Uploaded by Kutay Bulut


Özen Gemici
Inner circle:
Oh hey vogue it's Kendall and I’m going to show you what's in my bag.
I will just start pulling things out.
I mean the top thing in my bag is my phone obviously.
I work on it all day long so it's important for work stuff and then I have these manuka
honey drops I am kind of addicted to these.
These ones are ginger flavored I think the ginger is my favorite gives me a little kick
start pop one of these.
And then I have my mask. I like these case masks they're really cute. They have
really cute colors, and they are n95s so I guess they're really protective. I love my
little mask.
I feel like I definitely kind of have a mom back like I feel like I don't have like
unnecessary things. Yeah I feel like I’m pretty practical.
My sunglasses have really sensitive eyes so I kind of always need my sunglasses on
which is kind of random and just a fun fact about me or you know privacy also.
This is a bottega bag fits everything that I need and some. So I love this bag.
Perfume this is my collab I did with my sister for KKW. This is our amber scent, I
really like it it's a good everyday scent and I like to just have it on me just in case you
I always like to have a snack on me these trader joes like pb and j sticks are so good.
They're like little sticks of like I guess bread or something with peanut butter in them
and then there's the jelly right here you dip them. They're really good. Shout out to
trader joe's.
My camera I used to be really good at having it on me all the time for memories. I
love it.
Oh my gosh! I haven't tried bags with anyone for a day.
The Olsen twins bags they're all the robe but they're so good.
This is kind of random I have my I have an eyelash curler just because I feel like in
an emergency like if I have no makeup on and i just curl my lashes I already feel a
little bit cuter so I always have this.
And just this is a hair tie a little um silk hair tie, I guess. It's better for your hair and it
doesn't like pull or like break your hair as much as like a rubber band would
I guess if we're on the topic of beauty i have this lip mask it's really like shiny and
pretty when you put it on it also feels really nice so i love having this on me just to put
a little shine on i have my wallet and then i have these vitamin c packs I like to take
these every day i like these my selenite crystal i hope i'm saying that right this one's
in the shape of a heart it protects you from negative energy and brings you loving
energy i love having my crystal on me these tea strips i actually just discovered these
they're like strips of tea and you just throw them in hot water they're cool i like them
this one's ginger peach for energizing and this one's a focus one so i just have these
and they're really easy to like travel with or like have in your purse headphones
always gotta have headphones also personalizing these is so smart because people
steal these and you lose these all the time so having a little personalized headphone
set is great and then last but not least my essential oils this one's stress release
which i need all the time good vibes smells good feels good makes me happy that's
pretty much it that's usually what i have in my bag kind of boring kind of basic but
that's me
Outer circle:
Hello everyone welcome to some things
cooking with alpha and today we are
going to make crispy veg triangles these
triangles are absolutely delicious and
perfect for a breakfast or a evening
snack and they're very easy to make so
now let's begin with our process so for
this recipe guys i've taken two medium
sized raw potatoes which i've grated and
now let's add them to a big mixing bowl
and then let's add half cup of suji
which is rava or semolina
followed by half cup of besan which is
gram flour
and let's mix everything in
once all the ingredients are nicely
mixed in then let's add 1 8 cup of water
and mix again
and the consistency of this batter
should be something like this
so guys
now let's just cover it up and keep it
aside for the next 10 to 15 minutes so
that the suji soaks all that water
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after 15 minutes let's uncover and let's
give everything a good mix so as to see
if the suji has soaked all the water and
if the batter is too thick then we know
how much water to add
and here our batter is looking perfect
so now let's start adding one small
onion which i finely chopped followed by
one small tomato again finely chopped
one tablespoon of boiled green peas this
is optional one tablespoon of grated
carrot one tablespoon of red capsicum
which is bell pepper
1 tablespoon of green capsicum
followed by 2 tablespoons of coriander
half teaspoon of garam masala
one teaspoon of jeera powder which is
roasted cumin powder
followed by one tablespoon of ginger
garlic chili paste which is adra klasson
mirchi ki paste
1 4 tsp of turmeric powder which is
haldi powder
juice of one small lime
and salt to taste
and now let's mix everything together
guys the vegetables that i added here
all are optional you can either skip or
add as much as you wish you can also add
some spinach mushrooms whatever
vegetables you have in your house you
can add it to this batter and now that
everything is nicely mixed in let's add
1 4 teaspoon of baking soda
and then give everything a mix again
and remember to mix it vigorously going
in one direction and once everything is
nicely mixed in then let's take a baking
pan or a cake pan and here i've greased
the pan with some oil and i've also put
some butter paper you can also use some
parchment paper if you're out of butter
paper just apply a little bit more oil
to it and even on the butter paper i had
applied some oil and now let's add all
of our batter into this cake pan on top
of the butter paper and try to make it
as even as possible with the help of the
and once the batter is nice and even
then it's time for us to steam it so in
a large kadai let's add some water and
once it starts boiling let's keep a ring
in the center of the kadai and then we
are going to place our cake pan with our
batter in it on top of the ring and then
we are going to cover it up and cook it
on a high flame for the next 15 minutes
it's been 15 minutes so let's uncover
and let's check if our vegetable batter
has completely cooked so let's take a
knife or a toothpick and pierce it in
the center and if nothing sticks that
means that our vegetable batter is
completely cooked so now let's remove it
and keep it aside
for cooling for the next 10 to 15
minutes or until the time it comes down
to room temperature and then let's take
a knife and run it through the edges
of this vegetable batter so now let's
turn this cake pan upside down on top of
a chopping board or a plate and bang on
it very gently and see guys it came off
so easily so now it's time for us to
remove the butter paper and cut it into
eight equal parts so guys i've already
removed the patter paper and i've
already cut this cake vegetable cake you
can call it into eight equal parts so
now it's time for us to start shallow
frying it so in a flat pan i've already
added some oil and now it's nice and hot
so one by one
let's start adding these vegetable
triangles in it
and we're going to cook it till the time
they become nice and golden brown in
color from both sides this could take
around minute minute and a half on each
side so once this side is done then we
are just simply going to flip it and
then cook it on the other side make sure
that the flame is on medium high and now
that our vegetable triangles are nice
and golden brown in color from both
sides it's time for us to remove them
and place it on top of a plate covered
with a paper towel so that it sucks all
that excess oil and the similar way we
are going to cook the rest of the
vegetable triangles and here we go and
these looking absolutely delicious do
serve them while they are hot with some
tomato ketchup or some spicy green
chutney and i'm telling you this is
going to be a really
delicious snack so do make it do let me
know what you think about this recipe do
share it with your friends and family
and don't forget to click on the
subscribe button and these are the links
because these are recipes which you
don't want to miss and i will see you
very very soon meanwhile you take care
bye bye
Expending circle:
hi everyone its Tatyana from Tatiana's
everyday food and today I'm gonna make
it a really easy and delicious Russian
food called pol and today I'm making it
with braised beef but it can be made
with a variety of different meats
chicken lamb just to name a few
this dish originated from these Becca
Stan and the Russians have really
adapted it into their own cuisine and
made it their own dishes well and
originally it's made in a large flat
pilaf pan I don't have one and it's not
really practical for today's kitchens so
just use your largest flat frying pan
that you have for this recipe I'm gonna
be using a pound and a half of lean stew
beef and I've chopped it into 1-inch
pieces we're gonna need one large onion
diced we're gonna need three carrots
diced I mean a cup of a garbanzo or
chickpeas and I just drained them out of
a can and we're gonna need 8 garlic
cloves just roughly chopped and for our
seasoning we're gonna need some salt
black pepper ground ginger ground
mustard some ground cumin and also some
smoked paprika and we're gonna need 4
cups of beef broth we're gonna start the
recipe by preparing our braised beef so
I'm gonna take my beef over to the
stovetop and we need to Brown it and
give it a really nice deep color it's
gonna add lots of flavor to the dish you
want to heat our pan over high heat and
then add there's a splash of oil into
the pan and once the oil is hot we can
start adding our meat I'm gonna add all
my meat at once you want to make sure
your oil is really hot because it needs
to start those Blayne in the oil as soon
as it hits the pan this is gonna season
it with a little bit of salt just a
little bit to give the meat a little
flavor once our meat has browned I'm
gonna remove it and place it into a bowl
and then it's this fan I'm gonna add my
onion my garlic and my carrots before
adding our carrots and our onion you
want to make sure to turn the heat down
to about a medium says not to burn your
now I'm gonna add to my pan all of my
seasonings I'm gonna give this a stir
I'm gonna cook it for 1 more minute
before I add the rest of my ingredients
now I can start out in our beef broth
and I'm gonna return my brown beef back
into the pan I'm just gonna give this a
quick stir make sure that all your
ingredients are submerged underneath the
broth I'm gonna cover my pan I'm gonna
turn my heat down to medium-low you want
to just let this simmer for about an
hour until that meat is really tender
while their meat is braising we can work
on preparing our rice we're gonna need 1
cup of long grain rice and we need to
wash it under cold water until the water
runs clear just to remove the starch
from the outside of the rice that way
your Rice's are gonna be sticky once
it's cooked I've raised my beef for
about an hour and you can see how well
reduced that broth is let's develop a
nice rich color just want to make sure
to give it a try before we add our rice
to make sure that it's salty enough
mm-hmm this is perfect and it tastes so
good now I'm just gonna sprinkle my
garbanzo beans into the mixture just
gonna give it a stir to make sure that
they're well combined now the important
step about adding the rice is that once
you add it you don't want to combine it
with the other ingredients until it's
all done we're gonna take me a rice that
I've washed I'm just gonna sprinkle it
in over the top once we added it you can
just gently arrange it so that it's
submerged underneath the broth
just take a spatula gently move it under
the bra and then I'm gonna cover this
and continue cooking it over a low
medium heat until the rice is done I
just tucked my plov off the stovetop or
you just want to fluff it up with a fork
or a slotted spoon and now it's all
ready to be served now traditionally
it's served with pickles or marinated
tomatoes or you could just serve it just
plain with maybe a tablespoon of sour
cream on the side this smells so amazing
I can't wait to try it
this poll is just out of this world it's
really really good the meat literally
melts in your mouth because it's so
tender just flakes and falls apart and
the rice has so much flavor from all
those spices it's just a perfect dish