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Idea Generation Techniques: N.A.B.C. Framework

Miguel Jaime B. Aguila
June 6, 2022
The 2 videos provided by our professor are all about how to generate or create innovative
ideas while tackling the N.A.B.C. Sometimes sticking to what we know is already a form
of thinking outside the box. Ideas needs to be well thought specially the target market or
audience. Some of the most crazy inventions today, came from a simple thought or idea.
What made the invention well known is its benefits and the target audience. In generating
ideas there are a lot of useful and helpful ways. Some of the techniques that people use
in generating ideas are reversal thinking, keyword association, lateral thinking, forced
relationship, scamper, mind mapping, and the most common type brainstorming. These
forms or techniques of generating idea can be a big of some help since not all crazy
inventions came from a simple “secret recipe”.
On the other video, it talked about the simpler steps on how to generate idea. It talked
about N.A.B.C. and its meaning. The term is an acronym for Needs, Approach, Benefits,
and Competition. The acronym itself are the steps included on how to generate ideas that
can be a huge success in the market. It is hard to generate an idea that could change
everyone’s lives, but it is still worth a shot, in this video, it stated that ideas generated
should fit the aspects of N.A.B.C and should be used at all stages of the development
process even from the testing of ideas since it helps us figure out who are our target
audience is and what will it do for them.