INSTALLATION MANUAL SIEX-HC SYSTEM HFC-227ea HFC-125 HFC-23 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 1/112 1.1.- Most common Installation types 1.1.1.- Single cylinder system (modular cylinder) 1.1.2.- Single cylinder system with continuous weighing 1.1.3.- Cylinder bank system 1.1.4.- SMS System (small spaces) 1.2.- Distribution piping and fittings 1.2.1.- Piping 1.2.2.- Pipe joints (fittings) 1.2.3.- Reducers 1.2.4.- Cleaning 1.2.5.- Threads 1.2.6.- Installation 1.2.7.- Approximate diameters 1.2.8.- Electrical clearances 1.3.- Installing discharge nozzles, with or without a calibrated orifice 1.3.1.- Installation instructions 1.3.2.- Positioning the installed nozzle 1.4.- Installing the container, cylinder or bottle 1.4.1.- Identification labels 1.4.2.- Cylinder inscriptions 1.5.- Installing cylinder fixing brackets 1.5.1.- Brackets for a single (modular) cylinder 1.5.2.- Brackets for a single (modular) cylinder horizontally on the floor 1.5.3.- Brackets for a single row cylinder bank 1.5.4.- Brackets for a double row cylinder bank 1.5.5.- Brackets for a single cylinder with continuous weighing (modular, single and double row) 1.6.- Installing the manifold and manifold brackets 1.7.- Installing check valves in the discharge manifold 1.8.- Installing the pressure switch 1.8.1.- Installing the pressure switch on the discharge manifold (cylinder bank) 1.8.2.- Installing the pressure switch on modular cylinder systems 1.9.- Installing the manifold pressure relief valve (burst disc) 1.10.- Installing discharge hoses 1.10.1.- Single cylinder system (modular cylinder) 1.10.2.- Cylinder bank 1.11.- Installing 227CN pneumatic discharge head 1.12.- Installing flexible discharge hoses 1.13.- Installing the cylinder valve pilot port 1.14.- Installing the resettable 227SOL and 227SOL-E electrical discharge head 1.15.- Installing 227DN manual discharge head 1.16.- Installing the 227DEE electric squib release head 1.17.- Installing the pilot bottle (for banks of more than 5 cylinders) 1.18.- Installing the pilot bottle with an indirect pneumatic delay 1.19.- Installing the remote release pneumatic line 1.20.- Installing remote release manual pull station and pulley elbows 1.21.- Installing 227CMC cable-operated manual release head 1.22.- Fitting the abort or isolation valve to the manifold 1.22.1.- Installation instructions 1.22.2.- Positioning the installed abort valve 1.23.- Fitting the isolation valve to the release line 1.24.- Installing or replacing pressure switches 1.25.- Installing or replacing pressure gauges 1.26.- Installing the cylinder valve burst disc 1.27.- Installing the warning signs SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 2/112 1.28.- Final installation check SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 3/112 INSTALLATION MANUAL This manual contains installation instructions for components described in the System Component Manual for SIEX-HC fixed extinguishing systems using halogenated gases (HFC-227ea, HFC-125 and HFC-23). Before installation, the list of material in the System Design Manual should be consulted to ensure all the necessary components are available. This manual does not cover the detection and control elements associated with the extinguishing system. NOTE: SIEX-HC fixed extinguishing systems manufactured by SIEX, containing HFC227ea, HFC-125 and HFC-23 extinguishing agents, are custom designed for a specific application. If the components described here are assembled with another manufacturer’s components, or are used for another application not described in this manual, the component operation will not be correct. In this case, SIEX does not guarantee nor will be responsible for improper use or application of the product. Any non-approved use or application and/or any non-approved modification of the product or its operation may result in serious accidents and/or personal injury. SIEX is not responsible for any non-approved use or application. The equipment must not be subjected to adverse mechanical or chemical atmospheric conditions or other damage which might affect the operational capability of the equipment. The equipment must be installed in accordance with NFPA-2001 (current edition), ISO-14520 or UNE-23570 standards, and approved by the authority having jurisdiction. CAUTION YOU ARE HANDLING PRESSURISED EQUIPMENT SIEX-HC CYLINDERS AND CYLINDER VALVE ASSEMBLIES MUST BE INSTALLED AND COMMISSIONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTENTS OF THIS MANUAL. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY CAUSE THE CYLINDERS DISCHARGING VIOLENTLY, WHICH COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY TO THE PERSONS HANDLING THEM AND DAMAGE TO THE SURROUNDING AREA. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 4/112 1.1 MOST COMMON INSTALLATION TYPES 1.1.1 Single cylinder system (modular cylinder) The most usual type of single cylinder system (modular cylinder) is shown in Figure 1, fitted with a manual and electrical release. 0,3 MAX ON OFF 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx P ESTO ES UN CONTE NO Q UIT AR LOS ACCES QUE ESTE BIEN SUJET 0062 THIS IS HIGH PRESSUR E ACC ESORIES UNTIL IT IS PRO 20 30 EN 837- 1 40 10 50 bar 0 60 Pol . Ind. Villal C/ onqu Me ejar 09001 rindad de Tel.- B urgos M ontija (SPAIN) Nº6 (34 ) 947 28110 8 Fax .- (34) 947 281 112 KL. 1.6 UN: MASA M AX. AUTORIZADA MAX. AUTHORIZEDCHARGE CHARGE M AX. AUTORISÉE KG. GAS/GAZ: AL MACENAR EN L UGAR VENTIL AD O / NO RESPIRAREL GAS PARA MAN IP UL ACIÓN Y PRECAUCION ES VERETIQUETA CIL INDRO 2 TO BE STO RED IN A W EL L VENTIL ATED AREA / DO NOT INHALE FOR HANDL ING INSTRUCTIONS SEE CYLINDER'S LABEL STO CKER DANS UN ENDROIT VENTIL É / NE PAS N I HALER LE GAZ POUR MANIPUL ATIO N ET PRECAUTIONS, VOIR L 'E TIQUETTE SUR LE RESERVOIR T PED 1999/36/CE Or ga n ismo Not ific ad o/ Not ifie d bod y/O rga nisme N otifié (0 062) BUREAU VERITAS Cil indro+Válvula+ Di sco de rotura+Elementos de protección Cyl ind er+V alve+Bu rst ing di sc+Protecti ons devi ce Cyl ind re +V alv e+D isqu e d e ru pt ure+Elémen ts de protectio n Nº de Serie Serial N umber Nº de Série PO SICION DEL CILINDRO / CILIN DE R POSIT ION IN G / POSITION D E LA BOUTEILLE PARED/ WA LL / MUR - 0786 Manomet ro hacia arr iba U pwa rd s p ressu re ga ug e J aug e de la hau sse Manomet ro hacia abajo Do wn wa rd s pr essu re g au ge Ja uge à SUELO / F LO OR / S OL F ALSO SUELO / SU B-F LOOR / FA U X SOL AMBIE NT E / HAZ A RD / E NV IR ONN E ME NT F ALSO T ECHO / SU B -CE IL ING / FA UX P LA FON D Nota : Marque con una X e l que proce da / N ote: T ick w hit a X the c orr ec t one / Note :M ettre - 0062 el ca s é chéa ntX C OMPR ESSED GAS NO INFLAMMABL E AGENTE EX TINTOR EXTING UISH AG ENT / A GEN T EX TIN CTEU R N º. DE CILIN DRO C YLIN DER No . / Nº D E CY LINDER PR ESION DE CARGA A 20ºC Bar FI L L P RE S S UR E AT 20 ºC PR E S SI ON D E CH A RGE A 2 0º C PR ESION ROTURA D ISCO SEGURIDAD Bar BURS TIN G PRES SURE OF THE SAF ET Y DIS C PRES SION D E RUPT URE DU DI SQUE DE SÉCURIT É C ARGA / FILL / CH AR GE Kgs. PR ESU RIZADO CON PR ESSU RIZED WH IT / PR ESSU RISÉ A U TARA / TAR E / TAR E Kgs. PESO TOTAL Kgs. TOTA L W EIGH T / PO ID S TO TAL FECHA DE C AR GA FILL D ATE / D AT E DE CHA RG E TEMPERATURA DE FUN CIONAMIENTO DE -20º C A 50ºC W ORK ING TEMPERA TU RE FRO M -2 0º C TO 50 ºC TEM PÉ RATU RE DE FO NC TIO NN EMEN T D E -20 ºC A 5 0ºC POL. IND . VILL ALON QUEJAR C/ MER IND AD D E MONTIJA Nº 6 090 01 (BU RGOS) - SPAIN Te l.: (34) 94 7 2811 08 Fax: (34 ) 947 2811 12 S I E X POLIG ON O IN DUST RIAL VI LLA LON QUEJAR C /MERIN DAD DE MO NTIJA N º6 09001 BUR GO S TEL.: 947 28 11 08 FAX .: 947 28 11 12 Figure 1. Single cylinder system (modular cylinder) The components that make up the system are shown in the following table: Nº Denomination 1 Cylinder 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Modular cylinder bracket anchored to floor Instructions cylinder sticker CE marking cylinder sticker Cylinder positioning sticker PI marking cylinder sticker Cylinder sticker toxic gas Bridle 9 Container valve 10 11 Re-assembled electrical actuator Manual actuator 12 Discharge hose 13 Discharge pipe 14 Nozzle SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Types 6.7 / 13.4 / 25 / 26.8 / 40.2 / 61 / 67.5 / 80 / 84 / 100 / 108.4 / 120 / 127 / 150 / 180 RGS-MAM-20 / RGS-MAM-40-25 / RGS-MAM-40 / RGS-MAM-50 227SOL 227DM FH-20HC 3/4" BSP / FH-25HC 1" BSP / FH-40HC 1 1/2" BSP / FH-50HC 2" BSP 3/8” / 1/2" / 3/4" / 1" / 1 1/4" / 1 1/2" / 2" FEDR10 / FEDR15 / FEDR20 / FEDR25 / FEDR32 / FEDR40 / FEDR50 (180º-360º) Installation manual - Versión 00 5/112 The dimensions are shown in the following table: Cylinder volume (Litres) 6.7 13.4 25 26.8 40.2 61 67.5 80 84 100 108.4 120 127 150 180 ØA (mm) 140 204 300 229 229 300 267 267 300 360 374 356 374 403 406 B (mm) 400 400 300 600 400 300 500 500 500 500 300 450 400 C (mm) 1000 800 1300 1300 1000 1000 800 1250 1100 D (mm) 580 550 497 840 1210 1039 1470 1710 1346 1240 1148 1504 1339 1535 1594 E (mm) 598 568 515 858 1228 1075 1506 1746 1393 1276 1200 1540 1380 1576 1635 F(mm) 672 642 589 932 1302 1174.75 1605.75 1845.75 1497 1375.75 1322 1639.75 1502 1698 1757 G (mm) 1454.75 1885.75 2125.75 1655.75 1919.75 1807 2003 2062 NOTE: The cylinder dimensions, diameter and length may vary depending on the manufacturer. The technical characteristics are shown in the following tables: CYLINDER TYPE CYLINDER VOLUME (litres) 2.7 4.7 GAS HFC-227ea HFC-125 6.7 13.4 High pressure cylinder (seamless) 26.8 40.2 67.5 80 HFC-227ea HFC-125 HFC-23 (1) 100 120 25 61 Low pressure cylinders (welded) 84 108.4 HFC-227ea HFC-125 (2) 127 180 NOTE 1: The high and medium pressure (seamless) cylinders filled with HFC-227ea and HFC-125 are pressurised with dry nitrogen at 24 or 42 bar (at 20ºC). NOTE 2: The low pressure (welded) cylinders filled with HFC-227ea and HFC-125 are pressurised with dry nitrogen at 24 (at 20ºC), never at 42 bar. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 6/112 CYLINDER VALVE CYLINDER VOLUME (litres) RGS-MAM-11/-4 or 12/-4 2.7 4.7 DISCHARGE HOSE NOZZLE ØG FH-15CO 21.7-1/2” BSP 1/2” BSP FH-6PO 3/4"BSP 3/4” BSP FH-25HC 1” BSP 1” BSP FH-40HC 1 1/2” BSP 1 1/2” BSP FH-50HC 2” BSP 2” BSP 6.7 13.4 RGS-MAM-20 25 26.8 40.2 (1) 61 RGS-MAM-40-25 67.5 84 61 67.5 RGS-MAM-40 80 84 100 120 84 RGS-MAM-50 108.4 127 180 NOTE 1: In the case of the 40.2 litre cylinder, an adapter, incorporated in the hose, must be fitted on the valve to hose connection. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 7/112 1.1.2 Single cylinder system with continuous weighing This is similar to the previous case except that it includes a continuous weighing system, as well as an electrical and manual discharge head. 0,3 MAX 0,3 MAX PEL IGRO: 0062 - 0062 - 0000 EST O ES UN CO NTENEDOR DE AL TA PRESI ÓN N OQUI T AR L OS ACCESORI OS, NI M ANI PUL ARLO HAST A QUE EST E BI EN SUJET O MEDIA NT E SUS HERRAJES. PELI DANG VdS G 307000 UN: UN: T PED 1999/36/CE TPED 1999/36/CE Organismo Notificado/Notified body/Organisme Notifié Organismo Not if icado/ No tif ied body/Organisme Not ifié (0062) BUREAU VERIT AS Cilindro+Válvula+Disco de r otura+Elementos de protección (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cilindr o+Válvula+Disco de rotura+Elementos de protección Cylinder+Valve+Bursting disc+ Protections device Cylindre+ Valve+Disque de rupture+Eléments de protection Cylinder+ Valve+ Bursting disc+Protections device Cylindre+Valve+ Disque de rupture+Eléments de protection Nº de Serie Nº de Serie Serial Number Nº de S érie Serial Number N º de Série P OSICION DE L CILINDRO / CIL INDER PO SITI ONING / POSITION DE LA BOUTEILLE POSICION DEL CILINDRO / CIL INDER POSIT IONING / POSITION DE LA BOUTEILLE PARED / WALL / MUR - 0786 PARED / WALL / MUR - 0786 Manometr o hacia arr iba Upwa rds pr ess ur e g aug e Ja ug e d e la h au sse Manom etro h acia ar riba U pwa r ds pr ess ure g a ug e J au ge d e la h au ss e M anomet ro hac ia abajo Manom etro hacia abajo Do wnwa rds pre ssur e g aug e Jau g e à Do wnwa r ds pr ess ur e g a ug e Ja ug e à S UELO / F LOOR / S OL FALSO SUELO / SUB-F LOOR / F AUX SOL A MBIENTE / HAZ ARD / E NVIRONNE MENT Nota: Marque con una X el que proceda / SUEL O / FLOOR / SOL FALSO S UELO / SUB -F L OOR FALSO TECHO / S UB -CEIL ING / FAUX P LAFOND / F AUX S OL AMBI ENTE/ H Nota: Mar que con una X el que proceda / Not e: T ick whit a X the correct one / Not e: M et tre le cas échéant X - 0062 AZ ARD / E NVIRONNE ME NT FALSO TECHO / SUB-CE ILING/ F AUX P L AF OND N o te : T ic k w hi t a X the co r re ct one / N o te: M e ttre le ca s é c h é an t X - 0062 COMP RES SED GAS NO I NF LAMMABLE AGENTE EXTINTOR CO MPRES SED GAS NO IN FLAMMABLE AGENTE EXTINTOR EXTING UISH AG EN T / A GENT EXTINCTEUR EX TIN GUIS H AGE NT / AGE NT E XTINC T EUR Nº. DE CILINDRO N º. DE CILINDRO CY LIN DER No. / Nº DE CY LINDER C YL INDE R N o. / N º DE C YLINDE R PRESION DE CARGA A 20ºC PRESION D E CARGA A 20ºC Bar F ILL P RES SURE AT 20ºC P RESSI ON DE CH ARGE A 20ºC Bar FILL PRESSU RE AT 20ºC PRESS ION DE CHARGE A 20ºC PRESION ROTU RA DISC O SEGURIDAD PRESION R OTURA DISC O SEGURIDAD BURSTING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC PRESSION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ Bar C ARGA / FILL / CHARGE Kgs. Bar BURSTING PR ESSUR E OF THE SAFE TY DISC PRESSION DE R UPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉC UR ITÉ C AR GA / FIL L / PRESURIZADO CON Kg s. C HAR GE PRESURIZADO CON P RES SURIZED W HIT / PRESSU RISÉ AU PR E SSU R IZ E D W HIT / P R ES SUR ISÉ AU TAR A / TARE / TARE TARA / T AR E Kgs. PESO TOTAL Kg s. / TAR E PESO TOTAL Kgs. TOTAL W EIGHT / PO IDS TOTAL Kg s. TOT AL WE IGH T / P OIDS T OTAL FECHA DE CARGA FEC HA D E CARGA F ILL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE FIL L DA TE / DA TE DE C HAR GE TEMPERATURA DE FUNC IONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC TEMPERATURA DE FUN CIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WO RKING TEM PERATURE F ROM -20ºC TO 50ºC W OR KIN G T E MPE R AT UR E FR OM -20ºC T O 50ºC TEM PÉRATURE D E FO NCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC T EM PÉ R AT UR E D E FO NC T IONN EM ENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 0 9001 (BU RGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 28110 8 Fax: (34) 947 281112 POL . IN D. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD D E MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Te l.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 S I E X S I E X POLIGON O INDU ST RIAL VILLALONQUEJAR C/M ERINDAD DE MONTI JA Nº 6 0900 1 BURGOS POLI GONO INDUST RIAL VILLALONQUEJAR C /MERIN DAD DE MONT IJA Nº 6 09 001 BURGOS TEL.: 947 28 11 08 FAX.: 947 28 11 1 2 TEL.: 94 7 2 8 11 08 FAX.: 94 7 28 11 12 Figure 2. Single cylinder system with continuous weighing Nº Denomination 1 Cylinder 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bracket type cage Instructions cylinder sticker CE marking cylinder sticker Cylinder positioning sticker PI marking cylinder sticker Cylinder sticker toxic gas Bridle 9 Container valve 10 11 Re-assembled electrical actuator Manual actuator 12 Discharge hose 13 14 Check valve Discharge pipe 15 Nozzle 16 Weighing device SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) A: B: Types 6.7 / 13.4 / 25 / 26.8 / 40.2 / 61 / 67 61 / 67,5 / 80 / 84 / 100 / 108,4 / 120 / 127 / 180 A: RGS-MAM-20 / RGS-MAM-40-25 B: RGS-MAM-40 / RGS-MAM-50 227SOL 227DM / 227DMS A: FH-20HC 3/4” BSP / FH-25HC 1" BSP B: FH-40HC 1 1/2" BSP / FH-50HC 2" BSP VALAN-40-23 / VALAN-50-125 3/8” / 1/2" / 3/4" / 1" / 1 1/4" / 1 1/2" / 2" FEDR10 / FEDR15 / FEDR20 / FEDR25 / FEDR32 / FEDR40 / FEDR50 (180º-360º) SIEX-WD Installation manual - Versión 00 8/112 1.1.3 Cylinder bank system In this case, there are two options: single row cylinder bank or double row cylinder bank. Each of these may be fitted with or without a pilot bottle, depending on the number of cylinders in the bank. Banks of 2 to 5 cylinders do not need a pilot bottle, and from 6 cylinders upwards the bank will always be fitted with a pilot bottle. See figures 3, 4, 5 and 6. a) c) 10 11 d) 13 17 b) 18 15 14 ON OFF 12 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 16 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A 20 KG . GAS/GAZ: ALMAC ENA R E N LU GA R V ENT ILA DO / NO R ESPIR AR EL GA S PAR A MAN IPU LAC IÓN Y PR EC AU CIO NE S VER ETIQ UETA C ILIN DR O 2 TO BE S TO RED IN A WELL VE NTILA TED A REA / DO NO T N I HALE FO R H AN DLIN G IN ST RU CTIO N S SEE CY LIN DER 'S LABE L S TO CK ER D AN S U N E ND RO IT VE NTILÉ /N E PAS INH ALER LE G AZ POU R MAN IPU LATIO N E T PR EC AUT ION S, VO IR L' ETIQ UETTE SU R LE RE SERVO IR - 0786 KG . CH AR GE MA X. AUTO R S I ÉE GAS/G AZ: A LMA CE NAR EN LUG AR VE NTILAD O /N O R ESPIRAR EL GAS P ARA MAN IP ULA CIÓ N Y PR ECA UC ION ES VER ETIQU ETA CILIND RO TPED 1 999/3 6/CE O rganism o Notificado /Notified b ody/Org anisme Notifié Cy linder +Valv e+Bur st ing disc+Pr otections device Cy lindr e+Valv e+ Disque d e rupt ure+Eléments de pr otection (0062) B URE AU VERITA S Cilindro+Válvula+Disco de rotura+Elementos de protección Cylind er+V al ve+Bur sting d isc+P rotections devi ce Cylind re+V al ve+Di squ e de rup tur e+ Eléments de p rotection Nº de Serie Nº de S erie S er ial Num ber Nº de S ér ie Serial Number Nº d e Série POSICIO N DEL CILINDRO / CILINDER POS ITIONING / POSIT ION DE LA BOUTEIL LE - 0786 P ARED / WAL L / MUR M ano met ro haci a ar rib a Upw ar ds pre ssur e gauge Jauge de al ha usse Man ome tro ha cia ar r iba Upw ar ds pre ss ur e gauge Ja uge de la hausse M ano met ro hacia aba jo Mano met ro hac ia ab ajo Downw ar ds pre ss ur e gauge J auge à Man om etr o h acia abajo Dow nw ards pr ess ure gauge Ja uge à SUE LO / F LOOR / SOL AMBIE NTE / HAZARD / ENVIRONNEMENT D ow nwar ds pr es sure gauge Ja uge à SU ELO / F L OOR / S OL FALSOSUELO / SUB-F LOOR/ FA LSO TECH O / S UB-CEILING / F AUX PLAF OND F AUX S OL AMBIENTE / H AZARD / ENVIRONNEM ENT Nota: Marq ue co n una X el que p roced a / Not e: Tick Note: Tick w hit a X t he correct one / Note: Mett re le cas échéant X - 0062 POSICION DEL CILINDRO / CILINDER PO SITIONING / POSITION DE L A BOUTE IL LE - 0786 P ARED / WAL L / MUR - 0786 Ma nom etr o h acia arr iba - 0062 COMPR ESSED GAS NO INFL AMMABLE AGENTE EXTINTOR S UELO / FL OOR / SOL FALSO TECHO/ S UB-CEILING / FALSO SUELO / S UB-F LOOR / F AUXS OL FAUX P LAF OND - 0062 C OMPRESSED GAS NO INFLAMMAB LE Bar BUR STING PR ESSURE OF T HE SAFET Y DISC CARGA / F ILL / CHA RGE CARG A / F ILL / CHARGE PRE SSION DE RUPTUR E DU DI SQUE DE SÉCUR ITÉ CARGA / FI LL / CHARGE Kgs. PRESURIZADO CON PRESS URI ZED WHI T / PR ES SURI SÉ AU TARA / TARE / TA RE Kgs. T ARA / TARE / TARE Kgs. PESO TO TAL Kgs. TOTAL WEIGH T / P OIDS TOTAL Kgs. PESO TOTAL Kgs. TOTAL WEI GHT / P OI DS TOTAL Kgs. TOTAL W EI GHT / POI DS TO TA L FECHA DE CARG A FI LL DATE / DA TE DE CH ARGE Kgs. PRESURIZADO CON P RESS URIZED W HIT / PRESS URIS É AU TARA / TARE / TARE Bar BURS TING PRE SSUR E OF T HE SAF ETY DISC PR ESSI ON DE R UP TURE DU DISQUE DE SÉ CURIT É Kgs. PRES SU RIZED WHI T / P RESS URIS É AU Bar PRESION RO TURA DISCO SEGURIDAD Bar B UR STI NG PR ESSUR E OF THE SAFE TY DI SC PR ESSION DE R UPT UR E DU DISQUE DE SÉC UR ITÉ PESO TOTAL SUB-CEILING/ F AUXP LAFOND FI LL P RESS URE AT 20º C PRESS IO N DE CHA RGE A 20º C PRESION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD F ECHA DE CARGA FALSOTECHO/ COMPRESSED GA S N O INFLA MMA BLE C YLINDER No . / Nº D E CY LI NDER PRESION DE CARGA A 20ºC Bar F ILL PRES SURE AT 20 ºC P RESS ION DE CHARGE A 20ºC PRESURIZADO CON ENVIRONNEM ENT EX TI NGUI SH AGENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR Nº. DE CILINDRO CYLI NDER No . / Nº DE CYLI NDER PRESION DE CARG A A 20ºC Bar Tick wh it a X t he correct one / No te: Mettr e le cas échéant X AGENTE EXTINTOR EXTIN GUIS H AG EN T / AGENT EXTI NCTEU R Nº. DE CILINDRO CYLIN DER No. / Nº DE CYLINDER PRESION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD AMBIENTE / HAZARD/ Nota: M arque con una X el qu e proceda / No te: whi t a X the correct on e / Not e: Met tre l e cas échéant X AGENTE EXTINT OR EXTING UIS H AGENT / AGENT EXTINC TEUR Nº. DE CILINDRO PRESION DE CARGA A 20ºC FI LL PRESS URE AT 20º C PRES SI ON DE C HARGE A 2 0ºC 2 TO B E ST OR ED IN A W ELL VEN TILATE D AR EA /D O N OT INH ALE FOR H AND LING IN STR UC TIO NS SE E CYLIND ER' S LABEL ST OC KE R D AN S UN EN DR O IT VEN TILÉ / N E PAS INH ALER LE GAZ P OU R MAN IP ULA TION ET P RE CA UTIO N S, VO IR L' ETIQU ETTE SU R LE RESE RVO IR T PED 199 9/36 /CE Or ganismo No tificado/Not fi e i d bod y/Organ ism e Notifié (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cil indro+Válvula+Disco de rotura+Elem entos de protección Nº de Serie U pwards pr es sure gauge J auge de la hauss e FECHA DE CARGA F ILL DATE / D ATE DE CHARGE FI LL DA TE / DATE DE CHARGE T EM PERATURA DE FUNCIO NAMIENT O DE -20ºC A 50ºC TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WOR KING TEMP ERATURE FRO M -2 0ºC TO 50 ºC TEMPÉRA TURE D E FONC TI ONNEMENT DE - 20ºC A 50º C W ORKIN G TEMPERATURE F ROM -2 0ºC TO 5 0ºC TEMP ÉRA TU RE DE FO NCTIONN EMENT D E -20º C A 50º C WORKI NG TEMPERA TU RE FROM -20º C TO 50º C TEMP ÉRATURE DE F ONCTION NEMENT DE -20 ºC A 50 ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel .: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 G 306011 VdS FH-40HC WP137 BAR 2 TO BE STO RE D IN A WE LL V EN TILATED AREA / D O NO T INH ALE FO R HA ND LING INS TR UC TIO NS SEE C YLINDE R' S LA BEL MASA MAX. AU TOR IZADA MAX. AU TH OR IZED C HA RG E Ser ial Number Nº de Série FALSO SU ELO / S UB-FLOOR / F AUX SOL 4 UN: 947 ALMAC EN AR EN LUG AR VEN TILAD O / NO RES PIRAR E L G AS PA RA MA NIP ULAC IÓ N Y P RE CAU C ION ES VER E TIQ UE TA CILINDR O STO C KER DA NS UN EN DR OIT VEN TILÉ / NE PA S N I HALER LE G AZ PO UR MA NIP ULAT IO N ET PR EC AU TIO NS , VO IR L'E TIQ UE TTE SUR LE R ESER VO IR Cyli nder+ Valve+ Bu rsting disc+ Prot ections device Cyli ndre+ Valve+ Disque de r uptur e+El ém ents de protection Nota: M arqu e con un a X el q ue proceda / 5 3 GAS/GAZ: (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cilindro+Vál vula+Di sco de rotura+Elementos de protección PO SICION DEL CILINDRO / CILINDER P OSI TIO NING / POSITION DE LA BOUT EILL E 60 K L.1 .6 K G. C HA RG E MA X. AUTO RISÉE TPED 40 50 bar 0 UN: MASA MA X. AU TOR IZADA MAX. AU THO RIZED CH AR GE 1 99 9/36/CE 30 10 281112 281112 UN: MA SA MAX . AUTO RIZAD A MAX . AUTH OR IZED CH ARG E CH AR G E MAX. AU TOR ISÉE Orga nismo Notificad o/Notified body/Or ganisme Not fi ié 6 20 50 60 KL. 1.6 P ARED / WAL L / MUR 7 RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 40 bar 0 Pol. Ind . C/ Villalonquejar Me rindad 0 9001 de B urgos Montija Tel.Nº6 (34) ( SPA 9 47 IN) 28110 8 Fax.( 34) 947 Pol. Ind C/ Me . Villalonquejar rindad 0 9001 de Montija Tel.- B urgos ( SPA Nº6 (34) 9 47 IN) 28110 8 Fax.( 34) 947 281112 8 30 10 50 60 N - XX XXX X - 0786 RG S-MAM-40 EN 1 2094-4 40 bar K L. 1.6 Pol. Ind . C/ Villalonquejar Me rindad 0 9001 de B urgos Montija Tel.Nº6 (34) ( SPA 9 47 IN) 28110 8 Fax.( 34) 30 20 10 0 G 306011 VdS FH-40HC WP137 BAR RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 9 N - XX XXX X G 306011 N - XX XXX X FH-40HC WP137 BAR VdS - 0786 Nº xx POL. IND. VILLALO NQ UEJAR C/ M ERINDAD DE M ONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURG OS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 F ax: (34) 947 281112 POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE M ONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 S I E X S I E X S I E X PO LIGO NO INDUSTRIAL VIL LAL ONQ UEJAR C/MERIND AD DEM ONTIJ ANº6 0 9 00 1 BU RGOS P OLIG ONO INDUSTRIAL VILL AL ONQUEJAR C/M ERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 0 90 01 BURGOS POL IGON O IND USTRIAL VILL AL ONQUEJ AR C /M ERINDAD DE MO NTIJ ANº6 0 90 0 1 BURGO S T EL.: 947 28 11 08 F AX.: 947 28 11 12 TEL.: 94 7 2 8 11 08 F AX. : 94 7 2 8 11 12 T EL .: 9 47 2 8 1 1 08 FAX.: 9 47 28 11 1 2 2 1 Figure 3. Single row cylinder bank with no pilot bottle. Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Denomination Types Figure 4. Single row cylinder bank with pilot bottle Manifold system 61 / 67,5 / 80 / 84 / 100 / 108,4 / 120 / 127 / 180 System cylinder bracket Figure 5. Double row cylinder bank with pilot bottle Instructions cylinder sticker CE marking cylinder sticker Cylinder positioning sticker Figure sticker 6. Single row cylinder bank with pilot bottle and directional valves. PI marking cylinder Cylinder sticker toxic gas Bridle Container valve RGS-MAM-40 / RGS-MAM-50 Discharge hose FH-40HC 1 1/2" BSP / FH-50HC 2" BSP Check valve VALAN-40-23 / VALAN-50-125 Re-assembled electrical actuator 227SOL Manual actuator 227DM Actuator hose FH-6PO 1/4”G (500 mm) "T" or elbow 1/4" BSP Pneumatic actuator 227CN Discharge manifold (2) Ø Pipe (2” – 5”) a) Raccord union (Threaded) HFC-23 (2”) Raccord union (Welded) HFC-23 (2 1/2" – 4”) b) Bridle (Welded) HFC-227ea, HFC-125 (2” - 5”) c) Colector cap (Threaded) HFC-23 (2”) d) Colector cap (Welded) HFC-227ea, HFC-125 HFC-23 POINPRE (2” - 5”) (2 1/2" – 4”) Pressure switch SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 9/112 c) 10 11 18 24 25 22 a) d) b) 17 20 ON OFF 21 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 16 227SOL-A 24 V (DC) 0, 60 A Nº xx 23 E N 837-1 15 C OMPR ESSED G A S NO IN FLAM MA BLE - 0786 G 30 6011 VdS FH-40HC WP137 BAR R GS-MAM-40 EN 12 094-4 N - XXXXXX - 0786 G 30 6011 VdS FH-40HC WP137 BAR N - XXXXXX G 30 6011 N - XXXXXX FH-40HC WP137 BAR RGS-MAM-40 EN 120 94-4 RGS-MAM-40 EN 1 2094 -4 CHA RG E 20 30 20 40 10 60 KG. A LMACENA R E N LUGA R VE NT ILADO / NO RES PIRA R E L GAS PA RA M ANIP UL ACIÓN Y PRE CAUCIONE S V ER ETIQUETA CIL INDRO 2 TO BE STORE D IN A WE LL V ENTILA TE D A REA / DO NOT INHAL E FOR HANDLING INS TRUCT IONS S EE CYLI NDER'S LAB EL 81112 UN: K G. GAS/GAZ: A LMA CE N AR EN LU GAR VE N TILA DO / NO R E SP IRA R EL GA S PA R A MAN IP U LAC IÓN Y P RE C AU C ION ES VER ET IQU ET A C ILIND R O 6 KG. GAS/GAZ: ALMA C EN AR E N LU GA R V EN TIL AD O / N O RE SP IR AR EL GAS P AR A MA NIP U LA CI ÓN Y P R EC A UC ION ES VE R E TIQUE TA C ILIN DR O TP ED 1999/36/CE Or ga nism o Not ificad o/N otifi ed bod y/O rg anisme Notifié (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cil indro+Vál vula+D isco de rotura+ Elementos de protección C yli nd er+ Va lve+ Bu rst ing di sc+ P rotecti ons device Cyl in dre +V alv e+D isqu e de ru ptu re+ E lém ents de pr otection Cyl in der+V alv e+B urst in g d isc+Prot ect ions devi ce Cy li ndre+Val ve+Di sq ue de rup ture+Elément s d ep rotecti on Nº de Serie Nº de Serie Nº de Serie S eri al N um ber N º de S érie S er ial Num ber Nº de S éri e Serial Nu mber Nº de Série POSICION DEL CILIND RO / CI LIN DER POSI TIONIN G / POS ITIO N DE LA BOUTEILLE - 0786 Ma nomet ro ha cia arriba Upwards p ress ure gauge Jauge d e la haus se A MB IEN TE / H AZARD / ENVI RONNEMENT - 0786 M anomet ro hac ia a rriba Upwards pressu re gauge J auge de la hauss e M anomet ro ha cia aba jo Ma nome tro ha cia abajo Downwards pres sure gauge Jauge à Downwards press ure gauge Jauge à SU E LO / F LOOR / S OL FA LS O TEC HO / S UB-CEILING / FAUX PLAFOND F ALS O SU ELO / S UB-FLO OR / FAUX S OL A MB IE NTE / HAZARD / ENVIRON NEMENT Nota: Ma rque c on una X el que proc eda / No te: Ti ck w hit a X th e correct o ne / Not e: Mett re le cas éch éan t X - 0062 POSIC ION D EL CILIN DRO / C ILIN DER POS ITIONI NG / P OSITION DE LA BO UTEILLE - 0786 M anome tro haci a arriba Upwards pres sure ga uge J auge de la hausse M anometro hac ia a bajo Downwards pres sure gauge J auge à SU ELO / F LO OR/ SO L FA LS O S U ELO / S UB-FLO OR / FAUX S OL Nota: Marque con una X el que proce da / AGENTE EXTINTOR S UE LO / FLOOR / SOL F ALS O TE CH O / S UB-CEILING / FAUX PLAFO ND FAL SO SU E LO / S UB-FLOOR / FA UX SOL A MBIE NT E / HAZA RD / ENVIRO NNEMENT Nota : Marque con una X el que proceda / N ote: Tick whi t a X th e correct on e/ No te: Met tre le cas échéant X - 0062 CO MPR ESSED G AS N O INFLA MMA B LE AGENTE EXTINTOR E XT I NG UI S H A GE N T / A GE N T E XT I NCT E UR N º. DE CILINDRO Nº. DE CILINDRO CYL I N DE R N o. / N º D E CY LI N DE R CY LIN DER No. / N º DE CY LIN DER PRESION DE CARG A A 20ºC Bar FI L L P RE SS U RE AT 20º C PRE S S IO N D E CH AR GE A 20 ºC PRESION DE CARGA A 20ºC CARG A / CARGA / FILL / C HA RGE TARA / TARA / TAR E / TA RE Kgs. T ARE / T ARE PESO TO TAL Kgs. Kgs. TO TAL WEIG HT / POIDS TOTA L FECHA DE CARGA FILL DA TE / D ATE D E CHA RGE F IL L D AT E / DA T E DE CHA RGE TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC Kgs. PESO TOTAL Kgs. T OT A L WE I GH T / P O ID S T O T AL FECHA D E CARGA FI L L D AT E / DAT E DE CH ARG E Kgs. PRESU RIZADO CON PRESSU RIZE D WHIT / PRESSU RISÉ AU P RE SS UR IZ E D W HIT / P RE S SU RIS É A U Kgs. T ARE / T ARE T OT AL WE I GH T / P OI DS T O T AL FECHA DE CARG A Bar P RE SS ION DE RUP TURE DU DISQUE DE SÉ CURIT É Kgs. F IL L / CH ARG E PRESURIZADO CO N PRE S S URI Z E D WH IT / P RE SS UR IS É AU PESO TOTAL Bar PRESION RO TURA DISCO SEGURIDAD BURST ING PRE SSURE OF T HE SAF ETY DIS C PRE SSI ON DE RUPT URE DU DI SQUE DE SÉ CURIT É Kgs. F IL L / CHA RGE Bar BURST ING PRES SURE OF TH E SAFE TY DISC PRES SION DE RUPTU RE DU DIS QUE DE SÉCURITÉ TARA / F I LL PR ES S URE AT 2 0ºC P RE S SI ON D E CHA RG E A 2 0º C PRESION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD Bar BURS TING PRESS URE OF THE SAFET Y DISC Bar F IL L P RE S S URE A T 20 ºC P RE SS I ON DE CHA RGE A 2 0ºC PRESION R OTUR A DISC O SEG URIDAD C OM PRESSED GA S N O IN FLA MMA BLE AGENTE EXTINTO R EX TIN GU ISH AG ENT / AG ENT EX TIN CTEU R E XT I NG UI SH AG E NT / AG E NT E XT IN CT E UR CYL I ND E R N o. / Nº D E CYL I ND E R PRESION D E CARGA A 20ºC F AL SO TE CH O /S UB-CEILI NG / FAUX PLAFOND Not e: Tick wh it a X t he co rr ect on e / Note: Mettr e le cas échéant X - 0062 C OMPR ESSED G A S NO IN FLAM MAB LE Nº. DE CILINDRO C ARG A / 2 TO B E S TOR ED IN A W EL L VE NT ILAT ED A RE A / DO N OT I NH ALE F OR HA N DL IN G IN ST R UC TI ONS SE E C YLIN DE R'S LA BE L ST OCK E R D A N S U N E ND R OIT VE N TILÉ / N E PA S IN HA LER LE GA Z POU R MA NIP U LAT ION ET P RE C AU TION S, VOIR L'ET IQU ETT E S UR LE RE SE R VOIR (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cil indro+Vál vu la+Di sco de rotu ra+Elementos de protecci ón C yli nde r+ Val ve+ Bu rsti ng disc+ Pr otectio ns device Cyl ind re+ V alve+ D isqu e de rup tu re+ E lém en ts de pro tection PRESURIZADO CON 3 UN: MAS A MA X. AU TORIZ AD A MA X . A UT HO RIZ ED CH AR GE C HA R GE MAX . A UTOR ISÉ E TPE D 1999/36/CE Or ga nism o N otif icad o/No tifie d b od y/Or ga nisme No tifié (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Ci lin dro+Válvula +Disco de rotura+Elementos de protección POSICION DEL C ILINDR O / CIL IND ER POSI TIONIN G / P OS ITIO N D E LA BO UTEILLE 5 4 2 T O BE ST ORE D IN A W ELL V EN TIL ATE D AR EA / D O N OT IN HA LE FOR H A ND LIN G I NS TR U C TION S S EE CY LIND ER 'S LAB EL S TOC K ER D AN S U N EN D RO IT V EN T ILÉ / NE PAS IN HAL ER LE GAZ POU R MAN IP UL ATIO N E T P RE CA U TION S, V OIR L'ETI QUE TTE SU R LE RE SE RV OIR TPE D 1999/36/CE O rg an ismo No tifica do /Not ified bo dy/ Or ganism e Notifié 60 KL. 1.6 M AS A MAX . A UT OR IZA DA MA X. AU TH OR IZE D C H AR GE CH A RG E M AX . AU TOR ISÉE S TOCKE R DANS UN E NDROIT V ENTI LÉ / NE P AS INHALE R LE GAZ P OUR M ANIPULA TION ET PRECA UT IONS , VO IR L 'E TIQUET TE SUR L E RES ERV OIR 40 50 bar 0 947 2 UN: GAS/GAZ: 30 10 50 60 KL . 1.6 MA SA MA X . AUTORIZADA MAX . A UTHORIZED CHA RGE CHARGE MA X. AUTORIS ÉE 7 20 40 bar 0 KL. 1.6 8 30 10 50 bar 0 Pol. Ind C/ Mer . Villalon 090 01 ind ad d e quejar M ontija Te l.- Bu rgo s ( SPAIN) Nº 6 ( 34) 94 7 2 811 08 F ax. - ( 34) 9 P AR ED / WALL / MUR PO L. IN D. VILLALO NQUEJAR C / MERINDAD D E MONTIJA Nº6 090 01 (BURG O S) - SPAIN Tel.: (3 4) 947 28 110 8 Fax: (34) 947 281112 81112 WO RKI NG T E MP E RAT U RE F ROM - 20º C T O 50 ºC T E MP É RAT U RE D E FO NCT I ON NE ME N T D E -2 0º C A 50 ºC 947 2 TEMPER ATUR A D E FUNC IO NAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC Pol. Ind . Villalon C/ Mer 090 01 ind ad d e Mquejar ontija Te l.- ( Bu rgo s ( SPAIN) Nº 6 34) 94 7 2 811 08 F ax. - ( 34) D AT E / DA T E DE CHAR GE P AR ED / WALL / MUR O TO TAL AL W E I GHT / P OI DS T O TA L 947 2 81112 A / T AR E / T A RE H A D E CARG A Pol. Ind C/ Mer . Villalon 090 01 ind ad d e quejar Te l.- Bu rgo s M ontija Nº ( 34) 94 ( SPAIN) 6 7 2 811 08 F ax. - ( 34) SUR IZADO CO N S URI Z E D WH IT / P RE SS UR IS É AU 12 19 SIO N RO TUR A D ISCO SEGU RIDAD S TI NG PRESS URE OF THE SAFE TY DISC S ION DE RUP TURE DU DISQ UE DE S ÉCURI TÉ R GA / F IL L / 13 VdS - 0786 - 0062 S SI ON D E CHA RGE A 2 0º C P AR ED / WALL / MUR 14 bar KL . 1. 6 TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIEN TO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WO RKI NG T E MP E RAT U RE F RO M - 20 ºC T O 50 ºC WO RK ING T E MP E RA T URE F RO M - 20 ºC TO 5 0ºC T E MP É RAT U RE D E FO NCT I ON NE ME N T D E -2 0º C A 50 ºC T E MP É RA T URE D E F ON CT IO NN E ME NT DE - 20 ºC A 5 0ºC WORK IN G TE MPERA TURE FR OM -20 ºC TO 5 0º C TEMPÉRA TURE DE FON CTIONN EMENT DE -20 ºC A 5 0º C PO L. IND. VIL LALONQ UEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MO NTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGO S) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 2811 08 Fax: (34) 947 28 1112 POL. IND. VILLALO NQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09 001 (BURG OS) - SPAIN Tel .: (34 ) 947 28 1108 Fax: (3 4) 947 281112 POL . IND. VILLALO NQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MO NTIJA Nº6 0 9001 (BU RGOS) - SPAIN Tel .: (34) 94 7 2 81108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 S I E X S I E X S I E X PO LIGO NO IN DUSTR IAL VILLALON QUEJAR C /ME RIN DAD DE MONTIJAN º6 09001 BURGO S P OLIGO NO INDU STRIAL VILLALO NQUE JAR C/MERIN DA D DE MON TIJ A Nº6 09001 BURG OS POLIG ONO INDU STRIAL V ILLA LO NQ UEJAR C/MER IND AD D E MO NTIJA Nº6 09001 BUR GOS TEL.: 947 28 11 08 FAX.: 947 28 11 12 TEL.: 947 28 11 08 FAX.: 947 28 11 12 TEL. : 947 28 11 08 FAX .: 947 28 11 12 2 1 Figure 4. Single row cylinder bank with pilot bottle. Nº Denomination 1 Manifold system 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 System cylinder bracket Instructions cylinder sticker CE marking cylinder sticker Cylinder positioning sticker PI marking cylinder sticker Cylinder sticker toxic gas Bridle Container valve Discharge hose Check valve Pilot cylinder (1) Pilot cylinder bracket Bridle Pressure gauge Pilot cylinder valve Re-assembled electrical actuator Manual actuator Adaptor Actuator hose "T" or elbow Flexible actuator hose Pneumatic actuator Discharge manifold (2) a) Raccord union (Threaded) Raccord union (Welded) b) Bridle (Welded) c) Colector cap (Threaded) d) Colector cap (Welded) 24 25 Pressure switch SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Types 61 / 67,4 / 80 / 84 / 100 / 108,4 / 120 / 127 / 180 RGS-MAM-40 / RGS-MAM-50 FH-40HC 1 1/2" G / FH-50HC 2" G VALAN-40-23 / VALAN-50-125 2 litres 5140-P315 1/8” NPT RGS-MAM-11/4 227SOL 227DM W21.8x1/14” H – 1/4" G M FH-6PO 1/4" G FH-6PO 1/4”G (500 mm) 227CN Ø Pipe (2” – 5”) HFC-23 (2”) HFC-23 (2 1/2" – 4”) HFC-227ea, HFC-125 (2” - 5”) HFC-23 (2”) HFC-227ea, HFC-125 (2” - 5”) HFC-23 (2 1/2" – 4”) POINPRE Installation manual - Versión 00 10/112 a) c) 9 20 10 21 22 24 23 b) d) 17 ON 16 OFF 18 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 19 xxxxx 15 227SOL-A 24 V (DC) 0,6 0 A Nº xx F H-4 0HC WP 1 37 EN 837-1 14 F H-4 0HC WP 1 37 N º Lote xx x x RG S-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 13 F H-4 0HC WP 137 N º Lote x x xx Nº Lote xx x x bar KL . 1 .6 - 0062 C O MPR ESSED G AS N O IN FLA MMAB LE 8 30 20 RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 50 bar 0 30 20 40 10 R GS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 40 10 50 bar 0 30 20 40 10 60 K L. 1.6 50 bar 0 60 60 K L. 1.6 K L. 1.6 SSIO N D E CHA RG E A 2 0ºC SION ROTU RA DISC O SEGU RID AD ST ING P RES SURE OF T HE SAFETY DISC SI ON DE RUP TURE DU DIS QUE DE SÉCURI TÉ RGA / F IL L / CH AR GE SUR IZAD O C ON S U RI Z E D WH IT / P RE SS URI SÉ AU A / T A RE / T ARE O TOTAL A L W EI G HT / P OI DS TO T AL HA D E CARGA DA TE / D AT E DE CHA RGE TEMPERATUR A DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50º C W OR KI NG T EM PE RA T URE FRO M -20 ºC T O 50 ºC 12 T EM PÉ RA T URE D E F ON CT IO NN E ME NT D E -2 0º C A 50º C POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERIND AD D E MONTIJA Nº6 0900 1 (BU RGOS) - SPAIN Te l.: (34) 947 2811 08 Fax: (34) 947 281112 7 TPED 1999/36/CE TPE D 1999/36/CE O rga nismo No tificad o/Notifie d bo dy/O rgan isme Not fiié 11 Cylin der+Valve+Bur st ing di sc+Pr otection s device Cylindr e+Valv e+Disque d er upt ure+Elémen ts d e prot ection Nº de Serie Nº de Serie Ser ial Numb er Nº de Séri e Seri al Numb er Nº de Sér ie - 0062 - 0062 C OMPRESSE D GAS NO INFL AMMABLE AGENTE EXTI NT OR - 0062 C OMPRE SSE D GAS NO INFL AMMABLE AGENTE EXTINT OR EXTING UIS H A GENT / A GENT EXTINC TEUR EXTING UIS H A GENT / AGENT EXTIN CTEUR N º. DE CI LI ND RO Nº. D E CILI NDRO CYLIN DER No. / N º DE C YLI NDER CYLI NDER No . / N º D E CYLINDER PRESION DE CARGA A 20ºC Bar PRESION DE CARGA A 20ºC CARG A / FI LL / CHA RGE PR ESSI ON DE RUPTUR E DU DISQUE DE SÉC URITÉ CARGA / F ILL / CHA RGE Kgs. PRESURIZADO CON P RES SU RIZED WH IT / PRES SURI SÉ AU TARA / TARE / TARE Kgs. PESO TOTAL TARA / TARE / TARE Kgs. PESO T OTAL Kgs. TOTAL WEIG HT / P OID S TO TA L Kgs. PESO TOTAL Kgs. TOTAL WEIG HT / P OID S TO TAL Kgs. TOTAL WEIG HT / P OI DS TOTA L FECHA DE CARGA F ECHA DE CARGA FECHA DE CARG A FI LL DATE / D ATE DE CHARGE F ILL DATE / D ATE DE CHARG E F ILL DATE / D ATE DE CHARG E TEM PERATURA DE FUNCIONAMI ENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC Kgs. PRESURIZ ADO CON P RES S URIZED W HIT / PRES SURI SÉ AU TARA / TARE / TARE Bar B UR ST ING PRE SSURE OF THE S AFE TY DISC PR ESSI ON DE RUPT URE DU DISQUE DE SÉC URIT É Kgs. PRESURIZADO CON PRES SU RIZED WH IT / P RESS URI SÉ AU Bar PRESION ROT URA DISCO SEGURIDAD Bar B UR ST ING PRE SSURE OF THE SAFE TY DISC PRE SSION DE R UPTUR E DU DISQUE DE SÉC UR ITÉ CARGA / F ILL / CHA RGE F ILL PRESS URE AT 2 0ºC P RES SI ON DE CHARGE A 20º C PRESION ROTURA DI SCO SEGURI DAD Bar BUR STI NG PR ES SURE OF THE SAFET Y DISC Bar F ILL PRESS URE AT 2 0ºC P RES S ION DE CHARG E A 20º C PRESION ROTURA DI SCO SEGURIDAD C OMPRES SE D GAS NO INFLAMMAB LE AGENTE EXTI NT OR EXTIN GUIS H AGENT / AGENT EXTIN CTEUR Nº. DE CILI NDRO CYLIN DER No. / N º D E C YLI NDER PRESION DE CARGA A 20ºC TEM PERATURA DE F UNCIONAMI ENTO DE -2 0ºC A 50ºC T EM PERATURA DE FUNCIO NAM IENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC W ORKI NG TEMPERATU RE FROM -20 ºC TO 5 0ºC W ORKIN G TEMPERATURE FROM -20 ºC TO 5 0ºC W ORKI NG TEMPERA TU RE FRO M -20 ºC TO 50º C TEMP ÉRA TU RE DE F ONCTIO NNEMEN T DE - 20º C A 50º C TEMP ÉRA TURE DE F ONCTIO NNEMENT DE - 20º C A 50 ºC TEMP ÉRA TU RE DE F ONCTIO NNEMENT DE - 20º C A 50 ºC POL. I ND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ M ERI NDAD DE M ONTIJA Nº6 0 90 01 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel .: (34) 947 281108 F ax: (3 4) 947 2 81 112 3 (0062) BUREAU VERIT AS Cil indro+Válvula+Disco de rotura+Element os de prot ección Cylinde r+Valv e+Bursti ng disc+ Prot ections device Cyl indr e+Valv e+ Disque de r uptur e+Elément s d e prot ect ion Nº de Serie Seri al Numb er Nº de Sér ie FI LL P RESS URE AT 2 0ºC PRES SI ON D E C HARGE A 20º C 4 O rga nismo No tificad o/Notifie d b ody/O rga nisme No tif é i (0062) BUREAU VERIT AS Cil indro+Vál vul a+Disco de rot ura+Element os de protección Cylind er+Val ve+Bur sti ng disc+Prot ection s device Cy lindr e+Valv e+Disque de r uptur e+Elémen ts d e prot ect ion 5 TPE D 1999/36/CE O rga nis mo No tificado /Notified bo dy/Or gan isme Not fiié (0062) BUREAU VERIT AS Cil indro+Vál vula+Disco de rot ura+Element os de protección 6 POL . IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ M ERI NDAD DE M ONTI JA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAI N Tel .: (34) 947 281108 F ax: (34) 947 281 112 POL . IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ M ERI NDAD DE M ONTI JA Nº6 0 9001 (BURGOS) - SPAI N Tel .: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (3 4) 947 2 81112 S I E X S I E X S I E X PO LIG ONO INDU STRIAL VIL LALO NQUEJ AR C/MER INDAD D E MONTIJAN 6º 09001 BURGO S PO LIG ONO INDU ST RIAL VIL LALO NQU EJAR C/ME RINDAD D E MONTIJA Nº6 09001 BURG OS PO LIG ONO INDU STRIAL VIL LALO NQUEJ AR C/MER INDAD D E MONTIJA Nº6 09001 BURG OS TEL. : 9 47 28 11 08 FAX. : 9 47 2 8 11 12 TEL. : 9 47 2 8 11 0 8 FAX. : 9 47 2 8 11 1 2 TEL.: 94 7 2 8 11 0 8 FAX.: 9 47 28 11 12 2 1 Figure 5. Double row cylinder bank with pilot bottle. Nº Denomination 1 Manifold system 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 System cylinder bracket Bracket type cage Instructions cylinder sticker CE marking cylinder sticker PI marking cylinder sticker Bridle Container valve Discharge hose Check valve Pilot cylinder (1) Pilot cylinder bracket Bridle Pressure gauge Pilot cylinder valve Re-assembled electrical actuator Manual actuator Adaptor Flexible actuator hose "T" or elbow Flexible actuator hose Pneumatic actuator Discharge manifold (2) a) Raccord union (Threaded) Raccord union (Welded) 23 RGS-MAM-40 / RGS-MAM-50 FH-40HC 1 1/2" G / FH-50HC 2" G VALAN-40-23 / VALAN-50-125 2 litres 5140-P315 1/8” NPT RGS-MAM-11/4 227SOL 227DM W 21.8x1/14” H - 1/4" G M FH-6PO 1/4" G (1000 mm) 1/4" G FH-6PO 1/4" G (500 mm) 227CN Ø Pipe (2” – 5”) HFC-23 (2”) HFC-23 (2 1/2" – 4”) b) Bridle (Welded) HFC-227ea, HFC-125 (2” - 5”) c) Colector cap (Threaded) HFC-23 (2”) d) Colector cap (Welded) 24 Types 61 / 67,5 / 80 / 84 / 100 / 108,4 / 120 / 127 / 180 Pressure switch SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) HFC-227ea, HFC-125 (2” - 5”) HFC-23 (2 1/2" – 4”) POINPRE Installation manual - Versión 00 11/112 a) c) 36 33 35 14 15 16 b) d) 11 30 20 20 40 ALM ACENAR EN LUGAR VENTI LADO / NO RESPIRAR EL GAS PARA MANI PUL ACI ÓN Y PRECAUCIONES VER ETIQUET A CILINDRO 2 T O BE STO RED IN A WELL VENT ILAT ED AREA / DO NOT INHALE F OR HANDLI NG INST RUCTI ONS SEE CYLINDER'S LABEL ST OCKER DAN S UN ENDROIT VENTIL É / NE PAS INHALER LE GAZ POUR MANIPULATI ON ET PRECAUT IONS, VO IR L'ETIQUETTE SUR LE RESERVOIR - 0786 KG . ALM ACENAR EN LUGAR VENTIL ADO / NO RESPIRAR EL GAS PARA MANIPULACI ÓN Y PRECAUCI ONES VER ETIQUET A CILINDRO 2 T O BE STORED IN A WELL VENT ILAT ED AREA / DO NOT INHALE F OR HANDL ING I NST RUCTI ONS SEE CYLINDER'S LABEL ST OCKER DANS UN ENDROIT VENTI LÉ / NE PAS INHALER LE GAZ POUR MANIPULAT ION ET PRECAUT IONS, VOIR L 'ETIQUETTE SUR LE RESERVOIR UN: MASA MAX. AUTORIZADA MAX. AUT HORIZED CHARGE CHARGE MAX. AUTORISÉE KG. GAS/GAZ: AL MACENAR EN LUGAR VENTI LADO / NO RESPIRAR EL GAS PARA M ANI PUL ACI ÓN Y PRECAUCIONES VERETIQUET A CILINDRO N º de Seri e Seria l Number Nº de Séri e Seri al Number Nº de Série POS ICION DEL CILINDRO / CILINDER POSITIONING / POSITION DE LA BOUTEILLE P ARED / WALL / MUR - 0786 P ARED / WALL / MUR Manomet ro ha ci a arriba Upwards press ure gauge J auge de la hauss e Manomet ro ha ci a arriba Upwards press ure gauge J auge de la haus se Ma nome tro ha ci a abajo Ma nom et ro ha ci a abaj o Downwards pres su re gauge Jauge à Ma nom et ro ha ci a abaj o Downwards pres s ure gauge J auge à SUE LO / FLO OR / SOL AMBI ENTE / H AZA RD / EN VIR O NNEMENT - 0062 POS ICION DE L CILINDRO / CILINDER PO SITIONING / POSITI ON DE LA BOUTEILLE - 0786 P ARED / WALL / MUR - 0786 Manomet ro ha ci a arriba Downwards press ure gauge Jauge à S UE LO / FLO OR / SOL F AL SO T ECHO/ SUB-C EILI NG /FA UX PL AFOND FALS O S UE LO / SUB -FLOO R / FAU X SOL - 0062 A GENTE EXTINTOR S UE LO / FLO OR / SOL AMBI ENTE / H AZA RD / EN VIR ON NEMENT Not a: Marque con una X el que proceda / No t e: Ti ck wh i t a No te: Met tre le c as échéa nt X C OMPR ES SED GAS NO INFL AMM AB LE F AL SO T ECHO/ SUB-C EILI NG /FA UX PLA FO ND X t he correct on e / F ALS O S UE LO / SU B-FLO OR / FAU X SOL - 0062 EXTINGUISH AGENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR Nº. DE CILINDRO PRESION DE CARGA A 20º C Bar FILL PRESSURE AT 20ºC PRESSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC PRESION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD Bar BURS TI NG PRESS URE OF THE SAFETY DISC P RES SIO N DE RUPTURE DU DI SQUE DE S ÉCURITÉ CARGA / FILL / CHARGE CARGA / FILL / CHARGE Kgs. PRESURIZADO CON PRESSURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU TA RA / TARE / TARE K gs. TARA / TARE / TARE Kgs. PES O TOTAL K gs. K gs. TOT AL W EIGHT / POIDS TOTAL FECHA DE CARGA FECHA DE CARGA FILL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20º C A 50ºC K gs. PES O T OTAL Kgs. TO TAL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL FECHA DE CARGA FILL DATE / DAT E DE CHARGE K gs. PRESURIZADO CON PRESSURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU TARA / TARE / TARE PES O TOTAL TOT AL WE IG HT / POIDS TOTAL B ar BURS TI NG P RES SURE OF THE SAF ETY DISC P RES SIO N DE RUPTURE DU DI SQUE DE S ÉCURITÉ K gs. PRESURIZADO CON PRESSURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU B ar FILL PRESSURE AT 20ºC PRESSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC PRESION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD B ar CARGA / FILL / CHARGE FILL DATE / DAT E DE CHARGE TEMPE RATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20º C A 50ºC TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20º C A 50ºC WORKING T EMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC WORKING TEMPE RATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC W ORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRA TURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNE MENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ M ERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax : (34) 947 281112 No te: M et tr e le c as éch éant X C OMPR ES SED GAS NO INFL AMM AB LE CYLINDE R No. / Nº DE CYLINDER PRESION DE CARGA A 20º C B ar PRESION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD BURSTIN G PRESS URE O F THE SAFETY DI SC P RESS ION DE R UPTURE D U DIS QUE DE SÉCURI TÉ F AL SO T ECHO/ SUB-C EILI NG /FA UX PL AFOND X t he co rrect on e / A GENTE EXTINTOR EXT INGUISH AG ENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR Nº. DE CILINDRO CYLINDER No. / Nº DE CYLINDER PRESION DE CARGA A 20º C FILL PRESSURE AT 20ºC PRESSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC AMBI ENTE / H AZA RD / EN VI RO NNEMENT Nota: M arque con una X el que proceda / No t e: Ti ck w hi t a N ote: M et tr e le cas éch éant X COMPR ES SED GAS NO INFLAMMABL E A GENTE EXTINTOR EXTINGUISH AGENT / AGE NT EXTINCTE UR Nº. DE CILINDRO CYLINDER No. / Nº DE CYLINDER 35 9 Cyli nder+Val ve+Bursti ng disc+ Protect ions devic e C yl indre+Valve+Disque de rupture +Eléments de protect ion N º de Serie Upwards press ure gauge J auge de la hauss e 10 TPED 1999/36/C E Organismo N ot ific ado/Noti fied body/ Organisme Not ifié (00 62) BU REAU VERITAS Cil in dro+ Vál vula +Di sco de ro tu ra+ Elementos de protección Cylinder+Val ve+Bursti ng disc+Prot ecti ons device Cyl indre+Valve+Disque de rupture+Eléments de protect ion Se ri al Number Nº de Série Not a: M arque con una X el que proceda / No te: Ti ck whi t a X the correc t one / 2 T O BE STO RED IN A WELL VENT ILAT ED AREA / DO NOT INHALE F OR HANDLI NG INST RUCTI ONS SEE CYLINDER'S LABEL ST OCKER DANS UN ENDROIT VENTIL É / NE PAS INHALER LE GAZ POUR MANIPULAT ION ET PRECAUT IONS, VO IR L'ETIQUETTE SUR LE RESERVOIR TPED 1999/36/CE Organismo N ot ific ado/ Noti fied body/Organisme Notif ié (00 62) BUREAU VERITAS C il ind ro+ Válvu la+ Di sco de rotu ra+ El ementos de protección N º de Seri e POS ICION DEL CILINDRO / CILINDER PO SITIONING / POSITI ON DE LA BOUTEILLE 60 2 28 111 UN: GAS/GAZ: Cyli nder+Val ve+Bursti ng disc+Protect ions device Cyl indre+Valve+Di sque de rupture+El éments de protecti on 15 50 bar 0 KL . 1.6 MASA MAX. AUTORIZADA MAX. AUT HORIZ ED CHARGE CHARG E MAX. AUT ORISÉE TPED 1999/36/CE Organismo N ot ific ado/ Noti fied body/Organisme Notif ié (00 62) BU REAU VERITAS Cil in dro+ Vál vula +Di sco de ro tu ra+ El ementos de protección 12 40 10 Pol. In C / Merind. Villalo nq 0 90 01 da d de ue jar Te l.- Bur go s Mo nt ija Nº6 (SPAIN) ( 34 ) 9 47 28 11 08 Fax. ( 34) 9 47 KG. GAS/GAZ: G 306 011 VdS FH-40HC WP137 BAR 50 60 2 Pol. In C / Merind. Villalo nq 0 90 01 da d de ue jar Mo nt ij Te l.- Bur go s (SPAIN) a Nº6 ( 34 ) 9 47 28 11 08 Fax. ( 34) 9 47 28 111 UN: M ASA MAX. AUTORIZADA MAX. AUT HORIZED CHARGE CHARGE MAX. AUT ORISÉE FALS O S UE LO / SU B-FLO OR / FAU X SOL 30 20 40 KL . 1 .6 2 28 111 Pol. In C / Merind. Villalo nq 0 90 01 da d de ue jar Mo nt ij Te l.- Bur go s (SPAIN) a Nº6 ( 34 ) 9 47 28 11 08 Fax. ( 34) 9 47 30 bar 0 60 13 RGS -MAM-40 E N 12094-4 10 50 bar KL . 1.6 N - XXXXXX - 0786 RGS- MAM-40 E N 12094- 4 10 0 G 306 011 VdS FH-40HC WP137 BAR RGS -MAM-40 E N 12094-4 N - XXXXXX G 306 011 N - XXXXXX FH-40HC WP137 BAR VdS - 0786 34 POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ M ERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: ( 34) 947 281108 Fax : (34) 947 281112 POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ M ERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SP AIN Tel.: ( 34) 947 281108 Fax: ( 34) 947 281112 S I E X S I E X S I E X POLIGON O IN DU STRIAL V ILLALON QU EJAR C /MER IND AD DE MON TIJA Nº 6 09001 B UR GOS POLIGONO IN DU STRIA L VILLA LON QU EJAR C /MER IN DA D D E MON TIJA N º6 09001 B UR GOS POLIGON O IN DU STRIAL VILLA LONQUEJAR C /MER IND AD D E MON TIJA Nº 6 09001 B UR GOS TEL.: 947 28 11 08 FA X.: 947 28 11 12 T EL.: 947 28 11 08 FA X. : 947 28 11 12 TEL.: 947 28 11 08 FA X.: 947 28 11 12 8 23 7 6 22 5 4 3 32 31 ON OFF 24 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 21 30 25 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A 29 Nº xx EN 837-1 20 19 28 bar KL. 1.6 - 0062 27 COMPR ES SED GAS NO INFL AMM AB LE SSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC SION ROTURA DISCO S EGURIDAD S TING P RES SU RE OF THE SAF ETY DISC S IO N DE R UP TURE DU DI S QUE DE S ÉCURI TÉ RGA / FILL / CHARGE SURIZADO CON SURIZ ED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU A / TARE / TARE O TOTAL AL WE IG HT / POIDS TOTAL HA DE CARGA DATE / DATE DE CHARGE TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20º C A 50ºC WORKING TEMPE RATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC 2 18 1 17 TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. V ILLA LONQUEJA R C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº 6 09001 ( BURG OS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 F ax: (34) 947 281112 26 Figure 6. Single row cylinder bank with pilot bottle and selector valve. Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Denomination Manifold system System cylinder bracket Instructions cylinder sticker CE marking cylinder sticker Cylinder positioning sticker PI marking cylinder sticker Cylinder sticker toxic gas Bridle Container valve Discharge hose Check valve Pneumatic actuator "T" or elbow Flexible actuator hose Teflon hose 1/4" G or cupper tube 6x4mm 1/4”G non-return valve Pilot cylinder (1) Pilot cylinder bracket Bridle Pressure gauge Pilot cylinder valve Re-assembled electrical actuator SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Types 61 / 67,5 / 80 / 84 / 100 / 108,4 / 120 / 127 / 180 RGS-MAM-40 / RGS-MAM-50 FH-40HC 1 1/2" G / FH-50HC 2" G VALAN-40-23 / VALAN-50-125 227CN 1/4" G FH-6PO 1/4"G (500 mm) 2 litres 5140-P315 1/8” NPT RGS-MAM-11/4 227SOL Installation manual - Versión 00 12/112 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Manual actuator Adaptor Adaptor Selector cabinet Copper tube 6x4mm “T” for copper pipe 6x4mm. Solenoid 24V(DC) by-pass Male adaptor Manual openning valve 1/4" G by-pas male adaptor Selector valve SVD Female cup Selector valves manifold Discharge manifold (2) a) Raccord union Raccord union b) Bridle c) Colector cap d) Colector cap 227DM W 21.8x1/14” H – 1/4" G M 1/4" G H – Ø6mm 1/8”G M - Ø6mm 1/4”G M - Ø6mm SVD20 / 25 / 32 / 40 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 100 Ø Tubo / Pipe (2” - 5”) Ø Pipe (2” – 5”) HFC-23 (2”) HFC-23 (2 1/2" – 4”) HFC-227ea, HFC-125 (2” - 5”) HFC-23 (2”) HFC-227ea, HFC-125 (2” - 5”) HFC-23 (2 1/2" – 4”) POINPRE (Threaded) (Welded) (Welded) (Threaded) (Welded) Pressure switch a) c) 25 10 11 24 22 23 d) b) 18 21 ON OFF 17 19 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 20 xxxxx 16 10 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx E N 8 37 -1 15 F H-4 0HC WP 137 F H-4 0HC WP 137 F H-40 HC WP 1 37 Nº Lotexxxx Nº Lotexxxx Nº Lote xxxx bar KL . 1.6 RG S-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 14 - 0062 CO MPRESSED GAS NO I NFLA MMAB LE S SI ON D E CHARG E A 20º C SIO N ROT URA DISCO SEGURIDAD S TING PRE SSUR E OF THE SAF ETY DISC S ION DE R UPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉC URITÉ 9 30 20 RG S-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 50 bar 0 30 20 40 10 RGS-MAM-40 EN 12 094-4 50 bar 0 30 20 40 10 60 K L. 1.6 40 50 10 60 bar 0 KL . 1.6 60 KL. 1.6 RG A / FI LL / CHA RGE SURIZADO CON S URI ZED WHI T / P RESS URIS É AU A / TAR E / TARE O T OTAL AL WEIG HT / POI DS TOTAL HA DE CARGA DA TE / DATE DE CHA RGE T EMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC 8 A LMA CEN AR E N LUGAR VEN TILADO / N O R ESP IRAR EL GA S P ARA MA NIP ULAC IÓN Y P RE CAU CIONE S VE R E TIQUE TA CILINDR O A LMA CEN AR E N LUG AR VEN TILADO / NO RE SPIR AR E L GAS ALMAC ENA R EN LUG AR V ENTILA DO / NO RES PIR AR EL G AS PA RA MA NIPU LACI ÓN Y P REC AUC IO NES VE R ETIQ UETA C ILINDRO 2 TO B E STORE D IN A WELL VE NTILATE D AR EA / D O NOTIN HALE F OR HAN DLIN G IN STR UCTIONS SE E CY LINDE R' S LABEL FO R H AN DLING IN STRU CTIO NS SEE CYL INDER 'S LA BEL STO CKE R DA NS U N EN DRO IT V ENTILÉ / NE P AS IN HALE R LE G AZ P OU R TPED 199 9/36 /CE Cylinder+ Valve+Bursting d isc+ Pro tecti ons device Cyl indr e+ Valv e+ Disq ue de ruptu re+E léments de p rot ectio n Nº de Serie Seri al Number Nº d e S érie Nº de Serie Seri al Num ber Nº d e S érie S erial Num ber Nº de S ér ie POSICION DEL CILINDRO / CILINDER POSITION ING / POSITION DE LA BOUTEILLE Ma no met ro h acia a rr iba U pw ards pr es sur e gauge J auge de la haus se Downw ar ds pre ss ure gauge S UB-FLOOR / FAUXS OL AMBIE NTE / HAZARD / ENVIRONNEMENT J auge à SU ELO / F LOOR / S OL FALSO TECHO/ FALSO SUELO / S UB-CEILIN G / FAUXPLAFOND CARGA / F IL L / CHARG E P RE SURI ZA DO CON P RES S URIZ E D W HI T / PR ES SU RIS É A U PRE S SU RIZ E D W HIT / PRE S SURI SÉ AU PRE S SUR IZ E D WH IT / PRE S SURI SÉ AU TA RA / TA RE / T ARE TA RA / T AR E / TA RE T ARA / T ARE / TA RE K gs. P E SO TOT AL K gs. B ar K gs. K gs. P ES O TOTA L K gs. TO T AL WE IG HT / P OI DS TO TA L K gs. T OT A L W E IGH T / P OID S TOT AL F ECHA DE CARGA F ECHA DE CA RGA FI LL D AT E / D AT E DE CHARGE TE MP ERA TURA DE FUNCIONAM IE NTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC B ar P RES URIZ ADO CON P E SO TOT AL K gs. T OT AL WE I GHT / PO IDS T OT AL F IL L DAT E / D AT E DE CHARG E FI LL D AT E / D AT E DE CHARGE TEM PE RAT URA DE F UNCI ONAM IE NTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC T EM PE RATURA DE FUNCIO NA MI ENT O DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORK ING TE MP E RAT URE F ROM - 20º C T O 50 ºC WORK ING TE MP E RAT URE FR OM - 20º C T O 50 ºC W ORKI NG TE MP ERA T URE FRO M -2 0ºC TO 50º C T EMP É RAT URE D E F ONC TI ONN EME NT D E - 20 ºC A 50 ºC T EMP ÉR AT URE DE F ONCT IO NNE ME NT DE - 20º C A 50º C T E MP ÉRA TU RE DE F ONCT IO NNE ME NT DE - 20º C A 5 0ºC P OL. IND. VI LLALONQUE JA R C/ ME RI NDAD DE M ONTI JA Nº6 09001 (BURGO S) - S PAI N Tel .: (34) 9 47 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 S UB-CEILING / FAUXPLAFOND COMPRESSED GAS NO I NFLAMMAB LE BURS TING P RE SSURE OF T HE SAFETY DISC PRE SSION DE RUPTUR E DU DIS QUE DE SÉ CURI TÉ CA RGA / F IL L / CH ARGE K gs. P RE SURI ZA DO CON F ECHA DE CARGA FALSO TECHO/ Not e: Tick whi t a X t he correct one / N ote: Met tre le cas échéant X FI LL P RE SS URE AT 20 ºC PRE SS IO N DE CH ARGE A 20º C P RES IO N ROT URA DIS CO SE GURIDA D B ar BURS TING PRE SSURE OF T HE SAFETY DISC PRE SSION DE RUPT UR E DU DI SQUE DE S ÉCURI TÉ CA RGA / F IL L / CHARG E K gs. HAZARD / ENVIRONNEMENT AGE NTE E XT INTOR EX TI NGU IS H A GE NT / AGE NT E XT I NCT EUR Nº. DE CI LINDRO C YLI NDE R N o. / Nº DE CYL I NDE R P RES IO N DE CA RGA A 20ºC B ar FI LL P RE SS URE AT 20 ºC PRE SS IO N DE CH ARGE A 20º C P RE SI ON RO TURA DIS CO SE GURI DAD B ar B UR STING PR ESSUR E OF THE SAFET Y DISC PR ESSION DE R UPT UR E DU DI SQUE DE SÉC UR ITÉ AMBIENTE / - 0062 C OMPR ES SE D GAS NO INFL AMMABLE CYL IND E R No. / N º DE C YLI NDE R P RE SI ON DE CARGA A 20ºC B ar P RE SI ON RO TURA DI SCO SE GURI DAD SUB-FLO OR / FAUXS OL Nota: Marq ue co n u na X el qu e pro ceda / Not e: Tick wh it a X the correct one / Note: Mettr e le cas éch éant X - 0062 AG ENT E EX TINTOR EX T ING UIS H A GE NT / AGE NT E XT I NCT EUR Nº. DE CILINDRO CYL IN DE R No. / N º D E C YLI NDE R F ILL P RE SS URE AT 2 0ºC P RES SI ON D E C HARG E A 20 ºC 3 D ow nwards pres sur e gauge J auge à S UELO / FLOOR / S OL FALSO SUELO / Nota: M arque co n una X el q ue p roceda / C OMPR ESSED GAS NO INFLAMM ABLE AG ENT E EX TINTOR E XT IN GUI SH AGE NT / AG EN T EX TI NCT EU R Nº . DE CILINDRO P RE SI ON DE CARGA A 20ºC 4 Ma no met ro h acia abajo D ownwar ds pre ss ur e gauge J auge à FALS O TEC HO / S UB-CEIL ING / FAUXPLAFOND No te: Tick w hit a X th e correct on e / Note: Mettr e le cas éch éant X - 0062 - 0786 Man om et ro ha cia ar rib a Upw ar ds pr ess ure gauge Jauge de la hauss e M ano me tr o h aci a aba jo SUELO / FLOOR / S OL A MB IENTE / HAZARD / ENVIRONNEM ENT Nota: M arque con una X el q ue p roceda / POSICION DEL CILINDRO / C ILINDER POSI TIONIN G / P OSITIO N DE LA BOUTEILLE - 0786 PARED / W ALL / MUR - 0786 M ano me tr o h aci a ab ajo 5 O rgan is mo N otific ad o/N o tified b ody /O rg anis m e No tif ié (0062) B URE AU V ERITA S Cilindro+Válvula+Disco de rotura+Element os de protección Cylinder +Valve+Burstin g disc+Pr otections device Cylindr e+Valve+Disque de rup ture+E léments de prot ect ion Nº de S erie FALSO SUE LO / S UB-FLOOR / FAUXS OL MAN IPULA TIO N ET P RE CAU TION S, V OIR L'E TIQ UETTE S UR LE R ESER VO IR TPED 199 9/36 /CE O rga nis mo N otific a do/N o tified body /O rganis me N otifi é (0062) BUREAU V E RITA S Cilindro+Válvula+Di sco de rotura+Elem ent os de protección Cyli nder+Valve+Bur sti ng disc+Pr otections device Cylind re+Valve+Disque de ru ptur e+ Elément s de pr otect ion Ma no met r o h acia arr iba U pwards pr es sur e gauge J auge de la haus se 2 TO BE S TO RED IN A W ELL VEN TILATED ARE A / DO NO T INH ALE FO R H AN DLING IN STRU CTIO NS SEE CY LINDER 'S LA BEL STO CKE R DA NS U N EN DRO IT V ENTILÉ / NE P AS IN HALE R LE G AZ P OU R MAN IPU LATIO N E T PRE CA UTIO NS, VO IR L' ETIQ UE TTE SUR LE RESE RVO IR TPED 19 99 /3 6/CE Orga nismo Notifica do/No tified body /Organisme Notifié (0062) BUREAU VE RI TAS Cilindro+V álvula+Disco de rot ura+El em entos de prot ección POSICION DEL CILINDRO / CILINDER POSITION ING / POSITION DE LA BOUTEILLE 6 PA RA MA NIPU LACI ÓN Y P REC AUC IO NES VE R ETIQ UETA C ILINDRO 2 TO BE STO RED IN A W ELL VE NTILATED ARE A / DO N OT INH ALE STOCK ER D ANS UN E NDR OI TV ENTILÉ / NE PAS N I HA LER LE GA Z POUR MA NIP ULATION ET PR ECA UTIONS , VOIR L' ETIQU ETTE SUR LE RES ERV OIR 12 7 PARED / W ALL / MUR POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURG OS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 PARED / W ALL / MUR 13 W ORKI NG TEMPERA TU RE FRO M -2 0ºC TO 50º C TEMPÉRATUR E D E FO NCTION NEMEN T DE -2 0ºC A 50 ºC PO L. IND. V ILLA LONQUE JA R C/ ME RI NDAD DE M ONTIJA Nº6 09001 (B URGOS ) - SP AIN T el. : (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 POL. I ND. V ILLALONQUEJAR C/ M ERI NDAD DE M ONTIJA Nº6 09001 (B URGOS ) - SPA IN T el. : (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 S I E X S I E X S I E X PO LIGO NO INDUSTRIAL VILLA LO NQUEJAR C/MERINDA D DEM ON TIJ ANº6 09001 BURGO S POLIGON O INDUSTRIAL VILLALONQ UEJAR C /M ERINDAD DE M ONTIJA Nº6 09001 BU RGOS POLIGON O INDUSTRIAL VILLALONQ UEJAR C /M ERINDAD DE M ONTIJA Nº6 09001 BUR GOS TEL .: 94 7 2 8 11 08 TEL. : 9 47 28 11 0 8 TEL. : 9 47 28 11 0 8 E 2 1 D Figure 7. Single row cylinder bank with continuous weighing and pilot bottle Nº Denomination 1 Manifold system 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 System cylinder bracket Instructions cylinder sticker CE marking cylinder sticker Cylinder positioning sticker PI marking cylinder sticker Cylinder sticker toxic gas Bridle SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Types 61 / 67,5 / 80 / 84 / 100 / 108,4 / 120 / 127 / 180 Installation manual - Versión 00 13/112 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Container valve Discharge hose Check valve Pilot cylinder (1) Pilot cylinder bracket Bridle Pressure gauge Pilot cylinder valve Re-assembled electrical actuator Manual actuator Adaptor Flexible actuator hose "T" or elbow Flexible actuator hose Discharge manifold (2) a) Raccord union (Threaded) Raccord union (Welded) 23 24 25 RGS-MAM-40 FH-40HC 1 1/2" G VALAN-40-23 2 litros / litres 5140-P315 1/8” NPT RGS-MAM-11/4 227SOL 227DM W 21.8x1/14” H - 1/4" G M FH-6PO 1/4" G (1000 mm) 1/4" G FH-6PO 1/4”G (500 mm) Ø Pipe (2” – 5”) HFC-23 (2”) HFC-23 (2 1/2" – 4”) b) Bridle (Welded) HFC-227ea, HFC-125 (2” - 5”) c) Colector cap (Threaded) HFC-23 (2”) d) Colector cap (Welded) HFC-227ea, HFC-125 (2” - 5”) HFC-23 (2 1/2" – 4”) POINPRE SIEX-WD Pressure switch Weighing device SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 14/112 The dimensions of these systems are shown in the three following tables: CYLINDER Volume (litres) CYLINDER BANK Dia. (mm) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B 61 300 700 880 1100 1280 1500 1680 1900 2080 2300 2480 2700 2880 3100 3280 3500 3680 3900 4080 67.5 267 617 830 967 1180 1317 1530 1667 1880 2017 2230 2367 2580 2717 2930 3067 3280 3417 3630 80 267 617 830 967 1180 1317 1530 1667 1880 2017 2230 2367 2580 2717 2930 3067 3280 3417 3630 84 300 700 880 1100 1280 1500 1680 1900 2080 2300 2480 2700 2880 3100 3280 3500 3680 3900 4080 715 880 1115 1280 1515 1680 1915 2080 2315 2480 2715 2880 3115 3280 3515 3680 3915 4080 100 360 108.4 374 120 360 756 880 1156 1280 1556 1680 1956 2080 2356 2480 2756 2880 3156 3280 3556 3680 3956 4080 127 374 824 930 1274 1380 1724 1830 2174 2280 2624 2730 3074 3180 3524 3630 3974 4080 4424 4530 180 450 NOTE 1: Cylinders 2 to 5 do not have a pilot bottle fitted. Pilot bottles are fitted from cylinder 6. NOTE 2: The cylinder dimensions, diameter and length, may vary depending on the manufacturer. CYLINDER VOLUME (litres) D (mm) E (mm) 61 300 800 67,5 500 1300 80 500 1300 84 500 1000 100 500 1300 108,4 300 800 120 500 1300 127 400 1100 180 400 1100 CYLINDER VOLUME (litres) SINGLE ROW F (mm) DOUBLE ROW F (mm) 61 370 710 67,5 337 644 80 337 644 84 370 710 100 385 740 108,4 444 858 120 426 622 127 444 858 180 476 922 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 15/112 The technical features of these systems are shown in the following tables: CYLINDER VOLUME (litres) CYLINDER TYPE GAS 67.5 80 High pressure cylinder (seamless) 100 120 HFC-227ea HFC-125 HFC-23 (1) 150 25 61 84 Low pressure cylinders (welded) 108.4 HFC-227ea HFC-125 (2) 127 180 NOTE 1: The high and medium pressure (seamless) cylinders filled with HFC-227ea and HFC-125 are pressurised with dry nitrogen at 24 or 42 bar (at 20ºC). NOTE 2: The low pressure (welded) cylinders filled with HFC-227ea and HFC-125 are pressurised with dry nitrogen at 24 (at 20ºC), never at 42 bar. NOTE 3: In the case of HFC-227ea and HFC-125 the cylinder banks are not to be fully charged. CONTAINER VALVE CYLINDER VOLUME (litres) DISCHARGE HOSE CHECK VALVE FH-40HC 1 1/2” BSP VALAN-40-23 FH-50HC 2” BSP VALAN-50-125 61 67,5 80 RGS-MAM-40 84 100 120 84 RGS-MAM-50 108,4 127 180 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 16/112 1.1.4 SMS System (small spaces) 0,3 MAX These systems are specially designed for small spaces, using only halogenated gases HFC-227ea and HFC-125. It is a single (modular cylinder) design, as shown in Fig. 8 with an electrical and manual discharge head. ON ON OFF OFF 227DM 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx xxxxx POSICION 1 : SIN POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ Atención: Antes de ros car el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ - 0786 - 0786 VdS VdS G 307013 G 307013 227SOL 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,6 A 24V (DC) 0,6 A Nº xx Nº xx TPED 1999/36/CE TPED 1999/36/CE Organismo Notificado/Notified body/Organisme Notifié Organismo Notificado/Notified body/Organisme Notifié (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cilindro+Válvula+Disco de rotura+Elementos de protección (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cilindro+Válvula+Disco de rotura+Elementos de protección Cylinder+Valve+Bursting disc+Protections device Cylindre+Valve+Disque de rupture+Eléments de protection Cylinder+Valve+Bursting disc+Protections device Cylindre+Valve+Disque de rupture+Eléments de protection Nº de Serie Nº de Serie Serial Number Nº de Série Serial Number Nº de Série - 0062 - 0062 COMPRESSED GAS NO INFLAMMABLE AGENTE EXTINTOR COMPRESSED GAS NO INFLAMMABLE AGENTE EXTINTOR EXTINGUISH AGENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR EXTINGUISH AGENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR Nº. DE CILINDRO Nº. DE CILINDRO CYLINDER No. / Nº DE CYLINDER CYLINDER No. / Nº DE CYLINDER TARA / TARE / TARE Kgs. PESO TOTAL Kgs. TOTAL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL FECHA DE CARGA FILL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC FILL PRESSURE AT 20ºC Bar TARA / TARE / TARE Kgs. E Bar D PRESION DE CARGA A 20ºC FILL PRESSURE AT 20ºC C PRESION DE CARGA A 20ºC PESO TOTAL TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 2 S I E X B S I E X Kgs. TOTAL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL FECHA DE CARGA FILL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 2 POLIGONO INDUSTRIAL VILLALONQUEJAR C/MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 BURGOS P OLIGONO INDUSTRIAL VILLALONQUEJAR C/MERINDA D DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 BURGOS TEL.: (34) 947 28 11 08 FAX.: (34) 947 28 11 12 TEL.: (34) 947 28 11 08 FAX.: (34) 947 28 11 12 A Figure 8. Single cylinder system (SMS system) Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Denomination Cylinder Instructions cylinder sticker CE marking cylinder sticker Modular cylinder bracket PI marking cylinder sticker Container valve Re-assembled electrical actuator Manual actuator Discharge hose Discharge pipe 11 Nozzle 12 13 14 Cupper washer Adaptor Nozzle SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Types 2,7 / 4,7 / 6.7 / 13.4 RGS-MAM-11-4 ó 12-4 227SOL 227DM FH-15CO ½”G-W21.7x1/14” 3/8” / 1/2" / 3/4" FEDR10 / FEDR15 / FEDR20 (180º-360º) Ø 16x22x1,4 W 21,8x1/14” H – ½” BSP M FEDR15 (180º-360º) Installation manual - Versión 00 17/112 The dimensions are shown in the following table: CYLINDER VOLUME (liters) ØA (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) 2,7 100 300 425 460 520 4,7 140 300 435 470 530 6,7 140 300 560 595 655 13,4 204 300 550 585 645 Cylinder size (l) Filling ratio (kg.) HFC-227ea Filling ratio (kg.) HFC-125 Cylinder position Aproximated tare (kg) 2 1,0-2,0 1,0-1,5 Vertical-Horizontal 4,2 4,7 2,5-5,5 2,0-4,0 Vertical-Horizontal 10 6,7 3,5-7,5 4,0-6,0 Vertical-Horizontal 14 13,4 7,0-15,0 6,0-12,0 Vertical-Horizontal 26,8 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 18/112 1.2 DISTRIBUTION PIPING AND FITTINGS This section refers to design by computer calculations or pre-engineered systems with pipework. Examine the planned configuration to ensure that the pipework and nozzles do not interfere with objects in the hazard area, and make any necessary changes before proceeding with the installation. The pipework and fittings must comply with the limitations detailed below: 1.2.1 Piping All the installed piping must be in accordance with the latest requirements included in NFPA-2001, ISO-14520 or UNE-23570. They must be of non-combustible material, and have physical and chemical characteristics that guarantee their integrity under the stresses to which they will be subjected. For the wall thickness calculation we must take into account that they have to withstand a pressure equal to that of the extinguishing gas when stored at 50ºC. Working pressure at 50ºC with HFC-227ea (filled at 24 bar) (filled at 42 bar) 34 bar 56 bar Working pressure at 50ºC with HFC-125 (filled at 24 bar) (filled at 42 bar) 40 bar 75 bar 137 bar Working pressure at 50ºC with HFC-23 Acceptable piping includes galvanised or black steel to pipe Standard ANSI B31.1. The types of pipe that must not be used are cast iron, steel pipes to ASTM A 120 specifications and all non-metallic pipes. 1.2.2 Pipe joints (fittings) The mode of joining the pipes must meet the most recent requirements of the NFPA 2001, ISO 1450 or the UNE-23570. Acceptable accessories include those which are threaded, with bridles, soldered high pressure grooved and those of brass. Grooved accessories must be approved for Halocarbonated Gases (HFC-227ea, HFC-125, HFC-23) applications and only those of high pressure in systems that use cylinders charged with 24 bar at 20º. Common grooved accessories for sprinkler networks must not be used. Wrought iron accessories must be a minimum of 300lb. Standard cast iron accessories or those of 150 lbs are not acceptable. Use threaded accessories of 3000 lbs according to regulation ANSI B.16.11. Use soldered accessories of 3000 lbs according to regulation ANSI B.16.9. 1.2.3 Reducers All reductions in the pipe size must be made using reducing fittings such as concentric reducers. Double elbow reducers are not acceptable. The system installation drawings (calculation software) must be taken as a reference for sizes and lengths of pipes. The maximum pipe diameters and lengths indicated in this manual must be adhered to. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 19/112 1.2.4 Cleaning All pipe sections must be fitted and assembled with the appropriate sealants, e.g. Teflon tape or paste (in the case of threaded pipe). All rough edges and residual oils must be removed afterwards. 1.2.5 Threads It is recommended that Teflon tape be used, applied only to the male threads of the pipe. When Teflon paste is used, impregnate at least one turn of the male thread and one of the female thread. The threads of all the pipes and fittings must be properly sealed. When 3000 lb fittings with NPT threads are used, ensure that the pipes also have NPT threads. 1.2.6 Installation All piping must be installed in line with industry best practice. The pipework must be secured with supports that allow for its expansion and contraction. DISTANCES BETWEEN PIPE SUPPORTS Pipe diameter DN (mm) Pipe diameter (inches) Maximum distance between supports (m) • • • 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 1/2" 3/4" 1” 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2” 2 1/2" 3” 4” 5” 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.4 3.5 3.7 4.3 4.8 Supports must be located between elbows that are 600 mm apart (see figure A). Supports must be fitted 300 mm from any discharge nozzle (see figure B). Supports must be secured to structures capable of supporting the pipework. Figure A SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Figure B Installation manual - Versión 00 20/112 1.2.7 Approximate diameters Pipes with a nominal diameter of less than 10 mm must not be used, except for specific applications. Pipe sections that may be subjected to static pressure (closed sections) must be protected by a relief valve (burst disc valve piped to atmosphere). APPROXIMATE PIPE DIAMETERS DEPENDING ON THE DISCHARGE CALCULATION FOR HFC-227ea PIPE DIAMETERS SYSTEMS FILLED at 24 bar SYSTEMS FILLED at a 42 bar 3/8” 0-8 kg. 0-11 kg. ½” 5-14 kg. 12-24 kg. ¾” 9-27 kg. 25-36 kg. 1” 15-39 kg. 36-47 kg. 1 ¼” 26-60 kg. 48-116 kg. 1 ½” 39-90 kg. 117-194 kg. 2” 60-150 kg. 195-310 kg. 2 ½” 90-260 kg. 311-480 kg. 3” 150-420 kg. 481-645 kg. 4” 260-570 kg. 646-780 kg. 5” 420-1000 kg. 6” 570-1400 kg. APPROXIMATE PIPE DIAMETERS DEPENDING ON THE DISCHARGE CALCULATION FOR HFC-125 PIPE DIAMETERS SYSTEMS FILLED at 24 bar SYSTEMS FILLED at a 42 bar 3/8” 0-10 kg. 0-11 kg. ½” 6-16 kg. 5-18 kg. ¾” 11-27 kg. 14-31 kg. 1” 19-39 kg. 25-47 kg. 1 ¼” 34-60 kg. 39-112 kg. 1 ½” 47-90 kg. 88-145 kg. 2” 78-160 kg. 125-268 kg. 2 ½” 114-270 kg. 212-370 kg. 3” 180-440 kg. 296-564 kg. 4” 310-600 kg. 450-780 kg. 5” 480-1010 kg. 6” 710-1420 kg. NOTE 1: The flow dependent diameters set out in the above table are only approximate and are for guidance only. They must not under any circumstance be taken as final installation diameters. To determine the final installation diameter hydraulic calculations must be carried out using the appropriate software. Diameters may vary depending on the amount of extinguishing agent in the cylinder, the pipe runs, the length and distance of pipe runs, etc. NOTE 2: All halocarbonated gases systems (HFC-227ea, HFC-125, HFC-23) must discharge in a maximum of 10 seconds. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 21/112 1.2.8 Electrical clearances Where electrical conductors are present, the minimum distances stipulated in the High Voltage Regulations must be observed. Should it not be possible to comply with these distances, approved insulators must be fitted to the pipes. It is recommended that the system pipework be earthed in order to discharge any static electricity generated during the discharge of the extinguishing agent (HFC227ea, HFC-125, HFC-23). SAFETY DISTANCES Maximum nominal voltage (kV) Distance to closest noninsulated live conductor (m) To the closest part of an insulator not at earth potential used as a support for a live conductor. (m) 15 2.59 - 33 2.74 - 44 2.89 - 66 3.05 - 88 3.20 2.5 110 3.35 2.5 132 3.50 2.5 165 3.81 2.5 220 4.27 2.5 275 4.57 2.5 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 22/112 1.3 INSTALLING DISCHARGE NOZZLES, WITH OR WITHOUT A CALIBRATED ORIFICE FEDR type discharge nozzles for SIEX-HC fixed extinguishing systems using halogenated gases (HFC-227ea, HFC-125 and HFC-23) are used to discharge the extinguishing agent within the protected area and in systems for total flooding hazard protection (not used in local application systems). The extinguishing agent (halogenated gas) is dispersed within the protected area by discharge nozzles, to ensure a proper dispersion of the extinguishing agent within the protected area. The discharge nozzles are screwed into the discharge piping (DIN 2440, schedule 40 or 80) in a vertical position, and can be 360º and 180º, with threads from 3/8” BSP to 2” BSP for halogenated gases. In all cases the transverse nozzle diameter decreases in the direction of the flow, to avoid obstruction of the nozzle by dry ice. Normally, when the extinguishing agent is discharged through several nozzles in the risk area, the same amount of gas is discharged through each nozzle. When it is necessary to discharge a different amount of gas through each nozzle, a calibrated orifice plate must be fitted in each one. The calibrated orifice is located inside the discharge nozzles in order to control exactly the amount of gas to be discharged. As its name indicates, it is a circular plate with a central orifice calibrated according to the hydraulic calculations (calculation software), and its size depends on the amount of gas to be discharged through each nozzle. The diameter of the central calibrated orifice is marked on the lower flat part of the nozzle. Its size is expressed in millimetres to one decimal place (for example, 12.2 mm) (see Figure 8), and corresponds to a value in the calibrated orifice tables for halogenated gases. Mark on the lower flat part of the nozzle with the diameter of the central calibrated orifice (is expressed in millimetres to one decimal place). xx.x Calibrated orifice according to hydraulic calculations. 1 NOZZLE 2 CALIBRATED ORIFICE df022ci1.dwg Figure 9 The calibrated orifices must always be fitted into every nozzle that are connected to cylinders or banks of cylinders that have more than one nozzle to protect one or several hazard areas. In modular cylinders with a single nozzle, it is not necessary to use a calibrated orifice. Nor are they necessary in pre-engineered and balanced systems with 2 or 4 nozzles, provided that the distances and requirements of those systems are complied with. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 23/112 The calibrated orifices are supplied from the factory assembled in the corresponding nozzles, which are marked with the diameter of the calibrated orifice (see Figure 9). The discharge nozzles, with or without a calibrated orifice, are connected directly to the discharge pipe: SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 24/112 CAUTION TO AVOID UNNECESSARY RISKS IT IS ADVISABLE TO INSTALL THE DISCHARGE NOZZLES BEFORE ASSEMBLING THE CYLINDERS OR CYLINDER BANKS. OTHERWISE, ENSURE THAT THE RELEASE AND ACTUATION ELEMENTS ARE DISCONNECTED OR NOT IN USE. 1 CYLINDER 2 DISCHARGE PIPE 3 NOZZLE df001ci3.dwg Figure 10 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 25/112 1.3.1 Installation instructions: To install the nozzles, with or without a calibrated orifice, the instructions below must be followed: 1. Take the installation drawings and study the positioning of the nozzles in the hazard area. Check that there are no light objects or items that are susceptible to move during the gas discharge. 2. Check that the number and size of nozzles supplied agrees with the approved installation plans. If they are to be fitted with calibrated orifices, check that they are suitable for the nozzles in which they are to be fitted. 3. Check that the pipe rises and drops where the nozzles are to be screwed in are at the correct distance and in optimum condition. 4. Check that the bottom surfaces of the pipe rises and drops are totally flat and perpendicular to their axes. The threaded length of the pipe must be greater than that of the nozzle (see figure 8). The threaded length of the pipe must be greater than that of the nozzle 3 3 Surfaces of the pipe rises and drops are totally flat and perpendicular to their axes 2 1 Nozzle 2 Calibrated orifice 3 PIpe 2 1 1 df022ci2.dwg Figure 11 5. Apply Teflon tape to the male thread of the pipe drop where the nozzle is to be fitted. 6. Hold the nozzle by hand and fit the calibrated orifice in its seat (if one is to be fitted). Check that the diameter of the central calibrated orifice is marked on the lower flat part of the nozzle. 7. Screw in the nozzle (with its orifice if appropriate) with a fixed width spanner on the pipe drop or pap. Tighten fully until the pipe drops touch the calibrated orifices, so that they are completely screwed in and the plate is firmly fixed. 1.3.2 Positioning the installed nozzle The usual position of the installed nozzle is vertical, as shown in Figure 10 and 11. When positioning the nozzle in the discharge pipe, the assembly steps above must be followed, while ensuring that it is free of any obstacles which could impede the proper discharge of the extinguishing agent. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 26/112 CEILING 0,3 MAX ON OFF K:\ SIEX-s i st e ma s d e e x tn i co i n \ Bib o il t e ca \ Blo q u e s\ m i agene s \ SIEX.b m p 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx RGS-MAM-20 EN 12094-4 30 20 10 K :\ IE S X si- te m a sd e xe n ti co i n \B b i o il te c a \ o lB q u e s m \i g a e n e s\S E X I b m . p 40 50 bar 0 60 KL. 1.6 K :\S IE X -s ste i m a sd e x n ti co i \B ib n l o c a te \B o l u q s m e \i a g e s \S IE n X .b m p TPED 1999/36/CE Org anis mo Notif icado /Not ified body /Orga nisme Not fi é i (0062) BUREAU V ERITA S Cilindro+Válvula+Di sco de rotura+Elementos de protección Cyli nder +Val ve+Bur sting disc+Pr otections dev ice Cylin dre+ Valve+ Disqu e de ru ptur e+Eléments depr otection Nº de Serie Ser ial Num ber Nº de S ér ie - 0062 CO MPRESSED GA S NO INFLA MMA BLE AGENT E EXTINTOR EXTING UISH A GENT / AGENT EXTI NCTEUR Nº. DE CILINDRO CYLIN DER No . / Nº D E CYLIN DER PRESION DE CARGA A 20ºC Bar FI LL PRESSU RE AT 20º C PR ESSION DE CHA RGE A 2 0ºC PRESION RO TURA DISCO SEGURIDAD Bar BUR STI NG P RES SUR E OF T HE SAFE TY DISC PR ESSION DE R UPTUR E DU DISQUE DE SÉ CUR ITÉ CARGA / FILL / CH ARGE Kgs. PRESURIZADO CON PR ESS URIZED WHI T / P RESS URI SÉ AU TARA / TARE / TAR E Kgs. PESO TO TAL Kgs. TOTAL WEI GHT / PO IDS TOTAL F ECHA DE CARGA FI LL DATE / DATE DE CH ARGE T EMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENT O DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORK ING TEMPERATU RE FRO M -2 0º C TO 50º C TEMPÉRATURE D E FO NCTIO NNEMENT DE -20 ºC A 5 0ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQ UEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONT IJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN T el.: (3 4) 947 281108 F ax: (34) 947 281112 S I E X POLIGO NO IND USTRIAL VILLALONQ UEJAR C /M ERIN DAD DE M ONTIJA Nº6 09001 BUR GOS TEL. : 9 47 28 1 1 08 FAX. : 9 47 2 8 1 1 12 Figure 12 As shown in Figure 12, it must be remembered that the two types of nozzle, 360º and 180º, can be fitted at a maximum of 0.3 m below the ceiling (or the highest protected point when the nozzles are stacked). 180º nozzles can be located at a maximum of 0.3 m from the wall, special attention must be paid to the fitting of the 180º nozzle, that it is in the correct position for its effective operation, with the orifices facing out and not towards the wall, as shown in Figure 11. 360° 180° Figure 13 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 27/112 1.4 INSTALLING THE CONTAINER, CYLINDER OR BOTTLE CAUTION YOU ARE HANDLING PRESSURISED EQUIPMENT FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN THE CYLINDERS DISCHARGING VIOLENTLY, LEADING TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY AND/OR DAMAGE TO THE PROPERTY. From the factory, all cylinders assembled with valves are protected with caps and protective plugs for transport, which must not be removed until the cylinders have been securely fixed to their fixing brackets (keep the protective caps for future use). All cylinders are sent from the factory assembled with a protective flange, with its corresponding cylinder valve, RGSRGS-MAM-20/40/50/12-4 or 11-4, together with the cylinder stickers marked with CE, PI and cylinder instructions, with the valve outlet safety plug in place, and with the protective cap screwed into the flange. The cylinder valve itself comes equipped with a pressure gauge, the burst disc and its end cap, the valve outlet safety plug in the actuation port, and those corresponding to the pilot port and pressure switch connection, if these components are not connected. The cylinders must be located in an area protected from extreme temperatures and accessible for service and maintenance. The cylinder must be firmly secured to a wall. CAUTION DO NOT REMOVE THE CYLINDER PROTECTIVE CAPS UNTIL IT IS FIXED IN ITS BRACKETS, THE CYLINDER MUST ONLY BE MOVED WITH ITS VALVE PROTECTIVE CAP IN PLACE UNTIL IN ITS FINAL POSITION. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 28/112 ON O FF 227DME x xxx x xx Nº 0,6 7 SOLP 22 V(DC) 24 0 A OT Nº L No. L OT 837E N 1 ba r . 1. 16 . KL KL PE D fié Noti T nis ec 9/36/CEody/ Orga e prot IT AS s d ice 199 o tifi ed b VER /N sdev ado Elementoon ti fic BUREAU Protecti No otura+ r d isc+ ni smo (0062)o de Orga Bursting a+Disc v ul Valve+ lin der+ ro+VálCy e er Cilind Seri Nº a l Numb me fié D Noti ción T PE nisme protec 9/36/CEody/ Orga TASos de ice 199 o tifi ed b VERI enton sdev /N ado ti fic BUREAU +Elem Protecti No roturad isc+ ni smo (0062)o de sc Bursting Orga la+Di V álvu der+ Valve+ dro+ Cy lin e er Cilin Nº SeriNumb n ció al S eri S eri - 006 2 - 006 S 2 S. MESE S (6) SE I DA S CA E NO AL M RO S C ILI ND LOS DE : ESO DR O . E LP LIN UC TO SY EL CI RO D TR O EN UE LP I DO N OME TA Q LD E TEN MÁ H AS ES UA CO N LOS MAN RI C A) T APO N ) CT O N EN IC IO . R AL FAB N RT E. DU UD I SI Ó DE CO PR O NS PO PR E E SE RV , AC D ES N DR OS D EL D T RA LA RO ILI ES I CA A NU AL S IS TEMA NI ST SU SC A EL TAL 46ºC. M 50ºC. I OD EL IÓN P AR ER D E V ÁLV ULA D EN (S UMI DO S P ER IR A L 0ºC A TO D A DO AC CI D E C I AL TO MA T ALAC OP I E XC ED I RÁ LA MI EN AS IN I IG EN F OR N A CU JE: D INS A PR TE NI AR G DA I Ó CE NA CI ÓN E N OR DE DI O MAN N ABR S) UE LA B AR DE SC MA BI CA ME NY C CI Ó RA P AJE A DO DE RO IN FO RMAC TAR E AL ZA C IÓ SU U MIN IS TRA R UN RA TU STA A ES E VI HE RR D O FI J DE C OMP MÁ S RA D LI ANT ILI ZA MPE Q UE E RA SI SU S RA RA TU , U TI RA S S IE X SU . (UT LA TE O S PA PA TO . E. (A H A YA SE ÑO C IA O TEC RI D AD VE RLO ND E , P U EST ME NT E NO T EMPE EL DI CILINDROS ER TEN PR U MO DO O QU RA ER TE ZA S N S EG LO Ó AR E S IL IN DR A DV L OS PA FU STA RU O DE IR AR NT ES LUG D EL C JET O RO HA A. N CA PE S C AG EN U IE SU ARG ND EE S Y IJA D O PAR S OL Ó ÁLV ULA EST É S IG MANEJO CI LI E DE SC ME NT . PO NE N F D RO EL LAS V DA TO Q U E LA D EL ÍA D S TA E STE S. LIN BA JO D E LA GU I R IM I EN EC UA LO NO ULA EL CI S SE S ER VÁ LVU T UB ER L AD EN IT AR O S ÁLV LA D N D RO A N UA A NO LA A MA NT RA DO S QU EV DR VU LI TE , ÓN A L M OA OY U 1-NO C IL IN R ES D L A VÁL LO S CI MEN AR O CI E NT A SE G C TAD LO S TE CT O LI ZAR U NC A DE D I SP LE NTA AC TI VA CO NE IS TEMA. ÉN NA MI I LAS TI N VI A Y E O C IO NO E ST DE LS IA S P RO CA U EN AR ND I O NC CI ÓN TO D AS S ENT F UN ENC UN P ALA O NTE IÓ N, N DR O UB ER Í MEN S UJE EC U 2-N A LMAC R LA C T ONAMI DE ST RU TAL AC S C I LI FR S. 3-N O AC TI VA AR Á SU Ú N IN R AJE S D DE LO UNCI IN S YO R UI DO O A RE YF ÑO , Q U E AR G H ER NG ON MA OB STR . 4N AL ÓN DI SE SC AR NI LOS OC AC I D E N HA STA RA DA A, TÉN NA DO Y DE O LOC A AL AT UR C LUS O ES NT E C L SI EX CI Ó A SE GU O IN E N D E LLE MPER 5-NO VA INST UA TEME TE SO NT E R QU DE MAN E AC TI A ES TÁ FU ER DE ME O BA S U PE D AL TE S SU AL U DI R NI SMO ES CA RG OMPR D E A C N 5 % A A JUS RUCCIONES LAR , AC ME CA D E D S MEN I DO NA DO EU S P AR IN ST ÓN ÚN I NS TA N N C IO AD O MÁS D N, D EB . I G O NE XI DE Ó N EC MIN IÓ N CT AR Y LA C TE S IN SP E XA I ER DE PR ESI FI JAC AN C O NE SE R DE SU SI P S ER RA JES Á N RE N. JES NO O. B AJA RÍ AN A DO S RA H ER AD E BER QU IE G SI BE H ER LO S OS D L O RE RE S DE R EC AR AD O S LL EN C. ) L OS N: R R, ET L IN DR CI AS I FUS O A RG MA L DE R O DE OR DE LO SO SCI A N SE R EC AN D OR L O CU ST Y LOS ER Í ,E XP ILI ND NT E S ER Ó N N NA S O EL C SI GU IE C IR S D EB ER ÁN PR ES I , BO BI TU BO ND RO IT AR EL LA D EB TO LO CILINDR D E QU N C ON DE R OS CI LI PI LO DEL IÓ 10% LO S CI LI ND ID E, NT ES TU AC UN S ICIO ES A LE NO S DE LO NT S D E AC LA SO SERV EN MÁ GU IE O DE . S SI AN IS M O (VA LVU TI CO . GA . DA IC O AR IC IRA MÁ PA SO MEC RET LO S L OS ÉC TR - N EU NE UMÁT DE D ESC UIR E EL U AL PAR O TU BO S SE G QU I TAR UA DO MAN IS Ó 1- A CT DO R S D E D IL LOS a) CT UA LLO IG U . b) A TI GU I S LAT ULA RIAL LA LO V ÁLV º6 IN DUST c) AR LA UEJARTIJ AN TI R ZA A GO NO M ON 2-RE PE RU POLI VILL ALONQ DE NDA D BUR GOS L A CA C/M ERI 09001 11 08 2 ON ER 28 1 3-P 9 47 28 11 TEL.: : 94 7 FAX. S. MESE S (6) SE I DA S CA E NO AL M RO S C LI I ND LOS DE : ESO . DR O E LP LIN SY UC TO EL CI TR O RO D EN E LP N OME I DO QU LD E MÁ TEN UA H A STA ES LOS CO N MAN CT O RC I A) T APO N ) N EN R AL IC IO . DU RT E. SI Ó E FAB CO N UD I RV PR O PR E , AC NS PO E SE D EL DE SDN DR OS LA AL D ES LT RA I CA IS TRO SC ILI S IS TEMA TAL AE 46ºC. ULA I OD MA NUA 50ºC. MI N EL SU IÓN D EN PAR P ER AL (SU DO S TO D R DE A VÁLV AC CI MA D IR D E 0ºC MI EN CI AL TO P IA DO CE DE L T ALAC AS F OR A CU IN I NI IG EN PR O INS AR G RI RÁ A EX DE I ÓN CE NA JE: MAN TE C IÓ N E N OR IO A LA U ED Ó N AB S) B AR DE SC A Y DE BI CA MED RA P CI DO AJE RO FO RMAC TAR AL M C IÓ N ES SU U MIN IS TRA R UN RA TU ST A AC HE RR O FI AJ S IN E VI DE C OMP ANT DE LIZA E RA TILI ZA SI D SU S RA MÁRA TU RA , U TI R AS S IE X SU S PA . (U LA T EMPETO Q UE E. (A H A YA PA TO . C IA SE ÑO NT O TEC RI D AD VE RLO N DE , PU ES T EMPE EL DI CILINDROS ER TEN ME Q U E NO MO O DO AS PR S EG U RA ER TE L OS A DV LO Ó A RE S I LIN DR PA STA FU DE ER UZ C O N NT ES IR AR LU G DE LC A. JET O RO HA U IE Y C AP OS A G L ÓE N A E EN LI ND SC ARG É SU MANEJO S IG ES F IJA D . RO PARE LS O V ÁLV UL U E EST D EL CI D E DE LAS PO N N AD AMENT TO ÍA Q GU I R S TA E STE S. LI ND B AJO D E LA LA IM I EN DEC U SE LO NO ULA EL CI S L S ER VÁ LVU T UB ER A EN IT AR O S ÁLV LA D ND RO UA A LA A NO MA NT R AD OS QU DR EV LVU LI MAN OA TE , ÓN A L U OY 1-NO C IL IN R ES D LA VÁ LO S CI AR O CI TAD MEN E NT A SE G A TI VA NE C NTA LO S TE CT O LI ZAR DI SP S TEMA. ÉN NA MI I LAS TI NU NC A D E D O VI LE D E AC ÓN Y CO O C IO NO EST D EL SI IA S P RO CA U EN AR NC TO CI NI NT AS S F UN ENC UN P ALA O NTE IÓ N, N D RO UB ER Í MEN S UJE EC U 2-N A LMAC R LA C ONAMIE T DE ST RU FR TAL AC CI LI S. 3-NO A CTI VA AR Á SU Ú N IN R AJE S UNCI YO R IN S E LO S RE D DE UI DO O Y F U ÑO , AR G H ER NG ON MA OB STR . 4N ÓN A LA AQ DI SE SC AR NI LOS OC ACI A, TÉN NA DO D E N HA ST RA D A Y DE O LOC A AL C LUS AT UR O ES NT E C L SI EX CI Ó A SE GU O IN E N D E LLE MPER 5-NO INST VA UA TEME SO TE NT E R QU DE MAN E AC TI A ES TÁ FU ER DE O BA S U PE ME D AL TE S SU AL IONES U DI R NI SMO ES CA RG OMPR D E D , AC A C N 5 % A A JUS RUCC S MEN LAR ME CA N DE I DO S P AR NA DO EU INST I NS TA N IN G ÚN NE XI Ó AD O MÁS D N, D EB C IO . Ó DE Ó O MIN EC N I N TE S E XA I ER DE PR ESI IN SP CT AR Y L AC FI JAC AN CO NE SE R DE SU S ER SI P RA JES Á N RE N. JES O. B AJA RÍ AN A DO S NO RA AD SI H ER BE E BER QU IE G H ER L OS OS D L O RE RE S DE R EC AR AD O S LL EN C. ) L OS N: R R, ET A RG MA L DE L IN DR CI AS I FUS O SO R O DE OR DE AN D SCI A N SE R EC OR L O CU ST Y LOS ER Í NT E A, EX PLO ILI ND S ER Ó N N S IN EL C SI GU IE C IR S D EB ER ÁN PR ES I , BO B TU BO ND RO IT AR EL LA D EB CILINDRO D E QU N C ON , PI LO TO LO DE R OS CI LI DEL IÓ 10% LO S CI LI ND I DE NT ES TU AC UN ICIO S LE NO ES A S DE LO NT S D E AC LA S O SERV EN MÁ GU IE O DE S SI AN SI M O (VA LVU TI CO . . GA . DA IC Á IC O AR IRA PA SO MEC TR - N EU M UMÁT D ESC RET LO S OS U I R I TAR L E E LÉC U AL O NE BO S DE SE G DO PAR U TU 1-Q A C TUA DO R MAND E D IS LOS Ó S IL a) CT UA LLO IG U . b) A TI GU I S LAT RIAL ULA LA LO V ÁLV 6 IN DUST c) AR LA QUEJARTIJ A Nº TI R ZA A GO NO 2-RE PE RU POLI VI LLALONDE MON AD BUR GOS ND L A CA I C/ MER 09001 11 08 2 ON ER 28 1 3-P 947 28 1 1 TEL.: 9 47 S I E X I E X FAX.: ci005ci1.dwg No cover or external operating device should be removed at this stage. Safeti cup on the valve outlet PELIGRO : 0062 ESTO ES UN CONTENEDO R DE ALTA NO QUITAR LOS ACCESORIO S, MANIPULARLO HASTA QUE ESTE BIEN MEDIANTE SUS HERRAJES. P E LIGRO: 0062 ES TO E S UN CONTE NEDOR DE ALTA NO QUIT AR LOS ACCE SORIOS , MA NIPULARLO HAS TA QUE E ST E B IEN M EDIA NT E S US HERRAJES . 2 2 TPED 1999/36/CE TPED 1999/36/CE Cylinder+Valve+Bursting disc+Protections device Cylindre+Valve+Disque de rupture+Eléments de protection Cylinde r+Valve+Bursting disc +Prote ctions device Cylindre+Valve+Disque de rupture+Eléments de protection Serial Number Nº de Série Serial Number Nº de Série M anom etro hacia arri ba Upw ard s pressure gauge Jau ge de l a hausse W ALL /M UR POSICION DEL CILINDRO / CILIN DER POSITIONING / POSITION DE LA BOUTEILLE W ALL /M UR POSICION DEL CILINDRO / CILIN DER POSITIONING / POSITION DE LA BOUTEILLE M an om etro hacia arri ba Upw ard s pressure gauge Jau ge de l a hausse M an ometro hacia abaj o M an ometro hacia abaj o Down wa rds p ressure gau ge Jau ge à Down wa rds p ressure gau ge Jau ge à F LOO R / FL OO R / SO L FALSO SUELO / SU B-F LOOR /FA UX SOL SOL AM BIENTE / HA ZA RD / E NV IR ONN EMEN T No ta: Marque con u na X el que proceda / FALSO TECHO / SUB -C EI LI NG / F AUX PLA FOND FALSO SUELO / SUB -F LOOR / FA UX SOL CYLINDER No. / Nº DE CYLINDER FILL PRESSURE AT 20ºC PRESSION DE CHAR GE A 20ºC FILL PRESSURE AT 20ºC PRESSION DE CHAR GE A 20ºC BURSTING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC BURSTING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC PR ESSION DE R UPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ PR ESSION DE R UPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ FILL / CHARGE FILL / CHARGE PRESSURIZED W HIT / PRESSURISÉ AU TARE / TARE TARE / TARE TOTAL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL TOTAL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL FILL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE FILL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE WORKING TEMPERATURE FR OM -20ºC TO 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONC TIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC S I E X COMP RE SSE D GAS NO INFL AMMABL E EXTINGUISH AGENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR CYLINDER No. / Nº DE CYLINDER PRESSURIZED W HIT / PRESSURISÉ AU TEL.: 947 28 11 08 F AX.: 947 28 11 12 FALSO TECHO / SU B-C EI LI NG / F AU X PLA FOND Note : Tic k whit a X the c or re ct one / Note: Me ttre le c as échéa nt X - 0062 COM PRESSE D GA S NO INFL AMMABL E EXTINGUISH AGENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR POLIGONO I NDUS TR IAL GAMONAL - VI LLI MAR NAV ES C OR REA - N AVE C -4 09007 BUR GOS AM BIENTE / HA ZA RD / E NV IR ONN EMEN T No ta: Marq ue con u na X el que proceda / Note: Tic k whit a X the c orre ct one / Note: Me ttre le cas éché ant X - 0062 TEMPÉRATURE DE FONC TIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC COMPROBAR DE FO RMA PERIODICA LA PRESIÓN EN LOS MÁNOMETROS Y EL PESO DE LOS CILINDROS AL MENO S CADA SEIS (6) MESES. PARA MÁS INFO RMACIÓN ACUDIR AL MAN UAL DE SERVICIO. TEMPERATURA DE ALMACENAJE: DE 0ºC A 50ºC. PARA EL DISEÑ O, UTILIZACIÓN Y MAN TENIMIENTO DEL SISTEMA, ACUDIR AL MANUAL DEL PRODUCTO . COMPROBAR DE FO RMA PERIODICA LA PRESIÓN EN LOS MÁNOMETROS Y EL PESO DE LOS CILINDROS AL MENO S CADA SEIS (6) MESES. PARA MÁS INFO RMACIÓ N ACUDIR AL MANUAL DE SERVICIO. TEMPERATURA DE ALMACENAJE: DE 0ºC A 50ºC. PARA EL DISEÑ O, UTILIZACIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO DEL SISTEMA, AC UD IR AL MANUAL DEL PRODUCTO. M AN EJO DE LOS CILINDROS ANTES DE LA INSTALACIÓN M ANEJO DE LOS CILINDROS ANTES DE LA INSTALACIÓN SEG UIR LAS SIGUIENTES ADVERTENCIAS PARA EVITAR DESCARG AS ACCIDENTALES D EL PRO DUCTO CONTENIDO EN EL CILINDRO: 1 -NO Q UITAR LOS TAPONES Y C APERUZAS PRO TECTO RAS D E SU UBICACIÓ N INICIAL (SUMINISTRO D ESDE FABRICA) HASTA QUE LOS CILINDROS NO ESTEN FIJADOS CO N SEGURID AD. SIEX SUMINISTRA EN O RIG EN TO DOS SUS CILINDRO S CON TAPO NES PROTECTORES DE VÁLVULAS. 2-NUNCA UTILIZAR LA VÁLVULA DEL CIL INDRO PARA GIR ARLO Ó MOVERLO . (UTILIZAR UN MEDIO APROPIADO PARA EL TRANSPORTE.) 3-NO ALMACENAR NUNCA LOS CILINDROS BAJO EL SOL Ó EN LUG ARES DONDE LA TEMPERATURA PUEDA EXCEDER DE 46ºC. 4-NO ACTIVAR LA PALANCA DE DISPARO MANUAL DE LA VÁLVULA DEL CILIN DR O, PUESTO Q UE ESTA ACCIÓN ABRIRÁ LA VÁLVULA Y DESCARGARÁ SU CO NTEN IDO VILENTAMENTE, A NO SER Q UE ESTÉ SUJETO FUERTEMENTE. (A SUS HERRAJES) 5-NO COLOCAR NING ÚN INSTRUMENTO DE ACTIVACIÓN A LA VÁLVUL A DEL CILINDRO HASTA QUE N O HAYA SIDO FIJADO FUERTEMENTE A LOS HERRAJES DE SUJECIÓN Y CONECTADO A LA TUBERÍA DE DESCARGA. INSTRUCC IONES DE INSTALACIÓN Y FUN CIONAMIENTO ANTES DE INSTAL AR, ACUDIR AL MANUAL SIEX DE DISEÑO , INSTALACIÓ N, FUNCIO NAMIENTO Y MANTENIMIENTO. NO CONECTAR NINGÚN MECANISMO DE ACTIVACIÓ N HASTA QUE LOS CILINDRO S NO ESTÉN ASEGURADOS ADECUADAMENTE EN LO S HERRAJES Y LA CONEXIÓ N DE DESCARG A ESTÁ ASEGURADA A LA RED DE TUBERÍAS DEL SISTEMA. LOS CILIN DR OS DEBERÁN SER INSPECCIO NADO S MENSUALMENTE O INCLUSO CON MAYOR FRECUENCIA SI LAS CIRCUSTANCIAS LO REQUIEREN. LO TUBOS Y LO S DIFUSORES DEBERÍAN SER EXAMINADOS PARA COMPR OBAR Q UE NO ESTÉN OBSTRUIDOS. LOS CILIN DR OS DEBERÍAN SER RECARG ADO S SI PIERDEN MÁS DE UN 5 % DE SU PESO DE LLENADO. LOS CILIN DR OS DEBERÁN SER RECARGADOS SI BAJA SU PRESIÓN , DEBIDO A AJUSTES DE TEMPERATURA, EN MÁS DE UN 10 % DE LA PRESIÓN NORMAL DE LLENADO . R ETIRADA D E SERVICIO DEL CILINDRO SEG UIR LOS PASO S SIGUIENTES ANTES DE QU ITAR EL CILINDRO DE LO S HERRAJES DE FIJACIÓN. 1-QUITAR LO S MECANISMOS DE ACTUACIÓN CON EL SIGU IENTE ORDEN: a) ACTUADOE ELÉCTRICO (VALVUL A SO LENO IDE, PILO TO,BO BINA,EXPLO SO R,ETC.) b) ACTUADO R MANUAL - NEU MÁTICO. c) LATIG UILLO S DE DISPARO NEUMÁTICO . 2-RETIRAR LOS LATIG UILLOS Ó TUBOS DE DESCARGA. 3-PONER L A CAPERUZA A LA VÁLVULA. S I E X POLIGONO I NDUS TR IAL GAMON AL - VILLI MAR NAV ES C OR REA - N AVE C -4 09007 BUR GOS TEL.: 947 28 11 08 FAX.: 947 28 11 12 SEG UIR LAS SIGUIENTES ADVERTENCIAS PARA EVITAR DESCARG AS ACCIDENTALES D EL PRO DUCTO CONTENIDO EN EL CILINDRO: 1-N O Q UITAR LOS TAPON ES Y CAPERUZAS PROTECTO RAS DE SU UBICACIÓN INICIAL (SUMINISTRO DESDE FABRICA) HASTA QUE LO S CILINDROS NO ESTEN FIJADOS C ON SEGURIDAD. SIEX SUMIN ISTRA EN ORIG EN TO DOS SUS CILINDRO S CON TAPONES PROTECTO RES DE VÁLVULAS. 2-NUNCA UTILIZAR LA VÁLVULA DEL CIL INDRO PARA GIR ARLO Ó MOVERLO . (UTILIZAR UN MEDIO APROPIADO PARA EL TRANSPORTE.) 3-NO ALMACENAR NUNCA LOS CILINDROS BAJO EL SOL Ó EN LUG ARES DONDE LA TEMPERATURA PUEDA EXCEDER DE 46ºC. 4-NO ACTIVAR LA PALANCA DE DISPARO MANUAL DE LA VÁLVULA DEL CILIN DR O, PUESTO Q UE ESTA ACCIÓN ABRIRÁ LA VÁLVULA Y DESCARGARÁ SU CO NTEN IDO VILENTAMENTE, A NO SER Q UE ESTÉ SUJETO FUERTEMENTE. (A SUS HERRAJES) 5-NO COLOCAR NING ÚN INSTRUMENTO DE ACTIVACIÓN A LA VÁLVUL A DEL CILINDRO HASTA QUE N O HAYA SIDO FIJADO FUERTEMENTE A LOS HERRAJES DE SUJECIÓ N Y CONECTADO A LA TUBERÍA DE DESCARGA. INSTRUCC IONES DE INSTALACIÓN Y FUNC IONAMIENTO ANTES DE INSTAL AR, ACUDIR AL MANUAL SIEX DE DISEÑO , INSTALACIÓ N, FUNCIO NAMIENTO Y MANTENIMIENTO. NO CONECTAR NINGÚN MECANISMO DE ACTIVACIÓ N HASTA QUE LOS CILINDRO S NO ESTÉN ASEGURADO S ADECUADAMENTE EN LOS HERRAJES Y LA CONEXIÓN DE DESCARG A ESTÁ ASEGURADA A LA RED DE TUBERÍAS DEL SISTEMA. LOS CILINDRO S DEBERÁN SER INSPECCIO NADO S MENSUALMENTE O INCLUSO CON MAYOR FRECU ENCIA SI LAS CIRCUSTANCIAS LO REQ UIEREN. LO TUBOS Y LO S DIFUSORES DEBERÍAN SER EXAMINADOS PARA COMPRO BAR Q UE NO ESTÉN OBSTRUIDOS. LOS CILINDRO S DEBERÍAN SER RECARG ADOS SI PIERDEN MÁS DE UN 5 % DE SU PESO DE L LENADO. LOS CILINDRO S DEBERÁN SER RECARGADOS SI BAJA SU PRESIÓN, DEBIDO A AJUSTES DE TEMPERATURA, EN MÁS DE UN 10 % DE LA PRESIÓN NORMAL DE LLENADO. R ETIRADA DE SERVICIO DEL C ILINDRO SEG UIR LOS PASO S SIGUIENTES ANTES DE QU ITAR EL CILINDRO DE LO S HERRAJES DE FIJACIÓN. 1-QUITAR LO S MECANISMOS DE ACTUACIÓN CON EL SIGU IENTE ORDEN: a) ACTUADOE ELÉCTRICO (VALVUL A SO LENO IDE, PILO TO,BO BINA,EXPLO SO R,ETC.) b) ACTUADO R MANUAL - NEU MÁTICO. c) LATIG UILLO S DE DISPARO NEUMÁTICO . 2-RETIRAR LOS LATIG UILLOS Ó TUBOS DE DESCARGA. 3-PONER L A CAPERUZA A LA VÁLVULA. Figure 14. Valve protective cap and output safety plug 1.4.1 Identification labels With each delivery, SIEX supplies adhesive labels on each cylinder supplied. This label identifies the gas contained in the cylinder, the gas quantity, weight of the empty cylinder, working pressure, identification number of the cylinder and fill date, regular inspection date, fill capacity, minimum cylinder wall thickness, type of cylinder thread, country of origin UN number, manufacturing serial number, product identification number, etc. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 29/112 PELI GRO: 0062 ESTO ES U N CO NTENEDO R DE AL TA NO QUITAR L OS ACC ESORIO S, MANIPUL ARLO HASTA Q UE ESTE BI EN MEDIA NTE SU S HERRAJES. TPED 1999 /36/CE Orga nis mo Notifica do /N otified b ody /Orga ni sme Notifié (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cilindro+V álvula+Disco de ro tura+Ele mentos de pro tección C ylin der+Valv e+Bu rsting disc+Protectio ns device Cy lind re+Valv e+Disque de ru pture+Elémen ts d e pr otection Nº d e Serie Ser ial Numb er Nº de Série 1 2 3 4 5 Cylinder instruction label Cylinder label with CE marking Cylinder position label Cylinder label with PI marking Cylinder label with UN number - 0062 C OM PR ESSED GAS N O IN FLA MMA BLE AGENTE EXTINTOR EXTINGUISH AGENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR Nº. DE CILINDRO CYLINDER No . / Nº DE C YLINDER P RESION DE CARGA A 20ºC Bar FILL PR ESSUR E AT 20ºC PR ESSION DE C HARGE A 2 0ºC P RESION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD Bar BURS TING PRES SURE OF THE SAFETY DISC PRESS ION DE RUPT URE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ CARGA / FILL / CHARGE Kgs. P RESURIZADO CON PR ESSUR IZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU TA RA / TARE / TARE Kgs. P ESO TOTAL Kgs. TOTAL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL FECHA DE CA RGA FILL DATE / DATE DE C HARGE TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMI ENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FR OM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. I ND. VIL LALONQUEJAR C/ ME RINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 090 01 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 94 7 281 108 Fax: (34 ) 94 7 281112 S I E X POLIGONO INDUSTRIAL VILLALONQUEJAR C/M ERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 BURGOS TEL.: 947 28 11 08 FAX.: 947 28 11 1 2 - 0062 GAS COMPRIMIDO NO INFLAMABLE COMPRESSED GAS NO INFLAMMABLE AGENTE EXTINTOR EXTINGUISH AGENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR Nº. DE CILINDRO CYLINDER No. / Nº DE CYLINDER PRESION DE CARGA A 20ºC FILL PRESSURE AT 20ºC PRESSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC Bar TPED 1999/36/CE Bar Organismo Notificado/Notified body/Organisme Notifié PRESION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD BURSTING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC PRESSION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ CARGA / FILL / CHARGE Kgs. (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cilindro+Válvula+Disco de rotura+Elementos de protección Cylinder+Valve+Bursting disc+Protections device Cylindre+Valve+Disque de rupture+Eléments de protection Nº de Serie PRESURIZADO CON Serial Number Nº de Série PRESSURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU TARA / TARE / TARE Kgs. PESO TOTAL Kgs. TOTAL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL FECHA DE CARGA FILL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC Contiene gases fluorados de efecto invernadero regulados en el protocolo de Kioto Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol / Contient de gas à effet de senne fluorés relevant du protocole de kyoto Sellado herméticamente / Hermetically Sealed / Hermétiguement sallé POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 CYLINDER LABEL WITH CE MARKING SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 30/112 COMPROBAR DE FORMA PERIODICA LA PRESIÓN EN LOS MÁNOMETROS Y EL PESO DE LOS CILINDROS, AL MENOS CADA SEIS (6) MESES. PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN ACUDIR AL MANUAL DE SERVICIO. TEMPERATURA DE ALMACENAJE: DE -20ºC A 50ºC. PARA EL DISEÑO, UTILIZACIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO DEL SISTEMA, ACUDIR AL MANUAL DEL PRODUCTO. MANEJO DE LOS CILINDROS ANTES DE LA INSTALACIÓN S I E X POLIGONO INDUSTRIAL VILLALONQUEJAR C/MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 BURGOS TEL.: (34) 947 28 11 08 FAX.: (34) 947 28 11 12 SEGUIR LAS SIGUIENTES ADVERTENCIAS PARA EVITAR DESCARGAS ACCIDENTALES DEL PRODUCTO CONTENIDO EN EL CILINDRO: 1- NO QUITAR LOS TAPONES Y CAPERUZAS PROTECTORAS DE SU UBICACIÓN INICIAL (SUMINISTRO DESDE FABRICA) HASTA QUE LOS CILINDROS NO ESTEN FIJADOS CON SEGURIDAD. SIEX SUMINISTRA EN ORIGEN TODOS SUS CILINDROS CON TAPONES PROTECTORES DE VÁLVULAS. 2- NUNCA UTILIZAR LA VÁLVULA DEL CILINDRO PARA GIRARLO Ó MOVERLO (UTILIZAR UN MEDIO APROPIADO PARA EL TRANSPORTE). 3- NO ALMACENAR NUNCA LOS CILINDROS BAJO EL SOL Ó EN LUGARES DONDE LA TEMPERATURA PUEDA EXCEDER DE 46ºC. 4- NO ACTIVAR LA PALANCA DE DISPARO MANUAL DE LA VÁLVULA DEL CILINDRO, PUESTO QUE ÉSTA ACCIÓN ABRIRÁ LA VÁLVULA Y DESCARGARÁ SU CONTENIDO VIOLENTAMENTE, A NO SER QUE ESTÉ SUJETO FUERTEMENTE (A SUS HERRAJES). 5- NO COLOCAR NINGÚN INSTRUMENTO DE ACTIVACIÓN A LA VÁLVULA DEL CILINDRO HASTA QUE NO HAYA SIDO FIJADO FUERTEMENTE A LOS HERRAJES DE SUJECIÓN Y CONECTADO A LA TUBERÍA DE DESCARGA. INSTRUCCIONES DE INSTAL ACIÓN Y FUNCIONAMIENTO ANTES DE INSTALAR, ACUDIR AL MANUAL SIEX DE DISEÑO, INSTALACIÓN, FUNCIONAMIENTO Y MANTENIMIENTO. NO CONECTAR NINGÚN MECANISMO DE ACTIVACIÓN HASTA QUE LOS CILINDROS NO ESTÉN ASEGURADOS ADECUADAMENTE EN LOS HERRAJES Y LA CONEXIÓN DE DESCARGA ESTÉ ASEGURADA A LA RED DE TUBERÍAS DEL SISTEMA. LOS CILINDROS DEBERÁN SER INSPECCIONADOS MENSUALMENTE O INCLUSO CON MAYOR FRECUENCIA SI LAS CIRCUSTANCIAS LO REQUIEREN. LAS TUBERIAS Y LOS DIFUSORES DEBERÍAN SER EXAMINADOS PARA COMPROBAR QUE NO ESTÉN OBSTRUIDOS. LOS CILINDROS DEBERÍAN SER RECARGADOS SI PIERDEN MÁS DE UN 5% DE SU PESO DE LLENADO. LOS CILINDROS DEBERÁN SER RECARGADOS SI BAJA SU PRESIÓN, DEBIDO A AJUSTES DE TEMPERATURA, EN MÁS DE UN 10% DE LA PRESIÓN NORMAL DE LLENADO. RETIRADA DE SERVICIO DEL CILINDRO SEGUIR LOS PASOS SIGUIENTES ANTES DE QUITAR EL CILINDRO DE LOS HERRAJES DE FIJACIÓN. 1- QUITAR LOS MECANISMOS DE ACTUACIÓN CON EL SIGUIENTE ORDEN: 2- RETIRAR LOS LATIGUILLOS Ó TUBOS DE DESCARGA. A) ACTUADOR ELÉCTRICO (VALVULA SOLENOIDE, PILOTO, BOBINA, EXPLOSOR, ETC.) 3- PONER LA CAPERUZA A LA VÁLVULA. B) ACTUADOR MANUAL - NEUMÁTICO. C) LATIGUILLOS DE DISPARO NEUMÁTICO. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERIODICALLY VERIFY THE PRESSURE IN THE PRESSURE GAUGE AND THE CYLINDER WEIGHT AT LEAST EVERY SIX (6) MONTHS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE SERVICE GUIDE. TEMPERATURE OF STORAGE: FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC. FOR THE DESIGN, USE AND MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM, SEE THE PRODUCT GUIDE. CYLINDER HANDLING BEFORE INSTALLATION FOLLOW THE WARNINGS TO AVOID ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGES OF THE PRODUCT CONTAINED IN THE CYLINDER. 1- DO NOT CLEAR THE CAPS AND PROTECTIVE CORKS OF IT’S INITIAL LOCATION (FACTORY FITTED) UNTIL THE CYLINDERS ARE NOT FIXED SURELY. SIEX PROVIDES IN ORIGIN ALL THEIR CYLINDERS WHIT PROTECTIVE VALVE CAPS. 2- NEVER USE THE CONTAINER VALVE TO TURN IT OR TO MOVE IT AROUND (USE APPROPIATE MEANS FOR TRANSPORT). 3- NEVER STORE THE CYLINDERS UNDER THE SUN OR IN PLACES WHERE THE TEMPERATURE CAN EXCEED 46ºC. 4- DO NOT ACTIVATE THE MANUAL RELEASE LEVER OF THE CONTAINER VALVE, SINCE THIS ACTION WILL OPEN THE VALVE AND DISCHARGE IT’S CONTENT VIOLENTLY, UNLESS IT’S SUBJECTED STRONGLY (TO IT’S BRACKETS). 5- DO NOT PLACE ANY ACTIVATION INSTRUMENT TO THE CONTAINER VALVE UNTIL IT HAS NOT BEEN FIXED STRONGLY TO THE SUBJECTION BRACKETS AND CONNECTED TO THE DISCHARGE PIPE. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE INSTALLING, SEE THE DESING, INSTALLATION, WORKING AND MAINTENANCE SIEX GUIDE. DO NOT TO CONNECT ANY MECHANISM UNTIL THE CYLINDERS ARE NOT SUITABLY INSURED IN BRACKETS AND THE DISCHARGE CONNECTION IS ASSURED TO THE SYSTEM PIPE NETWORK. CYLINDERS WILL EVEN HAVE TO BE INSPECTED MONTHLY OR MOST FREQUENTLY IF THE CIRCUNSTANCES REQUIRE IT. THE PIPES AND THE NOZZLES SHOULD BE EXAMINED TO VERIFY THAT THEY ARE NOT OBSTRUCTED. CYLINDERS SHOULD BE RECHARGED IF THEY LOSE MORE OF A 5% OF IT’S FILLING WEIGHT. CYLINDERS WILL HAVE TO BE RECHARGED IF LOW THEIR PRESSURE, DUE TO TEMPERATURE ADJUSTMENTS IN MORE OF A 10% OF THE NORMAL FILLING PRESSURE. CYLINDER SERVICE RETIREMENT FOLLOW THE NEXT STEPS BEFORE CLEARING THE CYLINDER OF SUBJECTION BRACKETS: 1- REMOVE THE MECHANISMS OF PERFORMANCE WHIT THE FOLLOWING ORDER: 2- RETIRE THE HOSES OR DISCHARGE TUBES. A) ELECTRIC ACTUATOR (SOLENOID VALVE, PILOT, COIL, PYROTHECHNIC..) 3- PUT THE CAP TO THE VALVE. B) MANUAL-PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR. C) PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR HOSES. CYLINDER INSTRUCTION LABEL CYLINDER LABEL WITH UN NUMBER CYLINDER POSITION LABEL SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 31/112 1.4.2 Cylinder inscriptions As a legal requirement, all cylinders must include a series of markings on their shoulders that detail, among other information: the manufacturer, quality marks, hydraulic test pressure, gas contained, UN number, π marking, CE marking, manufacturing mark, manufacturing serial number, non-destructive testing mark, weight of empty bottle plus valve, fill weight and type of gas, country of origin, type of thread, minimum wall thickness, fill capacity, test month, test pressure and year, regular inspection date, product identification number. Detailed below are the positions of the markings on the SIEX cylinders. S I EX Marca de rosca Inspeccion por ultrasonidos Mark of thread XX 0 B /X U T A 20 R 07 / XX Ultrasonic inspection Minimo espesor de la pared en mm Minimum wall thickness in mm MM 1 2,5 1 0 Marca de conformidad Conformity mark 2 5E 8 67 25 0 XX 5 4 3 PH 1 17 7 - X KG 1 2 4,7L 40 CZ ºC E 1 N 1 96 4 Fecha de prueba (Año/mes) Test date (year/month) Presión de prueba Test pressure Sello de organismo notificado Peso de la botella vacía Stamp of notified body Weight of empty cylinder Norma de fabricacion Manufacturing standards Capacidad minima de llenado Min. water capaciy SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Número de serie y el marcado de los productos de ensayo del grupo (letra o número de colada / número de lote de tratamiento térmico) Serial number and marking of test group (letter or number of heat/batch number of heat treatment) Installation manual - Versión 00 32/112 1.5 INSTALLING CYLINDER FIXING BRACKETS 1.5.1 Brackets for a single (modular) cylinder Safety cup on valve outlet: P ELIGRO: 0062 E STO ES UN CONTENEDOR DE ALTA NO QUITAR LOS ACCE SORIOS, MANIPULARLO HAS TA QUE ESTE BIEN MEDIANTE SUS HERRAJES. EN 837-1 EN 837-1 bar bar KL. 1.6 EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 KL. 1.6 Figure 16 CAUTION AT THIS STAGE OF THE INSTALLATION, DO NOT REMOVE EITHER THE PROTECTIVE VALVE CAP OR THE OUTLET SAFETY PLUG. The brackets assemblies for a modular cylinder comprise a nut, a bolt, a washer, two straps, a rear channel, and two decorative end pieces. To ensure the container or cylinder is securely attached, it is recommended that two fixing brackets per bottle be used, for all 40.2 litre cylinders and above. 1 Back carril 3 Fixing nuts and bolts Figure 16 Each strap has a slot for insertion in the rear channel, to allow the cylinder to be correctly aligned. The assembly channel is designed to be fixed to a rigid surface with the cylinder supported on the floor. To install the modular cylinder bracket, follow the instructions below: SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 33/112 1. Place the modular cylinder’s rear wall channel at the height above the floor indicated in table 1, and mark on the wall the centre of the holes to be drilled. Safety cup on valve outlet. RGS-MAM-20 EN 12094-4 30 20 40 10 50 bar 0 60 KL. 1.6 2 TPED 1999/36/CE Cylinder+Valve+Bursti ng di sc+Protections device C ylindre+Valve+Disque de rupture+Eléments de prot ection Serial Number Nº de Série W ALL /M UR P OSICION DEL CILINDRO / CILINDER POSITIONING / POSITION DE LA BOUTEILLE Ma nometro h acia arriba U pw ards pressure gauge Jau ge d e l a hau sse Man ometro h acia abajo D ow nw ards pressure g auge Jau ge à FLOOR / S OL FALSO SUELO / SUB- FLO OR / FAUX SOL AMBIEN TE / HAZARD / E NVI RONNEME NT FALSO TECHO / SUB -CEI LI NG / FAUX PLAFOND Nota: Marque con una X el que proceda / Note: Tick w hit a X the correct one / Note: Mettre le cas échéant X - 0062 COM PRESSED G AS N O IN FLA MMABLE EXTINGUISH AGENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR CYLI NDER No. / Nº DE CYLINDER FILL PRESSURE AT 20ºC PRESSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC BURSTING PRESSURE OF THE SAFET Y DISC PRE SSION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ FILL / CHARGE PRESSURI ZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU TAR E / TARE TOTAL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL FILL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE WORKI NG TEMPER ATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC S I E X POL IGO NO I NDUSTRIAL VILL ALO NQ UEJAR C/MER INDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09 00 1 BURGOS TEL.: 9 47 28 11 08 FAX.: 9 47 28 11 12 TPED 1999/36/CE Cylinder+Valve+Bursting d isc+Protections d evice Cylindre+Valv e+Disque de ru pture+Eléments de protectio n Serial Nu mber Nº d e Série - 0062 C OMPRESSED GAS NO INFLAMMABLE EXTINGUISH AGENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR CYL INDER No . / Nº DE CYLINDER FILL PRESSURE AT 20ºC TARE / TARE TOTAL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL FILL DATE / DAT E DE CHARGE EN 837-1 WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC bar KL. 1.6 S I E X POLIGONO INDUSTRIAL VILLALONQUEJAR C/MERINDAD DE MO NT IJA Nº6 09001 BURGOS TEL.: ( 34) 947 28 11 08 FAX.: ( 34) 947 28 11 12 Figure 17 TABLE 1 Code POHE2,7 POHE6 POHE13 POHE25 POHE26 POHE40 POHE61 POHE67 POHE80 POHE84 HE100 HE120 HE108 HE127 HE180 Type of bracket Modular Modular Modular Modular Modular Modular Modular Modular Modular Modular Modular Modular Modular Modular Modular Cylinder volume (litres) 2.7 4.7 - 6.7 13.4 25 26.8 40.2 61 67.5 80 84 100 120 108.4 127 180 Length A (mm) 200 400 400 300 600 400 300 500 500 400 500 450 300 400 400 Length B (mm) --------------------1000 800 1300 1300 1100 1300 1250 800 1100 1100 2. Drill two 10 mm diameter holes at the marks on the surface where the rear channel is to be secured and bolt the channel to the wall. 3. Ensure that the cylinder has its valve protective cap and outlet safety plug in place. 4. Place the cylinder (still with its valve protective cap and outlet safety plug in place) in the centre of the channel and against it. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 34/112 5. Put the cylinder straps in the channel using their slots, and encircling the cylinder. The straps must be offered up in a horizontal position, until reaching the slots, and then rotated 90º until vertical, in such a way as the slots in the straps engage in the channel, as shown in Figure 18. Figure 18 6. Tighten the straps with the bolt, nut and washer until the cylinder is properly secured. 7. At this point, the protective valve cap can be removed and the cylinder orientated so that the valve pressure gauge is facing forward and can be read. To be able to orientate the cylinder, the straps have to be loosened slightly, and retightened afterwards. 8. Do not remove the outlet safety plug until indicated in the corresponding chapter of this manual. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 35/112 1.5.2 Brackets for a single (modular) cylinder installed horizontally on the floor The usual position of a cylinder with its valve is vertical, but it may also be fitted in a horizontal position, taking into account that the position of the valve, in this case, is with the pressure gauge facing upwards and the curved part of the syphon tube downwards (see Figure 6). It is expressly prohibited to position the cylinder with its valve in an inclined position, as shown in Figure 7. The steps to follow for the installation of a modular cylinder in a horizontal position are the same for those in a vertical position. In addition the following aspects must be taken into account: 1. The cylinders must be located in an environment protected from adverse weather conditions and where the temperature does not exceed 50°C nor fall below 0°C. Where these temperatures cannot be maintained exterior heating or cooling will be required. The following installation instructions must be followed precisely and in the exact order to avoid any accidental discharge that might cause personal injury or material damage. 2. When the cylinder is fixed by its brackets, in a horizontal position, the valve pressure gauge must be in view facing the ceiling. The valve outlet will thus be in a horizontal position parallel to the floor. (see figure 19). 3. When the cylinders are installed in a horizontal position, a minimum of two fixing brackets are required per cylinder. EN 837-1 b ar KL. KL. 1.6 1.6 bar K L. 1.6 EN 837-1 PE R M IT TE D AN G LE 0º TO 90 º 4. The cylinders that may be used in a horizontal position are: 2.7, 4.7, 6.7, 13.4, 26.8 40.2 litres. Figure 19. Typical cylinder installation – horizontal fixing. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 36/112 1.5.3 Brackets for a single row cylinder bank CAUTION AT THIS STAGE OF THE INSTALLATION, DO NOT REMOVE EITHER THE PROTECTIVE VALVE CAP OR THE OUTLET SAFETY PLUG. The bracket assemblies for cylinders in single row banks consist of: two rear channels, straps, bolts, nuts, washers and decorative end pieces, as shown in Figure 20. 10 9 8 1 7 6 5 2 3 4 Figure 20. Bracket positions for single row banks. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 37/112 No. 1 390x300 Manifold bracket 650x400 Manifold bracket 2 Cylinder bank cylinder channel 3 Flat washer A 10.5 DIN 125 ZP 4 Hex. bolt M-10x30 DIN 933 ZP 5 Hex. bolt M-10x40 DIN 933 ZP 6 Cylinder clamp 7 Hex. lock nut M-10 DIN 934 ZP 8 Bolt: M-6x30 => Pipe: 1/2" - 1 1/4" M-8x35 => 1 1/2" - 3" M-10x45 => 4" - 6" 9 Manifold clamp 10 Nut: M-6x30 => Pipe: 1/2" - 1 1/4" M-8x35 => 1 1/2" - 3" M-10x45 => 4" - 6" Description To install single row cylinder bank brackets, follow the instructions below: 1. Position the rear channels of the cylinder bank up to the wall, at the height above the floor indicated in table 2, and mark the centre of the holes to be drilled. ON OFF 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A 30 30 20 KG. CHAR GE MAX . AUTORISÉE GAS/GAZ: ALMAC ENAR EN LUGAR VENTILAD O / NO RES PIRAR EL GAS PARA MANIPU LAC IÓN Y PREC AUCI ON ES VER ETIQUETA CILIND RO 2 TO BE STORED IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA / DO NOT IN HALE FOR HA NDLING IN STRUC TION S SEE CYLIND ER'S LA BEL STOCKER DANS UN ENDR OIT V ENTILÉ / NE PAS IN HALER LE GAZ POUR MANIP ULATION ET PR ECAU TION S, V OIR L'E TI QU ETTE SUR LE RESE RVOI R Pol. Ind. Vi llalonquejar C/ Merindad 09001 de Mont ija Tel.- Burgos (SP AIN) Nº6 (34) 947 281108 Fax. (34) - 0786 UN: M ASA MAX . AUTO RI ZAD A M AX . AU TH OR IZED C HARG E KG. CHAR GE MA X. AU TO RI SÉE GAS/GAZ: ALM AC ENAR EN LU GAR VENTI LAD O / NO RE SPIRAR EL G AS PARA M ANIPU LA CIÓ N Y PREC AUCI ON ES VE R ETIQ UETA CI LIND RO 2 TO BE S TO RED IN A WE LL VENTIL ATED AREA / DO NO T IN HALE FO R H ANDL ING I NSTRU CTIO NS SE E CYL IND ER'S L ABEL STO CKER DANS UN ENDR OIT V ENTIL É / NE PAS IN HALER L E G AZ PO UR M ANI PUL ATION ET P RECAU TION S, VOI R L 'ETI QU ETTE SUR L E RES ERVOI R T PED 19 99 /36 /C E UN: M ASA MAX . AUTO RI ZAD A M AX . AU TH OR IZED C HARG E KG. CHAR GE MA X. AU TO RI SÉE GAS/GAZ: AL MAC ENAR EN LU GAR VENTI LAD O / NO R ESPIRAR EL G AS PAR A M ANIP ULA CIÓ N Y PREC AUC ION ES VE R ETIQ UETA CI LIN DRO 2 TO BE S TO RED IN A W ELL VENTI LATED AREA / DO NO T IN HALE FO R H ANDL ING I NSTRU CTIO NS SE E CYL IND ER'S L ABEL S TO CKER DAN S UN END ROI T VENTIL É / NE PAS IN HAL ER L E G AZ PO UR M AN IPUL ATIO N ET PRECA UTIO NS, VOI R L 'ETIQ UETTE SUR LE R ESERVO IR TPED 1999/36/CE T PED 19 99 /36 /C E Organism o Notificado/Notified body/Organism e Notifié Organism o Notificado/Notified body/Organism e Notifié ( 0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cilindro+Válvula+Dis co de rotur a+Elementos de protecc ión ( 0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cilindro+Válvula+Dis co de rotur a+Elementos de protecc ión ( 0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cilindro+Válvula+Dis co de rotur a+Elementos de protecc ión C yl i nde r+Val ve+ Burst i ng disc +Prot ec ti ons devi ce C yli ndre +Va lve +Di sque de rupture +El ém ent s de prote ct ion C yl i nde r+Val ve+ Burst i ng disc +Prot ec ti ons devi ce C yli ndre +Va lve +Di sque de rupture +El ém ent s de prote ct ion Cylinder+Valve+ Bursting disc+Protections device Cylindre+Valve+Disque de rupture+Eléments de protection Nº de Serie Nº de Serie Nº de Serie S eri al Numbe r Nº de Sé ri e S eri al Numbe r Nº de Sé rie Serial Num ber Nº de Série POSICION DEL CILINDRO / CILINDER POSITIONING / P OS ITION DE LA BOUTEILLE POSICION DEL CILINDRO / CILINDER POSITIONING / P OS ITION DE LA BOUTEILLE - 0062 PARED / WALL / MUR Man ometr o haci a arriba U pwa rds pressure g aug e Jaug e de l a hau sse Mano metro haci a abaj o Man ometro haci a abajo D ownwar ds pressure ga uge Jaug e à D ownwar ds pressure ga uge Jaug e à SUEL O / FLOOR / SOL FALSO TECHO / SUB -CEI LI NG / F AUX PLAFOND FALSO SUELO / SUB -FLOOR / FAUX SOL A MBIENTE / HAZARD / E NVIRONNE MENT No ta: Marqu e co n un a X el qu e p roceda / Note: M ettre le c as éché ant X SU EL O / FL OOR / SOL FALSO TECHO / SUB-CEI LI NG / F AUX PLAFOND FALSO SUELO / SUB -FLOOR / FAUX SOL EX TINGU ISH A GENT / AGENT EX TINCTEU R N º. DE CILINDRO CYLINDER No. / Nº DE CY LIND ER C YL INDE R No. / Nº DE C Y LIND ER PRESION DE CARGA A 20ºC Bar FIL L PR E S SUR E A T 20ºC PR E SSIO N DE C HA R GE A 20ºC PRESION ROT URA DISCO SEGURIDAD Bar BURSTING PR ESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC CARGA / FIL L / C HA R GE PRESSION DE R UPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ CARGA / FILL / CH ARGE Kgs. PRESURIZ ADO C ON TARA / T AR E PRESS URIZED WH IT / PRESSU RIS É AU F ECH A DE CARGA FILL D ATE / D ATE D E CHARG E FIL L DA T E / DA TE D E C HAR GE TEMPERATURA DE FUNC IONAMIENT O DE -20ºC A 50ºC Kgs. TO TAL WEIGHT / PO ID S TOTAL F ECH A DE CARGA FIL L DA TE / DA TE D E C H AR GE Kgs. PESO T OTAL Kgs. TO TA L W E IGHT / PO ID S T OT AL F ECHA DE CARGA TARA / TARE / TARE Kgs. / T AR E PESO TOTAL Kgs. Kgs. PRESURIZ ADO CON PR E SS UR IZ E D WH IT / PR E SSUR IS É A U Kgs. Bar BURSTING PR ESSUR E OF THE SAFETY DISC PRESSION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ Kgs. / T AR E TO TA L W EIG HT / POID S T OT AL Bar FIL L PR ES SU R E AT 20ºC PR E SSIO N D E C HA R GE A 20ºC PRESION R OT URA DISC O SEGURIDAD Bar PR E SS UR IZ E D W H IT / PR E SSUR ISÉ A U PESO TOTAL COMP RESS ED G AS N O I NF LAMMABLE AGENT E EXTINTOR EX TIN GU ISH A GE NT / AGE NT EX TINC T EU R Nº. DE CILINDRO PRESION D E C ARGA A 20ºC Bar BURSTING PR ESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC PRESSION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ CARGA / F IL L / C HA R GE PRESURIZ ADO CON FALSO TECHO / SUB-CE IL ING / FAUX PLAFOND Note: Tick whit a X th e c orre ct one / Note : Mettre le c as éc hé ant X - 0062 COMP RESS ED G AS N O I NFLAMMABLE AGENT E EXTINTOR EX TIN GU ISH A GE NT / A GE NT EX TINC T EU R FIL L PR E SS UR E A T 20ºC PR E SSIO N D E C HA R GE A 20ºC PRESION R OT URA DISC O SEGURIDAD A MBIENTE / HAZARD /E NVI RONNE ME NT N ota: Marqu e con u na X el q ue proceda / Note: Tick whit a X th e c orre ct one / Note: Mettre le c as éché ant X - 0062 COMP RESS ED GA S NO IN FLAMMABLE AGENTE EXTINTOR Nº. DE CILINDRO C YL IN DE R N o. / Nº D E C YL IND ER PRESION D E C ARGA A 20ºC TARA / T AR E - 0786 PARED / WALL / MUR Mano metro haci a arriba U pwa rds pressure g aug e Jaug e de l a hau sse Mano metro haci a abaj o D ownwards pre ssure ga uge Jaug e à SUEL O / FLOOR / SOL A MBIENTE / HAZARD / E NVIRONNE MENT POSICION DEL CILINDRO / CILINDER POSITIONING / POS ITION DE LA BOUTEILLE - 0786 PARED / WALL / MUR - 0786 Mano metro haci a arriba Upwa rds pressure g aug e Jaug e de l a hausse FA LSO SUELO / SUB- FLOOR / FAUX SOL No ta: Marqu e co n un a X el qu e p roceda / Note: Tick whit a X the cor rec t one / TEMPERATUR A DE FUN CIONAMIEN TO DE -20ºC A 50ºC TEMPERATU RA DE FU NCIONAMIEN TO D E -20ºC A 50ºC W OR KING T EM PER A TU R E FR O M -20ºC TO 50ºC W OR KING T EM PE RA TU R E FR O M -20ºC TO 50ºC WOR KING TEM PERA TU RE FRO M -20ºC TO 50ºC TE M P É R AT UR E DE F ON C TIO NN EM E NT DE -20ºC A 50ºC TE M PÉ R AT UR E DE F ON C TIO NN EM E NT DE -20ºC A 50ºC TEM PÉRATUR E DE FON CTION NEM ENT D E -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND . VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 G 306011 Vd S FH-40HC WP137 BAR 50 60 KL. 1. 6 947 UN: MASA MAX. AUTORIZADA MAX. AU TH OR IZED C HARGE 40 bar 0 281112 947 281112 947 281112 60 KL. 1. 6 Organism o Notificado/Notified body/Organism e Notifié A 30 20 10 50 bar 0 KL. 1. 6 Pol. Ind. Vi llalonquejar C/ Merindad 09001 de Mont ija Tel.- Burgos (SP AIN) Nº6 (34) 947 281108 Fax. (34) R GS-M AM-40 EN 12 094-4 40 10 60 N - XXXXXX - 0786 Vd S FH-40HC WP137 BAR R GS-M AM-40 EN 12 094-4 40 50 bar Pol. Ind. Vi llalonquejar C/ Merindad 09001 de Tel.- Burgos Mont ija Nº6 (SP AIN) (34) 947 281108 Fax. (34) 20 G 306011 G 306011 R GS-M AM-40 EN 12 094-4 10 0 N - XXXXXX FH-40HC WP137 BAR N - XXXXXX Vd S - 0786 Nº xx POL. IN D. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA N º6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 POL. IN D. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONT IJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN T el.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 S I E X S I E X S I E X POL IGONO INDUSTRIAL VILL AL ONQUEJAR C/MERI NDAD DE M ONT IJA Nº6 09 001 BURGOS POL IGONO INDUSTRIAL VILL AL ONQUEJAR C/MERINDAD DE M ONTIJA Nº 6 0 9001 BURGOS POL IGONO INDUSTRIAL VIL LALONQUEJAR C/MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº 6 0 9001 BURGOS TEL.: 947 28 11 08 F AX.: 947 28 11 12 TEL.: 947 28 11 08 F AX.: 947 28 11 12 TEL.: 947 28 11 08 F AX.: 947 28 11 12 B Figure 21 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 38/112 TABLE 2 Code POHE61 POHE67 POHE80 POHE84 HE100 HE120 HE127 HE180 Type of bracket Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Cylinder volume (litres) 61 67 80 84 100 120 127 180 Length A (mm) 300 500 500 400 500 500 400 400 Length B (mm) 800 1300 1300 1100 1300 1300 1100 1100 2. Drill 10 mm diameter holes at the marks on the surface where the rear channels are to be secured and bolt the channels to the wall. It is recommended to make an anchoring hole for each two cylinders and always at the ends of the channel. 3. The wall on which the bracket is to be fixed (when necessary) must be perpendicular to the floor and sufficiently robust to support the cylinder during discharge. If the bank is to be anchored to a partition wall, plates must be fitted so that the bracket can be secured to the back face of the partition wall as shown below. 1 4 2 3 5 1 2 3 4 5 Partition Support pad Nut Bracket Anchor bolt 4. Ensure that all the cylinders in the bank have their valve protective caps and outlet safety plugs in place. 5. Position the cylinders (without removing the valve protective caps and outlet safety plugs) against the channel and aligned with reference to the manifold check valves and the discharge hose. The bolt that supports the channel for the first cylinder channel must be located 50 mm from the end of the channel. 6. If the manifold is not installed, measure the distance between the axes of two of the check valves. This is the distance that must be left between the symmetrical axes of each cylinder. (see figure 22). SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 39/112 - 0062 - 0062 S I E X S I E X S I E X RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 20 30 RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 20 40 10 50 b ar 0 A.= Desfase entre válvula antirretorno y botella, correspondiente al latiguillo. - 0062 30 RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 20 40 10 60 50 bar 0 KL. 1.6 T PED 1 999/36/CE 40 50 ba r 0 60 K L. 1.6 T PED 1999/36/CE Organ si mo Notificado/Notified bod y/Or ganis me Notifié 30 10 60 KL. 1.6 TPED 1999 /36/CE Or ganismo Notificado/Notifie d body/Organisme Notifié Organismo Notificado/Notified body/Organisme Notifié (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cilindro+Válv ula+Disc o de rotura+Elementos de protec ción (0062) BU REAU VERITAS Cilin dr o+Vá lvula+Dis co de r ot ur a+Eleme n tos de p ro te cción (0062) BUREAU VERI TAS Cilindro+Válv ula+Disco de rotura+Elementos de prot ección C yl inder +Va lve +Bur sting dis c +Prote cti ons devic e C ylindre +V a lve+D is que de rupture +Elé me nts de prote c tion C ylinder+Valve+B urs tingd isc+Protections device Cyli ndr e+Valve+Dis que de ruptur e+E léments de prot ection Cylinde r+V a lve+B urs ting disc +Pr otec tions devic e C ylindre +V alve +D isque de rupture +Elé ment s de prote ction Nº de Serie Nº de Ser ie Nº de Serie Se ria l Nu mbe r N º de Sér ie Serial Number Nº de Série S er ial N umbe r N º de S érie - 0062 - 0062 C OMPRESSED GAS NO IN FLA MMABLE A GE NTE EXTI NTOR EXTINGUISH AGENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR - 0062 COMPRESSED GAS N O INFLAMMA BLE AGENTE EX TINTOR Nº. DE CI LI NDRO Nº. DE CI LINDRO CYLINDER No. / Nº DE CYLINDER CYL INDE R No. / Nº DE CYL INDE R P RES ION DE CA RGA A 20ºC FILLPRESSURE AT 20ºC PRESSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC Bar PRESI ON ROTURA DIS CO SE GURIDA D B UR STIN G PR ESSUR E OF TH E SAFET Y DISC PR ESSION D E RU PTUR E D U D ISQU E D E SÉ CUR ITÉ PRE SI ON DE CARGA A 20ºC FILL PRESSUREAT 20ºC PRESSION D ECHARGEA 20º C Bar P RES ION ROTURA DI SCO SEGURIDAD Bar BU RSTIN G PR ESSU RE O F THE SA FETY D ISC PRESSIO N D E R UPTU RE D U DISQ UE D E SÉCU RITÉ Kgs. CARGA / FILL / CHA RGE BU RST ING PRESSU RE O F TH E SAFETY DISC PRE SS ION DE R UP TUR E DU DI SQU E DE SÉC UR ITÉ Kgs. T ARA / TARE / T ARE TARA / TARE / TARE Kgs. P ESO TOTAL K gs . PESO TOTA L TOTAL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL Kgs. T OT AL WE IGHT / POIDS TOT AL FE CHA DE CARGA K gs . F ECHA DE CARGA FILL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE FIL L DAT E / DATE DE CHARGE T EMPE RATURA DE FUNCIONA MIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC TEMPE RA TURA DE FUNCIONAMIE NTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORK ING TEMPERATURE FROM -20 ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATU RE DEFONCTIONNEMENT DE-20ºC A 50ºC WORKI NG TE MP ERATURE FROM -20ºC T O 50ºC T E MPÉ RATURE DE FONCTI ONNE ME NT DE -20º C A 50ºC P OL. IND. V ILLA LONQUEJA R C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJ A Nº6 09001 (BURGOS ) - SPAI N Tel. : (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 B ar PRE SURIZA DO CON PRESSURIZED WHIT/ PRESSU RISÉAU PRESS URI ZE D WHIT / PRE SSURIS É AU Kgs. TEM PERATURA DE FUNCI ONAMI ENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATUREFROM -2 0ºC TO 50º C TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE-20ºC A 50ºC K gs . CARGA / FILL/ CHARGE P RES URIZADO CON TA RA / TARE / TARE PES O TOTAL TOTAL WEIGHT/ POIDS TOTAL FECHA DE CARGA FILL DATE / DATEDE CHARGE B ar PRE SI ON ROTURA DISCO SE GURI DAD Bar Kgs. CARGA / FI LL / CHARGE PRESURI ZADO CON PRESSURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU CO MPRESSED G AS NO INFLAMMABLE AGENTE E XTINTOR EXTINGUISH AGENT/ AGENT EXTINCTEUR EXT INGUIS H AGENT / AGE NT E XTI NCT EUR Nº. DE CILINDRO CYLINDER No. / Nº DECYLINDER PRESI ON DE CARGA A 20ºC FILL PRESSUREAT 20ºC PRESSION DECHARGE A 20ºC POL. I ND. VILLALONQUEJ AR C/ ME RI NDAD DE MONTI JA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SP AIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 F ax : (34) 947 281112 P OL. IND. VI LLA LONQUEJAR C/ MERI NDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (B URGOS) - S PAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax : (34) 947 281112 S I E X S I E X S I E X POL IGONO INDUST RIAL VILL AL ONQUEJAR C/MERINDAD DE M ONTIJA Nº6 0 90 01 BURGOS POL IGONO INDUSTRIAL VIL LALONQUEJAR C/M ERINDADDE MONT IJ A Nº6 09 00 1 BURGOS POLIGONO INDUST RIAL VIL LAL ONQUEJ AR C/MERINDAD DE MONT IJA Nº6 09 00 1 BURGOS TEL .: 947 2 8 11 08 F AX .: 947 28 11 12 TE L.: 94 7 28 11 0 8 F AX .: 94 7 28 11 1 2 T EL.: 947 28 11 08 FA X.: 947 28 11 12 A = Lag in the check valve and cylinder, corresponding for flexible actuator hose Figure 22 7. Fit the clamps in the channel by sliding them along the slots so that they hold the cylinders across their whole diameters. For this, the straps must be positioned horizontally, until reaching the slots, and then rotated 90º until vertical, in such a way that the slots in the strap engage in the channel, as shown in Figure 18. 8. Tighten the straps with the bolts, nuts and washers until the cylinders are properly secured. 9. At this point, the protective valve caps can be removed and the cylinders correctly oriented. To facilitate this, the straps should be loosened slightly, and retightened afterwards. 10. Do not remove the outlet safety plugs until indicated in the corresponding chapter of this manual. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 40/112 1.5.4 Brackets for a double row cylinder bank CAUTION AT THIS STAGE OF THE INSTALLATION, DO NOT REMOVE EITHER THE PROTECTIVE VALVE CAP OR THE OUTLET SAFETY PLUG. The bracket assemblies for cylinders in double row banks consist of: two front and two rear channels, straps, bolts, nuts, washers, threaded rod, connecting nuts, wide washers and decorative end pieces. The manifold fixing consists of two vertical channels with two perpendicular horizontal ones, complete with straps, bolts, etc., as shown in Figure 23. 6 Figure 23 No. Description 1 390x500 Manifold bracket 650x500 Manifold bracket 2 Bylinder bank cylinder channel 3 Flat washer A 10.5 DIN 125 ZP 4 Hex. bolt M-10x30 DIN 933 ZP 5 M-10 Unistrut channel nut without spring 6 M-10 ZP Threaded rod 7 Hex. bolt M-10x40 DIN 933 ZP 8 Hex. lock nut M-10 DIN 985 ZP 9 Cylinder clamp SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 41/112 10 Hex. nut M-10 DIN 934 ZP 11 M10x40x3 Wide washer 12 Bolt: M-6x30 => Pipe: 1/2" - 1 1/4" M-8x35 => 1 1/2" - 3" M-10x45 => 4" - 6" 13 Manifold clamp 14 Nut: M-6x30 => Pipe: 1/2" - 1 1/4" M-8x35 => 1 1/2" - 3" M-10x45 => 4" - 6" For the assembly of the brackets of the cylinders in manifold system in double row, follow the next guidelines: 1. Position the rear channels of the cylinder bank up to the wall, at the height above the floor indicated in table 2 (lengths A and B), and mark the centre of the holes to be drilled. 2. Make hole with 10 mm of diameter in the quoted marks, in the surface where the rear channels will be fixed and screw the channels to the wall. It is advisable to make a hole of anchorage for each two cylinders and always in the end of the channels. 3. Ensure that all the cylinders in the bank have their valve protective caps and outlet safety plugs in place. 4. Position the cylinders (without removing the valve protective caps and outlet safety plugs) against the channel and aligned with reference to the manifold check valves and the discharge hose. The bolt that supports the channel for the first cylinder channel must be located 50 mm from the end of the channel. 5. If the manifold is not installed, measure the distance from axis to axis of their retain valves. That will be the distance to be leaven between the symmetrical axis from cylinder to cylinder (see Figure 21). 6. Once the cylinders are in place, place the threaded rod between them and at the ends of the channel, together with their channel linkage nuts. To do this, the nuts must be inserted in a horizontal position and then turned clockwise 90º to a vertical position, so that the slots in the nuts engage in the channel. 7. Once the cylinders are placed, put between them and the ends of the channel, the threaded rod with the join nuts to the channel. For this reason, it is necessary to introduce the nuts in horizontal position and then turn to the right 90º to their vertical position, so that the notches fit onto the channel. 8. Place the two front channels making them to pass by the threaded rods across their holes. 9. Insert the quoted join (point 8) with the respective nut and washer of wide wing. 10. Assemble the second row of cylinders as mentioned in the points from 4 to 7 of the previous guideline “Brackets for cylinders in manifold system in single row”. 11. At this point, the protective valve caps can be removed and the cylinders orientated so that the valve pressure gauges are facing forwards and can be read. To orientate the rear cylinders, the threaded rods must be loosened slightly, and retightened afterwards. To orientate the front cylinders, the straps must be loosened slightly, and retightened afterwards. 12. Do not remove the outlet safety plugs until indicated in the corresponding chapter of this manual. 1.5.5 Brackets for a single cylinder with continuous weighing (modular, single and double row) SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 42/112 This fixing system has a horizontal frame in the top part of the brackets, designed to anchor the individual weighing systems on which the charged cylinders rest. This type of fixing is like a cage enclosing the cylinders, anchored either to the wall or the floor, or both. 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 11 10 7 9 8 Fixing brackets for modular cylinders Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Denomination Framework Top horizontal side lane Rear vertical side lane Front vertical side lane Manifold system cylinder channel Varilla roscada M-10 HC / M-10 ZP Threaded rod 2 Holes square Lower horizontal side lane Ex. screw M-10x40 DIN 933 ZP Washer flat A 10.5 DIN 125 ZP 2 Holes Billet Ex. nut M-10 DIN 934 ZP M10x40x3 Washer M10 nut without spring lane unistrut SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 43/112 18 17 16 1 2 3 15 4 14 5 13 12 6 7 10 9 8 Bracket for single row cylinder bank with continuous weighing Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Denomination Framework Top horizontal side lane Rear vertical side lane Front vertical side lane Manifold system cylinder channel M-10 ZP Threaded rod 2 Holes square Lower horizontal side lane M10x40x3 Washer Ex. nut M-10 DIN 934 ZP Ex. screw M-10x40 DIN 933 ZP Washer flat A 10.5 DIN 125 ZP 3 Holes billet 2 Holes Billet M10 nut without spring lane unistrut Screw: M-6x30 => Pipe: 1/2" - 1 1/4" M-8x35 => 1 1/2" - 3" M-10x45 => 4" - 6" Manifold clamp Nut: M-6x30 => Pipe: 1/2" - 1 1/4" M-8x35 => 1 1/2" - 3" M-10x45 => 4" - 6" SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 44/112 19 18 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 15 14 13 7 8 11 10 9 Bracket for double row cylinder bank with continuous weighing Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Denomination Framework Top horizontal side lane Rear vertical side lane Central vertical side lane Front vertical side lane Manifold system cylinder channel M-10 ZP Threaded rod 2 Holes square Lower horizontal side lane M10x40x3 Washer Ex. nut M-10 DIN 934 ZP Ex. screw M-10x40 DIN 933 ZP Washer flat A 10.5 DIN 125 ZP 3 Holes billet 2 Holes Billet M10 nut without spring lane unistrut Screw: M-6x30 => Pipe: 1/2" - 1 1/4" M-8x35 => 1 1/2" - 3" M-10x45 => 4" - 6" Manifold clamp Nut: M-6x30 => Pipe: 1/2" - 1 1/4" M-8x35 => 1 1/2" - 3" M-10x45 => 4" - 6" SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 45/112 1.6 INSTALLING THE MANIFOLD AND MANIFOLD BRACKETS These consist of two channels that form a 90º angle. The channel that is against the wall is the wall fixing and the one that supports the manifold is the manifold fixing. Manifold 1.- Manifold fixing bands 2 - Manifold fixing channel 3.- Manifold fixing channel Manifold To install the discharge manifold and its brackets, follow the instructions below: 1. Fit the wall bracket channel at the correct height using suitable safety bolts. Before carrying out this operation the correct height of the manifold must be calculated. The joint between the two channels can be made using a 90º solid bracket bolted to the channels, to allow the manifold support channel to be moved vertically to its correct position. 2. Fit the other channel (the manifold support) forming a 90º angle with the rear channel using the corresponding steel bracket. Lightly tighten the solid bracket bolts without over-tightening. The manifold support channel can be slid in the wall channel until it is in the ideal position. 3. Place the manifold clamps or straps in the channel. 4. Place the manifold between the clamps and gently tighten. Due to the form of the channel, the manifold can be slid along it until it is in its ideal position. 5. Finally, when the manifold is installed in the correct position, fully tighten the solid bracket, and the strap nut and bolt. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 46/112 1.- Manifold 2 - Check valve 3.- Manifold fixing band 4.- Manifold fixing channel Installing the manifold brackets 1.7 INSTALLING CHECK VALVES IN THE DISCHARGE MANIFOLD These valves are connected between the discharge hose and the manifold, forcing the gas to flow in only one direction, from the hose to the manifold. The valves prevent gas from escaping from the pipework during a discharge (except, of course, into the protected hazard area), should a cylinder not be connected to the manifold. They are positioned perpendicular to the manifold centre line, or failing that, at no more than 45º to the vertical. They are supplied from the factory screwed into the manifold socket. These valves have a telescopic mechanism which slides up and down. This system avoids problems which screwing in the discharge hoses, when the floor on which the cylinders rest is irregular, the cylinders are of different heights or a weighing system is fitted. The check valves can be installed when the manifold is already fitted to its brackets, or by putting the manifold on a workbench. This instruction is valid for the following check valve models: VALAN-40-23 and VALAN-50-125. CAUTION THE CHECK VALVES ARE ASSEMBLED IN THE FACTORY IN THE DISCHARGE MANIFOLD AND THEREFORE DO NOT REQUIRE ANY FORM OF HANDLING. NEVERTHELESS, THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS CHAPTER CAN BE USED FOR OPERATIONS AND GUIDANCE FOR POSSIBLE REPLACEMENT DUE TO MALFUNCTION OR BREAKDOWN. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 47/112 To install the check valves in the discharge manifold, follow the instructions below: To install the check valves in the discharge manifold, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the manifold is properly secured by its brackets or on the workbench. 2. Check that interior threads of manifold sockets are clean and free from impurities. Clean the threads with a wire brush for threads. 3. Hold the valve by hand and put Teflon tape or paste on to the male thread that is to be screwed into the manifold (2” thread for the VALAN-40-23 and 2 1/2” thread for the VALAN50-125). If using Teflon tape, wrap 20 turns around the male thread of the check valve, if using paste cover the second turn or thread of the male thread, and to the female thread of the manifold socket. If a liquid thread sealant is to be used, before starting, ensure that it is compatible with the gas with which it will come in contact, in this case, halocarbonated gases (HFC-227ea, HFC-125 or HFC-23). 4. Screw the check valve fully into the manifold socket with spanner for these valves. After this operation, none of the male valve thread must be visible as it must be completely screwed in. 5. Check, pressing with the index finger on the spindle or ball, that the internal movement of the check valve is right. Positioning of the check valve once installed in the manifold The usual position of the check valve, once installed, is vertical as shown in figure 1, but it may also be fitted at up to 45º to the vertical plane (figure 25). Figure 24 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Figure 25 Installation manual - Versión 00 48/112 1.8 INSTALLING THE PRESSURE SWITCH The pressure switch is actuated by the pressure of the extinguishing agent at the moment of discharge. As it is actuated, an electrical signal is transmitted which can be used to signal to the fire panel that the system has discharged. It has two contacts, one NC (normally closed) and the other NO (normally open) which change state when the switch is actuated, and either can be used depending on the requirements of each installation. It also incorporates a lever that must be reset after each discharge for the device to work again. Once actuated, the resetting is done manually, by pulling the ball outwards. 1.- Connection for cable 2.- Electrical connection cover 3.- Reset knob 4.- Body RGS-IMPE 5.- 1/2" G female socket A NC 21 22 B NO 13 14 ON Position at rest WP 360 bar L:\Logos\SIEX 2001.bmp L:\Logos\SIEX 2001.bmp WP 360 bar OFF Reset once activated Actuation position Figure 26 Technical and electrical features of the pressure switch are as follows: Technical Information Operating medium Location Case Pressure connection Connection thread Working temperature Activation pressure Tolerance Working pressure at 50ºC with HFC-227 at 24 bar Working pressure at 50ºC with HFC-227 at 42 bar Working pressure at 50ºC with HFC-125 at 24 bar Working pressure at 50ºC with HFC-125 at 42 bar Working pressure at 50ºC with HFC-23 Mechanical durability in millions of operations Protection grade Connection for cable Instalation HFC-227ea, HFC-125, HFC-23 Discharge Manifold Metallic Brass 1/2" BSP -40ºC to 60ºC 6 bar and up +/- 0.34 bar 34 bar 56 bar 40 bar 75 bar 137 bar 2 IP66 3 threaded inlets for a tow press M20x1.5 No corrosivo; en interiores / Non corrosive; indoors Normally the switch is installed on the discharge manifold of cylinder bank systems, in the ½” BSP female socket welded on to the manifold. It may also be installed in the pilot port of the cylinder valve, in modular (single) cylinder systems, through a flexible release hose, and a 1/2” BSP to 1/4” BSP reducer. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 49/112 1.8.1 Installing the pressure switch on the discharge manifold (cylinder bank) To install the latching pressure switch in the discharge manifold, follow the instructions below: CAUTION BEFORE FITTING THE PRESSURE SWITCH, ENSURE THAT THE CYLINDER BANK MAIN VALVE DOES NOT HAVE EITHER THE ELECTRICAL OR MANUAL RELEASE HEAD CONNECTED. 6 5 3 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 MANIFOLD BRACKETS CHECK VALVE MANIFOLD SOCKET 1/2" H PRESSURE SWITCH DISCHARGE PIPE Figure 27 1. Ensure that the discharge manifold is properly secured to its brackets and that the actuation devices of the cylinder banks (electrical and manual release heads) are removed or out of service. 2. Disconnect the release hose screwed to the cylinder or pilot bottle to prevent accidental discharge of the cylinder banks. 3. Before fitting the pressure switch, check that it operates properly by pressing with a screwdriver or punch into the 1/2" BSP pressure sampling point orifice. On carrying out this operation, the actuation pin (part on which the pressure is exerted) must be latched and the reset knob will move to the ON position. To unblock it, pull the knob or ball of the resetting device outwards, the actuation pin returns to its original position and the reset knob goes to the OFF position. If, during the test, the pressure switch does not operate correctly, send it to SIEX for further testing. 4. Hold the pressure switch by hand, and wrap Teflon tape around the 1/2” BSP male connecting thread (18 turns approximately). 5. Screw it into the 1/2" BSP female socket on the upper part of the manifold - the socket that is welded to the manifold. Use a 28 mm non-adjustable spanner placing the flat faces on the body of the switch. Tighten it until all the threads have been screwed in. 6. Detach the electrical connection cover, by removing its two screws, in order to make the switch electrical connection to the cable from the fire panel. It has two contacts inside, one normally closed and the other normally open; either may be used depending on the installation requirements (see diagram in point 10 of section 1.8.2.). SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 50/112 1.8.2 Installing the pressure switch on modular cylinder systems To install the latching pressure switch in modular cylinder systems, follow the instructions below: CAUTION BEFORE FITTING THE PRESSURE SWITCH, ENSURE THAT THE CYLINDER VALVE, IS NOT CONNECTED TO EITHER THE ELECTRIC OR MANUAL RELEASE HEAD. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cylinder Protective flange Pressure gauge Valve RGS-MAM-12-4 ó 11-4 Actuator hose 1/4" G Reducer 1/4" M - 1/2" H Pressuge gauge Male elbow 7 7 6 6 5 5 Screw clamps M4x20 4 4 3 8 EN 837-1 bar 2 KL. 1.6 2 1 1 Figure 28 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 51/112 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured to its brackets and that the actuation devices of the cylinder banks (electrical and manual release head) are removed or out of service. 2. Install the 1/4" BSP elbow in the valve pilot port, as is indicated in point 1.13 of this manual “Installing the main valve pilot port”. 3. Before fitting the pressure switch, check that it operates properly by pushing a screwdriver or punch into the 1/2" BSP pressure port. When carrying out this operation, the actuation pin (part on which the pressure is exerted) must be latched and the reset knob will move to the ON position. To unblock it, pull the knob or ball of the resetting device outwards. The actuation pin returns to its original position and the reset knob goes to the OFF position. If, during the test, the pressure switch does not operate correctly, send it to SIEX for further testing. 4. Hold the pressure switch by hand, and wrap Teflon tape around the 1/2” BSP male connecting thread (18 turns approximately). 5. Screw the 1/2" BSP female to male 1/4" BSP reducer to the 1/2" BSP pressure sampling point. Teflon paste may also be used (on the male thread of the switch and the female of the reducer). 6. Position and screw the pressure switch to the wall. Check that the joint is secure and sound. 7. Screw the other end of the flexible release hose to the 1/4" BSP elbow of the cylinder valve. Do not use Teflon or glue, or any other type of sealant, since the seal is made between the male cone on the hose and the female cone of the elbow. Tighten these connections fully with a spanner to avoid leaks. CAUTION THE FLEXIBLE DISCHARGE HOSE MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE PRESSURE SWITCH BEFORE BEING SCREWED ONTO THE ELBOW ON THE CYLINDER VALVE PILOT PORT. 8. To make the electrical wiring connection between the switch and the fire panel, take away the electrical connection cover by removing its two screws. It has two contacts inside, one normally closed and the other normally open; either may be used depending on the installation requirements (See sketch). 9. Fully re-tighten the two swivel union nuts on the hose with a spanner to achieve a gastight seal. 10. Detach the electrical connection cover, by removing its two screws, in order to make the switch electrical connection to the cable from the fire panel. It has two contacts inside, one normally closed and the other normally open; either may be used depending on the installation requirements. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 52/112 ► Remove the cover of the electrical system box. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 53/112 ► Remove the electrical unit from the housing without disconnecting the wiring. ► Press on the lower switch until the upper terminals are shortcircuited by the connecting rod. Check that the control panel receives the corresponding alarm signal. ► Replace the electrical unit of the switch in the housing and rest the pressure switch by pulling on the built-in ball. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 54/112 1.9 INSTALLING THE MANIFOLD PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE (BURST DISC) This device is only used on cylinder systems with directional or isolating valves. In the event of an accidental discharge of the extinguishing agent, the gas would remain blocked in the manifold until the burst disc of the exhaust valve detected an excess pressure and allowed the gas to exhaust to the outside in a controlled manner. The safety membrane is factory fitted with the appropriate operating torque. The exhaust pipe should discharge outside, away from the hazard area or the cylinder bank storage area. This is a safety mechanism whose purpose is to prevent excess pressure was building up in the manifold when there are stop valves fitted which prevent the extinguishing agent from discharging. optional exhaust pipe Socket 1/2" for exhaust pipe Metaloplastic joint 1/2" Pressure relief valve Socket 3/4" welded to manifold Figure 29: Manifold pressure relief valve. (Code: POVREC20) Technical Information Operating medium Location Material Body working pressure Body test pressure Average bursting pressure Inlet connection Outlet connection Bore size SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) HFC-227ea, HFC-125, HFC-23 Discharge manifold Brass 137 bar 1080 bar 185 +-5 bar 3/4" BSP 1/2" BSP Ø 6,30 mm Installation manual - Versión 00 55/112 1.10 INSTALLING DISCHARGE HOSES 1.10.1 Single cylinder system (modular cylinder) The discharge hose must first be screwed into the discharge pipe, and then to the cylinder valve, in that order. CAUTION THE FLEXIBLE DISCHARGE HOSE OR VALVE OUTLET ADAPTOR IN THE CASE OF SINGLE (MODULAR) CYLINDERS MUST BE CONNECTED TO DISCHARGE PIPING BEFORE BEING SCREWED ONTO THE CYLINDER VALVE. 6 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 3 0062 D ANGER: THIS IS HIGH PRESSUR E CONTAIN ER, NOT TO CLEAR THE ACCESO RIES U NTIL IT IS PROPERLY SUBJECTED BY ITS BRAC KETS 2 20 30 EN 837-1 10 0 40 50 bar 60 KL. 1.6 Cylinder Protective flange Valve RGS-MAM-20/40/50 Dischage hose (3/4" - 1" - 1 1/2" - 2") Nipple Pipe 1 7 7 6 6 5 3 2 1 VdS TPED 1999/36/CE Cylinder+Valve+Bursting disc+Protections device Cylindre+Valve+Disque de rupture+Eléments de protection Serial Number Nº de Série 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cylinder (SMS) 5 Protective flange Valve RGS-MAM-11-4 ó 12-4 Cupper washer Ø 12x18x1,4 mm. Flexible dischage hose FH-15CO Adapter 1/2 " (asiento conico)- 1/2 " G Pipe Figure 30 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 56/112 To install the discharge hose in to a modular cylinder system, follow the instructions below: 1. First screw the adaptor or male-female nipple onto the discharge pipe. The male thread of the nipple must have a conical seating to ensure that it seals with the swivel nut on the ½”, 3/4", 1”, 1 1/2" or 2” discharge hose. The female thread of the nipple must be a standard pipe thread with a flat seating. To connect the adaptor or nipple to the discharge pipe, use Teflon tape on the male thread of the pipe. The table below shows the various adaptors or nipples that must be used for each one of the discharge hoses used in modular cylinder halogenated gas systems. Type Discharge hose FH-20HC 3/4” BSP flexible hose FH-25HC 1” BSP discharge hose FH-40HC 1 1/2” BSP discharge hose Discharge hose FH-50HC 2” BSP FH-15CO discharge hose W 21.8x1/14” F to 1/2” BSP Adaptor or nipple Cylinder valve ¾” BSP male thread with conical seating, ¾” female thread with flat seating 1” BSP male thread with conical seating, 1” BSP female thread with flat seating 1 1/2” BSP male thread with conical seating, 1 1/2” BSP female thread with flat seating 2” BSP male thread with conical seating, 2” BSP female thread with flat seating ½” BSP male thread with conical seating, ½” BSP female thread with flat seating RGS-MAM-20 RGS-MAM-40 RGS-MAM-50 RGS-MAM11-4 y 12-4 2. Screw one end of the corresponding discharge hoses (see table above) to the nipple. To do this, screw the female swivel nuts of the hose onto the male thread of the nipple. Do not use Teflon or glue, or any other type of thread sealant, since the seal is made between the male cone on the hose and the female cone of the nipple. Fully tighten these connections with a non-adjustable or adjustable spanner to avoid leaks. 3. Remove the cylinder valve protective caps, having first ensured that the cylinder is properly secured to the wall by its brackets. Do not remove the outlet safety plug from the valve yet. 4. Place the cylinder in position, with the valve outlet facing the discharge hose that is already connected to the discharge pipe, and secure it with its straps and bracket. In this operation, sometimes it is necessary to slightly slacken off the cylinder straps to be able to correctly orientate the valve outlet. Take care to re-tighten the straps so that the cylinder is properly secured to the wall by its brackets. Remember that the discharge hose has to be screwed in to the discharge pipe before being screwed into the valve output, as stated in point 2. 5. Remove the safety plugs from the cylinder valve output ports. Check that the bracket straps are properly tightened. 6. Screw the other end of the flexible or rigid discharge hose (½”, 3/4", 1”, 1 1/2" or 2”), into the outlet port of the cylinder valve (RGS-MAM-20/40/50/11-4 or 12-4). To do this, screw the hose’s female swivel nut onto the male thread of the valve. Do not use Teflon, glue or any other type of thread sealant, since the seal is made between the male cone of the hose and the female cone of the valve outlet in the case of valves RGS-MAM-20/40/50, and via a copper washer in the case of valves RGS-MAM-11-4 and 12-4. Tighten this connection fully with a spanner to avoid leaks. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 57/112 1.10.2 Cylinder bank The discharge hoses must be screwed first to the manifold check valves and then to the cylinder valves. CAUTION THE FLEXIBLE DISCHARGE HOSES OR VALVE OUTLET ADAPTORS IN THE CASE OF CYLINDER BANK SYSTEMS MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE MANIFOLD CHECK VALVES BEFORE BEING SCREWED ONTO THE CYLINDER VALVES. 6 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 3 PELI G RO: 0062 EST O ES U N CO NTE NED OR D E ALTA P RE SI ÓN NO Q UI TAR L OS A CCE SO RI OS , NI M AN IP ULA RLO HAS TA Q UE ES TE BI EN S UJETO M ED IA NTE SU S HE RRA JES. P ELI GR O: 0062 EST O ES U N CO NTE NED OR D E ALTA PRE SI ÓN NO Q UI TAR L OS A CC ESO RI OS , NI M AN IP UL ARLO HAS TA Q UE ES TE BI EN S UJETO M ED IA NTE S US HE RR AJES . P ELI G RO: 0062 ES TO ES U N CO NTE NED OR D E ALT A PRE SI ÓN NO Q UI TA R LOS A CC ESO RI OS , NI M A NI PUL ARL O HAS TA Q UE E STE BI EN S UJETO M ED IA NTE S US HE RR AJES . 2 Cylinder Protective flange Valve RGS-MAM-40/50 Discharge hose 1 1/2" - 2" G Check valve (VALAN 40-23 / 50-125) Discharge manifold 1 Figure 31 To install the discharge hoses in a cylinder bank system, follow the instructions below: 1. The check valves come ready assembled from the factory in the discharge manifold and so do not require any manipulation. Nevertheless, if it is necessary to replace them due to a malfunction or failure, bear in mind the steps described in chapter 1.7 of this manual (Installing check valves on the discharge manifold). The following table shows the relationships between the discharge hoses, the check valves and the cylinder valves used in cylinder bank halogenated gas systems. Type Discharge hose FH-40HC 1 1/2” BSP discharge hose Rigid hose FH-50HC 2” BSP Check valve Cylinder valve VALAN-40-23 RGS-MAM-40 VALAN-50-125 RGS-MAM-50 2. Screw one end of the corresponding discharge hoses (see table above) to the manifold check valves. To do this, screw the female swivel nuts of the hose onto the male thread of the check valves. Do not use Teflon or glue, or any other type of thread sealant, since the seal is made between the male cone on the hose and the female cone of the check valve. Fully tighten these connections with a non-adjustable or adjustable spanner to avoid leaks (approximate torque 15 Nm). SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 58/112 1 2 3 4 Body VALAN 40-23 / 50-125 Telescopic nut VALAN 40-23 / 50-125 Telescopic part VALAN 40-23 / 50-125 Lock bolts vr034cid.dwg When performing this operation, if the telescopic part of the check valve should rotate, tighten its two lock bolts with a 2.5 mm Allen key to prevent this turning movement. 3. Remove the cylinder valve protective caps, having first ensured that the cylinder is properly secured to the wall by its brackets. Do not remove the outlet safety plug from the valve yet. 4. Position the cylinders, with the valve outputs facing the discharge hoses, which are already screwed onto the manifold, and secure them with their straps and brackets. In this operation, it is sometimes necessary to slightly slacken off the cylinder straps to be able to correctly orientate the valve outlets. Take care to re-tighten the straps so that the cylinders are properly secured to the wall by their brackets. Remember that the discharge hoses must be screwed onto the manifold before being screwed into the valve outputs, as stated in point 2. 5. Check that the bracket straps are properly tightened. Remove the safety plugs from the cylinder valve output ports. 6. Screw the other end of the rigid discharge hoses (1”, 1 1/2" or 2”), into the outlet ports of the cylinder valves (RGS-MAM-40/50). To do this, screw the female swivel nuts of the hoses onto the male thread of the valve outlets. Do not use Teflon or glue, or any other type of thread sealant, since the seal is made between the male cone on the hose and the female cone of the valve outlet. Tighten these connections fully with a spanner to avoid leaks. 6 5 4 3 PELIGRO: 0062 EST O ES U NC ONT ENEDOR DE ALT A PRESIÓ N NO QUIT AR L OS ACCESOR O I S, NI MANIPUL AR LO HAST A Q UE ESTE BIEN SUJ ET O M ED IA NT E SU S HERRAJES. PELIGRO: 0062 EST O ES UN CONT ENEDORDE ALT A PRESIÓN NO QUIT AR L OS ACCESORIO S, NI MANIPUL ARLO HAST A QUE ESTE BIENSUJET O M EDIANT E SUS HERRAJ ES. 2 1 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) PEL IGRO: 0062 ESTO ES UN CONT ENEDORDE AL TA PRESIÓN N OQ UIT ARL OS ACCESORIOS, NI MANIPUL ARLO HAST A QUE ESTE BIENSUJET O M EDIA NT E SUS HERRAJ ES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cylinder Protective flange Valve RGS-MAM-40/50 Discharge hose 1 1/2" - 2" Check valve (VALAN 40-23 / 50-125) Discharge manifold Installation manual - Versión 00 59/112 1.11 INSTALLING 227CN PNEUMATIC DISCHARGE HEAD The purpose of this discharge head is to pneumatically actuate the valves of the cylinders on which it is fitted. Once all the discharge hoses are connected the head will activate when the system is released and pressure reaches the head. The pneumatic activator can be installed to the upper part of the container valve (activation port) or to the upper part of the electrical firing head (in cylinders that also possess electrical firing). Its function is to pneumatically activate the valve (RGS-MAM-50/40/20) on which it is assembled. All the pneumatic heads have an integral “T” or an elbow/bend in its pneumatic activation port. This element is supplied from the manufacturer ready-adjusted together with its metal-plastic sealed joint. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING IN THE PNEUMATIC RELEASE HEAD TO THE VALVE ACTUATION PORT, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION PIN IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). IF THE ACTUATION PIN IS IN POSITION 2, WHEN SCREWING IN THE PNEUMATIC RELEASE HEAD, THE EXTINGUISHING GAS CONTAINED IN THE CYLINDER WILL DISCHARGE VIOLENTLY, WHICH MIGHT CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY TO TO THE PERSON HANDLING IT. 227DM 227CN WP 137 bar N - xxxxx SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 60/112 Technical Information Operating medium Valve type Material Re-set requirements Working temperature Connection to the valve (activation port) or to the electrical actuator (227SOL) Thread of the pneumatic activation port (for Tee or Elbow) Link between pneumatic actuator and Tee or Elbow Average pressure when N2 pilot bottle is used Effective force at 50ºC with N2 pilot bottle Design pressure Resistance test pressure to the internal pressure Test pressure for the actuator strength Minimum duration of the activation pressure HFC-227ea, HFC-125, HFC-23, N2 RGS-MAM-20/40/50/11-4/12-4 Brass Automatic (spring) -20ºC to +50ºC 3/4" BSP (female) 1/4" BSP (female) 1/4“ metal plastic joint 90 bar 1760 N 137 205.5 411 10 sg To install the pneumatic discharge head, follow the instructions below: 1. Make sure that the cylinder is well attached by its fittings. Check that the valve outlet is threaded to the discharge nipple and that this is threaded to the collector (cylinder bank) or discharge piping (single cylinder system). 2. Hold the pneumatic discharge head and visually check that the piston is in POSITION 1. 3. Remove the plastic safety cap from the activation port of the valve and thread the rotary nut of the pneumatic firing head into place. Do not use Teflon, adhesive, or any other type of thread sealant, simply manually tighten it completely. 6 6 5 4 P ELI GRO: 0062 3 2 E STO E S UN CONT ENEDOR DE A LTA PRES IÓN NO QUITAR LOS ACCES ORIOS, NI M ANI PULA RLO HAS TA QUE ESTE BI EN SUJ ETO ME DI ANTE SUS HERRAJ ES. 1.- Cylinder. 2.- Protected bridle. 3.- RGS-MAM-20/40/50 valve. 4.- Pneumatic actuator. 5.- Metalic-plastic washer 1/4" 6.- Tee or male elbow. 1 4 P ELIGRO: 0062 E STO ES UN CONTENEDOR DE A LTA PRE SIÓN NO QUITA R LOS A CCE SORI OS , NI MANI PULA RLO HA STA QUE ESTE B IEN SUJETO MEDI ANTE S US HE RRA JES . 3 2 1 Remember that the link between the discharge head and the valve is made by a swivel nut mechanism that allows the head to be turned up to 360º to the desired position. 4. Point 3 of this section (above), in which the tightening of the pneumatic release head to the valve was described, must be qualified by the following point. It is advisable, before definitively tightening the swivel nut with the hand, to orientate the pneumatic release head with its tee or elbow towards the release hose. Once orientated the definitive tightening can be done. For more information, read chapter 1.12 (Installation of flexible release hoses), of this manual below. 5. In the case of threading directly to the electrical firing head follow the same instructions as in point 3 of this section. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 61/112 CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING IN THE ELECTRICAL RELEASE HEAD TO THE VALVE ACTUATION PORT, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION PIN IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). 4 3 2 4 227DM 227CN WP 137 bar N - xxxxx 1 POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ - 0786 1.- Eléctrical actuator. 2.- Pneumatic actuator. 3.- Metalic-plastic washer 1/4". 4.- Tee or male elbow 2 227DM 227CN WP 137 bar N - xxxxx 1 POSICION 1 : SIN POSITION 1: STA POSICION 2 : AC POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ - 0786 V V G 307013 G 307013 227SOL 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,6 A 24V (DC) 0,6 A Nº Nº 6. Connect the corresponding flexible release hose as indicated in chapter 1.12 (Installing the flexible release hoses). 7. To remove the pneumatic release head from the valve, gently loosen the swivel nut by hand or with the hand. If it was screwed directly to the valve, the valve cover must not be turned during this operation, because if it is, the contents of the cylinder might discharge violently, possibly causing serious injury. Never remove the pneumatic release head when the cylinder is not secured to the wall by its brackets. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 62/112 1.12 INSTALLING FLEXIBLE DISCHARGE HOSES These are used as a conduit to pneumatically actuate or release the extinguisher gas cylinder valves. Their serial connections allow the gas, from the cylinder or pilot bottle, to flow through them and to actuate the various pneumatic heads of the auxiliary valves. They are linked together by pneumatic heads with a tee or elbow. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING ON THE FLEXIBLE HOSES, ENSURE THAT THE MAIN VALVE (PILOT CYLINDER), DOES NOT HAVE ITS ELECTRIC OR MANUAL RELEASE HEAD FITTED. 5 4 7 6 227CN 227CN Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. PELI GRO : 0062 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PELI GRO: 0062 ESTO ES UN CO NTENEDO R DE ALTA PRESI ÓN N O Q UITAR L OS ACCESORI OS, NI MANIPUL ARLO HASTA Q UE ESTE BIEN SUJ ETO MEDIAN TE SUS H ERRAJES. ESTO ES UN CO NTENEDO R DE ALTA PRESI ÓN N O Q UITAR L OS ACCESORI OS, NI MANIPUL ARLO HASTA Q UE ESTE BIEN SUJ ETO MEDIAN TE SUS H ERRAJES. 3 2 1 Cylinder Protective bridle Valve RGS-MAM-20/40/50 Pneumatic actuator 227CN Male tee Flexible actuator hose Male elbow To install the flexible release hoses, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this is connected to the manifold or discharge pipe. 2. Check that the pneumatic release heads are correctly orientated as indicated in the figure. If not, loosen the swivel nut and re-position them in the correct position. Tighten the pneumatic release heads as indicated in chapter 1.11 (Installing the 227CN pneumatic release head). 8 10 2 9 11 7 3 5 4 1 6 1.- Cylinder. 7.- Pressure gauge. 2.- RGS-MAM-20/40/50 valve. 8.- Pilot port. 3.- Male tee assembled into the pneumatic actuator. 9.- Presure switch connection. 4.- Male elbow assembled into the pneumatic actuator.10.- Electric actuator (227SOL). 5.- Flexible actuator hose 11.- Manual actuator (227DM). 6.- Valve outlet 3. For banks of less than 5 cylinders (one of them being the pilot cylinder), screw in, of the ends of the first hose to the pilot port elbow of the cylinder valve, without using Teflon nor any other type of sealant, since they are sealed by a metal-to-metal bicone. To avoid possible accidental discharges of the cylinder banks, it is recommended to leave the end of the first hose, which has to be connected to the pilot cylinder, loose (not screwed in) at this time. When the system is completely finished and correctly installed, this hose will be the last to be connected. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 63/112 4. The other end of the hose is screwed to the tee or elbow (in a bank of two cylinders) of the pneumatic release head, in the same way as described above, without using Teflon or any type of sealant, since they are sealed by a metal-to-metal bicone. 5. Repeat this operation successively until arriving at the last pneumatic release head which will have an elbow. 6. Once all the release hoses are installed, fully tighten, with a non-adjustable spanner, all the threaded joints between the hoses and the tees or elbows of the pneumatic release heads, to achieve a gas-tight seal. 7. In banks of more than 5 cylinders follow the same instructions, with the exception that the first cylinder will be a 2 litre pilot bottle. In this case, the first hose will be screwed to the adaptor that is located on the outlet of the pilot bottle valve. The following steps are the same as for a bank of fewer than 5 cylinders. Ensure, before screwing in the first hose, that the pilot bottle outlet does not have a small leak (easily checked with soapy water). 8. Re-check that all the swivel nuts of the pneumatic release heads are tight. 2 3 5 1 4 9 8 8 10 7 10 7 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 Cylinder 7 Valve RGS-MAM-20/40/50 8 Male tee assembled into the pneumatic actuator 9 Male elbow assemble into the pneumatic actuator 10 Flexible actuator hose Valve outlet Pressure gauge Valve RGS-MAM-11-4 ó 12-4 Electric actuator 227SOLP Pneumatic actuator 227DM EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 - 0062 COMPRESSED GAS NO INFLAMMABLE SSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC STING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC SION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ FILL / CHARGE SURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU TARE / TARE AL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL DATE / DATE DE CHARGE WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pilot bottle Valve RGS-MAM-11-4 ó 12-4 Electrical actuator 227SOL Pneumatic actuator 227DM Cupper washer ∅ 16 x 22 x 1,4 mm Adapterr W 21,8x1/14" H - 1/4" G M Actuator hose FH-6PO NOTE 1: It is recommended that, at this time, the end of the first hose that has to be connected to the cylinder or pilot bottle (points 3 and 7) is left loose (without screwing in). In this way, possible accidental discharges of the cylinder bank can be avoided. When the system is completely finished and correctly installed, this hose will be the last to be connected. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 64/112 1.13 INSTALLING THE CYLINDER VALVE PILOT PORT All the RGS-MAM-20/40/50 valves have a ¼” BNP connection (pilot port), that is used so that the valve can operate as the main one in banks of fewer than 5 cylinders. When the main valve is actuated (by its release head), the gas flows through its outlet and pilot port, actuating the various pneumatic release heads, which, in turn, actuate the valves of the remaining cylinders. When a bank of fewer than nine cylinders is used, the first acts as the pilot or main cylinder, and the rest as ordinary secondary cylinders. In secondary cylinders, pre-installed in the factory, a ¼ ” BSP plug threaded with Teflon tape will be fitted in the pilot port. In the pilot cylinder, however, there is a threaded elbow fitted with Teflon tape. Then, at the customer’s site, the flexible Teflon hose is fitted, without the need for sealant because the seal is made with a bicone. CAUTION THE PILOT PORT IN BANKS OF FEWER THAN 9 CYLINDERS, IS DELIVERED ALREADY ASSEMBLED FROM THE FACTORY, THEREFORE IT NEED NOT BE HANDLED. THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS CHAPTER ARE FOR OPERATIONAL AND GUIDANCE USE FOR POSSIBLE REPLACEMENTS IN THE SYSTEM. To install the pilot port, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. The pilot port may also be installed or replaced without the cylinder being connected to the discharge hose, in which case, do not remove (or put on) the valve outlet safety plug while the cylinder is being handled (secured, of course, to its bracket). 2. Check that the manual or electric release head is not connected to the valve. If it is, remove it. 6 6 5 1 8 3 1.- 1/4" pilot port. 2.- 1/4" male elbow. 3.- Burst port (burst disc). 4.- Cylinder connection. 5.- Outlet valve. 6.- Actuation port. 7.- Pressure gauge. 8.- Pressure switch connection. 4 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) 1 5 2 3 7 Installation manual - Versión 00 4 65/112 RGS-MAM-12 RGS-MAM-12 5 5 7 4 4 1 1 2 2 6 6 3 3 1.- Pilot port. 2.- Burst port (burst disc). 3.- Cylinder connection. 4.- Outlet valve. 5.- Actuation port. 6.- Pressure switch connection. 7.- 1/4" male elbow. 3. Remove the 1/4" BSP pilot port end cap, with a non-adjustable spanner, from the valve that is to be the main one. 4. Hold the 1/4" BSP elbow that connects to the pilot port and wrap Teflon tape onto one of its terminals (18 turns approximately). 5. Screw the elbow terminal with the Teflon into the pilot port. Try to keep the elbow terminal without the Teflon facing towards the first pneumatic release head with an angle of 45º to the horizontal as shown in the figure. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING THE ELBOW INTO THE PILOT PORT, POSITION THE PNEUMATIC RELEASE HEAD OF THE FIRST SLAVE CYLINDER WITH ITS DISCHARGE HOSE TO ENSURE PROPER POSITIONING OF THE ELBOW. THE INSTALLATION OF THE MALE ELBOW IN THE PILOT PORT MUST BE ORIENTATED TOWARDS THE NEXT SLAVE CYLINDER IN THE CYLINDER BANK AT AN ANGLE OF 45º TO THE HORIZONTAL. OTHERWISE, THE HOSE WILL BE TOO SHORT AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BE CONNECTED. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 66/112 0 ALM ACENAR EN LUGAR VEN TI LADO / NO RESPIRAR EL GAS PARA MANI PULACIÓ N Y PRECAUCI ONES VER ETI QUET A CIL INDRO T O BE ST ORED I N A WEL L VENT IL ATED AREA / DO NOT INHALE F OR HANDLI NG I NSTR UCTI ONS SEE CYLI NDER'S LABEL ST OCKER DANS UN END ROIT VENT IL É / N E PAS INHALER LE GAZ POUR MANI PUL ATI ON ET PRECAUT IO NS, VOI R L 'ET IQUET TE SUR LE RESERVOIR 2 - 0786 0 40 50 bar 60 K L. 1.6 UN: M ASA M AX. AUTORIZ ADA M AX. AUT HORI ZED CHARGE C HAR GE M AX. AUTORISÉE KG. GAS/GAZ: AL MACENAR EN LUG AR VENTI LADO / NO RESPIRAR EL GAS PARA M ANIPULACI ÓN Y PRECAUCIONES VER ET IQUET A CILINDRO T O BE ST ORED I N A WEL L VENT IL ATED AREA / DO NOT INHALE F OR HANDLI NG I NSTR UCTI ONS SEE CYLI NDER'S LABEL 2 STO CKER DANS UN ENDROI T VENT IL É / NE PAS INHALER LE GAZ POUR MANI PULAT ION ET PREC AU TI ONS, VO IR L 'ET IQUETTE SUR LE RESERVOIR TPED 199 9/36/CE 30 10 50 60 947 281112 281112 947 KG. GAS/GAZ: UN: M ASA M AX. AUTORIZ ADA M AX. AUT HORI ZED CHARGE C HAR GE M AX. AUTORISÉE KG. GAS/GAZ: AL MACENAR EN LUG AR VENTI LADO / NO RESPIRAR EL GAS PARA M ANIPULACI ÓN Y PRECAUCIONES VER ET IQUET A CILINDRO T O BE ST ORED IN A WELL VENTI LATED AREA / DO NOT INHALE F OR HANDLI NG I NSTR UCTI ONS SEE CYLI NDER'S LABEL TPED 19 99/36 /CE Organis mo N ot ific ado/N ot ified body /Organisme N ot ifié Organis mo N ot ific ado/N ot ified body /Organisme N ot ifié (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cili ndro+Vál vul a+Di sco de rotura+Elementos de protecci ón (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cili ndro+Vál vul a+Di sco de rotura+Elementos de protecci ón C yl inde r+Val ve+B ursti ng disc+Prote cti ons devi ce C yl indre+Val ve+Disque de rupture +Eléme nt s de prot ec ti on 2 STO CKER DANS UN ENDROI T VENT IL É / NE PAS INHALER LE GAZ POUR MANI PULAT ION ET PREC AU TI ONS, VO IR L 'ET IQUETTE SUR LE RESERVOIR TPED 199 9/36/CE Organis mo N ot ific ado/N ot ified body /Organisme N ot ifié (0062) BURE AU VERITAS Cili ndro+Vál vul a+Di sco de rotura+Elementos de protecci ón C yl inde r+Valve+Bursting di sc+Protec ti ons de vi ce C yl indre+Valve+Disque de rupt ure+El éments de prot ec tion G 306011 VdS 20 40 bar KL. 1.6 UN: M ASA MAX. AUTORIZ ADA M AX. AUT HORI ZED CHARGE CHARG E MAX. AUTORISÉE RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 30 10 50 60 N - XXXXXX FH-40HC WP137 BAR VdS 20 40 Pol. Ind. Villalonquejar C / Merindad 09001 Burgosde Montija Tel.(SP AIN) Nº6 (34) 947 281108 Fax .(34) 281112 947 Pol. Ind. Villalonquejar C / Merindad 09001 Burgosde Montija Tel.(SP AIN) Nº6 (34) 947 281108 Fax .(34) N - XXXXXX FH-40HC WP137 BAR RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 30 bar KL. 1.6 Pol. Ind. Villal C / Merindad onquejar 09001 Burgosde Montija Tel.(SP AIN) Nº6 (34) 947 281108 Fax .(34) 20 0 G 306011 - 0786 - 0786 VdS G 306011 N - XXXXXX FH-40HC WP137 BAR RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 10 C yl inde r+Val ve+B ursti ng disc+Prote cti ons devi ce C yl indre+Val ve+Disque de rupture +Eléme nt s de prot ec ti on Nº de Serie Nº de Serie Nº de Serie Seria l Number Nº de Série Seria l Number Nº de Série Seria l Number Nº de Série RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 N-XXXXXX FRONT VIEW OF A 3 CYLINDER BATTERY 45º UN CONTENEDOR DE ALTA PRESIÓN, NO QUITAR LOS ACCESORI OS NI MANIPULARL E BIEN SUJETO MEDIANTE SUS HERRAJES. GH PRESSURE CONTAINER, NOT TO CLEAR THE ACCESOR IES UNTIL IT IS PROPERLY SUBJECTED BY RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 N-XXXXXX UN CONT ENEDOR D E ALT A PRESIÓN, NO QUI TAR LOS ACCESORIO S NI M ANIPULARL E BI EN SUJET O M EDIANT E SUS HERRAJES. GH PR ESSURE CONTAINER , NOT TO CLE AR T HE AC CE SORIE S UNT IL IT I SPR OPERLY SUBJE CTED BY REAR VIEW OF A 3 CYLINDER BATTERY SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 67/112 1.14 INSTALLING THE RESETTABLE 227SOL AND 227SOL-E ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE HEAD The 227SOL or 227SOL-E resettable electric discharge head is installed on top of the cylinder valve (actuation port). Its function is to electrically actuate the cylinder valve (RGS-MAM-20/40/50/11-4 and 12-4) on which it is fitted. WARNING BEFORE THREADING THE ELECTRICAL FIRING HEAD TO THE ACTIVATION PORT OF THE VALVE, CHECK THAT THE PISTON IS RETRACTED (POSITION 1). IF THE PISTON IS IN POSITION 2 WHEN THREADING THE ELECTRICAL FIRING HEAD, THE GAS EXTINGUISHER CONTAINED IN THE CYLINDER COULD BE DISCHARGED VIOLENTLY, CAUSING SERIOUS INJURIES TO THE PERSON HANDLING IT. 1 POSITION 1: STA POSITION 2: ACT Atención: Antes de roscar el actuador eléctrico al puerto d Warning: Before threading the electrical actuator to the activ - 0786 POSITION 1 : NOT ACTIVATED POSITION 2 : ACTIVATED V G 309000 227SOL 2 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº 3 1 Connection for manual / neumatic actuator 2 Electrical connection 3 Rotating bolt. Actuation port To install the resettable electrical release head, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. 2. Holding the electric release head by hand, visually check that the actuation pin is in POSITION 1. 3. Remove the head’s electrical connector and connect it to the cable from the fire panel. As it has a polarity, respect the polarity as indicated below. - The terminal marked 1 corresponds to the positive of the power supply. - The terminal marked 2 corresponds to the negative of the power supply. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 68/112 - 1 2 D1 + 1 + - 24 V D2 Electroim n Electromagnet 2 2 3 1 Operating medium Valve type Body Actuator pointer Actuation type Re-assembled requirements Working temperature Valve connection (Activation port) Stroke Nominal tension Nominal current Nominal power at 20ºC Effective force provided by the actuator Minimum duration of the activation electrical signal Operation Supervisión tensión Max. Supervisión current Max. Supervisión power Electrical connection Diode type Minimum lifetime Test 227SOL 227SOL-E HFC-227ea, HFC-125, HFC-23 RGS-MAM-20/40/50 and RGS-MAM-11-4/12-4 Brass – Zinc steel Stainless steel Launching It means manual strength -20ºC to +50ºC 3/4" G (female) 4 mm 24V (DC) 0.6 A 0.98 A 14 W 23.56 W 115 N 200 N 2 seg. Continuos duty 24 V 230 mA 5.5 W 3-pin electrical plug (2poles+earth) DIN-43650 1N4007 20 years after manufacturing Check 100% 4. Once the electrical connection is made, re-connect the electrical connector to the release head. 5. With the discharge head in your hand (still not screwed into the valve), do a proper functional test with power from the fire panel. When the head is energised, the actuation needle moves to POSITION 2. If this is not the case, one of the screws may be loose; disconnect the electrical circuit and proceed as follows: SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 69/112 6. Manually reset the 227SOLP or 227SOL electrical release head. To do this, apply force with the resetting screw, or failing that with a sharp instrument (e.g. a punch) until the actuation pin moves to POSITION 1. To check that the resetting has been carried out properly, give the head a light sharp tap on a hard surface, and then check that the actuation pin is still in POSITION 1. 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) POSITIONN 1 : NOT ACTIVATED POSITIONN 2 : ACTIVATED Installation manual - Versión 00 70/112 7. Remove the plastic safety plug from the valve actuation port and screw in, in its place, the swivel nut of the electrical release head. Do not use Teflon, adhesive or any other type of thread sealant; Just finger-tighten as far as possible, and then finally turn the nut 15º with a 32 mm non-adjustable spanner. - 0786 4 V G 309000 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº - 0786 1 2 3 4 PE LIGR O: 0062 E ST O E S U N CONTE NE DOR D E ALTA P RES IÓN N O QUITAR LOS A CC ESOR IOS , NI MAN IPUL ARL O H AS TA QUE ES TE B IEN SUJETO MEDIA NT E SU S HER RA JE S. 3 2 Cylinder Protective bridle Valve RGS-MAM-20/40/50 Electrical actuator 227SOL or 227SOL-B 1 4 V G 309000 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº PE LIGRO: 0062 ES TO ES UN CONT ENE DOR DE ALTA P RE SIÓN N O QUITA R LOS A CC ES OR IOS, NI MAN IPU LAR LO H AS TA QU E ES TE B IEN SUJE TO MED IAN TE S US HE RRA JES. 3 2 1 4 4 3 EN 837-1 2 1 2 3 4 Cylinder (SMS) Protective bridle Valve RGS-MAM-12-4 ó 11-4 Pneumatic actuator 227SOLP 3 EN 837-1 bar bar KL. 1.6 KL. 1.6 2 1 1 CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING THE ELECTRICAL RELEASE HEAD TO THE VALVE ACTUATION PORT, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION PIN IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). Remember that the link between the release head and the valve is made by a swivel nut mechanism that allows the head to be turned through 360º to the desired position. 8. To remove the electrical release head from the valve, slowly loosen the swivel nut by hand or with a non-adjustable spanner. When carrying out this operation, the valve cover must not be turned, because if it is, the contents of the cylinder might discharge violently, possibly causing serious injury. Never remove the electrical release head when the cylinder is not secured to the wall by its brackets. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 71/112 1.15 INSTALLING 227DM MANUAL DISCHARGE HEAD The purpose of this discharge head is to actuate by manual force the valves of the cylinders on which it is fitted. Once the safety ring the head is removed the manual lever can be turned in the opposite direction from its resting position. This will move the needle and produce the release. The rearmable manual activator can be installed in the upper part of the container valve (activation port) or in the upper part of the electrical firing head (cylinders that also electrical firing). Its function is to manually activate the valve (RGS-MAM-20/40/50/11-4 and 12-4) on which it is assembled. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING THE MANUAL DISCHARGE HEAD ONTO THE ACTUATION PORT OF THE VALVE, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION NEEDLE IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). WITH THE ACTUATION NEEDLE IN POSITION 2, SCREWING ON THE MANUAL DISCHARGE HEAD WOULD CAUSE THE SUDDEN AND VIOLENT DISCHARGE OF THE EXTINGUISHING GAS IN THE CYLINDER, WHICH COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY TO THE PERSON INVOLVED. Manual actuator 227DM SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 72/112 2 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 2 227DM 1 Electrical actuator 227SOL 2 Manual actuator 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 1 1 227SOL 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,60 A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº Nº Technical Information Operating medium Valve type Material Re-assembled requirements Working temperature Connection to the valve (activation port) or to the electrical actuator (227SOL) Route of the lever to obtain the activation 227DM/DMP HFC-227ea, HFC-125, HFC-23, N2 RGS-MAM-20/40/50 RGS-MAM-11-4/12-4 Brass Automatic (spring) -20ºC to + 50ºC 3/4" G (female) 86º CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING THE MANUAL RELEASE HEAD TO THE VALVE ACTUATION PORT, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION PIN IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). IF THE ACTUATION PIN IS IN POSITION 2, ON SCREWING IN THE MANUAL RELEASE HEAD THE EXTINGUISHING GAS CONTAINED IN THE CYLINDER WILL DISCHARGE VIOLENTLY, WHICH MIGHT CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY TO TO THE PERSON HANDLING IT. To install the manual release head, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. 2. Holding the manual release head by hand, visually check that the actuation pin is in POSITION 1. 3. Remove the plastic safety plug from the valve actuation port and screw in, in its place, the swivel nut of the manual discharge head. Do not use Teflon, adhesive or any other type of thread sealant; just finger-tighten as far as possible. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 73/112 Remember that the link between the discharge head and the valve is made by a swivel nut mechanism that allows the head to be turned through 360º to the desired position. 1 2 3 4 227DM 4 Nº LOTE LOT No. 0062 DANGER: THIS IS HIGH PR ESSURE CONTAINER , NOT T O CLE AR THE AC CESOR IE S UNT IL IT IS PROPER LY SUBJE CTED B Y ITS BR ACKETS 3 Cylinder Protective bridle Valve RGS-MAM-20/40/50 Manual actuator 227DM 4 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 0062 DANGER : THIS IS HIGH PRESSUR E C ONTAINER, NOT TO C LEAR THE ACC ESORIES UNTIL IT IS PR OP ERLY S UB JEC TED B Y ITS B RAC KETS 3 20 30 EN 8 37-1 0 0 40 50 10 20 bar 60 30 EN 837-1 10 40 KL. 1.6 50 bar 2 60 K L. 1.6 2 1 1 vc416cim.dwg 4 3 EN 837-1 2 1 2 3 4 Cylinder (SMS) Protective bridle Valve RGS-MAM-12-4 ó 11-4 Pneumatic actuator 227DM 4 3 EN 837-1 bar bar KL. 1.6 KL. 1.6 2 1 1 4. If screwing it directly to the electrical release head 227SOL, follow the same principles of point 3 above. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING THE ELECTRICAL RELEASE HEAD TO THE VALVE ACTUATION PORT, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION PIN IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). 5. Check that the safety ring and its seal are in perfect condition and are properly fitted to the head. Do not remove the safety ring except if the discharge head is to be operated manually. 6. To remove the manual release head from the valve, gently loosen the swivel nut by hand, and always with the safety ring in place, as a precaution, so that the release head cannot be accidently operated. If it was screwed directly to the valve, the valve cover must not be turned during this operation, because if it is, the contents of the cylinder might discharge violently, possibly causing serious injury. Never remove the manual release head when the cylinder is not secured to the wall by its brackets. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 74/112 1.16 INSTALLING THE 227DEE ELECTRIC SQUIB RELEASE HEAD The 227DEE electric squib discharge head may be installed on the upper part of the cylinder valve (actuation port) or on top of the electrical discharge head (for cylinders that also have electric release). Its function is to electrically actuate the valve (RGS-MAM-20/40/50/11-4 and 12-4) on which it is fitted. It consists of an explosive device which generates enough pressure to actuate the valve when triggered by an electrical pulse. This discharge head is supplied from the factory disassembled and consists of three parts, a pneumatic discharge head, a ¼” copper joint and a CPER electric squib discharge head. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING THE ELECTRICAL SQUIB DISCHARGE HEAD ONTO THE ACTUATION PORT OF THE VALVE, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION NEEDLE IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). WITH THE ACTUATION NEEDLE IN POSITION 2, SCREWING ON THE ELECTRICAL SQUIB DISCHARGE HEAD WOULD CAUSE THE SUDDEN AND VIOLENT DISCHARGE OF THE EXTINGUISHING GAS IN THE CYLINDER, WHICH COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY TO THE PERSON INVOLVED. 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 Rotating bolt 227CN Body 227DEE ó DEEP Joint 1/4 " Exploding squib 227DEE 0,6A-24V (DC) Nº LOTE LOT No. 1 POSITION 1 : NOT ACTIVATED POSITION 2 : ACTIVATED 227DEE SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 75/112 To install the electric squib discharge head, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. 2. Holding the pneumatic discharge head by hand, visually check that the actuation head is in POSITION 1. 3. Screw the explosive squib to the actuation port of the pneumatic discharge head (upper part) fitting a ¼” copper joint as indicated in the figure, so that the seal is gas-tight. 4. Connect the electric cables of the explosive squib to the cable from the fire panel. 5. Visually check that the actuation pin of the electric squib discharge head is in POSITION 1. The exploding squib cannot be actuated to check its operation because it can only be used once, that is, if it is actuated electrically the internal explosive charge is fired, and cannot be used again, but will have to be replaced with a new one. 6. Remove the plastic safety plug from the valve actuation port and screw in, in its place, the swivel nut of the electric squib discharge head. Do not use Teflon, adhesive or any other type of thread sealant; just finger-tighten as far as possible. 6 5 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 227DEE 0,6A-24V (DC) Nº LOTE LOT No. 3 0062 Cylinder Protective bridle Valve RGS-MAM-20/40/50 Body 227DEE Joint 1/4" Exploding squib 227DEE 0,6A-24V (DC) Nº LOTE LOT No. 3 0062 DANGER: THIS IS HIGH PRESSURE CONTAINER, NOT TO CLEAR THE ACCESORIES UNTIL IT IS PROPERLY SUBJECTED BY ITS BRACKETS 20 30 EN 837-1 10 2 0 DANGER: THIS IS HIGH PRESSURE CONTAINER, NOT TO CLEAR THE ACCESORIES UNTIL IT IS PROPERLY SUBJECTED BY ITS BRACKETS 20 40 30 EN 837-1 10 50 bar 60 0 KL. 1.6 2 40 50 bar 60 KL. 1.6 1 1 6 5 4 227DEE 0,6A-24V (DC) Nº LOTE LOT No. 3 EN 837-1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 (SMS) Cylinder Protective bridle Valve RGS-MAM-12-4 ó 11-4 Body 227DEE Joint 1/4" Exploding squib 227DEE 0,6A-24V (DC) Nº LOTE LOT No. 3 EN 837-1 bar bar KL. 1.6 KL. 1.6 2 1 1 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 76/112 Remember that the link between the discharge head and the valve is made by a swivel nut mechanism that allows the head to be turned through 360º to the desired position. 7. If it is screwed directly to the electrical discharge head, follow the same principles of point 6 above. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING THE ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE HEAD ONTO THE ACTUATION PORT OF THE VALVE, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION NEEDLE IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). 227DEE 2 0,6A-24V (DC) Nº LOTE LOT No. 227DEE 0,6A-24V (DC) Nº LOTE 2 LOT No. 1 1 227SOL 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,60 A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº Nº 1 Electrical actuator 227SOL 2 Pneumatic actuator 227DEE 8. To remove this discharge head from the valve, gently loosen the swivel nut by hand or with a non-adjustable spanner. If it was screwed directly to the valve, the valve cover must not be turned during this operation, because if it is, the contents of the cylinder might discharge violently, possibly causing serious injury. Never remove the electric squib discharge head when the cylinder is not secured to the wall by its brackets. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 77/112 Instructions following the use of the electric squib discharge head 227DEE: When this head has been fired to release the cylinder system, the CPER percussion head must be replaced with a new one. Unscrew the unit paying special attention to the release of any residual pressure in the chamber of pneumatic head 227CN. 1 2 3 4 Rotating bolt 227CN Pneumatic actuator 227CN/CNP Joint 1/4 " Exploding squib CPER 4 3 2 Residual pressure 227DEE 227DEE 0,6A-24V (DC) 1 0,6A-24V (DC) Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. POSITION 1 : NOT ACTIVATED POSITIONN 2 : ACTIVATED Pneumatic head 227CN resets itself thanks to an internal spring. However, after a release the inside of the chamber of pneumatic head 227CN must be inspected, cleaned and blown out to remove any residual dirt which may have entered during the explosive release. If the head does not reset after the process, use a punch or screwdriver to push the tip of the needle. If it still does not reset, contact SIEX. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 78/112 1.17 INSTALLING THE PILOT BOTTLE (for banks of more than 5 cylinders) 2 litre pilot bottle with RGS-MAM-11-4 and 12-4 valve This consists of a 2 litre cylinder, a protective flange and a RGS-MAM-11-4 or 12-4 valve. The RGS-MAM-11-4 or 12-4 valve has a built-in 227SOL solenoid discharge head, together with a 227DM manual discharge head or a 227DEE electric squib discharge head, in addition to the corresponding pressure gauge (0-200 bar). Charged with dry nitrogen to 100 bar, it is actuated by an electric or manual signal and its purpose is to actuate the extinguishing agent cylinder bank. When the pilot bottle is actuated, pressurised gas flows through the release hoses and pneumatically actuates the various pneumatic discharge heads, 227CN, which, in turn, actuate the valves (RGS-MAM-20/40/50/11-4 and 12-4) on the slave or secondary cylinders that contain the extinguishing agent. CAUTION YOU ARE HANDLING PRESSURISED EQUIPMENT FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MIGHT RESULT IN THE PILOT BOTTLE DISCHARGING VIOLENTLY, LEADING TO SERIOUS DAMAGE OR INJURY TO THE SURROUNDING AREA OR TO THE PERSON HANDLING IT. ON OF 227DEE 227DM 0,6A-24V (DC) Nº LOTE LOT No. F Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx xxxxx 1.- Manual discharge head (227DM). 2.- Electrical squib release head (227DEE) 3.- Electrical release head (227SOL) 4.- Valave RGS-MAM-12-4. 5.- Pilot bottle 2L. 6.- Modular braket 7.- Sticker SIEX. 8.- Protective bridle 9.- Pressure switch 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 - 0062 COMPRESSED GAS NO INFLAMMABLE SION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD STING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC SION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ RGA / FILL / CHARGE SURIZADO CON SURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU A / TARE / TARE O TOTAL AL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL HA DE CARGA DATE / DATE DE CHARGE TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 Figure 32 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 79/112 ON OF F 227DEE 227DM 0,6A-24V (DC) Nº LOTE LOT No. Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx xxxxx 1.- Manual discharge head (227DM). 2.- Electrical squib release head (227DEE) 3.- Electrical release head (227SOL) 4.- Valave RGS-MAM-12-4. 5.- Pilot bottle 2L. 6.- Modular braket 7.- Sticker SIEX. 8.- Protective bridle 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 - 0062 COMPRESSED GAS NO INFLAMMABLE SION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD STING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC SION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ RGA / FILL / CHARGE SURIZADO CON SURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU A / TARE / TARE O TOTAL AL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL HA DE CARGA DATE / DATE DE CHARGE TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 Figure 33 Technical Information 2L Cylinder capacity Contained gas in the cylinder Valve type Actuation mechanism Working temperature Valve-cylinder connection thread Outlet valve thread Pressure switch connection thread (only RGS-MAM-12-4) Pilot port connection thread (only RGS-MAM-12-4) Cylinder ext. Diameter Cylinder min. Thickness Cylinder total lenght Necessary power Pressure gauge Filling pressure at 20º C Cylinder pressure test Approval SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) 6,7L 13,4L N2 RGS MAM 11-4 ó 12-4 Actuator port Electric (Model 227SOL), pneumatic (Mod. 227 CN) or manual (Mod. 227 DM) -20ºC to 60ºC W28.8 x 1/14” W28.8 x 1/14” W28.8 x 1/14” o 1” NPT o 1” NPT o 1” NPT W21.8 x 1/14” 1/8” NPT 1/4” BSP 100 mm 140 mm 204 mm 2.5 mm 2.5 mm 4.3 mm 640 mm 850 mm 820 mm 24V (DC) / 0,6 Amp / 10W 0-200 bar 100 bar 300 bar 99/36 CE Installation manual - Versión 00 80/112 To install the pilot bottle, follow the instructions below: 1. First install the pilot bottle fixing bracket as indicated in chapter 1.5.1 of this manual (Installing cylinder fixing brackets). Brackets for a single (modular) cylinder. Before starting, carefully calculate its position, so that the distance from the pilot bottle to the first cylinder is correct and the first flexible release hose is not too short (it should be either 500 or 1000 mm). Adjust the RGS-MAM-11-4 or 12-4 valve output so that it faces the pneumatic discharge heads of the cylinders which are to be actuated. 2. Check with soapy water that the output valve is not leaking. To do this, remove its protective or safety plug. Keep the plug for later use. 3. Connect the electrical (227SOL) and manual (227DM) discharge heads, ensuring that they are reset (as indicated in 1.14 and 1.15 of this manual). CAUTION Never put over the actuation port electric-solenoid (Mod. 227 SOL) when valve core 2 is assembled in to the valve Valve core 2 Valve core 1 4. Carefully remove the safety plug, gradually to make sure there is no leak, and screw in the female W21.8x1/14” adapter to the ¼” BSP male thread of the valve outlet, placing a 12x18x1.4 copper washer inside the female thread of the W21.8x1/14” adaptor. Firmly tighten this joint with a 30 mm non-adjustable spanner. 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pilot bottle Valve RGS-MAM-11-4 ó 12-4 Electrical discharge head 227SOL Manual release head 227DM Cupper washer ∅ 16 x 22 x 1,4 mm Adapter W 21,8x1/14" H - 1/4" G M Release hose FH-6PO EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 5. Finally, manually connect the flexible release hose (500 or 1000 mm) to the tee of the first pneumatic discharge head of the cylinder bank. Do not use Teflon or any other type of sealant, since it is sealed with a metal-to-metal bicone. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 81/112 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 227CN WP 137 bar Nº LOTE LOT No. 0062 DANGER: TH IS IS HIGH PRESSURE CO NTAINER, NOT TO CLEAR THE ACCESORIES UNTIL IT IS PROPERLY SUBJECTED BY ITS BRACKETS 1 2 3 4 5 Cylinder Valve RGS-MAM-20/40/50 Pneumatic release head 227CN Release hose FH-6PO Tee or elbow 1/4" G 20 30 EN 837-1 10 0 40 50 bar 60 KL. 1.6 6. Go back and firmly tighten, with a 19 mm non-adjustable spanner, the threaded joints of the two ends of the hose (at the pneumatic discharge head of the bank of cylinders end, and the W21.8x1/14” F - 1/4" BSP M adaptor end) to achieve a gas-tight seal. 11 10 13 ON OFF 14 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 9 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx EN 837-1 bar 8 - 0062 COMPRESSED GAS NO INFL AMMABL E FH-40HC WP137 BAR 12 N - XXXXXX VdS 7 G 306011 - 0786 KL. 1.6 RGS-M AM-40 EN 12094-4 SSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC SION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD S TING PRESS URE OF THE SAF ETY DIS C S ION D E RUP TURE D U DISQ UE DE S ÉCU RITÉ R GA / FILL / CHARGE SURIZADO CON SURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU O TOTAL AL WEIGHT / POID S TOTAL 6 DATE / DA TE DE CHARGE TEM PERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATU RE D E FONCTIO NNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C / MERIND AD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN T el.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 5 4 3 20 30 40 10 0 50 bar 60 KL. 1.6 Pol. Ind. V C/ Merindad ill alonquejar 09001 de Tel.- Burgos Montij a Nº6 (34) (SPAIN) 947 281108 Fax.(34) 947 281112 A / TARE / TARE H A DE C ARGA UN: MASA MAX. AUTO RIZADA MAX. AUTHORIZED CHARGE CH ARGE MAX. AUTO RISÉE KG . GAS/GAZ: ALMACENAR EN LUG AR VENT ILADO / NO RESPIRAR EL GAS PARA MANIPULACIÓN Y PRECAUCIONES VER ET IQUETA CILINDRO TO BE ST ORED IN A WEL L VENTILAT ED AREA / DO NOT INHALE FO R HANDLING INSTRUCT IO NS SEE CYLINDER'S LABEL 2 ST OCKER DANS UN ENDRO IT VENTILÉ / NE PAS INHALER LE GAZ POUR MANIPULAT IO N ET PRECAUTIONS, VOIR L'ET IQUETTE SUR LE RESERVOIR TPED 1999/36/CE Organism o Notific ado/Notified body/Organisme Notifié (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cilindro+Válvula+Disco de rotura+Elementos de protección Cylinder+Valve+Bu rsting d isc+Protections d evice Cylin dre+Valv e+Disq ue de rup ture+Eléments d e pro tection 2 Nº de Serie Serial Number Nº de Série 1 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Denomination PI marking cylinder sticker Cylinder sticker toxic gas Bridle Container valve Pilot cylinder (1) Pilot cylinder bracket Bridle Pressure gauge Pilot cylinder valve Re-assembled electrical actuator Manual actuator Adaptor Actuator hose "T" or elbow SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Types RGS-MAM-40 / RGS-MAM-50 2 litres 5140-P315 1/8” NPT RGS-MAM-11-4 ó 12-4 227SOL 227DM W21.8x1/14” H – 1/4" G M FH-6PO 1/4" G Installation manual - Versión 00 82/112 Operational test with the charged pilot bottle (installed) There are two ways to perform this test, during maintenance or operation. In both cases adaptor 14W21.8x1/14” F - 1/4" BSP M must be removed from the valve outlet and the safety plug inserted in its place. To perform this test, either during maintenance or operation, adaptor 14W21.8x1/14” F - 1/4" BSP M must be removed from the valve outlet and the safety plug inserted in its place. Detach and unscrew resettable electric discharge head 227SOL and manual discharge head 227DM from their position in the RGS-MAM-11-4 or 12-4 valve actuation port. Holding the discharge head by hand (still not screwed into the valve), visually check that the actuation pin is in POSITION 1. Carry out a true functional test with power from the fire panel. When the head is energised, the actuation pin will move to POSITION 2. Manually reset the electrical release head. To do this, apply force to the actuation pin with a sharp instrument (e.g. a punch) until the actuation pin goes to POSITION 1. To check that the resetting has been done properly, give the head a light sharp tap on a hard surface, and then check that the actuation pin is still in POSITION 1. 227SOL - 0000 V G 307000 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº Reset screw POSITION 1 : NOT ACTIVATED POSITION 2 : ACTIVATED SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 83/112 1.18 INSTALLING THE PILOT BOTTLE WITH AN INDIRECT PNEUMATIC DELAY The function of the pilot bottle with a pneumatic delay is to delay release of the cylinders (for 30 or 60 seconds) to give time to evacuate the hazard area. It is fitted between the pilot bottle and the first slave or auxiliary cylinder. ON OF F 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx ON OF F 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A xxxxx Nº xx ENTRADA / INLET RGS-MAM-4 Tiempo de retardo: Delay time: S EN 837-1 SALIDA / OUTLET bar KL. 1.6 1.- Pilot bottle 2L. 2.- CE marking sticker 3.- Protective bridle 4.- Adapter 1/2" G M - 1/4" G M. 5.- 1/4" Metalic-plastic joint 6.- Valve RGS-MAM-4 7.- Manual release head 227DM - 0062 COMPRESSED GAS NO INFLAMMABLE ENTE EXTINTOR INGUISH AGENT / AGENT EXTINCTEUR DE CILINDRO INDER No. / Nº DE CYLINDER SION DE CARGA A 20ºC PRESSURE AT 20ºC SSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC SION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD STING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC SION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ RGA / FILL / CHARGE SURIZADO CON SURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU A / TARE / TARE O TOTAL AL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL HA DE CARGA DATE / DATE DE CHARGE TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 Valve RGS-MAM-4 has a built-in manual discharge head (227DM) on top, whose function is to abort the delay and release the bank of cylinders immediately. When the pilot bottle or cylinder is actuated, gas flows to the pneumatic delay via its RGS-MAM-4 valve and fills the previously empty bottle. When it is full (after a specific, adjustable time) to the necessary pressure, the piston of valve RGS-MAM-4 operates, gas flows through the discharge hoses and pneumatically actuates all the valves on the slave or secondary cylinders containing the extinguishing agent. To install the pneumatic delay, follow the instructions below: 1. First install the pilot bottle fixing bracket as indicated in chapter 1.5.1 of this manual (Installing cylinder fixing brackets). Brackets for a single (modular) cylinder. Before starting, carefully calculate its position, so that the distance from the pilot bottle to the delay is correct and the first flexible release hose is not too short (either 500 or 1000 mm). Adjust the RGS-MAM-4 valve outlet so that it faces the cylinders to be released. 2. Use soapy water to check that the pilot valve is not leaking. To do this, remove its protective or safety plug. Keep the plug for later use. 3. For the indirect delay: Both 1/2" BSP M - 1/4" BSP M adaptors are factory screwed into the inlet and outlet of valve RGS-MAM-4, with a ½” metaplastic washer on the male threads of the adaptors. Firmly tighten this connection with a 26 mm non-adjustable spanner. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 84/112 CAUTION BOTH 1/2" BSP M - 1/4" BSP M ADAPTORS ARE FACTORY FITTED AND DO NOT NEED TO BE ADJUSTED. THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS CHAPTER CAN BE USED FOR OPERATION AND GUIDANCE FOR POSSIBLE CHANGES TO THE SYSTEM. ON OF F 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx INLET 1/2" BSP RGS-MAM-4 Adapter 1/2" G M - 1/4" G M Metalic-plastic washer 1/2" BSP Tiempo de retardo: Delay time: OUTLET 1/2" BSP S Adapter 1/2" G M - 1/4" G M 4. Manually connect the two flexible discharge hoses (500 or 100 mm) to the 1/4“ BSP M threads of the adaptors (factory fitted) without using Teflon or any other type of sealant, as there is a metal-to-metal bicone seal. One of these will come from the hose from the outlet port of the pilot bottle and the other from the tee of the first pneumatic discharge head on the cylinder bank. Firmly tighten this joint with a 19 mm non-adjustable spanner. 5. Retighten the connections between the two hoses and the delay on the pilot bottle and the first cylinder on the bank, using a non-adjustable spanner to make a gas-tight seal. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 85/112 ON OFF 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx ON OFF 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 227SOL-A xxxxx 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx 227CN Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx FH-40HC WP137 BAR VdS S EN 837-1 G 306011 Delay time: N - XXXXXX Tiempo de retardo: - 0786 RGS-MAM-4 bar KL. 1.6 RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 20 30 40 10 - 0062 - 0062 COMPRESSED GAS NO INFLAMMABLE 0 COMP RES SED GAS NO INF LAMMABLE 50 bar 60 K L. 1.6 SSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC SSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC SION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD SION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD STING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC STING PRESSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC SION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ SION DE RUPTURE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURITÉ RGA / FILL / CHARGE RGA / FILL / CHARGE SURIZADO CON SURIZADO CON SURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU SURIZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU A / TARE / TARE O TOTAL AL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL HA DE CARGA DATE / DATE DE CHARGE DATE / DATE DE CHARGE TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC TEMPERATURA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKING TEMPERATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC TEMPÉRATURE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 POL. IND. VILLALONQUEJAR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (BURGOS) - SPAIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 Pol. Ind. AL WEIGHT / POIDS TOTAL HA DE CARGA Villalonq C/ Merindad uejar 09001 de Tel.- Burgos Montija Nº6 (34) (SPAIN) 947 281108 Fax.(34) 947 O TOTAL 281112 A / TARE / TARE UN: MASA MAX. AUTORIZADA MAX. AUTHORIZED CHARGE KG. CHARGE MAX. AUTORISÉE GAS/GAZ: ALMACENAR EN LUGAR VENTILADO / NO RESPIRAR EL GAS PARA MANIPULACIÓN Y PRECAUCIONES VER ETIQUETA CILINDRO TO BE STORED IN A WELL VENTI LATED AREA / DO NOT INHALE FOR HANDLING INSTRU CTIONS SEE C YL INDER'S LABEL 2 STOCKER DANS UN ENDROIT VENTILÉ / NE PAS INHALER LE GAZ POUR MAN IPULATION ET PRECAUTIONS, VOIR L'ETIQU ETTE SUR LE RESERVOIR TPED 1999/36/CE Organismo Notificado/Notified body/Organisme Notifié (0062) BUREAU VERITAS Cilindro+Válvula+Disco de rotura+Elementos de protección Cylinder+Valve+Bursting disc+Protections device Cylindre+Valve+Disque de rupture+Eléments de protection Nº de Serie Serial Number Nº de Série Installing the indirect pneumatic delay Nº Denomination Types 1 Manifold cylinders 61 / 67,5 / 80 / 84 / 100 / 108,4 / 120 / 127 / 150 / 180 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Slave container valve Pilot cylinder (1) Pilot cylinder valve Cupper washer Adaptor Actuator hose “Tee” or elbow Manual actuator RGS-MAM-20/40/50 2 litres RGS-MAM-11-4 ó 12-4 Ø 16 x 22 x 1,4 mm. W21.8x1/14” H – 1/4" BSP M FH-6PO ¼” BSP M 227DM Pneumatic delayer h) Cylinder 10 i) Valve j) Adapter SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) h) 2 litres i) RGS-MAM-4 j) 1/2” BSP M – ¼”” BSP M Installation manual - Versión 00 86/112 1.19 INSTALLING THE REMOTE RELEASE PNEUMATIC LINE The remote pneumatic release line may be used in cylinder banks or in modular cylinders, but its actuation must always be at a distance of less than 90 metres. The remote release will be carried out by a pilot bottle (with electric and manual release) and a line of pneumatic pipe that carries the pressurised gas to actuate all the pneumatic discharge heads of the cylinders. The line of pneumatic pipe may be installed in 4x6 copper pipe with bicone fittings or in 1/4" BSP schedule 40 steel pipe. The pilot bottle can also be supplied inside a sheet steel cabinet painted black or red. The following limitations must be taken into account if 4 x 6 copper pipe is used: A. Maximum total length of copper pipe: 20 metres (for greater lengths contact SIEX). B. Maximum length between the first pneumatic actuator head and the last: 20 metres. C. The maximum length of copper pipe between the pilot bottle and the first pneumatic release head is 20 metres. Maximum lenght: 90 m Maximum lenght: 20 m Maximum lenght: 30 m ON O FF 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx E N 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 - 0062 COMP RE SSE D GAS NO INFL AMM ABLE SSION DE CHARGE A 20ºC SION ROTURA DISCO SEGURIDAD S TI NG PRESS URE OF THE S AFETY DISC S ION DE RU PTURE DU DI SQU E D E S ÉCURITÉ RGA / FILL / CHARGE SURIZADO CON SUR IZED WHIT / PRESSURISÉ AU A / TAR E / TARE O TOTAL AL WEIGHT / POIDS T OT AL HA DE CA RGA DAT E / DATE DE C HARGE TE MPERATURA DE FUNCIONA MIENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WOR KING T EMPE RATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC T EMPÉR ATUR E DE FONC TIONNEMENT DE -20ºC A 50ºC POL. IND. V ILLALONQUEJA R C/ ME RINDAD DE MONTIJA Nº6 09001 (B URGOS ) - SP AIN Tel.: (34) 947 281108 Fax: (34) 947 281112 RGS-MAM-20 EN 12094-4 20 0 RGS-MAM-20 EN 12094-4 30 50 bar 60 KL. 1 .6 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 20 40 10 Denomination Pilot cylinder (1) Adaptor ¼” to bi-cone cooper tube adaptor 6x4 mm cooper tube “Tee” or elbow Pneumatic actuator Discharge hose 0 RGS-MAM-20 EN 12094-4 30 20 40 10 bar 30 40 10 50 60 0 KL. 1.6 50 bar 60 KL . 1.6 Types 2 litres W21.8x1/14” H – 1/4" BSP M 1/4" BSP M 227CN 3/4”-1 ½”-2” D. The distance mentioned in point C may be increased to up to 70 metres when only one pneumatic release is being fed (modular cylinder), or a bank of a maximum of 8 cylinders. In this case the design of the cylinder bank would be standard, with all the cylinders connections linked by flexible release hoses. The 70 metres is measured between the pilot cylinder and the first release head of the cylinder bank. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 87/112 Maximum lenght: 70 m ON O FF 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xx xxx 227 SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº x x EN 8 37 -1 bar K L. L. 1.6 1.6 K - 0786 VdS G 306011 VdS G 306011 - 0786 VdS G 306011 VdS G 306011 S ION RO TURA DIS CO SE GURIDAD ST ING P RESSU RE OF TH E SAFE TY D ISC - 0786 C OMPRESSED GAS NO INFLAMMA BLE - 0786 - 0062 S SI ON DE CHARGE A 20ºC N - XXXXXX FH-40HC WP137 BAR N - XXXXXX FH-40HC WP137 BAR A / TA RE / TARE O TOTAL N - XXXXXX S URIZED WHIT / P RESS URISÉ AU N - XXXXXX FH-40HC WP137 BAR RGA / FI LL / CHARGE S URIZADO CON FH-40HC WP137 BAR SI ON DE RU PT UR E D U D ISQU E DE SÉCU RITÉ AL WEI GHT / P OI DS TOTAL HA DE CARGA DATE / DATE DE CHARGE TE MPE RATURA DE FUNCIONAMI ENTO DE -20ºC A 50ºC WORKI NG TEMPERATURE FROM -20º C TO 50ºC TEMP ÉRATURE DE F ONCTIONNEMENT DE - 20ºC A 50ºC P OL. IND. V ILLA LONQUEJ AR C/ MERINDAD DE MONTI JA Nº6 09001 (B URGOS ) - S PA IN Tel .: (34) 947 281108 Fax : (34) 947 281112 0 60 Nº 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 947 281112 UN: MASA MAX. AUTO RIZADA M AX. AU THOR IZED CHARGE C HA RG E M AX. AUTORISÉE 20 40 50 bar 60 0 KG . GAS/GAZ: AL MACENAR EN L UG AR VENTI LADO / NO RESPIRAR EL GAS PARA MANI PULACI ÓN Y PRECA UC IONES VER ETIQ UETA CILI NDRO TO BE STORED IN A WELL VENTI LATED AREA / DO NOT INHALE FOR HANDL ING INSTRUCTI ONS SEE CYLINDER'S LABEL 2 STOCKER DANS UN ENDRO IT VENTIL É / NE PAS INHALER LE G AZ PO UR M ANIPUL ATIO N ET PRECAUTI ONS, VOI R L'ETIQU ETTE SUR L E RESERVOIR Denomination Pilot cylinder (1) Adaptor Adaptor cooper tube “Tee” or elbow Pneumatic actuator Discharge hose ¼” to bi-cone cooper tube adaptor Adaptor Actuator hose 20 40 KG. GAS/GAZ: A LMACENAR EN LUGAR VENTIL ADO / NO RESPIR AR EL GAS PARA M ANIPUL ACIÓN Y PRECAUCIO NES VER ETIQUETA CIL INDRO TO BE S TORED IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA / DO NO T I NHAL E FO R HANDL ING INSTRUCTIO NS SEE CYL INDER'S L ABEL STO CKER DANS UN ENDROI T VENTILÉ / NE PAS I NHALER L E GAZ PO UR MANI PULATIO N ET PRECAUTIO NS, VO IR L'ETI QUETTE SUR LE RESERVOIR 2 0 60 40 50 bar 60 KL. 1. 6 UN: MASA MAX. AUTO RI ZADA M AX. AUTHO RIZED CHARGE CHARGE M AX. A UTORISÉE 30 10 50 bar KL. 1.6 UN: M ASA M AX. AUTORIZADA MAX. AUTHO RIZED CHARGE CHARG E MAX. AUTO RISÉE RGS -M AM -40 E N 12094-4 30 10 KL . 1 .6 Pol. Ind. V illalonquejar C / Merindad 09001 de Tel.- Burgos M ontija N (34) (SPAI º6 947 N) 281108 Fax. - (34) Pol. Ind. C / Merindad V illalonquejar 09001 de Tel.- Burgos M ontija N (34) (SPAI º6 947 281108N) Fax. - (34) 947 281112 K L. 1.6 RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 30 10 50 281112 20 40 281112 0 RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 30 bar Pol. Ind. C / Merindad V illalonquejar 09001 de Tel.- Burgos M ontija N (SPAI (34) º6 947 281108N) Fax. - (34) 947 20 Pol. Ind. C / Merindad V illalonquejar 09001 de Tel.- Burgos M ontija N (34) (SPAI º6 947 281108N) Fax. - (34) 947 RGS-MAM-40 EN 12094-4 10 KG . GAS/GAZ: AL MACENAR EN L UGAR VENTILADO / NO RESPIRAR EL GAS P AR A MANI PULACIÓ N Y P RECAUCI ONES VE R ETIQ UETA CILINDRO TO BE STO RED IN A WELL VENTIL ATED AREA / DO NOT INHALE FOR H AN DL ING INSTRUCTI ONS S EE CYLINDER'S LABEL 2 STOCKER DANS UN ENDRO IT VENTIL É / NE PAS INHAL ER LE G AZ PO UR M ANIPUL ATIO N ET PRECAUTIONS, VOI R L 'E TIQ UETTE SUR L E RESERVOIR UN: MAS A MAX. AUTORIZADA MAX. AUTHORIZED CHARGE CHARGE MAX. A UTORISÉE KG. GAS/GAZ: ALMACENAR EN LUGAR VENTILADO / NO RESPIRAR EL GAS PARA MA NI PULACI ÓN Y PRECAUCIONES VER ETI QUETA CILINDRO TO BE STORED IN A WELL VENTI LATED AREA / DO NOT INHALE FOR HANDLING INSTRUCTI ONS S EE CYLI NDER'S LABEL 2 STOCKER DANS UN ENDROIT VENTILÉ / NE PAS INHALER LE GAZ POUR MANIPULATION ET PRECAUTIONS, VOI R L'ETIQUETTE SUR LE RESERVOIR Types 2 litres W21.8x1/14” H – 1/4" BSP M 1/4” H –cooper tube 1/4" BSP M 227CN ¾”-1 ½”-2” ¼” M – ¼” M FH-6PO E. The pneumatic line and its fittings must have a working pressure of 120 bar. To install the remote release pneumatic line, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinders are properly secured by their brackets. Check that the valve outlets are screwed to the discharge hoses and these, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. 2. Install the pilot bottle with or without a cabinet, in the ideal position for remote operation. For the installation follow the steps described in chapter 1.17 of this manual. (Installation of a pilot bottle (bank of more than 5 cylinders)). Do not connect the pilot valve output valve yet and check that the pressure gauge reads at least 120 bar. 3. Install the pneumatic pipes using 4 x 6 copper pipe or 1/4" BSP schedule 40 steel pipe. Place supports for the pipework at a maximum distance of 1.3 metres. 4. Ensure that the fitting of the pneumatic pipes is firm, not subject to knocks, and free from harsh atmospheres and extreme temperatures. 5. Once the pipes are installed (pneumatic line), perform a gas-tightness test at 120 bar. To do this, plug one end of the pipe and pressurise it with nitrogen up to 120 bar from the other end. 6. Connect the end of the pipe that goes to the first pneumatic discharge head. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 88/112 a. Cylinder bank: In the case of cylinders in a bank, instead of joining to the first pneumatic discharge head, the line must be joined to the first flexible release hose. If 4x6 copper pipe is used, a copper pipe adaptor must be fitted, with a ¼” BSP female conical seat, screwed with a ¼” metal-to-plastic washer to a ¼” BSP maleto-male adaptor with a conical seat in both ends. The copper pipe is connected to one end of the adapter joint, with the ¼” BSP flexible release hose at the other, without using Teflon or any other type of sealant, as there is a metal-to-metal bicone seal in both cases. 1 1/4¨ male connection to hose 2 1/4" male adaptor (hose) to Cu 6x4 pipe 3 Connection to Cu 6x4 pipe (with hexagon and bicone) vc162ci1.dwg If 1/4" BSP schedule 40 steel tube is used, a 1/4" BSP female to 1/4" BSP male, with a conical seat must be fitted to the male thread. The steel pipe is connected to the female threaded end of the adaptor using Teflon tape. The flexible release hose is connected directly to the male threaded end of the adaptor, without using Teflon, or any other type of sealant, as the seal is a metal-to-metal bicone. b. Modular cylinders: In this case, the end of the pneumatic pipe is joined to the elbow of the pneumatic discharge head of the first modular cylinder. If 4x6 copper pipe is used, connect a ¼” BSP female to copper pipe with conical seat adapter to the elbow of the pneumatic discharge head. For this connection, fit a 1/4" metal-to-plastic washer, which will make the connection between the adaptor and the elbow gas-tight, without using Teflon or any other type of sealant. Next, screw the copper tube with its bicone to the adaptor, also without using Teflon or any other type of sealant, as the seal is a metal-to-metal bicone. 1 2 3 4 1/4" metal-to-plastic washer 1/4" female connection to release head tee 1/4" female adaptor (tee) to Cu 6x4 pipe Connection to Cu 6x4 pipe (with hexagon and bicone) vc163ci1.dwg If 1/4" BSP schedule 40 steel pipe is used, connect a 1/4" BSP female to 1/4" BSP female adaptor to the elbow of the pneumatic discharge head. For this connection, fit a 1/4" metal-to-plastic washer, which will make the connection between the adaptor and the elbow gas-tight, without using Teflon or any other type of sealant. Next, screw the steel pipe to the female threaded end of the adaptor using Teflon tape. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 89/112 7. Connect the other end of the pneumatic line to the pilot bottle. Use the steps described in section 1.17 of this manual. (Installation of a pilot bottle (bank of more than 5 cylinders)). a. 2 litre pilot bottle with RGS-MAM-11-4 and 12-4 valve: In this case, the pneumatic line must be connected to the W21.8x1/14” male thread of the pilot bottle output valve. If 4x6 copper pipe is used, screw a W21.8x1/14” female to 1/4" BSP male adaptor into the pilot bottle output valve, fitting a 12x18x1.4 copper washer into the W21.8x1/14” female thread of the adaptor. Then wrap Teflon tape to the ¼” BSP male thread of the adaptor and screw another adapter – a ¼” BSP female to copper tube with a conical seat, to the male thread. Next, screw the copper tube with its bicone to the adaptor, without using Teflon or any other type of sealant, as it is a metal-to-metal bicone seal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 1/4" Metatl-to-plastic washer 1/4 female adapter (tee) to Cu 6x4 pipe. Connectio to Cu 6x4 pipe (con hexagon y bicone) Cupper washer Æ 16 x 22 x 1,4 mm Adapter W 21,8x1/14" H - 1/4" G M Cupper pipe 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 If ¼” BSP schedule 40 steel pipe is used, screw a W21.8x1/14” female to ¼" BSP male adapter into the pilot bottle outlet valve, fitting a 12x18x1.4 copper washer inside the W21.8x1/14” female thread of the adaptor. Then, wrap Teflon tape to the ¼” BSP male thread of the adaptor and screw in a ¼” BSP female nipple. Then, wrap Teflon around the steel pipe male thread and screw it to the threaded nipple. 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº 1 1/4" BSP schedule 40 steel pipe. 2 Cupper washer Æ 16 x 22 x 1,4 mm 3 Adapter W 21,8x1/14" H - 1/4" G M EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 90/112 1.20 INSTALLING REMOTE RELEASE MANUAL PULL STATION AND PULLEY ELBOWS This is used for modular cylinders or cylinders in banks to manually actuate the extinguishing system remotely by acting on the cylinder or pilot bottle. The manual handle is linked by a steel cable in a pipe (protective pipework) to the manual discharge head of the cylinder or pilot bottle. It can be located up to 39.5 metres from the extinguishing system. The cable is mounted inside a steel pipe with pulley elbows for changes of direction. IN CASE OF FIRE REMOVE THE PIN PULL ON THE HANDLE 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 Steel cable outlet Cover fixing screw Protective pipe fixing screw Removable cover Safety pin6 Handle Body Allen screw for tightening cable To install the remote release pneumatic line, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder or cylinders are properly secured by their brackets. Check that the valve outlets are screwed to the discharge hoses and these, in turn, to the manifold. 2. Calculate the length of steel cable necessary to reach the remote manual release handle from the cylinder or cylinder bank. Always add 10% to the estimate in case of unforeseen problems that might arise during the installation. Remember that the maximum distance is 39.5 metres. 3. Remove the detachable cover and handle in order to fit the pull station body to the wall or structure where it is to be located. Use the four fitting holes with appropriate screws and plugs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Steel cable outlet Cover fixing screw Protective pipe fixing screw Orifice for fixing body Manual pull station body Orifice for handle 4. Pass the steel cable from the hole where the handle is fitted to the cable outlet (1), via the removable cover. Feed the end of the cable into the handle and fully tighten the Allen screw to secure it. 5. Fit the detachable cover in position with its fixing screws. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 91/112 6. Fit the handle in its original hole and put its safety catch on. 7. Pass the other end of the cable through the first section of protective pipe. Join this section to the manual pull station using its fixing screw. 8. Continue with the cable and pipe installation until arriving at the manual discharge head of the bottle. Use pulley elbows for changes in direction. Remember that the maximum number of pulley elbows that may be used per installation is 20 units. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Manual cable release head CMC Steel cable Pulley elbow POPC Pulley elbow bearing Protective pipe Manual cable pull POTMC ON OF F 227CMC Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx 227SOL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº xx EN CASO DE INCENDIO EN 837-1 bar QUITAR EL PASADOR TIRAR DE LA MANILLA KL. 1.6 vc164ci1.dwg SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 92/112 9. Once all the cable and protective pipe installation is completed, remove the safety catch of the manual pull station and check that the cable slides within the pipe. This test is carried by placing one person at each end of the cable, in order to be able to slide it in both directions. 10. Link the last section of cable to the manual discharge head with an end-of-line device. Before tensing the cable leave a small amount of slack so that the head lever is not under pressure. 11. Remove the safety ring from the manual discharge head. CAUTION TO LEAVE THE SYSTEM READY FOR OPERATION, DO NOT FORGET TO REMOVE THE SAFETY RING FROM THE CABLE-OPERATED MANUAL RELEASE HEAD. IF THIS OPERATION IS NOT CARRIED OUT, THE SYSTEM WILL NOT BE OPERATIVE. 12. Check that the remote manual pull station has its safety catch in position with its corresponding seal. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 93/112 1.21 INSTALLING 227CMC CABLE-OPERATED MANUAL RELEASE HEAD The 227CMC cable-operated manual discharge head may be installed on the upper part of the cylinder valve (actuation port) or on top of the electrical discharge head (for cylinders that also have electric release). Its function is to remotely actuate the valve (RGS-MAM-20/40/50/11-4 and 12-4) on which it is mounted, using a cable pull. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING THE MANUAL CABLE-OPERATED DISCHARGE HEAD ONTO THE ACTUATION PORT OF THE VALVE, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION NEEDLE IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). IF THE ACTUATION PIN IS IN POSITION 2, SCREWING ON THE MANUAL CABLE-OPERATED DISCHARGE HEAD WOULD CAUSE THE SUDDEN AND VIOLENT DISCHARGE OF THE EXTINGUISHING GAS IN THE CYLINDER, WHICH COULD CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY TO THE PERSON INVOLVED. NOT ACTIVATED ACTIVATED Lever 227 CMC Stainless steel cable 1.5 mm dia. Safety ring Actuation pin 227CN FLAT PIN POSITION 1: NOT ACTIVATED POSITION 2: ACTIVATED Rotating nut 227CN cd041ci1.dwg To install the cable-operated manual discharge head, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. 2. Holding the manual discharge head by hand, visually check that the actuation pin is in POSITION 1. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 94/112 3. Remove the plastic safety plug from the valve actuation port and screw in, in its place, the swivel nut of the manual discharge head. Do not use Teflon, adhesive or any other type of thread sealant; just finger-tighten as far as possible. 4 PELIGRO: 0062 EST O ES UN CO NT ENED OR DE AL TA PRESIÓN NO QUIT AR L OS ACCESORIOS, NI MANIPULARLO HASTA QUE ESTE BIEN SUJETO MEDIANT E SUS HERRAJES. 3 1 2 3 4 4 Cylinder Protective bridle Valve RGS-MAM-20/40/50 Manual release head 227CMC PELIG RO: 0062 EST O ES UN CO NT ENED OR DE AL TA PRESIÓN NO QUIT AR L OS ACCESORIOS, NI MANIPULARLO HASTA QUE ESTE BIEN SUJETO MEDIANT E SUS HERRAJES. 3 2 2 1 1 4 3 EN 837-1 2 bar 1 2 3 4 Cylinder (SMS) Protective bridle Valve RGS-MAM-12-4 ó 11-4 Pneumatic release head 227CMC 4 3 2 EN 837-1 bar KL. 1.6 KL. 1.6 1 1 Remember that the link between the discharge head and the valve is made by a swivel nut mechanism that allows the head to be turned through 360º to the desired position. 4. If it is screwed directly to the electrical discharge head, follow the same principles of point 3 above. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING THE ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE HEAD ONTO THE ACTUATION PORT OF THE VALVE, CHECK THAT THE ACTUATION NEEDLE IS WITHDRAWN (POSITION 1). 2 2 1 227SOL 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº 227SOL 1 24V (DC) 0,60 A Nº 1 Electrical release head 227SOL/SOL-E 2 Manual release head 227CMC SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 95/112 5. Check that the safety ring and its seal are in perfect condition and are properly fitted to the head. Do not remove the safety ring at this stage of the installation. 6. Pass the stainless steel cable through the hole in the lever of the discharge head and screw in the retaining bolt until it is firmly secured. Check, by tugging on the cable, always with the safety ring in place, that the cable is properly secured and not loose. 7. Once the cable is located inside the protective pipe and tied to the manual cable operating handle, which is positioned at a distance depending on the installation, check that the cable is tight and that it is properly installed. 8. At this point, remove the seal and the safety ring from the discharge head so that the system can operate correctly, and the valve can be actuated manually and remotely from a cable pull. 9. To remove the cable-operated manual discharge head, first replace the safety ring, as a precaution, so that the discharge head cannot actuate accidentally, and then gently loosen the swivel nut by hand or with a non-adjustable spanner. If it was screwed directly to the valve, the valve cover must not be turned during this operation, because if it is, the contents of the cylinder might discharge violently, possibly causing serious injury to the person involved. Never remove the cable-operated manual discharge head when the cylinder is not secured to the wall by its brackets. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 96/112 1.22 FITTING THE ABORT OR ISOLATION VALVE TO THE MANIFOLD Abort valves for fixed SVA gas model extinguishing systems are used to stop the extinguishing gas discharging in the protected area. At all times during the installation when a hazardous situation for personnel might arise, the abort valve must be positioned to prevent the extinguishing agent discharging and producing a concentration of gas hazardous to human life. In multiple area installations, an abort valve is provided for each individual flooding area. In normally occupied areas, or areas not normally occupied for concentrations greater than the LOAEL, an abort valve must be fitted to prevent an escape of gas to the outside when there is personnel within the protected area (in accordance with ISO-14520 and UNE-23570). The abort valve must remain in the closed position when the protected area is inhabited, to prevent gas escaping when there are people within the protected hazard area, and in the open position when there is no personnel in the area. It is also used when the installation is being maintained or inspected, to prevent accidental discharge, thus avoiding any kind of accidental discharge (automatic or manual) during maintenance work in the protected area. The abort valves are fitted by screwing them into the discharge manifold with sealant or Teflon tape. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING IN THE ABORT OR ISOLATION VALVE, ENSURE THAT THE MAIN VALVE (CYLINDER OR PILOT BOTTLE), DOES NOT HAVE ITS ELECTRIC OR MANUAL RELEASE HEAD FITTED. 1 2 3 Discharge nozzles Cylinders bank Discharge pipe 1 2 3 4 BALL VALVE LEVER SLEEVE ON LEVER END OF LINE 4 Open position Close position SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 97/112 A 2-pole microswitch may be fitted, with one normally open (NO) contact and one normally closed (NC), set to change state when the valve is opened or closed, sending an electrical signal to the fire panel to indicate that the system is isolated or operative. Either contact may be used, depending on the requirements of the installation. Stand-by position Actuation position Figure 34 Loose and open NC Zb 2151 22 XE2SP 21 NO 13 14 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 98/112 Technical Information Location Case Working temperature Tension Current Response time in miliseconds Mechanical durability per milion operations Operation minimum torque Positive opening minimum torque Protection grade Connection for cable Instalation SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Selector valve Plastic -40ºC to 60ºC 24V (DC) 3A >1,5 10 6N 10 N IP65 1 thread inlet for a tow press M20x1.5 Non corrosive; indoors Installation manual - Versión 00 99/112 1.22.1 Installation instructions: - 0000 S dV G 307000 SVAXXX XXXXX Nº Serie Serial No. Discharge nozzles ON OFF 227DM Nº LOTE LOT No. xxxxx - 0 786 G 306011 VdS FH-40HC WP137 BAR RGS-MAM-40 EN 12 094-4 N - X XXX XX G 306011 VdS FH-40HC WP137 BAR VdS R GS-MAM-40 EN 1209 4-4 EN 837-1 N - X XXX XX N - X XXX XX FH-40HC WP137 BAR G 306011 - 0 786 24V (DC) 0,60 A - 0 786 227SOL-A Nº xx R GS-MAM-40 EN 1209 4-4 bar KL. 1.6 20 30 0 20 40 10 - 0062 30 60 0 20 40 10 50 bar KL. 1 .6 30 40 10 50 bar 60 0 KL. 1.6 50 bar 60 KL. 1.6 C OM PR ESSED GAS NO IN FLA MMABLE SSION DE CHAR GE A 2 0º C A / TARE / TARE O TO TAL KG. GAS/GAZ: A LMACE NA R E N LUGAR VE NTILA DO / NO RE SP IR AR EL GAS P ARA MAN IPU LAC IÓN Y P RE CA UC ION ES VE R E TIQU ETA C ILIN DRO T O B E S TOR ED IN A WELL V EN TILATE D A RE A / DO NOT INH ALE FOR H AN DLIN G IN ST RU CTIONS SE E C YLIND ER 'S LAB EL 2 STOCK ER DAN S U N E NDR OI T VEN TILÉ / NE P AS INHA LER LE GAZ P OU R MA NIPU LATION ET PR EC AU TIONS, V OIR L'E TIQUET TE S UR LE RE SER VOIR A L WEIG HT / PO ID S TO TA L 1112 94 7 28 Pol. In C/ Me d. Villalonq 0 900 1 rinda d de uejar Mo ntija T el.- (3 Bur gos (SPAIN) Nº6 4) 9 47 281 108 Fax. - (34 ) 94 94 7 28 Pol. C/ MeIn d. Villalonq 0 900 rinda d de uejar Mo ntija T el.- (31 Bur gos (SPAIN) Nº6 4) 9 47 281 108 Fax. (34 ) SUR IZADO CON SUR IZED W HIT / PRESSUR ISÉ AU UN: MAS A MA X. AU TORIZAD A MAX. AU THORIZ ED C HAR GE C HA RGE MAX . AU TORISÉ E UN: MASA MAX. AUT OR Z I ADA MA X. A UTH OR IZE D CH ARGE CH AR GE MA X. A UTORIS ÉE K G. GAS/GAZ: ALMA CEN AR EN LUGAR VEN TILAD O / N O RES PIR AR EL GA S PA RA MA NIP ULA CIÓN Y P REC AU CIONE S V ER ETIQUET A CILIND RO TO BE STORE D IN A WE LL VE NTILAT ED ARE A / D O N OT IN HALE FOR HAN DL IN G INS TRU CT IO N S S EE CYL INDE R'S LABE L 2 Pol. C/ MeIn d. Villalonq 0 900 rinda d de uejar T el.- 1 Bur gos Mo ntija Nº6 (3 4) 9 47 (SPAIN) 281 108 Fax. (34 ) 1112 7 28 1112 SION ROT URA D ISCO SEG URIDAD STI NG P RE SSURE OF THE SAFETY DISC SION DE RUPT URE DU DISQUE DE SÉCURIT É RGA / FILL / CHA RGE S TOC KE R D ANS UN END ROIT V ENT ILÉ / N E PA S IN HAL ER LE GA Z POUR MANIP ULA TION ET PRE CAU TIONS , VOIR L'ETIQUE TTE SUR LE R ESE RV OIR UN: MAS A MA X. AU TORIZAD A MAX . AU THOR IZED CHA RGE C HA RGE MAX . AU TORISÉ E KG. GAS/GAZ: A LMACE NA R E N LUGAR VE NTILA DO / NO RE SP IR AR EL GAS P ARA MAN IPU LAC IÓN Y P RE CA UC ION ES VE R E TIQU ETA C ILIN DRO T O B E S TOR ED IN A WELL V EN TILATE D A RE A / DO NOT INH ALE FOR H AN DLIN G IN ST RU CTIONS SE E C YLIND ER 'S LAB EL STOCK ER DAN S U N E NDR OI T VEN TILÉ / NE P AS INHA LER LE GAZ P OU R MA NIPU LATI ON ET P REC AU TIONS, V OIR L'E TIQUET TE S UR LE RE SE RVOIR HA DE CARG A D ATE / DATE D E CHA RGE T EMPERATURA DE F UNCIO NAMIENTO DE -2 0ºC A 50ºC WORK IN G TEMPERATURE FRO M -20º C TO 50º C TEMPÉRATURE D E FONC TION NEMENT D E -2 0ºC A 50 ºC PO L. IND. VILLALO NQUEJAR C/ MERIND AD DE MONT IJA Nº6 09001 (BU RGOS) - SPAIN Te l.: (34 ) 947 28110 8 F ax: (3 4) 947 281 112 Venting to the atmosphere 2 1 2 3 4 5 ABORT VALVE SVA DISCHARGE MANIFOLD BANK OF CYLINDERS ISOLATION VALVE SVA6-3W PILOT BOTTLE 1. Ensure that the discharge manifold is properly secured to its brackets and that the actuation devices of the cylinder banks (electrical and manual discharge heads) are removed or out of service. 2. Check that the external threads on the discharge pipework are clean and free from impurities. Clean with a wire brush for threads. Piping to discharge nozzles Piping to bottles 2 1 2 1 BALL VALVE 2 THREADED END PIPING TO BOTTLES 3 THREADED END PIPING TO DISCHARGE NOZZLES MODELO SVA20 SVA25 SVA32 SVA40 SVA50 SVA65 SVA80 SVA100 DE 3/4” G 1” G 1 1/4” G 1 1/2” G 2” G 2 1/2” G 3” G 4” G DRAWING OF THE VALVE WITH PIPE AND TABLE OF VALVE THREADS 3. Wrap Teflon tape or put paste on the male thread of the discharge pipe where the abort valve is to be screwed in. If using Teflon tape put 20 turns around the male thread of the pipe; if using paste cover the second thread of the female thread of the abort valve and to the threaded end of the pipe (male). If a liquid thread sealant is to be used, first ensure that it is compatible with the gas it will come in contact with, i.e. inert gas (HFC-227ea, HFC-125 and HFC-23). 4. Fully screw in the valve to the fixed threaded end of the pipe closest to the manifold. In this operation the pipe will be fixed and the valve mobile, therefore, to screw the valve in it must be turned with a non-adjustable or adjustable spanner. Try to ensure that the valve is well positioned, and free from obstacles that might make access for its opening and closing difficult. 5. Manually open and close the abort valve to check that it is operating correctly. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 100/112 6. Then screw the other end of the pipe to the abort valve. At this stage the valve will be fixed and the pipe mobile, so the pipe must be screwed in using a pipe wrench. 7. If the abort valve has a microswitch with a contact for an electrical signal, open the electrical connection cover by removing the two screws to make the cable connection. It has two contacts inside, one normally open (NO) and one normally closed (NC), either of which may be used depending on the requirements of each installation. 8. Once the electrical connection is made, manually open and close the valve to check that the electrical contact is operating correctly. The abort or isolation valve must send an electrical signal in the closed position, but not in the open position. NOTE 1: For greater safety, it is recommended that the abort valve be connected before the cylinder actuation fittings (electric, manual pneumatic etc.) are fitted. For the same reason, although the cylinders are fixed in their brackets, they must have their safety plugs screwed into their valve outputs. This will prevent accidental discharges due to poor handling. 1.22.2 Positioning the installed abort valve The usual position of the installed abort valve is horizontal, as shown in Figure 35, but it may also be fitted vertically or at an angle as shown in figure 36. When fitting the valve in the installation, the size and travel of the closing handle or lever for opening and closing the valve must be taken into account. The travel of the handle must be free of any obstacles that might prevent the abort valve opening and closing correctly. VERTICAL POSITION HORIZONTAL POSITION Figure 35 ANGLED POSITION Figure 36 Technical Information Denomination Material Ball valve SKH-G 1 1/4" - 2" Steel Short lever 1 1/4" SVA Short lever 1 1/2" SVA Short lever 2" SVA Zinc steel F-275 ST-42 Short lever handle 30x6x110 SVA Flexible black pvc ref: RRWA-91689-110 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 101/112 1.23 FITTING THE ISOLATION VALVE TO THE RELEASE LINE Its function is to isolate the pilot bottle or cylinder release line in cylinder bank systems. This prevents accidental actuation of the system. The isolation valve is installed in the pilot release line, after the pilot bottle or cylinder discharge hose. For this purpose a 1/4” BSP, 2 position, 3-way ball valve is used, in order to vent to atmosphere in the closed position and thus avoid a build up of pressure due to possible leaks in the pilot bottle. This type of valve has three connections, the pilot bottle input, an output to the cylinder bank and another vented to atmosphere. CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING IN THE ISOLATION VALVE, ENSURE THAT THE MAIN VALVE (CYLINDER OR PILOT BOTTLE), DOES NOT HAVE ITS ELECTRIC OR MANUAL RELEASE HEAD FITTED. Open position 227DM N º LO TE LO T No. 227S OL-A 24V (DC) 0,60 A RGS -M AM-40 E N 12094-4 EN 8 37 -1 RGS-MAM -40 EN 12094-4 Vd S Vd S Vd S Nº RGS -M AM-40 EN 12094-4 bar KL. 1.6 30 30 20 0 20 40 10 - 0062 0 60 20 40 10 50 ba r KL. 1.6 30 40 50 10 50 b ar 0 60 K L. 1.6 bar 60 K L. 1.6 CO MPR ESSED G AS N O IN FL AMMABLE SS ION DE CHARGE A 20ºC STI NG PRE SSUR E OF THE SAFETY DISC SION DE R UPTUR E DU DISQUE DE SÉC UR ITÉ FIL L / CHARGE SURI ZE D WHIT / PRE SSURISÉ AU T ARE / TARE 2 2 2 AL WEI GHT / P OIDS TOTAL DAT E / DAT E DE CHARGE WORKING T E MPE RATURE FROM -20ºC TO 50ºC Closed position TE MPÉ RAT URE DE F ONCTI ONNEME NT DE -2 0ºC A50 ºC Pilot bottle Venting to the atmósphere Bank of cylinders 1 3 WAY 1/4" BSP BALL VALVE 2 LEVER 1/4" SVA 3 1/4" BSP 3 WAYS NUT PLATE Venting to the atmosphere To install the isolation valve, follow the instructions below: 1. The pilot bottle input connection and the output connection to the cylinder bank are done in the same way, screwed to a 1/4” BSP Teflon hose. To do this, a 1/4” BSP male to male connector with a 1/4” metal-to-plastic washer is screwed to the valve outlet, and then the 1/4” BSP hose swivel nut is manually screwed to the 1/4" BSP male to male connector, without any type of sealant, as it is a conical seal (metal-to-metal). Fully tighten this link with a 19 mm non-adjustable spanner to ensure its gas-tightness (approximate torque 15 Nm). 2. A 1/4” BSP vent plug is screwed with its 1/4" metal-to-plastic washer to the vent to atmosphere connection. It can also be done with 1/4” BSP pipe to vent the gas to wherever is desired. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 102/112 POSITION CLOSE Manifold system Pilot cylinder FLOW OP EN . FLOW ED CLOS 1 2 3 4 5 DE H1 H2 Ventilation to the atmosphere L1 Isolation valve SVA6 (3W) Metallic-plastic washer 1/4" Punching discharge cap 1/4" G Male-male adapter 1/4" G Teflon hose 1/4" G L2 Figure 37 Technical Information Operating medium Activation valve Connection pipe Working temperature Test temperature Working pressure Test pressure Resistance test pressure Nominal pressure of the ball valve SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) N2 Manual Thread GAS -20º C to 50º C 20º C 360 bar 540 bar 1080 bar 400 bar Installation manual - Versión 00 103/112 1.24 INSTALLING OR REPLACING PRESSURE SWITCHES Assembled in the factory directly onto the cylinder valve with a 1/8" NPT thread, the pressure switch is used to send an electrical signal directly to the fire panel when the cylinder pressure falls. There are two variants, NC (normally closed, with open pressure) or NO (normally open, with closed pressure). To install or change a pressure switch with the cylinder charged with extinguishing agent, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. The pressure switch may also be installed or replaced without the cylinder being connected to the discharge hose, in which case, do not remove (or put on) the valve outlet safety plug while the cylinder is being handled (secured, of course, to its bracket). CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING IN THE PRESSURE SWITCH, ENSURE THAT THE MAIN VALVE (PILOT CYLINDER), DOES NOT HAVE ITS ELECTRICAL, MANUAL, PNEUMATIC OR ELECTRICAL SQUIB RELEASE CONNECTED. 2. Holding the pressure switch by hand, wrap Teflon tape around the 1/8” NPT connecting thread (18 turns approximately). 5 5 PELIGRO: PELIGRO: 0062 0062 ESTO ES UN CONTENEDOR DE ALTA PRESIÓN NO QUITAR LOS ACCESORIOS, NI MANIPULARLO HASTA QUE ESTE BIEN SUJETO MEDIANTE SUS HERRAJES. 1 4 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Outlet valve Cylinder connection Pressure switch connection Pressure gauge 6 Release port Pressure switch Choke screw ESTO ES UN CONTENEDOR DE ALTA PRESIÓN NO QUITAR LOS ACCESORIOS, NI MANIPULARLO HASTA QUE ESTE BIEN SUJETO MEDIANTE SUS HERRAJES. 1 4 3 2 2 7 RGS-MAM-12 RGS-MAM-12 4 4 4 4 7 3 3 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cylinder connection Pressure gauge connection Valve outlet Release port Choke screw Pressure switch connection Pressure switch 6 6 1 5 1 5 vc144ci1.dwg 3. Slowly remove the 1/8” NPT plug or faulty pressure switch from the port where the item is going to be connected. During this operation a small amount of gas will leak through the choke SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 104/112 Allen screw inside the valve. This screw is for regulating this small gas leak. If the gas leak is too great, turning the screw clockwise will reduce the flow, and if the flow is too small turning the screw in the opposite direction will increase it. Bear in mind that this small gas leak must exist (as small as possible) so that when the pressure switch is fitted, it is under pressure. It is advisable to reduce the fitting time to a minimum; otherwise a small quantity of gas will be lost. The estimated time to carry out this operation is 10 seconds. 4. Quickly screw in the pressure switch with a 24 mm non-adjustable spanner until it is fully tightened. 5. Check with soapy water that there are no leaks in the joint between the valve and the pressure switch. If there is a leak, repeat all the above operations. 6. Check the continuity of its Faston terminals with a tester. Depending on whether the chosen pressure switch is normally open or normally closed (NO/NC), it will give a different type of electrical signal. 7. If the required signal is not the one being received, and the chosen pressure switch is the correct one, turn the regulator screw to the left or right until an optimal position is found as shown in the picture. 8. If on following point 7 of this section, you still do not get the desired results, it means that the choke screw is too tight and therefore the pressure switch must be removed and the operations carried out again (from point 2). Regulation screw SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 105/112 Technical Information Operating medium Valve type Body Valve connection electrical terminals Maximum voltaje Inductive current Resistant current Protection index Working temperature Mechanical life Contact type Regulation field HFC-227ea, HFC-125 HFC-23 Max. Static pressure Weigh SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) HFC-227ea, HFC-125, HFC-23, N2 RGS-MAM-20/40/50 RGS-MAM-11-4/12-4 Bicromathed steel 1/8” NPT Faston 48 V 0.2 A 0.5 A IP 54 -5ºC to 60ºC 106 cicle NA / NC 20-80 bar (Model PMN 80) 50-150 bar (Model PMN 150) 300 bar 85 gr Installation manual - Versión 00 106/112 1.25 INSTALLING OR REPLACING PRESSURE GAUGES Assembled in the factory directly on the cylinder valve, it indicates at all times the pressure (in bar) in the cylinder charged with extinguishing agent. CAUTION THE PRESSURE GAUGE IS ASSEMBLED IN THE FACTORY ON THE CYLINDER VALVE AND THEREFORE DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY FORM OF HANDLING HOWEVER, THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS CHAPTER ARE FOR OPERATIONAL AND GUIDANCE USE FOR POSSIBLE REPLACEMENTS DUE TO MALFUNCTION OR BREAKAGE. To install or replace a pressure gauge when the cylinder is charged with extinguishing agent, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. The pressure gauge may also be installed or replaced without the cylinder being connected to the discharge hose, in which case, do not remove (or put on) the valve outlet safety plug while the cylinder is being handled (secured, of course, to its bracket). CAUTION BEFORE SCREWING IN THE PRESSURE GAUGE, ENSURE THAT THE MAIN VALVE (PILOT CYLINDER), DOES NOT HAVE ITS ELECTRICAL, MANUAL, PNEUMATIC OR ELECTRIC SQUIB RELEASE CONNECTED. 2. Holding the pressure gauge by hand, wrap Teflon tape around the 1/8” NPT connecting thread (18 turns approximately). 6 5 1 7 3 2 8 SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pilot port Pressure gauge connection Safety cup (Bursting disc) Cylinder connection Volve outlet Release port Pressure gauge Choke screw 4 Installation manual - Versión 00 107/112 RGS-MAM-12 RGS-MAM-11 6 6 7 5 5 1 7 3 2 3 2 8 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 Pilot port Pressure gauge connection Safety cup (Bursting disc) Cylinder connection Valve outlet Release port Pressure gauge Choke screw 4 vc142ci1.dwg 3. Slowly remove the 1/8” NPT plug or broken pressure gauge from the port where the item is to be connected. During this operation a small amount of gas will leak through the choke Allen screw inside the valve. This screw is for regulating this small gas leak. If the gas leak is too great, turning the screw clockwise will reduce the flow, and if the flow is too small turning the screw in the opposite direction will increase it. Bear in mind that this small gas leak must exist (as small as possible) so that when the pressure gauge is fitted, it is under pressure. It is advisable to reduce the fitting time to a minimum; otherwise a small quantity of gas will be lost. The estimated time to carry out this operation is 10 seconds. 4. Quickly screw in the pressure gauge with a 14 mm non-adjustable spanner until it is fully tightened. 5. Check with soapy water that there are no leaks in the joint between the valve and the pressure switch. If there is a leak, repeat all the above operations. 6. Check that the pressure gauge shows pressure on its dial. If it does not show the correct pressure, weigh the cylinder to check whether extinguishing gas has been lost. If it has, send the cylinder to SIEX to be recharged. 7. If the pressure gauge does not show any pressure on its gauge, repeat all the operations of this section, because the choke screw is probably too tight. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 108/112 1.26 INSTALLING THE CYLINDER VALVE BURST DISC The burst disc is factory pre-installed in the escape or burst port of the RGS-MAM-20/40/50/11-4/12-4 cylinder valve, and does not require any form of handling. CAUTION THE BURST DISC IS ASSEMBLED IN THE FACTORY AND THEREFORE DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY HANDLING. HOWEVER, THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS CHAPTER CAN BE USED FOR OPERATION AND GUIDANCE FOR POSSIBLE LATER CHANGES TO THE SYSTEM. RGS-MAM-50/40/20 1 Body 2 Bursting disc 65/110/185 bar 3 Burst disc cover A Painted surface Brass surface Figure 38 The burst disc must only be replaced with an original SIEX 2001, SL spare. It may only be replaced with the cylinder discharged (unpressurised) and never with the cylinder charged (pressurised). To install or change a burst disc with the cylinder discharged, follow the instructions below: 1. Ensure that the cylinder is properly secured by its brackets. Check that the valve outlet is screwed to the discharge hose and this, in turn, to the manifold or discharge pipe. The burst disc can also be installed or changed without the cylinder being connected to the discharge hose, in which case do not remove (or put on) the valve outlet safety plug while the cylinder is being handled (secured, of course, to its bracket). SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 109/112 CAUTION BEFORE REPLACING THE BURST DISC, MAKE SURE THAT THE CYLINDER IS DISCHARGED (NO PRESSURE). NEVER INSTALL A BURST DISC WITH THE CYLINDER CHARGED (PRESSURISED) 2. Unscrew the end cap of the burst disc from the valve body (exhaust or burst port) using a spanner. 3. Remove the broken burst disc and discard it. 4. Place the new burst disc, exclusively supplied by SIEX, in the valve body, in the burst or exhaust port. Place the smooth brass surface of the disc against the valve body seat, with the painted or coloured side of the disc facing outwards, so that it can be seen from the outside. The characteristics of the burst disc to be fitted are in the following table: TABLE 10 Burst disc material Average burst for HFC-227ea Average burst for HFC-125 charged to 24 bar (20ºC) charged to 42 bar (20ºC) charged to 24 bar (20ºC) charged to 42 bar (20ºC) Average burst for HFC-23 Colour of the burst disc Burst disc diameter Burst disc cap thread 65 bar 110 bar 185 bar RGS-MAM-20 RGS-MAM-40 RGS-MAM-50 RGS-MAM-11/-4 or 12/-4 RGS-MAM-20 RGS-MAM-40 RGS-MAM-50 RGS-MAM-11/-4 or 12/-4 Thread torque Nickel/brass/copper 65 bar +/-6.5% 110 bar +/-11% 65 bar +/-6.5% 110 bar +/-11% 185 bar +/-18% Red Blue Green 11 mm 13.9 mm 13.9 mm 11 mm 1/4” BSP 3/8” BSP 3/8” BSP 1/4” BSP 18 Nm (1/4" BSP, thread) 20 Nm (3/8" BSP thread) 5. Screw in the burst disc end cap, supplied exclusively by SIEX, into the valve body escape or burst port, without any type of sealant, but it must be tightened to 18 or 20 ± 2 Nm, depending on the valve, see table 10 above. Do not use Teflon, adhesive, or any other type of thread sealant, simply finger-tighten as much as possible, and then finally turn the nut 15º with a spanner. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 110/112 1.27 INSTALLING THE WARNING SIGNS There are two types of warning signs for SIEX-HC halogenated gas fixed extinguishing systems. A sign at each entry door to the hazard area to indicate that it is a hazard area and a warning sign at each point where a manual release can be carried out. These signs are specific to the halogenated gas system used. Door sign: A warning note is required on all the entrance doors to the protected hazard area to advise personnel that they are entering a protected area. For protected areas with concentrations greater than the NOAEL, a warning must be made to this effect. Place the sign on the door itself, in such a way that it is visible and it cannot fall off or be removed. Sign that shows a manual actuation can be carried out: A warning note is required to indicate that the system can be actuated manually, at each point where this is the case. The sign is fixed next to the manual actuation device in such as way that it is visible and cannot fall off or be removed. CAUTION WARNING SIGNS MUST BE PLACED VISIBLY ON ALL THE ENTRANCE DOORS TO THE HAZARD AREA AND AT ALL POINTS WHERE MANUAL ACTUATION IS POSSIBLE. 1.28 FINAL INSTALLATION CHECK After carrying out the installation of the SIEX-HC system, the appropriate inspection and tests must be carried out. 1. Check that the cylinders have the correct weight and pressure and are installed in accordance with the installation drawings. 2. Check that the brackets and straps are correctly installed and all the fittings are properly tightened. 3. The system pipework must be inspected according to the drawings in the manual, in accordance with the ISO-14520 (UNE-23570) standard and the design limitations in this manual. 4. Check that the discharge and actuation pipes are fully secured. Check that all the fittings are properly screwed in and tightened to prevent any dangerous movements during discharge. The means of carrying out pipe size reductions and the position of the tees must be checked depending on the requirements of the design. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 111/112 5. System pipework must be clean inside, free of pores and internally inspected so as to avoid the presence of oils or foreign particles that could dirty the hazard area, or affect the dispersal of the agent due to a reduction in the nozzle surface area. 6. The pipework must be pressure tested in accordance with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. CAUTION BEFORE CARRYING OUT THE INSPECTION TEST OF THE PNEUMATIC RELEASE LINE (RELEASE HOSES), THE RELEASE HEADS (ELECTRICAL, MANUAL, PNEUMATIC ETC) MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE VALVES SO THAT ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGES OF THE SIEX-HC SYSTEM ARE AVOIDED. 7. Carry out the test on the pneumatic release line with nitrogen at 124 bars (1800 psig), to check its integrity and gas tightness. 8. Check that the nozzles are installed in the correct position (according to the installation drawings) with its bore number marked on the lower flat part of the nozzle. The discharge nozzles must be oriented to optimise agent dispersal. Check the nozzle orifices to avoid any obstructions. 9. The discharge nozzles, pipework and assembly straps must be installed in such a way that they cannot cause personal injury. The extinguishing agent must not be discharged directly on personnel, as they could suffer injury. The discharge must not be aimed directly at objects or shelves, upper parts of cupboards or similar surfaces where loose or portable objects could be thrown or displaced by the gas during discharge. 10. The remote actuation stations must be correctly installed, easily accessible and appropriately identified. All the manual stations used to actuate the SIEX-HC for halocarbonated gases systems must be appropriately identified for this purpose. Special care must be taken when the manual pull stations for more than one system are very close and could be confused. In this case, the manual stations must be clearly identified as to the hazard area they affect. 11. A test of the electric release head must be carried out, following the description in chapter 6 on the cylinders equipped with this head. 12. Carry out a pressure switch test of all the pressure switches installed as specified in chapter 1.2.4. SIEX-HC (HFC-227ea / HFC-125 / HFC-23) Installation manual - Versión 00 112/112