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Aspire! Interview

1) Our Mission
Aspire! is a system designed to meet you where you are at, to inspire you to reach your goals, to help
you to commit to your goals, and to equip you for transformation and change. We use a variety of goal
setting tools that cater to you personally and offer a unique support system unlike any other. Aspire! is
COMPLETELY FREE. We truly believe that everyone should live life to the fullest and achieve all that they
are called to achieve at no cost to them. We also strongly believe in Jesus Christ and in constantly
leaning on God’s strength and guidance throughout this process. Apart from him, we truly can do
2) How it works/ What you can expect from us
We have set up a system whereby each of us would set our own goals/target areas to work on. One of
the leaders will work with you in developing those goals, but ultimately you will be the one deciding
what they will be. After creating a S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and TimeSensitive) goal, you will be placed in a community of members with similar goals, where accountability,
encouragement, and change can take place. You can expect the leaders of Aspire! to be accessible,
honest, rooted in Jesus, and committed to you and your aspirations!
3) Tools that we offer
Achieving the seemingly impossible and growing in ways we could have never imagined is what we are
striving for when we set goals. Unfortunately, the end product often takes a specific plan that needs to
be followed, one that can at times be tedious and painful. At Aspire!, we are constantly working on
ways to alleviate that pain and strive to keep you engaged and having fun.
Main Chat- Where you will be in a community of people on your side, as passionate about your goals as
you are.
Weekly Checkups- One of our leaders will check up on you to see how things are going.
Leaderboads- Compete against your friends to see who ends up on top. Your score increases every day
you complete a goal.
Monthly Review- Let us track your progress for you. We give you real numbers to show real progress.
Monthly Re-evaluation- Change, add, or edit goals. Your life is dynamically changing. We embrace that
and want to meet you where you are at by coming up with goals that are relevant to you now.
Love Wall- Members who inspire, encourage, and help to build Aspire! Have a shot at making it to the
Love Wall, a picture frame dedicated to those who Aspire!
---Aspire General Rules--Below is a list of the general rules and guidelines of Aspire!. Please read them carefully as you will be
held to them if you decide to join our team. We reserve the right to remove you from the group for not
following the rules.
1) Communication
Communication is one of the most important factors in achieving what we set out to do. If there is a
lack of communication among the members, we are not going to be as motivated to complete our goals
and setbacks will occur. It wouldn’t benefit us at all if there is even a small discord among us. I believe
that everyone here is great in this aspect and would have no issues whatsoever in bonding with each
other. Just communicate and talk things out on a regular basis. And encourage one another constantly,
always pointing back to scripture, no matter the circumstance. If you wish to share things with other
members regarding your personal life, feel free to, or you can just talk about goals and life in general.
Although many of the members know each other in real life (especially many of the leaders), we still
advise you to use the upmost discretion as this is an online community. Lastly, approach each other
with humility. We can all learn and benefit from another’s input and suggestions.
2) Manners & Etiquette
Everyone here comes from different walks of life, different ethnicities, etc. Please refrain from saying
anything that might be potentially insulting to another person such as bringing up sensitive issues like
race or using vulgar language. In any case, if you believe that someone has intentionally said something
insulting to you or is rude, please tell me. Aspire! will not tolerate any behaviors such as these especially
since our mindset should be to achieve goals together and to focus on becoming more Christ-like, not to
bring each other down or to hone in on each other’s flaws. That being said, there may be times where
some of us might fall short (as we often do) and unintentionally say something hurtful or insulting. If
that happens, please try deal with it as such without reading too deeply into it and forgive that person.
3) Attitude
Next would be your attitude towards achieving goals, in facing disappointments, and towards this group
in general. Aspire! has some of the best leaders and members that it could have possibly gathered.
Now each one of our members has expressed that they wish to commit to different goals and will focus
on achieving those goals. So I would hope that none of us would lose our motivation as we come across
a few bumps and valleys along the way. There will be times that we fail miserably and face a terrible
setback, but let’s strive to not dwell on those moments or let them get in the way of where we are going.
4) Attendance
Last, but not least is attendance. Did you know that on average, it takes 21 days to create a habit? Goal
setting is the easy part; Following through with it is a different story. Being accountable plays a
detrimental role in fostering positive habits to take root in our lives and is a KEY component of Aspire!
Our member’s are expected to check in once a day (save for Sundays) in the ‘Aspire! Daily Logs’ group.
Checking in is as easy as saying “Goal 1 complete” or “Did not finish Goal 1 today.” Please be specific
about which goal you completed. (We will go over goal setting and specifics later.) You will also be
expected to check in by 10p.m. HST. This will give us time to input your progress at the end of each day.
If you completed your goal for the day, but do not check in by the deadline, it will not be counted
towards your progress. The check-in resets every day at 12a.m. HST.
Exceptions to the rule: Some of you will have goals that will not require you to check in daily.
(Example: I will go for a run once a week.) For a goal like this, it is only necessary to check in as
many days as the goal pertains to. If this is your beginner goal 1, an appropriate response would be
“1/1 complete for Goal 1.” This allows us to give you credit for the entire week.
5) Honesty
Checking in to complete your goals is based on an honor system. We trust that you will be honest in
saying that you complete your goals when you do. If you feel inclined to lie, let one of us know so that
we can check up on you periodically ask you if you are telling the truth. You are only cheating yourself if
you decide to lie.
6) Donations
Excited about the work that Aspire! is doing? Please consider partnering with us and becoming a
Patreon. Not only will you be directly involved in helping others to succeed and in seeing tangible
growth, but you will have access to an ever growing registry of step by step guides of some of our
member’s most notable achievements (Link available soon). For one time donations, please send to
paypal.me/aspirelife. Let’s grow this ministry together!
We are eager to start this journey with you to allow God to work in you in new ways, to conquer goals
that you never thought surmountable. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with you to be a
part of this exciting time in your life! May our God be given the glory and honor in all of our
accomplishments and use us to serve his purposes more fully!