The Li le Star Is Chosen (14 stars, 6 angels) First star: I am big! Second star: I am bright! Third star: I am beau ful! Fourth star: I am magni cent! Fi h star: l'm lovely! Sixth star: I am gorgeous! Seventh star: I am digni ed! Li le star: l'm ny. Eighth star: You certainly are. Ninth star: We can barely see you. Tenth star: See whom? Eleventh star: The li le one over there. Tenth star: Over where? All stars: That one! Tenth star: Oh! - You're a star? What do you know! Li le star: Yes, a star, just like you - only a bit smaller. Twel h star: A bit smaller! - I say - you're a joke. Thirteenth star: Maybe you are a glow worm? All stars: A glow worm, that's rich, hi-hi-hi! A glow worm! Li le star dejectedly covers his face. fi ti fi tt -1- ti tt ft ft tt tt tt Christmas Play Year 3/4 - 1996 A group of angels appear. All stars: What's this? What's happening? Blue angel: We are looking for a star. All stars: We are stars! Blue angel: A special star. All stars: I am special! First star: I am big! Second star: I am bright! Third star: I am beau ful! Fourth star: I am magni cent! Fi h star: l'm lovely! Sixth star: I am gorgeous! Seventh star: I am digni ed! Li le star: l'm ny. First angel: That's him. Second angel: He's special. Third angel: He is the chosen one. All stars: That one ?!?!? Eight star: But he's so small! Ninth star: Tiny!!! Tenth star: Prac cally invisible! fi ti fi ti -2- ti ft tt Christmas Play Year 3/4 - 1996 Blue angel: Never ques on God's judgement. Li le star: Excuse me . . . Fourth angel: He may be small, but he can grow. Li le star: Excuse me . . . Fi h angel: God's reasons are not ours. Li le star: Excuse me . . . Blue angel: Yes? Li le star: Chosen? Blue angel: Yes. Li le star: Me? Blue angel: Yes. Li le star: What - why - how - I mean . . . Blue angel: You are God's messenger - to show people the way to where His Son is born. But we must hurry - it's ge ng late. All angels: Follow us! They move towards the stable, the li le star's nsel around his head comes loose and trails behind him. All stars: What about us??? Blue angel: All right, come along then - mind you, the li le star rst! They all proceed to the stable and make a half circle behind it, the li le star on one end and the blue angel on the other end, then they all start singing their carol. fi tt Year 3/4 - 1996 tt ti tt ti -3- tti tt tt tt tt ft tt tt Christmas Play Li le Star Song There was a li le star you could not see it's light from afar. Some nsel framed it's golden head could make it twinkle - but now it was sad. The star was shining at night; it tried to shine with all it's might. The other stars were shining bright and sending forth a mighty light. But then an angel in blue appeared and said: "God sent me to you. A messenger He wants you to be; a sign for all the world to see. ln Bethlehem tonight His Son was born and He needs your light to show the way, to both far and near: Our Saviour Jesus Christ is here." tt ti tt Christmas Play -4- Year 3/4 - 1996