BIOLOGY SUMMARY ALL CHAPTERS 1-10 Marvel Orahin A visually reorganized summary with no watermarks BIOLOGY Grade 12 2021-2022 Table of contents Chapter 1………………………………………2 Chapter 2………………………………………14 Chapter 3………………………………………27 Chapter 4………………………………………39 Chapter 5………………………………………53 Chapter 6………………………………………63 Chapter 7………………………………………75 Chapter 8………………………………………83 Chapter 9………………………………………95 Chapter 10………………………………………108 1 Section 1.1: The Human Body Plan Levels of organization: Cell Tissue Organ Organ system Body What is a tissue? A collection of cells similar in structure that perfom the same function. Types of tissue: Muscle: composed of cells (muscle fibers) that can contract • Smooth: Involuntary movement of substances throughout the body • Skeletal: Attached to the skeleton; movement of bones • Cardiac: Pumps blood (heart) Nervous: contains cells (neurons) that can recieve and transmit electrical signals • Sense changes, interpret sensory information, coordination of voluntary and involuntary acitivities. Epithelial: Lines and covers internal and external surfaces • • • • Various thickness and arrangements Tightly bound Dead layer of skin Single layer of flattened cells in blood vessels Connective: Binds, supports, and protects structures • • • • Instracellular substance called matrix Solid matrix: Bone Semi-solid matrix: Fat, Cartilage, Tendons, Ligaments Liquid matrix: Blood (plasma) 2 Organs and integration What is an organ? Consists of various tissues that work together to carry out a specific function . Stomach Has all four types of tissues Part of the digestive system Works with the small intestine, liver, pancreas Organs work together and are all integrated on some level with boundaries that are not well-defined. Pancreas Main function is digestion (secretion of digestive juices) Also secretes endocrine hormones (insulin & glucagon) The cardiovascular systems transports the nutrients and oxygen generated by the digestive and respiratory systems respectively. Body cavities There are certain compartments in the human body that house and protect organs. Cranial Contains the Brain Thoracic Lungs, Esophagus, Sternum, Ribs, Heart, Thymus... Abdominal Ovaries, Kidneys, Intestines, Stomach...(digestive etc.) Spinal Contains the spinal cord Pelvic Organs of the reproductive and excretory systems (not all of them) 3 Section 1.2: The Skeletal System The Skeleton Appendicular o The bones of the skull, ribs, spine, and sternum Axial o The bones of the arms and legs, along with the scapula, clavicle, and pelvis There are 206 bones in the body Making up <20% of the body’s mass Function and Structure Bones provide a rigid framework against which muscles can pull Give shape and structure to the body Support and protect delicate internal ὀστέον (ostéon, “bone”) o Osteo- (prefix relating to bone) Osteocytes o The basic bone cell, embedded within the gaps between protein organs Store minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, Production of R.B.C’s, Platelets, and some types of W.B.C.’s Moist, living tissues (not dry and rigid) layers. Surrounded by a hard, crystalline matrix containing calcium. 4 Long Bone Structure Periosteum • A tough membrane that covers the bone surface, supplying nutrients & nerves that signal pain Compact bone • A hard material, composed of mineral crystals & protein fiber cylinders (lamellae), that allows bone to endure large amounts of stress. Right below the periosteum Haversian canals • Narrow channels concentric with lamellae that house bloods vessels; delivering nourishment to bone tissue Spongy bone • Beneath compact bone • Connective tissue • Lattice work structure (light & strong) • Contains Red bone marrow Bone marrow: Red bone marrow o Found in [Spongy bone, ends of long bones, sternum, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis] o Produces R.B.C’s, Platelets, and W.B.C’s (not all though) Yellow bone marrow o Found in [Shafts of long bone] o Largely exists as a fat cells acting as an energy reserve o Can turn into R. bone marrow if severe blood loss occurs. *If an injury to the bone is sustained it is called a fracture (cracks or breaks). Fractures heal as long as circulation to the periosteum is maintained. 5 Bone Development Ossification: The formation of bone from cartilage by osteocytes as a result of mineral deposition during fetal development and adolescence. Fetal ossification o During the 2nd month, much of the skeleton is made of cartilage o During the 3rd month, osteocytes begin to release and lodge mineral in between the spaces between cartilage cells. o Does all cartilage turn to bone? o No, some remains to lend flexibility to parts of the body [ears, nose, areas between nose, along the inside of trachea] Is all bone ossified cartilage? No, some bones directly form from fused osteocytes originally scattered randomly throughout the embryonic connective tissue. Ex: the bones of the skull, as evident by the suture lines at the joints Bone elongation o Bones continue to grow until no more cartilage is left to replace o The site of bone elongation is near the ends of long bones; epiphyseal plate o The epiphyseal plate is composed of 8 columns of cartilage cells that divide, pushing the older cells towards the middle o The oldest cartilage cells get replaced by newer bone, thus the bone is older the closer it is to the middle. o Long bones grow in length, circumference, and density 6 Joints The place where two bones meet Fixed: permit no movement o found in skull, connecting boney plates Semi-movable: permit limited movement o Between the bones of the vertebral column, except the top two (separated by disks of cartilaginous tissue that absorb shock) o Connects the upper 10 pairs of the ribcage to the sternum, allowing lungs to expand Movable: wide-range of movement o Hinge [elbow, knees...] o Ball-and-socket [shoulder, hips...] o Pivot [cervical vertebrae] o Saddle [base of thumb] o Gliding [ found between the small bones in the foot and inside the wrists] 7 Joint structure and disease The places where two bones meet is covered with cartilage that protects the bone surface from friction. Ligaments: tough bands of connective tissue that hold bones of a joint together Synovial fluid: secreted from membranes in the joints that lubricates (protects from friction) and nourishes the tissues inside the joint. Damage to the knee can cause swelling in the compartments that contain synovial fluid. Disorders that cause painful, swollen joints are described by the term arthritis. Arthritis Rheumatoid Autoimmune disease Inflamed, swollen, stiff, deformed joints Genetic disease Ligaments: Bone Tendons: Muscle Osteoarthritis Degenerative Thinner cartilage, bone on bone rubbing sensed by periosteum nerves Age-related Bone Bone 8 Section 1.3: Muscular System The muscular system makes up 1/3 of body weight (about 600 muscles) Was Muscles enable the body to move, and provide the force that pushes substances throughout the body Muscle cells are called muscle fibers. Bundles of these fibers are called fascicles. Bones are only pulled by muscle Types of muscle: Skeletal • Voluntary • Multinucleated Moves parts of the body such as the limbs, trunk and face Cardiac Single-nucleus Striated Involuntary Found only in the walls of the heart; pumps blood Smooth Non-striated Lines the walls of the stomach, intestines, and blood vessels Also found in the uterus, digestive tract, and bladder Responsible for moving substances throughout the body 9 Muscle structure How are muscles organized? In descending order of size: Muscle (deltoid) Fascicles Muscle fiber Myofibrils Sarcomere (z-lines in between) Myosin & Actin filaments A large amount of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue (covers and supports muscle fibers) also makes up a muscle Muscles rely on an active supply of oxygen and nutrients, which are provided by arteries Muscles produces metabolic waste, which is carried away by veins. Muscle fibers contain bundles of threadlike structures call myofibrils. Protein filaments make up the each myofibril. The thick ones are myosin and the thin ones are actin. These filaments are arranged in an overlapping pattern that gives striated muscles their striped appearance Actin filaments are anchored at their endpoints to a structure called z-line. The region from one Z-line to the next is a sarcomere. 10 Muscle contraction The basic functional unit of the muscle is the sarcomere. Muscle contraction begins at the nerve impulse that initiates it. The myosin heads attach to points between the beads of actin. The myosin heads bend inwards, let go of the actin, then bend inwards again. Shortening the sarcomere. During contraction the overlap zone of the filaments increases. Synchronized shortening of many sarcomeres causes the entire muscle to contract. Muscles require ATP to detach the myosin heads from the actin. A continuous supply of ATP is required for proper muscle movement. Rigor mortis is a condition in which all muscles of the body become rigid shortly after death because the body stops making ATP. Muscle contraction is an all or nothing response. The force of the contraction is determined by the number of stimulated muscle fibers. 11 Muscular Movement of Bones Muscles are attached to the periosteum either directly or through a tough fibrous cord of connective tissue called tendons The point where a muscle attaches to a stationary bone is called an origin. The point where the muscle attaches to moving bone is called an insertion Most muscles are arranged in opposing or antagonistic pairs. Ex: Bicep/Triceps. When one contracts the other relaxes, and vice versa. Flexors (biceps) bend joints. Extensors (triceps) straighten joints. Both triceps and biceps have origins in the Scapula Bicep insertion is the Radius. Triceps insertion is the Ulna. 12 Muscle Fatigue The physiological inability of a muscle to contract. Muscle energy use: o Glucose Glycogen (when glucose is unavailable) Fat (when stored glycogen runs out) Fatigue Muscle fatigue is a result of a relative depletion of ATP. Absence of ATP cause continuous contraction Oxygen debt 𝟔𝑶𝟐 + 𝑪𝟔 𝑯𝟏𝟐 𝑶𝟔 ⇒ 𝟔𝑯𝟐 𝑶 + 𝟔𝑪𝑶𝟐 + 𝑨𝑻𝑷 (for knowledge) Oxygen is required for ATP synthesis through cellular respiration. After heavy exertion, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems can’t keep up with the oxygen demand for energy production. Temporary lack of oxygen is called Oxygen debt. Lactic acid and metabolic waste buildup in the muscle fibers. Causing soreness from the acid. CO2 is no longer produced in the muscle either. 13 Section 2.1: The Circulatory System Circulation Cardiovascular Blood Heart Lymphatic Blood vessels Lymph Lymph nodes Lymph vessels The circulatory system is the transport system of the body It transports nutrients, hormones, gases. Gets rid of waste. Helps maintain constant body temperature (37 0 C) The Heart The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body Located in the thoracic cavity, behind the sternum, between the two lungs. Surrounded by a tough, saclike membrane called the pericardium. Secretes a fluid that reduces friction A septum (wall) divides the heart into two sides, and prevents blood from mixing. Upper chambers are called atrium. Lower are called ventricle The atrioventricular valves (AV) prevent blood from flowing back into the atria The semi-lunar valves (SL) prevent blood from flowing back into the ventricles. 14 Circulation in the Heart There are 6 blood vessels that enter the heart (2 vena cava & 4 pulmonary veins) 2 blood vessels exit the heart (Aorta and Pulmonary artery) The largest blood vessel is the Aorta The thickest chamber is the left ventricle Blood is dark red when deoxygenated and bright red when oxygenated. The pulmonary artery is the only artery carrying deoxygenated blood Pulmonary veins are the only veins that carry oxygenated blood Highest blood pressure is in aorta, lowest is in the vena cava’s 15 Control of the Heartbeat A group of specialized cells control the heartbeat (both the in the right atrium) The sinoatrial node spontaneously sends out its own electrical signal every 0.8s (without input from neurons) The sinoatrial node is called a pacemaker because it regulates heart rate. The sinoatrial node causes the atria to contract (0.1s) [auricular systole] The signal sent by the sinoatrial node is received by the atrioventricular node (located in the septum between two atria) The atrioventricular node causes the ventricles to contract (0.3s) [ventricular systole] Ventricles an atria relax (0.4s) [diastole] A pulse is the series of pressure waves caused by the contraction of the left ventricle. An electrocardiogram (ECG) measures pulse Closing of valves causes a lub-dub sound Auricular systole (0.1s) Ventricular systole (0.3s) • AV valves open; SL valves close • Dub sound • AV valves close; SL valves open • Lub sound Diastole (0.4) • Both valves closed 16 Blood Vessels The circulatory system is a closed system, the blood is either in the blood vessels or in the heart at all times. Blood flows in one direction. Arteries are thick, muscular vessels that carry blood away from the heart They need to be strong and elastic to prevent bursting from blood pressure The structure of arteries from innermost to outer most: o Endothelium Smooth muscle Connective tissue Blood pressure is highest in the Aorta and Pulmonary arteries Two types of blood pressure o Systolic: contraction of the ventricles (120 mm Hg male 110 mm Hg female) o Diastolic: disappearance of sound; steady flow ( 80 mm Hg male, 70 mm Hg female ) Hypertension: high blood pressure, may cause vessel to burst. Blooding coming out in random spurts out of a wound means an artery was cut. Arteries divide into smaller blood vessels called arterioles Arterioles branch into a network of tiny vessels called capillaries (whose walls are one cell thick) There is a capillary near every cell Substances diffuse through capillary walls following concentration gradients. Capillaries merge into venules. Venules merge into veins. Veins merge to form the superior (upper) & inferior (lower) vena cavas Veins are thin and less muscular than arteries with valves inside because they undergo less pressure on their walls than arteries. 17 Patterns of Circulation Discovered by William Harvey Pulmonary subsystem Closed system Circulation Heart ↔ Lungs Systemic subsystem Heart ↔ other body tissues. Hepatic (liver) portal Systemic Pulmonary Renal (kidneys) Coronary (supply to heart) Pulmonary Circulation Right ventricle Lungs Left atrium Carries deoxygenated blood Pulmonary artery branches into two (one for each lung) CO2 diffuses out, O2 diffuses in (at the lungs) Venules merge into the pulmonary veins Systemic Circulation Left ventricle Body Right atrium Heart and all parts of the body except lungs Has other subsystems Coronary subsystem supplies blood to heart itself Any type of cutting or blocking of coronary arteries can cause heart attack Atherosclerosis is the buildup of fatty material in the interior walls of coronary arteries 18 Lymphatic System A one-way path to the heart that returns protein-less, Fluid that has collected in the tissues to the bloodstream Protein-less fluid that has diffused into lymph capillaries (similar to blood capillaries) is called Lymph. Lymph capillaries merge into lymph vessels, which have similar structure to veins (meaning they have valves) Lymph vessels return lymph to the heart through the superior vena cava. Lymph nodes: small organs that filter lymph from o Foreign particles o Microorganism o Tissue debris Lymph nodes also contains lymphocytes (W.B.C’s that are specialized to fight disease) Nodes get inflamed, swollen, & tender due to an increase in the no. of lymphocytes after an infection 19 Section 2.2: Blood The functions of blood are to transports nutrients and oxygen to cells, and carry CO2 & other waste materials away. It also transfers heat to the body’s surface & plays a role in disease defense Composition of blood (4-5 liters in normal body) o 55% Plasma o 45% R.B.C, W.B.C, & Platelets Plasma o 90% water o 10% nutrients, wastes, metabolites, proteins, & salts o Contains [minerals, vitamins, amino acids & glucose] absorbed from the digestive system that provide nourishment to cells o Carries hormones o A variety of proteins Albumin Regulation of osmotic pressure. Fibrin Formation of blood clots. Antibodies Fight diseases. 20 Red Blood Cells Erythrocytes Formed in red bone marrow Immature cells produce large amounts of hemoglobin o Hemoglobin is the ironcontaining protein that binds to oxygen (and CO2) Mature cells lack a nucleus They have a life span of 120-130 days White Blood Cells Leukocytes Formed in red marrow but must travel to other organs to mature o [spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, tonsils] 1mm3 blood o 4 mil R.B.C, 7k W.B.C, 500k Platelets Help destroy invading organisms and can live for several years Phagocytes (neutrophils and macrophages) o Engulf & ingest microorganism Plasma cells o Produce antibodies Leukocyte count can double when person has an infection 21 Essential to the formation of blood clots (preventing excess blood loss) Platelets Blood-clotting Congregate at the damaged site Life-span of 7-12 days Made from fragments of very large cells formed in the bone marrow Release a clotting factor: Fibrin The absence of one or more clotting factors is Hemophilia o Large cuts or internal injuries can be life-threatening. o Treated with protein injections 22 Blood Types The A-B-O system of blood typing is based on the A & B antigens on the surface of the R.B.C. Antigens are substances that stimulate immune response o “anti-body generating substance” o All pathogens are antigens but not all antigens are pathogens Agglutination is when two samples of different blood type are mixed together o A reaction between antigens on the surface of the r.b.c. and the antibodies in the plasma o First observed by Karl Landsteiner It is necessary to know the antigens of the donor and the antibodies of a recipient in a blood transfusion. AB blood is a universal recipient, O is a universal donor The Rh factor (named after rhesus monkey) is also another antigen found on the r.b.c. (Rh- no factor, Rh+ has factor) Erythroblastosis fetalis: Rh- mother and Rh+ father have a Rh+ child mother develops antibodies against factor second child’s blood is attack by mother’s immune system 23 Section 2.3: The Respiratory System Internal respiration: Exchange of gases between blood and cells External respiration: Exchange between atmosphere and blood The Lungs The site of gas exchange between blood and atmosphere The left lung has 2 lobes and the right has 3 lobes (to make space for the heart) Located in the Thoracic cavity bound by rib cage and diaphragm. A membrane called the pleura lines the cavity and secretes a fluid that decreases friction The Path of Air The nasal cavity filters air Pharynx has passage ways for both food and air The Trachea & Bronchi are lined with smooth muscles, cilia, mucus, and cartilage o The bronchioles have no cartilage (they have the rest) Alveoli are tiny air sacs surrounded by capillaries where all exchange of gases occurs o 300 million alveoli with a large surface are (70 m2) o The surface area increases the rate of diffusion 24 Gas Exchange and Transport The driving force behind the diffusion of gasses between alveoli and the bloodstream is the concentration gradient of CO 2 and O2 O2 molecules travel from the area of high concentration (alveolus) to lower concentration (capillary) CO2 molecules travel from the area of high concentration (capillaries) to lower concentration (alveoli) Transport of Oxygen 95-98% of oxygen moves in the r.b.c where it binds to hemoglobin o 2-5% is dissolved in the plasma Each Hemoglobin molecule (Hb) contains 4 iron atoms o Each Iron atom can bind to one oxygen molecule o Hb + 4O2 ⇌ HbO8 oxyhemaglobin o The Hb molecule can carry up to 4 O2 molecules When oxygen reaches the cells: o The reaction is reversed and oxyhemaglobin disassociates: HbO8 ⇌ Hb + 4O2 o Oxygen is used to break to break down glucose to make ATP by the process of aerobic respiration 25 Transport of Carbon Dioxide 70% of CO2 is transported as bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) o 7% is dissolved in plasma o 23% binds to hemoglobin Reaction at the cell: + o H2 O + CO2 ⇌ H2 CO3 ⇌ HCO− 3 +H o High concentration of CO2 in the blood makes blood acidic Reaction at the lungs (reverse) + o HCO− 3 + H ⇌ H2 CO3 ⇌ H2 O + CO2 o The CO2 diffuses into the alveoli and is exhaled into the atmosphere Mechanism of Breathing Inspiration o Lower air-pressure inside lungs; higher outside. Air rushes in. Chest expands Diaphragm flattens Muscles contract to move ribs move up and outward Abs relax Expiration o Higher air-pressure inside lungs; lower outside. Air rushes out Diaphragm and rib muscles relax Abs contract Chest shrinks The rate of breathing is controlled by the brain and brainstem o They monitor CO2 levels in the blood A person can temporarily override the control system and take manual control 26 Section 3.1: Nonspecific Defenses How the body identifies agents that cause infectious disease and defends itself against them. Koch’s Postulate Developed by Robert Koch First used to identify anthrax (bacteria) A step-by-step procedure to identify pathogens Disease Pathogen Transmission Common cold Rhinovirus N/A Botulism Contaminated food AIDS Clostridium botulinum (bacterium) Entamoeba histolytica (protist) HIV (virus) Athlete’s foot Tinea (fungus) Amebic dysentery Contaminated food and water Sexual contact, contaminated needles/fluids, mother to fetus or infant Contaminated surfaces, person-to-person contact. 27 First line of defense: Barriers Mucous membranes Epithelial tissues that secrete mucous o Sticky substance that traps pathogens o Swept by beating cilia to the pharynx where it is swallowed o Lines the organs of respiratory system, urethra, vagina, and digestive system Protect the interior surfaces of the body. Skin Physical barrier against pathogens Secretes sweat, oil, & waxes o A special enzyme called lysosome in sweat destroys pathogens. This paragraph is poorly printed in many copies of the book 28 Second line of defense: Nonspecific immunity Inflammatory response A series of events that suppress pathogens and speed up recovery Stimulated by invading pathogens Histamine is released o Increases the permeability of blood capillaries o Causes redness, warmth, swelling, pain o Increases blood flow to damaged area o Attracts phagocytes to the site of infection Phagocytes: ingest & destroy foreign matter o Macrophages Large cells that engulf pathogens Some are stationary & others seek pathogens o Neutrophils Most abundant type Circulate the bloodstream Natural killer cells o Attack pathogen infected cells—not pathogens themselves. o Effective at killing cancer cells and virus-infected cells o Kills by piercing the membrane allowing water to rush in. 29 Temperature response Chemicals secreted by macrophages and certain pathogens cause fever A temperature above 370 C is considered a fever A high temperature (390 C) causes a break down in the proteins of cells (denaturation). >410 C is fatal. Proteins About 20 proteins make up the complement system that circulate the blood and become active when encountering pathogens. They can form ring-shaped structures and puncture the membranes of infected cells Interferon o Protein released by virus-infected cells; helps nearby cells to resist viral infection. o Some experiments show it has an ability to cure some types of cancer 30 Section 3.2: Specific Defenses The Immune System Leukocytes Organs Lymphocytes Adenoids Phagocytes Neutrophils Natural killer cells B cells (made in marrow) T cells (made in marrow) Thymus (above heart) Site of maturation Macrophages Spleen Site of maturation *B cells can also mature in marrow Tonsils Lymph nodes Bone marrow 31 Recognizing pathogens Lymphocytes provide specific defense because they can recognize antigens o Any foreign bodies that the body doesn’t recognize o Pathogens & their parts, pollen, toxins, venom, foreign molecules Lymphocytes bind to antigens to start the immune response. There are millions of lymphocytes with different receptors on their surface The different receptors can bind to different antigens The lymphocytes react to the binding Specific comes from the specificity of the antigens and the complementary receptor shapes they can bind to 32 Immune response Cell mediated Humoral Both immune responses occur at the same time and require a specialized cell called helper T-cell. The first step in both responses is a macrophage engulfing a pathogen and displaying its antigens on the surface membrane o Macrophages release the cytokine (protein) interleukin-I when a helper T-cell binds to the antigens displayed. The release of IL-1 activates more helper T-cells, which release interleukin-II IL-2 stimulates production of cytotoxic T-cells & and further division of helper T-cells Cell-mediated o Actions of the T-cells o IL-2 stimulates production of cytotoxic T-cells & and further division of helper T-cells Cytotoxic T-cells attack cells infected by pathogens & some cancers by making a hole in the membrane of the cell CT T-cells also attack parasites and foreign tissues o Suppressor T-cells play a role in shutting down the immune system after the pathogen has been cleared from the body Humoral o Actions of the B-cells o IL-2 stimulates B-cells that have complementary antigens to divide and change into plasma cells (some become memory cells) Plasma cells make defensive Y-shaped proteins called antibodies that bind to a specific antigen on the pathogen surface (30,000 antibodies per second) Antibodies do not destroy directly; but either deactivate or cause destruction by nonspecific defense (like clumping pathogens together for macrophage food or activating the complement proteins) 33 Cell-mediated response Humoral response 34 Primary and Secondary Immune Response The first time a person is infected by an antigen is called a primary immune response o Memory cells are created during the primary response (they do not respond for the first time) Memory cells can quickly recognize and attack during later infection; called the secondary immune response o The second responds is faster and more powerful Cold and flu are an exception because the viruses that cause them mutate at a high rate and are always presenting new antigens Immunity & Vaccination Immunity: The ability to resist infectious disease. It can be achieved by: o Being infected and undergoing the primary immune response o Vaccination Introduction of antigens to the body to cause immunity A vaccine contains a solution of dead or weakened pathogens Diseases controlled by vaccination {polio, measles, mumps, tetanus, diphtheria, smallpox} Sometimes booster shots are required to restore immunity (tetanus & polio) 35 Problems of the Immune System Allergies o A physical response to an antigen {pollen, dander, dust mites, food, fungal spores, } o Symptoms of allergies are generally mild {sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, itchy swelling of skin}, but some can be lethal o Much of the symptoms of allergies are cause by Histamine release Can be treated with antihistamines Asthma (symptom of allergy) o Narrowing of the bronchioles due to substances in the air, making breathing difficult o Other respiratory tissues may also swell and become inflamed. Autoimmune disease: Immune system attacks body o Lymphocytes that react to antigens in the body are quickly destroyed but sometimes they survive Disease Tissues affected Symptoms Lupus Connective tissue Type I Diabetes islets of Langerhans Rheumatoid arthritis Psoriasis Multiple sclerosis Joints Skin Nervous tissue (insulating material) Facial rash, joint pain, fever, fatigue, kidney problems, weight-loss Excessive urine production and thirst, weight-loss, fatigue, confusion Inflammation of joints Dry, scaly, red skin-patches N/A 36 Section 3.3: HIV & AIDS HIV is the virus; AIDS is the disease (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) The virus is transmitted through o Sexual contact o Contaminated syringes or hypodermic needles o Mother to fetus/infant (breast-feeding) The virus is NOT transmitted through o Casual contact (Hand-shakes) o Air, water, toilet seats o Insect bites HIV binds to the CD4 receptor & CCR5 co-receptor on macrophages o The virus replicates inside the macrophage (budding) o HIV mutates inside the macrophage and is released without the phagocyte dying. o Mutations allow the virus to recognize receptors on other cells like helper T-cells T-cells do not have co-receptor CCR5 After binding to the helper T-cell, the virus replicates. This destroys the T-cells. The decreased no. of helper T-cells cripples the immune system, this effect progresses to AIDS when the helper T-cell count falls below 200 cells per 1 ml blood. 37 Phases of Infection Phase I o Asymptomatic stage, can last up to 10 years o Immune system attacks virus, viral replication occurs o Anti-HIV antibodies after several weeks are produced so an HIV test can be performed. o Possibility of infecting other people even if there no symptoms. Phase II o Beginning or worsening of symptoms o B cells (Plasma cells) continue to produce antibodies (Antibody test can performed in this phase) o Swollen lymph glands, weight-loss, diarrhea, forgetfulness, fatigue, fever, abnormal thinking patterns. Phase III o Helper T-cell count falls drastically. HIV count increases T-cells can no longer stimulate B cells or cytotoxic T-cells to fight off the virus o AIDS is diagnosed when T-cell count falls below 200 cells/ml blood (normal is 600-700) or opportunistic infections develop: Otherwise harmless diseases that are made worse by the crippled immune system Pneumocystis pneumonia, tuberculosis o HIV itself does not cause death, but the inability to fight off infection is lethal. There is no vaccine because the virus frequently mutates & becomes quickly resistant to drugs. 3 different types of drugs, 50 pills a day is the standard treatment. Avoid high-risk behavior. 38 Section 4.1: Neurons & Nerve Impulses The nervous system is responsible for: Mental activities Physical activities Maintaining homeostasis The functions of the nervous systems are carried out through nervous tissues which is made up of nerve cells called neurons. Neuron structure The cell body contains a nucleus most of the organelles Dendrites are membrane-covered extensions from the cell body that receive signals from other cells. The axon is a long membrane-bound projection that carries the electrical signal to a muscle, gland, or other neuron. The signal is called action potential Myelin sheaths (Produced by Schwann cells in non-CNS neurons) are lipid bilayers that insulate the axons, speeding up the transmission of action potential o The gaps in between sheaths are called nodes of Ranvier. The axon terminals are at the end of a neuron and terminate in the synaptic cleft, which joins the presynaptic neuron and the post synaptic cell. Neurons do not touch and communicate at the synapse. Neurotransmitters are sometimes released into the cleft to initiate action potential in the postsynaptic cell (if enough potential difference is created) Thus, communication between neurons involves chemical flow and electrical activity. 39 Nerve impulses All cells have a certain difference in charge across their cellular membrane called membrane potential (measured in volts) produced by ion movement across the membrane Membrane potential depends on: o Ability of ions to diffuse across the membrane o The concentration of ions inside and outside the cell (concentration gradient) o The charge of the ions Ions pass through proteins on the membrane called ion channels. Which only allow certain ions under certain conditions o For example, voltage-gated channels only open at certain membrane potentials. Even a small change in voltage can affect the permeability of the membrane. Resting potential A neuron is at rest when it is not sending or receiving a signal (Polarization) The inside of the neuron is more negatively charged than the outside due to large negative-charge proteins that are unable to diffuse out of the cell The outside is positively charged mainly because of Na+ ions and some K+ ions. Na+ cannot move freely into the cell, but K+ ions readily diffuse through K+ channels down their concentration gradient. The resting potential is -70 millivolts 40 Action potential The stimulation of a dendrite or cell body changes the permeability of the membrane, allowing a small no. of Na+ ions to flow into the cell interior. Reversal of polarity begins action potential. If enough Na+ ions diffuse to create a certain threshold potential, the voltage-gated Na+ channels open, causing a large no. of Na+ ions to flow in (Depolarization) The interior becomes more positively charged than the exterior The action potential travels from where the cell body meets the axon, in one direction, towards the axon terminals Voltage-gated channels exist along the length of the axon and open when the travelling action potential reaches them Positive charge travels across the axon Na+ voltage-gated channels close shortly after they open, K+ channels open; outward flow of K+ ions. The Na+ ions are pumped out by sodiumpotassium pumps and K+ is moved in. This action requires ATP. (Repolarization) The neuron cannot generate another action potential until resting potential (-70mv) is restored (Refractory period). 41 Neuron communication When the action-potential reaches the synapse, the vesicles fused with the presynaptic membrane, releasing neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft Neurotransmitters diffuse across the cleft to bind to receptor proteins in the postsynaptic cell and stimulate chemically-gated channels to allow Na+ ion flow; continuing the electrical signal. o Too few channels may open Not enough voltage for action potential in postsynaptic membrane o Other channels may open allowing negative proteins Potential difference becomes more negative; no action potential in postsynaptic membrane Neurotransmitters are quickly reabsorbed or broken down by enzymes so that their effect doesn’t last long. 42 Section 4.2: Structure of the Nervous System Central (CNS) Brain Cerebrum Diencephalon 2 Frontal lobes Thalamus 2 Parietal lobes Hypothalamus Peripheral (PNS) Spinal Chord Brain Stem 2 Temporal lobes Sensory division Cerebellum Motor division Somatic Autonomic Midbrain Pons Sympathetic Parasympathetic Medulla oblongata 2 Occipital lobes The brain in numbers o 1.4 kg mass (2% of body weight) o 100 billion neurons (10-20% are in the cerebral cortex) There are more neurons in white matter than the cortex o The CNS interacts with the PNS through 12 pairs (24 total) of cranial nerves that connect the brain with the head and neck, and 31 pairs (62 total) of spinal nerves that connect to the rest of the body. 43 pairs for interaction between CNS and PNS Neurons that carry signals away from the CNS are called efferent neurons Neurons that carry signals towards the CNS are called afferent neurons. Both afferent and efferent neurons are part of the PNS. 43 Cerebrum The largest portion of the brain identified by its highly folded outer layer called the cerebral cortex o The cortex is made up of gray matter Made up of two hemispheres that are connected by a band of axons called the corpus callosum The interior below the cortex of myelinated axons called white matter that links regions together Functions in the brain are not symmetrically localized o For example, the right-side controls reasoning and spatial information while the left controls speech and language Due to crossover of neurons, many impulses originating in the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. Diencephalon Above the brainstem and below the cerebrum, contains relay centers Thalamus o Serves as a relay center and redirects sensory information to where they are supposed to be interpreted inside the cerebral cortex Hypothalamus o Maintains homeostasis o Directly or indirectly controls the body’s hormone production 44 Brainstem Midbrain o Relays visual and auditory information Pons o A relay for communication between the hemispheres and the cerebellum Medulla oblongata o Serves as the as a relay center and a control center for: Respiratory rate Heart rate Other homeostatic activities The Spinal Cord Column of nervous tissue that starts at the medulla oblongata Inner core of gray matter (unmyelinated axons, dendrites, and cell bodies) with a white matter outer sheath Carries nerve signals back and forth. Peripheral Nervous System The peripheral nervous system interacts with the 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves and interneurons that carries carry information between other neurons Ventral roots The ventral root is the efferent motor root and carries motor information from the brain Dorsal roots The dorsal root is the afferent sensory root and carries sensory information from sensory receptors to the brain o Light, pressure, heat o Sensory input travels in an orderly way (sensory input from shoulders enters the dorsal roots of the upper spinal cord) 45 Sensory division Sensory receptors and the interneurons that connect them to the CNS Carry information from the body’s internal and external environments to the brain Spinal and cranial nerves send sensory information Motor division Made up of two independent systems—somatic and autonomic. Somatic Nervous System Voluntary control of skeletal muscles Involuntary to maintain balance or spinal reflexes that bypass the brain o Sensory receptor Interneuron Motor neuron Autonomic Nervous System Controls internal body conditions Regulates smooth muscle in blood vessel Controls: o Respiration o Heart-rate o Digestion o Other aspects of homeostasis Further subdivides into the sympathetic (stimulation) and parasympathetic (inhibition) systems 46 Section 4.3: Sensory Systems Certain sensory receptors respond to stimuli that turns into action potential, and is carried to the CNS through afferent neurons to be interpreted by regions in the brain Categories of receptors Mechanoreceptor {Hair cells (ear), located throughout Pressure, tension, movement skin, base of hair follicles. Touch receptors concentrated in face, tongue, and fingertips} Thermoreceptor {cold receptors (<200) and heat Changes in temperature receptors in skin (300-450)} Chemoreceptor {taste buds, olfactory receptors} Chemicals Photoreceptor {rods and cones} Variations in light Pain-receptor {base of the epidermis, throughout interior of body, high concentration in Detect tissue damage. Stimulated by mechanical, electrical, chemical, and thermal energy hands and mouth} *The brain has a special region for each sense and any trauma or signal received by that region is interpreted as a sensory input o For example, a blow to the occipital lobe causes you to see “white stars” because that’s the region involved in processing visual information 47 Hearing & Balance The ear has two functions: hearing and balance Auditory canal Tympanic membrane Ossicles (hammer, anvil, stirrup) Oval window Eustachian tube Connects external ear to tympanic membrane The eardrum: vibrations in the air cause it to vibrate as well Transfer vibrations of the eardrum to the oval window Separates the middle ear and the inner ear Regulates air pressure in the middle ear; equalizes the pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane. Connects to the throat Cochlea Located in the inner air Consists of 3 fluid-filled chambers Contains the organ of Corti (organ of hearing) o Located in the middle chamber, bottom membrane Hair cells in the organ of corti bend against the 2nd membrane o This opens ion channels, changing electrical potential releasing neurotransmitters that stimulate the neurons in the auditory nerve o Hair cells can be easily damaged by high frequencies o A. potential Auditory nerve Midbrain Thalamus Auditory cortex (temporal lobe) Balance The semicircular canals are responsible for balance inside the ear Consist of three canals filled with fluid that contain hair cells The hairs have particles of CaCO3 on top of them When the head moves, the hairs move due to gravity or inertia of the calcium carbonate The brain interprets the bending as motion and orientation in space 48 Oval window Eustachian tube Vision Cornea Pupil Iris Lens Retina Rods Cones A clear protective layer where light passes through first Controls the amount of light entering the eyes The colored part of the eye (contains muscles) A crystalline structure that bends light rays Light-sensitive inner layer Contain rhodopsin and respond to dim light Stimulated by bright light; 3 kinds of cones that respond to different colors. Faulty or missing cones can cause colorblindness A. potential from optic nerve Thalamus Occipital lobe cortex 49 Taste and Smell Taste Taste buds (10,000) (embedded between bumps called papillae) Partietal lobe cortex Chemicals dissolved by saliva bind to receptors Thalamus Brain stem Neurons on the inner surface of taste buds are stimulated Action potential Smell Olfactory chemoreceptors located in the mucous lining of the epithelial tissue of nasal passages Amygdala (limbic) Odor binds to receptor, stimulating it Action potetial Olfactory areas of the frontal lobe cortex Olfactory bulb (limbic) 50 Section 4.4: Drugs & the Nervous System Drugs are substances that change a person’s physical or psychological state. A psychoactive drug alters the functioning of the central nervous system. Addiction and Tolerance Abuse of psychoactive drugs leads to dependence o Reliance on a drug physically or emotionally in order to function Dependence leads to addiction o Loss of control over drug use Addiction leads to tolerance o Increase in effective dose to achieve the desired effect, approaching a lethal dose that will kill a user Without the drug, addicts go through withdrawal o Physical and emotional response to the drug’s absence o Vomiting, headaches, breathing difficulties, depression, mental instability, insomnia, seizures Cocaine (Erythroxylon coca) is a highly addictive stimulant drug 51 Alcohol A depressant that decreases the activity of the central nervous system Increases circulation to the skin, lowers body temperature, decreases blood flow to internal organs. Respiration rate initially increases then slows down. o High doses can cause death by respiratory failure. BAC is blood alcohol concentration o There is an inverse relation between BAC and body temperature o 0.30 or greater results in unconsciousness o 0.50 or greater can be fatal Alcohol consumed during pregnancy can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) Tobacco Highly addictive stimulant Mimic the neurotransmitter acetylcholine Increases blood pressure and heart rate, decreases oxygen supply to body tissues and blood supply to hands and feet. o 60mg is the lethal dose Tars are also produced when burning tobacco. Complex mixtures of chemicals and smoke particles o Coat and paralyze cilia o Irritate nose, bronchioles, trachea, throat o Disrupt lung cells Diseases Chronic bronchitis Emphysema Lip, gum, and mouth cancer Inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles A degenerative disorder in which alveoli lose their elasticity & eventually rupture Chewing tobacco and snuff 52 Section 5.1: Hormones Slow acting chemical messengers with long lasting effects that are part of the endocrine systems & send instructions to cells Functions and Secretion Endocrine hormones Regulate behavior Growth and development Regulate reproduction Respond to external stimuli Metabolism Water and mineral balance Hormones and specialized cells are collectively called the endocrine system Endocrine glands Ductless glands that make and secrete hormones into the blood stream or into extracellular fluid Hormones travel to target cells and bind to specific receptor proteins on the cell membrane, in the cytoplasm, or in the nucleus Exocrine glands Glands with ducts or tube-like structures that secrete substances inside and outside the cell o Sweat o Mucous o Saliva o Water o Enzymes o Digestive glands *Neurotransmitters are similar to hormones but they are part of the nervous system, have shorter effects and don’t remain in the bloodstream for a long time. 53 Types of Hormones Steroid (lipid or fat) Amino-acid based (peptide) Fat soluble, made from cholesterol Single amino-acid or a protein made up of 3-200 amino-acids Can diffuse across the membrane, binding to receptors in the cytoplasm or nucleus First messengers, have to bind to a receptor protein on the membrane Hormone-receptor complex activates (or initiates the synthesis of ) enzymes or proteins Result in hormone-receptor complex that activates an enzyme that turns ATP to cAMP Hormone-receptor complex binds to DNA activating transcription of mRNA cAMP acts as a second messenger that initiates a change inside the cell Thyroid hormones are amino-acid based but can diffuse through the membrane Can have other second messengers Amino-acid based Steroid or Thyroid 54 Other Types of Hormones Neuropeptides (amino acid based) Secreted by nerves cells and can affect many cells (unlike neurotransmitters which only affect postsynaptic cells) Endorphins o Regulate emotion, influence pain, and affect reproduction Enkephalins o Inhibit pain messages travelling towards the brain. Prostaglandins (modified fatty acids) Secreted by most cells and accumulates in areas where tissue is damaged or injured. Some raise blood pressure and others reduce it Some cause smooth muscles to contract and others cause them to relax Some cause fever o Aspirin and acetaminophen reduce fever and pain by reducing prostaglandin synthesis 55 Section 5.2: Endocrine Glands Hypothalamus & Pituitary glands Area of the brain that coordinates most hormone production, located in the diencephalon. Responds to other brain regions and blood concentrations of circulating hormones The pituitary gland is suspended from the hypothalamus by a short stalk. Anterior is regulated by blood vessels, posterior by axons Directly secretes oxytocin and antidiuretic-hormone (ADH) through neurosecretory cells whose axon terminals extend into the posterior pituitary gland, where they are stored Indirectly controls hormone production by secreting releasing and release-inhibiting hormones through blood vessels that connect to the anterior pituitary gland o RH hormones stimulate the production of anterior pituitary hormones o RIH hormones inhibit the production of anterior pituitary hormones Prolactin and growth hormone (GH) are regulated by both RH hormones and RIH hormones o Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) are regulated by RH hormones 56 Thyroid gland Located under the larynx and on the trachea Two lobes Regulated by TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone) Produces and secretes: o Thyroxin o Triiodothyronine Synthesized from the same amino-acid and iodine atoms o Calcitonin Stimulates calcium ion reabsorption by bones, thus decreasing Ca+2 levels in blood. Functions include o Maintain normal heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature o Stimulate glucose-oxidizing, oxygen consuming enzymes. o Generate heat and increase cellular metabolic rates o Promote carbohydrate over fat usage for energy 57 Adrenal Glands The human body has two adrenal glands superior to each kidney. Inner layer (adrenal medulla). Outer layer (adrenal cortex) o Secretion of hormones by the medulla is directly controlled by the nervous system o Secretion of hormones by the cortex is controlled by hormones from the anterior pituitary Adrenal Medulla o Secretion of amino acid based hormones epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) o Reaction to stress; fight-or-flight o Increase heart-rate, blood pressure, blood glucose level, enlargement of bronchial tubes, blood flow to heart and lungs, dilation of pupils Adrenal Cortex o Responds to ACTH released by anterior pituitary ACTH-RH is secreted by the hypothalamus (caused by stress) o Secretion of steroid hormones Cortisol and Aldosterone Cortisol promotes the production of glucose from proteins Aldosterone raises blood pressure and volume by stimulating salt and water retention by the kidneys Note: ADH is different from aldosterone because it stimulates reabsorption rather than retention. 58 Gonads: gamete-producing organs that also produce a group of steroid hormones Male Female Testes Ovaries A group of sex hormones called androgens LH + FSH stimulate the production of Estrogen and Progesterone o Regulates secondary male characteristic o LH stimulates testes to produce testosterone Testosterone + FSH stimulate sperm production These hormones cause the monthly release of an egg by an ovary Estrogen regulates secondary female characteristics Pancreas Mostly contains exocrine glands (that secrete digestive juices) The parts of the pancreas that function as endocrine glands are the islets of Langerhans The islets produce two amino acid based hormones that regulate bloodsugar levels (BSL) o Insulin simulates body cells (especially muscles) to store glucose or use it for energy; lowering the blood sugar level o Glucagon stimulates the release of glucose into the bloodstream by liver cells o Insulin and glucagon are antagonistic hormones (opposite) Insulin deficiency causes diabetes mellitus o Excess glucose inhibits water reabsorption, large amounts of urine. Acid-base/electrolyte imbalances. Nausea, rapid breathing, heartirregularities, depression, coma, death. o Type I is autoimmune o Type II results from insufficient insulin or unresponsive target receptors Excessive insulin causes hypoglycemia 59 Thymus Beneath the sternum, between the lungs and above the heart Produces the hormone thymosin (amino-acid based ) o Stimulates the maturation of T cells Pineal gland Located near the base of the brain Secretes Melatonin o Melatonin concentration is low during the day and high during the night, which suggests that it has role in regulating sleep patterns. Parathyroid 4 glands embedded in the lobes on the thyroid (2 in each lobe) Secrete the parathyroid hormone o Stimulates the transfer of calcium ions from bone to the bloodstream o Antagonistic to calcitonin o Proper calcium balance is important for cell-division, muscle contraction, blood clotting, neural signaling Digestive cells In the walls of digestive organs; regulate digestive processes Cells in the stomach lining secrete gastrin o Stimulates production of digestive enzymes and HCl Cells in the small intestine lining secrete secretin o Stimulates the release of digestive fluids from the pancreas 60 Problems with endocrine glands Disease Related gland or organ Cause Symptoms & treatment Hyperthyroidism Thyroid Overproduction of thyroid hormones Hypothyroidism Thyroid Thyroid-hormone deficiency Cretinism Thyroid Hypothyroidism Over activity, weight –loss, high blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature. Treated with medication or surgery Growth retardation, lethargy, weight gain, low heart rate and body temp. Treated with thyroxine supplements Mental retardation Goiters Thyroid Iodine-deficiency Diabetes type I Pancreas Immune system attack islets of Langerhans Diabetes type II (more common that type I) Pancreas Hypoglycemia Pancreas Heredity, but also correlates with obesity and unhealthy lifestyle Excessive insulin; glucose is stored rather than being properly delivered Same as hypothyroidism but different cause Treated with daily injections of insulin and sometimes islet transplants Controlled through exercise and diet. Lower BSL causes release of glucagon and epinephrine. Lethargy, dizziness, nervousness, over activity, unconsciousness, even death 61 Feedback Mechanisms To maintain homeostasis, feedback mechanisms control hormone secretion A feedback mechanism is one in which the last step in series controls the first Negative Feedback The final step in the series inhibits the first Thyroid hormones & Testosterone are an example of hormones regulated by negative feedback An increase in thyroid hormone concentration inhibits the release of TRH in one loop and TSH in another loop o This causes a decrease in the concentration of thyroid hormones and thus a decline in the negative feedback inhibition Positive Feedback The final step in the series stimulates the first, causing further release of the secondary substance Increased Estrogen stimulates the production of LH prior to ovulation. LH stimulates further production of estrogen 62 Section 6.1: Male Reproductive System The role of the male in reproduction is to produce an deliver haploid (1n) sperm cells to fertilize and egg cell Testes are egg-shaped organs that are the site of androgen and sperm production o 2.5 cm in diameter and 4 cm long o Made up of 250 compartments o Formed in the abdominal cavity and descended into a sac-like structure (scrotum) before birth The scrotum interior is 2-30C cooler than the internal body temp. (370) (34-350 in scrotum) Slightly cooler temperatures are necessary for sperm development Seminiferous tubules are tightly coiled tubules contained in the compartments of testes, each 80 cm long o Sperm are produced in the lining of the tubules through meiosis but mature in the epididymis Sperm formation LH stimulates the cells between seminiferous tubules to secrete testosterone FSH + Testosterone stimulate sperm production in tubules o 4 immature haploid sperm are formed from each cell undergoing meiosis Mature sperm has a head that contains the nucleus (23 chromosomes) and digestive enzymes Midpiece contains mitochondria that supply energy Tail (flagellum) that propels the sperm 63 Path of Sperm Seminiferous tubules (testes) Epididymis (2) Vas deferens (2) Urethra (where sperm mixes with fluid from 3 other glands) The epididymis is a long, coiled tubule closely attached to each testes and is the site of maturation of sperm o Immature sperm consists of a head and midpiece. Flagellum fully develops inside the epididymis Vas deferens is a duct with smooth muscles that help move sperm. o Each vas deferens loops around the bladder and merges with the urethra The Exocrine glands o Seminal vesicles In between the bladder and rectum Secrete a sugar-rich fluid that provides energy for the sperm o Prostate Below the bladder Secretes an alkaline fluid that neutralizes acidity in the female reproductive system o Bulbourethral glands Secretes an alkaline fluid that neutralizes the acidity of trace urine in the urethra Semen o Forcefully expelled by contractions of the smooth muscle in urethra (ejaculation) o Most sperm are killed by the acidic environment of the female reproductive tract o Composition Seminal vesicle fluid + Prostate fluid + Bulbourethral fluid + Sperm (10% of volume, 300-400 mil sperm) + Prostaglandins (stimulate smooth muscle contractions in female reproductive system) 64 Path of sperm in the male body Section 6.2: Female Reproductive System Ovaries are two almondshaped, gamete-producing organs located in the abdominal cavity of the female body o 3.5 long and 2 cm diameter Fallopian tubes or uterine tubes are lined with cilia and smooth muscles that move mature eggs from ovaries to the uterus The uterus is a hollow, muscular organ where a fertilized egg develops The cervix is the lower entrance to the uterus in which there is a sphincter muscle that controls the opening The vagina is a muscular tube that leads outside of the body from the cervix o Receives sperm from the penis o Channel through which a baby passes during childbirth 65 Formation of Eggs A female is born with 400,000 immature eggs of which only 300-400 are released (<1%) during a lifetime. One every 28 days via the ovarian cycle Eggs form through meiosis. Unlike sperm, each cell that goes through meiosis produces 1 functional egg Immature eggs are stalled in prophase I. Meiosis I (D) continues during puberty when sex hormones stimulate egg maturation o 10-20 eggs resume meiosis, but generally only one (C) completes it o One of the haploid cells (E) receives most of the cytoplasm, can become a mature egg o The other haploid cell (F) is called the first polar body and dies Meiosis II (G) is not completed until ovulation occurs and a sperm fertilizes the egg o If fertilized, the egg completes the final meiotic division into the mature egg or ovum (H) The ovum receives most of the cytoplasm, which provides nutrients for the egg. It is 75,000 times larger than a sperm o The other haploid cell (I) is called the second polar body and dies 66 Preparation for Pregnancy The ovarian/menstrual cycles are simultaneous and repeat every 28 days Hormones secreted by the ovaries and anterior pituitary glands regulate the ovarian cycle Follicular phase o Lasts 14 days of the ovarian cycle o The hypothalamus secretes a releasing hormones that stimulates the release of FSH from the anterior pituitary o FSH stimulates mitotic divisions of follicles in the ovaries that nurture an egg (provide nutrients) o The follicles begin secreting estrogen, which stimulates mitotic divisions in the uterus making the lining (endometrium) thicker o Meiosis I is complete in this phase o The increase in estrogen concentration is a positive feedback mechanism that causes an increase in LH levels which marks the end of the follicular phase Ovulation phase o A sharp rise in LH midway in the cycle causes the follicle to rupture and release the egg; ovulation o The egg travels to the surface of the ovaries and is swept into a fallopian tube. It has enough nutrients to survive for 24 hours Luteal phase o o Lasts another 14 days o The corpus luteum begins secreting estrogen and progesterone The follicle cells grow larger to fill the cavity left from the release of the egg, forming a new structure called the corpus luteum (yellow body) o Progesterone stimulates the growth of blood vessels and storage of fluids and nutrients in the lining of the uterus The increase in progesterone + estrogen act as a negative feedback mechanism on LH & FSH 67 Menstruation If the egg is fertilized it becomes a zygote and is implanted in the uterus where it will gestate for 9 months If the egg is not fertilized the concentrations of estrogen and progesterone will drop and the thickened uterine lining will rupture and slough off to be discharged through the vagina o This is known as menstruation and it lasts for 5-7 days of the follicular phase Women will continue to menstruate until about age 50 when there are not enough follicles and the ovarian/menstrual cycle will stop; this is called menopause 68 Section 6.3: Gestation Fertilization Path of sperm to egg o Vagina cervix uterus fallopian tubes egg Can occur 72 hours before, or 48 hours after, ejaculation The egg released from the ovary is encased in a jelly-like substance and cells from the follicle Multiple sperm can attach to the membrane of the egg but only one fertilizes it Digestive enzymes in the head of the sperm allow it to penetrate the membrane of the egg When one sperm passes through the egg membrane and fertilizes it, electrical charges released from the egg membrane keep the other sperm attached to the egg away o Only the head and midpiece of sperm enter the cell, the tail (flagellum) remains outside The fertilized egg completes Meiosis II When the nuclei of the egg and sperm combine, the cell becomes the 2n, 46 chromosome zygote. This begins gestation Cleavage and Implantation The zygote then begins a series of mitotic divisions called cleavage o This results in a ball of cells no bigger than the zygote called morula The morula then divides again resulting in a structure called a blastocyst: A ball of cells with a large, fluid-filled cavity o The blastocyst secretes an enzyme that breaks down the epithelial tissue of the uterus. This allows it to burrow and embed itself in the endometrium or uterine lining in a process called Implantation Implantation occurs 1 week after fertilization and begins pregnancy 69 Fertilization, cleavage & implantation Pregnancy Pregnancy is divided into three equal periods or trimesters. Terms to know Germ layers o Endoderm, Ectoderm, and Mesoderm o Different parts of the body develop from these layers 4 membranes aid the development of the embryo o Amnion Turns into the amniotic sac which cushions the embryo from injury and keeps it most o A second membrane forms the yolk sac Does not contain yolk Place where first blood cells and reproductive cells originate o A third membrane called the allantois Forms near the yolk sac o Chorion Surrounds all other membranes One side forms finger like projections called chorionic villi Blood vessels that form the chorionic villi originate in the allantois 70 Placenta o Chorionic villi and a portion of the uterine lining (endometrium) form a close-knit structure called the placenta o Structure where the mother nourishes the embryo. Substance can diffuse across the placenta but maternal blood and fetal blood never mix o The embryo is attached to the placenta by the umbilical cord (contains 2 arteries and 1 vein) o A developing placenta secretes the hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) Stimulates the corpus luteum to continue producing sex hormones (estrogen + progesterone) to maintain the uterine lining, stopping menstruation As the placenta grows it takes over the maintenance of sex hormones Estrogen + progesterone act in negative feedback mechanism decreasing the concentration LH + FSH, stopping ovulation Lanugo: a layer of soft hair that grows over the skin in the second trimester Labor: Muscles contractions and other events leading up to birth are called Afterbirth: The remains of the placenta, amnion, and uterine lining expelled shortly after a baby is born 71 FIRST TRIMESTER The most dramatic changes occur. First 2-3 weeks the embryo resembles the embryo of other animals The embryo begins to move, although the mother cannot feel it yet Two weeks after fertilization The developing human is known as embryo The placenta begins to develop, Early in the second week Placenta secretes the hormone HCG Beginning of 3rd week The primary germ layers developed. Ectoderm and Endoderm first, later the Mesoderm During the third week of pregnancy The brain, spinal cord and rest of the nervous system have begun developing (21 days) The heart begins to beat By the end of the first month of pregnancy All the embryonic membranes have formed Arms, legs, eyes, ears have begun to develop The fingers and toes form First 8 weeks By the 5th week 6 weeks 8 weeks + Now called a fetus until birth. Only 5cm long. All of its organ systems have begun to form 72 SECOND TRIMESTER By 12 weeks Fetus’ arms and legs are developing. 20 buds for future teeth appear By week 21 Eyelashes, eyebrows, fingernails, lanugo have formed Mother’s uterus enlarges Fetus’ heartbeat can be heard Mother may feel fetus movement By the end of the It can make a fist, second trimester (6 suck its thumb, months ) hiccup, kick, curl its toes THIRD TRIMESTER Fetus grows quickly undergoing changes to allow it to survive without the mother The fetus is about 34cm long and 900g in weight Changes Fetus can see light and darkness from inside the mother’s abdominal wall It can react to music and loud sounds By eight months the fetus’ bones have hardened, lanugo has disappeared, and body fat is developing The fetus develops fat deposits under its skin which make it rounded and less wrinkly. Insulate the body so that it can maintain a steady body temperature 73 Birth Occurs 270 days or 38 weeks after fertilization Childbirth is initiated by prostaglandins secreted by fetal membranes and hormones produced by the both the fetus and mother High levels of prostaglandins, oxytocin (posterior pituitary), and estrogen causes the uterus to contract o Amniotic sac breaks and amniotic fluid flows out through the vagina (breaking water) o Muscles in the cervix and vagina relax Enabling them to enlarge and allow the fetus to pass through Contractions of the uterus, vagina, and cervix push the fetus Afterbirth is expelled shortly after the baby is born Following birth o Newborn’s lungs expand for the first time o Umbilical cord is cut and tied Its arteries and veins close off 30 minutes after birth and changes in the baby’s blood vessels occur Completion of cardiopulmonary and renal circulation o The newborn’s respiratory and excretory systems soon become fully functional 74 Section 7.1: Mendel’s Legacy 1843: entered a monastery in Brunn, Austria 1851: entered the University of Vienna Researched heredity o Transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring Studied with many plants but most famous for his work with a species of garden peas called Pisum sativum Pea plant characteristics studied by Mendel Characteristic: a heritable feature such as flower color Trait: a variant of a characteristic o Mendel studied 7 characteristics each with two distinct traits (14 total) Mendel’s methods o Careful control of pollination Transfer of pollen from anther (male) to the ovule in the stigma (female) Self-pollination occurs between the anther and stigma of one plant Cross-pollination is between two different plants Self-pollination was prevented by Mendel by removing all the anthers o Cross-pollination was manually controlled to select for specific traits stigma anther 75 Mendel’s Experiments True-breeding (homozygous) P generation produced by self-pollination for several generations Always produced offspring with the same trait First filial generation produced by crosspollinating P generation plants with contrasting traits Same phenotype (purple) Same genotype Second filial generation produced by allowing F1 generation to selfpollinate 3:1 phenotype (3 purple 1 white) 1:2:1 genotype (1 PP, 2 Pp, 1 pp) (heterozygous) Mendel’s Results and Conclusions Mendel hypothesized that something within the pea plants controlled the characteristics observed. He called them factors (which are now referred to as alleles) He also hypothesized that each trait was inherited by means of a single or separate factor o The offspring receives a single allele from each parent And because each characteristic had two different forms, he reasoned that a pair of characteristics control each trait 76 Mendel’s Laws Recessive and Dominant Traits Certain traits disappeared and reappeared in later generations Mendel concluded that one factor may mask or prevent another factor from having an affect Mendel called factors that masked other factors and whose traits were expressed fully dominant Traits that reappeared/were masked he called recessive Traits controlled by recessive factors had no observable effect on appearance when paired with a trait controlled by a dominant factor The Law of Segregation Paired factors separate during meiosis (formation of gametes) Each gamete receives one factor When gametes combine during fertilization, the organism gets two factors for each characteristic The Law of Independent Assortment Independent assortment is the random separation of homologous chromosomes Traits with dominant factors do not necessarily appear together when tracking two characteristics Mendel concluded factors for individual characteristics are not connected Factors separate independently of one another during meiosis Only observed for genes located on different chromosomes 77 Independent Assortment Homologous chromosomes Normal gametes Support for Mendel’s Conclusions Most of Mendel’s findings agree with molecular genetics o The study of the structure and function of chromosomes and genes A chromosome is a threadlike structure made up of DNA A gene is a segment of DNA on a chromosome (genes control traits) Alternative forms of genes on a pair of homologous chromosomes are called alleles (or Mendel’s factors) 78 Section 7.2: Genetic Crosses Genotype: the genetic makeup of the organism (alleles inherited) Phenotype: the appearance of the organism (expression of alleles) Phenotype is also influenced by environmental factors such as nutrition Homozygous (true-breeding): both alleles are alike (PP, pp) Heterozygous: alleles are different (Pp) Monohybrid (2x2) Dihybrid (4x4) Single characteristic is tracked Two characteristics are tracked Offspring are called monohybrids Offspring are called dihybrids Involves the possible combinations of two alleles from each parent Involves the possible combinations of four alleles from each parent Monohybrid Homozygous x Homozygous o Homozygous dominant is crossed with homozygous recessive o 100% chance of heterozygous genotype (Pp) o 100% chance of the dominant phenotype (purple flower) 79 Homozygous x Heterozygous o If homozygous dominant 1:1 genotypic ratio (2 BB : 2 Bb ) 100% chance of the dominant phenotype (black) o If homozygous recessive 1:1 genotypic ratio (2 Bb : 2 bb) 1:1 phenotypic ratio (50% black 50% brown) Heterozygous x Heterozygous o 1:2:1 genotypic ratio (1 BB : 2 Bb : 1 bb) o 3:1 phenotypic ratio (75% black 25% brown) Testcross o A parent displaying the dominant trait can either be heterozygous or homozygous for that trait (In the case of complete dominance) o To find the genotype, the parent with the unknown genotype is crossed with a homozygous recessive individual o Possible crosses If the offspring all display the dominant phenotype then the unknown individual is homozygous If any offspring displays the recessive phenotype, then the unknown individual is heterozygous 80 Incomplete dominance o In the case of complete dominance, the phenotypes of heterozygous and homozygous dominant individuals are the same o Incomplete dominance is when the heterozygous genotype expresses a phenotype that is in between or intermediate between the dominant and recessive alleles (blending occurs) o The genotypic ratio is 1:2:1 (1 RR : 2 Rr : 1 rr) o The phenotypic ratio is also 1:2:1 Four o’clock flower (1 red, 2 pink, 1 white) Pink is the intermediate phenotype Codominance o Heterozygous individuals express both alleles of a gene equally (blending does not occur). Neither allele is dominant nor recessive. o The MN blood type system is an example of codominance o The genotypic ratio is 1:2:1 (1 LM LM : 2 LM LN: 1 LN LN ) o The phenotypic ratio is 1:2:1 (1 M, 2 MN, 1 N) MN individuals display both M and N molecules/antigens on the surface of red blood cells 81 Dihybrid Homozygous x Homozygous o All offspring are heterozygous for both characteristics 100% RrYy o All offspring display the dominant trait for each characteristic 100% round, yellow Heterozygous x Heterozygous o 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio 9 round, yellow | 3 round, green | 3 wrinkled, yellow | 1 wrinkled, green o 9 possible genotypes Forked-line method We can break down a dihybrid cross into two monohybrid Punnett squares. By multiplying the probabilities for two monohybrid genotypes of different characteristics, we get the total probability for the combined dihybrid genotype. Can also be applied to the phenotype. 82 Section 8.1: Discovery of DNA Griffith’s Experiment Fredrick Griffith studied Streptococcus pneunomia to try to find a vaccine o A bacterium that causes lung disease in mammals Used two strains of the bacterium in a series of experiments that provided insight about the nature of hereditary material Experiments that killed the mouse: o Live S cells o Heat-killed S cells mixed with R cells Experiments that did not kill the mouse: o Heat-killed S cells o Live R cells Griffith concluded that the hereditory factor is transferred from the dead S cells to the live R cells in a process called transformation o Transfer of genetic material from one organism to another S Strain R Strain Virulent (carries the disease Nonvirulent (harmless Smooth-edged colonies Rough colonies Surround by a capsule made of polysaccharides Lacks a capsule 83 Avery’s Experiments Oswald Avery and his colleagues wanted to know what the transforming agent was in Griffith’s experiments (DNA, RNA, or Protein) Enzymes were used to separately destroy each of 3 the molecules in a heat-killed S cell o Protease was used to destroy protein o RNase was used to destroy the RNA o DNase was used to destroy DNA Three experiments were performed, each with one of the molecules missing The cells missing DNA did not transform R cells into S cells Therefore they concluded that DNA is the hereditary factor responsible for transformation in bacteria Hershey-Chase Experiment Martha Chase and Alfred Hershey tested wether DNA or protein was the hereditary material transferred from bacteriophage (virus) to bacteria. Radioactive isotopes were used to label the molecules in the phage o 35 o 32 S was used to label DNA P was used to label protein The labeled phages were separately allowed to infect Escherischia coli (E. coli) bacteria Most of the protein was found outside of the bacteria They found all of the viral DNA and little of the protein was found inside the cell and concluded that DNA is the hereditary material in viruses 84 Section 8.2: DNA Structure DNA is composed of two chains of nucleotides that wrap around each other to form a double a helix. o The structure was discovered by scientists James Watson and Francis Crick DNA Nucleotides o DNA is a nucleic acid made up of repeating subunits called nucleotides o Each full turn of the helix has 10 nucleotide pairs o The nucleotide is made up of 3 parts 5 carbon sugar (deoxyribose) (identical in all nucleotides) Nitrogenous base (Nitrogen and carbon atoms, accepts hydrogen ions) (may be any one of 4 different kinds) Phosphate group (P atom bonded to four O atoms) (identical in all nucleotides) DNA Bonds o Nucleotides along each strand are connected by covalent bonds between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate group of the next o Bases on one strand form hydrogen bonds with the bases on the other strand 2 bonds between adenine and thymine 3 bonds guanine and cytosine o The base pairs are of uniform length because each two-ringed base is bonded to a single ringed base 85 Nitrogenous bases Double ring of carbon and nitrogen atoms A&G Single ring of carbon and nitrogen atoms T&C Complementary bases Erwin Chargaff discovered the percentage of adenine is equal to thymine, and the percentage of guanine is equal to cytosine. This supports the hypothesis that DNA is a double strand o If an organism had unequal percentages of A & T and unequal percentages of G & C, that would support the hypothesis that DNA is a single strand Bases pair by base-pairing rules and pairs of bases are called complementary bases The order of bases on a chain of DNA is called a base sequence o Opposite strands have the complementary sequences Base pairing is important because: 1. Hydrogen bonds help hold the two strands together 2. The complementary nature of DNA helps explain DNA replication (one strand serves as a template for making a new complementary strand) 86 Section 8.3: DNA Replication DNA replications is the process by which DNA is copied before a cell divides by mitosis, meiosis, or binary fission Steps of DNA Replication 1. An enzyme called helicase separates the strands by breaking hydrogen bonds between bases, allowing the bases to separate as well The Y-shaped region that results is called the replication fork 2. DNA polymerase enzyme adds the complementary base pairs floating around freely in the nucleus to each of the original strands Covalent bonds form between adjacent nucleotides on the growing strand Hydrogen bonds form between complementary bases 3. DNA polymerases finish the replication and the result is two separate, identical DNA molecules that move to new cells in cell division In each new double helix, one strand is from the original and the other is new. This type of replication is called semi-conservative replication. 87 Action at the Replication Fork DNA replication occurs in different directions on each strand Away from the replication fork (opposite direction) Direction of the replication fork (unwinding) Synthesis on the strand moving away from the fork leaves gaps in the newly synthesized strand. o Theses gaps are later joined together by an enzyme called DNA ligase DNA Errors in Replication DNA polymerases repair errors in DNA as well as adding complementary nucleotides o They have repair enzymes that proofread DNA Mutation: A change in the nucleotide sequence of a DNA molecule o Some errors, or mutations, escape repair. o Chemicals and ultraviolet light from the sun can damage DNA o Some mutations lead to cancer o Sometimes the changes allow individuals to survive and reproduce better o Mutations that affect genes controlling cell division can lead to a cancerous mass of cells called a tumor o Studying DNA replication can help with the understanding and treatment of human cancers o Mutations in gametes are more significant than in body cells 88 Section 8.4: Protein Synthesis Protein synthesis is the mechanism by which genes are expressed and their function in making proteins that determine traits in organisms Genes are segments of DNA that code for a hereditary character. o Genes direct the production of proteins through an intermediate called ribonucleic acid (RNA) Melanin is a pigment protein whose production is directed by genes in hair-follicles that determine hair color Genetic information flows in 2 steps o Transcription DNA acts as a template for a RNA o Translation RNA directs assembly of proteins Forming proteins based on genetic information in DNA carried out by RNA is called protein synthesis or gene expression o The is process summarized as: DNA RNA protein Proteins protect the body against infection (antibodies), and carry oxygen in the red blood cells (hemoglobin) DNA Contains the sugar deoxyribose Nitrogenous base thymine complementary to adenine RNA Contains the sugar ribose Nitrogenous base uracil complementary to adenine Double-stranded Usually single-stranded Long length (hundreds of thousands of genes) Short length (about one gene) 89 Types of RNA tRNA • Transfer RNA , which transfers amino acids to the ribosome to make a protein • Made of many nucleotides linked together • Three nucleotides are emphasized (anti-codon) mRNA • Messenger RNA, a single stranded molecule that carries intructions from a gene • Carries the genetic message from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome in the cytoplasm • Each three-nucleotide sequence (codon) encodes for a specific amino acid. rRNA • Part of the structure of ribosomes (ribosomal RNA) • Ribosomes are the organelles where protein synthesis occurs 90 Transcription The process by which DNA is rewritten into RNA molecules o Occurs in the nucleus for eukaryotic cells and the DNAcontaining region in prokaryotic cells 1. RNA polymerase binds to a promoter (a specific DNA nucleotide sequence) and the DNA begins to unwind and separate 2. The RNA polymerase adds free RNA nucleotides complementary to the DNA template o ATCGAC (DNA template) UAGCUG (RNA sequence) 3. Transcription ends when the RNA polymerase reaches a termination signal (a specific DNA nucleotide sequence) that marks the end of a gene. The RNA polymerase then transcribes another gene. mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA are all made through this transcription process 91 The Genetic Code Genetic codes is the term for the rules that relate a sequence of nitrogenous bases in nucleotides corresponds to particular sequence of amino acids. Each three-nucleotide sequence in mRNA codes for a specific amino acid and is called a codon o There are 64 codons o Amino acids can have more than one codon, but no codon codes encodes more than one amino acid For example the codons encoding alanine are GCU, GCC, GCA, GCG The genetic code is nearly universal to all life and supports the idea that all organisms share a common ancestor A special codon, AUG, acts as a start codon. It codes for the amino acid methionine Certain sequences DO NOT code for any amino acid. They signal for translation to end o UAA, UAG, UGA are stop codons o The translation of the mRNA sequence UAACAAGGAGCAUCC, doesn’t produce any amino acid because it starts with a stop codon 92 Translation mRNA directs the assembly of proteins o All major types of RNA are involved in translation (mRNA, tRNA, rRNA) o Proteins are made of one or many polypeptides, which are amino acids linked together by peptide bonds o There are 20 different types of amino acids o The amino acid sequence determines the shape of the protein. The shape of the protein is critical to its function Steps of Translation 1. INITIATION: tRNA and mRNA (ribosomal subunits) join together. tRNA has two ends. Enzymes attach an amino acid to one end according to the genetic code. The other end of tRNA has a three-nucleotide RNA sequence complementary to mRNA codon called anticodon o There are 61 anticodons o tRNA carrying methionine (start codon) will have the amino acid on one end, and the anticodon UAC on the other end. The first amino acid in nearly all polypeptide chains is methionine, but it may be removed later. 93 2. ELONGATION: Polypeptide chain is put together. tRNA with next amino acid in the sequence pairs its anticodon with the second codon on mRNA. o The ribosome detaches methionine from the first tRNA. The initial amino acid then forms a peptide bond with the second. o The first tRNA then exits and the ribosome moves a distance of one codon along the mRNA 3. ELONGATION (continued): The growing polypeptide chain continues to grow as it moves from one tRNA to the amino acid attached to the next tRNA. The mRNA is moving along the ribosome o The polypeptide grows one amino acid at a time 4. TERMINATION: The ribosome reaches a stop codon (UGA, UAA, UAG) and the newly made polypeptide falls off o There is no anticodon for the stop codons because they do not encode any amino acid 5. DISASSEMBLY: Translation components fall apart, the last tRNA leaves, and the machinery is now free to translate the same or another mRNA o Several ribosomes may translate the same mRNA transcript at the same time o In prokaryotes translation can occur even before transcription has finished. The lack a nuclear envelope o In eukaryotes, translation occurs only after transcription is finished The Human Genome The entire gene sequence, 3.2 billion base pairs in the 23 human chromosomes Bioinformatics uses computers to compare different DNA sequences There are approximately 30,000 genes in the human genome 94 Section 9.1: Chromosomes & Inheritance Francis Collins and his colleagues discovered the gene for cystic fibrosis (CF) o Jeff Pinard was Collins’ student Thomas Hunt Morgan studied the small fruit fly Drosophila Melanogaster o He observed they that they have 4 pairs of chromosomes (3 autosomal 1 sex chromosome) Females have two X’s and males have an X and Y Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes Sex chromosomes are the chromosomes that contain genes that determine the gender of an individual o Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. 22 are autosomal and 1 pair are sex chromosomes Females have XX and males have XY o Chicken and moth males have identical sex chromosomes. Females have different sex chromosomes o Most plants and some fish lack chromosomes Sex Determination Like other homologous chromosomes, sex chromosomes pair during meiosis I. The sex chromosomes move on to different cells as meiosis proceeds o A sperm can receive either an X or Y chromosome while eggs only receive the X chromosome. Thus the father determines the sex of the offspring o The Y chromosome has the SRY gene that codes for a protein that causes gonads to develop as testes. Lack of the gene, and by the extension the protein, causes the gonads to develop as ovaries. 95 Effects of Gene Location One of Morgan’s students noticed a male fruit fly that had white eyes (different from the usual red eyes). The white-eyed male cross with a red-eyed female and all the F1 offspring were red-eyed. Indicating that the trait was dominant The F2 generation then presented with the expected 3:1 phenotypic ratio. Unexpectedly, however, all the white-eyed flies were male Morgan’s Conclusions o Genes reside on chromosomes o The gene for eye color is on the X chromosome, and since males have no homologous X chromosome they are more likely to inherit the recessive phenotype. o These traits are known are sex-linked, because the alleles are found on sex chromosomes. Traits on the X chromosomes are xlinked, and y-linked on the Y chromosome The X chromosome is much larger than the Y so there are significantly more X-linked traits. o Males that carry the recessive allele on the X chromosome will exhibit the sex-linked trait. Linked Genes Genes that are inherited together and are always on the same chromosome are linked genes Linked genes are inherited together because there is a small distance between them on the chromosome, thus decreasing the probability that they are separated during the genetic recombination (crossing-over) that occurs in meiosis Linked genes DO NOT assort independently Sets of linked genes are called linkage groups 96 Chromosome Mapping The further two genes are the more likely a cross-over will occur The greater the number of recombinant traits, the further genes are from each other Alfred H. Sturtevant made the first chromosome map for flies o A chromosome map shows the linear order of genes on a chromosome The cross-over frequency is directly proportional to the distance between two genes A map unit is defined as a cross-over frequency of 1% Mutations A mutation is a change in the base nucleotide sequence of a gene or DNA molecule A germ-cell mutation occurs in the gametes o Affects the offspring A somatic-cell mutation occurs in the body cells o Affects the organism itself, cannot be inherited o Certain types of skin cancer and leukemia Lethal mutations cause death, often before birth Some mutations are beneficial Mutations can involve and entire chromosome or a single nucleotide 97 Chromosome Mutations Loss of a piece of a chromosome due to breakage Chromosome segment breaks off, flips around backward, and reattaches Ex: GAGACATT is inverted and becomes GATACAGT (length does not change) Piece of one chromosome breaks off and reattaches to a nonhomologous chromosome Nondisjunction A chromosome fails to separate from homologue during meiosis o One gametes receives and extra copy of the chromosome and another receives no copies Down syndrome is a result of a nondisjunction mutation where a person receives an extra copy of chromosome 21 98 Gene Mutations Substitution Point mutation A point mutation is any change that occurs within a single gene or other segment of DNA and involves a single nucleotide Insertion Deletion Frameshift mutation In substitution one nucleotide replaces another (if a codon is affected, the amino acid can be changed) In deletion one or more nucleotides are in a gene are lost In insertion one or more nucleotides are added A frameshift mutation is caused by either a deletion or insertion of a nucleotide and can cause incorrect grouping of remaining codons (makes all amino acids downstream change) A frameshift mutation is more series than a point mutation because it affects more amino acids and has disastrous effect on protein functions Only substitution doesn’t cause a frameshift mutation because the total number of nucleotides does not change 99 Section 9.2: Human Genetics The inheritance of genetic traits is studied by analyzing the phenotypes of a family in a pedigree o The phenotype is easier to study because you only need to rely on the appearance of offspring and/or parents in the pedigree o A pedigree is a diagram that shows how a trait is inherited over many generations Pedigree key Roman numbers indicate the generation number (I, II, III, IV...) o The pedigree of cystic fibrosis: an autosomal recessive disease 100 Patterns of Inheritance Autosomal Dominant Traits are autosomal if their genes are located on the autosomal chromosomes Autosomal dominant traits do not “skip” a generation and appear in at least one parent of each generation Appear in equal proportion for both sexes Each individual with the trait will have a parent with that trait Huntington’s disease, breast cancer, Marfan Syndrome Recessive Usually skips a generation; an affected offspring may have one, both, or neither parent display the trait Affected offspring will have the homozygous recessive genotype (aa). Cystic fibrosis, Sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs, Phenylketonuria Sex-linked X-linked Mostly affects males (however females can still be affected) Dominant XrY/ XrXr genotype is not affected by disease XRY/XRXr/XRXR genotype is affected Located on the X-chromosome Eye color in fruit flies Most sex-linked traits are recessive Recessive Males cannot be carriers XrY/ XrXr genotype is affected by A male inherits the X chromosome from disease his mother XRY/XRXr/XRXR genotype is not affected Hemophilia, Colorblindness Y-linked SRY gene in humans A Y-linked trait will ONLY appear in males 101 Genetic Traits and Disorders Genes have multiple patterns of inheritance and genetic disorders are diseases or disabling conditions that have a genetic basis Polygenic Inheritance Most human characteristics are polygenic; meaning that they are influenced by several genes o Examples are skin color, height, hair color Skin color results from the additive effects of three to six genes. The greater the number of melanin (black pigment) producing alleles per gene, the darker the skin. o For example a person with “AaBbCc” genotype would generally have darker skin than someone with the “aabbcc” genotype. AABBCC would have the darkest skin. This is the final amount of melatonin unexposed to sunlight. Complex Characters Characters that are strongly influenced by the environment as well as genes Skin color is bother polygenic (several genes) and complex (affected by exposure to the sun) Height is influenced by an unknown number of genes, nutrition, and disease Most breast cancer occurs in individuals with no familial history of the disease (risk factors include a diet high in saturated fat). However breast cancer also runs in some families 102 Multiple Alleles Many genes have more than three alleles The ABO blood type is controlled by the three alleles IA, IB and i o IA and IB are codominant (meaning both alleles are expressed in the phenotype if they genotype is heterozygous These alleles encode variants of an enzyme that causes different sugar molecules to appear on the surface of the red blood cell. Heterozygous individuals have both molecules expressed. o The i allele is recessive to both IA and IB i lacks the activity of the enzyme (no sugar molecule is produced o Combinations of these alleles produce four different blood types: A, B, AB, O 103 Incomplete Dominance Individual displays a trait that is intermediate between the two parents (blending occurs), and has the heterozygous genotype For example the hair type of Caucasians can either be straight, curly or wavy. The wavy hair is the heterozygous intermediate between straight and curly X-linked Traits Pedigrees usually affected many affected males and no affected females A male inherits the X chromosome from his mother Colorblindness is a recessive X-linked disorder in which an individual cannot distinguish certain colors (such as red and green) o Several X-linked genes encode proteins that absorb red and green light. Colorblindness occurs because a mutation disrupts those genes and the eye cannot absorb certain colors Sex-Influenced Traits Autosomal traits involved in other complex characters Male and females show different phenotypes despite having the same genotype An example is pattern baldness, which is more commonly found in men. The difference is due to higher levels of testosterone in men, which interacts with the genotype to produce pattern baldness 104 Single-Allele Traits A single allele of the gene controls single-allele traits o More than 200 traits are controlled by single dominant alleles o Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant conditions controlled by a single allele Symptoms include: forgetfulness, irritability, muscle spasms, severe mental illness, and death. The disease develops around 30 or 40 years of age Each affected individual has at least one affected parent. Most HD patients have already had children when symptoms appear/ Direct DNA testing allows for earlier diagnosis Detecting Genetic Disease Genetic screening is an examination of a person’s genetic makeup May involve karyotypes, blood tests for certain proteins, or direct DNA tests Chorionic villi sampling: physicians take a sample from cells derived from the zygote that grow between the mother’s uterus and placenta. o Occurs between the 8th week and 10th week of pregnancy Amniocentesis: Allows physicians to remove some amniotic fluid from the amnion (sac that surrounds fetus) o Occurs between 14th and 16th week of pregnancy Geneticists use fetal cells obtained through these methods to prepare fetal karyotypes that might display chromosomal mutations. Allowing the diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities before birth 105 Important Genetic Disorders Huntington’s disease (gene HD) Autosomal dominant on chromosome 4 Cystic fibrosis (gene CFTR) Autosomal recessive on chromosome 7 Sickle cell anemia (gene HBB) Autosomal recessive on chromosome 11 Tay-Sachs disease (gene HEXA) Autosomal recessive on chromosome 15 Phenylketonuria (gene PAH) Autosomal recessive on chromosome 12 Breast cancer (gene BRCA1) Autosomal dominant on chromosome 17 Hemophilia (gene F8) X-linked recessive on chromosome X Genetic Counseling and Treating Genetic Disease The process of informing a person about their genetic makeup Phenylketonuria (PKU) o Causes a lack of an enzyme that converts the amino acid phenylalanine into the amino acid tyrosine. Resulting in a buildup of phenylalanine in the body o Symptoms include sever mental retardation. The treatment is a strict food regimen for PKU patients to eliminate phenylalanine from their diets o Can be detected by means of a blood in the first few days of life Cystic fibrosis (CF) o Thick, sticky mucous builds up and blocks ducts in the pancreas and intestines and causes difficulty breathing o Physicians prescribe 45-minute sessions of back and chest pounding to dislodge the sticky mucous Other symptoms prevention measures: insulin injection for diabetes and injection of missing blood-clotting protein (fibrin) for hemophilia. 106 Gene Therapy Involves replacing the defective gene; a technique places a healthy copy of the gene into the cells of a person whose copy is defective. o Relies on knowing the sequence of nitrogenous bases of a gene The functional allele of the gene (such as CFTR) is placed in a virus that is introduced to the patient’s lungs. The virus infects the cells and brings along functional genes. o The improvement only lasts until the functional genes slough off, and the patient must undergo the procedure again Somatic gene therapy: Only the body cells are altered o An extension of normal medicine Germ cell therapy: Eggs or sperm are altered o Bioethicists (ethical issues in biological research) view germ cell therapy posing risks and ethical issues because future generations could change in unpredictable ways 107 Section 10.1: DNA Technology No two people have the same DNA (except identical twins) Only about 0.1% of the human genome varies from person to person, which scientists can use to identify people based on their DNA Uses of DNA technology: o Identifying human remains o Determining paternity o Tracing human origins o Proving evidence in criminal cases Non-coding DNA 98% of our genetic makeup (DNA) does not code for any protein. These regions are called non-coding DNA Length polymorphisms are variations in the length of non-coding DNA in between known genes Some length polymorphisms come from short nucleotide sequences that repeat in tandem, or behind each other called VNTR (variable number tandem repeats) o ..CACACA..would be a repeating sequence (VNTR), but TTTAAACCC would not. Number of tandem repeats at different places (loci) in DNA is different for each individual For each of the VNTR loci in a person’s DNA, they will have a certain number of repeats. By knowing how frequently VNTR occur in the general population, geneticists can determine how rare a particular DNA profile is. 108 Steps in DNA Identification 1. Isolate the DNA and make copies if needed 2. Cut the DNA into segments containing known VNTR areas 3. Sort the DNA by size 4. Compare the unknown sample of DNA to a known sample of DNA Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) A polymerase chain reaction is a technology to quickly make copies of DNA. Copies are need because unknown samples are usually acquired in very small amounts Requirements for PCR: o A template (sequence to be copied) o Primers Artificially made pieces of single-stranded DNA 20-30 nucleotides long. Primers are complementary to the ends of the template sequence Primers bind to DNA during copying o A supply of the four nucleotides Adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine o Heat-tolerant DNA polymerase Adds the free complementary nucleotides to make a new copy of DNA Heating breaks the hydrogen bonds holding the template sequence together, allowing complementary primers to bond to each strand. Cooling allows the primers to fully bind and DNA polymerase completes the new copy 109 Cutting DNA: Restriction Enzymes Restriction enzymes are bacterial proteins that recognize specific short DNA sequences, and cut the DNA in or near the sequence Some restrictions enzymes leave sticky ends o Stick ends are DNA overhangs that allow other complementary pieces of DNA to bind to cut DNA Sorting DNA by Size: Gel Electrophoresis Sticky end labeled 2 must be ACCGGT because it is complementary to sticky end labeled 1 Gel electrophoresis is a technique used to study DNA fragments, separating them according to their size and charge DNA samples cut with restrictions enzymes are placed in wells on a thick gel. An electric current runs through the gel for a given period of time. DNA fragments are negatively charged so they migrate towards the positive end of the gel; the smaller fragments migrate faster, which separates the DNA by size. DNA is then transferred to a nylon membrane and radioactive probes bind to complementary DNA. After that, an X-ray film is exposed to the radiolabeled membrane. The resulting pattern is called a DNA fingerprint 110 Recombinant DNA Recombinant DNA results when DNA from two different organism is joined. o Recombinant DNA is possible because all organisms share the same chemical structure of DNA molecules, differing only in nucleotide sequence The process of altering the genetic material of cells or organism to allow them to make new substances is called genetic engineering o An example is scientist encoding a green fluorescent protein (GFP) with a zebrafish gene to study zebrafish blood vessel growth (the blood vessels glowed green) Cloning Vectors A clone is an exact copy of a DNA fragment, whole cell, or complete organism. Cloning is the creation of a genetic duplicate (exact copy). Cloning is done by inserting DNA fragments into vectors, which are DNAs that are inserted into a bacterium or yeast, replicate, and can carry foreign DNA o The yeast or bacterium carrying the vector with foreign DNA reproduces and the vector is copied as well. A colony of cloned cells that includes the foreign DNA is created. o Cloning vectors can be plasmids or viruses that infect bacteria. Plasmids are small rings of DNA found in some bacterial cells in addition to the main bacterial chromosome/DNA 111 An application of recombinant DNA is the production of insulin (the first recombinant DNA product) The human gene for insulin is extracted from DNA using restriction enzymes Plasmids are also cut with restriction enzymes. The donor gene is joined with the plasmid (vector) with DNA ligase. It is now recombinant DNA The recombinant DNA is insert into a host bacterium and allowed to reproduce. The bacteria containing the donor can be identified using probes Probes A strand of RNA, or single-stranded DNA that is labeled with a radioactive element or fluorescent dye and that can base-pair to specific DNA. The probe for the donor gene in the figure (human insulin gene) is the mRNA for the gene The DNA from the bacteria is transferred onto filter paper. When viewed under ultraviolet light or exposed to photographic film, the cell clones with the donor DNA and the attached probe glow, revealing its location. After identifying which bacterium received the donor gene, more of the specific recombinant bacterial clone can be grown. 112