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4 Reasons why ESG is important - Vijay Singla JTL Infra

Your Company Needs ESG
(Environment, Social,
Governance) Implementation:
4 Reasons WHY?
According to JTL Infra Director Vijay Singla, ESG is
now a top priority for businesses wanting to increase
their awareness of how their actions affect the
environment, social causes, and governmental laws.
ESG has gone from being a niche concern to one that
needs immediate attention as a result of the COVID-19
pandemic's extra effects, which showed how
unprepared our global economy is for catastrophic
upheaval. To position your business for future success,
it is essential to establish an ESG strategy now.
ESG: What is it?
An ESG strategy promotes sustainable and ethical
corporate practices in the three areas of governance,
s o c i a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y, a n d t h e e n v i r o n m e n t .
Environmental - Examines protecting the environment (e.g., carbon
emissions, water usage, etc.)
Social: Takes into account relationships and people (i.e., how you
treat your workers, customers and communities)
Governance: Examines best practices for managing a business (e.g.,
equitable board representation, anti-corruption policies, political
By putting ESG guidelines into practice, your company may operate
ethically and sustainably and give quantifiable information to customers
and investors seeking more transparency from the businesses they do
business with.
Importance of ESG within Organization
Yo u r c o m p a ny c a n p ro f i t f i n a n c i a l l y a n d i n
terms of reputation by implementing an ESG
a p p ro a c h . I f y o u h av e n ' t b e g u n u s i n g a n E S G
f ra m e w o r k , t a ke i n t o a c c o u n t t h e s e fo u r
1: ESG is the First Demand by Investors
Investors are focusing more and more on the long-term threat
to economic development presented by businesses, ignoring
concerns like social inequity and climate change. As a result,
they now view businesses that adopt ESG methods as longerterm investments with higher asset value, and they are
increasingly asking for ESG disclosures from the businesses
they invest in.
2: ESG Has Six Positive Impacts on Business
Enhances risk management
Creates a competitive advantage through stakeholder interaction
Encourages Innovation
Makes financial performance better
Build customer fidelity
Draws and keeps employees interested
3: ESG is demanded by Government and Regulatory Bodies
The globe will have a single reporting framework on ESG by the end of 2022,
according to several of the leading ESG reporting frameworks, who declared their
union in November 2021 at the COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference
in Glasgow.
4: ESG Implementation prepares your business for a long-term run
There is ongoing pressure to provide quick profits in business. However,
broadening your scope to incorporate long-term sustainability is now
essential and no longer a choice. Implementing ESG may make your
company a valuable asset for your children, grandkids, and their children.
The world is changing more quickly than ever, and ESG will unavoidably
take center stage in your company's operations. You can safeguard your
bottom line while positioning yourself for a prosperous and sustainable
future by proactively adopting an ESG strategy now.