Tutorial (A) Bus Admittance Matrix 1. For the power system network in Figure 1, determine the element of tbus admittance matrix, Ybus. 2 Y=4-j10 P2=1.7 |V2|=1.1249 Y=4-j5 3 1 V1=1∟0o P3= -2 Q3= -1 Figure 1 2. Determine the element of bus admittance matrix, Ybus in Figure 2. V1=1∟0o 1 Y=2-j4 Y=3-j63 3 P3= -2pu Q3= 1pu Figure 2 2 P2=1.6 pu |V2|=1.1 pu Power Flow Analysis (Newton-Raphson Method) The figure below shows the one-line diagram of a simple three bus power system with bus 1 as a reference bus and bus 2 as a generator bus. The voltage at bus 1 is fixed at V1=1.025 0o pu. Voltage magnitude at bus 2 is fixed at 1.03 pu with a real power generation of 300 MW. A load consisting of 400 MW and 200 MVar is taken from bus 3 (load bus). Line impedances are marked in pu on a 100 MVA base and line resistance and line charging susceptances are neglected. j0.05 P3= 300 MW 1 2 V1=1.025∟0o j0.025 j0.025 3 PL3+ jQL3 = 400MW + j200MVar i) Using Newton-Raphson method and an initial estimate of V20 1.03 j0 and V3(0) 1.0 j0 , determine phasor values of V2 and V3 and magnitude of V3. Perform one iteration only. ii) If after several iterations the bus voltages converge to V2 1.031.36851o 1.029706 j0.0246pu V3(0) 1.001243 2.1o 1.000571 j0.0366898pu Determine the real and reactive power at the reference bus and reactive power at the generator bus. iii) Determine the line flow and line losses. iv) Construct a power flow diagram and show the direction of the line flows. v) Check the power flow solution using MATLAB software. Power Flow Analysis (Fast-decouple method) Obtain the power flow solution by fast-decouple method for the 3 buses system in the figure below. The values in this figure are marked in per unit on a 100MVA base and line charging susceptances are neglected. Determine the magnitude and the phase values of voltage at load buses 3, δ3, V3, and the phase value of the voltage at bus 2, δ2 (for first iteration only). Z12=0.02+j0.04 1 2 400 MW 250 MVar Slack bus |V1|=1.05∟0o Z13=0.01+j0.03 Z23=0.0125+j0.025 3 200 MW |V3|=1.04 Figure 1: One-line diagram for 3 buses power system