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คำสันธานภาษาอังกฤษ: แบบฝึกหัดและคำอธิบาย

Conjunctions (คําสันธาน) คือ คําที่ใช้เชื่อมระหว่างประโยค ต่อประโยค คําต่อคํา หรือกริยาต่อกริยา
เชื่อมประโยคต่อประโยค : I study English, but he studies French.
: A boy and a girl are dancing.
: He comes and stays with me at home.
AND = และ
ให้ความหมายทางเพิ่มเติม ใช้เชือ่ มประโยคที่มีข้อความคล้องตามกัน
1. John and Tom study hard.
2. People sing and dance in the party.
3. I like reading and he does, too.
BUT = แต่
ให้ความหมายทางตรงกันข้ามใช้เชื่อมประโยคทีม่ ีข้อความขัดแย้งกัน
- He is old but strong.
- Dad goes to work but mom stays at home.
- She looked at me kindly, but didn't say anything.
OR = หรือ
ให้ความหมายทางการเลือก ใช้เชื่อมประโยคทีม่ ีข้อความให้เลือกอย่างใดอย่างหนึง่
- Would you like coffee or tea?
- Ann or you have to clean this room.
- This shirt will cost 50 or 55 baht.
**เราใช้คําว่า "or else" หรือ "otherwise" ซึ่งมีความหมายว่า "มิฉะนัน้ " แทนได้ ดังนี้
- You leave now, or else I will call the police.
- You leave now, otherwise I will call the police.
SO = ดังนัน้
ให้ความหมายแสดงผลที่ติดตามมา ใช้เชื่อมประโยคทีม่ ีข้อความแสดงเหตุและผล
- She lost her pen so she bought a new one.
- I have watched a sad film so I feel sad.
- They don't want to be late so they leaves the house early.
BECAUSE = เพราะว่า
ให้ความหมายแสดงสาเหตุที่เกิดขึ้น ใช้เชื่อมประโยคที่มีข้อความเป็นเหตุเป็นผลซึ่งกันและกัน
- I go to the party because I want to meet Willy.
- Because I want to meet Willy, I go to the party.
- I love him because he is a gentle man.
A. Fill in the blanks with any appropriate conjunctions.
Malisa is beautiful ……………………… stupid.
2. A boy ……………………… a girl are learning English now.
He was sick yesterday ……………………… he didn't go to work.
4. Tong is a fool ……………………… he is honest to everybody.
5. Complete these sentences with "some" ……………………… "any".
6. Everybody likes Tina ……………………… she is a good singer.
7. Rice ……………………… curry is very nice food for Thais.
8. Rose is good in English ……………………… weak in French.
9. Which one do you want this ……………………… that?
10. Water consists of hydrogen ……………………… oxygen.
B. Combine these sentences provided by using appropriate conjunctions.
The poor man asked me for money. I gave him five baht.
2. We were punished. We made a loud noise in class.
I won't be at home this evening. Don't call me.
4. I can remember his face. I can't remember his name.
5. Did you go out last night? Did you stay home?
นอกจากที่ได้กล่าวมาแล้ว เรายังมี Conjunction ตัวอื่นๆ ที่นา่ สนใจดังนี้
ใช้ Conjunction “and”, “as well as”, “not only … but also”, “both … and”, “besides”, “moreover”,
“furthermore” เชื่อมประโยคที่คล้อยตามกัน เช่น
1. He ate a piece of cake and drank a cup of milk.
2. The house is big as well as beautiful.
3. He can speak not only English and Mandarin but also Japanese.
b. ใช้ Conjunction “but”, “yet”, “still”, “though”, “although” เชื่อมประโยคที่แสดงความขัดแย้งกัน เช่น
1. He is rich but very stingy.
2. He is small in size yet he is quite strong.
3. Although they were poor, they were very happy.
C. ใช้ Conjunction “because”, “for”, “as” เชื่อมประโยคที่แสดงเหตุผล เช่น
1. She cried because she failed her English test.
2. They postponed the match for it was raining.
3. As he was very late, we left without him.
D. ใช้ Conjunction “or”, “either … or”, “neither … nor” เชื่อมประโยคที่เป็นทางเลือก เช่น
1. Would you like to have a hot or a cold drink?
2. Either Lucy or Sally has borrowed the book.
3. Neither John nor Albert could carry the heavy bag.
E. ใช “so”, “as a result”, “therefore”, “consequently” เชื่อมประโยคที่แสดงผล เช่น
1. The rain was very heavy so she could not go out.
2. He was rude to the teacher; as a result, he was punished.
3. They broke the window; consequently, they had to pay for it.
F. ใช้ “so that”, “in order that”, “that” เชื่อมประโยคเพื่อแสดงจุดหมาย เช่น
1. We spoke softly so that he could not hear us.
2. He hid the money in order that no one could find it.
3. They hitch-hiked that they might save some money.
A. Join up the following sentences using suitable Conjunction, leaving out words where necessary.
Ex. The village was flooded. It had been raining continuously for several days.
 The village was flooded for it had been raining continuously for several days.
His grandfather is sixty years old. He has white hair all over his head. He is still very healthy.
2. She would not agree to do it. We persuaded her. We even begged her.
She is an intelligent girl. She failed in the examination. She is lazy.
4. I was hot. I was tired. I had been walking under the sun for two kilometres!
5. Ronnie fell down from his bicycle. He hurt himself. He did not cry.
B. Pick out the correct answer.
He lives very simply ………………….. he is a rich man.
a. but
b. unless
c. though
d. neither
2. Emily woke up late that morning, ………………….. she had to rush.
a. so
b. because
c. or
d. though
The box was wrapped beautifully ………………….. tied with a ribbon.
a. yet
b. so that
c. and
d. even if
4. He shouted as loud as he could ………………….. no one heard him.
a. for
b. but
c. as
d. so
5. The baby cried all night ………………….. he was ill.
a. but
b. although
c. yet
d. because
6. I can’t help you ………………….. you tell me everything.
a. unless
b. because
c. either
d. so that
7. They could not travel further ………………….. they were very tired.
a. for
b. so
c. yet
d. but
8. Wasn’t there no tap water ………………….. electricity in that house?
a. for
b. or
c. so
d. unless
9. ………………….. she is just a child, she is very wise at times.
a. For
b. Unless
c. Yet
d. Although
10. They disliked him ………………….. they offered to help him.
a. because
b. yet
c. for
d. so
2. and
7. and
3. so
8. but
4. but
9. or
5. or
10. and
The poor man asked me for money, and I gave him five baht.
We are punished because we made a loud noise in class.
I won't be at home this evening, so don't call me.
I can remember his face but I can't remember his name.
Did you go out last night or stay home?
1. Although his grandfather is sixty years old and has white hair all over his head, he is still
very healthy.
2. As she would not agree to do it, we not only persuade her but also begged her.
3. Though she is an intelligent girl, she failed in the examination because she is lazy.
4. I was hot and tired as I had been walking under the sun for two kilometres.
5. Ronnie fell down from his bicycle and hurt himself but he did not cry.
1. c
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. d
6. a
7. a
8. b
9. d
10. b