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Wilczynski Text Learning Assignment #1

Wilczynski Text Learning Assignment #1
Alexis Walsh
SPCE 680-815
The first chapter that was selected was chapter one regarding systematic reviews. This
chapter reflected on evidence based practice and what deems a treatment as effective and ready
to use. Systematic reviews are least biased and utilized in the field of ABA primarily because the
research is analytical, there have been very clear procedures developed when selecting which
evidence to use, the process is clear cut and can be replicated, and personal decisions are not
involved in the process. When conducting research for treatments, in my case ASD treatments,
the researcher will ask, “Is this given treatment effective?” and “Are there any effective
treatments for a given population?” The second question is appropriate to ask because if I am
researching treatments for my client who is an eight year old male I will want to look at evidence
that is catered more towards that client’s age group rather than older adults. When conducting a
systematic review, researchers will focus on three things: quality, quantity, and consistency of
outcomes. The quality of research outcomes is based on the design of the research, dependent
variables, treatment fidelity, accuracy of the diagnosis, and generalization. The quantity of
research outcomes is important because replication of a study or similar study provides the
ability to reproduce similar results and are more credible. As a researcher, I cannot trust the
results of a single study because there are many components that need to be considered. By using
results from several studies, I can draw a conclusion to determine the effectiveness of the
treatment. Systematic reviews are utilized to determine the effectiveness of treatments and as a
future practitioner I will use evidence based practice to determine how I will approach a client’s
course of treatment and this will allow for factual information and determining what is valid.
The second chapter I chose to read was chapter five regarding client preferences.
Preference assessments are used to identify objects or activities that have potential for being
reinforcers for a client. As a Registered Behavior Technician, I conduct preference assessments
when I am introduced to a new client or if current reinforcers are no longer working for a current
client. Preference assessments allow the client to make decisions for themselves which fulfils
ethical and legal obligations. My current clients function at a higher rate so when I conduct a
preference assessment I typically give them several objects (multiple stimulus) or options and
allow them to choose which reinforcer they are willing to work for. My clients are both six years
old but this is not always the case. Infants or toddlers are not fully developed with speech so they
cannot always tell what they want to utilize as reinforcement. When working with younger
clients it is important to consider their skills sets and this can vary from client to client. Satiation
is also an issue with younger clients because of their attention span and other developmental
considerations need to be made. The example the book gives is when a child may not be attracted
to a certain toy until another child approaches the toy and proceeds to play with it. As a
practitioner, preference assessments are conducted differently based on the target client and their
ability to choose reinforcement. Ultimately it comes down the power of choice. Everyone prefers
to be given choices and same goes for target clients. I am more successful when I tell my client
“you can choose this or this” rather than “after work you get this.” My client responds well to
choices and that practice will continue as I grow as a practitioner. Contingency contracting is a
term I was not familiar with prior to reading this chapter. Basically, this a document that displays
a contingent relationship between completing a certain behavior and access to the reinforcement.
There are three components to the contingency contract: description of the task (what the client
will do), the reward, and the task record. As a behavior therapist, this is extremely important
because it allows the client to understand that if they engage in a certain behavior or complete a
certain task then they will be rewarded for it based on the reinforcement they have chosen
through preference assessments.