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Hypertension Case Study Prep: Anna Star

Patient Information
Name: Anna Star
Sex: Female
Date of birth: 1/10/91
Medical record number: 110198
Allergies: NKDA
History Anna Star is a 28-year-old Caucasian female returning to the outpatient clinic for a 6-week
checkup after starting a new blood pressure medication to control hypertension. Patient also complains
of experiencing headaches.
Clinical Skills Essentials Videos to Review ● Head-to-Toe Assessment ● Assessing the Hair and Neck
Student Learning Outcomes
● Verify patient identity.
● Ask pertinent cardiac history questions.
● Complete vital signs and a focused cardiac assessment, and document abnormal findings.
● Communicate with physician using SBAR.
Medications to Review ● Beta Blockers
Student Preparation Questions 1. What are pertinent assessments for a client with HTN?
2. What are pertinent assessments that must be conducted prior to administering a beta blocker?
3. What pertinent teaching should be provided to a client diagnosed with Hypertension (HTN)?
4. What patient teaching should be provided to a client taking a beta blocker?
5. What are the JNC stages of HTN?
6. What are pertinent history questions for Hypertension?
7. What is an SBAR report? What are the essential components?
Criteria Level 3 1 point
Level 2 0.5 points
Level 1 0 points
Response to Questions
Student submitted a well-written document using complete sentences. There are no answers written in
bullet pointed format. Answers to each question were well researched and thorough.
Student submitted a partial response to 1 or more of the questions. Answers are written in incomplete
sentences or bullet point format.
Student did not respond to 1 or more of the questions in the preparation document.
Timeliness of Submission
Student submitted the completed preparation document by the deadline.
Student submitted a partially completed preparation document by the deadline.
Student did not submit the preparation document by the required deadline.
APA Format (No title page or abstract needed)
Student used in-text citations throughout the responses to each question, and provided a reference list
using APA format
Student uses APA format to provide a reference list, but does not provide in-text citations.
Student does not use APA format in the preparation document.