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PROTÉGÉ Program in Malaysia: Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship

The Covid-19 epidemic had a negative impact on the economy and labour market in
addition to the public health sector. For employees, companies, and the government, it has
brought new difficulties and burdens. Most professions, particularly those that depend on
direct physical contact with clients, were also impacted by the imposition of social
incarceration measures and movement control orders.
In Malaysia, youth between the ages of 15 and 29 make up about 40% of the labour force,
and it is clear that they are essential to the success of the economy there. Making sure that
young people, including recent graduates, not only find work but also find work that is highquality and appropriate for their qualifications is crucial. The current labour market condition
is quite difficult. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic problem slowed numerous economic
movements and activity. However, the economy must continue to move to minimize the
harmful consequences of Covid-19.
Various provisions and initiatives have been announced to mitigate the effects of the crisis
Covid-19 to the labor market. Most of the initiatives announced are comprehensive, yet the
benefits to youth and new graduates are minimal. Examining to some existing programs and
initiatives, some improvements needs to be implemented such as improvements and focus
on management and resources finance against an existing program to a focused program
specifically creating work experiences for youth, especially new graduates.
Youth are an important contributor to the nation's labor market — overall 15.3 million labor
force in 2018, of which 5.45 million (35.7%) are youth aged 15 to 29 years. Thus, the current
situation of Covid-19 is definitely having an impact bad to youth participation in the labor
market, especially for new graduates such as unemployment, difficulty finding work,
maintaining employment and income.
1.2 Professional Training and Education for Growing Entrepreneurs (PROTÉGÉ)
Professional Training and Education for Growing Entrepreneurs (PROTÉGÉ) is a Unit
under the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development (MEDAC). In line with the
National Entrepreneurship Policy (DKN) 2030 through Thrust 1: Cultivating Entrepreneurship
in All Levels of Society and supporting the aspirations of the Vision for Common Prosperity
(WKB) 2030 through Thrust 3: Transformation of Human Capital, PROTÉGÉ implements
initiatives to enhancing marketability potential and entrepreneurial skills among unemployed
graduates and open to various field of study. Among the important instruments under
PROTÉGÉ to improve the marketability potential of unemployed graduates getting
opportunities work is through the PROTÉGÉ - Ready To Work program (PROTÉGÉ-RTW)
formerly known as the 1Malaysia Training Scheme Program (SL1M) under the supervision of
the Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister's Department.
This training programs and improving job marketability for youth are also a program that
can be of great benefit especially to new graduates. At in addition to increasing knowledge of
the real world of work, it is also improved specific skills on a particular type of job based on
qualifications. This graduate marketability improvement program has been implemented
through the Scheme Program 1Malaysia Training (SL1M) since 2011. SL1M has however
been rebranded to a Professional Training Program and Education for Entrepreneur
Development (Professional Training and Education for Growing Entrepreneurs - PROTEGE)
16 which focuses on the development of entrepreneurs and giving birth to more viable
entrepreneurs. Like SL1M, PROTEGE is also purposeful assist graduates in job training and
industrial placements, such as through PROTEGE Ready to Work (RTW) 17. The original
structure of the SL1M has been improved and branded as PROTÉGÉ-RTW in 2019.
Compared to SL1M which is only open to graduates new, PROTEGE is open to all ages and
limited to low-income group. Protege or Professional Training & Education For Growing
Entrepreneurs officially replaces SL1M which now not only trains graduates to find jobs but
also encourages youths to venture into entrepreneurship as an alternative source of income.
This program is given a new lease of life with more emphasis on entrepreneurship training
to produce many entrepreneurs or ‘job creators’ in line with one of the goals in the National
Entrepreneurship Framework which is the application of entrepreneurial skills for unemployed
The program involves placement training and joint coaching participating companies for
periods 8 to 12 months among them are Government Linked Companies (GLCs), companies
receiving Government Procurement under the direction of the Government Procurement
Treasury Circular (PP/PK1.2), financial institutions in collaboration with Bank Negara Malaysia
and Financial Industry Collective Outreach (FINCO) and private companies.
The overall duration of PROTÉGÉ-RTW implementation is between 8 months (minimum) to 12
months (maximum). There are 2 components of training are:
(a) Soft-Skills Training
The period for soft-skills training is for 2 weeks (minimum) to 2 months (maximum). Seven (7)
compulsory modules to be applied during soft-skills training is as follows:
i. Communication and Networking Skills.
-Train participants to master the skills basics in Business Communication use the same English
there through writing as well conversation as well as skills for expand the network of contacts.
ii. Creative and Analytical Thinking;
- Enhance participants' ability to think critically, creatively, and analytically when making decisions.
iii. Value Driven Professional;
-Shaping participants to be professionals who have positive values such as leadership, integrity
as well as constantly improving themselves and troops.
iv. Organizational Adaptability;
- Customize participants with live work environment in the organization including implementation
the positive values of the company.
v. Grooming and Etiquette;
-Improving the appearance of participants according to corporate image as well as ethics and
protocol at work or at Official ceremony.
vi. Entrepreneurship 101;
-Minimum Mandatory Credit Hours: 4 hours of training.
-Fostering an ‘Entrepreneurial Mindset’ in the identity of the participant to make participants are
more proactive, take risks, persevere, solve problems in a innovation, flexibility in working. This
can be done by exposing participants with basic skills entrepreneurship that can used in
assignments at workplace or opening Private business; e.g. bookkeeping, product knowledge,
market research, Business Model Canvas, how to setup a business, e-Entrepreneurs etc.
vii. Environment Sustainability and Social Impact.
- Encourage participants to be professionals either as an entrepreneur as well as an employee
which is concerned with conservation and environmental conservation and wildlife as well as
always making a positive impact on society around in any decision that will be made.
(b) On-The-Job Training
Participants are placed in the company that takes division and given assignments equivalent to
qualifications, disclosure of work experience with ethics and the right way to work through
guidance from the supervisor (mentor / supervisor). Positions and tasks assigned to participants
must be equivalent to the level of qualification participants i.e., Diploma or Master’s Degree
Graduates and up.
Professional Training and Education for Growing Entrepreneurs (PROTÉGÉ) is a
Government initiative through the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives
(MEDAC) to implement programs to increase marketability and cultivate entrepreneurial skills
among graduates. Among the programs organized by PROTÉGÉ is the Protégé Ready-to-Work
Program which provides placement opportunities training for 8 to 12 months in companies
participating in the program such as Government Linked Companies (GLCs) as well as
Government procurement companies under the Treasury Circular (PK1.2) and PENJANA (Pelan
Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara) or the National Economic Recovery Plan.
The government has decided on the PROTÉGÉ program (the former known as the
1Malaysia Training Scheme, SL1M) is made as one of the conditions for being offered a
Government procurement contract including contract extensions. Government measures to
expand program implementation PROTÉGÉ through Government procurement is in line with
existing policies as a medium for development country (a tool for nation building). The PROTÉGÉ
program is a purposeful program helping unemployed graduates develop self -efficacy by
preparing with knowledge, skills and experience working in turn increases self -potential and
opportunities graduate marketability. The Cabinet Meeting on 21 June 2017 has decided as
i. Government procurement contracts as a mechanism expansion of the implementation of the
PROTÉGÉ program.
ii. company/ contractor/ consultant (company) that has obtained Government procurement
contracts (supplies, services and work) from Government agencies including Federal Statutory
Bodies, Ministerial Companies Finance Incorporated (MKD) and Related Companies The
government (GLC) is required to implement the program PROTÉGÉ with the setting of a threshold
value (threshold value) based on the sectors that have been identified.
iii. the PROTÉGÉ program is used as one of the criteria in considering an acquisition and contract
vii. PROTÉGÉ Secretariat, Economic Planning Unit, Department the Prime Minister (EPU, JPM)
is given the responsibility to regulate, report and monitor implementation PROTÉGÉ programs
related to Government procurement contracts including displaying a list of failed companies
implement the PROTÉGÉ program; and
viii. this mechanism can be implemented by the State Government and Local Authorities in
implementation procurement under their respective regulations.
5.1.2 PENJANA (Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara) or the National Economic Recovery Plan
The Government has helped save over 2.4 million jobs through the PRIHATIN Economic
Stimulus Packages announced in March and April 2020, while reducing cashflow problems for
about 11 million Malaysians in the B40 and M40 income groups. Furthermore, with Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) developed for various sectors, the slow and careful restart of the
economy beginning on 4 May 2020 has allowed almost 12.7 million individuals (83.5%) to return
to work. Nonetheless, more efforts are needed to allow other economic sectors, notably those
on the negative list, to reopen while also assuring worker and Rakyat safety and health. Striking
a balance between protecting lives and promoting livelihoods is neither straightforward nor
simple under the new standard. That balance is required for restoring consumer confidence,
which is required to promote demand and generate growth.
The Government's PENJANA policies aimed at empowering the people aim to save jobs
and increase employment while ensuring people have enough to live on. Aside from hiring
incentives and increased salary subsidies, reskilling and training are also critical to ensuring
workers maintain or update their skills when the economy recovers. PENJANA (Pelan Jana
Semula Ekonomi Negara), or the National Economic Recovery Plan, is unveiled by the
government. This government is committed to an inclusive and holistic approach to Malaysia's
economic recovery, and we want everyone to be a part of it. To that purpose, PENJANA will
concentrate on three critical thrusts: - Empower People, Propel Businesses and Stimulate the
Reskilling and Upskilling Programs is one of the PENJANA programmes. The government
promotes training in terms of reskilling and upskilling Malaysians through PENJANA to improve
the employability of the unemployed, particularly fresh graduates and school-leavers.
Collaborations with many ministries and agencies, including PROTEGE, make this feasible. The
programs are projected to benefit around 200,000 unemployed employees and young people.
The trained Malaysian workers produced by these initiatives, combined with other PENJANAoutlined programs that boost Malaysian enterprises, are likely to create more opportunities in the
long run. To improve the employability of young people, particularly school leavers and recent
graduates, the government provide an RM250 million matching grant to co-finance place-andtrain and other upskilling programs, improve government training institutions such as MARA,
community colleges, IKBN, and ILP and relax the requirements for the PROTÉGÉ Ready to Work
(RTW) programme.
Omar Zin. 2019. "Protege Ganti Sl1m, Galak Graduan Jadi Usahawan". Free Malaysia Today News.
PENJANA (2020), retrieved from https://penjana.treasury.gov.my/pdf/PENJANA-Booklet-Bm-v3.pdf