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Comic-Based English Speaking Research Proposal

Lecturer: Dr. Kusni, M. Pd
1.1 Background of Problem
1.2 Identification of Problem
1.3 Limitation of Problem
1.4 Formulation of Problem
1.5 Action Hypotheses
1.6 Purpose of The Study
1.7 Benefit of The Study
2.1 Media
2.1.1 Definition of Media
2.1.2 Types of Media
2.2 Comic
2.2.1 Definition of Comic
2.2.2 Types of Comic
2.2.3 The Use of Comics in Teaching
2.3 The Concept of Speaking
2.3.1 Definition of Speaking
2.3.2 The Component of Speaking
2.4 Teaching Speaking by Using Comic
2.5 Comic Form
2.6 Over View
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Research Procedure and Planning
3.2.1 Research Subject
3.2.2 Research Place
3.2.3 Research Time
3.2.4 Action Research Duration
3.2.5 Research Cycle The First Cycle Second Cycle Third Cycle
3.3 Method of Gathering Data
3.4 Method of analyzing Data
3.5 Research Schedule
1.1 Background of Problem
Speaking is an important skill in foreign language learning. Students are
expected to be competent and to develop speaking skill in both formal and
informal situation in. It needs to be supported by English components;
vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation which are taught appropriate with
standard competence at Junior High School. The students are expected to be able
in speaking, it means they are able to share ideas and opinions to listeners through
English speaking. Speaking skill is viewed as the measure of knowing English. It
is the requirement that is important for success of indonesian students in
welcoming globalization era.
Speaking involves a process of building and sharing meaing through the use
of language orally and the students will know the way how to express language
communicatively. They will learn how to express utterances meaningfully. It also
leads them to make interaction in the societyby using language since speaking is
one of important skils that should be mastered bybthe students in learning foreign
In fact one of the four English skills which are not taught well at Junior High
School is speaking, the students are difficult to speak, some of them, even, think
that it is difficult subject. The result of learning English does not achieve
minimum criteria for completeness. It is caused by internal and external factors.
The internal factors include are motivation and interest while the external factors
are teachers’ teaching techniques and teaching media as well.
Based the researcher’s observation, the students’ skilll in speaking is still far
from what it should be. The first problem deals with the students do not accustom
speak in front of the class and they feel shy if they want to express their opinion.
And 30% of the students’ mark is below or they do not pass the test.
Therefore, teaching English especially speaking skill should be distributed to
the students by using many creative techniques. Through that way, the students
will be interested in studying English.
The teachers should also be able to use some media of teaching. According to
Moalani (2007), in general, there are three kinds of media in teaching process.
They are audio, visual, audio visual. Mc Keachie (2005) states that film,
television, among many examples, can be used for educational objective; to
achieve students’ comprehension. Then, Rohani (1997) also gives statement that
comic is a kind of visual media that can be effectively used in teaching English.
Nowadays, reading comic is commonly preferred by most young learners.
This fact and Rohani’s statement are inspiring the writer that comic can be
applied as interesting and effective media in teaching English, especially in
teaching speaking. One of the reasons is that condition will make students
understand the dialogue easier which it is one of basic competence that must be
mastered by the students at class VIII of Junior High School. Teaching English
by using comic leads the students to understand the dialogue taught by the
teacher, the picture in the comic will help the students to comprehend the
meaning of words and the topic in the comic. Moreover, they can practice it in
their daily speaking.
However, based on the writer’s observation at SMP N 1 VII Koto Sungai
Sariak there was a low motivation in studying English, the students were passive
in learning English and they did not have self confidence in speaking English.
According to writer, one of factors that cause the condition was the use of media
by the English teachers like books, pictures, or photographs. The writer thought
that the students also need a new and a creative media to increase their motivation
and grades. In this case, comic is a kind of media that can solve the problem. So it
could be a solution to solve this problem.
Based on the explanation above, the writer intended to conduct the classroom
action research focusing on the use of comic in teaching English. The writer
wanted to prove the effectiveness of using comic in teaching English toward the
second year students’ English speaking ability at SMP N 1 VII Koto Sungai
1.2 Identification of Problem
The are many aspects that influence students to be interested in studying
English. The aspects are materials, facilities, and the technique of teaching. To make
students make students like English subject, there are also some media that can be
used in teaching, such as TV, video, tape recorder, photograph, comic, picture, and
some others.
It can be found many kinds of comics. They are cartoon, comic strip, comic
book, annual comic, comic album, web comic, instructional comic, storyboard,
simple comic and planning on mind. Good and appropriate choosing of aspects and
media tends to result in the improvement of students achievement.
1.3 Limitation of The Problem
Based on the explanation on the two sub-chapters above, the writer wanted to
conduct the research under the following limitation. Firstly, the writer focused the use
comic among various well known techniques of using media in teaching English.
Secondly, the writer stressed the use of comic in order to see its influence to students’
speaking ability. In using comic, it can be chosen the simple comic as media because
it is a kind of easier and cheaper type. It made easy in preparing the media.
The writer limited the research at the second year students of SMP N 1 VII
Koto Sungai Sariak as the source of data. The reason was that they have been trained
to speak in class of English.
1.4 Formulation of The Problem
Based on the identification and limitation, so the formulation of the problem
in this proposal was: “How effectiveness was using comic in teaching speaking to
promote the second year students’ English speaking ability at SMP N 1 VII Koto
Sungai Sariak?”
1.5 Action Hypotheses
An action hypothesis in this study is teaching English by using comic can
improve the result of English learning process.
1.6 Purpose of study
There are some purposes of this study, they are:
1. To answer the question formulated above, especially to prove the
effectiveness of using comic in teaching English at SMP N 1 VII Koto
Sungai Sariak.
2. To improve the students’ ability in understanding the dialogue taught
by using comic.
3. To develop learning strategy and effective, efficient, and fun learning
4. To improve students’ motivation in learning English.
1.7 Benefit of study
a. For Teachers
1. To develop effective, efficient, and fun learning model which can
involve the students being active in English learning process to
improve their communicative competence.
2. To improve the result teaching and learning process.
3. To assist improving the quality of teachers’ professionalism as
4. To assist in designing scientific paper which is be evaluation of getting
support in teacher
b. For Students
1. To improve students’ ability in interpreting the meaning of the
dialogue by using comic, so the students can speak fluently and can
apply the dialogue to their environment in their daily activity.
2. To improve the students’ motivation and interest.
3. To build students’ confidence in communicating.
4. To improve the students’ communicative competence and their
achievement in learning English.
c. For The school
Through the learning method by using comic can improve English learning
process at SMP N 1 VII Koto Sungai Sariak.
In this chapter, the writer discusses the expert point of view the media, comic,
the concept of speaking, the ways of teaching speaking, comic form, and overview.
2.1 Media
2.1.1 Definition of Media
In teaching learning process, media is needed some of media to improve
students’ ability Media can give effective relationship between students and
materials. Arsyad (2003) states that media is graphic, photographic or electronic
instrument for catching, processing, rearranging visual or verbal information. In other
word, he states that media is media is instrument that can be used to distribute some
points in a material of subject.
Rohani (1997) defines media as everything that can be used to send or distribute
in communication process. The communication refers to teaching and learning
process. Then, according to Gagne in Sadiman (2003), media is defined as some
kinds of components in the students’ environment that can stimulate the students to
study better.
Moreover, Hamalik (1986) defines media as the instruments, methods, and
techniques in teaching learning process to make interaction and communication more
effective between teacher and students.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that media is instruments
to increase students’ motivation and make effective the distributing important points
in a material of subject. The media should be interesting and useful.
2.1.2 Types of Media
There are three kinds of media generally. They are audio, visual, and
audiovisual. According to Rohani (1997), comic is a kind of visual media. Arsyad
(2003) states that there are some types of media. They are printed media media, audio
visual media and media come from printed and computer technology.
Then, according to Gerlach in Rohani (1997), media can be divided into real
materials, printed materials, and display materials. Then, Thomas in Rohani (1997)
states that chart, diagram, picture, comic, caricature, overhead projector transparent,
film slide, audio aids, audiovisual media, are kinds of media that can be used in
teaching learning process.
2.2 Comic
2.2.1 Definition of Comic
Comic is a part of visual media in teaching process. Visual approach by using
comic is usually used to make students interested in reading something. It will also
make the students comprehend a material easily (Wahono, 2006). Comic is easy,
simple and private. A reader of a comic will read the text without instruction. In other
word, it is enjoyed media that can be used in teaching process. According to rohani
(1997), through teacher’s guidance, comic can be media to grow and increase reading
and studying habit.
Wahono (2006) states that comics are a kind of art that is used some pictures
arranged to be a plot. Eisner in Lestari (2007) defines comic as arrangement of words
and pictures in a comic book. He adds, comic is arrangement of pictures and words to
tell something or make an idea. Then, Jackson (2008) states that comics are graphic
medium which words and images are utilized in order to convey a narrative. Comic
can contain little or no words, and consist of one or more images, which may either
illustrate or counterpoint the text to affect greater depth.
Moreover, Eisner in Morgon (2000) states that comics are juxtaposed pictorial
and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/ or to
produce an aesthetic response in the viewer.
From the explanation of comic above, it can be concluded that comics are
media that consisted of pictures. The pictures have an idea. It can have text or not.
However, most of them are followed by text for making clear the idea in the pictures.
2.2.2 Types of Comic
According to Comic (2007) there are some types of comic:
1. Cartoon
It consists of a slide. There are some pictures and text in this comic. In general
this type is contained humorous pictures and critic and also allusion. When
people look at the pictures, they can get idea or meaning from the picture.
This type can be found in magazines or newspapers.
2. Comic Strip
It is a piece of picture, or pieces of pictures combined to become a plot. It can
also be a continued story. It can be found in magazine or daily newspaper.
Some time this type is humorous story.
3. Comic Book
It is a comic that is arranged in a book form. It is often called short pictorial
story. It consists of thirty two until sixty four pages. There are three types of
comic book. There are trade paperback, magazine comic, and graphic novel.
Trade paper back is not too wide and big, like an usual book. Although, it
looks like thin, it can be an interesting book when it is printed by using good
quality papers and given interesting colors. Many readers like the
performance. Magazine, it has thick paper pages. Its cover is thick and
interesting. It can consist of longer story because it has wide and big pages.
Then, graphic novel consists of more than hundred pages. It will make readers
more comprehensive because the story is complete and hard.
4. Annual Comic
It is launched periodically. It is printed legally. It can be launched as monthly
or annual comic. The publisher will launch the comic once or three times a
5. Comic Album
Comic album is collection of some comics. It is a result from some interesting
comic that is collected and printed as a bundle.
6. Web Comic
It is a comic that published on internet. It is an audio comic. It can be
published with cheaper fee. The comic reader can open the site on internet and
find many stories.
7. Instructional Comic
It consists of some instructions. This type is not a story, but it is an instruction
to do something. By using picture or comic, the instruction will be
comprehended easily.
8. Storyboard
It is used in advertisement. For instance, when people make a film they will
advertise the film. It is performed in some pictures. It can be called comic. It
is made in largest pages. The aim is to advertise the film before launching.
9. Simple Comic
This comic is made by using someone’s handwriting. It can be an interesting
comic by performing good picture and story. This type can be given
interesting color too. It is also cheaper than other comic.
10. Planning on Mind
When someone thinks about a story, he/ she will imagine some pictures on
his/ her mind. Actually, the imagination can be called as a comic. It means,
not all of comic should be printed.
2.2.3 The Use of Comic in Teaching
Comic has been spread out widely as a medium entertain. The colored
illustration, simple theme plot, and the characterization will attract the person who
read it. Amazingly, nearly everyone says yes if they are asked whether they have ever
read comic. The wide spread of comic has interested the writer in using comic as a
medium for teaching.
A teacher may use the potential of comic in motivating the students. The main
role of comic book in teaching is its strength in motivating the students’ interest. It is
better to combine the use of comic as a medium of teaching will be more effective. A
teacher should help the students to find a good and enjoyable comic which is
appropriate to the way the students think and the students’ age. Also, a teacher should
help them get broader information and knowledge from the comic.
2.3 The Concept of Speaking
2.3.1 Definition of Speaking
The ability to speak English is important for the goal of language. Speaking
occurs when two or more people interact. According to Widdowson (1984), speaking
is the active production skill and use oral production. Then, Lado (1961) states that
speaking is ability to use, in essentially normal communication situations, the signal
system of pronunciation stress and intonation, grammatical structure and vocabulary
of foreign language at a normal delivery for native speaker of the language. In
addition, Clark (1977) states that speaking is a fundamental instruments and speakers
talk in order to have some effects on their listeners.
Finally, based on the explanation above, the writer concluded that speaking is
oral communication that is used by someone on delivering his/ her opinion, thought,
feeling, etc to other in order the messages can be clearly received by interlocutor.
2.3.2 Component of Speaking
As we know, speaking ability is very important for the goal of language
learning. Harris (1974) states that there are five components that are generally
recognized in speaking ability. They are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,
fluency, and comprehension.
Pronunciation that covers the segmental feature, vowel, consonant, stress,
intonation and pattern. Grammar means the ability to arrange the sentence in a good
structure. Vocabulary covers the use of words. Fluency is the case and speech as well
as to initiate it.