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Grumpy Old Woman and Minnie Mouse Poem

Old Woman
and Minnie
the Mouse
“I’ll get you!”,
so shouted
a grumpy old woman
who lived on the outskirts of town.
“I’ll get you!”,
she screamed, chasing
Minnie the mouse through the
house where she lived on her own.
“Don’t kill me!”,
the mouse piped,
with terror reducing
her voice to a faint li le squeak.
“Don’t kill me!”
If caught, then, the
mouse knew, her chance of
survival would surely be u erly bleak.
“I’ll have you!”,
the woman
was yelling and swinging her
broom through the air like a sword.
“Not this me”,
the mouse smiled,
ran under the table and
slipped through a hole in the board.