which are then applied to each elementary index at a regional level. This means that the geographic index (including total country) changes will, in the main, vary according to different weights and not different price changes. From June 2022 prices collected in the different regions will be used in those regions only and will no longer be pooled to create national average price changes. Consumer Price Index – May 2022 STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA 5 P0141 DETAILED RESULTS Table A - Consumer Price Index: Main indices Unless otherwise stated the table refers to all urban areas. Weight Group All items (CPI Headline) CPI excluding food and NAB, fuel and energy Trimmed mean CPI for all goods Analytical series CPI for durable goods CPI for semi-durable goods CPI for non-durable goods CPI for services CPI for administered prices Total Regulated Not regulated CPI excluding administered prices CPI for administered prices excluding fuel and paraffin CPI excluding food and NAB CPI excluding fuel CPI excluding food and NAB and fuel CPI excluding housing CPI excluding fuel and energy CPI excluding energy CPI excluding owners' equivalent rent CPI for pensioners Geographic CPI for total country indices CPI for rural areas CPI per province Western Cape Eastern Cape Northern Cape Free State KwaZulu-Natal North West Gauteng Mpumalanga Limpopo Deciles CPI per expenditure decile 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Consumer Price Index – May 2022 Index (Dec 2021=100) Percentage change May 2021 Apr 2022 May 2022 May 2022 May 2022 vs. vs. Apr 2022 May 2021 100,00 74,40 .. 48,68 7,59 5,38 35,71 51,32 16,42 11,89 4,53 96,8 98,1 97,7 95,5 97,9 99,1 94,5 98,1 91,2 88,6 99,0 102,4 101,9 102,0 103,3 102,1 101,0 103,8 101,5 103,6 104,0 102,7 103,1 102,1 102,6 104,6 102,5 101,5 105,4 101,6 104,3 104,9 102,7 0,7 0,2 0,6 1,3 0,4 0,5 1,5 0,1 0,7 0,9 0,0 6,5 4,1 5,0 9,5 4,7 2,4 11,5 3,6 14,4 18,4 3,7 83,78 98,0 102,2 102,8 0,6 4,9 11,54 82,86 95,17 94,5 96,6 97,6 101,1 102,3 102,0 101,1 102,6 102,6 0,0 0,3 0,6 7,0 6,2 5,1 78,03 75,51 97,5 97,1 101,8 103,0 102,0 103,9 0,2 0,9 4,6 7,0 91,54 96,37 98,1 97,2 102,1 102,5 102,7 103,2 0,6 0,7 4,7 6,2 87,00 .. 100,00 12,26 17,21 8,03 1,93 5,95 12,68 5,31 36,29 6,89 5,71 0,48 1,10 1,85 2,78 3,88 5,58 7,90 11,27 16,45 48,71 96,7 96,6 96,8 97,0 96,9 96,8 96,4 97,2 96,9 96,6 96,8 96,9 96,9 96,4 96,7 96,9 97,0 97,1 97,2 96,9 96,7 96,7 96,8 102,7 102,3 102,5 102,8 102,2 102,7 102,3 102,5 102,5 102,4 102,4 102,5 103,0 102,4 102,4 102,2 102,1 102,0 102,0 102,1 102,2 102,5 102,6 103,4 102,9 103,2 104,0 102,8 103,4 103,0 103,2 103,3 103,2 103,1 103,3 103,9 104,1 103,9 103,5 103,1 103,0 102,8 102,9 103,0 103,1 103,1 0,7 0,6 0,7 1,2 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,7 1,5 1,3 1,0 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,5 6,9 6,5 6,6 7,2 6,1 6,8 6,8 6,2 6,6 6,8 6,5 6,6 7,2 8,0 7,4 6,8 6,3 6,1 5,8 6,2 6,5 6,6 6,5 STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA 6 P0141 Table B – CPI headline Table B1 - CPI headline index numbers (Dec 2021=100) Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 84,5 87,9 91,9 94,8 100,2 85,2 88,6 92,8 95,4 100,8 85,5 89,4 93,1 96,1 101,8 86,2 89,9 92,6 96,7 102,4 86,3 90,2 92,0 96,8 103,1 86,6 90,5 92,5 97,0 .. 87,4 90,8 93,7 98,1 .. Aug 87,3 91,1 93,9 98,5 .. Sep Oct Nov Dec 87,7 91,3 94,0 98,7 .. 88,1 91,3 94,3 99,0 .. 88,2 91,4 94,3 99,4 .. 88,1 91,6 94,4 100,0 .. Oct Nov Dec Average1 86,8 90,3 93,3 97,5 .. Table B2 - CPI headline year-on-year rates Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1 Jan 4,4 4,0 4,5 3,2 5,7 Feb 4,0 4,1 4,6 2,9 5,7 Mar 3,8 4,5 4,1 3,2 5,9 Apr 4,5 4,4 3,0 4,4 5,9 May 4,4 4,5 2,1 5,2 6,5 Jun 4,6 4,5 2,2 4,9 .. Jul Aug 5,1 4,0 3,2 4,6 .. Annual average. Figure 1 - CPI headline index numbers and year-on-year rates Consumer Price Index – May 2022 4,9 4,3 3,1 4,9 .. Sep 4,9 4,1 3,0 5,0 .. 5,1 3,7 3,3 5,0 .. 5,2 3,6 3,2 5,5 .. 4,5 4,0 3,1 5,9 .. Average1 4,7 4,1 3,3 4,5 .. STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA 7 P0141 Table C - Contributions of the different groups to the annual percentage change in the CPI headline Group Food and non-alcoholic beverages Alcoholic beverages and tobacco Clothing and footwear Housing and utilities Household contents and services Health Transport Recreation and culture Education Restaurants and hotels Miscellaneous goods and services Residual All Items Contribution Apr 2022 May 2022 1,0 0,4 0,1 1,2 0,1 0,1 2,0 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,6 0,0 5,9 1,3 0,4 0,1 1,2 0,2 0,1 2,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,6 0,1 6,5 Table D - Contributions of the different groups to the monthly percentage change in the CPI headline Group Food and non-alcoholic beverages Transport Miscellaneous goods and services Residual All Items Consumer Price Index – May 2022 Contribution Apr 2022 May 2022 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,2 0,6 0,4 0,1 0,0 0,2 0,7 STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA 8 P0141 Table E - Consumer price indices for all urban areas Weight Group All items (CPI Headline) Food and nonalcoholic beverages Food Processed Unprocessed Bread and cereals Meat Fish Milk, eggs and cheese Oils and fats Fruit Vegetables Sugar, sweets and desserts Other food Non-alcoholic beverages Hot beverages Cold beverages Alcoholic beverages and tobacco Alcoholic beverages Spirits Wine Beer Tobacco Clothing and footwear Housing and utilities Household contents and services Clothing Footwear Actual rentals for housing Owners' equivalent rent Maintenance and repair Water and other services Electricity and other fuels Furnishings, floor coverings and textiles Appliances, tableware and equipment Supplies and services Domestic workers' wages Health Medical products Medical services Consumer Price Index – May 2022 Index (Dec 2021=100) May 2021 Apr 2022 May 2022 Percentage change May 2022 May 2022 vs. vs. Apr 2022 May 2021 100,00 17,14 15,30 8,57 6,73 96,8 97,9 97,8 97,4 98,2 102,4 103,1 103,1 103,7 102,5 103,1 105,3 105,4 106,5 104,4 0,7 2,1 2,2 2,7 1,9 6,5 7,6 7,8 9,3 6,3 3,16 5,42 0,40 99,2 95,9 98,4 104,0 102,9 103,3 107,5 104,9 104,5 3,4 1,9 1,2 8,4 9,4 6,2 2,53 0,45 0,33 1,27 99,8 95,3 96,7 101,5 101,8 109,8 100,0 103,1 103,6 120,9 98,7 105,1 1,8 10,1 -1,3 1,9 3,8 26,9 2,1 3,5 0,58 1,16 1,84 0,67 1,17 6,26 4,29 0,94 1,14 2,21 1,97 3,65 2,64 1,01 24,49 3,50 12,99 0,84 3,46 3,70 4,37 99,3 96,3 99,4 101,5 98,3 97,9 97,3 100,1 95,5 97,1 98,9 99,2 99,2 99,1 95,9 98,7 98,0 98,4 96,0 87,7 97,6 102,2 102,8 103,4 106,1 101,9 103,6 103,7 104,4 102,1 104,1 103,4 100,7 100,7 100,7 100,5 100,6 100,6 102,1 100,2 100,1 101,1 103,3 104,2 104,3 107,4 102,5 104,4 104,5 105,7 103,0 104,7 104,2 100,9 100,9 100,9 100,6 100,6 100,6 102,7 100,4 100,3 101,8 1,1 1,4 0,9 1,2 0,6 0,8 0,8 1,2 0,9 0,6 0,8 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,6 0,2 0,2 0,7 4,0 8,2 4,9 5,8 4,3 6,6 7,4 5,6 7,9 7,8 5,4 1,7 1,7 1,8 4,9 1,9 2,7 4,4 4,6 14,4 4,3 0,82 98,2 101,0 100,9 -0,1 2,7 0,67 2,88 98,5 97,3 102,5 100,8 104,3 101,5 1,8 0,7 5,9 4,3 2,53 1,44 0,57 0,87 97,5 99,4 98,7 99,8 100,3 104,0 102,4 105,0 100,3 104,3 103,2 105,0 0,0 0,3 0,8 0,0 2,9 4,9 4,6 5,2 STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA 9 P0141 Table E - Consumer price indices for all urban areas (concluded) Weight Group Transport Purchase of vehicles Private transport operation Fuel Other running costs Public transport Communication Postal services and telecommunication services Telecommunication equipment Recreation and culture Recreational equipment Recreational and cultural services Books, newspapers and stationery Package holidays Education Primary and secondary Tertiary Restaurants and hotels Miscellaneous goods and services Restaurants Hotels Personal care Insurance Financial services Other goods and services Consumer Price Index – May 2022 14,35 5,91 6,01 4,82 Index (Dec 2021=100) Percentage change May 2021 Apr 2022 May 2022 May 2022 May 2022 vs. vs. Apr 2022 May 2021 91,5 105,1 105,9 0,8 15,7 97,4 102,8 103,3 0,5 6,1 87,0 108,5 110,4 1,8 26,9 84,3 109,6 111,7 1,9 32,5 1,19 2,43 2,42 99,5 89,8 100,5 104,0 102,1 99,6 105,0 101,0 99,9 1,0 -1,1 0,3 5,5 12,5 -0,6 2,23 100,0 100,0 100,2 0,2 0,2 0,19 5,20 1,28 109,7 99,1 97,5 94,9 100,7 101,4 96,6 101,0 101,5 1,8 0,3 0,1 -11,9 1,9 4,1 3,14 99,7 100,3 100,3 0,0 0,6 0,61 0,17 2,62 1,57 1,05 3,25 2,20 1,05 14,81 2,10 9,89 1,53 1,29 98,4 101,8 100,0 100,0 100,0 97,7 97,3 98,7 99,0 98,8 98,9 99,6 100,0 101,8 101,3 104,4 104,5 104,2 103,3 102,1 105,7 102,8 103,2 102,9 102,9 100,6 102,6 103,9 104,4 104,5 104,2 103,8 103,0 105,4 102,9 104,3 102,9 102,9 100,6 0,8 2,6 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,5 0,9 -0,3 0,1 1,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 4,3 2,1 4,4 4,5 4,2 6,2 5,9 6,8 3,9 5,6 4,0 3,3 0,6 STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA 10 P0141 Table F - Survey schedule for non-monthly surveys Quarterly January, April, July, October Gymnasium fees (Recreation and culture) Funeral expenses, funeral policies, gravestone (Miscellaneous) maintenance Private-sector hospitals (Health) February, May, August, December Rugby tickets (Recreation and culture) Cricket tickets (Recreation and culture) Actual rentals for housing, owners’ equivalent rent (Housing and utilities) March, June, September, December Domestic workers’ wages (Household contents and services) Taxi fares, train fares (Transport) Motor vehicle insurance (Miscellaneous) Biannual January, July Building insurance, household content insurance (Miscellaneous) February, April Medical aid (Miscellaneous) April, October Television licences (Recreation and culture) May, November Electricians, plumbers (Housing and utilities) July, August Municipal charges for water, property rates and electricity (Housing and utilities) Annual January February Post box rental (Communication) Lotto tickets (Recreation and culture) Private-sector doctors and dentists (Health) School and university tuition fees (Education) March Toll fees (Transport) University boarding fees (Restaurants and hotels) Crèche fees (Miscellaneous) April Public-sector hospitals and doctors (Health) Stamps (Communication) Other January, March, April, June, July, September, October, December Local bus fares (Transport) Additional surveys are conducted for these items when Stats SA is aware of significant price changes outside regular survey months. Consumer Price Index – May 2022 STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA 11 P0141 GLOSSARY A complete set of definitions is available in the methods and sources document on the Stats SA website Annual inflation rate The annual inflation rate is the change in the index of the relevant month of the current year compared with the index of the same month in the previous year expressed as a percentage. Annual percentage change The annual percentage change is the change in the index of the relevant month of the current year compared with the index of the same month in the previous year expressed as a percentage. Average annual inflation rate The average annual inflation rate is the change in the average index of one year compared with the average index of the previous year expressed as a percentage. Average annual percentage change The average annual percentage change is the change in the average index of one year compared with the average index of the previous year expressed as a percentage. CPI for administered prices An administered price is defined as the price of a product which is set consciously by an individual producer or group of producers and/or any price which can be determined or influenced by government, either directly or through a government agency/institution without reference to market forces. Products and services included are assessment rates, water, electricity, paraffin, petrol, diesel, public transport – trains, motor licences, motor registration, telephone fees, cell calls, television licence, school fees, university/technicons/colleges and university boarding fees. CPI for regulated prices Regulated prices are those administered prices that are monitored and controlled by government policy. To this end, price regulation does not necessarily imply the presence of an economic regulator, but the restriction on the extent to which prices may vary, depending on government’s policy objective. Products and services included are water, electricity, paraffin, petrol, diesel, telephone fees and cell calls. CPI per expenditure decile Decile 1 - up to R 20 140; Decile 2 - R 20 141 up to R 33 619; Decile 3 - R 33 620 up to R 48 673; Decile 4 - R 48 674 up to R 65 213; Decile 5 - R 65 214 up to R 84 698; Decile 6 - R 84 699 up to R 109 163; Decile 7 - R 109 164 up to R 143 174; Decile 8 - R 143 175 up to R 199 920; Decile 9 - R 199 921 up to R 312 246; and Decile 10 - R 312 247 and more. Inflation rate The inflation rate is the change in the CPI for all items of the relevant month of the current year compared with the CPI for all items of the same month in the previous year expressed as a percentage. Monthly percentage change The monthly percentage change is the change in the index of the relevant month compared with the index of the previous month expressed as a percentage. Rural CPI The rural CPI is compiled using data from rural and urban areas in accordance with the purchasing patterns of rural residents. Consumer Price Index – May 2022 STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA 12 P0141 GENERAL INFORMATION Stats SA publishes approximately 300 different statistical releases each year. It is not economically viable to produce them in more than one of South Africa's eleven official languages. Since the releases are used extensively, not only locally but also by international economic and social-scientific communities, Stats SA releases are published in English only. Stats SA has copyright on this publication. Users may apply the information as they wish, provided that they acknowledge Stats SA as the source of the basic data wherever they process, apply, utilise, publish or distribute the data; and also that they specify that the relevant application and analysis (where applicable) result from their own processing of the data. Advance release calendar An advance release calendar is disseminated on Forthcoming issues Issue Expected release date June 2022 20 July 2022 July 2022 24 August 2022 August 2022 21 September 2022 Stats SA products A complete set of Stats SA publications is available at the Stats SA Library and the following libraries: National Library of South Africa, Pretoria Division National Library of South Africa, Cape Town Division Natal Society Library, Pietermaritzburg Library of Parliament, Cape Town Bloemfontein Public Library Johannesburg Public Library Eastern Cape Library Services, Qonce Central Regional Library, Polokwane Central Reference Library, Mbombela Central Reference Collection, Kimberley Central Reference Library, Mmabatho Electronic services A large range of data are available via on-line services, diskette and computer printouts. For more details about our electronic data services, contact (012) 310 8600. You can visit us on the internet at: Enquiries Technical enquiries Marietjie Bennett, Patrick Kelly (012) 310 8077 / 310 8290 Telephone number (012) 310 8077 / 310 8290 (survey area) (012) 310 8600 / 8390 / 8351 / 4892 / 8496 / 8095 (user) (012) 310 8490 (library) Email (technical enquiries) (user information services) (orders) Postal address Private Bag X44, Pretoria, 0001 Produced by Stats SA Consumer Price Index – May 2022