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Final Report. Tourism

Business plan and feasibility report of CHALO application
Final Year Project
Mr. Abdul Rafay
Submitted by
Mohammad Abdullah Khan
Muhammad Faheemullah Khan
Faculty of Management Sciences
Air University School of Management (AUSOM)
University, Islamabad
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Final Year Project BBA (Spring 2022)
Business plan and feasibility report of CHALO application
Submitted By:
Mohammad Abdullah Khan (180285)
Muhammad Faheemullah Khan (180336)
Mr. Abdul Rafay
*This project is submitted to the Air University, Islamabad, as a pre-requisite for the degree
of BBA.
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Air University School of Management
BBA Final Year Project Spring-2022
Candidate’s Declaration of Authenticity
We confirm that all content/material of this document represents our original work based on
personal research and findings with additional information sources duly cited. We hereby also
certify that this document has never been submitted previously for any kind of academic
Type (Nature of
[  ] Development
Research/Study Type
[ ] Research
Feasibility Analysis
Project Group Members
Reg. #
M. Abdullah
Email ID
*The candidates confirm that the work submitted is their own and appropriate credit has been
given where reference has been made to work of others.
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Air University School of Management
BBA Final Year Project Spring-2022
Supervisor’s Certificate of Project Completion
Supervisor’s Acknowledgement of Project Requirement Fulfillment:
Project Title: Feasibility Analysis of CHALO App
Candidate No. 1 Name: Mohammad Abdullah Khan
Regd./ Roll No.: 180285
Candidate No. 2 Name: Muhammad Faheemullah Khan
Regd./ Roll No.: 180336
This is to certify that the BBA Project conducted by the above-mentioned
students has been completed under my supervision with the following features:
The project has adequately met the mandate and deliverables
agreed between the Student Team, Supervisor, and the Client.
The Report fulfills all academic requirements including the List of
Chapters and their constituent content according to Hardbound Report
Requirement Rubric (Doc-003) mentioned in the BBA Project
The project is found fit for defense.
(Supervisor’s Signatures and
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Advisor’s Acknowledgement to Receive Documentation
This is to affirm that all items have been duly received from the
Supervisor relevant to their respective area of responsibility.
(Advisor’s Signatures and
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Air University School of Management
Final Project Approval Sheet
Topic of Research: Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Candidate No. 1 Name:
Candidate No. 2 Name:
M. Abdullah Khan
M. Faheemullah Khan
Regd. / Roll No. 180285
Regd. / Roll No. 180336
Batch: Fall 2018
Batch: Fall 2018
1. Cover/Title Page
2. Final Project Approval Sheet- duly signed
3. Candidate’s Declaration of Authenticity
4. Supervisor’s Certificate of Project Completion
5. Executive Summary
6. Table of Content
7. List of Figures
8. Mandate, Deliverables and Timeline
9. List of Chapters
a. Chapter 1: Introduction
b. Chapter 2: Scope and Objectives
c. Chapter 3: Methodology
d. Chapter 4: Data Analysis
e. Chapter 5: Feasibility
10. References
11. Appendix
12. Plagiarism Certificate of Final Document
13. CD – Softcopy of the document including data file
It is certified that the improvements (if any) identified during the defense have been
made and issues rectified to the satisfaction of the Supervisor.
Approved by:
Internal Examiner
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
This work is dedicated to my Parents, teachers, especially my supervisor Mr.
Abdul Rafay and our advisor Ms. Fakhra Malik for their consistent support and
guidance throughout the project. Without their support, it would not have been
possible. I am thankful to my supervisor who filtered our idea and motivated us
to go for this Project.
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Table of Contents
Candidate’s Declaration of Authenticity ............................................................................... iv
Supervisor’s Certificate of Project Completion ..................................................................... v
Advisor’s Acknowledgement to Receive Documentation ........................................................ vi
Final Project Approval Sheet................................................................................................. vii
Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................. viii
List of Figures........................................................................................................................... xi
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................. xii
CHAPTER 1 ..............................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................1
Mission ................................................................................................................................1
Goals and Objectives .........................................................................................................2
Literature Review/Existing Solutions ...............................................................................2
Proposed Solution ..............................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2 ..............................................................................................................................3
SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT..................................................................3
CHAPTER 3 ..............................................................................................................................5
METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................5
Research ..................................................................................................................................5
Quantitative research.........................................................................................................5
Literature Review...............................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 4 ..............................................................................................................................8
DATA ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................8
Research Type ....................................................................................................................8
Findings and Analysis ........................................................................................................8
CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................................16
PRICING & FEASIBILITY ..................................................................................................16
Chapter 6 .................................................................................................................................17
Software Requirement Specifications ...................................................................................17
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................17
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Purpose ..............................................................................................................................17
Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions ................................................................17
Product Scope ...................................................................................................................17
Overall Description ...............................................................................................................17
Product Perspective .........................................................................................................17
User Classes and Characteristics ....................................................................................18
Operating Environment...................................................................................................18
Design and Implementation Constraints .......................................................................18
Assumptions and Dependencies ......................................................................................19
External Interface Requirements ...........................................................................................19
User Interfaces ..................................................................................................................19
Hardware Interfaces ........................................................................................................20
Software Interfaces ..........................................................................................................20
Communications Interfaces ............................................................................................20
System Features .....................................................................................................................20
User Requirements ...........................................................................................................20
Description and Priority ........................................................................................................20
Functional Requirements .......................................................................................................20
Administrator Requirements .................................................................................................21
Description and Priority ..................................................................................................21
Functional Requirements ................................................................................................21
Requirements of Tour companies ..........................................................................................21
Description and Priority ..................................................................................................21
Functional Requirements ................................................................................................21
Nonfunctional Requirements .................................................................................................21
Performance Requirements.............................................................................................22
Safety Requirements ........................................................................................................22
Security Requirements.....................................................................................................22
Usability Requirements ...................................................................................................22
Reliability Requirements .................................................................................................22
Maintainability/Supportability Requirements ..............................................................22
Efficiency Requirements ..................................................................................................22
BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................................23
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
List of Figures
Figure 1 Purpose of Trip ______________________________________________________ 8
Figure 2 Gender_____________________________________________________________ 9
Figure 3 Age Group _________________________________________________________ 10
Figure 4 Marital Status ______________________________________________________ 10
Figure 5 Days of Stay _______________________________________________________ 11
Figure 6 Longer Stay Ratio ___________________________________________________ 12
Figure 7 Employment Status __________________________________________________ 12
Figure 8 Amount Spent ______________________________________________________ 13
Figure 9 Ease of Going ______________________________________________________ 14
Figure 10 Time of booking hotel _______________________________________________14
Figure 11 CHALO Survey ____________________________________________________ 15
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Tourism is, in fact, fast becoming a flourishing trade and it helps us to earn valuable
foreign exchange. It promotes the economy of the country, as well as ties among
different nations, and inculcates a feeling of brotherhood. Pakistan has undoubtedly
huge fine resorts for an excursion, sight-seeing, historical places, and abundant natural
beauty. Almost 90% of the population of G.B is directly or indirectly dependent on
tourism for their livelihood. Yet, the tourism sector lacks the proper attention of the
government. As a consequence, Pakistan gets a poor number of foreign tourists.
While the Government is working to promote tourism on a wider scale, there is also a
need to rely on technology to provide facilities to Tourists. We want to give access to
people to all the things which they might need before traveling too far away from tourist
attractions of the country.
We intend to Introduce Artificial Intelligence in our Web App that will help people
choose a better attraction or a better place to stay on their trip. We want to make it easy
for international tourists to find exactly which places they want to visit and all the
details they need about that place.
This Project is basically about removing the third-party involvement between a user
and the tour companies. The user and companies will be allowed to reach out directly
to each other for better interaction instead of a third party managing both sides
This will not only save time on both ends but it will also save financial expenditures.
Along with this, the Web App will provide an extensive UI experience which will help
the user select many options offered by the travel agencies (i.e., tours to different cities,
different viewpoints, different packages etc.).
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
This chapter will cover all the introductory parts of our Project. It will provide the
Introduction, background, motivation behind this project, already existing
solutions, and our proposed new solution to help readers differentiate between other
projects and ours.
Today, tourism activity is increasingly being shaped by price comparison and
combination technology; new applications for mobiles that offer a wide range of
opportunities are being developed; social networks are consolidating themselves
within a more transparent market in which citizens can provide services together;
changes in the concept of the value chain are producing new business models. In
short, change is becoming more obvious and constant, just like the opportunities
that it is creating.
The main motivation behind this project is to provide the users with a better
experience in their selection of travel destinations. Sometimes users lose interest
because of extra formalities imposed by the different online travel platforms. The
main challenges in this sector are redundant limitations to users, extra subscriptions,
involvement of middlemen. These all things make users go for traditional ways of
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Goals and Objectives
Our goal is to provide a clean and simple path that will assist users as well as travel
companies to operate smoothly. We want to lay down a proper path that will help
users and tour guides and companies from registration and authentication to
booking packages for users and offering services by tourism agencies
Literature Review/Existing Solutions
Right now, we have some international companies like “Booking.com” which
provides facilities for finding places to stay throughout the world
We have “Airbnb” also which provides similar facilities along with the addition
of some famous tourist attractions and restaurants to eat at.
We also have some Mobile Apps like “Punjab Tourism” developed by local
governments to promote local tourism attractions
Proposed Solution
We aim to eliminate the roles of unwanted third parties. We will directly allow users
to connect to the guides and travel agencies. We will provide them with the options
of custom offers and custom packages based on their selection of amounts. We will
also provide a simple way for both users and Tour operators to register themselves
by providing a detailed platform for their registration
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Problem Statement: We aim to eliminate the roles of unwanted third parties. We will
directly allow users to connect to the guides and travel agencies. We will provide them
with the options of custom offers and custom packages based on their selection of
amounts. We will also provide a simple way for both users and Tour operators to
register themselves by providing a detailed platform for their registration.
This web app will provide an enhanced platform to people from all around the world to
discover Hundreds of tourism sites spread across Pakistan. It will be a complete
Platform with all the major requirements helping people find the most desired tourist
attraction of Pakistan along with places of various budget categories to stay and hotels
to eat from. It will also provide a proper guide of all the routes of local and private
transport services.
Our goal is to provide a clean and simple path that will assist users as well as travel
companies to operate smoothly. We want to lay down a proper path that will help users
and tour guides and companies from registration and authentication to booking
packages for users and offering services by tourism agencies
This project is a replacement for a currently existing system of booking tours which
includes the involvement of the system itself. The system (i.e., FindMyAdventure)
limits the users and the tourist companies to communicate directly and also provides
pre-defined packages to pre-defined cities. We intend to eliminate these factors by
allowing both parties to communicate with each other by providing them with an
enhanced platform
For now, we have analyzed around Islamabad because it is the most active for now and
we plan to release it for small trips starting in Islamabad and taking people of the Twin
Cities from one place to beautiful places in Pakistan. We will be restricting tour guides
for Islamabad for a month. Just so we can test out everything.
After that, we will take it to the National Level making it spread all across social media,
and if possible, start advertising it on YouTube so it makes its mark worldwide.
We don’t have much of a competition because no one is providing people with tour
guides. There are just Web and mobile Apps such as Tour Advisor and Air BnB which
provide basic guidelines to the tourists and a service to book hotel rooms etc… But with
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
our unique idea, we can have a good start and after that, we will be integrating these
things too in our Web App. This will make it a worthy opponent around the globe.
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
The methodology we employed for our study was quantitative research.
Quantitative research
The research type we used for our market survey was of quantitative data. We opted
quantitative research type because this will be a new product in the Pakistani market
and we can get a quick and effective response to know the importance of our product.
If we were to choose qualitative research type then we would have to go to different
travel agencies and guides who organize the trips. Reaching those people would give
us true picture of the demand of the product in this market but we were afraid that
they would oppose the idea as it would directly affect their businesses and they will
not entertain any market player and game changer like CHALO in the industry. The
questionnaire includes questions like their age, their profession, their average
spending on trips and for how long they want to stay when they plan for something.
These things actually helped us in understanding the demand of our product in the
Literature Review
Right now, we have some international companies like “Booking.com” which provides
facilities for finding places to stay throughout the world. We have “Airbnb” also which
provides similar facilities along with the addition of some famous tourist attractions
and restaurants to eat at. We have our local made application examples of bookme.pk
and tourplanner.pk.
Booking.com is a subsidiary of Booking Holdings and a Dutch online travel agency for
accommodation reservations and other travel products. The company's headquarters are
in Amsterdam. Booking.com arose from the merger of Bookings.nl, launched in 1996
by Geert-Jan Bruinsma, and Bookings Online, founded by Sicco and Alec Behrens,
Marijn Muyser, and Bas Lemmens, and operating as Bookings.org, in 2000.
Booking.com was given a new name and URL, as well as a new CEO, Stef Noorden.
Bruinsma sought to place an ad in De Telegraaf, the most widely circulated Dutch daily,
in 1997. De Telegraaf only accepted commercials with a phone number, not with a
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
website, hence the ad was rejected. Expedia refused to buy Bookings.nl in 2002. In July
2005, the company was acquired by Priceline Group (now called Booking Holdings)
for $133 million, and later it cooperated with ActiveHotels.com, a European online
hotel reservation company, purchased by Priceline Group 9 months earlier for $161
million in Sept 2004. Booking.com Limited was formed in 2006 when Active Hotels
Limited was renamed Booking.com Limited. Booking.com and Active Hotels'
integrations enabled the parent company improve its financial situation from a deficit
of $19 million in 2002 to a profit of $1.1 billion in 2011. This deal was dubbed "the
best acquisition in Internet history" by some social media users because no other
acquisition in the digital travel business had proven to be as profitable.
Bookme.pk is a private online marketplace that allows users to book movie, bus, and
live event tickets. It was created in 2013. Bookme headquarters are in Lahore, Pakistan's
Punjab province. Bookme sells bus, theatre, hotel, flight, and event tickets online. In
Pakistan, Bookme ensured the establishment of a transparent, simple, and effective eticketing system. It's never been easy to get a bus or movie ticket. If a consumer enters
a cinema or bus station to purchase a ticket or book a ticket in advance, he or she will
ostensibly have to wait in a long line. Customers were required to go through the
process till it (bookme.pk) was created. In Pakistan's metropolitan cities (Lahore,
Karachi, and Islamabad), Bookme.pk has launched online purchasing of movie tickets,
bus tickets, flights, and a luxury room for a hotel stay. People can use bookme.pk to
look for upcoming movies and show times, reserve tickets, search bus schedules, and
reserve seats.
Tourplanner.pk is an online travel portal that caters to Pakistani inbound travelers. It is
positioned as a brand for "hassle-free travel" and offers information, pricing,
availability, and booking for domestic and international hotel reservations, foreign
airline searches, vacation packages, and vehicle rentals. We provide a variety of travel
services to make business and leisure travel more convenient.
Electronic tourism (SMC PVT) Limited, which owns Tourplanner.pk, is a tourism
company focused on three pillars of tourism.
1. Every traveler will benefit from e-commerce.
2. At your fingertips, you can make a cost-effective reservation.
3. Eco-friendly excursions for local residents, i.e., environmental protection for
the benefit of all.
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Tourplanner.pk is a hotel consolidator and travel items one-stop store. It offers hotel
reservations in eight Pakistani cities and four summer vacation destinations, as well as
over 110,000 hotels worldwide. Tourplanner.pk was founded in February 2013 with the
goal of making the tourist sector more competitive and fairer.
Airbnb is a website that connects people who wish to rent out their homes with others
who are looking for places to stay in specific areas.
Airbnb allows users to make money from their home in a simple and stress-free
manner. Guests frequently discover that Airbnb is less expensive, has more character,
and is cosier than hotels. Airbnb earns the majority of its money by charging a service
fee for each reservation. The disadvantages of using this service include not receiving
what you expected and, for hosts, renting your home to someone you haven't met yet.
The concept behind Airbnb is simple: find a method for locals to earn some additional
cash by renting out their spare room or home to visitors. Hosts that use this platform
can market their rentals to millions of individuals across the world while also
knowing that a large corporation will manage payments and provide help if needed.
For guests, Airbnb can provide a welcoming environment with more personality,
possibly even with a kitchen to prevent eating out, and at a lesser cost than hotels. It is
up to each host to determine how much they will charge every night, week, or month.
Guests can use the Airbnb database to filter their search by date and location, as well
as price, kind of property, amenities, and the host's language. They can also use
keywords (such as "near the Islamabad") to assist narrow their search.
"Total Airbnb listings in Pakistan have climbed by 227 percent over the last year, with
the ratio of complete homes and individual rooms generally remaining the same,"
according to an AirDNA spokeswoman. However, revenue per available rental has
declined during the same time period, indicating that there is currently less demand
for Airbnb in the country than supply." Uber and Careem are two popular online ridehailing apps used by a large portion of Pakistan's population. However, in Pakistan, a
similar mobile app has quietly arisen, and the vast majority of the population is
ignorant of its existence. Airbnb is an app that allows users to book lodging in homes,
lodges, and rest houses.
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Research Type
The research type we used for our market survey was of quantitative data. We opted
quantitative research type because this will be a new product in the Pakistani market
and we can get a quick and effective response to know the importance of our product.
If we were to choose qualitative research type then we would have to go to different
travel agencies and guides who organize the trips. Reaching those people would give
us true picture of the demand of the product in this market but we were afraid that they
would oppose the idea as it would directly affect their businesses and they will not
entertain any market player and game changer like CHALO in the industry. The
questionnaire include questions like their age, their profession, their average spending
on trips and for how long they want to stay when they plan for something. These things
actually helped us in understanding the demand of our product in the market.
Findings and Analysis
Many results and findings could be gathered by analyzing the data. The survey
consists of 46 responses for CHALO application.
Most of our respondents said that their main purpose of traveling is for pleasure and
some go for business purpose as well.
In the survey, 33 out of 46 of the respondents said that their purpose of travel is
pleasure which makes them 71.7% of the total.
In the survey, 13 out of 46 of the respondents said that their purpose of travel is
business which makes them 28.3% of the total.
Figure 1 Purpose of Trip
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Majority of our respondents are male but the ratio of male and female is quite similar
to each other.
In the survey, 22 out of 46 of the respondents are said to be females which makes
them 47.8% of the total.
In the survey, 24 out of 46 of the respondents are said to be male which makes them
52.2% of the total.
Figure 2 Gender
Majority of our respondents are people of age group between 20-25. It’s a good sign
for our survey in my opinion as these group age people go more for travelling and
they can easily adapt to the new technology.
In the survey, 38 out of 46 of the respondents are said to be in the age group of 20-25
years which makes them 82.6% of the total.
In the survey, 5 out of 46 of the respondents are said to be in the age group of 13-19
years which makes them 10.9% of the total.
In the survey, 2 out of 46 of the respondents are said to be in the age group of 30-40
years which makes them 4.3% of the total.
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Figure 3 Age Group
Majority of our respondents are single when it comes to marital status of respondents.
It is clear from the age group as well as the maximum people were in between 20-25
years age group.
In the survey, 40 out of 46 of the respondents are said to be single which makes them
87% of the total.
In the survey, 6 out of 46 of the respondents are said to be married which makes them
13% of the total.
Figure 4 Marital Status
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Majority of our respondents are people who go for a short stay trip when it comes to
In the survey, 22 out of 46 of the respondents are people who go for a trip of 1 or 2
days which makes them 47.8% of the total.
In the survey, 21 out of 46 of the respondents are people who go for a trip of 3 or 4 days
which makes them 45.7% of the total.
In the survey, only 3 out of 46 of the respondents are people who go for a trip of 5 or 6
days which makes them 6.5% of the total.
Figure 5 Days of Stay
Majority of our respondents are people who plan a long trip once in a year.
In the survey, 30 out of 46 of the respondents are people who plan a long trip once in
a year which makes them 65.2% of the total.
In the survey, 11 out of 46 of the respondents are people who plan a long trip several
times in a year which makes them 23.9% of the total.
In the survey, only 5 out of 46 of the respondents are people who plan a long trip more
than 3 times in a year which makes them 10.9% of the total.
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Figure 6 Longer Stay Ratio
Majority of our respondents are people who are currently students.
In the survey, 38 out of 46 of the respondents are people who are currently studying in
colleges and universities which makes them 82.6% of the total.
In the survey, 5 out of 46 of the respondents are people who are self-employed which
makes them 10.9% of the total.
In the survey, only 2 out of 46 of the respondents are people who are employed which
makes them 4.3% of the total.
Figure 7 Employment Status
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Majority of our respondents are people who spend on their trip between PKR 60009000.
In the survey, 14 out of 46 of the respondents are people who spend on their trip
between PKR 6000-9000 which makes them 30.4% of the total.
In the survey, 13 out of 46 of the respondents are people who spend on their trip between
PKR 12000 and above which makes them 28.3% of the total.
In the survey, 9 out of 46 of the respondents are people who spend on their trip between
PKR 3000-6000 which makes them 19.6% of the total.
Figure 8 Amount Spent
Majority of our respondents are people who plan to go on their own car.
In the survey, 32 out of 46 of the respondents are people who plan to go on their own
car which makes them 69.6% of the total.
In the survey, 6 out of 46 of the respondents are people who plan to go with the guides
which makes them 13% of the total.
In the survey, 4 out of 46 of the respondents each are people who plan to go with the
travel agencies or on local cars which makes them 8.7% of the total.
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Figure 9 Ease of Going
Majority of our respondents are people who book their hotel on arrival of their
destined place.
In the survey, 25 out of 46 of the respondents are people who book their hotel on
arrival of their destined place which makes them 54.3% of the total.
In the survey, 14 out of 46 of the respondents are people who book their hotel before
leaving for the destined place which makes them 30.4% of the total.
In the survey, 7 out of 46 of the respondents are people who book their hotel before
planning of the destined place which makes them 15.2% of the total.
Figure 10 Time of booking hotel
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Majority of our respondents are people who think we should introduce something like
CHALO in the market.
In the survey, 32 out of 46 of the respondents are people who think we should
introduce something like CHALO in the market which makes them 69.6% of the total.
In the survey, 10 out of 46 of the respondents are people who are confused about making
the decision that whether we should introduce something like CHALO in the market or
not, which makes them 21.7% of the total.
In the survey, 4 out of 46 of the respondents are people who think we should not
introduce something like CHALO in the market which makes them 8.7% of the total.
Figure 11 CHALO Survey
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
The business model of CHALO is such that we will provide business to tourism
companies and in turn charge commission based on the revenue they generate from
our platform. We will also help customers connect with these companies and will
generate ad-based revenue from this side. Now the challenge lies in properly
communicating the benefits of our platform to tourists and tourist companies alike.
For this purpose, a marketing campaign on social media platforms such as Facebook
and Instagram will help us in spreading awareness and collecting leads. This
campaign will commence 2 months prior to the official launch of the CHALO app. To
get more companies on our platform we will use direct marketing. This will include
sending delegates of our representatives to pre-selected companies and communicate
our offer. The idea is to get at least 20 companies on board before launch.
The registration fees will be 20k and the predetermined commission rate is 5%(The
initial 20 companies will not be charged any registration fees). The price of the
package will be decided by both the customer and agency after a dialog. If the
customer does not wish to bargain then generic packages already made by the
agencies will also be available. According to the data that we’ve collected, an agency
caters to an average of 500 tourists per year, and the average package cost is 50k PKR
as it ranges from 20k to upwards of 100k-150k. These packages include travelling
cost, accommodation, recreation activities and sightseeing as well. Our target is to
give these firms at least 10% increase in business. If we succeed in achieving our
target in our first fiscal year then our numbers will look as follows.
Tourists catered
: 500 x 10% x 20 = 1000
Revenue Generated
: 1000 x 50000 x 5% = PKR 2,500,000
Marketing budget
: PKR 500,000
Other costs
: PKR 1,000,000
Other costs include office rent, wages, web hosting costs etc.
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Chapter 6
Software Requirement Specifications
This is the first release of a web app based on a tourism package booking platform. The
basic purpose of this project is to provide all the services a user can expect on its journey
to a new place. Its idea is to simplify the interaction between the tourists and the tour
companies to provide all the services customly according to the needs of the tourists
Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
While the software requirement specification (SRS) document is written for a more general audience,
this document is intended for individuals directly involved in the development of Chalo. This includes
software developers, project consultants, and team managers. This document need not be read
sequentially; users are encouraged to jump to any section they find relevant. The document is designed
in such a way that the reader will not feel lost if he jumps from one section to another
Product Scope
This web app will provide an enhanced platform to people from all around the world to discover
Hundreds of tourism sites spread across Pakistan. It will be a complete Platform with all the major
requirements helping people find the most desired tourist attraction of Pakistan along with places of
various budget categories to stay and hotels to eat from. It will also provide a proper guide of all the
routes of local and private transport services
Overall Description
Product Perspective
This project is a replacement for a currently existing system of booking tours which
includes the involvement of the system itself. The system (ie FindMyAdventure) limits
the users and the tourist companies to communicate directly and also provides pre17
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
defined packages to pre-defined cities. We intend to eliminate these factors by allowing
both parties to communicate with each other by providing them with an enhanced
User Classes and Characteristics
User: The system has Multiple users which will have access to all functions
defined for them.
Admin: The system has only one admin who will have access to all
functions of the web app. He will be able to perform all the tasks required
for the smooth run of WebApp.
Hardware: The system must be able to load the latest APIs of maps and
other important functionalities
Security: There is a security feature implemented in the system which
restricts people to access their respective functionalities only.
Operating Environment
The product only requires a phone with android or IOS or any system with Windows
operating system and a compatible browser and a stable internet connection to operate
Design and Implementation Constraints
Some factors which can affect the performance of this product are:
Poor internet connection
Outdated OS version, or browser version
Privacy risks: by providing our personal information, such as identity, credit cards, e-mails,
address, etc., we are also giving up certain rights to our privacy, allowing both the companies
with which we make travel transactions and their allied companies to receive, store and use all
our information.
Scams: companies offering cheap flights or hotel reservations with offers that end up being
scams are very common. Therefore, it is very important to check the reputation of the company
on the Internet.
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Assumptions and Dependencies
It is assumed that the user already knows the basic things required to register itself
It is assumed that the user knows what he is looking for
It is assumed that the user provides accurate data according to his best knowledge
It is assumed that the user is familiar with an internet browser and also familiar with handling
the keyboard and mouse.
Since the application is a web-based application there is a need for an internet browser. It will
be assumed that the users will possess decent internet connectivity.
One assumption about the product is that it will always be used on mobile phones that have
enough performance. If the phone does not have enough hardware resources available for the
application, for example, the users might have allocated them with other applications, there
may be scenarios where the application does not work as intended or even at all.
External Interface Requirements
User Interfaces
The member has to register using a form provided on the website. The user can input data with the help
of the keyboard or click with the mouse wherever necessary. The package provides pull-down menus
from which the user can select and links and icons to navigate among the web pages.
Front-end software: React , HTML , CSS , JS
Back-end software: NODE JS, SQL server
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Hardware Interfaces
 Windows.
 A browser that supports CGI, HTML & Javascript.
 Clients
1) Intel Pentium III 300 MHz or faster
2) At least 256 MB RAM
3) At least 200 MB freed hard disk space.
 Database Server
Use the available SQL or MongoDB database server.
Software Interfaces
Following is the software used for the Project.
Software used
We have chosen Windows operating system for its best support and userOperating system
To save the booking records, tourists records, and registration records we have
chosen SQL+ database.
To implement the project we have chosen React js language for its more
interactive support.
Communications Interfaces
This project supports all types of web browsers. We are using simple electronic forms
for the reservation forms, tour package booking, etc.
System Features
User Requirements
Description and Priority
Priority: High
Description: The Product aims at providing users with comprehensive and high-quality tourist
information service.
Functional Requirements
REQ-SF1-1: Register:
Visitors use their e-mails as the sole identifiers to register. Fill in e-mail, password, and re-enter the
password when registering.
REQ-SF1-2: User Login:
Users need the e-mails and passwords to log in to their main interfaces.
REQ-SF1-3: Query and Browse Destinations:
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Visitors can find destinations in the hierarchical structure without registering. Destinations are arranged
in a Province - City Attractions structure, in which province, city, and attraction pages are separated.
Attraction is the smallest unit. On the attraction page, visitors can browse its general introduction,
traffic information, weather, attraction evaluation, attraction pictures, travel notes, and the information
of surrounding commercial facilities.
Administrator Requirements
Description and Priority
Priority: High
Description: The administrator is responsible for controlling the system’s proper operation.
Functional Requirements
Add / modify Province - City - Attractions Information
Tourist attractions are logically organized in Province - City - Attractions hierarchy
according to geographic location. The administrator is responsible for maintaining
such a hierarchy. When a new attraction needs to be added, the administrator should add
an introduction for the new attraction on the new attraction’s page. When attraction information is
updated, the administrator can modify the tourist attraction information page.
REQ-SF 2-2:
Management of tour guide/companies Information
Administrators need to review and approve the application submitted by tour guides/companies to
ensure correctness and relevance, and also guarantee users' interests. The approved information should
be added to the related web page and open to users. Administrators are to monitor the information
which includes its validity and user feedback on the vendors.
Requirements of Tour companies
Description and Priority
Priority: High
Description: Quality of food, accommodation, and transportation directly relates to the quality of the
whole trip. Tour companies provide visitors with the service information of the surroundings, which
includes catering, accommodation, local tour guides. In this way, Tour company’s information is
promoted and brings convenience to users as well.
Functional Requirements
REQ-SF 3-1:
Submit Application
Tourist Companies need to fill out an application if they want to move from the general user into a
service provider. Contents of the application form include business type, name, location, and relevant
introduction. The submitted form will be reviewed and approved by administrators of the scope.
REQ-SF 3-2:
Add / Edit Business Information
Tourist Companies can manage their information pages, such as providing pictures and texts about
products or promotions
Nonfunctional Requirements
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
Performance Requirements
The Web app can accept at least 500 users to visit at the same time and ensure the normal
operation of the system.
Under the normal network, the response time shown in the electronic map is within 3 seconds,
and the response time displayed in the text information is within 2 seconds.
It needs a database table with the maximum number of lines of 10000 at least, more than 1 GB
disk capacity, and 512 MB memory.
Safety Requirements
If there is extensive damage to a wide portion of the database due to catastrophic failure, such as a disk
crash, the recovery method restores a past copy of the database that was backed up to archival storage
(typically tape) and reconstructs a more current state by reapplying or redoing the operations of
committed transactions from the backed-up log, up to the time of failure.
Security Requirements
Security was taken as a very serious nonfunctional requirement so that the data and information of each
user are protected from visibility and possible alteration by the other users. Thus the Webpage provides
a user account that enables users to enter their respective profile as a user or tour guide using a login id
and password mechanism.
Usability Requirements
Already made tour packages should satisfy a maximum number of customers' needs.
Reliability Requirements
The Packages should be available on the specified date and specified time as many customers are doing
Maintainability/Supportability Requirements
The administrators and tour companies should maintain correct schedules of Packages.
Tour companies must provide all the details required for the package.
Efficiency Requirements
The tour should reach start from correct start city and should reach the correct destination.
Business Plan and Feasibility Report of CHALO Application
FYP Report of CS students.