Uploaded by Ricardas Vidrinskas

Plyometric Exercise Guide: Jump Training for All Levels

Jumps in Place
Low intensity
Two foot ankle hop
Teaching Points:
Stand with feet hip width apart
and the body in a vertical
Hop continuously in the same
place only using the ankles for
Moderate intensity
Split squat jump
Teaching Points:
Start the exercise in a lunge
Ensure the forward and back
knees are bent to 90 degrees.
Jump vertically using the arms
to help lift up the body and hold
in the split squat position.
Land in the same position and
immediately repeat the jump.
High intensity
Pike jump
Teaching Points:
Stand with feet hip width apart
and the body in a vertical
Jump vertically and bring the
legs up together in front of the
body flexing only at the hips.
Attempt to touch your toes at
the peak of the jump.
Return to starting position and
repeat jump.
Standing Jumps
Low Intensity
Standing Long Jump
Moderate Intensity
Standing Long Jump with Lateral Sprint
High Intensity
Lateral Jump over Barrier
Teaching Points:
Stand in a quarter squat position
with feet hip width apart.
Jump as far forward as possible
using arm swing and a
countermovement of the legs.
Teaching Points:
Stand in a quarter squat position
with feet hip width apart.
Perform a standing long jump
and land on both feet and
immediately perform a lateral
sprint for 3 metres.
Teaching Points:
Stand alongside the object to be
jumped over.
Jump vertically and pushing
sideways off the ground and
raise the knees up to jump
sideways over the object.
Multiple Jumps
Low Intensity
Hexagon drill
Moderate Intensity
Lateral cone hops
Equipment needed:
Tape to mark hexagon. Each
side approximately 60cm in
Teaching Points:
Stand in the centre of the
hexagon with feet hip width
Jump across each side of the
hexagon and always returning
to the centre.
A set number of complete trips
may be completed or a specific
period of time may be used.
Equipment required:
3 to 5 cones lined 0.5 to 1 metre
Teaching Points:
Stand with feet hip width apart
at the end of the line of cones.
Jump sideways down the row of
cones landing on both feet.
After clearing the last cone,
land on the outside foot and
push-off to change direction and
return to tart by jumping double
High Intensity
Zigzag drill
Equipment needed:
2 parallel lines 50 to 100cm
apart and 10 metres long.
Teaching Points:
Stand on 1 foot on a line.
Jump from 1 line to the next in
a continuous forward motion for
10 metres taking off and landing
on the same foot.
No double hopping allowed.
Box drills
Low intensity
Front box jump
Moderate Intensity
Lateral box jump
High Intensity
Multiple box to box jumps
Equipment needed:
A box 20 cm or high depending
on ability.
Teaching Points:
Stand facing the box with feet
hip width apart and hands
behind head or on hips.
Jump up and land with both feet
on box. Step back down and
To progress, hop down from the
Equipment needed:
A box 20 cm or high depending
on ability.
Teaching Points:
Stand alongside the box with
feet hip width apart.
Jump up and back to the ground
on the other side of the box.
This exercise can be performed
over 1 box or a number of
Equipment needed:
3 to 5 boxes of the same height
placed in a row.
Teaching Points:
Stand with feet hip width apart
at one end of the row of boxes.
Jump up onto the first box and
then onto the ground before
landing on the next box.
After jumping to the ground
from the last box, walk back to
the start for recovery.
Depth Jumps
Low Intensity
Jump from Box
Moderate Intensity
Squat depth jump
High Intensity
Depth jump over barrier
Equipment needed:
A box 20cm or higher
depending on ability.
Teaching Points:
Stand with feet hip width apart
on a box.
Squat slightly and step from the
box and drop down to the floor.
Absorb the landing as rapidly as
possible and freeze as soon as
contact is made with the
Equipment needed:
One or two boxes 20cm or
higher depending on ability.
Teaching Points:
Stand with feet hip width apart
on a box.
Squat slightly and step from the
box and drop down to the floor
landing in a 90 degree squat
position. Explode vertically out
of the squat and land in a squat
To progress land on a second
box of equal height.
Equipment needed:
A box 20cm or higher
depending on ability. An
obstacle minimum of 20cm in
height and 1 metre from the
Teaching Points:
Stand with feet hip width apart
on a box.
Step off the box and on landing
on the ground jump over the
Low Intensity
Moderate Intensity
Moving split squat with cycle
Teaching Points:
From a standing position lift the
right leg with the knee bent to
90 degrees while lifting the left
arm and elbow bent to 90
degrees. As these 2 limbs come
down lift the opposite limbs
with the same motion.
To progress, push off the
ground for vertical height.
Equipment needed:
A 20 or 30 metre mark.
Teaching Points:
Start by placing yourself in a
split squat position.
Jump vertically and horizontally
switching legs.
As you bring the back leg
through, try to touch your
buttock. Land in the split squat
position and continue
performing for the set distance.
High intensity
Combination bounding with single arm action
Teaching Points:
Combination bounding, you
bound on one foot in a sequence
e.g. right-right-left or left-leftright.
The right arms moves forward
with the left foot and vice versa.
Perform for a set distance.
Medicine Ball Exercises
Low Intensity
Trunk rotation
Moderate Intensity
Backward throw
High Intensity
Power drop
Equipment needed:
Medicine ball.
Teaching Points:
Sit on the floor with legs out
straight and spread and the ball
behind your back.
Rotate to the right, collect the
ball and bring it round to your
left side and place it behind
your back. Repeat for time or
set number of repetitions.
Equipment needed:
Medicine ball.
Teaching Points:
Stand approximately 3 metres in
front of your partner facing the
same direction.
Hold the ball between your legs,
squat down and then toss the
ball up and over your head to
your partner.
Ensure to bend knees and hips
for safety. Maintain a straight
Equipment needed:
Medicine ball. A partner and a
box 30cm or higher.
Teaching Points:
Lie supine on the ground with
arms stretched vertically.
Partner stands on the box
holding the ball at arm’s length.
Partner drops ball. The
performer catchers the ball and
immediately propels the ball
back to the partner.