NUCLIC ACID STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION • Topics to be covered are: Central Dogma of Biology The potential of life sciences biotechnology application Nuclic acid(DNA and RNA) Structure and Central Dogma of Biology • Proposed by F. Crick in 1956 • It is the genetic information flow from the nucleotide sequence of genes to the structure of proteins. • The flow of information is therefore composed of two successive steps, transcription and translation. • DNA → DNA → RNA → Protein • replication → transcription → translation Pathway of the central dogma in a cell Cont…. • (i) DNA is the template for its self-replication (requires proteins) • (ii) RNA synthesis (transcription) is directed by a DNA template • (iii) Protein synthesis (translation) is directed by an RNA template and is performed by ribosomes with the help of aminoacylatedtransfer RNAs (aa-tRNAs) Cont…. • Flow of genetic information is still valid: but Proteins never serve as a template for RNA synthesis (i.e. the complete reversal of the proposed genetic flow is impossible). Cont…. • However, RNA can sometimes serve as a template for the synthesis of complementary DNA sequences. • RNA genomes from Retroviruses are converted in a DNA copy (by the enzyme reverse transcriptase) that is used as a replicative form The potential of life sciences and biotechnology • Enabling technology (like IT): wide range of purposes for private and public benefits – Health care – Agro-food – Non-food uses of crops – Environment Health care • To find cures for the diseases • To replace existing cures becoming less effective (e.g., antibiotics). • To provide personalized and preventive medicine based on genetic predisposition, targeted screening, diagnosis and innovative drug treatments (pharmacogenomics) • To offer replacement tissues and organs (stem cell research, xenotransplantation) Agro-food • Disease prevention • Reduced health risks • Functional food • Reduced use of pesticides, fertilizers and drugs • Fight hunger and malnutrition Non-food uses of crops • Complex molecules for the manufacturing, energy and pharmaceutical industries • Biodegradable plastics, biomass energy, new polymers, etc. Environment • Bioremediation of polluted air, soil, water and waste • Cleaner industrial products and processes (e.g. enzymes or biocatalysis) Fields of application Primary production through agriculture, forestry, fishing: ‘green’ -Health and pharmaceutical sector: ‘red’ -Industry/environment: ‘white THE NUCLEIC ACIDS Nucleic acids are the third class of biopolymers (polysaccharides and proteins being the others) • Two major classes of nucleic acids:DNA and RNA • Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): • Carrier of genetic information • DNA from a single human cell extends in a single thread for almost 2 meters long!!! • It contains information equal to some 600,000 printed pages of 500 words each!!! (a library of about 1,000 books) Ribonucleic acid (RNA): an intermediate in the expression of genetic information and other diverse roles. HSTORICAL BACKGROUND • Friedrich Miescher in 1869 • Isolated what he called nuclein from the nuclei of pus cells • Nuclein was shown to have acidic properties, hence it is called nucleic acid Cont… 1944: Avery, MacLeod & McCarty - Strong evidence that DNA is genetic material 1950: Chargaff - careful analysis of DNA from a wide variety of organisms. Content of A,T, C & G varied widely according to the organism, however: A=T and C=G (Chargaff’ Rule) 1953: Watson & Crick - structure of DNA (1962 Nobel Prize with M. Wilkens) Erwin Chargaff’s Data (1950-51) The distribution of nucleic acids in the eukaryotic and Prokaryotes cell • In eukaryotes DNA is found in the nucleus with small amounts in mitochondria and chloroplasts • In Prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea) have no nucleus. • Appears as a granular structure associated with the membrane, the nucleoid. • RNA is found throughout the cell DNA and its structure • 1o Structure - Linear array of nucleotides • 2o Structure – double helix • 3o Structure - Super-coiling, stem-loop formation • 4o Structure – Packaging into chromatin Determination of the DNA 1o Structure (DNA Sequencing) • Can determine the sequence of DNA base pairs in any DNA molecule • Chain-termination method developed by Sanger • Involves in vitro replication of target DNA • • > ETH/31054/2015_pM13F CCTACCTCCTTCAACTACGGTGCCATCAAGGCCACTAGGGTGGTTGAACTGCTTTACCGCATGAA GAGAGCTGAGACATACTGTCCTCGGCCTCTTTTAGCCATCCAGCCAAGTGAAGCCAGACACAAA CAGAAGATAGTGGCGCCTGTAAAACAGCTTCTGAACTTTGACTTACTCAAGTTGGCAGGAGACG TTGAGTCCAACCCTGGGCCCTTC DNA Secondary structure (X-ray christalpgraphy) • DNA is double stranded with antiparallel strands • Three different helical forms (A, B and Z DNA. Comparison of A, B, Z DNA • A: right-handed, short and broad, 2.3 A, 11 bp per turn • B: right-handed, longer, thinner, 3.32 A, 10 bp per turn • Z: left-handed, longest, thinnest, 3.8 A, 12 bp per turn A- form DNA • A-form DNA is a less hydrated form of dsDNA. • Is a regular, right-handed helix • Double stranded RNA and DNA-RNA hybrids and of double-stranded DNA stretches in some DNA-protein complexes. • A-DNA is shorter and larger than B-form DNA • The bases are not lying flat as in B-form DNA, but they are slightly tilted(+19°) Cont… • It is more compact and is underwound(11 bp/turn; rise = 2.3 Å). • The major groove of A-form DNA is narrower and deeper • The minor groove is superficial, flat and broad. • The sugars are in the C3'-endo configuration B-form DNA • In vivo most of the DNA is supposed to exist in the B-form. • Regular,right-handed helix (diameter of 20 Å) • It has on average 10.5 bp per turn and a rise of 3.32 Å . • The pentose C2' is in the endo-configuration and the bases in the anti conformation. • The bases are lying approximately flat and perpendicular with respect to the helical axis (only tilted by -1.2°) Cont… • The minor groove is narrower and very deep. • The major groove in B-form DNA is no longer a groove but a convex surface. Z-form DNA • Z-form DNA is the only left-handed form of DNA • It has about 12 bp/turn and a rise of 3.8 Å/bp • Z-DNA is skinny • The plane of the base is slightly tilted with respect to the helical axix (-9°) • Its name indicates the zig-zag structure of the backbone Cont… • The molecular basis is the synconformation (rotation around the glycosidic bond) of the guanines • C3'-endo conformation of the sugar moieties (C2’-endo and anti-configuration for the cytosine residues). The bond joining the 1′-carbon of the deoxyribose sugar to the heterocyclic base is the N-glycosidic bond. Rotation about this bond gives rise to syn and anti conformations. The syn conformation is fully allowed but the anti one is partly allowed DNA 3o Structure Triple-stranded DNA • Is an important intermediate, generated by the action of the RecA protein in the process of homologous DNA recombination. The cruciform structure • Complementary pairing of inverted repeat sequences in a single strand. • Typical intermediates in the resolution process of recombining molecules (Holliday junctions). •Cruciforms occur in palindromic regions of DNA •Can form intrachain base pairing DNA 4o Structure • In chromosomes, DNA is tightly associated with proteins . • One cell Human DNA’s total length is ~2 meters! • This must be packaged into a nucleus that is about 5 micrometers in diameter • This represents a compression of more than 100,000! • It is made possible by wrapping the DNA around protein spools called nucleosomes and then packing these in helical filaments •4 major histone (H2A, H2B, H3, H4) proteins for octomer •200 base pair long DNA strand winds around the octomer •146 base pair DNA “spacer separates individual nucleosomes •H1 protein involved in higher-order chromatin structure. •With out H1, Chromatin looks like beads on string Solenoid Structure of Chromatin NUCLEIC ACID STRUCTURE • Nucleic acids are polynucleotides • Their building blocks are monomeric units called nucleotides • Nucleotides are made up of three structural subunits • 1. Sugar: ribose in RNA, 2-deoxyribose in DNA • 2. Heterocyclic base(A,G(pu),C,T(Py)) • 3. Phosphate NUCLEOTIDE STRUCTURE PHOSPATE SUGAR BASE Ribose or Deoxyribose PURINES PYRIMIDINES Adenine (A) Guanine( G) NUCLEOTIDE Cytocine (C) Thymine (T) Uracil (U) Nucleoside, nucleotides and nucleic acids phosphate sugar phosphate phosphate sugar base base sugar base sugar base phosphate nucleoside nucleotides sugar base nucleic acids The chemical linkage between monomer units in nucleic acids is a phosphodiester Sugar : Ribose is a pentose C5 O C1 C4 C3 C2 It can be of : DEOXYRIBOSE RIBOSE CH2OH O C H H H C OH OH CH2OH C C H H OH O C H H C C C OH OH H H P THE SUGAR-PHOSPHATE BACKBONE • The nucleotides are all orientated in the same direction • The phosphate group joins the 3rd Carbon of one sugar to the 5th Carbon of the next in line. P P P P P P G ADDING IN THE BASES P C • The bases are attached to the 1st Carbon • Their order is important It determines the genetic information of the molecule P C P A P T P T Hydrogen bonds P G C P Phosphodiester bond DNA is Made of Two Strands of Polynucleotide Glycocidic bond P C P P C C1 =N9(purine) C1=N1(pyrimidine) G G P P A T P P T A P Glycocidic bond P T A P DNA is Made of Two Strands of Polynucleotide • The sister strands of the DNA molecule run in opposite directions (antiparallel) • They are joined by the bases • Each base is paired with a specific partner: A is always paired with T G is always paired with C Purine with Pyrimidine • This the sister strands are complementary but not identical • The bases are joined by hydrogen bonds, individually weak but collectively strong © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS Cont… 7 NH2 6 N 5 N H 4 N 8 9 1 N 2 N H N3 N H N NH2 6 3 2 N1 pyrimidine H3C N N H O cytosine (C) DNA/RNA NH N NH2 guanine (G) DNA/RNA O 4 N N N adenine (A) DNA/RNA purine 5 O O NH N H O thymine (T) DNA NH N H O uracil (U) RNA Pyrimidines and Purines. The heterocyclic base; there are five common bases for nucleic acids Note that G, T and U exist in the keto form (and not the enol form found in phenols) 7 N NH2 6 5 N 8 9 N H 4 1 N 2 N H N3 N H N NH2 N3 2 N1 pyrimidine H3C N N H O cytosine (C) DNA/RNA NH N NH2 guanine (G) DNA/RNA O 4 6 N N adenine (A) DNA/RNA purine 5 O O NH N H O thymine (T) DNA NH N H O uracil (U) RNA Nucleosides. N-Glycosides of a purine or pyrimidine heterocyclic base and a carbohydrate. The C-N bond involves the anomeric carbon of the carbohydrate. The carbohydrates for nucleic acids are D-ribose and 2-deoxy-D-ribose 45 Watson & Crick Base pairing 7 N NH2 6 5 N 8 9 N H 4 1 N 2 N H N3 N H N NH2 6 2 N1 pyrimidine Watson-Crick base pairing requires that the bases be in their preferred tautomeric states, that is with keto (C=O) and exocyclic amino (NH2) groups, not the enol (C-OH) and imino(N-H) forms. H3C N N H O cytosine (C) DNA/RNA NH N NH2 guanine (G) DNA/RNA O 4 N3 N N adenine (A) DNA/RNA purine 5 O O NH N H O thymine (T) DNA NH N H O uracil (U) RNA The Double Helix (1953) © Dr Kalju Kahn USBC Chemistry and Biochemistry Public Domain image Why Triple bond in C=G and double bond in A=T base pairing ? Hydrogen bridges form between an electronegative group and an electropositive hydrogen atom. The double bonded O='s from cytosine and guanine are very electronegative, because the oxygen nucleus pulls strongly to the shared electron pairs. In the central ring, a likewise, but weaker phenomenon takes place. The cytosine nitrogen atom pulls electrons from the shared electron pairs with surrounding C atoms and, hence, becomes electronegative too. It attracts the positively charged H atom of guanine, hence creating a hydrogen bond. Why a helix? • DNA inside a cell is surrounded by water. • Sugar and phosphate are hydrophilic but the bases are hydrophobic. • Therefore the bases will try to escape from the water. • This will make the DNA to have helical structure. Why is 2'-Deoxyribose the Sugar Moiety in DNA? • Perhydroxylated sugars ( glucose and ribose) formed in nature as products of the reductive condensation of carbon dioxide and an additional biological reduction steps. • This is because the extra hydroxyl group in ribose is: • Bulky(interfere double helix structure and prevent efficient packing) • Reactive 2'-hydroxyl(for lifetime stability of an organism) Why triple hydrogen bond between G>C and A>T Triple bond • Hydrogen bonds form between a hydrogen bond donor and a hydrogen bond acceptor. • If we speak for the nucleic acid bases, here are the donors and acceptors • See, between Cytosin and Guanine, we see 3 pairs of acceptor-donor. Hydrogen of NH2 functions as donor, whereas oxygen atom right across functions as acceptor. Double bond • Between Thymine and Adenine, only 2 hydrogen bonds can form as the distance between a 2 donors and 2 acceptors allows them to. • Remember that, the distance whence a hydrogen bond can form is roughly around 2– 4 Angström.