HA-TECHNOLOGIES (Private) LIMITED AUDIT-Financial Year 2021 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. AUDIT OUTSTANDING POINTS Non-Current Assets Property,plant & Equipment Register Highlighted Transactions Invoices required. Car on Installments(Ownership & Title documents required). Cash & Bank Balances -Bank Balance confirmation required to be sent. Long Term Liabilities (Loan from director) supporting/evidences(Agreements) required for highlighted trasactions. Remarks To Complete the Audit Engagement. Current Liabilities(WHT Payable) invoices required for subsequent payment check. Revenue(Sales) invoices & agreements required for highlighted transactions. Repair & Maintenance -invoices for highlighted transactions required. Miscelleneaous Expense -invoices for highlighted transactions required. Office Rent -Rent agreements of Hamdan Heights,Ghouri Town office & Yasin Plaza,Blue Area office are required. Variance Analysis -Valid Reasons/justifications required for increase/decrease during the year. Management Letter Audit Engagement Letter To Complete the Audit Engagement. To Complete the Audit Engagement. To Complete the Audit Engagement. To Complete the Audit Engagement. To Complete the Audit Engagement. To Complete the Audit Engagement. To Complete the Audit Engagement. To Complete the Audit Engagement. To Complete the Audit Engagement.