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NTU Student Union Council Meeting Minutes

29th Students’ Union Council
Date: 18 Feb 2020
Time Started: 7:10pm
Venue: SAC
resent On Time
ub Represented/ Position
ing Jie
ublications Officer
un Wei
usiness Liaison Officer
rogramme Director
huo Wen
ogistics Director
ai Xiang
rogramme Director
usiness Liaison Officer
ogistics Director
ogistics Director
rogramme Director
n Chang
usiness Liaison Officer
Meeting Agenda
Appreciation Night Updates
Ussociate Badges
Appreciation night updates
Mr Zi.Hang says that the event date will be
either April 9 or 17
Ms.Phyllis says a possible location for now is
NUS Guild House. Ms.Phyllis asks to check
prices for booking and food (something more
formal). She also asks the committee to
suggest other possible locations.
Confirm date
Confirm Location
Mr.Zi Hang says the event will be a DnD of sorts
with around 50 alumni attending.
Mr.Zi Hang asks a few people to start coming
up with stage games for the emcee to conduct
during the event.
Ms.Phyllis asks Mr.Shema to start making
banners(for attendees to paste their
photobooth pictures) and event pubs.
Confirm theme
Mr.Zi Hang also says that the entry will be paid
(around 20-30$) and asks Ms.Shema to keep
some ideas in mind for ticket design
Mr.Zi Hang asks whether door gifts are feasible
and asks Mr.Jun Wei and Mr.Qin Chang to come
up with ideas on what they want to give.
Mr.Kai Xiang asks whether there’s any theme to
the event. Mr.Zi Hang says it is a formal event
and doesn’t have a theme as such yet and says
he’ll confirm and update.
Ms.Shema asks when she expected to start
working on pubs to which Ms.Phyllis replies
saying she would update once more details are
Ussociate Badges/Personalized notes
Mr.Dennis also says badges will be given for
Ussociates committee wise and chairpersons
will give out personalized notes as either part if
EWP or Appreciation Night.
Need to collect committee icons
through Glen
29th Students’ Union Council
Date: 5 Feb 2020
Time Started: 7:15pm
Venue: Arc TR +33
Present On Time
Club Represented/ Position
Zi Hang
Programme Director
Logistics Director
Shuo Wen
Logistics Director
Jia Hui
Kai Xiang
Programme Director
Meeting Agenda
Upcoming Events
Upcoming events
Mr. Zi Hang says that the upcoming events for
this semester are Appreciation Night+New
event(5th April-11th April) and Welfare Pack
giveaway(end April)
Confirm Dates and start
Mr.Dennis says the event will be like a DnD,
with emcees and performances. There might
also be another informal event only for
Ussociates .
Mr.Glen says the event will be at NTU Alumni
House (tentative).
Mr.Zi Hang also says that HROs will be in
charge of planning a HRC outing. HROs will be
given rough details and they will be in charge
of planning the whole event.
HRO’s appoint an IC and start
Mr.Dennis suggests something like a chalet,
overseas trip etc. It can be anything.
Mr.Glen adds on to say that the committee is
encouraged to suggest more events.
Mr.Dennis says that attendance has been a
problem with a few people not attending
meetings, dry runs, events.
There will be a minimum required attendance
percentage which has to be fulfilled in order to
gain the CCA points.
Mr.Dennis urges everyone to ask their peers to
be more regular.
Mr.Glen adds on to the importance of
attendance. He also adds on to say that HRC
will be a more Human Resource Committee in
the future similar to corporates rather than
plainly an events based committee.
29th Students’ Union Council
Date: 04/11/19
Time Started: 8:40pm
Venue: SAC MR3
Bonding Day
Mr.Zi Hang says that the event date has not been
confirmed yet, but should be between 9-13
Mr.Zi Hang tentatively says the date can be 12
Mr.Zi Hang asks about general consensus
regarding the timing on whether to start at 9am or
Mr.Zi Hang reads out the event timeline.
Mr.Zi Hang says that that mass game segment
could be at SRC. If so he asks whether the light
refreshments should be at SAC or SRC.
Mr.Zi Hang suggests that it would be better if the
amazing race ended at SRC instead of SAC.
Mr.Jonathan asks whether there should be a group
identity. Mr.Dennis suggests that it would be a good
Mr.Jonathan suggests that maybe they could have
a flag making session for about 1 hour which can
also serve as ice breakers.
Mr.Dennis asks how the group splitting is to be
done. Mr.Zi Hang says we can randomly split into
10 groups.
Mr.Kai Xiang talks about the flow of amazing race.
Mr.Dennis asks how lunch is going to be done
since it cuts in between the amazing race.
Confirm event date and time
Station Locations
Mr.Dennis suggests that groups can do lunch at
their respective stations itself.
Mr.Kai Xiang says it would be easier if all station
locations are known to the groups since it would be
easier (compared to the initial idea wherein the
location of the next station would be revealed after
particular stations)
Mr.Dennis asks HRC to come up with the list of
Mr.Dennis asks how the scam stations would work.
It is concluded that the scam stations would be
converted to normal stations.
Ms.Sheryll says that some of the proposed games
are versus.
Mr.Dennis says that it would be difficult to facilitate
amazing race if there are versus games since
different groups would be at different locations.
Mr.Jonathan suggests that there could be more
groups with around 7-8 people each instead of
larger groups to facilitate bonding.
Ms.Phyllis suggests a new game. Game with
ponchos that have holes and ping pong balls that
are to be thrown into the goals.
Ms.Phyllis suggests another game which can be
within SAC. Mathematical game through which they
are to find mathematical functions to use and
obtain a number decided by game masters.
Ms.Phyllis suggests that we can do 2x of each
game if we are having 15 groups. Mr.Dennis says
that if so there will have to be more games.
Mr.Dennis says that the Toxic friends&co tshirt will
be exclusive and available to only those who are
attending the event. The T-shirt will be given at the
end of the event.
Game suggestions
Mr.Jonathan suggests another game where there
can be two lines of people with balloons in between
them and an obstacle course along the way.
Mr.Jonathan suggests another game where 1.5l
water bottles will be used and attached to a person.
The water bottle must be emptied without removing
the bottles.
Ms.Phyllis suggests that maybe we can combine
both games to one.
Mr.Jonathan suggests another game where
structures have to be made by stacking balloons
and cones. Each trip, groups can carry only one
29th Students’ Union Council
Date: 21 October 2019
Time Started: 7:40pm
Venue: SAC MR3
Meeting Agenda
U Study
SU Bonding Day
Welcome Day updates
HRC overseas trip
U Study
Mr.Dennis says that we still need 3 more people
to man the U Study booth. He asks committee
members to try and make it.
SU Bonding Day
Mr.Dennis states that the event will be held
around 2nd week of December.
Mr.Dennis explains the agenda of bonding day;
he says that it will be a one day camp like event
facilitated by HRC (with HRC as proggies and
Excos as Gls).
Mr.Dennis says that we can either do an event
similar to that of last year or deviate a bit and
try something new in order to make it a bigger
Mr.Dennis says the event planning will be
managed by Mr.Zi Hang and Ms.Phyllis.
Mr.Dennis says that Logistics directors will be
in-charge of logs, Business Directors to source
for vendors and sponsors
Mr.Dennis says that by next week we should
have a rough overview of the type of event that
is to be organized and HRC can share their
ideas with Ms.Phyllis or Mr.Zi Hang
Mr.Glen says that we should try to do
something unique and not just follow last
year’s event type. He suggests that HRC can
research and come up with ideas and share
them during the next meeting.
Mr.Glen and Mr.Dennis ask for the committee’s
consensus on sticking to a camp style event
Ms.Shema suggests that mass games and
station games would be more interactive since
people would be more active in physically
challenging games
Mr.Jun Wei suggests that although the idea of
mass games sounds good, we need to make
sure the games are inclusive since some
people might not be very enthusiastic.
Mr.Qin Chang agrees with Mr.Jun Wei and adds
that we should plan games accordingly and can
maybe be a bit more relaxed and not too
Mr.Zi Hang reiterates Ms.Shema’s point and
says that competitiveness is important as
people would be more incentivized to
Ms.Angel suggests that maybe we can mix up a
bit of both and maybe have a longer meal time
so that Ussociates can bond among
Mr.Glen suggests that we can maybe try a night
time bonding i.e 8pm to 8am instead of the
standard 8am to 8pm. However he says this
would require a solid plan in order to get Exco
Ms.Shema adds on to this and suggests that we
can have something like a night time amazing
race (maybe using bicycles).
Mr.Dennis talks about the possible
collaboration with Toxic Friends & Co, who
might design a bonding day T-Shirt for us (TBC)
Welcome day updates
Although the original idea was put aside and
the event was toned down, the event planned
already will be used for an event in March .
HRC Trip
Mr.Glen suggests and end of the year overseas
trip for HRC as committee bonding. He
suggests Batam or JB as possible destinations.
Date: 10/09/19
Time Started: 8:20pm
Venue: SAC MR3
Meeting Agenda
Event Updates
Role allocation
Event updates
Mr.Dennis says that SUCH IS LIFE (Welcome
Day) will be held on October 5 2019.
Mr.Dennis says we should strive for maximum
event attendance make the event a success.
Mr.Dennis says budget for the event is around
$2000. He also says that the event has now
been extended and will have 2 parts. Part 1 will
be mostly the same as proposed by Ms.Phyllis.
The newly added part 2 will be by planned and
facilitated by excos.
Mr.Dennis says the budget will be spread
across food, games and prizes and to contact
him first if any committee requires and he’ll
communicate the necessary to Corporate
Mr.Dennis adds that the Pasar malam, carnival
games and resting area should all preferably be
in the same place so as to make the event flow
Role allocation
Mr.Dennis allocates the roles for SUCH IS LIFE
and they are as follows;
Mr.Zi Hang + Logistics Directors
§ Decide venue(s) by this Friday
13 September, finalize by next
Monday and book as early as
possible (at least 2 weeks in
advance of the actual event).
Considerations while booking
location, Location should be
secluded and discreet, preferably
not too big so as to maintain the
§ Also in charge of timeline/flow
of events which is to be done in
coordination with Ms.Phyllis
Ms.Phyllis + Programme Directors
§ Tweak games a bit so as to
engage more Ussociates at any
one time.
Mr.Dennis+Business Liaison Officers§ Source for food vendors
including pasar malam. Decide
on how the food distribution
will work, can be either selling
food or give out vouchers with
the games so that once the play
the game they can get some
food or maybe free flow food
vendors. To be decided by this
week. Ms. Phyllis suggests that
it could be both as well, pay
· Mr.Zi Hang and Logs
Directors to Decide venues by
Friday, finalize by Monday and
book ASAP
and also vouchers from game
stations maybe.
§ Mr.Dennis also adds that the
Business Liaison Officers
along with him will try to get
sponsored food/drinks vendors
so that Ussociates can get food
without paying.
§ Also since according to the
new event structure which
includes 2 parts, lunch will
have to be provided since the
event will be a full day.
§ Coordinate photo booth with
Photography and Videography
§ Ussociate sticker printing and
§ Pre event flyers and posters
· Sanjeev+ Ming Jie- decide prizes for
pageant showcase etc. Either try to find
sponsors and relay back to Dennis so that he
can approach through CLO or use allocated
budget to buy prizes (HHN Tickets, Capitaland
vouchers etc)
Mr.Dennis says that at the end of the day there
will be Movie Night which can either be shown
at the outdoor location itself (in which case
speakers, projector and screen need to be
sourced) or can be at TCT.
· Booking of venues by Mr.Zi
Mr.Dennis also suggests that there can be
entertainment during the carnival in the form of
Jamband performance or other thing which may
or may not be paid.
Mr.Dennis says that most of the things will be
decided by next Monday 16 September and
confirm everything by next Friday to delegate
tasks(building games, conducting games,
building photo booth, helping with logs etc) to
HROs during next Friday’s all hands HRC
Mr.Dennis also adds that recess week can be
used to purchase and make logistics and also
for final event touch up.
Mr.Dennis also stresses the importance of the
success of the event as it is the first event and
also a new event.
Mrs.Phyllis asks about the budget for lunch and
Mr.Dennis says that the budget allocation has
not been done yet but preferably try to get
· Decide everything by 16
September and finalize before
Friday 20 September meeting
cheap and good food so that the rest of the
budget can be used for games and prizes.
Mr.Dennis also says that we should aim for
sponsors rather than asking Ussociates to pay
for food/drinks or maybe set up a HRC stall
where we can cook simple food items for
Ussociates (using air fryer etc) or maybe a drink
stall which can be aligned with the Halloween
Ms.Phyllis asks Mr.Dennis regarding the
location and whether it is Quad or not
.Mr.Dennis asks Ms.Phyllis to wait for Mr. Zi
Hang to update on location.
Ms.Phyllis asks about the distribution of
Ussociate stickers. Mr.Dennis replies saying
that Ms.Geraldine will be coordinating it and is
currently awaiting quotation from the vendor.
Mr.Dennis also adds that the Ussociate sticker
benefits will be delayed. For now confirmed
benefits are U-Study express queue and UShop
discount. Further Mr.Dennis adds on that the
sticker will be introduced during registration.
Ms.Phyllis asks Mr.Dennis how many food
vendors we are looking for approximately to
which Mr.Dennis replies saying 6-7 vendors.
Ms.Phyllis asks about what is to be done in
case of wet weather. To this Mr.Dennis says we
need to come up with a wet weather
· Ms.Phyllis to coordinate
budget allocation with Mr.Ming
Mr.Glen says this event is very important and
must be done well as it sets precedence for
future events. Event will be used to introduce
excos to Ussociates. Also we need to ensure
sure games engage many people if possible
and can be objective oriented(team building etc)
Mr.Glen adds that Event Emcee should be
ideally sourced from within Ussociates itself.
Mr.Glen suggests to try to engage maximum
people at any point of time and reduce queue
size to prevent Ussociates. Maybe if one of the
game is too popular then if possible we can
improvize and have an extra game master to run
2 queues concurrently.
Mr.Glen suggests that we can tweak the cup
game a bit so that more people are engaged.
Maybe can be 2v2 where on person knocks
down the cup and one person stacks the cup.
They maybe
Mr.Glen asks Ms.Phyllis to ensure that water
games aren’t too messy during the event.
Ms.Phyllis asks for suggestions for Halloween
showcase props.
Ms.Sheryll suggests we can just give them
cardboard and scissors and ask them to come
up with their own creative stuff.
Mr.Glen suggests not to spend too much on
props, maybe buy from Daiso or SKP.
Ms.Phyllis says she has allocated 200-300$ for
general logistics, 150-200$ for Halloween props,
150-200$ for snacks and refreshments.
Ms.Phyllis asks how much budget has been set
aside for lunch and dinner to which Mr.Glen
replies saying it is yet to be decided by
Ms.Phyllis also asks Mr.Glen how many people
are estimated to attend the event to which
Mr.Glen says 200+
29th Students’ Union Council
First meeting for Human Resource Committee
Date: 27 August 2019
Time Started: 1905 H
Venue: Meeting Room 3
Meeting Agenda
Intro Brief
Ussociate Benefit
Assignment of roles and upcoming responsibilities
Intro brief
· Mr.Dennis talks about the various
events planned for this acad year
including Welcome Day, Bonding Day
and Appreciation Night
· Mr.Dennis then mentions about the
shortcomings of HRC in organizing
events and talks about the similarities in
both events
Ussociate Benefit
· Mr Dennis, mentioned the sticker
needs to be improved and have more
· Mr Dennis also talks about how he
wants the Business Liaison Directors to
get more brands and outlets in NTU to
provide discounts for Ussociates so as
to encourage more students to join in
the future
· Mr Dennis also talks about the
distribution of the new Ussociate sticker
which is to be distributed during
Welcome Day.
· He also mentions that the stickers
will only be given to those who attend
the Welcome Day event and rest will be
given at a later time
Allocation of roles and their upcoming
· PnPs are to start working on the
Ussociate Sticker and come up with a
design draft in 2 weeks time
· Programme directors are to come up
with a first draft for the first event by
next Monday
· Mr.Zi Hang and Logistics Director are
to come up with a first draft of proposed
timeline by next week.
· Secretary to take charge of
attendance and keep in touch with other
Committee secretaries.
· Mr.Dennis talks about Ms.Phyllis’s
idea to provide a better welfare pack for
students who bring back their old
reusable bag to encourage reusability
· Mr.Dennis also talks about Toxic
Friends and Co and how he wishes to
collaborate with the company and maybe
come up with a Ushop X Toxic Friends
and Co. line
· Treasurer and Secretary to
coordinate with Ushop and WSC for
welfare pack and also collate committee