Reece Brownell ENGR-2392-D02 28 August 2020 Short Essay 1 There are currently over one-and-a-half million engineers in the United States, some of which make decisions in their day-to-day work that can change the world in a multitude of ways. In such an influential and essential field, these engineers must uphold an ethical obligation to the safety and welfare of the public, and to their fellow engineers. First and foremost, I expect an ethical engineer to be qualified for the work that they are doing. Certification provides reliability in an engineer, by being recognized by other engineers in their field. With this, engineers can operate only in fields in which they are competent, which results in less accidents and less poorly designed projects. Qualification also assures a certain level of skill within an engineer and creates confidence in a client that a job will be completed. Secondly, an ethical engineer should hold the public’s safety and health paramount. Over the centuries, immense trust has been placed in engineers, because they are so often an integral part of society. This trust goes both ways, thus requiring engineers to have a moral obligation to uphold the safety of the people before attempting to improve it. Lastly, ethical engineers must have a level of respect for the natural world and its inhabitants. Engineers should not commit to any undertaking that will undermine humanity’s heritage or the well-being of the Earth. Especially in recent times, this has become a much more pressing matter. Over the years, the environment has been degraded, in part due to a myriad of revolutionary technologies developed by engineers. Times have changed, and the environmental capacity of the earth is dwindling. I expect the ethical engineers of the future to incorporate environmental concerns into their work much more frequently. In conclusion, there is a lot to expect of ethical engineers, they must uphold the trust of entire nations. However, I believe communication of this trust and putting forth work to better improve the world defines an ethical engineer.