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nursing care plan

Developing a Teaching Plan Worksheet
Development of a Teaching Plan
You are asked to create a teaching plan related to an identified community learning need relevant to the clients at your clinical placement.
Considerations must be included for literacy and health literacy.
Teaching Plan
Client (community, population) and location:
-High School – Grade 9 & 10, 14–15 year old
-L’Essor Secondary Highschool
Assessment of Learning Needs:
Consider: current health-related knowledge/skills, health, self-management, intellectual and physical capability, developmental stage,
preferred learning style, literacy, and health literacy, etc.
-May already have a base level knowledge regarding prevention of COVID-19
-Preferred learning style is interactive visual.
Readiness/Developmental Level
-IPAC measures will be introduced
and re-iterated to grade 9 and 10
students at L’Essor Secondary
-Readiness includes showing interest
in learning, are they old enough to
comprehend infection control
Facilitators & Barriers
-Facilitators: eye contact, Kahoot
(interactive game), brochures, visual
presentations, hands on activities,
and students eager to learn.
-Barriers: Families that are against
receiving the COVID-19 vaccine,
willingness to learn and maturity
Environmental Considerations
L’Essor Secondary Highschool COVID-19 protocols
-financial status, does it affect if they can afford the
appropriate PPE for the staff and students?
-Positive learning environment
-Quiet environment so they can hear the information
-Good lighting and visuals on PowerPoint
-Warm room so they feel comfortable
-Large venue with enough space for social distancing
-Are they old enough to understand
the complications/consequences
associated with covid-19?
level of the children, feeling “too
cool to follow the rules”.
-They are at the maturity level where
they can soak in a lot of information,
they should be taught this
information so they can demonstrate
it and be good role models for their
-Readiness demonstrated by actively
-Students in this age group are in the
Identity vs. Confusion Erikson’s stages
of development.
Priority Diagnostic Statements related to Learning Need(s): Actual or Risk
Response related to Etiology as evidenced by Defining Characteristics
Description (risk, concern,
Focus (boundaries of the
Defining Characteristics/Manifestations
population segment of interest)
strength, state)
-Health seeking
The focus will be to provide
an interactive PowerPoint to
grades 9/10 students aged
-Related to knowledge of
prevention of covid 19
-As evidenced by verbalized questions,
increasing rates in the community, presence of
variants and school outbreaks and dismissals
-Risk for Injury
14-15 years old which will
highlight the different ways
that we can stay safe during
the covid-19 pandemic. We
will also be promoting
campaigns/policies as well as
informing students on how
to stay safe and prevent
infections during this time.
We chose this specific
population as we believe
they are the most
susceptible to this type of
information during their
current developmental age.
We believe that they can set
a good example for their
peers and the children
younger than them.
-As evidenced by verbalized questions,
increasing rates in the community, presence of
variants and school outbreaks and dismissals
-Related to knowledge of
prevention of covid 19
-Short-term goal: by the end of the
presentation, the students will be
able to name 3 different ways to
prevent covid-19 infections.
-Long-term goal: by the end of the
semester, students will have
received their booster shot.
Purpose of teaching plan:
Content Outline
-The students will
be able to
distinguish the most
important IPAC
measures by the end
of our PowerPoint
presentation that
will include a game
of Kahoot and a Q/A.
wearing masks
safely, proper
hand hygiene,
how to dispose
of mask, how to
social distance.
-The students will be
able to implement
safe covid-19
measures into their
daily life in an
attempt to remain
covid 19 free.
Methods of
Time Allotted
Instruction and
(in minutes) for (materials, tools,
Rationale (identify the
each goal
domain addressed:
cognitive, affective,
-Discussion (cognitive) 30 mins Total
-IPAC checklist
-15 min
-Teach back (cognitive, -5 min
of hand
hygiene and
-5 min
-5-10 min
(method, outcome & revisions)
-Teach back
-Q/A segment at the end
References of resources used in preparation of the teaching plan (in APA format)
- This link provides access to a poster on how to protect yourself from COVID-19
Public Health Ontario. (2021, June 15.) How to Protect Yourself From Covid-19. https://www.publichealthontario.ca/-/media/documents/n