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A Research Study
Presented to the Faculty of
Integrated School - Senior Highschool
Batangas State University
Batangas City
In partial fulfillment,
Of the Requirements for the
Practical Research II
Mercado, Irish U.
Periña, Andrei Raphael C.
Ramos, Jian Carla P.
Seriosa, Joshua Miguel S.
Untalan, Harold Mathew L.
Chapter I
There are numerous emergency situations that must be resolved, including travel,
climates, medical concerns, crimes, and so on. With the frequent news concerning
murder, disappearances, aggression, rape, harassment, etc., makes people feel unsafe and
frightened. According to the Philippines crime rate & statistics, in 2014 the country had
the higher rate of murder cases among Southeast Asia. Primarily, crimes committed in
big cities happen during the day, while more violent offenses occur more often at night.
Although it is practically impossible to stop crimes completely, we must take charge to
decrease them for our well-being. Traveling is a great way to see the world, but it does
have some drawbacks. One is that you may become disoriented, which is a horrifying
possibility given how frequently this occurs. Climate change is a terrifying occurrence
that happens on a regular basis. Earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, landslides, and other
natural disasters are some of the examples of calamities. Some of these calamities are
preventable, but once you're there, it's difficult to get out and survive. People with
medical problems require assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They don't want
to be pitied, but unexpected incidents sometimes occur, and if they are not addressed
promptly, the health repercussions are often more serious.
There have been many studies conducted to improve security like personal keychains. It
has been proven to be helpful to prevent and/or reduce the violence. In this thesis, we
aim to focus on diminishing the incidence and severity of the situations. It is crucial
because it will lead to a better future and a safer environment. With the increasing
number of crimes and harassment occurring day-to-day. "Criminals don't want to get
caught," says Tony Farrenkopf, Ph.D., a clinical and forensic psychologist in private
practice in Portland. So if an alert keychain buzzes on the spot, it will alert both the
people around and the criminal. Thus, the attacker would get aggressive towards the
victim. But with kEyMERGENCY, just one press and someone will get notified, and then
that person can/will track their location to find where they are and then call the
authorities. In addition, the attacker will not notice that you are secretly asking for help.
People have been deprived of safety so much that even with advanced technology and
current self-defense; people, especially women, still get harassed and feel too anxious to
go out. Hence, the goal of this study is to develop an improvised safety keychain that will
make people feel more safe and secure. With the kEyMERGENCY, it will help people
and allow emergency respondents to track them easily. Although there are some
downsides to giving up privacy, it will still benefit the person during an emergency. This
research introduces a safety keychain for people who want to feel secure. It allows them
to warn others when they are in danger and in need of assistance. The development of a
new keychain is necessary for it will be a powerful tool that they can use to notify
someone that they are in an emergency and needs immediate help.
Background of the Study
Going outside and being alone as a woman is a terrifying experience. The main objective
of this study is to help individuals in feeling secure and at ease. And since we all know,
crimes in the Philippines are complicated to fix, and the police are slow to respond. We
don't have 911, the North American emergency telephone number. I learned that we
demand responsive calls and solutions. It's incredibly upsetting not to be informed about
your family's whereabouts, and for us, safety and security are paramount. Imagine having
this kEyMERGENCY and feeling safe in the knowledge that if you are in danger, you
can simply alert someone, such as a family member, friend, or spouse. This isn't just for
emergency situations; it can also be for medical conditions. When you have someone
who is sick or unwell, this kEyMERGENCY can be quite useful; severe illnesses, such as
heart attacks and strokes, require immediate attention, which can be provided by this
The ultimate goal of our research is for individuals to feel safe, comfortable, and not
overwhelmed. Thus, increasing a person's level of productivity would be gained with the
help of the proposed outcome. We created this study to help, and that is the only reason
we decided to do so. We are aware of the limitations of our research and are confident
that we will do all possible to produce the greatest possible outcomes.
1. kEyMERGENCY is used by a person in danger to quickly and silently signal for
help to avoid attackers getting aggressive.
2. To make something that can overcome the current issue and concerns of
3. We aim to make this device portable, easy-to-use and not send false alarms.
Conceptual Framework
In our project, we decided to make an improvised keychain containing; the keyring,
emergency button, gps chip, code, and battery that would last year. The kEyMERGENCY
app contains a map where you can locate someone registered in the app. Also, our app
contains a contact, you can just click the icon of a rescuer you want to call. People tend to
be anxious when they are scared, so we offer an app that has a contact list in it so they
won’t panic. Because we don't have 911 in the Philippines, you can add all the emergency
responders contacts such as; police, ambulance, number of your personal doctor, etc. You
can also change the ringtone you preferred if you are not satisfied with the default.
Assemble the parts, creating application
Block diagram
Scope and Limitations of the Study
The ultimate goal of this research is to develop easy-to-use self-defense for individuals to
feel safe, comfortable, and not overwhelmed. With this study, we want to make
something that can overcome the downside of the existing system. This project is mainly
for people who find themselves at risk of being a victim of crime and/or people who are
in danger. To do this, we will look at all the related research of others to find out how
they did their study, and we will use that knowledge to conduct our proposed project. But
due to the pandemic, the lack of face-to-face class makes it hard for us to discuss and
communicate with each other. This study not only limits our communication but also our
lack of knowledge on how to create an application. We are aware of the limitations of our
research and are confident that we will do all possible to produce the greatest possible
Significance of the Study
There are numerous emergency scenarios that must be resolved, including travel,
climates, medical concerns, crimes, and so forth. This study aims to make people feel
safe and secure. We want to give people peace of mind that someone will always be there
to respond in case of an emergency. This will help them feel at ease and comfortable.
Thus, increasing a person's level of productivity would be gained with the help of the
proposed outcome.
Traveler- Traveling is a great way to see the world, but it does have some drawbacks.
One is that you may become disoriented, which is a frightening possibility given how
frequently this occurs. But with kEyMERGENCY, travelers can alert someone to let them
know they are (lost/in danger). Having a GPS in the device helps rescuers track you
People- The amount of crime happening daily, people face many problems that result in
them feeling afraid of going out. This project aims to make them roam around
comfortably without worrying about their safety. This device will help them alleviate
their anxiety about going outside. Having a kEyMERGENCY will ensure that help is
always available and only a button away.
Disaster victims- Climate change is a terrifying occurrence that occurs on a regular
basis. Earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, landslides, and other natural disasters are examples
of calamities. One of the major calamity events here in the Philippines is flooding. Being
stuck in the flood happens countless times, but with kEyMERGENCY, people can alert
someone by just pressing the emergency button.
Kids- Raising kids can be a handful at times, in addition it is nearly impossible to tame
them. Sometimes it is scary to leave them behind because they can be so hyper and
always roam around. In this research, parents benefit from having kEyMERGENCY to
track the kids location when lost. Also, In times of bullying, kidnapping, and etc., this
device can help them by just a single push of a button and the phone would buzz alerting
the adults that they are in danger. The need for this is crucial considering the amount of
violence and kidnapping against children is too much.
Ill person- This could save their life. People with medical conditions such as heart
problems and strokes, require immediate attention. With kEyMERGENCY, you can ask
for help when in need of medical attention. This device allows doctors/guidance to be
alert and respond quickly. It can help you alert them when in need of medical assistance
or when the condition is severe and needs to be brought to the hospital. Also, when you
are somewhere but due to an unexpected medical event and you need aid immediately. If
not treated immediately, the health consequences are usually more alarming.
Older people-
Family members tend to worry about their elders, thus having
kEyMERGENCY can help ease any concerns or anxiety about an elderly person's safety
or health. Having this will be a big help when in an emergency especially when in need
of immediate assistance.
Chapter 2
Review related of literature-?
Conceptual-books, amd journal, related studies, 2011above
General topic- do not just copy, paraphrase
Research studies/literature- existing research, 10research 5-local,5inernational
synthesis-comparing two or more related studies in one paragraph, 2-4 paragraph,
Facebook environment
1. You can spread the word of god
2. The toxicity in facebook result to suicidal intent
Chapter 1
Introduction- 2 page, written using your own word, avoid too much reference, last
paragraph state your specific problem
Background of the Study- existing current issue, concerns, condition or situations in your
particular area, subject or locale of study. Story, question, background. The last paragraph
is the main reason there is a need for the conduct of the study.
Statement of the Problem- N/A only for experimental
Objectives- 3-4 objectives.
Conceptual Framework- Design of study, input, process, output, Statement of the
Problem and your assumption
Hypothesis of the Study- answer of the Statement of the Problem
Scope and Limitations of the Study- the study all about, what are the objectives and
variable, why are the study need to conduct, what is your material, where/how is the
study conduct, the perceived limitation or weakness of the study
Significance of the Study- beneficiary
Definition of Terms- conceptual study- dictionary
operational study- definition made
by an author, 10, arrange alphabetically, wag kukuha sa dictionary
Chapter 2
Margin - left 1.5
Top, right, bottom - 1
Font -Times new roman size: 12
Indent - 0.5
Line spacing - double space
Adan, N. F., Hakim, D. A., Jafri, S. S., Sukelan, N. S., & Ahmad, M. S. (2021). A Simulation Approach to IoT Based Safety Keychain Device Using
Proteus Software. Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation, 2(1), 380-388
Paradkar, Abhijit & Sharma, Deepak. (2015). All in one Intelligent Safety System for
Women Security. International Journal of Computer Applications. 130. 33-40.
Prasad, Konakondala & Teja, Gourineni & Santosh, Chittimalla & Bharadwaj, Kalakuntla
& Dorepalli, Saidulu. (2021). Helpdroid for Women Safety and Security.
Adan, N. F., Hakim, D. A., Jafri, S. S., Sukelan, N. S., & Ahmad, M. S. (2021). A
Simulation Approach to IoT Based Safety Keychain Device Using Proteus Software.
Multidisciplinary Applied Research and Innovation, 2(1), 380-388