TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 英文寫作、閱讀常用句式 議論文 Argumentative Essay 開首 Opening 背景介紹 1. According to / Based on + (n.) , (根 據 ) Exam ple: According to governm ent statistics, the suicide rate of Hong Kong has increased in recent years. Exam ple: Based on newspaper reports, China has the largest number of smokers in the world. 2. In recent years / Nowadays, + SVO (最 近 幾 年 ) Exam ple: In recent years, the living standard of many Chinese people has im proved. Exam ple: Nowadays, many children are spoilt by their parents. 3. A recent report / study / survey + shows / suggests / reveals / dem onstrates + that + SVO (報 導 / 研 究 / 調 查 顯 示 … ) Exam ple: A recent report shows that smartphones have penetrated our lives. Exam ple: A recent survey dem onstrates that high property prices are the most pressing concern of Hong Kong people. 4. (n.) + is no exception (… 也 不 是 例 外 ) All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern Exam ple: The problem of air pollution exists in many places. Hong Kong is no exception. 引 起 關 注 /辯 論 1. (n.) + has (have) raised concerns about + (n.) (引 起 … 的 關 注 ) Exam ple: The incident involving Lam Wai-sze has raised concerns about the moral standard of our teachers. Exam ple: The serious traffic accidents in the past few weeks have raised concerns about the road safety in Hong Kong. 2. n. + is an alarm ing problem (令 人 擔 憂 的 問 題 ) Exam ple: Obesity is an alarm ing problem in our society. 3. n. + has (have) + caused / sparked + debate/controversy + in our society / school / workplace (在 社 會 上 引 起 爭 論 ) Exam ple: The Occupy Central Movement has caused debate in our society. Exam ple: The expansion of landfills in Tsueng Kwan O, Tuen Mun and Ta Ku Ling has sparked controversy in our society. 4. (n.) has becom e a controversial issue in our society (成 為 社 會 爭 議 的 話 題 ) Exam ple: Homosexuality has becom e a controversial issue in our society. 5. The / This + All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern problem / issue/ phenom enon/ trend + arises /exists (問 題 /現 象 /趨 勢 仍 然 存 在 ) Exam ple: The problem of wealth gap arises in every society. Exam ple: Traditionally, men have enjoyed superiority over women. In many parts of the world, this phenom enon still exists. Exam ple: Nowadays, more women have chosen to get married when they are older. This trend also exists in Hong Kong. 擴充開首 Expanding introduction 1. SVO + for two / three reasons (… 有 兩 /三 個 原 因 ) {在 後 文 一 定 要 提 到 !} Exam ple: The Chinese government should abolish the one-child policy for three reasons. 2. There are + two / three / m any/num erous/several/a lot of/plenty of/a wide variety of + reasons for /causes of + n. (有 幾 個 / 很多原因) E xam ple: There are th ree reasons for the declining English standard of students. Exam ple: There are several causes of the increasing suicide rate. Exam ple: There are a wide variety of reasons for the increasing popularity of social networking websites. 論點開首 Points All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 標題句 1. First of all,/ To start with,/ Firstly,/ To begin with, + SVO (首 先 ) Exam ple: First of all, cyber bullying brings about psychological damage to the victims. Exam ple: To start with, the development of northeast New Territories will jeopardize the beautiful natural environment in the area. Exam ple: Firstly, participating in extra-curricular activities can cultivate our team spirit. 2. Secondly,/ In addition,/ Additionally,/ Furtherm ore, / M oreover,/ Besides,/ Also, + SVO (除 此 以 外 ) Exam ple: In addition, the northeast New Territories development project will duplicate the tragedy of Tin Shui Wai. Exam ple: Furtherm ore, extra-curricular activities can release our pressure. Exam ple: Besides, the problem of drug abuse has arisen due to tremendous pressure in school life. 3. Apart from / In addition to + (n.), + SVO (除 了 … 以外) Exam ple: Apart from psychological effects on the victims, cyber bullying may convey a wrong message to the bullies that they do not need to take responsibility for their behavior. Exam ple: In addition to peer pressure , tremendous pressure in school life has also contributed to the problem of drug All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern abuse. 4. W hat is m ore,/M ore im portantly, … (更 重 要 的 是 ) Exam ple: W hat is m ore, toxic substances have been found in northeast New Territories and residents moving into the area will suffer from serious health problems. Exam ple: M ore im portantly, poor academic results have disheartened many students and some of them have resorted to taking drugs to escape from the reality. 6. Concerning / Regarding / with regard to/ As regards / As for + n., + SVO (就 … 而 論 ) Exam ple: Concerning the bullies, they may think that they do not need to take responsibility for their behavior. Exam ple: W ith regard to our studies, obsession with smartphones will distract us from studying and exacerbate our academic performance. Exam ple: As for the host cities, the Olympic Games can attract millions of tourists and promote economic development. 7. M ost im portant of all, + SVO (最 重 要 的 是 ) {只 能 用 一 次 開 首 !} Exam ple: M ost im portant of all, addiction to smartphones is harmful to our health. 擴充論點 Expanding points 寫原因 8. The first (second/ third) + reason for / cause of + (n.) + is that + SVO All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern (第 一 / 二 個 原 因 是 … ) Exam ple: The first reason for the declining English standard of students is that the government has adopted the mother-tongue policy since 1998. Exam ple: The second cause is that many teachers have abysmal English standard themselves. {不 重 複 現 實 情 況 時 可 不 用 for/ of… } 9. n. + is a reason for / is one of the reasons for + n. (… 是 … 的 其 中 一 個 原 因 ) n. + is a cause of / is one of the causes of + n. (… 是 … 的 其 中 一 個 原 因 ) Exam ple: Parental indulgence is a reason for over-dependent children. Exam ple: The lack of precautionary measures was one of the causes of widespread outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003. 10. The reason + why + SVO + is that + SVO (… 的 原 因是…) Exam ple: The reason why the suicide rate has increased is that many people suffer from depression. Exam ple: The reason why social networking websites have gained popularity is that most people want to achieve a sense of recognition on the Internet. 11. n. + is the root cause of + n. (… 是 … 的 根 本 原 因 ) Exam ple: Wide wealth gap is the root cause of the social All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern conflicts nowadays. 12. n. + engender/ contribute to/ lead to/ result in/ bring about + n. (導 致 ) Exam ple: The lack of communication engenders domestic violence. Exam ple: Laziness contributes to failures. Exam ple: A poor education system leads to slow economic development. Exam ple: The blind pursuit of economic growth has resulted in moral degradation in Chinese society. Exam ple: Wars bring about homelessness and deaths. 3. n. + result from / stem from + n. (起 源 於 ) Exam ple: The success of Hong Kong results from hard work. Exam ple: The falling standard of local television programmes stem s from the lack of com petition . 4. n. + can be / could be + attributed to/ascribed to/ associated with/ connected with/related to + n. (歸 因 於 / 歸 咎 於 ) Exam ple: The phenomenal achievements of Kobe Bryant can be attributed to his determination and persistence. Exam ple: The poor living conditions of Tin Shui Wai could be ascribed to poor government planning in the early 1990s. Exam ple: Terrorism can be associated with poor governance and poverty. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern Exam ple: The lack of creativity of Hong Kong students can be related to our ossified education system. 好 處 與 壞 處 /影 響 1. v. + ing/n. + can bring + m any/several/num erous + advantages/ disadvantages/ benefits/ drawbacks/ pros and cons (… 可 以 帶 來 很 多 好 處 /壞 處 ) Exam ple: The construction of casinos can bring m any disadvantages. Exam ple: Cooperating with property developers to build subsidized housing can bring several benefits. Exam ple: Space exploration can bring num erous pros and cons. 2. One of the advantages/ disadvantages of + v. + ing / n. is that + SVO (其 中 一 個 好 處 /壞 處 是 ) Exam ple: One of the advantages of organizing the Students’ Association is that we can learn to cooperate with other people. 3. Another advantage/ disadvantage is that + SVO (另 一 個 好 處 /壞 處 是 ) Exam ple: Another advantage is that we can improve our problem-solving skills. Exam ple: Another disadvantage is that we need to confront tremendous workload. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 4. + v. + ing / n. + be + good for/ advantageous to/beneficial to/conducive to/instrum ental in + v. + ing / n. (有 好 處 的 ) Exam ple: Eating vegetables is good for our health. Exam ple: Developing a sophisticated education system is advantageous to the sustainable development of a country. Exam ple: Playing sports is beneficial to our body. Exam ple: A harmonious family environment is conducive to the psychological growth of children. Exam ple: A capable police force is instrum ental in maintaining law and order of a society. 5. + v. + ing / n. + im prove /enhance/strengthen/am eliorate + n. (改 善 ) Exam ple: Debating can im prove our public speaking skills. Exam ple: Liberal studies can enhance our awareness of current affairs. Exam ple: Exercising regularly can strengthen our muscles. Exam ple: Planting trees can am eliorate the air quality of a country. 6. On a m ore positive note, + SVO 從 正 面 看 Example: There is no doubt the government has committed many mistakes since the handover. But on a m ore positive note, it has made strenuous efforts to stimulate economic development. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 好 處 與 壞 處 /影 響 1. + v. + ing / n.+ be + harm ful to/detrim ental to/deleterious to/injurious to + n. (有 壞 處 的 ) Exam ple: Excessive pressure is detrim ental to our mental health. Exam ple: The two world wars were deleterious to global economic development. Exam ple: Violence and pornography are injurious to teenagers’ psychological development. 1. harm / endanger / com prom ise / jeopardize/ underm ine + v.[+ ing] (危 及 ) Exam ple: Global warming will endanger the habitat of polar bears. Exam ple: The surging rents in recent years have com prom ised the profit of small businesses. Exam ple: The Occupy Central Movement will jeopardize Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity. Exam ple: The declining birth rate will underm ine the competitiveness of China. 2. hinder / im pede/ ham per (妨 礙 ) + n. Exam ple: Indecision has hindered the social and economic development of Hong Kong. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern Exam ple: Overprotection im pedes the mental growth of children. Exam ple: The exam-oriented education system in Hong Kong has ham pered the development of creativity of Hong Kong children. 3. (v. [+ ing] / n.) is a danger / hazard to n. (帶 來 危 險) Exam ple: Air pollution is a danger to our health. Exam ple: Hill fires are a hazard to Australia. 好 處 與 壞 處 /影 4. (n.) + aggravate / exacerbate/ deteriorate + n. 響 (使 惡 化 ) Exam ple: The emergence of the knowledge-based economy has aggravated the wealth gap in China. Exam ple: The influx of mainland tourists in recent years has exacerbated the hostility between Hong Kongers and mainlanders. 5. has / have / had + disastrous / catastrophic + im pact / effects / consequences/ ram ifications / repercussions + on + n. / v. + ing (帶 來 災 難 性 的 影 響 ) Exam ple: The 311 earthquake had disastrous im pact on Japan. Exam ple: Domestic violence can have catastrophic All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern consequences on the victims. 6. … adversely affects (v.) + n. / v. + ing (負 面 影 響 ) Exam ple: Civil wars adversely affect the development of Africa and the Middle East. Exam ple: Staying up late adversely affects our health. 7. n. / v. + ing does m ore good than harm 利 多 於 弊 n. / v. + ing does m ore harm than good 弊 多 於 利 Exam ple: Expanding the existing three landfills does m ore good than harm . Exam ple: Constructing casinos in Hong Kong does m ore harm than good. 8. The advantages of n. / v. + ing outweigh the disadvantages(利 多 於 弊 ) The disadvantages n. / v. + ing outweigh the advantages(弊 多 於 利 ) Exam ple: The advantages of smartphones outweigh the disadvantages. Exam ple: The disadvantages of capital punishment outweigh the advantages. 解釋論點 Explanation 因果關係 注意: 「 因 為 」和「 所 1. Because / As / Since + SVO, + SVO (因 為 ) SVO + because / as / since + SVO Exam ple: Because the Chinese University has high-quality All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 以 」 不 能 共 存 。 teaching staff and beautiful environment, it attracts many Jupas applicants every year. Exam ple: European soccer teams have earned more and more money as they receive huge broadcasting fees and they are sponsored by large-scale international corporations. 2. Due to / Owing to / Thanks to / As a result of + n., (因 為 … ) Exam ple: Due to his charm and excellent football skills, C. Ronaldo has become one of the most popular soccer players in the world. Exam ple: Thanks to abundant supply of cheap labour, China has become the world’s manufacturing powerhouse. Exam ple: A lot of marine animals have died in recent decades as a result of deteriorating water pollution. 3. SVO, + so + SVO (所 以 ) Exam ple: Mainland parents are concerned about the food safety in China, so many of them prefer to buy food in Hong Kong. Exam ple: Many mainland tourists lack civic awareness, so they are unpopular in Hong Kong. 4. Therefore, / Hence, / Thus, / As a result, / As a consequence, + SVO Exam ple: The problem of drug abuse has worsened. Therefore, the government should take the initiative to tackle the All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern problem. Exam ple: Public hygiene in India is poor. As a result, infectious diseases are pervasive. Exam ple: Moral persuasion has been ineffective, and hence the government should solve the problem through legislation. Exam ple: High-quality human resources are indispensable for the success of Hong Kong, and thus the government should improve the education system and attract more talents. 轉折關係 1. Although / Though / Even though + SVO, (雖 然 ) 注意: Exam ple: Although the government lacks land to satisfy the 「 雖 然 」和「 但 housing needs of the public, it should not develop the land in 是 」不 能 共 存 。 country parks. Exam ple: Though mainland tourists have become a nuisance in our society, we cannot deny that they have stimulated the economic development of Hong Kong. Exam ple: The number of traffic accidents has risen sharply even though the government has organized public campaigns to encourage road safety. 2. Despite / In spite of + n., + SVO (雖 然 ) Exam ple: Despite Hong Kong’s increasing economic integration with the China, the relationship between Hong Kong people and mainlanders has deteriorated. Exam ple: The government has no intention to adopt small-class teaching in all secondary schools in Hong Kong in spite of its advantages. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 3. SVO + However, / Nevertheless, / Nonetheless, + SVO (但 是 ) Exam ple: It is important for parents to take care of their children. However, parents should not spoil them. Exam ple: The mother tongue policy can increase students’ understanding of different subjects. Nevertheless, it deprives their chance of learning more English vocabulary. Exam ple: Hong Kong is an international city. Nonetheless, it has never organized such international sports events like the Asian Games and the Olympic Games. 假設關係 1. Provided that / As long as / So long as + SVO, (只 要 ) Exam ple: Provide that the government allocates more resources to promote the development of local sports, Hong Kong athletes will achieve better results in international competitions. Exam ple: As long as reclamation projects do not dam age the habitat of marine animals, they are good ways to increase the land supply in Hong Kong. Exam ple: Globalization is beneficial for the world so long as multinational enterprises respect local culture and safeguard the rights of workers. 2. Even if / Even though + SVO, (即 使 ) Exam ple: Even if the government distributes cash to the poor, the wealth gap cannot be bridged . All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern Exam ple: People will continue to be exploited by unscrupulous retailers even though the government has implemented new consumer protection laws. 3. Unless + SVO, + SVO SVO + unless + SVO Exam ple: Unless the government passes laws to deter the paparazzi, they will continue to invade the privacy of celebrities. Exam ple: People will not restore their confidence of Chinese food unless its safety is safeguarded. 4. SVO + Otherwise, + SVO Exam ple: Parents should not force their children to join too many courses. Otherwise, they will be stressed. 表示目的 1. in order to / so as to / to + v. (為 了 ) {so as to} 不 能 用 在 開 頭 句 ! Exam ple: In order to buy luxury products, some youngsters engage in activities such as drug trafficking and compensated dating. Exam ple: Nowadays, many young people participate in working holidays so as to relax themselves and broaden their horizons. 2. with a view to / for the sake of + v. + ing (為 了 ) E xam ple: W ith a view to prom oting sports in Hong Kong, the government should encourage schools to organize more sports activities. Exam ple: The government is considering adopting compulsory All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern school-based drug testing for the sake of tackling the drug abuse problem. 3. SVO + in order that / so that + SVO (sbdy can/could do sthg) (為 了 ) {不 能 用 作 開 頭 !) Exam ple: Some schools adopted e-learning a few years ago in order that they could relieve the burden on students’ back. Exam ple: The government has passed laws so that it can prevent the ethnic minorities from discrimination. 舉例子 Examples 舉例子 1. For exam ple / For instance, + SVO (例 如 ) Exam ple: Youth unemployment is an acute problem in many countries. For exam ple, nearly half of the youngsters in Spain are unemployed. Exam ple: The food safety in China is alarming. For instance, it was reported in 2008 that many brands of dairy products were contaminated with melamine, which is a carcinogenic substance. 2. SVO + such as / like + n. (例 如 ) Exam ple: In recent decades, infectious diseases such as avian flu and SARS have caused thousands of deaths in the globe. Exam ple: In view of the nuclear disaster in Japan, more renewable power resources like solar power and hydro-electric power should be adopted to generate electricity. 3. SVO, + including + n. (包 括 ) Exam ple: According to employers, the Post-80s have many All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern weaknesses, including low working skills, poor time management and impoliteness. 4. Take + n. as an exam ple (以 … 為 例 子 ) Example: While organizing the Olympic Games can enhance the international image and promote tourism of a country, it is very costly. Take Greece as an exam ple. As many economists argue, the 2004 Olympics in Athens contributed to the economic crisis in Greece. 一般而言 1. Generally speaking, + SVO Exam ple: Generally speaking, youngsters are more rebellious in their puberty. 2. In general, + SVO Exam ple: In general, prolonged exposure to sunlight increases the chance of skin cancer. 眾所周知 1. Everyone knows that/ As we all know + SVO Exam ple: Everyone knows that Hong Kong is a gourmet paradise. Exam ple: As we all know, euthanasia is prohibited in most countries in the world. 2. As everyone knows, + SVO Exam ple: As everyone knows, declining birth rate will lower the productivity of a country. 3. It is widely known that + SVO All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern Exam ple: It is widely known that space exploration is beneficial to scientific development . Nevertheless, many people oppose it because of its high cost. 4. It is worth rem em bering that + SVO 這 是 值 得 記 住的一點 Example: Undeniably, Britain has bounced back from economic recession. Nevertheless, it is worth rem em bering that many people in Britain are still unemployed. 對比論點 Contrast 比較 1. Com pared with + n. , + SVO (與 ...相 比 ) Exam ple: Com pared with their counterparts in the 1960s, the Chinese nowadays are far wealthier. Exam ple: Com pared with the old system, the 3+3+4 education system can better train the logical thinking and critical thinking of students. 2. On one hand, + SVO. + On the other hand, + SVO. (一 方 面 ...另 一 方 面 ) Exam ple: O n one hand, incinerators can reduce the burden on our landfills. On the other hand, they will exacerbate the air pollution problem. 比較 3. SVO. + In contrast, + SVO. (相 反 ) Exam ple: The birth rate in many countries like Germany and Japan has been declining. In contrast, the United States has maintained a relatively a high birth rate. As a result, its productivity All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern will be higher in the years to come. 4. SVO. On the contrary, + SVO. (不 是 ...而 是 ) Exam ple: Heritage preservation will not compromise economic development. On the contrary, it will stimulate the development of tourism. 5. In contrary to + n., + SVO (與 預 期 或 理 想 相 反 ) Exam ple: In contrary to their parents’ expectations, many youngsters are uninterested in studying and working and become socially withdrawn youths. 6. In the past, + SVO . + Now, / Nowadays, + SVO (以 前 ... 現 在 … ) Exam ple: In the past, Hong Kong was reputable for its efficiency. Now, it is hamstrung by ceaseless conflicts in our society. 7. This is no longer true. / This is no longer the case. + SVO (現 在 已 經 不 同 了 ) Exam ple: In the past, consumers were often exploited by unscrupulous retailers. This is no longer true. The consumers nowadays are more demanding and relentlessly fight for their rights. Exam ple: In bygone days, Hong Kongers generally welcomed mainland tourists. This is no longer the case. Now, they are disgusted by their uncivilized behavior. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 遞進 1. SVO. + To m ake the m atters worse, + SVO. (更 差 的是) Exam ple: In Hong Kong, the living environment of many people is too cramped for pets. To m ake the m atters worse, some irresponsible owners abuse and abandon their pets. 2. SVO. + W orse still, + SVO. (更 差 的 是 ) Exam ple: In the short term, people with unhealthy diets will easily be tired. W orse still, their immune system will weaken and they will become sick frequently. 3. SVO. + Even m ore worrying / alarm ing is that + SVO. (更 加 令 人 擔 憂 的 是 ) Exam ple: Browsing social-networking websites is time-consuming. Even m ore worrying is that they will pollute the mind of teenagers. Exam ple: The wide wealth gap in the world has resulted in unequal opportunities for different people. Even m ore alarm ing is that it has engendered social disturbance and terrorism. 4. SVO. + To add insult to injury, + SVO. (雪 上 加 霜 的是) Exam ple: The HKDSE is a challenging task for many sixth-formers. To add insult to injury, the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority has frequently altered the formats of examinations and hence made candidates rudderless. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 5. SVO. + In som e extrem e cases, + SVO. (在 一 些 極 端的情況) Exam ple: The lack of sportsmanship is a serious problem in China. In som e extrem e cases, some soccer players engage in match-fixing to make financial gains. 6. SVO. + In the worst scenario, / In the worst-case scenario, + SVO. (最 壞 情 況 是 ) Exam ple: When students do part-time jobs, their academic results will decline. In the worst scenario, they may put their life in jeopardy. Exam ple: The victims of cyber-bullying will suffer from depression. In the worst-case scenario, they may commit suicide. 強調 Emphasis 加強語氣 1. Obviously,/ Apparently,/ Unm istakably,/ Evidently,/ Clearly, + SVO (明 顯 地 ) Exam ple: Obviously, the exam-oriented system has led to the popularity of tutorial classes in Hong Kong. Exam ple: Apparently, teenagers’ obsession with high-tech products like iPhones and iPads is harmful to their eyesight. Exam ple: Clearly, the government should not outlaw derivative work on the Internet because it is a channel for people to express their dissatisfaction. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 2. It is obvious that / It is apparent that /It is clear that/It is evident that + SVO (明 顯 的 是 ) Exam ple: It is obvious that hosting the Olympic Games does more good than harm to a country. Exam ple: It is apparent that the one-child policy is out of touch with the reality and should be abolished as soon as possible. Exam ple: It is evident that China has blindly pursued economic development at the expense of environmental protection. 3. Undoubtedly,/ Indubitably, / Indisputably, / Unquestionably, + SVO (毫 無 疑 問 ) Exam ple: Undoubtedly, commercialization is conducive to the development of sports as it can provide incentives for athletes to maximize their potential and performance. Exam ple: Indisputably, capital punishment is a necessary evil in the Chinese society. Exam ple: Unquestionably, the lack of creativity has jeopardized the development of the local movie industry. 4. There is no doubt that / It is beyond doubt that + SVO (毫 無 疑 問 ) Exam ple: There is no doubt that user-friendly functions are the reason why micro-blogs are so popular in China. Exam ple: It is beyond doubt that the sound legal system is All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern the cornerstone of Hong Kong’s success. 加強語氣 5. Arguably, + SVO (有 理 由 說 ) Exam ple: Arguably, the implementation of 15-year free education can enhance the quality of human resources in Hong Kong. Exam ple: Arguably, laziness and lack of concentration are the culprits of many students’ poor academic performance. 6. Surely, / To be sure, + SVO Exam ple: Surely, standard working hours can result in work-life balance. Exam ple: To be sure, the poor courtesy of local people has tarnished the image of Hong Kong. 反方論點 Counter Argument 據說 1. It is believed that + SVO (很 多 人 相 信 ) Exam ple: It is believed that the Cultural Revolution has resulted in mutual distrust among Chinese people. 2. It is suggested that + SVO (很 多 人 建 議 ) Exam ple: It is suggested that the government can combat the light pollution problem through legislation. 3. It is reported that + SVO (據 報 導 指 出 ) Exam ple: It is reported that 80% of the respondents are anxious about the HKDSE next year. 駁論 1. In fact, / In reality, / Actually, + SVO (事 實 上 ) Exam ple: In fact, the problem of campus drug abuse has been All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern getting worse in recent years. Exam ple: In reality, basic infrastructures, transport network and social facilities are lacking in the area. Exam ple: Actually, homosexual marriage has been legalized in many countries such as Holland and France. 2. The truth is that / The reality is that + SVO (事 實 是 ) Exam ple: The truth is that the language standard of many students nowadays has declined sharply. Exam ple: The reality is that the campus of some secondary schools in Hong Kong has become the breeding ground of drug abuse. 建議 Suggestions 承接 1. As m entioned above, /As I m entioned,/ As I argued, + SVO (如 前 所 述 ) Exam ple: As m entioned above, over-packaging is wasteful and detrimental to our environment. Exam ple: As I m entioned, emotional quotient is as important as knowledge and IQ. Exam ple: As I argued, materialism and peer pressure are the root causes of juvenile delinquency. 2. To tackle/ cure/deal with/ cope with + the problem of + n. , (為 了 解 決 … 問 題 ) Exam ple: To tackle the problem of over-packaging, I will put forward som e suggestions. Exam ple: To cope with the problem of teenage crimes, I will put All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern forward the following recom m endations. 3. To alleviate / relieve + the problem of + n. , (為 了 紓 緩 … 問 題 , 我 會 提 出 以 下 建 議 ) Exam ple: To alleviate the problem of illegal downloading, I will put forward som e suggestions. Exam ple: To relieve the problem of aging population, I will put forward the following recom m endations. 建議 1. I suggest/ advise/ propose/ recom m end that + SVO. (我 提 議) Exam ple: Firstly, I suggest that the government should pass laws to regulate light pollution. Exam ple: First of all, I propose that the government should provide more practical training courses for the youngsters. Exam ple: Secondly, I propose that schools can organize more study tours so that students can learn more about the social and economic development of China. Exam ple: Secondly, I recom m end that the police can meet the representatives from the mass media regularly to address their concerns. 2. … + it is + (adj.) + for + (n.) + to + (v.) Exam ple: Also, it is advantageous for the organizers to ban the use of mobile phones in the marathon. Exam ple: Last but not least, it is im portant for parents to give their emotional support to socially-withdrawn youths so that they All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern can reintegrate into society. Exam ple: Apparently, it is urgent to toughen laws to punish irresponsible and pitiless pet owners. 建議 3. (sb.) + plays an im portant / a significant role in + (sth.) (扮 演重要角色) Exam ple: The government plays an im portant role in the development of local sports. Exam ple: Parents play a significant role in developing their children into responsible and self-reliant individuals. 4. … + is/are the key / solution + to + .... (… 是 … 的 秘 訣 ) Exam ple: Genuine communication is the key to solving family conflicts. Exam ple: Reclamation is the solution to the lack of land. 5. … + is/are the prescription / panacea + for + … (… 是 … 的 藥方) Exam ple: Standard working hours are the prescription for excessive workload in Hong Kong. Exam ple: Promoting sports is the panacea for the obesity problem in Hong Kong. 建議 6. In the short/long + run/term , ( sb.) + can / should + do + ( sth.) (短 期 來 說 ) Exam ple: In the short run, the government should control the property prices through special taxes and stamp duties. Exam ple: In the long term , the government should provide more financial assistance for poor children in low-income families to prevent All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern inter-generational poverty. 7. (Sb.) + should / need(s) to + m ake effort/put effort/ do its utm ost / try its best to / strive + to … (需 要 作 出 努 力 ) Exam ple: The government should m ake effort to enhance the working skills of youngsters and lower youth unemployment. Exam ple: The government should do its utm ost to mitigate air pollution. Exam ple: Schools should try its best to prevent students from going astray. Exam ple: Different countries should strive to reduce racial discrimination. 8. (Sb.) + should / need(s) to ensure that / m ake sure that + SVO (確 保 ) Exam ple: TV channels should ensure that reality shows and reality shows will not pollute the mind of teenagers. Exam ple: Parents need to m ake sure that their children can become independent and solve their problems in the future. Exam ple: The government should ensure that soccer betting and horse-racing will not produce a large number of pathological gamblers. 建議 9. Sbdy + can / should / need(s) to + enhance / strengthen / increase + (n.) (加 強 … ) Exam ple: Parents and children need to increase com m unication to understand each other. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern Exam ple: The government should strengthen law enforcem ent to combat illegal gambling. 4. By / Through + ( n. / v. (+ ing)) , + ( sb.) + can + do ( sth.) (通 過) Exam ple: By enhancing personal hygiene, we can improve our health. Exam ple: Through preserving natural scenery and cultural heritage, the governm ent can attract more tourists. Exam ple: Chinese m ilk producers can improve their image by strengthening food safety. Exam ple: Entertainm ent com panies can promote local music culture through organizing outdoor music festivals. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 書信 Letter 開首 Opening 標題 1. Com plaint about + 名 詞 片 語 (對 … 的 投 訴 ) Exam ple: Com plaint about the services of Peninsula Hotel Exam ple: Com plaint about the environment at Leader Restaurant Exam ple: Com plaint about the arrangement of a study tour 寫作目的 1. I am writing to + (v.) [express/ com plain/ explain/ request/ notify/ ask about/ inform … ] (我 寫 作 的 目 的 是 ) Exam ple: I am writing to express m y concerns about (表 達 關 注 ) animal cruelty in Hong Kong. Exam ple: I am writing to explain (解 釋 ) the reasons for the popularity of smartphones. Exam ple: I am writing to analyze (分 析 ) the problem of waste disposal and provide som e recom m endations (提 供 建 議 ) for the government. 2. I am writing in reply to the letter/ article on + 日 期 about + n. (回 信 ) Exam ple: I am w riting in reply to the article on 4 th June about the government’s stance on freedom. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 3. In this article (letter), I aim to/ will + v. [express/ com plain/ explain/ request/ notify/ ask about/ inform … ] (在 這 篇 文 章 中 , 我 的 目 的 是 … ) {語 氣 較 強 } Exam ple: In this article, I aim to explain the advantages of building casinos in Hong Kong. Exam ple: In this letter, I will express my opposition to build mental hospitals in Shatin. 4. This article (letter) aim s to + v. (這 篇 文 章 的 目 的是…) Exam ple: This article aim s to introduce the activities of the Science Club and persuade students to become our members. Exam ple: This letter aim s to point out that heritage preservation can co-exist with economic development. 表達不滿 1. I am writing to + com plain about + 名 詞 片 語 + 日 期 、 時間、地點 Exam ple: I am writing to com plain about the mobile phone that I bought from your shop on August 16, 2012. 2. I am writing to + express m y dissatisfaction with + 名詞片語 + 日期、時間、地點 Exam ple: I am writing to express m y dissatisfaction with the services provided by Peninsula Hotel. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 表達觀點 1. It is m y belief / conviction that + SVO (這 是 我 的 信 念 ) (在 寫 完 寫 作 目 Exam ple: It is m y belief that the government should make 的後接著寫) more efforts to integrate the minorities into society. Exam ple: It is m y conviction that local athletes can improve their performance in international events if the government allocates more resources to train them. 2. From m y point of view /, + SVO (依 我 看 ) {表 達 立 場 } Exam ple: From m y point of view , the government should legalize gay marriage. 3. In m y opinion, + SVO (按 照 我 的 看 法 ) {表 達 意 見 } Exam ple: In m y opinion, exchange trips can enhance the language and communication skills of students. 4. As far as I am concerned, / As for m e, + SVO (就 我 而 言 ) Exam ple: As far as I am concerned, the government should not blindly pursue economic development at the expense of our valuable heritage. Exam ple: As for m e, animal abuse should not be tolerated in a civilized society. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 表達不滿 1. I was extrem ely dissatisfied with your services. 2. I was totally disappointed/ very annoyed by/ extrem ely angry/ disgusted by + 名 詞 片 語 + 詳 細資料 Exam ple: I am totally disappointed by the way your staff treated me. (非 常 失 望 ) Exam ple: I am very annoyed by the poor qualifications of the tutors. (非 常 不 滿 ) Exam ple: I w as extrem ely angry w ith the attitude of the waiters. (非 常 憤 怒 ) Exam ple: I was disgusted by the poor hygiene in your restaurant. (表 示 反 感 ) 開啟下文投訴 1. I have the following com plaints to m ake. (我 有 以下投訴) 2. The com plaints that I would like to m ake are as follows. (我 有 以 下 投 訴 ) 總結不滿 1. I am not satisfied/ disatisfied with + 名 詞 片 語 Exam ple: I am not satisfied with the quality of the product. Exam ple: I am dissatisfied with the attitude of your staff. 2. I m ust say that I have lost confidence in + v. + ing / 名 詞 片 語 All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern Exam ple: I must say that I have lost confidence in buying things in your shop. 提出要求 1. I dem and a full/ partial refund (of + 商 品 ) (要 求 全 額 /部 分 賠 償 ) Exam ple: I demand a full refund of the defective mobile phone. Exam ple: I demand a partial refund of the malfunctioning refrigerator. 2. I dem and your com pany + to replace + 商 品 (要 求公司換貨) Exam ple: I demand your company to replace the digital camera. 3. I expect an explanation of the incident. (期 望 得 到事件解釋) 4. I also expect a letter of apology for the inconvenience caused. (期 望 收 到 道 歉 信 ) 5. I would be grateful if you investigate the m atter seriously. (如 果 你 認 真 調 查 事 件 , 我 會 感 激 。 ) 6. I strongly urge you to take im m ediate action to + v. 強 烈 敦 促 立 即 行 動 Exam ple: I strongly urge you to take immediate action to improve the situation. 表達期望 1. I hope such incident will not happen again. (我 希 望 類 似 事 件 不 再 發 生 ) All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 2. I hope you can im prove the situation as soon as possible. (我 希 望 你 能 盡 快 改 善 情 況 ) 3. I hope the governm ent will investigate the m atter seriously. (我 希 望 政 府 會 認 真 調 查 事 件 ) 4. I hope the governm ent will take prom pt action against + 商 鋪 . (我 希 望 政 府 對 … 迅 速 採 取 行 動 ) Exam ple: I hope the government will take prompt action against the unscrupulous drug store. 總結 Conclusion 總結 1. In conclusion, / To conclude, + SVO (總 括 來 說 ) Exam ple: In conclusion, indulgence and comfortable lifestyle have made many children over-dependent. Exam ple: To conclude, early university admission is harmful to child prodigies because this will deprive them of their childhood and bring great pressure to them. 2. In sum , / To sum up, + SVO (總 括 來 說 ) Exam ple: To sum up, copyright infringement will lower the incentives of composers to create new songs and engender economic losses. 3. All in all, + SVO (從 各 方 面 來 Exam ple: All in all, the street stalls in Mong Kok do more good All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 敘述事件 1. to can m y let observation, + SVO 根 據我 的 觀and 察 thanAccording harm as they youngsters showcase their talent Exam According to m y observation, many students in my attract ple: tourists from the world. school are preoccupied with social networking websites like Facebook and +Instagram.. 4. In short, SVO (簡 而 言 之 ) Exam ple: In short, cyber bullying will result in lasting 2. W hile + SVO , + S (v.)[+ing] + O psychological damage on+the victims and compromise social SVO + while + S + (v.)[+ing] + O harmony. (正 當 … ) Exam 1: W/hile I was/ need(s) sleepingto last night, my neighbor was 5. (sb)ple + can should / strike a balance playing mahjong between n. / v.loudly. + ing and n. / v. + ing (在 兩 者 間 取 得 平 Exam ple 2: With the widespread use of the Internet, some 衡) teenagers users online while a they are browsing the Exam ple:bully The other government can strike balance between Internet. combating drug abuse and protecting students’ privacy. 3. After/ Before + v. + ing , + SVO 之 後 SVO + after/ before + v. + ing Exam ple: After assaulting her husband, the woman escaped from the flat. Exam ple: The man did not show any signs of mental illnesses before assaulting the woman. 4. Before + n. , + SVO 之 前 故事 Story SVO + before + n. Exam ple: Before the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003, Hongkongers’ awareness of personal hygiene was weak. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 5. (v.) + ing/ (v.)[轉 adj. form ] + O, + SVO 做 完 … 之 後 , 然 後… Exam ple: Graduating from universities, most students lack relevant working skills and experience. Exam ple: Killing her son, the mentally-ill woman plunged to her death. Exam ple: Disappointed by their results, many students feel helpless and hopeless. 6. n. + find that / found that + SVO 發 現 Exam ple: I often find that the passengers in MTR trains are obsessed with their smartphones and ignore the needs of the elderly. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 演講辭 Speech 開首 Opening Greeting 1. Good m orning, everyone. (打 招 呼 ) 2. Good afternoon, principal, teachers, parents and schoolm ates. ! 記得看清楚聽 3. 眾是誰! Good evening, honourable guests, ladies and gentlem en, Self-introduction 1. I am 姓 名 , + 職 位 + of 組 織 名 稱 (自 我 介 紹 ) Exam ple: I am Chris Wong, the president of the Students’ Union. 2. On behalf of + 組 織 名 稱 , I … … .. (代 表 組 織 演 講 ) Exam ple: On behalf of the English Society, I am going to introduce the upcoming activities in the next three months. 3. I am honoured to + v. (我 很 榮 幸 … ) It is m y honour to + v It is m y pleasure to + v. Exam ple: I am honoured to have the chance to speak in front of you all. Exam ple: It is my honour to deliver this graduation speech on behalf of all the graduates. Aim of the speech 1. I would like to take this opportunity to + share All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern (演講目的) with you + … (我 想 藉 這 次 機 會 跟 你 們 分 享 … ) Exam ple: I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the advantages of being a volunteer. 2. I would like to rem ind you + 名 詞 I would like to rem ind you + that + SVO Exam ple: I would like to remind you the advantages of regular exercise. Example: I would like to remind you that you can enjoy a lot of benefits by joining our club. 正文 Content 可以用議論文的論點開首方法!! Body of the 1. speech (演 講 內 文 ) Let’s start with + 名 詞 + 詳 細 資 料 (不 如 我 們 以…開始) Exam ple: Let’s start with the activities we organize. 2. Also,/ Besides,/ M oreover,/ Furtherm ore,/ Apart from that, SVO (其 次 ) Exam ple: Moreover, you can become a happier and better person by becoming a volunteer. Exam ple: Apart from that, we can polish our language skills. 3. As som e of you m ay know, + SVO (你 們 當 中 有 些 All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 人可能知道…) Exam ple: As some of you may know, I am an active volunteer. 4. For m ost of you, + SVO (對 於 你 們 大 多 數 人 來 說 ) Exam ple: For most of you, English is difficult to master. 5. 活 動 + will be held/ organized + at 地 點 + in/on 日 期 (舉 辦 活 動 ) Exam ple: An English debating contest will be held in July. 9. It is a golden opportunity for you to + v. … 對 你 來說是黃金機會 Exam ple: It is a golden opportunity for you to improve your English. Transition 6. (轉 換 話 題 ) I would like to spend tim e to + v. (我 想 花 時 間 … ) Exam ple: I would like to spend time to talk about the harm of lacking exercise. 7. Let’s m ove on to another topic. (讓 我 們 談 另 一 個 話題) End of the speech (演 講 結 束 ) 1. I would like to end m y speech with + 名 詞 +詳 細 資 料 (我 想 以 … 結 束 演 講 ) All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern Exam ple: I would like to end my speech with the importance of English in our life. 2. Before ending m y speech, I would like to + v. (演 講結束前,我想…) Example: Before ending my speech, I would like to remind you that we have a moral responsibility to help the underprivileged. 3. I hope that all of you will + v. (我 希 望 你 們 所 有 人 都 會 ...) Exam ple: I hope that all of you will realize the importance of regular exercise. 4. I believe you can learn a lot by + v. + ing (我 相 信你通過…會學到很多東西) Exam ple: I believe you can learn a lot by joining the English Club. 5. Please seize this opportunity to + v. (把 握 機 會…) Exam ple: Please seize this opportunity to join our club. 6. Don’t hesitate. Com e and join us now. (不 要 猶 豫,加入我們) 7. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 8. W e look forward to seeing you in the com ing events. (我 們 期 待 你 參 加 以 後 的 活 動 ) 9. I wish you + 名 詞 片 語 (我 祝 願 你 們 … ) Exam ple: I wish you every success in the future. Exam ple: I wish you all a fruitful life and a rewarding future. End of the speech 8. (演 講 結 束 ) This is all I want to say. Thank you. (演 講 到 此 為 止,謝謝) 9. This is all for the speech today. Thank you very m uch. (演 講 到 此 為 止 , 謝 謝 ) 10. That’s the end of m y speech. Thank you very m uch. (演 講 到 此 為 止 , 謝 謝 ) 其他實用句式 一、 … + is/ are + the + (v.) / the most + (v.) + 名詞 + (that) + (pronoun) + have ever + seen (known/ heard/ had/ read...) 例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 二、 Nothing is + more + (v.) / (v.) + er than to + (v.) (沒有甚麼比…更重要) 例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 三、 It is universally acknowledged that + … (全世界都知道...) 例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 六、There is no doubt that + … (毫無疑問的...) 例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired. 七、An advantage of … is that + 句子 (...的優點是...) 例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won‘t create any pollution. 八、The reason why + … + is that + 句子 (...的原因是...) 例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air. 十、(Adj.) + as + Subject(主詞)+ be, (subj.) +(v.) (雖然...) 例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory. 十二、By + (v.) +ing , … can … (借著...,..能夠..) 例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy. 十三、… + enable + Object(受詞)+ to + V (..使..能夠..) 例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed. 十四、On no account can we + (v.) (我們絕對不能...) 例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. We must on no account miss the chance. 十五、It is time + (subj.) + (v.) 過去式 (該是...的時候了) All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems. 十六、Those who … (...的人...) 例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished. 十八、be + forced/compelled/obliged + to + (v.) (不得不...) 例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports. 十九、It is conceivable that + 句子 (可想而知的) It is obvious that + 句子 (明顯的) It is apparent that + 句子 (顯然的) 例句:It is obvious that knowledge plays an important role in our life. 二十一、For the past + 時間,S + 現在完成式...( 過去...年來,...一直...) 例句:For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination. 過去兩年來,我一直忙著準備考試。 二十三、It pays to + (v.) + … (...是值得的。) 例句:It pays to help others. 幫助別人是值得的。 二十四、be based on (以...為基礎) 例句:The progress of the society is based on harmony. 社會的進步是以和諧為 基礎的。 二十五、Spare no effort to + V (不遺餘力的) 例句:We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern 二十六、bring home to + 人 + 事 (讓...明白...事) 例句:We should bring home to people the value of working hard. 二十七、be closely related to … (與...息息相關) 例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health. 做運動與健康息息相關。 二十八、Get into the habit of + (v.) +ing (養成...的習慣) 例句: We should get into the habit of keeping good hours. 三十一、Leave much to be desired (令人不滿意) 例句:The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired. 三十二、Have a great influence on … (對...有很大的影響) 例句:Smoking has a great influence on our health. 三十四、Pose a great threat to … (對...造成一大威脅) 例句:Pollution poses a great threat to our existence. 三十五、do one‘s utmost to + … (盡全力去...) 例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life. 倒裝句 Inversions 1. Only through… … .. can (sb.) + (v.) + (sth.) (只 有 通 過 … 才 能 … ) Norm al form : Through increasing its expenditures on education, the government can burnish the competitiveness of Hong Kong. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern Inversion form: Only through increasing the expenditures on education can the governm ent burnish the competitiveness of Hong Kong. 2. Under no circum stances should (sb.) + (v.) + (sth.) (任 何 情 況 都 不 應 該 做) Normal form: The government should impose the goods and services tax under no circumstances. Inversion form : Under no circumstances should the government impose the goods and services tax. 3. Hardly can (pron.) + (v.) + … (幾 乎 不 能 ) Norm al form : Students can hardly chill out when preparing for the HKDSE. Inversion form : Hardly can students chill out when preparing for the HKDSE. 4. At no tim e will (sb.) + (v.) + … (… 永 遠 不 會 做 … 的 事 ) Norm al form : The central government will agree to the implementation of universal suffrage in Hong Kong at no time. Inversion form : At no tim e will the central governm ent agree to the implementation of universal suffrage in Hong Kong. 5. Never do (pron.) + (v.) + … (某 人 永 遠 不 會 做 … ) Norm al form : We never read Biology textbooks. Inversion form : Never do we read Biology textbooks. 6. The + 比 較 級 adj. + SVO , the 比 較 級 adj. + SVO Norm al form : When you study harder, you will get better results Inversion form : The harder you study, the better results you will get. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern Norm al form : If teenagers do more exercise, they will become healthier. Inversion form : The m ore exercise teenagers do, the healthier they will become. 7. Only when + SVO, + can + (sb.) + v. (只 有 到 … 時 候 , 才 會 … ) Norm al form : Only when the Japanese government encourages more married women to rejoin the labour force, Japan can raise its productivity. Inversion form : Only when the Japanese government encourages more married women to rejoin the labour force can Japan raise its productivity. 8. However + (adj.) + (sth.) + is/are/was/were… , + SVO (無 論 怎 樣 艱 巨 … 也會) (adj.) + though + (sth.) + is/are/was/were… , + SVO (無 論 怎 樣 努 力 … 也 ) Norm al form : Although the HKDSE is form idable, every sixth-former should work strenuously. Inversion form : However form idable the HKDSE is, every sixth-former should work strenuously. Norm al form : Although the rescue workers tired hard, they could not save the coal miners. Inversion form : Hard though the rescue workers tried, they could not save the coal miners. 9. Scarcely had (sb.) + v. [Past perfect tense] + when + (sb.) + v. (不 久 後…便…) All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA TutorDuck – Essential English Notes (Writing) – Sentence Pattern No sooner had + ( sb.) + v. [Past perfect tense] + than + (sb.) + v. (不 久 後 … 便 … ) Inversion form : Scarcely had the prisoners finished their lunch when they were ordered to work again. Inversion form : Soon after the prisoners had finished their lunch, they were ordered to work again. Norm al form : Soon after he had arrived, he fainted. Inversion form : No sooner had he arrived than he fainted. 10. W ithout + n. , + SVO (如 果 沒 有 … , 就 會 … ) Had it not been for + n. , + SVO (如 果 沒 有 … , 就 會 … ) Norm al form : W ithout the assistance by the United States, China would have been defeated by Japan in the Second World War. Inversion form : Had it not been for the assistance by the United States, China would have been defeated by Japan in the Second World War. All rights reserved by TutorDuck @ 2018 參考筆記原作者: 金娜娜 Nana (nadal129@yahoo.com.hk ): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XmVv0TJmrfwahAlLM5xgl8JYO7Ud4sdA