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Helena Neufeld's 1926 Immigration Story

This is the story of my great grandma Helena Neufeld. Born i n 1912 died in 2003
In 1926 helena and her family left Russia to get on a train headed to Voroenze. From Voroenze they traveled in a cattle boxcar
They traveled for 2 days until they reached moscow. 11 year old Helena and her family stayed in Moscow for a whole week
before they got back on a train to go to the russian border. After a day in the boxcar they reached Riga, the capital of latvia. There
they got lodging for 6 nights. From riga we boarded a ship that would take us to london. But because of stormy weather
We had to stay anchored for 24 hours. They soon were transferred to a larger ship that would take them to england. They ended
up staying in england for a week. Over this time they toured the city. Soon enough they got on a ship that would take them to
canada. They eventually go to quebec. Where the weather was cold. They got on a train that would take us to winnipeg. And
from there they went and stayed in Boissevain Where they would stay for many many more years.
I chose this story because I thought it was interesting how people immigrated in 1926. When my great grandma and her family
left Russia because of world war 2. I felt like it was crazy how just so many people were leaving and how hard it was for some
people. And not to mention some of the dangers like sickness and thieves. When people immigrate now it would be a lot
different. Like it wouldn't take nearly as long. It's also a lot safer then it was before. And in 1926 most people didn't know what to
do after they got to canada. Unlike now people volunteer to take care of and help immigrants. So they won't worry about what to
do and where they should live. I think this is a good story because it helps u remember what our ancestors had to do to come to
canada. It's a very important part of our history.